blob: 7029d59529f698450ded8d4e151a5a81ee031ba6 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
=head1 NAME
use VCL::utils;
This module contains general VCL utility subroutines.
package VCL::utils;
# Specify the lib path using FindBin
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/..";
# Configure inheritance
use base qw();
# Specify the version of this module
our $VERSION = '2.3.2';
# Specify the version of Perl to use
use 5.008000;
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use Mail::Mailer;
use Shell qw(mkdir);
use File::Find;
use Time::Local;
use DBI;
use DBI::Const::GetInfoType;
use diagnostics;
use Net::Ping;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
use FindBin;
use Getopt::Long;
use Carp;
use Text::Wrap;
use English;
use List::Util qw(min max);
use HTTP::Headers;
use RPC::XML::Client;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Data::Dumper;
use Cwd;
use Sys::Hostname;
use XML::Simple;
#use Date::Calc qw(Delta_DHMS Time_to_Date Date_to_Time);
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
our @EXPORT = qw(
# Parse config file and set globals
our ($JABBER, $jabServer, $jabUser, $jabPass, $jabResource, $jabPort) = 0;
our ($DATABASE, $SERVER, $WRTUSER, $WRTPASS, $LockerRdUser, $rdPass) = 0;
our ($XCATROOT) = 0;
our ($FQDN) = 0;
# Set Getopt pass_through so this module doesn't erase parameters that other modules may use
# Set the VERBOSE flag to 0 by default
our $VERBOSE = 0;
# Set the SETUP_MODE flag to 0 by default
our $SETUP_MODE = 0;
# Set the SETUP_MODE flag to 1 by default
our $DAEMON_MODE = 1;
# Use the default configuration file path if -conf isn't specified on the command line
our $BIN_PATH = $FindBin::Bin;
# Set a default config file path
my $hostname = hostname();
$hostname =~ s/\..*//g;
my $cwd = getcwd();
our $CONF_FILE_PATH = "$cwd/$hostname.conf";
if (!-f $CONF_FILE_PATH) {
if ($BIN_PATH =~ /dev/) {
$CONF_FILE_PATH = "/etc/vcl/vcldev.conf";
else {
$CONF_FILE_PATH = "/etc/vcl/vcld.conf";
# Store the command line options in hash
'config=s' => \$CONF_FILE_PATH,
'daemon!' => \$DAEMON_MODE,
'logfile=s' => \$LOGFILE,
'help' => \&help,
'setup!' => \$SETUP_MODE,
'verbose!' => \$VERBOSE,
# Make sure the config file exists
if (!-f $CONF_FILE_PATH) {
if (!$SETUP_MODE) {
print STDOUT "ERROR: config file does not exist: $CONF_FILE_PATH\n";
elsif (open(CONF, $CONF_FILE_PATH)) {
my @conf = <CONF>;
foreach my $l (@conf) {
# Remove all new line and carriage return characters from the end of the line
# Chomp doesn't always remove carriage returns
$l =~ s/[\r\n]*$//;
if ($l =~ /^log=(.*)/ && (!defined($LOGFILE))) {
$LOGFILE = $1;
if ($l =~ /^pidfile=(.*)/) {
$PIDFILE = $1;
#FQDN - to many issues trying to figure out my FQDN so just tell me
if ($l =~ /^FQDN=([-.a-zA-Z0-9]*)/) {
$FQDN = $1;
#mysql settings
#name of db
if ($l =~ /^database=(.*)/) {
#name of database server
if ($l =~ /^server=([-.a-zA-Z0-9]*)/) {
$SERVER = $1;
#write user name
if ($l =~ /^LockerWrtUser=(.*)/) {
$WRTUSER = $1;
#write user password
if ($l =~ /^wrtPass=(.*)/) {
$WRTPASS = $1;
#read user name
if ($l =~ /^LockerRdUser=(.*)/) {
$LockerRdUser = $1;
#read user password
if ($l =~ /^rdPass=(.*)/) {
$rdPass = $1;
if ($l =~ /^xmlrpc_username=(.*)/) {
#xmlrpc_username password
if ($l =~ /^xmlrpc_pass=(.*)/) {
if ($l =~ /^xmlrpc_url=(.*)/) {
#is mysql ssl option enabled
if ($l =~ /^enable_mysql_ssl=(yes)/) {
elsif ($l =~ /^enable_mysql_ssl=(no)/) {
#collect path to cert -- only valid if $MYSQL_SSL is true
if ($l =~ /^mysql_ssl_cert=(.*)/) {
#Sendmail Envelope Sender
if ($l =~ /^RETURNPATH=([,-.\@a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/) {
#jabber - stuff
if ($l =~ /^jabber=(yes)/) {
$JABBER = 1;
if ($l =~ /^jabber=(no)/) {
$JABBER = 0;
#collect remaining pieces of the jabber settings
if ($l =~ /^jabServer=([.a-zA-Z0-9]*)/) {
$jabServer = $1;
if ($l =~ /^jabPort=([0-9]*)/) {
$jabPort = $1;
if ($l =~ /^jabUser=(.*)/) {
$jabUser = $1;
if ($l =~ /^jabPass=(.*)/) {
$jabPass = $1;
if ($l =~ /^jabResource=(.*)/) {
$jabResource = $1;
#process name
if ($l =~ /^processname=([-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)/) {
if ($l =~ /^windows_root_password=(.*)/i) {
if ($l =~ /^verbose=(.*)/i && !$VERBOSE) {
$VERBOSE = $1;
if ($l =~ /^defaulthelpemail=(.*)/i){
} # Close foreach line in conf file
} # Close open conf file
else {
die "failed to open vcld configuration file: $CONF_FILE_PATH, exiting -- $! \n";
$PROCESSNAME = "vcld";
if (!($LOGFILE) && $LOGFILE ne '0') {
#set default
$LOGFILE = "/var/log/$PROCESSNAME.log";
if (!($FQDN)) {
print STDOUT "FQDN is not listed\n";
if (!($PIDFILE)) {
#set default
$PIDFILE = "/var/run/$";
if (!($RETURNPATH)){
if ($JABBER) {
#jabber is enabled - import required jabber module
# todo - check if Jabber module is installed
# i.e. perl -MNet::Jabber -e1
# check version -- perl -MNet::Jabber -e'print $Net::Jabber::VERSION\n";'
require "Net/";
import Net::Jabber qw(client);
# Can't be both daemon mode and setup mode, use setup if both are set
} ## end INIT
our %ERRORS = ('DEPENDENT' => 4, 'UNKNOWN' => 3, 'OK' => 0, 'WARNING' => 1, 'CRITICAL' => 2, 'MAILMASTERS' => 5, 'DEBUG' => 6);
our ($LockerWrtUser, $wrtPass, $database, $server);
our ($jabServer, $jabUser, $jabPass, $jabResource, $jabPort);
our ($vcldquerykey, $RETURNPATH);
our ($FQDN);
our $XCATROOT = "/opt/xcat";
our $TOOLS = "$FindBin::Bin/../tools";
our $BIN_PATH;
our $DEFAULTHELPEMAIL = "vcl_help\"; # default value if affiliation helpaddress is not set
sub makedatestring;
=head2 help
Parameters : None
Returns : Nothing, terminates program
Description : Displays a help message and exits.
sub help {
my $message = <<"END";
Please read the README and INSTALLATION files in the source directory.
Documentation is available at
Command line options:
-setup | Run management node setup
-conf=<path> | Specify vcld configuration file
-verbose | Run vcld in verbose mode
-debug | Run vcld in non-daemon mode
-help | Display this help information
print $message;
exit 1;
} ## end sub help
=head2 preplogfile
Parameters : nothing
Returns : nothing
Description : writes header to global log file
sub preplogfile {
my $currenttime = makedatestring();
#Print the vcld process info
my $process_info = <<EOF;
VCL Management Node Daemon (vcld) | $currenttime
bin path: $BIN_PATH
config file: $CONF_FILE_PATH
log file: $LOGFILE
pid file: $PIDFILE
daemon mode: $DAEMON_MODE
setup mode: $SETUP_MODE
verbose mode: $VERBOSE
if ($LOGFILE) {
if (!open(LOGFILE, ">>$LOGFILE")) {
die "Failed to open log file: $LOGFILE";
print LOGFILE $process_info;
} else {
print STDOUT $process_info;
=head2 notify
Parameters : $error, $LOG, $string, $data
Returns : nothing
Description : based on error value write string and/or data to
provide or default log file
sub notify {
my $error = shift;
my $log = shift;
my $string = shift;
my @data = @_;
# Just return if DEBUG and verbose isn't enabled
return if ($error == 6 && !$VERBOSE);
# Get the current time
my $currenttime = makedatestring();
# Open the log file for writing if passed as an argument or set globally
# If not, print to STDOUT
$log = $LOGFILE if (!$log);
# Get info about the subroutine which called this subroutine
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Assemble the caller information
my $caller_info;
if (caller(1)) {
$sub = (caller(1))[3];
# Remove leading path from filename
$filename =~ s/.*\///;
# Remove the leading package path from the sub name (VC::...)
$sub =~ s/.*:://;
$caller_info = "$filename:$sub($line)";
# Format the message string
# Remove Windows carriage returns from the message string for consistency
$string =~ s/\r//gs;
## Remove newlines from the beginning and end of the message string
#$string =~ s/^\n+//;
#$string =~ s/\n+$//;
# Remove any spaces from the beginning or end of the string
$string =~ s/(^\s+)|(\s+$)//gs;
# Remove any spaces from the beginning or end of the each line
$string =~ s/\s*\n\s*/\n/gs;
# Replace consecutive spaces with a single space to keep log file concise as long as string doesn't contain a quote
if ($string !~ /[\'\"]/gs) {
$string =~ s/[ \t]+/ /gs;
# Assemble the process identifier string
my $process_identifier = $PID;
$process_identifier .= "|$ENV{request_id}:$ENV{reservation_id}" if (defined $ENV{request_id} && defined $ENV{reservation_id});
$process_identifier .= "|$ENV{state}" if (defined $ENV{state});
# Assemble the log message
my $log_message = "$currenttime|$process_identifier|$caller_info|$string";
# Format the data if WARNING or CRITICAL, and @data was passed
my $formatted_data;
if (@data && ($error == 1 || $error == 2)) {
# Add the data to the message body if it was passed
$formatted_data = "DATA:\n" . format_data(\@data, 'DATA');
chomp $formatted_data;
# Assemble an email message body if CRITICAL
my $body;
my $body_separator = '-' x 72;
my $sysadmin = '';
my $shared_mail_box = '';
if ($error == 2 || $error == 5) {
my $caller_trace = get_caller_trace(999);
if ($caller_trace !~ /get_management_node_info/) {
my $management_node_info = get_management_node_info();
if ($management_node_info) {
$sysadmin = $management_node_info->{SYSADMIN_EMAIL} if $management_node_info->{SYSADMIN_EMAIL};
$shared_mail_box = $management_node_info->{SHARED_EMAIL_BOX} if $management_node_info->{SHARED_EMAIL_BOX};
if ($error == 1) {
my $caller_trace = get_caller_trace(6);
$log_message = "\n---- WARNING ---- \n$log_message\n$caller_trace\n\n";
elsif ($error == 2) {
my $caller_trace = get_caller_trace(15);
$log_message = "\n---- CRITICAL ---- \n$log_message\n$caller_trace\n\n";
if($sysadmin) {
# Assemble the e-mail message body
$body = <<"END";
time: $currenttime
caller: $caller_info
# Add the reservation info to the message if the DataStructure object is defined in %ENV
if ($ENV{data}) {
my $reservation_info_string = $ENV{data}->get_reservation_info_string();
if ($reservation_info_string) {
$reservation_info_string =~ s/\s+$//;
$body .= "$reservation_info_string\n";
$body .= "$body_separator\n";
# Get the previous several log file entries for this process
my $log_history_count = 100;
$log_history .= `grep "|$PID|" $log | tail -n $log_history_count` if $log;
chomp $log_history;
$body .= $log_history;
# Add the formatted data to the message body if data was passed
$body .= "\n\nDATA:\n$formatted_data\n" if $formatted_data;
my ($management_node_short_name) = $FQDN =~ /^([^.]+)/;
my $subject = "PROBLEM -- $management_node_short_name|";
# Assemble the process identifier string
if (defined $ENV{request_id} && defined $ENV{reservation_id} && defined $ENV{state}) {
$subject .= "$ENV{request_id}:$ENV{reservation_id}|$ENV{state}|$filename";
else {
$subject .= "$caller_info";
if (defined($ENV{data})) {
my $blockrequest_name = $ENV{data}->get_blockrequest_name(0);
$subject .= "|$blockrequest_name" if (defined $blockrequest_name);
my $computer_name = $ENV{data}->get_computer_short_name(0);
$subject .= "|$computer_name" if (defined $computer_name);
my $vmhost_hostname = $ENV{data}->get_vmhost_hostname(0);
$subject .= ">$vmhost_hostname" if (defined $vmhost_hostname);
my $image_name = $ENV{data}->get_image_name(0);
$subject .= "|$image_name" if (defined $image_name);
my $user_name = $ENV{data}->get_user_login_id(0);
$subject .= "|$user_name" if (defined $user_name);
my $from = "root\@$FQDN";
my $to = $sysadmin;
mail($to, $subject, $body, $from);
} ## end elsif ($error == 2) [ if ($error == 1)
# MAILMASTERS - only for email notifications
elsif ($error == 5 && $shared_mail_box) {
my $to = $shared_mail_box;
my $from = "root\@$FQDN";
my $subject = "Informational -- $filename";
# Assemble the e-mail message body
$body = <<"END";
Time: $currenttime
Caller: $caller_info
mail($to, $subject, $body, $from);
# Add the process identifier to every line of the log message
chomp $log_message;
$log_message =~ s/\n([^\n])/\n|$process_identifier| $1/g;
# Check if the logfile path has been set and not running in daemon mode and redirect output to log file
# No need to redirect in daemon mode because STDOUT is redirected by vcld
if (!$DAEMON_MODE && $log) {
open(OUTPUT, ">>$log");
print OUTPUT "$log_message\n";
close OUTPUT;
else {
open(STDOUT, ">>$log");
print STDOUT "$log_message\n";
} ## end sub notify
=head2 makedatestring
Parameters : empty
Returns : current time in date_time format
Description :
sub makedatestring {
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime();
$year += 1900;
my $datestring = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
return $datestring;
=head2 convert_to_datetime
Parameters : time in epoch format
Returns : date in datetime format
Description : accepts time in epoch format (10 digit) and
returns time in datetime format
sub convert_to_datetime {
my ($epochtime) = shift;
if (!defined($epochtime) || $epochtime == 0) {
$epochtime = time();
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime($epochtime);
$year += 1900;
my $datestring = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
return $datestring;
} ## end sub convert_to_datetime
=head2 convert_to_epoch_seconds
Parameters : datetime
Returns : time in epoch format
Description : takes input(optional) and returns epoch 10 digit string of
the supplied date_time or the current time
sub convert_to_epoch_seconds {
my ($date_time) = shift;
if (!defined($date_time)) {
return time();
#somehow we got a null timestamp, set it to current time
if ($date_time =~ /0000-00-00 00:00:00/) {
$date_time = makedatestring;
#format received: year-mon-mday hr:min:sec
my ($vardate, $vartime) = split(/ /, $date_time);
my ($yr, $mon, $mday) = split(/-/, $vardate);
my ($hr, $min, $sec) = split(/:/, $vartime);
$mon = $mon - 1; #time uses 0-11 for months :(
my $epoch_time = timelocal($sec, $min, $hr, $mday, $mon, $yr);
return $epoch_time;
} ## end sub convert_to_epoch_seconds
=head2 check_endtimenotice_interval
Parameters : endtime
Returns : scalar: 2week, 1week, 2day, 1day, 30min, or 0
Description : used to send a notice to owner regarding how far out the end of
their reservation is
sub check_endtimenotice_interval {
my $end = $_[0];
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "endtime not set") if (!defined($end));
my $now = convert_to_epoch_seconds();
my $epochend = convert_to_epoch_seconds($end);
my $epoch_until_end = $epochend - $now;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "endtime= $end epoch_until_end= $epoch_until_end");
my $diff_seconds = $epoch_until_end;
my $diff_weeks = int($epoch_until_end/604800);
$diff_seconds -= $diff_weeks * 604800;
my $diff_days = int($diff_seconds/86400);
my $Total_days = int($epoch_until_end/86400);
$diff_seconds -= $diff_days * 86400;
my $diff_hours = int($diff_seconds/3600);
$diff_seconds -= $diff_hours * 3600;
my $diff_minutes = int($diff_seconds/60);
$diff_seconds -= $diff_minutes * 60;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "End Time is in: $diff_weeks week\(s\) $diff_days day\(s\) $diff_hours hour\(s\) $diff_minutes min\(s\) and $diff_seconds sec\(s\)");
#flag on: 2 & 1 week; 2,1 day, 1 hour, 30,15,10,5 minutes
#ignore over 2weeks away
if($diff_weeks >= 2){
return 0;
#2 week: between 14 days and a 14 day -6 minutes window
elsif($Total_days >= 13 && $diff_hours >= 23 && $diff_minutes >= 55){
return "2 weeks";
#Ignore: between 7 days and 14 day - 6 minute window
elsif($Total_days >=7) {
return 0;
# 1 week notice: between 7 days and a 7 day -6 minute window
elsif ($Total_days >= 6 && $diff_hours >= 23 && $diff_minutes >= 55) {
return "1 week";
# Ignore: between 2 days and 7 day - 15 minute window
elsif ($Total_days >= 2) {
return 0;
# 2 day notice: between 2 days and a 2 day -6 minute window
elsif($Total_days >= 1 && $diff_hours >= 23 && $diff_minutes >= 55) {
return "2 days";
# 1 day notice: between 1 days and a 1 day -6 minute window
elsif($Total_days >= 0 && $diff_hours >= 23 && $diff_minutes >= 55) {
return "24 hours";
return 0;
} ## end sub check_endtimenotice_interval
=head2 check_blockrequest_time
Parameters : start, end, and expire times
Returns : 0 or 1 and task
Description : check current time against all three tasks
expire time overides end, end overrides start
sub check_blockrequest_time {
my ($start_datetime, $end_datetime, $expire_datetime) = @_;
# Check the arguments
if (!$start_datetime) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "start time argument was not passed correctly");
if (!$end_datetime) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "end time argument was not passed correctly");
if (!$expire_datetime) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "expire time argument was not passed correctly");
# Get the current time in epoch seconds
my $current_time_epoch_seconds = time();
my $expire_time_epoch_seconds = convert_to_epoch_seconds($expire_datetime);
my $expire_delta_minutes = int(($expire_time_epoch_seconds - $current_time_epoch_seconds) / 60);
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "expire: $expire_datetime, epoch: $expire_time_epoch_seconds, delta: $expire_delta_minutes minutes");
# If expire time is in the past, remove it
if ($expire_delta_minutes < 1) {
# Block request has expired
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "block request expired " . abs($expire_delta_minutes) . " minutes ago, returning 'expire'");
return "expire";
if ($start_datetime =~ /^-?\d*$/ || $end_datetime =~ /^-?\d*$/) {
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "block request is not expired but has no block times assigned to it, returning 0");
return 0;
# Convert the argument datetimes to epoch seconds for easy calculation
my $start_time_epoch_seconds = convert_to_epoch_seconds($start_datetime);
my $end_time_epoch_seconds = convert_to_epoch_seconds($end_datetime);
# Calculate # of seconds away start, end, and expire times are from now
# Positive value means time is in the future
my $start_delta_minutes = int(($start_time_epoch_seconds - $current_time_epoch_seconds) / 60);
my $end_delta_minutes = int(($end_time_epoch_seconds - $current_time_epoch_seconds) / 60);
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "start: $start_datetime, epoch: $start_time_epoch_seconds, delta: $start_delta_minutes minutes");
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "end: $end_datetime, epoch: $end_time_epoch_seconds, delta: $end_delta_minutes minutes");
# End time it is less than 1 minute
if ($end_delta_minutes < 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "block request end time has been reached ($end_delta_minutes minutes from now), returning 'end'");
return "end";
# if 30min to 6 hrs in advance: start assigning resources
if ($start_delta_minutes <= (6 * 60)) {
# Block request within start window
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "block request start time is within start window ($start_delta_minutes minutes from now), returning 'start'");
return "start";
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "block request does not need to be processed now, returning 0");
return 0;
} ## end sub check_blockrequest_time
=head2 check_time
Parameters : $request_start, $request_end, $reservation_lastcheck, $request_state_name, $request_laststate_name
Returns : start, preload, end, poll, old, remove, or 0
Description : based on the input return a value used by vcld
sub check_time {
my ($request_start, $request_end, $reservation_lastcheck, $request_state_name, $request_laststate_name) = @_;
# Check the arguments
if (!defined($request_state_name)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "\$request_state_name argument is not defined");
return 0;
if (!defined($request_laststate_name)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "\$request_laststate_name argument is not defined");
return 0;
# If lastcheck isn't set, set it to now
if (!defined($reservation_lastcheck) || !$reservation_lastcheck) {
$reservation_lastcheck = makedatestring();
# First convert to datetime in case epoch seconds was passed
if ($reservation_lastcheck !~ /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/) {
$reservation_lastcheck = convert_to_datetime($reservation_lastcheck);
if ($request_end !~ /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/) {
$request_end = convert_to_datetime($request_end);
if ($request_start !~ /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/) {
$request_start = convert_to_datetime($request_start);
# Convert times to epoch seconds
my $lastcheck_epoch_seconds = convert_to_epoch_seconds($reservation_lastcheck);
my $start_time_epoch_seconds = convert_to_epoch_seconds($request_start);
my $end_time_epoch_seconds = convert_to_epoch_seconds($request_end);
# Get the current time epoch seconds
my $current_time_epoch_seconds = time();
# Calculate time differences from now in seconds
# These will be positive if in the future, negative if in the past
my $lastcheck_diff_seconds = $lastcheck_epoch_seconds - $current_time_epoch_seconds;
my $start_diff_seconds = $start_time_epoch_seconds - $current_time_epoch_seconds;
my $end_diff_seconds = $end_time_epoch_seconds - $current_time_epoch_seconds;
# Calculate the time differences from now in minutes
# These will be positive if in the future, negative if in the past
my $lastcheck_diff_minutes = round($lastcheck_diff_seconds / 60);
my $start_diff_minutes = round($start_diff_seconds / 60);
my $end_diff_minutes = round($end_diff_seconds / 60);
# Print the time differences
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "reservation lastcheck difference: $lastcheck_diff_minutes minutes");
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "request start time difference: $start_diff_minutes minutes");
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "request end time difference: $end_diff_minutes minutes");
# Check the state, and then figure out the return code
if ($request_state_name =~ /new|imageprep|reload|tovmhostinuse/) {
if ($start_diff_minutes > 0) {
# Start time is either now or in future, $start_diff_minutes is positive
if ($start_diff_minutes > 35) {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reservation will start in more than 35 minutes ($start_diff_minutes)");
return "0";
elsif ($start_diff_minutes >= 25 && $start_diff_minutes <= 35) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reservation will start in 25-35 minutes ($start_diff_minutes)");
return "preload";
else {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reservation will start less than 25 minutes ($start_diff_minutes)");
return "0";
} ## end if ($start_diff_minutes > 0)
else {
# Start time is in past, $start_diff_minutes is negative
#Start time is fairly old - something is off
#send warning to log for tracking purposes
if ($start_diff_minutes < -17) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "reservation start time was in the past 17 minutes ($start_diff_minutes)");
return "start";
} ## end else [ if ($start_diff_minutes > 0)
elsif ($request_state_name =~ /tomaintenance/) {
if ($start_diff_minutes > 0) {
# Start time is either now or in future, $start_diff_minutes is positive
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$request_state_name request will be processed in $start_diff_minutes minutes");
return "0";
else {
# Start time is in past, $start_diff_minutes is negative
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$request_state_name request will be processed now");
return "start";
elsif ($request_state_name =~ /inuse/) {
if ($end_diff_minutes <= 10) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reservation will end in 10 minutes or less ($end_diff_minutes)");
return "end";
else {
# End time is more than 10 minutes in the future
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reservation will end in more than 10 minutes ($end_diff_minutes)");
if ($lastcheck_diff_minutes <= -5) {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reservation was last checked more than 5 minutes ago ($lastcheck_diff_minutes)");
return "poll";
else {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reservation has been checked within the past 5 minutes ($lastcheck_diff_minutes)");
return 0;
} ## end else [ if ($end_diff_minutes <= 10)
} ## end elsif ($request_state_name =~ /inuse|imageinuse/) [ if ($request_state_name =~ /new|imageprep|reload|tomaintenance|tovmhostinuse/)
elsif ($request_state_name =~ /complete|failed/) {
# Don't need to keep requests in database if laststate was...
if ($request_laststate_name =~ /image|deleted|makeproduction|reload|tomaintenance|tovmhostinuse/) {
return "remove";
if ($end_diff_minutes < 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reservation end time was in the past ($end_diff_minutes)");
return "remove";
else {
# End time is now or in the future
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reservation end time is either right now or in the future ($end_diff_minutes)");
return "0";
} # Close if state is complete or failed
# Just return start for all other states
else {
return "start";
} ## end sub check_time
=head2 time_exceeded
Parameters : $time_slice, $limit
Returns : 1(success) or 0(failure)
Description : preform a difference check,
if delta of now and input $time_slice
is less than input $limit return 1(true)
sub time_exceeded {
my ($time_slice, $limit) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
my $now = time();
my $diff = $now - $time_slice;
if ($diff > ($limit * 60)) {
#time exceeded
return 1;
else {
return 0;
} ## end sub time_exceeded
=head2 mail
Parameters : $to, $subject, $mailstring, $from
Returns : 1(success) or 0(failure)
Description : send an email
sub mail {
my ($to, $subject, $mailstring, $from) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Mail::Mailer relies on sendmail as written, this causes a "die" on Windows
# TODO: Reqork this subroutine to not rely on sendmail
my $osname = lc($^O);
if ($osname =~ /win/i) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "sending mail from Windows not yet supported\n-----\nTo: $to\nSubject: $subject\nFrom: $from\n$mailstring\n-----");
# Wrap text for lines longer than 72 characters
#$Text::Wrap::columns = 72;
#$mailstring = wrap('', '', $mailstring);
# compare requestor and owner, if same only mail one
if (!(defined($from))) {
my $localreturnpath = "-f $RETURNPATH";
my $mailer = Mail::Mailer->new("sendmail", $localreturnpath);
my $shared_mail_box = '';
my $management_node_info = get_management_node_info();
if ($management_node_info) {
$shared_mail_box = $management_node_info->{SHARED_EMAIL_BOX} if $management_node_info->{SHARED_EMAIL_BOX};
if ($shared_mail_box) {
my $bcc = $shared_mail_box;
if ($mailer->open({From => $from,
To => $to,
Bcc => $bcc,
Subject => $subject,}))
print $mailer $mailstring;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "SUCCESS -- Sending mail To: $to, $subject");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "NOTICE -- Problem sending mail to: $to From");
} ## end if ($shared_mail_box)
else {
if ($mailer->open({From => $from,
To => $to,
Subject => $subject,}))
print $mailer $mailstring;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "SUCCESS -- Sending mail To: $to, $subject");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "NOTICE -- Problem sending mail to: $to From");
} ## end else [ if ($shared_mail_box)
} ## end sub mail
=head2 _checknstartservice
Parameters : $service name
Returns : 1 or 0
Description : checks for running local service attempts to restart
xCAT specific
sub _checknstartservice {
my $service = $_[0];
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "service not set") if (!defined($service));
my $status = 0;
if (open(SERVICE, "/sbin/service $service status |")) {
while (<SERVICE>) {
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'},0,"_checknstartservice: $_");
if ($_ =~ /running/) {
$status = 1;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "_checknstartservice: $service is running");
if ($status == 1) {
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "_checknstartservice: $service is not running will try to start");
# try to start service
if (open(SERVICE, "/sbin/service $service start |")) {
while (<SERVICE>) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "_checknstartservice: $_");
if ($_ =~ /started/) {
$status = 1;
if ($status == 1) {
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "_checknstartservice: $service could not start");
return 0;
} ## end if (open(SERVICE, "/sbin/service $service start |"...
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "_checknstartservice: WARNING -- could not run service command for $service start. $! ");
return 0;
} ## end else [ if ($status == 1)
} ## end if (open(SERVICE, "/sbin/service $service status |"...
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "_checknstartservice: WARNING -- could not run service command for $service check. $! ");
return 0;
} ## end sub _checknstartservice
=head2 isconnected
Parameters : $nodename, $type, $remoteIP, $osname, $ipaddress
Returns : 1 connected 0 not connected
Description : confirms user is connected to node
assumes port 3389 for windows and port 22 for linux/solaris
sub isconnected {
my ($nodename, $type, $remoteIP, $osname, $ipaddress, $image_os_type) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "nodename not set") if (!defined($nodename));
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "type not set") if (!defined($type));
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "remoteIP not set") if (!defined($remoteIP));
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "osname not set") if (!defined($osname));
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "image_os_type not set") if (!defined($image_os_type));
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "ipaddress not set") if (!defined($ipaddress));
my $identity_keys = get_management_node_info()->{keys};
my @netstat;
if ($type =~ /blade|virtualmachine/) {
my $shortname = 0;
$shortname = $1 if ($nodename =~ /([-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)\./);
if ($shortname) {
#convert shortname
$nodename = $shortname;
if ($image_os_type =~ /windows/i) {
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'},0,"checking $nodename $ipaddress");
undef @SSHCMD;
@SSHCMD = run_ssh_command($shortname, $identity_keys, "netstat -an", "root", 22, 1);
foreach my $line (@{$SSHCMD[1]}) {
if ($line =~ /Connection refused/) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$line");
return 0;
#if($line =~ /\s+($ipaddress:3389)\s+([.0-9]*):([0-9]*)\s+(ESTABLISHED)/){
if ($line =~ /\s+(TCP\s+[.0-9]*:3389)\s+([.0-9]*):([0-9]*)\s+(ESTABLISHED)/) {
return 1 if ($2 eq $remoteIP);
if ($2 ne $remoteIP) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "not correct remote IP is connected");
return 1;
} ## end foreach my $line (@{$SSHCMD[1]})
} ## end if ($osname =~ /win|vmwarewin/)
elsif ($image_os_type =~ /linux/i) {
undef @SSHCMD;
@SSHCMD = run_ssh_command($nodename, $identity_keys, "netstat -an", "root", 22, 1);
foreach my $line (@{$SSHCMD[1]}) {
if ($line =~ /Warning/) {
if (known_hosts($nodename, "linux", $ipaddress)) {
if ($line =~ /Connection refused/) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$line");
return 0;
if ($line =~ /tcp\s+([0-9]*)\s+([0-9]*)\s($ipaddress:22)\s+([.0-9]*):([0-9]*)(.*)(ESTABLISHED)/) {
return 1 if ($4 eq $remoteIP);
if ($4 ne $remoteIP) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "not correct remote IP connected: $line");
return 1;
} ## end foreach my $line (@{$SSHCMD[1]})
return 0;
} ## end if ($type =~ /blade|virtualmachine/)
elsif ($type eq "lab") {
undef @SSHCMD;
@SSHCMD = run_ssh_command($nodename, $identity_keys, "netstat -an", "vclstaff", 24, 1);
foreach my $line (@{$SSHCMD[1]}) {
if ($line =~ /Connection refused/) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$nodename $line");
return 0;
if ($osname =~ /sun4x_/) {
if ($line =~ /\s*($ipaddress\.22)\s+([.0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)(.*)(ESTABLISHED)/) {
return 1 if ($2 eq $remoteIP);
if ($2 ne $remoteIP) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "not correct remote IP connected $4");
return 1;
elsif ($osname =~ /realmrhel3/) {
if ($line =~ /tcp\s+([0-9]*)\s+([0-9]*)\s($ipaddress:22)\s+([.0-9]*):([0-9]*)(.*)(ESTABLISHED)/) {
return 1 if ($4 eq $remoteIP);
if ($4 ne $remoteIP) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "not correct remote IP connected $4");
return 1;
} ## end foreach my $line (@{$SSHCMD[1]})
return 0;
} ## end elsif ($type eq "lab") [ if ($type =~ /blade|virtualmachine/)
} ## end sub isconnected
=head2 update_preload_fla
Parameters : request id, flag 1,0
Returns : 1 success 0 failure
Description : update preload flag
sub update_preload_flag {
my ($request_id, $flag) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "request id is not defined") unless (defined($request_id));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "preload flag is not defined") unless (defined($flag));
my $update_statement = "
preload = $flag
id = $request_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
# Update successful
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOGFILE, "preload flag updated for request_id $request_id ");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to update preload flag updated for request_id $request_id");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_preload_flag
=head2 update_request_state
Parameters : request id, state name, last state(optional), log(optional)
Returns : 1 success 0 failure
Description : update states
sub update_request_state {
my ($request_id, $state_name, $laststate_name, $log) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameters
if (!defined($request_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "unable to update request state, request id is not defined");
return 0;
if (!defined($state_name)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "unable to update request $request_id state, state name not defined");
return 0;
my $update_statement;
# Determine whether or not to update laststate, construct the SQL statement
if (defined $laststate_name && $laststate_name ne "") {
$update_statement = "
state state,
state laststate
request.stateid =,
request.laststateid =
WHERE = \'$state_name\'
AND = \'$laststate_name\'
AND = $request_id
} ## end if (defined $laststate_name && $laststate_name...
else {
$update_statement = "
state state
request.stateid =
WHERE = \'$state_name\'
AND = $request_id
$laststate_name = 'unchanged';
} ## end else [ if (defined $laststate_name && $laststate_name...
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
# Update successful
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOGFILE, "request $request_id state updated to: $state_name, laststate to: $laststate_name");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to update states for request $request_id");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_request_state
=head2 update_computer_state
Parameters : $computer_id, $state_name, $log
Returns : 1 success 0 failure
Description : update computer state
sub update_computer_state {
my ($computer_id, $state_name, $log) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "computer id is not defined") unless (defined($computer_id));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "statename is not defined") unless (defined($state_name));
return 0 unless (defined $computer_id && defined $state_name);
my $update_statement = "
computer.stateid =
WHERE = \'$state_name\'
AND = $computer_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
# Update successful
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOGFILE, "computer $computer_id state updated to: $state_name");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to update states for computer $computer_id");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_computer_state
=head2 update_computer_lastcheck
Parameters : $computer_id, $datestring, $log
Returns : 1 success 0 failure
Description : update computer state
sub update_computer_lastcheck {
my ($computer_id, $datestring, $log) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
$log = 0 unless (defined $log);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "computer id is not defined") unless (defined($computer_id));
return 0 unless (defined $computer_id);
unless (defined($datestring) ) {
$datestring = makedatestring;
my $update_statement = "
computer.lastcheck = '$datestring'
WHERE = $computer_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
# Update successful
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, $log, "computer $computer_id lastcheck updated to: $datestring");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, $log, "unable to update datestring for computer $computer_id");
return 0;
} ## end
=head2 update_computer_procnumber
Parameters : $computer_id, $cpu_count
Returns : boolean
Description : Updates the computer.procnumber value for the specified computer.
sub update_computer_procnumber {
my ($computer_id, $cpu_count) = @_;
if (!$computer_id || !$cpu_count) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer ID and CPU count arguments were not supplied correctly");
my $update_statement = <<EOF;
computer.procnumber = '$cpu_count'
WHERE = $computer_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "updated the procnumber value to $cpu_count for computer ID $computer_id");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to update the procnumber value to $cpu_count for computer ID $computer_id");
return 0;
=head2 update_computer_procspeed
Parameters : $computer_id, $cpu_speed
Returns : boolean
Description : Updates the computer.procspeed value for the specified computer.
The $cpu_speed argument should contain an integer value of the
CPU speed in MHz.
sub update_computer_procspeed {
my ($computer_id, $cpu_speed_mhz) = @_;
if (!$computer_id || !$cpu_speed_mhz) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer ID and CPU speed arguments were not supplied correctly");
my $update_statement = <<EOF;
computer.procspeed = '$cpu_speed_mhz'
WHERE = $computer_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "updated the procspeed value to $cpu_speed_mhz for computer ID $computer_id");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to update the procspeed value to $cpu_speed_mhz for computer ID $computer_id");
return 0;
=head2 update_computer_ram
Parameters : $computer_id, $ram_mb
Returns : boolean
Description : Updates the computer.ram value for the specified computer.
The $ram_mb argument should contain an integer value of the
RAM in MB.
sub update_computer_ram {
my ($computer_id, $ram_mb) = @_;
if (!$computer_id || !$ram_mb) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer ID and RAM arguments were not supplied correctly");
my $update_statement = <<EOF;
computer.ram = '$ram_mb'
WHERE = $computer_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "updated the RAM value to $ram_mb for computer ID $computer_id");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to update the RAM value to $ram_mb for computer ID $computer_id");
return 0;
=head2 update_request_password
Parameters : $reservation_id, $password
Returns : 1 success 0 failure
Description : updates password field for reservation id
sub update_request_password {
my ($reservation_id, $password) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "reservation id is not defined") unless (defined($reservation_id));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "password is not defined") unless (defined($password));
my $update_statement = "
pw = \'$password\'
id = $reservation_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
# Update successful
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOGFILE, "password updated for reservation_id $reservation_id ");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to update password for reservation $reservation_id");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_request_password
=head2 is_request_deleted
Parameters : $request_id
Returns : return 1 if request state or laststate is set to deleted or if request does not exist
return 0 if request exists and neither request state nor laststate is set to deleted1 success 0 failure
Description : checks if request has been deleted
sub is_request_deleted {
my ($request_id) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($request_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "request ID was not specified");
return 0;
# Create the select statement
my $select_statement = "
request.stateid AS currentstate_id,
request.laststateid AS laststate_id, AS currentstate_name, AS laststate_name
request, state currentstate, state laststate
WHERE = $request_id
AND request.stateid =
AND request.laststateid =
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
return 1;
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "" . scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select");
return 0;
my $state_name = $selected_rows[0]{currentstate_name};
my $laststate_name = $selected_rows[0]{laststate_name};
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0,"state=$state_name, laststate=$laststate_name");
if ($state_name =~ /(deleted|makeproduction)/ || $laststate_name =~ /(deleted|makeproduction)/) {
return 1;
return 0;
} ## end sub is_request_deleted
=head2 is_reservation_deleted
Parameters : $reservation_id
Returns : return 1 if reservation's request state or laststate is set to deleted or if reservation does not exist
return 0 if reservation exists and neither request state nor laststate is set to deleted: 1 success, 0 failure
Description : checks if reservation has been deleted
sub is_reservation_deleted {
my ($reservation_id) = @_;
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($reservation_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "reservation ID was not specified");
return 0;
# Create the select statement
my $select_statement = "
SELECT AS reservation_id,
request.stateid AS currentstate_id,
request.laststateid AS laststate_id, AS currentstate_name, AS laststate_name
reservation, request, state currentstate, state laststate
WHERE = $reservation_id
AND reservation.requestid =
AND request.stateid =
AND request.laststateid =
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
return 1;
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "" . scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select");
return 0;
my $state_name = $selected_rows[0]{currentstate_name};
my $laststate_name = $selected_rows[0]{laststate_name};
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0,"state=$state_name, laststate=$laststate_name");
if ($state_name =~ /(deleted|makeproduction)/ || $laststate_name =~ /(deleted|makeproduction)/) {
return 1;
return 0;
} ## end sub is_reservation_deleted
=head2 is_request_imaging
Parameters : $request_id
Returns : return 'image' if request state or laststate is set to image
return 'forimaging' if forimaging is set to 1, and neither request state nor laststate is set to image
return 0 if forimaging is set to 0, and neither request state nor laststate is set to image
return undefined if an error occurred
Description : checks if request is in imaging mode and if forimaging has been set
sub is_request_imaging {
my ($request_id) = @_;
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($request_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "request ID was not specified");
# Create the select statement
my $select_statement = "
request.forimaging AS forimaging,
request.stateid AS currentstate_id,
request.laststateid AS laststate_id, AS currentstate_name, AS laststate_name
request, state currentstate, state laststate
WHERE = $request_id
AND request.stateid =
AND request.laststateid =
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows != 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select");
my $forimaging = $selected_rows[0]{forimaging};
my $state_name = $selected_rows[0]{currentstate_name};
my $laststate_name = $selected_rows[0]{laststate_name};
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "forimaging=$forimaging, currentstate=$state_name, laststate=$laststate_name");
# If request state or laststate has been changed to image, return 1
# If forimaging is set, return 0
# If neither state is image and forimaging is not set, return undefined
if ($state_name eq 'image' || $laststate_name eq 'image') {
return 'image';
elsif ($forimaging) {
return 'forimaging';
else {
return 0;
} ## end sub is_request_imaging
=head2 get_next_image_default
Parameters : $reservationid
Returns : userid,password,affiliation
Description : Used for server loads, provides list of users for group access
sub get_reservation_accounts {
my ($reservationid) = @_;
my ($calling_package, $calling_filename, $calling_line, $calling_sub) = caller(0);
if (!defined($reservationid)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$calling_sub $calling_package missing mandatory variable: reservationid ");
return 0;
my $select_statement = "
reservationaccounts.userid AS reservationaccounts_userid,
reservationaccounts.password AS reservationaccounts_password, AS affiliation_name,
user.unityid AS user_name
WHERE = reservationaccounts.userid AND = user.affiliationid AND
reservationaccounts.reservationid = $reservationid
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
my @ret_array;
my %user_info;
# Check to make sure 1 or more rows were returned
if (scalar @selected_rows > 0) {
# It contains a hash
for (@selected_rows) {
my %reservation_acct= %{$_};
my $userid = $reservation_acct{reservationaccounts_userid};
$user_info{$userid}{"userid"} = $userid;
$user_info{$userid}{"password"} = $reservation_acct{reservationaccounts_password};
$user_info{$userid}{"affiliation"} = $reservation_acct{affiliation_name};
$user_info{$userid}{"username"} = $reservation_acct{user_name};
return %user_info;
return ();
=head2 update_reservation_accounts
Parameters : $reservation_id, $userid, $password, $mode
Returns : boolean
Description :
sub update_reservation_accounts {
my $reservation_id = shift;
my $user_id = shift;
my $password = shift;
my $mode = shift;
if (!$mode) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "mode argument was not specified, it must be either add or delete");
if (!$reservation_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "reservation ID argument was not specified");
if (!$user_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "user ID argument was not specified");
if (!$password) {
$password = '';
my $statement;
if ($mode =~ /add/i) {
$statement = <<EOF;
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE password = '$password'
elsif ($mode =~ /delete/i) {
$statement = <<EOF;
reservationid = '$reservation_id' AND
userid = '$user_id'
if (database_execute($statement)) {
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "executed $statement $reservation_id $user_id");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "failed to to execute statement to update reservationaccounts table:\n$statement");
return 0;
=head2 get_next_image_default
Parameters : $computerid
Returns : imageid,imagerevisionid,imagename
Description : Looks for any upcoming reservations
for supplied computerid, if starttime is
within 50 minutes return that imageid. Else
fetch and return next image
sub get_next_image_default {
my ($computerid) = @_;
my ($calling_package, $calling_filename, $calling_line, $calling_sub) = caller(0);
if (!defined($computerid)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$calling_sub $calling_package missing mandatory variable: computerid ");
return 0;
my $select_statement = "
req.start AS starttime,
ir.imagename AS imagename,
res.imagerevisionid AS imagerevisionid,
res.imageid AS imageid
reservation res,
request req,
image i,
state s,
imagerevision ir
res.requestid =
AND req.stateid =
AND = res.imageid
AND = res.imagerevisionid
AND res.computerid = $computerid
AND ( = \'new\' OR = \'reload\' OR = \'imageprep\')
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
my @ret_array;
# Check to make sure 1 or more rows were returned
if (scalar @selected_rows > 0) {
# Loop through list of upcoming reservations
# Based on the start time load the next one
my $now = time();
# It contains a hash
for (@selected_rows) {
my %reservation_row = %{$_};
# $reservation_row{starttime}
# $reservation_row{imagename}
# $reservation_row{imagerevisionid}
# $reservation_row{imageid}
my $epoch_start = convert_to_epoch_seconds($reservation_row{starttime});
my $diff = $epoch_start - $now;
# If start time is less than 50 minutes from now return this image
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "get_next_image_default : diff= $diff image= $reservation_row{imagename} imageid=$reservation_row{imageid}");
if ($diff < (50 * 60)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "get_next_image_default : future reservation detected diff= $diff image= $reservation_row{imagename} imageid=$reservation_row{imageid}");
push(@ret_array, $reservation_row{imagename}, $reservation_row{imageid}, $reservation_row{imagerevisionid});
return @ret_array;
} ## end for (@selected_rows)
} ## end if (scalar @selected_rows > 0)
# No upcoming reservations - fetch next image information
my $select_nextimage = "
imagerevision.imagename AS imagename, AS imagerevisionid, AS imageid
imagerevision.imageid = computer.nextimageid
AND imagerevision.production = 1
AND computer.nextimageid =
AND = $computerid
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @next_selected_rows = database_select($select_nextimage);
# Check to make sure at least 1 row were returned
if (scalar @next_selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "get_next_image_default failed to fetch next image for computerid $computerid");
return 0;
elsif (scalar @next_selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "" . scalar @next_selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select");
return 0;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "get_next_image_default : returning next image=$next_selected_rows[0]{imagename} imageid=$next_selected_rows[0]{imageid}");
push(@ret_array, $next_selected_rows[0]{imagename}, $next_selected_rows[0]{imageid}, $next_selected_rows[0]{imagerevisionid});
return @ret_array;
} ## end sub get_next_image
=head2 setnextimage
Parameters : $computerid, $image
Returns : 1 success, 0 failed
Description : updates nextimageid on provided computerid
sub setnextimage {
my ($computerid, $imageid) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computerid: node is not defined") if (!(defined($computerid)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "imageid: node is not defined") if (!(defined($imageid)));
my $update_statement = " UPDATE computer SET nextimageid = $imageid WHERE id = $computerid ";
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to update nextimageid");
return 0;
} ## end sub setnextimage
=head2 check_ssh
Parameters : $node, $port, $log
Returns : 1(active) or 0(inactive)
Description : uses check_ssh binary from tools dir to check
the sshd statuse on the remote node
sub check_ssh {
my ($node, $port, $log) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
$log = 0 if (!(defined($log)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "node is not defined") if (!(defined($node)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "port is not defined") if (!(defined($port)));
if (!defined($node)) {
return 0;
if (!defined($port)) {
$port = 22;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $log, " $node ssh port $port open");
return 1;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $log, " $node ssh port $port closed");
return 0;
return 0;
} ## end sub check_ssh
=head2 _sshd_status
Parameters : $node, $imagename, $log
Returns : on or off
Description : actually logs into remote node
sub _sshd_status {
my ($node, $imagename,$image_os_type, $log) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
$log = 0 if (!defined($log));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "node is not defined") if (!(defined($node)));
if (!nmap_port($node, 22)) {
return "off";
my $identity_keys = get_management_node_info()->{keys};
my @sshcmd = run_ssh_command($node, $identity_keys, "uname -s", "root");
return "off" if (!defined($sshcmd[0]) || !defined($sshcmd[1]) || $sshcmd[0] == 1);
foreach my $l (@{$sshcmd[1]}) {
if ($l =~ /^Warning:/) {
#if (VCL::Module::Provisioning::xCAT::makesshgkh($node)) {
return "off" if ($l =~ /noping/);
return "off" if ($l =~ /No route to host/);
return "off" if ($l =~ /Connection refused/);
return "off" if ($l =~ /Permission denied/);
} ## end foreach my $l (@{$sshcmd[1]})
return "on";
} ## end sub _sshd_status
=head2 _machine_os
Parameters : $node, $imagename, $log
Returns : 0 or system type name
Description : actually logs into remote node
sub _machine_os {
my ($node, $imagename) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "node is not defined") if (!(defined($node)));
if (!nmap_port($node, 22)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "ssh port not open cannot check $node OS");
return 0;
my $identity_keys = get_management_node_info()->{keys};
my @sshcmd = run_ssh_command($node, $identity_keys, "uname -s", "root");
foreach my $l (@{$sshcmd[1]}) {
if ($l =~ /CYGWIN_NT-5\.1/) {
return "WinXp";
elsif ($l =~ "CYGWIN_NT-5\.2") {
return "win2003";
elsif ($l =~ /Linux/) {
return "Linux";
elsif ($l =~ /Connection refused/) {
return 0;
elsif ($l =~ /No route to host/) {
return 0;
elsif ($l =~ /Permission denied/) {
return 0;
else {
return 0;
} ## end foreach my $l (@{$sshcmd[1]})
} ## end sub _machine_os
=head2 nmap_port
Parameters : $hostname,n $port
Returns : 1 open 0 closed
Description : use nmap port scanning tool to determine if port is open
sub nmap_port {
my ($hostname, $port) = @_;
if (!$hostname) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "hostname argument was not specified");
if (!defined($port)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "port argument was not specified");
my $command = "/usr/bin/nmap $hostname -P0 -p $port -T Aggressive";
my ($exit_status, $output) = run_command($command, 1);
if (!defined($output)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to run nmap command on management node: '$command'");
if (grep(/open/i, @$output)) {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "port $port is open on $hostname");
return 1;
elsif (grep(/(nmap:|warning)/i, @$output)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "error occurred running nmap command: '$command', output:\n" . join("\n", @$output));
else {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "port $port is closed on $hostname");
return 0;
} ## end sub nmap_port
=head2 _pingnode
Parameters : $hostname
Returns : 1 pingable 0 not-pingable
Description : using Net::Ping to check if node is pingable
assumes icmp echo is allowed
sub _pingnode {
my ($hostname) = $_[0];
if (!$hostname) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "hostname argument was not supplied");
my $p = Net::Ping->new("icmp");
my $result = $p->ping($hostname, 1);
if (!$result) {
return 0;
else {
return 1;
} ## end sub _pingnode
=head2 getnewdbh
Parameters : none
Returns : 0 failed or database handle
Description : gets a databasehandle
sub getnewdbh {
#my $caller_trace = get_caller_trace(7, 1);
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "called from: $caller_trace");
my ($database) = @_;
$database = $DATABASE if !$database;
my $dbh;
# Try to use the existing database handle
if ($ENV{dbh} && $ENV{dbh}->ping && $ENV{dbh}->{Name} =~ /^$database:/) {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "using database handle stored in \$ENV{dbh}");
return $ENV{dbh};
elsif ($ENV{dbh} && $ENV{dbh}->ping) {
my ($stored_database_name) = $ENV{dbh}->{Name} =~ /^([^:]*)/;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "database requested ($database) does not match handle stored in \$ENV{dbh} (" . $ENV{dbh}->{Name} . ")");
elsif (defined $ENV{dbh}) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "unable to use database handle stored in \$ENV{dbh}");
else {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "\$ENV{dbh} is not defined, creating new database handle");
my $attempt = 0;
my $max_attempts = 5;
my $retry_delay = 2;
# Assemble the data source string
my $data_source;
if ($MYSQL_SSL) {
$data_source = "$database:$SERVER;mysql_ssl=1;mysql_ssl_ca_file=$MYSQL_SSL_CERT";
else {
$data_source = "$database:$SERVER";
# Attempt to connect to the data source and get a database handle object
my $dbi_result;
while (!$dbh && $attempt < $max_attempts) {
# Attempt to connect
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "attempting to connect to data source: $data_source, user: " . string_to_ascii($WRTUSER) . ", pass: " . string_to_ascii($WRTPASS));
$dbh = DBI->connect(qq{dbi:mysql:$data_source}, $WRTUSER, $WRTPASS, {PrintError => 0});
# Check if connect was successful
if ($dbh && $dbh->ping) {
# Set InactiveDestroy = 1 for all dbh's belonging to child processes
# Set InactiveDestroy = 0 for all dbh's belonging to vcld
if (!defined $ENV{vcld} || !$ENV{vcld}) {
$dbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 1;
else {
$dbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 0;
# Increment the dbh count environment variable if it is defined
# This is only for development and testing to see how many handles a process creates
$ENV{dbh_count}++ if defined($ENV{dbh_count});
# Store the newly created database handle in an environment variable
# Only store it if $ENV{dbh} is already defined
# It's up to other modules to determine if $ENV{dbh} is defined, they must initialize it
if (defined $ENV{dbh}) {
$ENV{dbh} = $dbh;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "database handle stored in \$ENV{dbh}");
return $dbh;
} ## end if ($dbh && $dbh->ping)
# Something went wrong, construct a DBI result string
$dbi_result = "DBI result: ";
if (defined(DBI::err())) {
$dbi_result = "(" . DBI::err() . ")";
if (defined(DBI::errstr())) {
$dbi_result .= " " . DBI::errstr();
# Check for access denied
if (DBI::err() == 1045 || DBI::errstr() =~ /access denied/i) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to connect to database, $dbi_result");
return 0;
# Either connect or ping failed
if ($dbh && !$dbh->ping) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "database connect succeeded but ping failed, attempt $attempt/$max_attempts, $dbi_result");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "database connect failed, attempt $attempt/$max_attempts, $dbi_result");
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "sleeping for $retry_delay seconds");
sleep $retry_delay;
} ## end while (!$dbh && $attempt < $max_attempts)
# Maximum number of attempts was reached
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to connect to database, attempts made: $attempt/$max_attempts, $dbi_result");
return 0;
} ## end sub getnewdbh
=head2 notify_via_oascript
Parameters : $node, $user, $message
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : using apple oascript write supplied $message to finder
sub notify_via_oascript {
my ($node, $user, $message) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "node is not defined") if (!(defined($node)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "message is not defined") if (!(defined($message)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "user is not defined") if (!(defined($user)));
# Escape new lines
$message =~ s/\n/ /gs;
$message =~ s/\'/\\\\\\\'/gs;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "message:\n$message");
my $command = "/var/root/VCL/oamessage \"$message\"";
if (run_ssh_command($node, $ENV{management_node_info}{keys}, $command)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "successfully sent message to OSX user $user on $node");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to send message to OSX user $user on $node");
return 0;
} ## end sub notify_via_oascript
=head2 notify_via_wall
Parameters : empty
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : talks to user at the console using wall
sub notify_via_wall {
my ($hostname, $username, $string, $OSname, $type) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "hostname is not defined") if (!(defined($hostname)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "username is not defined") if (!(defined($username)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "string is not defined") if (!(defined($string)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "OSname is not defined") if (!(defined($OSname)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "type is not defined") if (!(defined($type)));
my @ssh;
my $n;
my $identity;
#create file, copy to remote host, then run wall
if (open(TMP, ">/tmp/wall.$hostname")) {
print TMP $string;
close TMP;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not open tmp file $!");
my $identity_keys = get_management_node_info()->{keys};
if ($type eq "blade") {
#this is only going to be rhel
if (run_scp_command("/tmp/wall.$hostname", "$hostname:/root/wall.txt", $identity_keys)) {
unlink "/tmp/wall.$hostname";
if (run_ssh_command($hostname, $identity_keys, " cat /root/wall.txt \| wall; /bin/rm -v /root/wall.txt", "root")) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "successfully sent wall notification to $hostname");
return 1;
} ## end if ($type eq "blade")
elsif ($type eq "lab") {
if (run_scp_command("/tmp/wall.$hostname", "vclstaff\@$hostname:/home/vclstaff/wall.txt", $identity_keys, 24)) {
unlink "/tmp/wall.$hostname";
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not scp tmp file for wall notification$!");
if ($OSname =~ /sun4x_/) {
if (run_ssh_command($hostname, $identity_keys, "wall -a /home/vclstaff/wall.txt; /bin/rm -v /home/vclstaff/wall.txt", "vclstaff", "24")) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "successfully sent wall notification to $hostname");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "wall notification $hostname failed ");
elsif ($OSname =~ /rhel/) {
if (run_ssh_command($hostname, $identity_keys, "cat /home/vclstaff/wall.txt \| wall ; /bin/rm -v /home/vclstaff/wall.txt", "vclstaff", "24")) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "successfully sent wall notification to $hostname");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "wall notification $hostname failed ");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "not an OS I can handle, os is $OSname");
return 1;
} ## end elsif ($type eq "lab") [ if ($type eq "blade")
} ## end sub notify_via_wall
=head2 isfilelocked
Parameters : $file - file path
Returns : 0 no or 1 yes
Description : looks for supplied file
appends .lock to the end of supplied file
sub isfilelocked {
my ($file) = $_[0];
my $lockfile = $file . ".lock";
if (-r $lockfile) {
return 1;
else {
return 0;
} ## end sub isfilelocked
=head2 lockfile
Parameters : $file
Returns : 0 failed or 1 success
Description : creates $file.lock
sub lockfile {
my ($file) = $_[0];
my $lockfile = $file . ".lock";
while (!(-r $lockfile)) {
if (open(LOCK, ">$lockfile")) {
print LOCK "1";
close LOCK;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not create $lockfile $!");
return 0;
return 1;
} ## end while (!(-r $lockfile))
} ## end sub lockfile
=head2 unlockfile
Parameters : $file
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : removes file if exists
sub unlockfile {
my ($file) = $_[0];
my $lockfile = $file . ".lock";
if (-r $lockfile) {
unlink $lockfile;
else {
# no lock file exists
return 1;
} ## end sub unlockfile
=head2 notify_via_msg
Parameters : $node, $user, $message
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : using windows msg.exe cmd writes supplied $message
to windows user console
sub notify_via_msg {
my ($node, $user, $message) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
my $osname = lc($^O);
if ($osname =~ /win/i) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "notifying from Windows not yet supported\n-----\nTo: $user\nNode: $node\n$message\n-----");
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "node is not defined") if (!(defined($node)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "message is not defined") if (!(defined($message)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "user is not defined") if (!(defined($user)));
# Escape new lines
$message =~ s/\n/ /gs;
$message =~ s/\'/\\\\\\\'/gs;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "message:\n$message");
my $command = "msg $user /TIME:180 '$message'";
my $identity_keys = get_management_node_info()->{keys};
if (run_ssh_command($node, $identity_keys, $command)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "successfully sent message to Windows user $user on $node");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to send message to Windows user $user on $node");
return 0;
} ## end sub notify_via_msg
=head2 getpw
Parameters : length(optional) - if not defined sets to 6
Returns : randomized password
Description : called for standalone accounts and used in randomizing
privileged account passwords
sub getpw {
my $length = $_[0];
$length = 6 if (!(defined($length)));
my @a = ("A" .. "H", "J" .. "N", "P" .. "Z", "a" .. "k", "m" .. "z", "2" .. "9");
my $b;
for (1 .. $length) {
$b .= $a[rand(57)];
return $b;
} ## end sub getpw
=head2 known_hosts
Parameters : $node , management OS, $ipaddress
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : check for or add nodenames public rsa key to local known_hosts file
sub known_hosts {
my ($node, $mnOS, $ipaddress) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "node is not defined") if (!(defined($node)));
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "mnOS is not defined") if (!(defined($mnOS)));
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "ipaddress is not defined") if (!(defined($ipaddress)));
my ($known_hosts, $existed, $ssh_keyscan, $port);
#set up dependiences
if ($mnOS eq "solaris") {
$known_hosts = "/.ssh/known_hosts";
$ssh_keyscan = "/local/openssh/bin/ssh-keyscan";
$port = 24;
elsif ($mnOS eq "linux") {
$known_hosts = "/root/.ssh/known_hosts";
$ssh_keyscan = "/usr/bin/ssh-keyscan";
$port = 24;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unsupported management node OS: $mnOS");
return 0;
#remove key
my @known_hosts_file;
if (open(KNOWNHOSTS, "< $known_hosts")) {
@known_hosts_file = <KNOWNHOSTS>;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not read $known_hosts $!");
foreach my $l (@known_hosts_file) {
if ($l =~ /$node|$ipaddress/) {
$l = "";
$existed = 1;
#write back
if ($existed) {
if (open(KNOWNHOSTS, ">$known_hosts")) {
print KNOWNHOSTS @known_hosts_file;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not write to $known_hosts file $!");
#proceed to get public rsa key
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'},0,"executing $ssh_keyscan -t rsa -p $port $node >> $known_hosts");
if (open(KEYSCAN, "$ssh_keyscan -t rsa -p $port $node >> $known_hosts 2>&1|")) {
my @ret = <KEYSCAN>;
foreach my $r (@ret) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$r");
return 0 if ($r =~ /Name or service not known/);
return 1;
} ## end if (open(KEYSCAN, "$ssh_keyscan -t rsa -p $port $node >> $known_hosts 2>&1|"...
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not execute append of $node public key to $known_hosts file $!");
return 0;
} ## end sub known_hosts
=head2 getusergroupmembers
Parameters : usergroupid
Returns : array of user group memebers
Description : queries database and collects user members of supplied usergroupid
sub getusergroupmembers {
my $usergroupid = $_[0];
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "usergroupid is not defined") if (!(defined($usergroupid)));
if (!(defined($usergroupid))) {
return ();
my $select_statement = "
WHERE = usergroupmembers.userid
AND usergroupmembers.usergroupid = '$usergroupid'
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "no data returned for usergroupid $usergroupid returning empty lists");
return ();
my %hash;
my (@retarray);
for (@selected_rows) {
my %hash = %{$_};
$hash{uid} = 0;
push(@retarray, "$hash{unityid}:$hash{uid}:$hash{id}");
return @retarray;
} ## end sub getusergroupmembers
=head2 get_user_group_member_info
Parameters : $usergroupid
Returns : array of user group memebers
Description : queries database and collects user members of supplied usergroupid
sub get_user_group_member_info {
my ($user_group_id) = @_;
if (!defined($user_group_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "user group ID argument was not specified");
my $select_statement = <<EOF;
WHERE = usergroupmembers.userid
AND usergroupmembers.usergroupid = '$user_group_id'
# Call the database select subroutine
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
if (!@selected_rows) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "no data was returned for user group ID $user_group_id, returning an empty list");
return {};
my $user_group_member_info;
for my $row (@selected_rows) {
my $user_id = $row->{id};
for my $column (keys %$row) {
next if $column eq 'id';
$user_group_member_info->{$user_id}{$column} = $row->{$column};
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved member info for user group ID $user_group_id:\n" . format_data($user_group_member_info));
return $user_group_member_info;
=head2 collectsshkeys
Parameters : node
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : collects ssh keys from client
sub collectsshkeys {
my $node = $_[0];
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "node is not defined") if (!(defined($node)));
if (!(defined($node))) {
return 0;
my ($id, $ipaddress, $type, $hostname, $currentimage, $osname);
#if lab client and OS is linux or solaris fetch ssh keys
#store repective key into computer table for the node
my $dbh = getnewdbh;
#collect a little information about the node.
my $sel = $dbh->prepare("SELECT,c.IPaddress,c.hostname,c.type,, FROM computer c, OS o, image i WHERE AND AND c.hostname REGEXP ?") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not prepare collect computer detail statement" . $dbh->errstr());
$sel->execute($node) or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "Problem could not execute on computer detail : " . $dbh->errstr);
my $rows = $sel->rows;
$sel->bind_columns(\($id, $ipaddress, $hostname, $type, $osname, $currentimage));
if ($rows) {
if ($sel->fetch) {
print "$id,$ipaddress,$hostname,$type,$osname,$currentimage\n";
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "no information found in computer table for $node ");
$dbh->disconnect if !defined $ENV{dbh};
return 0;
#what identity do we use
my $key = get_management_node_info()->{keys};
#send fetch keys flag to node
my @sshcmd = run_ssh_command($ipaddress, $key, "echo fetch > /home/vclstaff/clientdata; echo 1 > /home/vclstaff/flag", "vclstaff", "24");
foreach my $l (@{$sshcmd[1]}) {
if ($l =~ /Warning|denied|No such/) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "node $node ouput @{ $sshcmd[1] }");
#retrieve the keys
#sleep 6, node flag check is every 5 sec
sleep 6;
my ($loop, $ct) = 0;
undef @sshcmd;
@sshcmd = run_ssh_command($ipaddress, $key, "ls -1", "vclstaff", "24");
foreach my $l (@{$sshcmd[1]}) {
if ($l =~ /ssh_host/) {
#print "$l\n";
if (!(-d "/tmp/$id")) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "creating /tmp/$id") if (mkdir("/tmp/$id"));
if (run_scp_command("vclstaff\@$ipaddress:/home/vclstaff/$l", "/tmp/$id/$l", $key, "24")) {
} #foreach
if ($ct < 6) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "count copied, is less than 6 trying again");
if ($loop > 2) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could not copy 6 ssh keys from $node");
$dbh->disconnect if !defined $ENV{dbh};
return 0;
} ## end if ($ct < 6)
#read in key files
my $dsa;
my $dsapub;
my $rsa;
my $rsapub;
my $hostbuffer = "";
my $hostpub;
if (open(DSA, "/tmp/$id/ssh_host_dsa_key")) {
print "slurping dsa_key\n";
read(DSA, $dsa, 1024);
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could not open dsa file $!");
if (open(DSAPUB, "/tmp/$id/")) {
print "slurping dsa_pub_key\n";
read(DSAPUB, $dsapub, 1024);
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could not open file $!");
if (open(RSA, "/tmp/$id/ssh_host_rsa_key")) {
print "slurping rsa_key\n";
read(RSA, $rsa, 1024);
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could not open rsa file $!");
if (open(RSAPUB, "/tmp/$id/")) {
print "slurping rsa_pub_key\n";
read(RSAPUB, $rsapub, 1024);
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could not open file $!");
if (open(HOSTPUB, "/tmp/$id/")) {
print "slurping host_pub_key\n";
read(HOSTPUB, $hostpub, 1024);
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could not open file $!");
#binary file
if (open(HOST, "/tmp/$id/")) {
print "slurping host_key\n";
my $r = read(HOST, $hostbuffer, 1024);
if (defined($r)) {
#print "read $r k chunks on binary file\n";
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'},0,"read $r k chunks on binary file");
#print "uploading: $dsa\n $dsapub\n$rsa\n$rsapub\n$hostbuffer\n$hostpub \n $id\n";
else {
#print "could not read binary file\n";
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could not read binary file");
} ## end if (open(HOST, "/tmp/$id/"...
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "could not open host binary file $!");
#print "uploading: @dsa\n @dsapub\n @rsa\n @rsapub\n $hostbuffer \n,@hostpub \n $id\n";
#upload keys to db
my $update = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE computer SET dsa=?,dsapub=?,rsa=?,rsapub=?,hostpub=? WHERE id=?") or print "could not prepare update key statement node= $node id= $id" . $dbh->errstr();
$update->execute($dsa, $dsapub, $rsa, $rsapub, $hostpub, $id) or print "Problem could not execute on update key statement node= $node id= $id: " . $dbh->errstr;
$dbh->disconnect if !defined $ENV{dbh};
} ## end sub collectsshkeys
=head2 restoresshkeys
Parameters : node
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : NOT COMPLETED
connects to node and replaces ssh keys with keys stored in db
sub restoresshkeys {
my $node = $_[0];
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "node is not defined") if (!(defined($node)));
if (!(defined($node))) {
return 0;
=head2 notifyviaIM
Parameters : IM type, IM user ID, message string
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : if Jabber enabled - send IM to user
currently only supports jabber
sub notify_via_IM {
my ($im_type, $im_id, $im_message) = @_;
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "IM type is not defined") if (!(defined($im_type)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "IM id is not defined") if (!(defined($im_id)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "IM message is not defined") if (!(defined($im_message)));
if ($im_type eq "jabber") {
# Check if jabber functions are disabled on this management node
if ($JABBER) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "jabber functions are enabled on this management node");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "jabber functions are disabled on this management node");
return 1;
# Create a jabber client object
my $jabber_client = new Net::Jabber::Client();
if ($jabber_client) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "jabber client object created");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "failed to created jabber client object");
# Attempt to connect to the jabber server
my $jabber_connect_result = $jabber_client->Connect(hostname => $jabServer, port => $jabPort);
if (!$jabber_connect_result) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "connected to jabber server: $jabServer, port: $jabPort, result: $jabber_connect_result");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to connect to jabber server: $jabServer, port: $jabPort, result: $jabber_connect_result");
# Attempt to authenticate to jabber
my @jabber_auth_result = $jabber_client->AuthSend(
username => $jabUser,
password => $jabPass,
resource => $jabResource
# Check the jabber authentication result
if ($jabber_auth_result[0] && $jabber_auth_result[0] eq "ok") {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "authenticated to jabber server: $jabServer, user: $jabUser, resource: $jabResource");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to authenticate to jabber server: $jabServer, user: $jabUser, resource: $jabResource");
# Create jabber message
my $jabber_message = Net::Jabber::Message->new();
to => $im_id,
subject => "Notification",
type => "chat",
body => $im_message
# Attempt to send the jabber message
my $jabber_send_result = $jabber_client->Send($jabber_message);
if ($jabber_send_result) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "jabber message sent to $im_id");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to send jabber message to $jabUser");
} ## end if ($im_type eq "jabber" && defined $jabberready)
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "IM type is not supported: $im_type");
return 0;
return 1;
} ## end sub notify_via_IM
=head2 check_uptime
Parameters : $node, $IPaddress, $OSname, $type, $log
Returns : value or 0(failed) + failure message
Description : fetchs uptime of remote node
sub check_uptime {
my ($node, $IPaddress, $OSname, $type, $log) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
$log = 0 if (!(defined($log)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "node is not defined") if (!(defined($node)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "IPaddress is not defined") if (!(defined($IPaddress)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "OSname is not defined") if (!(defined($OSname)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "type is not defined") if (!(defined($type)));
if ($type eq "lab") {
my $identity_keys = get_management_node_info()->{keys};
my @sshcmd = run_ssh_command($node, $identity_keys, "uptime", "vclstaff", "24");
my $l;
foreach $l (@{$sshcmd[1]}) {
if ($l =~ /(\s*\d*:\d*:\d*\s*up\s*)(\d*)(\s*days,)/) {
return $2;
if ($l =~ /^(\s*\d*:\d*)(am|pm)(\s*up\s*)(\d*)(\s*day)/) {
return $4;
if ($l =~ /(\s*\d*:\d*:\d*\s*up)/) {
return 1;
if ($l =~ /password/) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "@{ $sshcmd[1] }");
return (0, $l);
} ## end foreach $l (@{$sshcmd[1]})
} ## end if ($type eq "lab")
elsif ($type eq "blade") {
return 0;
elsif ($type eq "virtualmachine") {
return 0;
} ## end sub check_uptime
=head2 timefloor15interval
Parameters : time string(optional)
Returns : the nearest 15 minute interval 0,15,30,45 less than the current time and zero seconds
Description :
sub timefloor15interval {
my $time = $_[0];
# we got nothing set to current time
if (!defined($time)) {
$time = makedatestring;
#we got a null timestamp, set it to current time
if ($time =~ /0000-00-00 00:00:00/) {
$time = makedatestring;
#format received: year-mon-mday hr:min:sec
my ($vardate, $vartime) = split(/ /, $time);
my ($yr, $mon, $mday) = split(/-/, $vardate);
my ($hr, $min, $sec) = split(/:/, $vartime);
$sec = "0";
if ($min < 15) {
$min = 0;
elsif ($min < 30) {
$min = 15;
elsif ($min < 45) {
$min = 30;
elsif ($min < 60) {
$min = 45;
my $datestring = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $yr, $mon, $mday, $hr, $min, $sec);
return $datestring;
} ## end sub timefloor15interval
=head2 monitorloading
Parameters : $reservationid, $requestedimagename, $computerid, $nodename, $ert
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : using database loadlog table,
monitor given node for available state
sub monitorloading {
my ($reservationid, $requestedimagename, $computerid, $nodename, $ert) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "reservationid is not defined") if (!(defined($reservationid)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "requestedimagename is not defined") if (!(defined($requestedimagename)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computerid is not defined") if (!(defined($computerid)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "nodename is not defined") if (!(defined($nodename)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "ert is not defined") if (!(defined($ert)));
#get start time of this wait period
my $mystarttime = convert_to_epoch_seconds;
my $currentime = 0;
my $mydbhandle = getnewdbh();
my $selhdl = $mydbhandle->prepare(
"SELECT s.loadstatename,c.additionalinfo,c.timestamp
FROM computerloadlog c, computerloadstate s
WHERE = c.loadstateid AND AND c.reservationid =? AND c.computerid=?") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not prepare statement to monitor for available stat" . $mydbhandle->errstr());
my $selhdl2 = $mydbhandle->prepare("SELECT FROM computer c,state s WHERE AND =?") or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not prepare statement check node for available state" . $mydbhandle->errstr());
#get est reload time of image
my $available = 0;
my $stillrunnning = 1;
my $state;
my $s1 = 0;
my $s2 = 0;
my $s3 = 0;
my $s4 = 0;
my $s5 = 0;
my $s6 = 0;
my $s7 = 0;
my $s8 = 0;
my $s1time = 0;
my $s2time = 0;
my $s3time = 0;
my $s4time = 0;
my $s5time = 0;
my $s6time = 0;
my $s7time = 0;
$selhdl->execute($reservationid, $computerid) or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not execute statement to monitor for available stat" . $mydbhandle->errstr());
my $rows = $selhdl->rows;
#check state of machine
$selhdl2->execute($computerid) or notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not execute statement to check state of blade " . $mydbhandle->errstr());
my $irows = $selhdl2->rows;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "checking if $nodename is available");
if ($irows) {
if (my @irow = $selhdl2->fetchrow_array) {
if ($irow[0] =~ /available/) {
#good machine is available
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "good $nodename is now available");
return 1;
elsif ($irow[0] =~ /failed/) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$nodename reported failure");
return 0;
} ## end if (my @irow = $selhdl2->fetchrow_array)
} ## end if ($irows)
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "strange no records found for computerid $computerid $nodename - possible issue with query");
return 0;
my @row;
while (@row = $selhdl->fetchrow_array) {
if (!$s1) {
if ($row[0] =~ /loadimage|loadimagevmware/) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "detected s1");
$s1 = 1;
$s1time = convert_to_epoch_seconds($row[2]);
if (!$s2) {
if ($row[0] =~ /startload/) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "detected startload state");
if ($row[1] =~ /$requestedimagename/) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "good $nodename is loading $requestedimagename");
$s2 = 1;
$s2time = convert_to_epoch_seconds($row[2]);
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$nodename is not loading desired image");
return 0;
} ## end if ($row[0] =~ /startload/)
} ## end if (!$s2)
if (!$s3) {
if ($row[0] =~ /rinstall|transfervm/) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "detected $row[0] for $nodename");
$s3 = 1;
$s3time = convert_to_epoch_seconds($row[2]);
if (!$s4) {
if ($row[0] =~ /xcatstage5|startvm/) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "detected $row[0] for $nodename");
$s4 = 1;
$s4time = convert_to_epoch_seconds($row[2]);
if (!$s5) {
if ($row[0] =~ /bootstate|vmstage1/) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "detected $row[0] for $nodename");
$s5 = 1;
$s5time = convert_to_epoch_seconds($row[2]);
if (!$s6) {
if ($row[0] =~ /xcatround3|vmstage5/) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "detected $row[0] for $nodename");
$s6 = 1;
$s6time = convert_to_epoch_seconds($row[2]);
if (!$s7) {
if ($row[0] =~ /xcatREADY|vmwareready/) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "detected $row[0] for $nodename");
$s7 = 1;
$s7time = convert_to_epoch_seconds($row[2]);
if (!$s8) {
if ($row[0] =~ /nodeready/) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "detected $row[0] for $nodename, returning to calling process");
$s8 = 1;
#ready to return
return 1;
if ($row[0] =~ /failed/) {
return 0;
} ## end while (@row = $selhdl->fetchrow_array)
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "current stages passed s1='$s1' s2='$s2' s3='$s3' s4='$s4' s5='$s5' s6='$s6' s7='$s7' going to sleep 15");
sleep 15;
#prevent infinite loop - check how long we've waited
$currentime = convert_to_epoch_seconds;
my $delta = $currentime - $mystarttime;
#check some state times
# if(!$s6){
# #how long has it been since $s5 was set
# my $s5diff = ($currentime-$s5time);
# if($s5diff > 5*60){
# #greater than 5 minutes
# notify($ERRORS{'OK'},0,"waited over 5 minutes - $s5diff seconds for stage 6 to complete, returning");
# return 0;
# }
# }
# if(!$s7){
# #how long has it been since $s6 was set
# my $s6diff = $currentime-$s6time;
# if($s6diff > 6*60){
# #greater than 4 minutes
# notify($ERRORS{'OK'},0,"waited over 6 minutes - $s6diff seconds for stage 7 to be reached, returning");
# return 0;
# }
# }
# }
if ($delta > ($ert * 60)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "waited $delta seconds and we have exceeded our ert of $ert, returning");
#just return at this point - it should have been completed by now
return 0;
} ## end sub monitorloading
=head2 insertloadlog
Parameters : $resid, $computerid, $loadstatename, $additionalinfo
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : accepts info from processes to update the loadlog table
sub insertloadlog {
my ($resid, $computerid, $loadstatename, $additionalinfo) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the parameters
if (!(defined($resid))) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to insert into computerloadlog, reservation id is not defined");
return 0;
elsif (!($resid)) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to insert into computerloadlog, reservation id is 0");
return 0;
if (!(defined($computerid))) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to insert into computerloadlog, computer id is not defined");
return 0;
elsif (!($computerid)) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to insert into computerloadlog, computer id is 0");
return 0;
if (!(defined($additionalinfo)) || !$additionalinfo) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "additionalinfo is either not defined or 0, using 'no additional info'");
$additionalinfo = 'no additional info';
my $loadstateid;
if (!(defined($loadstatename)) || !$loadstatename) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "loadstatename is either not defined or 0, using NULL");
$loadstatename = 'NULL';
$loadstateid = 'NULL';
else {
# loadstatename was specified as a parameter
# Check if the loadstatename exists in the computerloadstate table
my $select_statement = "
computerloadstate.loadstatename = '$loadstatename'
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
if ((scalar @selected_rows) == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computerloadstate table entry does not exist: $loadstatename, using NULL");
$loadstateid = 'NULL';
$loadstatename = 'NULL';
else {
$loadstateid = $selected_rows[0]{id};
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "computerloadstate id found: id=$loadstateid, name=$loadstatename");
} ## end else [ if (!(defined($loadstatename)) || !$loadstatename)
# Escape any single quotes in additionalinfo
$additionalinfo =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
# Check to make sure the reservation has not been deleted
# The INSERT statement will fail if it has been deleted because of the key constraint on reservationid
if (is_reservation_deleted($resid)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "computerloadlog entry not inserted, reservation has been deleted");
return 1;
# Assemble the SQL statement
my $insert_loadlog_statement = "
# Execute the insert statement, the return value should be the id of the computerloadlog row that was inserted
my $loadlog_id = database_execute($insert_loadlog_statement);
if ($loadlog_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "inserted computer=$computerid, $loadstatename, $additionalinfo");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to insert entry into computerloadlog table");
return 0;
return 1;
} ## end sub insertloadlog
=head2 checkonprocess
Parameters : $state, $requestid
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : checks the process list to confirm the process for given request is actually running
in case the process dies for some reason
sub checkonprocess {
my ($request_state_name, $request_id) = @_;
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "state is not defined") if (!(defined($request_state_name)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "requestid is not defined") if (!(defined($request_id)));
return if (!(defined($request_state_name)));
return if (!(defined($request_id)));
# Use the pgrep utility to find processes matching the state and request ID
if (open(PGREP, "/bin/pgrep -fl '$request_state_name $request_id' 2>&1 |")) {
my @process_list = <PGREP>;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "pgrep found " . scalar @process_list . " processes matching state=$request_state_name and request=$request_id");
return scalar @process_list;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to open handle for pgrep process");
} ## end sub checkonprocess
=head2 kill_reservation_process
Parameters : $request_state_name, $reservation_id
Returns : 0 or 1
Description :
sub kill_reservation_process {
my ($reservation_id) = @_;
# Sanity check, make sure reservation id is valid
if (!$reservation_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "reservation id is not defined");
if ($reservation_id !~ /^\d+$/) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "reservation id is not valid: $reservation_id");
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "attempting to kill process for reservation $reservation_id");
# Use the pkill utility to find processes matching the reservation ID
# Do not use -9 or else DESTROY won't run
my $pkill_command = "pkill -f ':$reservation_id ' 2>&1";
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "executing pkill command: $pkill_command");
my $pkill_output = `$pkill_command`;
my $pkill_exit_status = $? >> 8;
# Check the pgrep exit status
if ($pkill_exit_status == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "reservation $reservation_id process was killed, returning 1");
return 1;
elsif ($? == -1) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "\$? is set to -1, Perl bug likely encountered, assuming reservation $reservation_id process was killed, returning 1");
return 1;
elsif ($pkill_exit_status == 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "process was not found for reservation $reservation_id, returning 1");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "pkill error occurred, returning undefined, output:\n$pkill_output");
} ## end sub kill_reservation_process
=head2 database_select
Parameters : SQL select statement
Returns : array containing hash references to rows returned
Description : gets information from the database
sub database_select {
my ($select_statement, $database) = @_;
my $calling_sub = (caller(1))[3];
# Initialize the database_select_calls element if not already initialized
if (!ref($ENV{database_select_calls})) {
$ENV{database_select_calls} = {};
# For performance tuning - count the number of calls
if (!defined($ENV{database_select_calls}{$calling_sub})) {
$ENV{database_select_calls}{$calling_sub} = 1;
else {
my $dbh;
if (!($dbh = getnewdbh($database))) {
# Try again if first attempt failed
if (!($dbh = getnewdbh($database))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to obtain database handle, " . DBI::errstr());
return ();
# Prepare the select statement handle
my $select_handle;
$select_handle = $dbh->prepare($select_statement);
# Check the select statement handle
if (!$select_handle) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not prepare select statement, $select_statement, " . $dbh->errstr());
$dbh->disconnect if !defined $ENV{dbh};
return ();
# Execute the statement handle
if (!($select_handle->execute())) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not execute statement, $select_statement, " . $dbh->errstr());
$dbh->disconnect if !defined $ENV{dbh};
return ();
# Fetch all the rows returned by the select query
# An array reference is created containing hash refs because {} is passed to fetchall_arrayref
my @return_rows = @{$select_handle->fetchall_arrayref({})};
$dbh->disconnect if !defined $ENV{dbh};
return @return_rows;
} ## end sub database_select
=head2 database_execute
Parameters : SQL statement
Returns : 1 if successful, 0 if failed
Description : Executes an SQL statement
sub database_execute {
my ($sql_statement, $database) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
my $dbh;
if (!($dbh = getnewdbh($database))) {
# Try again if first attempt failed
if (!($dbh = getnewdbh($database))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to obtain database handle, " . DBI::errstr());
# Prepare the statement handle
my $statement_handle = $dbh->prepare($sql_statement);
# Check the statement handle
if (!$statement_handle) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not prepare SQL statement, $sql_statement, " . $dbh->errstr());
$dbh->disconnect if !defined $ENV{dbh};
# Execute the statement handle
if (!($statement_handle->execute())) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not execute SQL statement, $sql_statement, " . $dbh->errstr());
$dbh->disconnect if !defined $ENV{dbh};
# Get the id of the last inserted record if this is an INSERT statement
if ($sql_statement =~ /insert/i) {
my $sql_insertid = $statement_handle->{'mysql_insertid'};
$dbh->disconnect if !defined $ENV{dbh};
if($sql_insertid) {
return $sql_insertid;
else {
return 1;
else {
$dbh->disconnect if !defined $ENV{dbh};
return 1;
} ## end sub database_execute
=head2 get_request_info
Parameters : $request_id
Returns : hash
Description : Retrieves all request/reservation information.
sub get_request_info {
my ($request_id) = @_;
if (!(defined($request_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "request ID argument was not specified");
# Get a hash ref containing the database column names
my $database_table_columns = get_database_table_columns();
my %tables = (
'request' => 'request',
'serverrequest' => 'serverrequest',
'reservation' => 'reservation',
'state' => 'state',
'laststate' => 'state',
# Construct the select statement
my $select_statement = "SELECT DISTINCT\n";
# Get the column names for each table and add them to the select statement
for my $table_alias (keys %tables) {
my $table_name = $tables{$table_alias};
my @columns = @{$database_table_columns->{$table_name}};
for my $column (@columns) {
$select_statement .= "$table_alias.$column AS '$table_alias-$column',\n";
# Remove the comma after the last column line
$select_statement =~ s/,$//;
# Complete the select statement
$select_statement .= <<EOF;
LEFT JOIN (serverrequest) ON (serverrequest.requestid =,
state laststate
WHERE = $request_id
AND reservation.requestid =
AND = request.stateid
AND = request.laststateid
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 or more rows were returned
if (!@selected_rows) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "info for request $request_id could not be retrieved from the database, select statement:\n$select_statement");
# Build the hash
my $request_info;
for my $reservation_row (@selected_rows) {
my $reservation_id = $reservation_row->{'reservation-id'};
if (!$reservation_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve request info, row does not contain a reservation-id value:\n" . format_data($reservation_row));
$request_info->{RESERVATIONID} = $reservation_id if (scalar @selected_rows == 1);
# Loop through all the columns returned
for my $key (keys %$reservation_row) {
my $value = $reservation_row->{$key};
# Split the table-column names
my ($table, $column) = $key =~ /^([^-]+)-(.+)/;
if ($table eq 'request') {
$request_info->{$column} = $value;
elsif ($table eq 'reservation') {
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{$column} = $value;
elsif ($table eq 'serverrequest') {
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{$column} = $value;
else {
$request_info->{$table}{$column} = $value;
# Store duration in epoch seconds format
my $request_start_epoch = convert_to_epoch_seconds($request_info->{start});
my $request_end_epoch = convert_to_epoch_seconds($request_info->{end});
$request_info->{DURATION} = ($request_end_epoch - $request_start_epoch);
# Add the image info to the hash
my $image_id = $request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{imageid};
my $image_info = get_image_info($image_id, 1);
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{image} = $image_info;
# Add the imagerevision info to the hash
my $imagerevision_id = $request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{imagerevisionid};
my $imagerevision_info = get_imagerevision_info($imagerevision_id, 1);
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{imagerevision} = $imagerevision_info;
# Add the computer info to the hash
my $computer_id = $request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{computerid};
my $computer_info = get_computer_info($computer_id, 1);
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{computer} = $computer_info;
# Add the connect method info to the hash
my $connect_method_info = get_connect_method_info($imagerevision_id);
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{connect_methods} = $connect_method_info;
# Add the managementnode info to the hash
my $management_node_id = $request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{managementnodeid};
my $management_node_info = get_management_node_info($management_node_id);
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{managementnode} = $management_node_info;
# Retrieve the user info and add to the hash
my $user_id = $request_info->{userid};
my $user_info = get_user_info($user_id);
$request_info->{user} = $user_info;
my $imagemeta_root_access = $request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{image}{imagemeta}{rootaccess};
# Add the request user to the hash, set ROOTACCESS to the value configured in imagemeta
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{users}{$user_id} = get_user_info($user_id);
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{users}{$user_id}{ROOTACCESS} = $imagemeta_root_access;
# If server request and logingroupid is set, add user group members to hash, set ROOTACCESS to 0
if (my $login_group_id = $request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{logingroupid}) {
my $login_group_member_info = get_user_group_member_info($login_group_id);
for my $login_user_id (keys %$login_group_member_info) {
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{users}{$login_user_id} = get_user_info($login_user_id);
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{users}{$login_user_id}{ROOTACCESS} = 0;
# If server request and admingroupid is set, add user group members to hash, set ROOTACCESS to 1
if (my $admin_group_id = $request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{admingroupid}) {
my $admin_group_member_info = get_user_group_member_info($admin_group_id);
for my $admin_user_id (keys %$admin_group_member_info, $user_id) {
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{users}{$admin_user_id} = get_user_info($admin_user_id);
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{users}{$admin_user_id}{ROOTACCESS} = 1;
# If server request or duration is greater >= 24 hrs disable user checks
if ($request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{id}) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "server sequest - disabling user checks");
$request_info->{checkuser} = 0;
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{ALLOW_USERS} = $request_info->{user}{unityid};
elsif ($request_info->{DURATION} >= (60 * 60 * 24) ){
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "request length > 24 hours, disabling user checks");
$request_info->{checkuser} = 0;
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{id} ||= 0;
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{fixedIP} ||= 0;
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{fixedMAC} ||= 0;
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{router} ||= 0;
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{netmask} ||= 0;
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{DNSservers} ||= 0;
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{admingroupid} ||= 0;
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{logingroupid} ||= 0;
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{monitored} ||= 0;
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{serverrequest}{ALLOW_USERS} ||= 0;
$request_info->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{READY} = '0';
# Set some default non-database values for the entire request
# All data ever added to the hash should be initialized here
$request_info->{PID} = '';
$request_info->{PPID} = '';
$request_info->{PARENTIMAGE} = '';
$request_info->{PRELOADONLY} = '0';
$request_info->{SUBIMAGE} = '';
$request_info->{CHECKTIME} = '';
$request_info->{NOTICEINTERVAL} = '';
$request_info->{RESERVATIONCOUNT} = scalar keys %{$request_info->{reservation}};
$request_info->{UPDATED} = '0';
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved request info:\n" . format_data($request_info));
return %$request_info;
=head2 set_managementnode_state
Parameters : management node info, state
Returns : 1 or 0
Description : sets a given management node to maintenance
sub set_managementnode_state {
my ($mninfo, $state) = @_;
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "state was not specified");
return ();
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "management node hostname was not specified");
return ();
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "management node ID was not specified");
return ();
my $mn_ID = $mninfo->{id};
my $mn_hostname = $mninfo->{hostname};
# Construct the update statement
my $update_statement = "
managementnode.stateid =
WHERE = '$state' AND = '$mn_ID'
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
# Update successful, return timestamp
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "Successfully updated management node $mn_hostname state to $state");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to update database, management node $mn_hostname state to $state");
return 0;
=head2 get_requests
Parameters : management node id
Returns : hash
Description : gets request information for a particular management node
sub get_management_node_requests {
my ($management_node_id) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
if (!(defined($management_node_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "management node ID was not specified");
return ();
my $select_statement = "
request.stateid AS request_stateid,
request.laststateid AS request_laststateid,
request.logid AS request_logid,
request.start AS request_start,
request.end AS request_end,
request.daterequested AS request_daterequested,
request.datemodified AS request_datemodified,
request.preload AS request_preload, AS requeststate_name, AS requestlaststate_name, AS reservation_id,
reservation.requestid AS reservation_requestid,
reservation.managementnodeid AS reservation_managementnodeid,
reservation.lastcheck AS reservation_lastcheck
state requeststate,
state requestlaststate
reservation.managementnodeid = $management_node_id
AND reservation.requestid =
AND = request.stateid
AND = request.laststateid
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 or more rows were returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
return ();
# Build the hash
my %requests;
for (@selected_rows) {
my %reservation_row = %{$_};
# Grab the request and reservation IDs to make the code a little cleaner
my $request_id = $reservation_row{request_id};
my $reservation_id = $reservation_row{reservation_id};
# Loop through all the columns returned for the reservation
foreach my $key (keys %reservation_row) {
my $value = $reservation_row{$key};
# Create another variable by stripping off the column_ part of each key
# This variable stores the original (correct) column name
(my $original_key = $key) =~ s/^.+_//;
if ($key =~ /request_/) {
# Set the top-level key if not already set
$requests{$request_id}{$original_key} = $value if (!$requests{$request_id}{$original_key});
elsif ($key =~ /requeststate_/) {
$requests{$request_id}{state}{$original_key} = $value if (!$requests{$request_id}{state}{$original_key});
elsif ($key =~ /requestlaststate_/) {
$requests{$request_id}{laststate}{$original_key} = $value if (!$requests{$request_id}{laststate}{$original_key});
elsif ($key =~ /reservation_/) {
$requests{$request_id}{reservation}{$reservation_id}{$original_key} = $value;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unknown key found in SQL data: $key");
} # Close foreach key in reservation row
} # Close loop through selected rows
# Each selected row represents a reservation associated with this request
return %requests;
} ## end sub get_management_node_requests
=head2 get_image_info
Parameters : $image_identifier, $no_cache (optional), $ignore_error (optional)
Returns : hash reference
Description : Retrieves info for the image specified by the argument. The
argument can either be the image ID or image name.
sub get_image_info {
my ($image_identifier, $no_cache, $ignore_error) = @_;
if (!defined($image_identifier)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "image identifier argument was not specified");
return $ENV{image_info}{$image_identifier} if (!$no_cache && $ENV{image_info}{$image_identifier});
# Get a hash ref containing the database column names
my $database_table_columns = get_database_table_columns();
my @tables = (
# Construct the select statement
my $select_statement = "SELECT DISTINCT\n";
# Get the column names for each table and add them to the select statement
for my $table (@tables) {
my @columns = @{$database_table_columns->{$table}};
for my $column (@columns) {
$select_statement .= "$table.$column AS '$table-$column',\n";
# Remove the comma after the last column line
$select_statement =~ s/,$//;
# Complete the select statement
$select_statement .= <<EOF;
WHERE = image.platformid
AND = image.OSid
AND OS.type =
AND image.imagetypeid =
AND = OS.moduleid
if ($image_identifier =~ /^\d+$/){
$select_statement .= " = $image_identifier";
else {
$image_identifier =~ s/(-v)\d+$/$1/g;
$select_statement .= " LIKE '$image_identifier\%'";
# Call the database select subroutine
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
if ($ignore_error) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "image does NOT exist in the database: $image_identifier");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select statement:\n$select_statement");
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select statement:\n$select_statement");
# Get the single row returned from the select statement
my $row = $selected_rows[0];
# Construct a hash with all of the image info
my $image_info;
# Loop through all the columns returned
for my $key (keys %$row) {
my $value = $row->{$key};
# Split the table-column names
my ($table, $column) = $key =~ /^([^-]+)-(.+)/;
# Add the values for the primary table to the hash
# Add values for other tables under separate keys
if ($table eq $tables[0]) {
$image_info->{$column} = $value;
elsif ($table =~ /^(module|OStype)$/) {
$image_info->{OS}{$table}{$column} = $value;
else {
$image_info->{$table}{$column} = $value;
# Retrieve the imagemeta info and add it to the hash
my $imagemeta_id = $image_info->{imagemetaid};
my $imagemeta_info = get_imagemeta_info($imagemeta_id);
$image_info->{imagemeta} = $imagemeta_info;
my $image_owner_id = $image_info->{ownerid};
my $image_owner_user_info = get_user_info($image_owner_id);
$image_info->{owner} = $image_owner_user_info;
$image_info->{IDENTITY} = get_management_node_info()->{keys};
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved info for image '$image_identifier':\n" . format_data($image_info));
$ENV{image_info}{$image_identifier} = $image_info;
return $ENV{image_info}{$image_identifier};
=head2 get_imagerevision_info
Parameters : $imagerevision_identifier, $no_cache (optional)
Returns : Hash reference
Description : collects data from database on supplied $imagerevision_id
sub get_imagerevision_info {
my ($imagerevision_identifier, $no_cache) = @_;
if (!defined($imagerevision_identifier)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "imagerevision identifier argument was not specified");
return $ENV{imagerevision_info}{$imagerevision_identifier} if (!$no_cache && $ENV{imagerevision_info}{$imagerevision_identifier});
my $select_statement = <<EOF;
# Check input value - complete select_statement
if($imagerevision_identifier =~ /^\d/){
$select_statement .= " = '$imagerevision_identifier'";
$select_statement .= "imagerevision.imagename = \'$imagerevision_identifier\'";
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (!@selected_rows) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "imagerevision '$imagerevision_identifier' was not found in the database, 0 rows were returned from database select statement:\n$select_statement");
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select statement:\n$select_statement");
my $imagerevision_info = $selected_rows[0];
# Retrieve the image info
my $imagerevision_image_id = $imagerevision_info->{imageid};
my $imagerevision_image_info = get_image_info($imagerevision_image_id);
if (!$imagerevision_image_info) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve imagerevision info, image info could not be retrieved for image ID: $imagerevision_image_id");
$imagerevision_info->{image} = $imagerevision_image_info;
# Retrieve the imagerevision user info
$imagerevision_info->{user} = get_user_info($imagerevision_info->{userid});
# Add the info to %ENV so it doesn't need to be retrieved from the database again
$ENV{imagerevision_info}{$imagerevision_identifier} = $imagerevision_info;
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved info from database for imagerevision '$imagerevision_identifier':\n" . format_data($ENV{imagerevision_info}{$imagerevision_identifier}));
return $ENV{imagerevision_info}{$imagerevision_identifier};
=head2 get_production_imagerevision_info
Parameters : $image_id
Returns : Hash containing imagerevision data for the production revision of an image
Description :
sub get_production_imagerevision_info {
my ($image_identifier) = @_;
# Check the passed parameter
if (!defined($image_identifier)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "imagerevision identifier argument was not specified");
my $select_statement = <<EOF;
imagerevision.production = '1'
# Check input value - complete select_statement
if($image_identifier =~ /^\d/){
$select_statement .= "imagerevision.imageid = '$image_identifier'";
$select_statement .= "imagerevision.imagename = \'$image_identifier\'";
# Call the database select subroutine
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (!@selected_rows) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "production imagerevision for image '$image_identifier' was not found in the database, 0 rows were returned, select statement:\n$select_statement");
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "" . scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select statement:\n$select_statement");
my $imagerevision_id = $selected_rows[0]{id};
return get_imagerevision_info($imagerevision_id);
} ## end sub get_production_imagerevision_info
=head2 get_imagemeta_info
Parameters : $imagemeta_id, $no_cache (optional)
Returns : Hash reference
Description :
sub get_imagemeta_info {
my ($imagemeta_id, $no_cache) = @_;
my $default_imagemeta_info = get_default_imagemeta_info();
# Return defaults if nothing was passed as the imagemeta id
if (!$imagemeta_id) {
return $default_imagemeta_info;
if (!$no_cache && $ENV{imagemeta_info}{$imagemeta_id}) {
return $ENV{imagemeta_info}{$imagemeta_id};
# If imagemetaid isnt' NULL, perform another query to get the meta info
my $select_statement = <<EOF;
WHERE = '$imagemeta_id'
# Call the database select subroutine
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (!@selected_rows || scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
$ENV{imagemeta_info}{$imagemeta_id} = $default_imagemeta_info;
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve imagemeta ID=$imagemeta_id, returning default imagemeta values");
return $ENV{imagemeta_info}{$imagemeta_id};
# Get the single row returned from the select statement
my $imagemeta_info = $selected_rows[0];
for my $column (keys %$imagemeta_info) {
if (!defined($imagemeta_info->{$column})) {
$imagemeta_info->{$column} = $default_imagemeta_info->{$column};
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved imagemeta info:\n" . format_data($imagemeta_info));
$ENV{imagemeta_info}{$imagemeta_id} = $imagemeta_info;
return $ENV{imagemeta_info}{$imagemeta_id};
=head2 get_default_imagemeta_info
Parameters :
Returns : Hash reference
Description :
sub get_default_imagemeta_info {
if ($ENV{imagemeta_info}{default}) {
# Create a copy to ensure that the correct default data is returned
# Other processes may use the same cached copy
# If the same reference is returned for multiple processes, one process may alter the data
my %default_imagemeta_info = %{$ENV{imagemeta_info}{default}};
return \%default_imagemeta_info;
# Call the database select subroutine to retrieve the imagemeta table structure
my $describe_imagemeta_statement = "DESCRIBE imagemeta";
my @describe_imagemeta_rows = database_select($describe_imagemeta_statement);
if (!@describe_imagemeta_rows) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve imagemeta table structure, SQL statement:\n$describe_imagemeta_statement");
my $default_imagemeta_info;
for my $describe_imagemeta_row (@describe_imagemeta_rows) {
my $field = $describe_imagemeta_row->{Field};
my $default_value = $describe_imagemeta_row->{Default};
if (defined($default_value)) {
$default_imagemeta_info->{$field} = $default_value;
else {
$default_imagemeta_info->{$field} = '';
$ENV{imagemeta_info}{default} = $default_imagemeta_info;
my %default_imagemeta_info_copy = %{$ENV{imagemeta_info}{default}};
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved default imagemeta info:\n" . format_data(\%default_imagemeta_info_copy));
return \%default_imagemeta_info_copy;
=head2 get_vmhost_info
Parameters : $vmhost_id
Returns : Hash reference
Description : Retrieves info from the database for the vmhost, vmprofile, and
repository and datastore imagetypes.
sub get_vmhost_info {
my ($vmhost_id) = @_;
# Check the passed parameter
if (!defined($vmhost_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "vmhost ID argument was not specified");
# Get a hash ref containing the database column names
my $database_table_columns = get_database_table_columns();
my %tables = (
'vmhost' => 'vmhost',
'vmprofile' => 'vmprofile',
'repositoryimagetype' => 'imagetype',
'datastoreimagetype' => 'imagetype',
# Construct the select statement
my $select_statement = "SELECT\n";
# Get the column names for each table and add them to the select statement
for my $table_alias (keys %tables) {
my $table_name = $tables{$table_alias};
my @columns = @{$database_table_columns->{$table_name}};
for my $column (@columns) {
$select_statement .= "$table_alias.$column AS '$table_alias-$column',\n";
# Remove the comma after the last column line
$select_statement =~ s/,$//;
# Complete the select statement
$select_statement .= <<EOF;
imagetype repositoryimagetype,
imagetype datastoreimagetype
WHERE = '$vmhost_id'
AND = vmhost.vmprofileid
AND vmprofile.repositoryimagetypeid =
AND vmprofile.datastoreimagetypeid =
# Call the database select subroutine
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select statement:\n$select_statement");
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select statement:\n$select_statement");
# Get the single row returned from the select statement
my $row = $selected_rows[0];
# Construct a hash with all of the vmhost info
my $vmhost_info;
# Loop through all the columns returned
for my $key (keys %$row) {
my $value = $row->{$key};
# Split the table-column names
my ($table, $column) = $key =~ /^([^-]+)-(.+)/;
# Add the values for the vmhost table to the hash
# Add values for other tables under separate keys
if ($table eq 'vmhost') {
$vmhost_info->{$column} = $value;
else {
$vmhost_info->{$table}{$column} = $value;
# Get the vmhost computer info and add it to the hash
my $computer_id = $vmhost_info->{computerid};
my $computer_info = get_computer_info($computer_id);
if ($computer_info) {
$vmhost_info->{computer} = $computer_info;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to retrieve vmhost computer info, computer ID: $computer_id");
# Get the vmprofile image info and add it to the hash
my $vmprofile_image_id = $vmhost_info->{vmprofile}{imageid};
my $vmprofile_image_info = get_image_info($vmprofile_image_id);
if ($vmprofile_image_info) {
$vmhost_info->{vmprofile}{image} = $vmprofile_image_info;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to retrieve vmprofile image info, image ID: $vmprofile_image_id");
$vmhost_info->{vmprofile}{username} = '' if !$vmhost_info->{vmprofile}{username};
$vmhost_info->{vmprofile}{password} = '' if !$vmhost_info->{vmprofile}{password};
$vmhost_info->{vmprofile}{vmpath} = $vmhost_info->{vmprofile}{datastorepath} if !$vmhost_info->{vmprofile}{vmpath};
$vmhost_info->{vmprofile}{virtualdiskpath} = $vmhost_info->{vmprofile}{vmpath} if !$vmhost_info->{vmprofile}{virtualdiskpath};
return $vmhost_info;
=head2 run_ssh_command
Parameters : $node, $identity_path, $command, $user, $port, $output_level, $timeout_seconds
Hash reference with the following keys:
node - node name (required)
command - command to be executed remotely (required)
identity_paths - string containing paths to identity key files separated by commas (optional)
user - user to run remote command as (optional, default is 'root')
port - SSH port number (optional, default is 22)
output_level - allows the amount of output to be controlled: 0, 1, or 2 (optional)
max_attempts - maximum number of SSH attempts to make
timeout_seconds - maximum number seconds SSH process can run before being terminated
Returns : If successful: array:
$array[0] = the exit status of the command
$array[1] = reference to array containing lines of output
If failed: false
Description : Runs an SSH command on the specified node.
sub run_ssh_command {
my ($node, $identity_paths, $command, $user, $port, $output_level, $timeout_seconds) = @_;
my $max_attempts = 3;
if (ref($_[0]) eq 'HASH') {
my $arguments = shift;
$node = $arguments->{node};
$command = $arguments->{command};
$identity_paths = $arguments->{identity_paths} || '';
$user = $arguments->{user} || 'root';
$port = $arguments->{port} || '22';
$output_level = $arguments->{output_level};
$max_attempts = $arguments->{max_attempts} || 3;
$timeout_seconds = $arguments->{timeout};
# Determine the output level if it was specified
# Set $output_level to 0, 1, or 2
if (!defined($output_level)) {
$output_level = 2;
elsif ($output_level =~ /0|none/i) {
$output_level = 0;
elsif ($output_level =~ /1|min/i) {
$output_level = 1;
else {
$output_level = 2;
# Check the arguments
if (!defined($node) || !$node) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer node was not specified");
return 0;
if (!defined($command) || !$command) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "command was not specified");
return 0;
# Set default values if not passed as an argument
$user = "root" if (!$user);
$port = 22 if (!$port);
$timeout_seconds = 0 if (!$timeout_seconds);
$identity_paths = get_management_node_info()->{keys} if (!defined $identity_paths || length($identity_paths) == 0);
#return VCL::Module::OS::execute_new($node, $command, $output_level, $timeout_seconds, $max_attempts, $port, $user, '', $identity_paths);
# TODO: Add ssh path to config file and set global variable
# Locate the path to the ssh binary
my $ssh_path;
if (-f '/usr/bin/ssh') {
$ssh_path = '/usr/bin/ssh';
elsif (-f 'C:/cygwin/bin/ssh.exe') {
$ssh_path = 'C:/cygwin/bin/ssh.exe';
elsif (-f 'D:/cygwin/bin/ssh.exe') {
$ssh_path = 'D:/cygwin/bin/ssh.exe';
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to locate the SSH executable in the usual places");
return 0;
# Format the identity path string
if (defined $identity_paths && length($identity_paths) > 0) {
# Add -i to beginning of string
$identity_paths = "-i $identity_paths";
# Split string on commas, add -i to each value after a comma
$identity_paths =~ s/\s*,\s*/ -i /g;
# Add a space to the end of the string
$identity_paths .= ' ';
else {
$identity_paths = '';
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "ssh path: $ssh_path");
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "node: $node, identity file paths: $identity_paths, user: $user, port: $port");
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "command: $command");
#if ($command =~ /['\\]/) {
# my @octals = map { "0" . sprintf("%o", $_) } unpack("C*", $command);
# my $octal_string = '\\' . join("\\", @octals);
# $command = "echo -e \"$octal_string\" | \$SHELL";
# notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "octal command:\n$command");
# Assemble the SSH command
# -i <identity_file>, Selects the file from which the identity (private key) for RSA authentication is read.
# -l <login_name>, Specifies the user to log in as on the remote machine.
# -p <port>, Port to connect to on the remote host.
# -x, Disables X11 forwarding.
# Dont use: -q, Quiet mode. Causes all warning and diagnostic messages to be suppressed.
my $ssh_command = "$ssh_path $identity_paths -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ConnectionAttempts=1 -o ConnectTimeout=3 -l $user -p $port -x $node '$command' 2>&1";
# Execute the command
my $ssh_output = '';
my $ssh_output_formatted = '';
my $attempts = 0;
my $exit_status = 255;
# Make multiple attempts if failure occurs
while ($attempts < $max_attempts) {
# Delay performing next attempt if this isn't the first attempt
if ($attempts > 1) {
my $delay_seconds = (2 * ($attempts - 1));
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "sleeping for $delay_seconds seconds before making next SSH attempt") if $output_level;
sleep $delay_seconds;
## Add -v (verbose) argument to command if this is the 2nd attempt
#$ssh_command =~ s/$ssh_path/$ssh_path -v/ if $attempts == 2;
# Print the SSH command, only display the attempt # if > 1
if ($attempts == 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "executing SSH command on $node:\n$ssh_command") if $output_level;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "attempt $attempts/$max_attempts: executing SSH command on $node:\n$ssh_command") if $output_level;
# Enclose SSH command in an eval block and use alarm to eventually timeout the SSH command if it hangs
my $start_time = time;
eval {
# Override the die and alarm handlers
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{};
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
if ($timeout_seconds) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "waiting up to $timeout_seconds seconds for SSH process to finish");
alarm $timeout_seconds;
# Execute the command
$ssh_output = `$ssh_command`;
# Save the exit status
$exit_status = $? >> 8;
# Ignore the returned value of $? if it is -1
# This likely means a Perl bug was encountered
# Assume command was successful
if ($? == -1) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "exit status changed from $exit_status to 0, Perl bug likely encountered") if $output_level;
$exit_status = 0;
if ($timeout_seconds) {
# Cancel the timer
alarm 0;
my $duration = (time - $start_time);
# Check if the timeout was reached
if ($EVAL_ERROR && $EVAL_ERROR eq "alarm\n") {
# Kill the child processes of this reservation process
if ($max_attempts == 1 || $attempts < $max_attempts) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "attempt $attempts/$max_attempts: SSH command timed out after $duration seconds, timeout threshold: $timeout_seconds seconds, command: $node:\n$ssh_command");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "attempt $attempts/$max_attempts: SSH command timed out after $duration seconds, timeout threshold: $timeout_seconds seconds, command: $node:\n$ssh_command");
elsif ($EVAL_ERROR) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "attempt $attempts/$max_attempts: eval error was generated attempting to run SSH command: $node:\n$ssh_command, error: $EVAL_ERROR");
# Strip out the key warning message from the output
$ssh_output =~ s/\@{10,}.*man-in-the-middle attacks\.//igs;
# Strip out known SSH warning messages
# Warning: Permanently added 'blade1b2-8' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
# Warning: the RSA host key for 'vi1-62' differs from the key for the IP address ''
# Offending key for IP in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:264
# Matching host key in /root/.ssh/known_hosts:3977
# Address x.x.x.x maps to, but this does not map back to the address - POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT!
$ssh_output =~ s/^Warning:.*//ig;
$ssh_output =~ s/Offending key.*//ig;
$ssh_output =~ s/Matching host key in.*//ig;
$ssh_output =~ s/.*POSSIBLE BREAK-IN ATTEMPT.*//ig;
# Remove any spaces from the beginning and end of the output
$ssh_output =~ s/(^\s+)|(\s+$)//g;
# Set the output string to none if no output was produced
$ssh_output = '' if !$ssh_output;
# Replace line breaks in the output with \n$pid| SSH output:
my $pid = $$;
$ssh_output_formatted = $ssh_output;
# Get a slice of the SSH output if there are many lines
my @ssh_output_formatted_lines = split("\n", $ssh_output_formatted);
my $ssh_output_formatted_line_count = scalar @ssh_output_formatted_lines;
if ($ssh_output_formatted_line_count > 50) {
@ssh_output_formatted_lines = @ssh_output_formatted_lines[0 .. 49];
push(@ssh_output_formatted_lines, "displayed first 50 of $ssh_output_formatted_line_count SSH output lines");
$ssh_output_formatted = join("\n", @ssh_output_formatted_lines);
my $command_prefix = substr($command, 0, 10);
$command_prefix .= "..." if (length($command) > 10);
$ssh_output_formatted =~ s/\r//g;
$ssh_output_formatted =~ s/^/ssh output ($command_prefix): /g;
$ssh_output_formatted =~ s/\n/\nssh output ($command_prefix): /g;
# Check the exit status
# ssh exits with the exit status of the remote command or with 255 if an error occurred.
# Check for vmware-cmd usage message, it returns 255 if the vmware-cmd usage output is returned
if ($ssh_output_formatted =~ /ssh:.*(lost connection|reset by peer|no route to host|connection refused|connection timed out|resource temporarily unavailable|connection reset)/i) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "attempt $attempts/$max_attempts: failed to execute SSH command on $node: '$command', exit status: $exit_status, output:\n$ssh_output_formatted");
elsif ($exit_status == 255 && $ssh_command !~ /(vmware-cmd|vim-cmd|vmkfstools|vmrun)/i) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "attempt $attempts/$max_attempts: failed to execute SSH command on $node: '$command', exit status: $exit_status, SSH exits with the exit status of the remote command or with 255 if an error occurred, output:\n$ssh_output_formatted") if $output_level;
else {
# SSH command was executed successfully, actual command on node may have succeeded or failed
# Split the output up into an array of lines
my @output_lines = split(/[\r\n]+/, $ssh_output);
# Print the output unless no_output is set
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "run_ssh_command output:\n" . join("\n", @output_lines)) if $output_level > 1;
# Print the command and exit status
(my $ssh_output_summary = $ssh_output) =~ s/\s+/ /gs;
if (length($ssh_output_summary) > 30) {
$ssh_output_summary = substr($ssh_output_summary, 0, 30);
$ssh_output_summary .= "...";
# Display the full ssh command if the exit status is not 0
if ($exit_status) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "SSH command executed on $node, command:\n$ssh_command\nreturning ($exit_status, \"$ssh_output_summary\")") if $output_level > 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "SSH command executed on $node, returning ($exit_status, \"$ssh_output_summary\")") if $output_level > 1;
# Return the exit status and output
return ($exit_status, \@output_lines);
} ## end while ($attempts < $max_attempts)
# Failure, SSH command did not run at all
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to run SSH command after $attempts attempts, command: $ssh_command, exit status: $exit_status, output:\n$ssh_output_formatted") if $output_level;
return ();
} ## end sub run_ssh_command
=head2 run_scp_command
Parameters : $path1, $path2, $identity_path, $port, $options
Returns : 1 success
Description : assumes path1 or path2 contains the src and target
example: copy from remote node to local file
path1 = $user\@$node:<filename>
path2 = <localfilename>
example: copy local file to remote node
path1 = <localfilename>
path2 = $user\@$node:<filename>
sub run_scp_command {
my ($path1, $path2, $identity_paths, $port, $options) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
if (!defined($path1) || !$path1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "path1 was not specified");
return 0;
if (!defined($path2) || !$path2) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "path2 was not specified");
return 0;
# Escape spaces in the paths if they aren't already escaped
$path1 =~ s/([^\\]) /$1\\ /g;
$path2 =~ s/([^\\]) /$1\\ /g;
# Format the identity path string
if ($identity_paths) {
$identity_paths =~ s/^\s*/-i /;
$identity_paths =~ s/\s*,\s*/ -i /g;
$identity_paths .= ' ';
else {
$identity_paths = '';
# Set default values if not passed as an argument
$port = 22 if (!defined($port));
# TODO: Add SCP path to config file and set global variable
# Locate the path to the SCP binary
my $scp_path;
if (-f '/usr/bin/scp') {
$scp_path = '/usr/bin/scp';
elsif (-f 'C:/cygwin/bin/scp.exe') {
$scp_path = 'C:/cygwin/bin/scp.exe';
elsif (-f 'D:/cygwin/bin/scp.exe') {
$scp_path = 'D:/cygwin/bin/scp.exe';
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to locate the SCP executable in the usual places");
return 0;
# could be hazardous not confirming optional input flags
if (defined($options)) {
$scp_path .= " $options ";
# Print the configuration if $VERBOSE
if ($VERBOSE) {
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "path1: $path1, path2: $path2 identity file path: $identity_path, port: $port");
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "node: $node, identity file path: $identity_path, user: $user, port: $port");
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "source path: $source_path");
#notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "destination path: $destination_path");
# Assemble the SCP command
# -B, Selects batch mode (prevents asking for passwords or passphrases).
# -i <identity_file>, Selects the file from which the identity (private key) for RSA authentication is read.
# -P <port>, Specifies the port to connect to on the remote host.
# -p, Preserves modification times, access times, and modes from the original file.
# -r, Recursively copy entire directories.
# -v, Verbose mode. Causes scp and ssh to print debugging messages about their progress.
# Don't use -q, Disables the progress meter. Error messages are more descriptive without it
my $scp_command = "$scp_path -B $identity_paths-P $port -p -r $path1 $path2";
# Redirect standard output and error output so all messages are captured
$scp_command .= ' 2>&1';
# Execute the command
my $scp_output;
my $attempts = 0;
my $max_attempts = 3;
my $scp_exit_status = 0;
# Make multiple attempts if failure occurs
while ($attempts < $max_attempts) {
# Delay performing next attempt if this isn't the first attempt
if ($attempts > 1) {
my $delay = 2;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "sleeping for $delay seconds before making next SCP attempt");
sleep $delay;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "attempt $attempts/$max_attempts: executing SCP command: $scp_command");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "attempting to copy file via SCP: '$path1' --> '$path2'");
## Add -v (verbose) argument to command if this is the 2nd attempt
#$scp_command =~ s/$scp_path/$scp_path -v/ if $attempts == 2;
$scp_output = `$scp_command`;
# Save the exit status
$scp_exit_status = $?;
# Strip out the key warning message
$scp_output =~ s/\@{10,}.*man-in-the-middle attacks\.//igs;
$scp_output =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$scp_output =~ s/Warning:.*known hosts.*//ig;
if ($scp_output && length($scp_output) > 0) {
# Add a newline to the beginning of the output if something was generated
# This is to make multi-line output more readable
$scp_output = "\n" . $scp_output;
else {
# Indicate there was no output if it is blank
$scp_output = '';
# Check the output for known error messages
if ($scp_output =~ /permission denied|no such file|ambiguous target|is a directory|not known|no space/i) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to copy via SCP: '$path1' --> '$path2'\ncommand: $scp_command\noutput:\n$scp_output");
return 0;
elsif ($scp_output =~ /^(scp|ssh):/i) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "attempt $attempts/$max_attempts: error occurred while attempting to copy file via SCP: '$path1' --> '$path2'\ncommand: $scp_command\noutput:\n$scp_output");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "copied file via SCP: '$path1' --> '$path2'");
return 1;
} ## end while ($attempts < $max_attempts)
# Failure
return 0;
} ## end sub run_scp_command
=head2 write_currentimage_txt
Parameters : hash of hashes hash{image} contains image info
Returns : 0 failed or 1 successful
Description : runs an ssh command on the specified node and returns the output
sub write_currentimage_txt {
my ($data) = @_;
# Store some hash variables into local variables
my $computer_node_name = $data->get_computer_node_name();
my $computer_host_name = $data->get_computer_host_name();
my $computer_id = $data->get_computer_id();
my $image_identity = $data->get_image_identity();
my $image_id = $data->get_image_id();
my $image_name = $data->get_image_name();
my $image_prettyname = $data->get_image_prettyname();
my $imagerevision_id = $data->get_imagerevision_id();
my $imagerevision_date_created = $data->get_imagerevision_date_created();
my $image_os_type = $data->get_image_os_type();
my @current_image_lines;
push @current_image_lines, "$image_name";
push @current_image_lines, "id=$image_id";
push @current_image_lines, "prettyname=$image_prettyname";
push @current_image_lines, "imagerevision_id=$imagerevision_id";
push @current_image_lines, "imagerevision_datecreated=$imagerevision_date_created";
push @current_image_lines, "computer_id=$computer_id";
push @current_image_lines, "computer_hostname=$computer_host_name";
my $current_image_contents = join('\\r\\n', @current_image_lines);
# Remove single quotes - they cause echo command to break
$current_image_contents =~ s/'//g;
#Make sure currentimage.txt writable
my $chown_command = "chown root currentimage.txt; chmod 777 currentimage.txt";
if(run_ssh_command($computer_node_name, $image_identity, $chown_command)){
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "updated ownership and permissions on currentimage.txt");
my $command;
if($image_os_type =~ /osx/i) {
$command = 'echo "';
else {
$command = 'echo -e "';
$command .= $current_image_contents . '" > currentimage.txt && cat currentimage.txt';
# Copy the temp file to the node as currentimage.txt
my ($ssh_exit_status, $ssh_output) = run_ssh_command($computer_node_name, $image_identity, $command);
if (defined($ssh_exit_status) && $ssh_exit_status == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "created currentimage.txt file on $computer_node_name:\n" . join "\n", @{$ssh_output});
return 1;
elsif (defined($ssh_output)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to create currentimage.txt file on $computer_node_name:\n" . join "\n", @{$ssh_output});
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to run ssh command to create currentimage.txt file on $computer_node_name");
} ## end sub write_currentimage_txt
=head2 vmwareclone
Parameters : $hostnode, $identity, $srcDisk, $dstDisk, $dstDir
Returns : 1 if successful, 0 if error occurred
Description : using vm tools clone srcdisk to dstdisk
currently using builtin vmkfstools
sub vmwareclone {
my ($hostnode, $identity, $srcDisk, $dstDisk, $dstDir) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
#TODO - add checks for VI toolkit - then use instead would need additional parameters
my @list = run_ssh_command($hostnode, $identity, "ls -1 $srcDisk", "root");
my $srcDiskexist = 0;
foreach my $l (@{ $list[1] }) {
$srcDiskexist = 1 if ($l =~ /($srcDisk)$/);
$srcDiskexist = 0 if ($l =~ /No such file or directory/);
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$l");
my @ssh;
if ($srcDiskexist) {
#make dir for dstdisk
my @mkdir = run_ssh_command($hostnode, $identity, "mkdir -m 755 $dstDir", "root");
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "srcDisk is exists $srcDisk ");
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "starting clone process vmkfstools -d thin -i $srcDisk $dstDisk");
if (open(SSH, "/usr/bin/ssh -x -q -i $identity -l root $hostnode \"vmkfstools -i $srcDisk -d thin $dstDisk\" 2>&1 |")) {
#foreach my $l (@ssh) {
# notify($ERRORS{'OK'},0,"$l");
while (<SSH>) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "started $_") if ($_ =~ /Destination/);
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "started $_") if ($_ =~ /Cloning disk/);
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "status $_") if ($_ =~ /Clone:/);
} ## end if (open(SSH, "/usr/bin/ssh -x -q -i $identity -l root $hostnode \"vmkfstools -i $srcDisk -d thin $dstDisk\" 2>&1 |"...
} ## end if ($srcDiskexist)
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "srcDisk $srcDisk does not exists");
@list = 0;
@list = run_ssh_command($hostnode, $identity, "ls -1 $dstDisk", "root");
my $dstDiskexist = 0;
foreach my $l (@{ $list[1] }) {
$dstDiskexist = 1 if ($l =~ /($dstDisk)$/);
$dstDiskexist = 0 if ($l =~ /No such file or directory/);
if ($dstDiskexist) {
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "clone process failed dstDisk $dstDisk does not exist");
return 0;
} ## end sub vmwareclone
=head2 get_management_predictive_info
Parameters : Either a management node hostname or database ID
Returns : Hash containing data contained in the managementnode table
Description :
sub get_management_predictive_info {
my ($management_node_identifier) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($management_node_identifier))) {
# If nothing was passed, assume management node is this machine
# Try to get the hostname of this machine
unless ($management_node_identifier = (hostname())[0]) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "management node hostname or ID was not specified and hostname could not be determined");
return ();
my $select_statement = "
managementnode.*, AS predictive_name,
predictivemodule.prettyname AS predictive_prettyname,
predictivemodule.description AS predictive_description,
predictivemodule.perlpackage AS predictive_perlpackage, AS statename
module predictivemodule,
managementnode.predictivemoduleid =
AND managementnode.stateid =
# Figure out if the ID or hostname was passed as the identifier and complete the SQL statement
# Check if it only contains digits
chomp $management_node_identifier;
if ($management_node_identifier =~ /^\d+$/) {
$select_statement .= " = $management_node_identifier";
else {
$select_statement .= "managementnode.hostname like \'$management_node_identifier%\'";
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select");
return ();
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "" . scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select");
return ();
# Get the single returned row
# It contains a hash
my $management_node_info = $selected_rows[0];
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "management node info retrieved from database ");
return $management_node_info;
=head2 get_management_node_info
Parameters : Either a management node hostname or database ID
Returns : Hash containing data contained in the managementnode table
Description :
sub get_management_node_info {
# Get the management node identifier argument
# If argument was not passed, assume management node is this machine
my $management_node_identifier = shift;
# If a management node identifier argument wasn't specified get the hostname of this management node
if (!$management_node_identifier) {
if ($FQDN) {
$management_node_identifier = $FQDN;
else {
$management_node_identifier = (hostname())[0];
if (!defined($ENV{management_node_info}) || !ref($ENV{management_node_info}) || ref($ENV{management_node_info}) ne 'HASH') {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "initializing management node info hash reference");
$ENV{management_node_info} = {};
if (defined($ENV{management_node_info}{$management_node_identifier})) {
my $data_age_seconds = (time - $ENV{management_node_info}{$management_node_identifier}{RETRIEVAL_TIME});
if ($data_age_seconds < 60) {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "returning previously retrieved management node info for '$management_node_identifier'");
return $ENV{management_node_info}{$management_node_identifier};
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieving current management node info for '$management_node_identifier' from database, cached data is stale: $data_age_seconds seconds old");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "management node info for '$management_node_identifier' is not stored in \$ENV{management_node_info}");
my $select_statement = "
managementnode.*, AS resource_id, AS predictive_name,
predictivemodule.prettyname AS predictive_prettyname,
predictivemodule.description AS predictive_description,
predictivemodule.perlpackage AS predictive_perlpackage, AS statename
module predictivemodule,
managementnode.predictivemoduleid =
AND managementnode.stateid =
AND resource.resourcetypeid =
AND resource.subid =
AND = 'managementnode'
AND ";
# Figure out if the ID or hostname was passed as the identifier and complete the SQL statement
chomp $management_node_identifier;
if ($management_node_identifier =~ /^\d+$/) {
# Identifier only contains digits, assume it's the id
$select_statement .= " = $management_node_identifier";
elsif ($management_node_identifier =~ /^[\d\.]+$/) {
# Identifier contains digits and periods, assume it's the IP address
$select_statement .= "managementnode.IPAddress like \'$management_node_identifier%\'";
else {
# Assume hostname was specified
$select_statement .= "managementnode.hostname REGEXP '^$management_node_identifier(\\\\.|\$)'";
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select, management node identifier may be invalid: '$management_node_identifier'\n$select_statement");
return ();
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
my @id_hostnames = map ("management node: id=$_->{id}, hostname=$_->{hostname}, IP=$_->{IPaddress}", @selected_rows);
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "" . scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select, management node identifier may be ambiguous: '$management_node_identifier'\n" . join("\n", @id_hostnames));
return ();
# Get the single returned row
# It contains a hash
my $management_node_info = $selected_rows[0];
# Move the state name to a subkey to match get_request_info
$management_node_info->{state}{name} = $management_node_info->{statename};
delete $management_node_info->{statename};
$management_node_info->{hostname} =~ /([-_a-zA-Z0-9]*)(\.?)/;
my $shortname = $1;
$management_node_info->{SHORTNAME} = $shortname;
# Get the image library partner info if imagelibenable=1 and imagelibgroupid>0
my $imagelib_enable = $management_node_info->{imagelibenable};
my $imagelib_group_id = $management_node_info->{imagelibgroupid};
my $management_node_id = $management_node_info->{id};
if ($imagelib_enable && defined($imagelib_group_id) && $imagelib_group_id) {
my $imagelib_statement = "
WHERE = $imagelib_group_id
AND resourcegroupmembers.resourcegroupid =
AND = resourcegroupmembers.resourceid
AND resource.subid =
AND != $management_node_id
# Call the database select subroutine
my @imagelib_rows = database_select($imagelib_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @imagelib_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select, image library functions will be disabled");
$management_node_info->{imagelibenable} = 0;
else {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "imagelib partners found: " . scalar @imagelib_rows);
# Loop through the rows, assemble a string separated by commas
my $imagelib_ipaddress_string;
for my $imagelib_row (@imagelib_rows) {
$imagelib_ipaddress_string .= "$imagelib_row->{IPaddress},";
# Remove the trailing comma
$imagelib_ipaddress_string =~ s/,$//;
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "image library partner IP address string: $imagelib_ipaddress_string");
$management_node_info->{IMAGELIBPARTNERS} = $imagelib_ipaddress_string;
} ## end else [ if (scalar @imagelib_rows == 0)
} ## end if ($imagelib_enable && defined($imagelib_group_id...
else {
$management_node_info->{IMAGELIBPARTNERS} = 0;
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "image library sharing functions are disabled");
# Get the OS name
my $os_name = lc($^O);
$management_node_info->{OSNAME} = $os_name;
# Add the public IP address configuration variables
$management_node_info->{PUBLIC_IP_CONFIGURATION} = $management_node_info->{publicIPconfiguration};
$management_node_info->{PUBLIC_SUBNET_MASK} = $management_node_info->{publicSubnetMask};
$management_node_info->{PUBLIC_DEFAULT_GATEWAY} = $management_node_info->{publicDefaultGateway};
$management_node_info->{PUBLIC_DNS_SERVER} = $management_node_info->{publicDNSserver};
# Add sysadmin and sharedMailBox email address values
$management_node_info->{SYSADMIN_EMAIL} = $management_node_info->{sysadminEmailAddress};
$management_node_info->{SHARED_EMAIL_BOX} = $management_node_info->{sharedMailBox};
# Add affiliations that are not to use the standalone passwords
$management_node_info->{NOT_STANDALONE} = $management_node_info->{NOT_STANDALONE} || '';
# Store the info in $ENV{management_node_info}
# Add keys for all of the unique identifiers that may be passed as an argument to this subroutine
$ENV{management_node_info}{$management_node_identifier} = $management_node_info;
$ENV{management_node_info}{$management_node_info->{hostname}} = $management_node_info;
$ENV{management_node_info}{$management_node_info->{SHORTNAME}} = $management_node_info;
$ENV{management_node_info}{$management_node_info->{id}} = $management_node_info;
$ENV{management_node_info}{$management_node_info->{IPaddress}} = $management_node_info;
# Save the time when the data was retrieved
$ENV{management_node_info}{$management_node_identifier}{RETRIEVAL_TIME} = time;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved management node info: '$management_node_identifier' ($management_node_info->{SHORTNAME})");
return $management_node_info;
} ## end sub get_management_node_info
=head2 update_computer_imagename
Parameters : $computerid, $imagename
Returns : 0 failed or 1 success
Description : Updates currentimage on a node, based on imagename only
sub update_computer_imagename {
my ($computerid, $imagename, $log) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameters
if (!(defined($computerid))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer ID was not specified");
return ();
if (!(defined($imagename))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "image name was not specified");
return ();
#get computer infomation based on imagename
my $imagerevision_info;
if( $imagerevision_info = get_imagerevision_info($imagename)){
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "successfully retreived image info for $imagename");
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to get_imagerevision_info for $imagename");
return 0;
my $image_id = $imagerevision_info->{imageid};
my $imagerevision_id = $imagerevision_info->{id};
if(update_currentimage($computerid, $image_id, $imagerevision_id)){
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "successfully updated computerid= $computerid image_id= $image_id imagerevision_id= $imagerevision_id");
return 1;
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to update_currentimage imagename= $imagename computerid= $computerid");
return 0;
return 0;
=head2 update_currentimage
Parameters : $computerid, $imageid, $imagerevisionid, $nextimagid(optional)
Returns : 0 failed or 1 success
Description : Updates currentimage on a node, nextimageid = optional
sub update_currentimage {
my ($computerid, $imageid, $imagerevisionid, $nextimagid) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameters
if (!(defined($computerid))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer ID was not specified");
return ();
if (!(defined($imageid))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "image ID was not specified");
return ();
if (!(defined($imagerevisionid))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "image revision ID was not specified");
return ();
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "updating computer $computerid: image=$imageid, imagerevision=$imagerevisionid");
# Construct the update statement
# If $nextimageid defined and set build slightly different statement
my $update_statement = "
computer c, image i
c.currentimageid = $imageid,
c.imagerevisionid= $imagerevisionid
WHERE = $computerid
if (defined($nextimagid) && ($nextimagid)) {
$update_statement = "
computer c, image i
c.currentimageid = $imageid,
c.nextimageid = $imageid,
c.imagerevisionid= $imagerevisionid
WHERE = $computerid
} ## end if (defined($nextimagid) && ($nextimagid...
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
# Update successful, return timestamp
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "updated currentimageid and imagerevision id for computer id $computerid");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to update database, computerid $computerid currentimageid $imageid");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_currentimage
=head2 is_inblockrequest
Parameters : Updates currentimage on a node
Returns : 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
Description : checks blockComputers table for supplied computerid
sub is_inblockrequest {
my ($computerid) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameters
if (!(defined($computerid))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer ID was not specified");
return ();
# Construct the select statement
my $select_statement = "
FROM blockTimes b, blockComputers c
WHERE AND c.computerid = $computerid
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check on what we return
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select");
return 0;
elsif (scalar @selected_rows => 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "" . scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select");
return 1;
} ## end sub is_inblockrequest
=head2 update_lastcheckin
Parameters : $management_node_id
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : Updates lastcheckin for a management node
sub update_lastcheckin {
my ($management_node_id) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($management_node_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "management node ID was not specified");
return ();
# Get current timestamp
my $timestamp = makedatestring();
# Construct the update statement
my $update_statement = "
lastcheckin = \'$timestamp\'
id = $management_node_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
# Update successful, return timestamp
return $timestamp;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to update database, management node id $management_node_id");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_lastcheckin
=head2 update_computer_ipaddress
Parameters : $computer_id, $IPaddress
Returns : 0 failed or 1 success
Description : Updates computer's ipaddress - used in dynamic dhcp setup
sub update_computer_address {
my ($computer_id, $IPaddress) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($computer_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer ID was not specified");
return ();
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($IPaddress))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "IPaddress was not specified");
return ();
# Construct the update statement
my $update_statement = "
IPaddress = \'$IPaddress\'
id = $computer_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
# Update successful, return timestamp
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $LOGFILE, "computer $computer_id IP address $IPaddress updated in database");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to update database, computer IPaddress $computer_id,$IPaddress");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_computer_address
=head2 get_request_end
Parameters : $request_id
Returns : Scalar containing end value for given request ID
Description :
sub get_request_end {
my ($request_id) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($request_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "request ID was not specified");
return ();
# Create the select statement
my $select_statement = "
request.end AS end
WHERE = $request_id
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select");
return ();
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "" . scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select");
return ();
# Get the single returned row
# It contains a hash
my $end;
# Make sure we return undef if the column wasn't found
if (defined $selected_rows[0]{end}) {
$end = $selected_rows[0]{end};
return $end;
else {
return undef;
} ## end sub get_request_end
=head2 get_request_by_computerid
Parameters : $computer_id
Returns : hash containing values of assigned request/reservation
Description :
sub get_request_by_computerid {
my ($computer_id) = @_;
# Check the passed parameter
if (!defined($computer_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer ID argument was not specified");
# Create the select statement
my $select_statement = <<EOF;
SELECT DISTINCT AS request_id, AS reservation_id
WHERE = reservation.requestid
AND reservation.computerid = $computer_id
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$computer_id is not assigned to any reservations");
return ();
my $computer_request_info;
# It contains a hash
for my $row (@selected_rows) {
my $request_id = $row->{request_id};
my $reservation_id = $row->{reservation_id};
my %request_info = get_request_info($request_id);
if (!%request_info) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "failed to retrieve request info, request ID: $request_id");
my $data_structure;
eval {$data_structure = new VCL::DataStructure({request_data => \%request_info, reservation_id => $reservation_id});};
if (my $exception = Exception::Class::Base->caught()) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to create DataStructure object" . $exception->message);
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved info and DataStructure object for $request_id:$reservation_id");
$computer_request_info->{$request_id}{data} = $data_structure;
return $computer_request_info;
=head2 get_computer_current_state_name
Parameters : $computer_id
Returns : String containing state name for a particular computer
Description :
sub get_computer_current_state_name {
my ($computer_id) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($computer_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer ID was not specified");
return ();
# Create the select statement
my $select_statement = "
computer.stateid =
AND = $computer_id
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select");
return ();
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "" . scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select");
return ();
# Make sure we return undef if the column wasn't found
if (defined $selected_rows[0]{name}) {
return $selected_rows[0]{name};
else {
return undef;
} ## end sub get_computer_current_state_name
=head2 construct_image_name
Parameters : $image_name, $specified_version
Returns : String containing a new image name.
If no number is specified, version is incremented by 1.
If number is specified, version is set to that number
Description :
sub construct_image_name {
my ($image_name, $specified_version, $os_name) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($image_name))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "image name was not specified");
return 0;
# If version was specified, check to make sure it's just numerical digits
if (defined($specified_version) && $specified_version !~ /^\d+$/) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "specified version is not in the correct format: $specified_version");
return 0;
# Image Name Format: osname-longnameid-v#
# Example: winxp-Thisistheimagename23-v0
# Split the image name by dashes
my @name_sections = split(/-/, $image_name);
my $section_count = scalar @name_sections;
# Check to make sure at least 3 sections were found (separated by "-")
if ($section_count < 3) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "image name is in the wrong format, cannot construct: $image_name");
return 0;
# The OS should be the first section
my $os_section = $name_sections[0];
# If an OS name was passed as an argument use it, otherwise use the OS name from the previous image name
if (defined $os_name && $os_name ne '') {
$os_section = $os_name;
# The version should be the last section
my $version_section = $name_sections[$section_count - 1];
# Everything in between should be the image name and version
my $name_section = join('-', @name_sections[1 .. ($section_count - 2)]);
# Check to make sure the version number is valid
if ($version_section =~ /^([v|V])([0-9]+)/) {
my $v = $1;
my $version_number = $2;
# Increment version number or use the specified version if it was passed
if (defined($specified_version)) {
$version_number = $specified_version;
else {
return $os_section . "-" . "$name_section" . "-" . $v . $version_number;
} ## end if ($version_section =~ /^([v|V])([0-9]+)/)
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "could not detect version number from image name: $image_name");
return 0;
} ## end sub construct_image_name
=head2 update_log_ending
Parameters : $log_id, $ending
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : Updates the finalend and ending fields
in the log table for the specified log ID
sub update_log_ending {
my ($log_id, $ending) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($log_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$0: log ID was not specified");
return ();
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($ending))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$0: ending string was not specified");
return ();
my $datestring = makedatestring();
# Construct the update statement
my $update_statement = "
finalend = \'$datestring\',
ending = \'$ending\'
id = $log_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to update database, log id $log_id");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_log_ending
=head2 update_reservation_lastcheck
Parameters : Updates the finalend and ending fields in the log table for the specified log ID
Returns : date string if successful, 0 if failed
Description :
sub update_reservation_lastcheck {
my ($reservation_id) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($reservation_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "reservation ID was not specified");
return ();
my $datestring = makedatestring();
# Construct the update statement
my $update_statement = "
lastcheck = \'$datestring\'
id = $reservation_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
return $datestring;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to update database, reservation id $reservation_id");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_reservation_lastcheck
=head2 update_log_loaded_time
Parameters : $request_logid
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : Updates the finalend and ending fields in the log table for the specified log ID
sub update_log_loaded_time {
my ($request_logid) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($request_logid))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "request log ID was not specified");
return ();
# Construct the update statement
# Use an IF clause to only update log.loaded if it is NULL
# It should only be updated once to capture the time the image load was done
my $update_statement = "
log.loaded = IF(log.loaded IS NULL, NOW(), log.loaded)
id = $request_logid
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to update database, request log ID $request_logid");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_log_loaded_time
=head2 update_image_name
Parameters : $image_id, $imagerevision_id, $new_image_name
Returns : boolean
Description : Updates the and imagerevision.imagename values in the
sub update_image_name {
my ($image_id, $imagerevision_id, $new_image_name) = @_;
# Check the passed parameter
unless (defined($image_id) && defined($imagerevision_id) && defined($new_image_name)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "image ID, imagerevision ID, and new image name arguments were not specified");
# Construct the update statement
my $update_statement = <<EOF;
SET = \'$new_image_name\',
imagerevision.imagename = \'$new_image_name\'
WHERE = $image_id AND = $imagerevision_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "updated and imagerevision.imagename in database to '$new_image_name' for image ID: $image_id, imagerevision ID: $imagerevision_id");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to update and imagerevision.imagename in database to '$new_image_name' for image ID: $image_id, imagerevision ID: $imagerevision_id");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_image_name
=head2 update_image_type
Parameters : $image_id, $image_type
Returns : boolean
Description : Updates the image.imagetypeid value in the database. The
$image_type argument may either be an imagetype ID or name.
sub update_image_type {
my ($image_id, $image_type) = @_;
# Check the passed parameter
unless (defined($image_id) && defined($image_type)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "image ID and image type arguments were not specified");
# Construct the update statement
my $update_statement = <<EOF;
# Check if the $image_type argument is an integer ( or string (
if ($image_type =~ /^\d+$/) {
$update_statement .= "image.imagetypeid = \'$image_type\'";
else {
$update_statement .= "image.imagetypeid = (SELECT FROM imagetype WHERE = \'$image_type\')";
$update_statement .= <<EOF;
WHERE = $image_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "updated image type in database to $image_type for image ID: $image_id");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to update image type in database to $image_type for image ID: $image_id");
return 0;
=head2 delete_computerloadlog_reservation
Parameters : $reservation_id, optional loadstatename
Returns : 0 failed or 1 success
Description : Deletes rows from the computerloadlog table. A loadstatename
argument can be specified to limit the rows removed to a
certain loadstatename. To delete all rows except those
matching a certain loadstatename, begin the loadstatename
with a !.
sub delete_computerloadlog_reservation {
my ($reservation_id, $loadstatename) = @_;
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($reservation_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "reservation ID was not specified");
return ();
# Construct the SQL statement
my $sql_statement;
# Check if loadstateid was specified
# If so, only delete rows matching the loadstateid
if ($loadstatename && $loadstatename !~ /^!/) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "removing computerloadlog entries matching loadstate = $loadstatename");
$sql_statement = "
computerloadlog.reservationid = $reservation_id
AND computerloadlog.loadstateid =
AND computerloadstate.loadstatename = \'$loadstatename\'
elsif ($loadstatename) {
# Remove the first character of loadstatename, it is !
$loadstatename = substr($loadstatename, 1);
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "removing computerloadlog entries NOT matching loadstate = $loadstatename");
$sql_statement = "
computerloadlog.reservationid = $reservation_id
AND computerloadlog.loadstateid =
AND computerloadstate.loadstatename != \'$loadstatename\'
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "removing all computerloadlog entries for reservation");
$loadstatename = 'all';
$sql_statement = "
computerloadlog.reservationid = $reservation_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($sql_statement)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "deleted rows from computerloadlog for reservation id=$reservation_id");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to delete from computerloadlog table for reservation id=$reservation_id");
return 0;
} ## end sub delete_computerloadlog_reservation
=head2 delete_request
Parameters : $request_id
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : Deletes request and all associated reservations for a given request
ID. This also deletes all computerloadlog rows associated with any
of the reservations.
sub delete_request {
my ($request_id) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($request_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "request ID was not specified");
return 0;
# Construct the SQL statement
my $sql_computerloadlog_delete = "
WHERE = $request_id
AND reservation.requestid =
AND computerloadlog.reservationid =
# Construct the SQL statement
my $sql_request_delete = "
WHERE = $request_id
AND reservation.requestid =
# Try to delete any associated entries in the computerloadlog table
# There may not be any entries, but database_execute should still return 1
if (!database_execute($sql_computerloadlog_delete)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to delete from computerloadlog table where request id=$request_id");
# Try to delete any associated entries in the request and reservation tables
if (database_execute($sql_request_delete)) {
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to delete from request and reservation tables where request id=$request_id");
return 0;
} ## end sub delete_request
=head2 update_blockrequest_processing
Parameters : $blockrequest_id, $processing
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : Updates the processing flag in the blockRequest table
sub update_blockrequest_processing {
my ($blockrequest_id, $processing) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the arguments
if (!defined($blockrequest_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "blockrequest ID was not specified");
return 0;
if (!defined($processing)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "processing was not specified");
return 0;
# Construct the update statement
my $update_statement = "
blockRequest.processing = $processing
WHERE = $blockrequest_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to update blockRequest table, id=$blockrequest_id, processing=$processing");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_blockrequest_processing
=head2 clearfromblockrequest
Parameters : $computer_id
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : removes provided computerid and blcok request id from blockcomputer table
sub clearfromblockrequest {
my ($computer_id) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($computer_id))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer_id was not specified");
return 0;
# Construct the SQL statement
my $sql_statement = "
computerid = $computer_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($sql_statement)) {
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to delete from computerloadlog table where computerid = $computer_id");
return 0;
} ## end sub clearfromblockrequest
=head2 update_sublog_ipaddress
Parameters : $computer_id
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : updates log table with IPaddress of node
when dynamic dhcp is enabled there is no way to track which IP was used
sub update_sublog_ipaddress {
my ($logid, $computer_ip_address) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($computer_ip_address))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer_ip_address was not specified");
return 0;
if (!(defined($logid))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "logid was not specified");
return 0;
# Construct the SQL statement
my $sql_statement = "UPDATE sublog SET IPaddress = \'$computer_ip_address\' WHERE logid=$logid";
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($sql_statement)) {
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to update sublog table logid = $logid with ipaddress $computer_ip_address");
return 0;
} ## end sub update_sublog_ipaddress
=head2 set_hash_process_id
Parameters : Reference to a hash
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : Sets the process ID of the current process and parent process ID
in a hash, to which a reference was passed.
$hash{PID} = process ID
$hash{PPID} = parent process ID
sub set_hash_process_id {
my ($hash_ref) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!(defined($hash_ref))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "hash reference was not specified");
return 0;
# Make sure it's a hash reference
if (ref($hash_ref) ne "HASH") {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "passed parameter is not a hash reference");
return 0;
# Get the parent PID and this process's PID
# getppid() doesn't work under Windows so just set it to 0
my $ppid = 0;
$ppid = getppid() if ($^O !~ /win/i);
$hash_ref->{PPID} = $ppid;
my $pid = $$;
$hash_ref->{PID} = $pid;
return 1;
} ## end sub set_hash_process_id
=head2 rename_vcld_process
Parameters : hash - Reference to hash containing request data
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : Renames running process based on request information. Appends the state
name, request ID, and reservation ID to the process name.
Sets PARENTIMAGE and SUBIMAGE in the hash depending on whether or
reservation ID is the lowest for a request.
sub rename_vcld_process {
my ($input_data, $process_name) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
$filename =~ s/.*\///;
# IMPORTANT: if you change the process name, check the checkonprocess subroutine
# It looks for running reservation processes based on the process name
# Check the argument
my $data_structure;
if (defined($input_data) && (ref $input_data) =~ /HASH/) {
# Get a new data structure object
eval {
$data_structure = new VCL::DataStructure({request_data => $input_data, reservation_id => $input_data->{RESERVATIONID}});
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "created DataStructure object from passed hash");
if (my $e = Exception::Class::Base->caught()) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "hash was passed but could not be turned into a DataStructure, " . $e->message);
$data_structure = undef;
} ## end if (defined($input_data) && (ref $input_data...
elsif (defined($input_data) && (ref $input_data) !~ /DataStructure/) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "passed parameter (" . ref($input_data) . ") is not a reference to a hash or DataStructure, it will be ignored");
$data_structure = undef;
else {
$data_structure = $input_data;
# Begin assembling a new process name
my $new_process_name = "$PROCESSNAME";
# Check if DataStructure, assemble process name with additional information
if (defined $data_structure) {
my $state_name = $data_structure->get_state_name();
if ($state_name ne 'blockrequest') {
my $request_id = $data_structure->get_request_id();
my $reservation_id = $data_structure->get_reservation_id();
my $request_state_name = $data_structure->get_request_state_name();
my $computer_short_name = $data_structure->get_computer_short_name();
my $vmhost_hostname = $data_structure->get_vmhost_hostname(0);
my $image_name = $data_structure->get_image_name();
my $user_login_id = $data_structure->get_user_login_id();
my $request_forimaging = $data_structure->get_request_forimaging();
my $reservation_count = $data_structure->get_reservation_count();
my $reservation_is_parent = $data_structure->is_parent_reservation();
# Append the request and reservation IDs if they are set
$new_process_name .= " $request_id:$reservation_id";
$new_process_name .= " $request_state_name" if ($request_state_name);
$new_process_name .= " $computer_short_name" if ($computer_short_name);
$new_process_name .= ">$vmhost_hostname" if ($vmhost_hostname);
$new_process_name .= " $image_name" if ($image_name);
$new_process_name .= " $user_login_id" if ($user_login_id);
$new_process_name .= " (imaging)" if $request_forimaging;
# Append cluster if there are multiple reservations for this request
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reservation count: $reservation_count");
if ($reservation_count > 1) {
if ($reservation_is_parent) {
$data_structure->get_request_data->{PARENTIMAGE} = 1;
$data_structure->get_request_data->{SUBIMAGE} = 0;
$new_process_name .= " (cluster=parent)";
else {
$data_structure->get_request_data->{PARENTIMAGE} = 0;
$data_structure->get_request_data->{SUBIMAGE} = 1;
$new_process_name .= " (cluster=child)";
} ## end if ($reservation_count > 1)
else {
$data_structure->get_request_data->{PARENTIMAGE} = 1;
$data_structure->get_request_data->{SUBIMAGE} = 0;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "PARENTIMAGE: " . $data_structure->get_request_data->{PARENTIMAGE});
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "SUBIMAGE: " . $data_structure->get_request_data->{SUBIMAGE});
} ## end if ($state_name ne 'blockrequest')
else {
my $blockrequest_id = $data_structure->get_blockrequest_id();
my $blockrequest_name = $data_structure->get_blockrequest_name();
my $blocktime_id = $data_structure->get_blocktime_id();
# Append the IDs if they are set
$new_process_name .= " $blockrequest_id:$blocktime_id";
$new_process_name .= " '$blockrequest_name'";
} ## end if (defined $data_structure)
else {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "DataStructure object is NOT defined");
# Rename this process
$0 = $new_process_name;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "renamed process to \'$0\'");
} ## end sub rename_vcld_process
=head2 round
Parameters : number
Returns : rounded number
Description : rounds to the nearest whole number
sub round {
my ($number) = @_;
if ($number >= 0) {
return int($number + .5);
else {
return int($number - .5);
=head2 set_logfile_path
Parameters : file path
Returns : 0 or 1
Description : This subroutine is for testing purposes. It sets vcld's logfile
path to the parameter passed. It is useful when running automated
tests to isoloate logfile output.
sub set_logfile_path {
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
($LOGFILE) = @_;
#print STDOUT "log file path changed to \'$LOGFILE\'\n";
=head2 get_highest_imagerevision_info
Parameters : $image_id
Returns : Hash containing image revision data
Description :
sub get_highest_imagerevision_info {
my ($image_id) = @_;
# Check the passed parameter
if (!defined($image_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "image ID argument was not specified");
# Select the highest image revision id for the specified image id
my $select_statement = <<EOF;
MAX( AS id
imagerevision.imageid = '$image_id'
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (!@selected_rows) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "image revision data for image ID $image_id was not found in the database, 0 rows were returned");
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select statement:\n$select_statement");
return ();
# A single row was returned
my $row = $selected_rows[0];
my $imagerevision_id = $row->{id};
return get_imagerevision_info($imagerevision_id);
=head2 switch_state
Parameters : $request_data, $request_state_name_new, $computer_state_name_new, $request_log_ending, $exit
Returns : 0 if something goes wrong, exits if successful
Description : Changes the state of this request to the state specified
terminates. The vcld process will then pick up the switched
request. It is important that this process sets the request
laststate to the original state and that vcld does not alter it.
sub switch_state {
my ($request_data, $request_state_name_new, $computer_state_name_new, $request_log_ending, $exit) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
my ($caller_package, $caller_filename, $caller_line, $caller_sub) = caller(1);
my $caller_info = "$caller_sub($line)";
my $caller = scalar caller;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "called from $caller_info");
# Check the arguments
if (!defined($request_data)) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "request data hash reference is undefined");
return 0;
elsif (!ref($request_data) eq "HASH") {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "1st argument is not a hash reference to the request data");
return 0;
# Set the default value for exit
$exit = 0 if (!defined($exit));
# Store some hash variables into local variables
my $request_id = $request_data->{id};
my $request_logid = $request_data->{logid};
my $reservation_id = $request_data->{RESERVATIONID};
my $request_state_name_old = $request_data->{state}{name};
my $request_laststate_name_old = $request_data->{laststate}{name};
my $computer_id = $request_data->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{computer}{id};
my $computer_type = $request_data->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{computer}{type};
my $computer_state_name_old = $request_data->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{computer}{state}{name};
my $computer_shortname = $request_data->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{computer}{SHORTNAME};
if($request_state_name_old eq 'reload'){
$request_logid = 0;
# Figure out if this is the parent reservation
my @reservation_ids = sort keys %{$request_data->{reservation}};
# The parent reservation has the lowest ID
my $parent_reservation_id = min @reservation_ids;
my $is_parent_reservation;
if ($reservation_id == $parent_reservation_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "parent: parent reservation ID for this request: $parent_reservation_id");
$is_parent_reservation = 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "child: parent reservation ID for this request: $parent_reservation_id");
$is_parent_reservation = 0;
# Don't set request state to failed if previous state is image or inuse
if ($request_state_name_new && $request_state_name_new eq 'failed') {
if ($request_state_name_old eq 'image') {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "previous request state is $request_state_name_old, not setting request state to $request_state_name_new, setting request state to maintenance");
$request_state_name_new = 'maintenance';
$computer_state_name_new = 'maintenance';
elsif ($request_state_name_old eq 'inuse') {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "previous request state is $request_state_name_old, not setting request state to $request_state_name_new, setting request state back to $request_state_name_old");
$request_state_name_new = 'inuse';
$computer_state_name_new = 'inuse';
# Check if new request state was passed
if (!$request_state_name_new) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "request state was not specified, state not changed");
elsif (!$is_parent_reservation) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "child reservation, request state not changed");
else {
# Add an entry to the loadlog
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "info", "$caller: switching request state to $request_state_name_new");
# Update the request state to $request_state_name_new and set laststate to current state
if (update_request_state($request_id, $request_state_name_new, $request_state_name_old)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "request state changed: $request_state_name_old->$request_state_name_new, laststate: $request_laststate_name_old->$request_state_name_old");
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "info", "$caller: request state changed to $request_state_name_new, laststate to $request_state_name_old");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "request state could not be changed: $request_state_name_old --> $request_state_name_new, laststate: $request_laststate_name_old->$request_state_name_old");
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "info", "$caller: unable to change request state to $request_state_name_new, laststate to $request_state_name_old");
} ## end else [ if (!$request_state_name_new) [elsif (!$is_parent_reservation)
# Update the computer state
if (!$computer_state_name_new) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "computer state not specified, $computer_shortname state not changed");
else {
# Add an entry to the loadlog
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "info", "$caller: switching computer state to $computer_state_name_new");
# Update the computer state
if (update_computer_state($computer_id, $computer_state_name_new)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "computer $computer_shortname state changed: $computer_state_name_old->$computer_state_name_new");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to computer $computer_shortname state: $computer_state_name_old->$computer_state_name_new");
} ## end else [ if (!$computer_state_name_new)
# Update log table for this request
# Ending can be deleted, released, failed, noack, nologin, timeout, EOR, none
if (!$request_log_ending) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "log table id=$request_logid will not be updated");
elsif (!$is_parent_reservation) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "child reservation, log table id=$request_logid will not be updated");
elsif (update_log_ending($request_logid, $request_log_ending)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "log table id=$request_logid, ending set to $request_log_ending");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to set log table id=$request_logid, ending to $request_log_ending");
# Call exit if the state changed, return otherwise
if ($exit) {
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "info", "$caller: process exiting");
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "process exiting");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "returning");
} ## end sub switch_state
=head2 get_management_node_blockrequests
Parameters : $managementnode_id
Returns : hash containing block request info
Description :
sub get_management_node_blockrequests {
my ($managementnode_id) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameter
if (!defined($managementnode_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "management node ID was not specified");
# Create the select statement
my $select_statement = "
SELECT AS blockRequest_id, AS blockRequest_name,
blockRequest.imageid AS blockRequest_imageid,
blockRequest.numMachines AS blockRequest_numMachines,
blockRequest.groupid AS blockRequest_groupid,
blockRequest.repeating AS blockRequest_repeating,
blockRequest.ownerid AS blockRequest_ownerid,
blockRequest.admingroupid AS blockRequest_admingroupid,
blockRequest.managementnodeid AS blockRequest_managementnodeid,
blockRequest.expireTime AS blockRequest_expireTime,
blockRequest.processing AS blockRequest_processing,
blockRequest.status AS blockRequest_status, AS blockTimes_id,
blockTimes.blockRequestid AS blockTimes_blockRequestid,
blockTimes.start AS blockTimes_start,
blockTimes.end AS blockTimes_end,
blockTimes.processed AS blockTimes_processed
blockTimes ON ( = blockTimes.blockRequestid
blockRequest.managementnodeid = $managementnode_id AND
blockRequest.status = 'accepted' AND
blockTimes.processed = '0' AND
(blockTimes.skip = '0' AND blockTimes.start < (NOW() + INTERVAL 360 MINUTE )) OR
blockTimes.end < NOW()
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 or more rows were returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
#Lets check to see if we have blockRequests that have expired and don't have any time ids
$select_statement = "
SELECT AS blockRequest_id, AS blockRequest_name,
blockRequest.imageid AS blockRequest_imageid,
blockRequest.numMachines AS blockRequest_numMachines,
blockRequest.groupid AS blockRequest_groupid,
blockRequest.repeating AS blockRequest_repeating,
blockRequest.ownerid AS blockRequest_ownerid,
blockRequest.admingroupid AS blockRequest_admingroupid,
blockRequest.managementnodeid AS blockRequest_managementnodeid,
blockRequest.expireTime AS blockRequest_expireTime,
blockRequest.processing AS blockRequest_processing,
blockRequest.status AS blockRequest_status, AS blockTimes_id,
blockTimes.blockRequestid AS blockTimes_blockRequestid,
blockTimes.start AS blockTimes_start,
blockTimes.end AS blockTimes_end,
blockTimes.processed AS blockTimes_processed
blockTimes ON ( = blockTimes.blockRequestid
blockRequest.managementnodeid = $managementnode_id AND
blockRequest.status = 'accepted' AND
blockRequest.expireTime < NOW()
@selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
return 0;
# Build the hash
my %blockrequests;
for (@selected_rows) {
my %blockrequest_row = %{$_};
# Get the blockRequest id and blockTimes id
my $blockrequest_id = $blockrequest_row{blockRequest_id};
my $blocktimes_id = $blockrequest_row{blockTimes_id};
$blocktimes_id = -1 if !$blocktimes_id;
# Loop through all the columns returned for the blockrequest
foreach my $key (keys %blockrequest_row) {
my $value = $blockrequest_row{$key};
# Create another variable by stripping off the column_ part of each key
# This variable stores the original (correct) column name
(my $original_key = $key) =~ s/^.+_//;
$value = '-1' if (!defined($value));
if ($key =~ /blockRequest_/) {
$blockrequests{$blockrequest_id}{$original_key} = $value;
if($key =~ /_groupid/){
$blockrequests{$blockrequest_id}{groupname} = get_group_name($value);
elsif ($key =~ /blockTimes_/) {
$blockrequests{$blockrequest_id}{blockTimes}{$blocktimes_id}{$original_key} = $value;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unknown key found in SQL data: $key");
} ## end foreach my $key (keys %blockrequest_row)
} ## end for (@selected_rows)
return \%blockrequests;
} ## end sub get_management_node_blockrequests
=head2 get_computers_controlled_by_MN
Parameters : $managementnode_id
Returns : hash containing computer info
Description :
sub get_computers_controlled_by_MN {
my (%managementnode) = @_;
my %info;
#set some local variables
my $management_node_resourceid = $managementnode{resource_id};
my $management_node_id = $managementnode{id};
my $management_node_hostname = $managementnode{hostname};
# Collect resource group this management node is a member of
if($info{managementnode}{resoucegroups} = get_resource_groups($management_node_resourceid)){
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, $LOGFILE, "retrieved management node resource groups from database");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, $LOGFILE, "unable to retrieve management node resource groups from database");
return 0;
# Collect resource group management node grpcan control
foreach my $mresgrp_id (keys %{$info{managementnode}{resoucegroups}} ) {
my $grp_id = $info{managementnode}{resoucegroups}{$mresgrp_id}{groupid};
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, $LOGFILE, "grp_id = $grp_id ");
if($info{manageable_resoucegroups}{$mresgrp_id} = get_managable_resource_groups($grp_id)){
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, $LOGFILE, "retrieved manageable resource groups from database for mresgrp_id= $grp_id groupname= $info{managementnode}{resoucegroups}{$mresgrp_id}{groupname}");
foreach my $id (keys %{ $info{manageable_resoucegroups}{$grp_id} } ) {
my $computer_group_id = $info{manageable_resoucegroups}{$grp_id}{$id}{groupid};
if($info{"manageable_computer_grps"}{$id}{"members"} = get_computer_grp_members($computer_group_id) ){
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, $LOGFILE, "retrieved computers from computer groupname= $info{manageable_resoucegroups}{$grp_id}{$id}{groupname}");
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, $LOGFILE, "no computers in computer groupid= $computer_group_id}");
delete $info{manageable_resoucegroups}{$grp_id}{$id};
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, $LOGFILE, "no manageable resource groups associated for resgrp_id= $mresgrp_id groupname= $info{managementnode}{resoucegroups}{$mresgrp_id}{groupname}");
#delete $info{managementnode}{resoucegroups}{$mresgrp_id};
#Build master list of computerids
my %computer_list;
foreach my $computergroup (keys %{ $info{manageable_computer_grps}}){
foreach my $computerid (keys %{ $info{manageable_computer_grps}{$computergroup}{members} }){
if ( !(exists $computer_list{$computerid}) ){
# add to return list
return \%computer_list;
=head2 get_resource_groups
Parameters : $management_node_resourceid
Returns : hash containing list of resource groups id is a part of
Description :
sub get_resource_groups {
my ($resource_id) = @_;
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOGFILE, "resource_id was not supplied");
return 0;
my $select_statement = "
resourcegroupmembers.resourcegroupid AS resource_groupid, AS resource_groupname
WHERE = resourcegroupmembers.resourcegroupid
AND resourceid = $resource_id
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select for resource id $resource_id");
return ();
#my %return_hash = %{$selected_rows[0]};
my %return_hash;
for (@selected_rows) {
my %resgrps = %{$_};
my $resgrpid = $resgrps{resource_groupid};
$return_hash{$resgrpid}{"groupid"} = $resgrpid;
$return_hash{$resgrpid}{"groupname"} = $resgrps{resource_groupname};
return \%return_hash;
=head2 get_managable_resource_groups
Parameters : $management_node_grp_id
Returns : hash containing list of resource groups that can be controlled
Description :
sub get_managable_resource_groups {
my ($managing_resgrp_id) = @_;
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOGFILE, "managing_resgrp_id resource_id was not supplied");
return 0;
my $select_statement = "
resourcemap.resourcegroupid2 AS resource_groupid, AS resource_groupname
resourcemap.resourcetypeid2 =
AND = 'computer'
AND = resourcemap.resourcegroupid2
AND resourcemap.resourcegroupid1 = $managing_resgrp_id
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select for resource id $managing_resgrp_id");
return ();
my %return_hash;
for (@selected_rows) {
my %resgrps = %{$_};
my $resgrpid = $resgrps{resource_groupid};
$return_hash{$resgrpid}{"groupid"} = $resgrpid;
$return_hash{$resgrpid}{"groupname"} = $resgrps{resource_groupname};
return \%return_hash;
=head2 get_computer_grp_members
Parameters : $computer_grp_id
Returns : hash containing list of of computer ids
Description :
sub get_computer_grp_members {
my ($computer_grp_id) = @_;
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOGFILE, "computer_grp_id resource_id was not supplied");
return 0;
my $select_statement = "
resource.subid AS computer_id
resourcegroupmembers.resourceid =
AND = resource.resourcetypeid
AND = 'computer'
AND resourcegroupmembers.resourcegroupid = $computer_grp_id
AND computer.deleted != '1'
AND = resource.subid
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select for computer grp id $computer_grp_id");
return ();
my %return_hash;
for (@selected_rows) {
my %computerids = %{$_};
my $compid = $computerids{computer_id};
$return_hash{$compid}{"computer_id"} = $compid;
return \%return_hash;
=head2 get_user_info
Parameters : $user_identifier, $affiliation_identifier (optional), $no_cache (optional)
Returns : hash reference
Description : Retrieves user information from the database. The user identifier
argument can either be a user ID or unityid. A hash reference is
sub get_user_info {
my ($user_identifier, $affiliation_identifier, $no_cache) = @_;
if (!defined($user_identifier)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "user identifier argument was not specified");
#return $ENV{user_info}{$user_identifier} if (!$no_cache && $ENV{user_info}{$user_identifier});
# If affiliation identifier argument wasn't supplied, set it to % wildcard
$affiliation_identifier = '%' if !$affiliation_identifier;
my $select_statement = <<EOF;
user.*, AS adminlevel_name, AS affiliation_name,
affiliation.shibname AS affiliation_shibname,
affiliation.dataUpdateText AS affiliation_dataUpdateText,
affiliation.sitewwwaddress AS affiliation_sitewwwaddress,
affiliation.helpaddress AS affiliation_helpaddress,
affiliation.shibonly AS affiliation_shibonly, AS IMtype_name,
localauth.passhash AS localauth_passhash,
localauth.salt AS localauth_salt,
localauth.lastupdated AS localauth_lastupdated,
localauth.lockedout AS localauth_lockedout
LEFT JOIN (adminlevel) ON ( = user.adminlevelid)
LEFT JOIN (affiliation) ON ( = user.affiliationid)
LEFT JOIN (IMtype) ON ( = user.IMtypeid)
LEFT JOIN (localauth) ON (localauth.userid =
# If the user identifier is all digits match it to
# Otherwise, match user.unityid
if ($user_identifier =~ /^\d+$/) {
$select_statement .= " = $user_identifier";
else {
$select_statement .= "user.unityid LIKE '$user_identifier'";
# If the affiliation identifier argument was specified add affiliation table clause
if (defined($affiliation_identifier)) {
if ($affiliation_identifier =~ /^\d+$/) {
$select_statement .= "\nAND = $affiliation_identifier";
else {
$select_statement .= "\nAND LIKE '$affiliation_identifier'";
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure row was returned
if (!@selected_rows) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "user was not found in the database: '$user_identifier'");
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
my $user_ids;
for my $row (@selected_rows) {
$user_ids->{$row->{id}} = $row->{unityid} . '@' . $row->{affiliation_name};
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select for user: '$user_identifier', affiliation '$affiliation_identifier':\n" . format_data($user_ids) . "\nSQL statement:\n$select_statement");
# Transform the database row into a hash
my $row = $selected_rows[0];
my $user_info;
# Loop through all the columns returned
for my $key (keys %$row) {
my $value = $row->{$key};
# Create another variable by stripping off the column_ part of each key
# This variable stores the original (correct) column name
(my $original_key = $key) =~ s/^.+_//;
if ($key =~ /^(.+)_/) {
$user_info->{$1}{$original_key} = $value;
else {
$user_info->{$original_key} = $value;
my $user_id = $user_info->{id};
my $user_login_id = $user_info->{unityid};
# Set the user's preferred name to the first name if it isn't defined
if (!defined($user_info->{preferredname}) || $user_info->{preferredname} eq '') {
$user_info->{preferredname} = $user_info->{firstname};
# Set the user's IMid to '' if it's NULL
if (!defined($user_info->{IMid})) {
$user_info->{IMid} = '';
# Affiliation specific changes
# Check if the user's affiliation is listed in the management node's NOT_STANDALONE parameter
$user_info->{STANDALONE} = 1;
# Set the user's UID to the VCL user ID if it's not configured in the database, set STANDALONE = 1
if (!$user_info->{uid}) {
$user_info->{uid} = $user_info->{id};
$user_info->{STANDALONE} = 1;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "UID value is not configured for user $user_login_id, setting UID to VCL user ID: $user_login_id, standalone: 1");
# Fix the unityid if the user's UID is >= 1,000,000
# Remove the domain section if the user's unityid contains @...
elsif ($user_info->{uid} >= 1000000) {
$user_info->{STANDALONE} = 1;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "UID value for user $user_login_id is >= 1000000, standalone: 1");
# Check if the user's affiliation is listed in the management node's NOT_STANDALONE list
elsif (my $not_standalone_list = get_management_node_info()->{NOT_STANDALONE}) {
my $user_affiliation_name = $user_info->{affiliation}{name};
if (grep(/^$user_affiliation_name$/i, split(/[,;]/, $not_standalone_list))) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "non-standalone affiliation found for user $user_login_id:\nuser affiliation: $user_affiliation_name\nnot standalone list: $not_standalone_list");
$user_info->{STANDALONE} = 0;
# If user's unityid is an email address, use only the first part
if ($user_login_id =~ /(.+)@/) {
my $corrected_unity_id = $1;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "user's unityid value contains '\@': $user_login_id, changing to $corrected_unity_id");
$user_info->{unityid} = $corrected_unity_id;
# For test account only
if ($user_login_id =~ /vcladmin/) {
$user_info->{STANDALONE} = 1;
# Set the user's affiliation sitewwwaddress and help address if not defined or blank
if (!$user_info->{affiliation}{sitewwwaddress}) {
$user_info->{affiliation}{sitewwwaddress} = '';
if (!$user_info->{affiliation}{helpaddress}) {
$user_info->{affiliation}{helpaddress} = '';
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved info for user '$user_identifier', affiliation: '$affiliation_identifier':\n" . format_data($user_info));
$ENV{user_info}{$user_identifier} = $user_info;
return $ENV{user_info}{$user_identifier};
=head2 get_user_affiliation
Parameters : $user_id
Returns : scalar - affiliation name
Description :
sub get_user_affiliation {
my ($user_id) = shift;
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOGFILE, "user_id was not supplied");
return 0;
my $select_statement = <<EOF;
WHERE = user.affiliationid AND = $user_id
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select");
return ();
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "" . scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select");
return ();
# Get the single returned row
# It contains a hash
# Make sure we return undef if the column wasn't found
if (defined $selected_rows[0]{name}) {
my $name = $selected_rows[0]{name};
return $name;
else {
return undef;
=head2 get_local_user_info
Parameters : none
Returns : hash reference
Description : Retrieves info for all local users and returns a hash reference.
The keys of the hash are user IDs.
sub get_local_user_info {
my $select_statement = <<EOF;
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "local user was not found in the database, 0 rows were returned");
# Transform the array of database rows into a hash
my $local_user_info;
for my $row (@selected_rows) {
my $user_id = $row->{userid};
my $user_info = get_user_info($user_id);
$local_user_info->{$user_id} = $user_info;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved local user info:\n" . format_data($local_user_info));
return $local_user_info;
=head2 get_group_name
Parameters : $group_id
Returns : scalar - group name
Description :
sub get_group_name {
my ($group_id) = @_;
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOGFILE, "group_id was not supplied");
return 0;
my $select_statement = <<EOF;
WHERE = $group_id
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select");
return ();
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "" . scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select");
return ();
# Get the single returned row
# It contains a hash
my $end;
# Make sure we return undef if the column wasn't found
if (defined $selected_rows[0]{name}) {
my $groupname = $selected_rows[0]{name};
return $groupname;
else {
return undef;
=head2 get_computer_info
Parameters : $computer_identifier, $no_cache (optional)
Returns : hash reference
Description :
sub get_computer_info {
my ($computer_identifier, $no_cache) = @_;
if (!defined($computer_identifier)){
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer identifier argument was not supplied");
return $ENV{computer_info}{$computer_identifier} if (!$no_cache && $ENV{computer_info}{$computer_identifier});
# Get a hash ref containing the database column names
my $database_table_columns = get_database_table_columns();
my @tables = (
# Construct the select statement
my $select_statement = "SELECT DISTINCT\n";
# Get the column names for each table and add them to the select statement
for my $table (@tables) {
my @columns = @{$database_table_columns->{$table}};
for my $column (@columns) {
$select_statement .= "$table.$column AS '$table-$column',\n";
# Remove the comma after the last column line
$select_statement =~ s/,$//;
# Complete the select statement
$select_statement .= <<EOF;
LEFT JOIN (state) ON ( = computer.stateid)
LEFT JOIN (platform) ON ( = computer.platformid)
ON ( = computer.provisioningid
AND = provisioning.moduleid
LEFT JOIN (schedule) ON ( = computer.scheduleid)
computer.deleted != '1'
# If the computer identifier is all digits match it to
# Otherwise, match computer.hostname
if ($computer_identifier =~ /^\d+$/) {
$select_statement .= " = \'$computer_identifier\'";
else {
$select_statement .= "computer.hostname REGEXP '$computer_identifier(\\\\.|\$)'";
# Call the database select subroutine
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @selected_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "zero rows were returned from database select statement:\n$select_statement");
elsif (scalar @selected_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, scalar @selected_rows . " rows were returned from database select statement:\n$select_statement");
# Get the single row returned from the select statement
my $row = $selected_rows[0];
# Construct a hash with all of the computer info
my $computer_info;
# Loop through all the columns returned
for my $key (keys %$row) {
my $value = $row->{$key};
# Split the table-column names
my ($table, $column) = $key =~ /^([^-]+)-(.+)/;
# Add the values for the primary table to the hash
# Add values for other tables under separate keys
if ($table eq $tables[0]) {
$computer_info->{$column} = $value;
elsif ($table eq 'module') {
$computer_info->{provisioning}{$table}{$column} = $value;
else {
$computer_info->{$table}{$column} = $value;
# Set the short name of the computer based on the hostname
my $computer_hostname = $computer_info->{hostname};
my ($computer_shortname) = $computer_hostname =~ /^([^\.]+)/;
$computer_info->{SHORTNAME} = $computer_shortname;
# Set the NODENAME key based on the type of computer
# Use the full hostname if the computer type is lab
# Use the short name otherwise
my $computer_type = $computer_info->{type};
if ($computer_type eq "lab") {
$computer_info->{NODENAME} = $computer_hostname;
else {
$computer_info->{NODENAME} = $computer_shortname;
# Get the imagerevision info and add it to the hash
my $imagerevision_id = $computer_info->{imagerevisionid};
if ($imagerevision_id && (my $imagerevision_info = get_imagerevision_info($imagerevision_id))) {
$computer_info->{currentimagerevision} = $imagerevision_info;
$computer_info->{currentimage} = $imagerevision_info->{image};
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "unable to retrieve image revision info for $computer_hostname, imagerevision ID=$imagerevision_id, attempting to retrieve image revision info for the 'noimage' image");
my $imagerevision_info = get_imagerevision_info('noimage');
if ($imagerevision_info) {
$computer_info->{currentimagerevision} = $imagerevision_info;
$computer_info->{currentimage} = $imagerevision_info->{image};
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve 'noimage' image revision info for $computer_hostname");
my $next_image_id = $computer_info->{nextimageid};
if ($next_image_id && (my $nextimage_info = get_image_info($next_image_id))) {
my $next_image_name = $nextimage_info->{name};
#trim trailing white space
$next_image_name =~ s/\s+$//;
my $next_imagerevision_info = get_imagerevision_info($next_image_name);
if ($next_imagerevision_info) {
$computer_info->{nextimagerevision} = $next_imagerevision_info;
$computer_info->{nextimage} = $next_imagerevision_info->{image};
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve nextimage info for $computer_hostname, nextimageid=$next_image_id next_image_name=$next_image_name");
# Check if the computer associated with this reservation has a vmhostid set
if (my $vmhost_id = $computer_info->{vmhostid}) {
my $vmhost_info = get_vmhost_info($vmhost_id);
if ($vmhost_info) {
$computer_info->{vmhost} = $vmhost_info;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "vmhostid $vmhost_id is set for $computer_hostname but the vmhost info could not be retrieved");
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved info for computer '$computer_identifier':\n" . format_data($computer_info));
$ENV{computer_info}{$computer_identifier} = $computer_info;
return $ENV{computer_info}{$computer_identifier};
=head2 get_computer_ids
Parameters : $computer_identifier
Returns : array
Description : Queries the computer table for computers matching the
$computer_identifier argument. The argument may contain either
the computer's hostname or IP address. An array containing the
computer IDs is returned.
sub get_computer_ids {
my ($computer_identifier) = @_;
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $LOGFILE, "computer identifier argument was not supplied");
my $select_statement = <<EOF;
hostname REGEXP '^$computer_identifier(\\\\.|\$)'
OR IPaddress = '$computer_identifier'
OR privateIPaddress = '$computer_identifier'
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
if (!@selected_rows) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "no computers were found matching identifier: $computer_identifier");
return ();
my @computer_ids = map { $_->{id} } @selected_rows;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "found computers matching identifier: $computer_identifier, IDs: @computer_ids");
return sort @computer_ids;
=head2 insert_request
Parameters : $managementnode_id, $request_state_name, $request_laststate_name, $end_minutes_in_future, $user_unityid, $computer_id, $image_id, $imagerevision_id
Returns : 1 if successful, 0 if failed
Description :
sub insert_request {
my ($managementnode_id, $request_state_name, $request_laststate_name, $request_logid, $user_unityid, $computer_id, $image_id, $imagerevision_id, $start_minutes_in_future, $end_minutes_in_future) = @_;
if (!$request_state_name) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "missing mandatory request key: state_name");
return 0;
if (!$request_laststate_name) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "missing mandatory request key: laststate_name");
return 0;
if (!$user_unityid) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "missing mandatory request key: user_unityid");
return 0;
if (!$computer_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "missing mandatory reservation key: computer_id");
return 0;
if (!$image_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "missing mandatory reservation key: image_id");
return 0;
if (!$imagerevision_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "missing mandatory reservation key: imagerevision_id");
return 0;
if (!$managementnode_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "missing mandatory reservation key: managementnode_id");
return 0;
my $insert_request_statment = "
(SELECT id FROM state WHERE = '$request_state_name'),
(SELECT id FROM state WHERE = '$request_laststate_name'),
(SELECT id FROM user WHERE user.unityid = '$user_unityid'),
TIMESTAMPADD(MINUTE, $start_minutes_in_future, NOW()),
TIMESTAMPADD(MINUTE, $end_minutes_in_future, NOW()),
# Execute the request insert statement
# If successful, the id of the newly inserted row is returned
my $request_id = database_execute($insert_request_statment);
if ($request_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "inserted new reload request into request table, request id=$request_id");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "failed to insert new reload request into request table");
return 0;
my $insert_reservation_statment = "
# Execute the reservation insert statement
# If successful, the id of the newly inserted row is returned
my $reservation_id = database_execute($insert_reservation_statment);
if ($reservation_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "inserted new reload request into reservation table, reservation id=$reservation_id");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "failed to insert new reload request into reservation table");
return 0;
return ($request_id, $reservation_id);
} ## end sub insert_request
=head2 insert_reload_request
Parameters : $request_data_hash_reference
Returns : nothing, always calls exit
Description : Changes this request to a reload request then
terminates. The vcld process will then pick up the reload
request. It is important that this process sets the request
laststate to 'reclaim' and that vcld does not alter it.
sub insert_reload_request {
my ($request_data) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
my ($calling_package, $calling_filename, $calling_line, $calling_sub) = caller(0);
# Store some hash variables into local variables
my $request_id = $request_data->{id};
my $request_state_name = $request_data->{state}{name};
my $request_laststate_name = $request_data->{laststate}{name};
my $reservation_id = $request_data->{RESERVATIONID};
my $computer_id = $request_data->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{computer}{id};
my $computer_type = $request_data->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{computer}{type};
my $managementnode_id = $request_data->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{managementnode}{id};
my $request_logid = $request_data->{logid};
my $user_unityid = $request_data->{user}{unityid};
my $image_id = $request_data->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{image}{id};
my $imagerevision_id = $request_data->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{imagerevision}{id};
# Assemble a consistent prefix for notify messages
my $notify_prefix = "req=$request_id:";
# Add an entry to the loadlog
if ($computer_type eq "blade") {
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "loadimageblade", "$calling_sub: switching request state to reload");
elsif ($computer_type eq "virtualmachine") {
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "loadimagevmware", "$calling_sub: switching request state to reload");
else {
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "info", "$calling_sub: switching request state to reload");
# Check to make sure computer state is not currently reload or reloading
# It's possible for reclaimed cluster reservations to attempt to insert multiple reloads for child reservations
# because only the parent can update the request state
my $current_computer_state_name = get_computer_current_state_name($computer_id);
if ($current_computer_state_name =~ /reload/) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$notify_prefix current computer state is $current_computer_state_name, reload request will not be inserted");
return 0;
# Modify computer state so reload will process
if (update_computer_state($computer_id, "reload")) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$notify_prefix setting computerid $computer_id into reload state");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$notify_prefix unable to set computerid $computer_id reload state");
# Attempt to create a new reload request
my $request_id_reload;
if ($request_id_reload = insert_request($managementnode_id, 'reload', $request_laststate_name, '0', 'vclreload', $computer_id, $image_id, $imagerevision_id, '0', '30')) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$notify_prefix inserted new reload request, id=$request_id_reload nodeid=$computer_id, imageid=$image_id, imagerevision_id=$imagerevision_id");
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "info", "$calling_sub: created new reload request");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "$notify_prefix failed to insert new reload request");
return 0;
return 1;
} ## end sub insert_reload_request
=head2 update_cluster_info
Parameters :data hash
Returns : 0 or 1
Description :
sub update_cluster_info {
my ($request_data) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
my ($calling_package, $calling_filename, $calling_line, $calling_sub) = caller(0);
my $reservation_id = $request_data->{RESERVATIONID};
my $computer_short_name = $request_data->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{computer}{SHORTNAME};
my $image_OS_type = $request_data->{reservation}{$reservation_id}{image}{OS}{type};
my $is_cluster_parent = $request_data->{PARENTIMAGE};
my $is_cluster_child = $request_data->{SUBIMAGE};
my $cluster_info = "/tmp/$computer_short_name.cluster_info";
my @cluster_string = "";
my @reservation_ids = sort keys %{$request_data->{reservation}};
# parent reservation id lowest
my $parent_reservation_id = min @reservation_ids;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$computer_short_name is_cluster_parent = $is_cluster_parent ");
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$computer_short_name is_cluster_child = $is_cluster_child ");
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "parent_reservation_id = $parent_reservation_id ");
foreach my $rid (keys %{$request_data->{reservation}}) {
if ($rid == $parent_reservation_id) {
push(@cluster_string, "parent= $request_data->{reservation}{$rid}{computer}{IPaddress}" . "\n");
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "writing parent= $request_data->{reservation}{$rid}{computer}{IPaddress}");
else {
push(@cluster_string, "child= $request_data->{reservation}{$rid}{computer}{IPaddress}" . "\n");
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "writing child= $request_data->{reservation}{$rid}{computer}{IPaddress}");
if (open(CLUSTERFILE, ">$cluster_info")) {
print CLUSTERFILE @cluster_string;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "could not write to $cluster_info");
my $identity;
#scp cluster file to each node
my $targetpath;
foreach my $rid (keys %{$request_data->{reservation}}) {
$identity = $request_data->{reservation}{$rid}{image}{IDENTITY};
my $node_name = $request_data->{reservation}{$rid}{computer}{SHORTNAME};
if ($image_OS_type =~ /linux/i) {
$targetpath = "$node_name:/etc/cluster_info";
elsif ($image_OS_type =~ /windows/i) {
$targetpath = "$node_name:C:\/cluster_info";
else {
$targetpath = "$node_name:/etc/cluster_info";
if (run_scp_command($cluster_info, $targetpath, $identity)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, " successfully copied cluster_info file to $node_name");
} ## end foreach my $rid (keys %{$request_data->{reservation...
unlink $cluster_info;
return 1;
} ## end sub update_cluster_info
=head2 format_data
Parameters : $data
Returns : string
Description : Formats the data argument using Data::Dumper.
sub format_data {
my @data = @_;
if (!(@data)) {
return '<undefined>';
# If a string was passed which appears to be XML, convert it to a hash using XML::Simple
if (scalar(@data) == 1 && !ref($data[0]) && $data[0] =~ /^</) {
my $xml_hashref = xml_string_to_hash($data[0]);
return format_data($xml_hashref);
$Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Purity = 0;
$Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1; # Use double quotes for representing string values
$Data::Dumper::Terse = 1;
$Data::Dumper::Quotekeys = 1; # Quote hash keys
$Data::Dumper::Pair = ' => '; # Specifies the separator between hash keys and values
$Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; # Hash keys are dumped in sorted order
$Data::Dumper::Deparse = 0;
my $formatted_string = Dumper(@data);
my @formatted_lines = split("\n", $formatted_string);
map { $_ = ": $_" } @formatted_lines;
return join("\n", @formatted_lines);
=head2 get_caller_trace
Parameters : $level_limit - number of previous calls to return
Returns : multi-line string containing subroutine caller information
Description :
sub get_caller_trace {
my ($level_limit, $brief_output) = @_;
$level_limit = 4 if !$level_limit;
# Add one to make the argument usage more intuitive
# One of the levels is the subroutine which called this
# Check if this subroutine was called from notify
my $called_from_notify = ((caller(1))[3] =~ /notify$/)? 1 : 0;
my $caller_trace = "";
for (1 .. $level_limit) {
my $caller_index = $_;
if (caller($caller_index)) {
my ($package_last, $filename_last, $line_last, $sub_last) = caller($caller_index - 1);
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller($caller_index);
$filename_last =~ s/.*\///;
$sub =~ s/.*:://;
if ($called_from_notify) {
if ($sub =~ /notify$/) {
else {
if ($brief_output) {
$caller_trace .= (($caller_index - 1) * -1) . ":$filename_last:$sub:$line_last;";
else {
$caller_trace .= "(" . sprintf("% d", (($caller_index - 1) * -1)) . ") $filename_last, $sub (line: $line_last)\n";
} ## end if (caller($caller_index))
else {
} ## end for (1 .. $level_limit)
# Remove the trailing semicolon if brief output is used
$caller_trace =~ s/;$//;
# Chomp the trailing newline if brief output isn't used
chomp $caller_trace;
return $caller_trace;
} ## end sub get_caller_trace
=head2 get_management_node_id
Parameters :
Returns :
Description :
sub get_management_node_id {
my $management_node_id;
# Check the management_node_id environment variable
if ($ENV{management_node_id}) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "environment variable: $ENV{management_node_id}");
return $ENV{management_node_id};
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "management_node_id environment variable not set");
# If $management_node_id wasn't set using the env variable, try the subroutine
my $management_node_info = get_management_node_info();
if ($management_node_info && ($management_node_id = $management_node_info->{id})) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "get_managementnode_info(): $management_node_id");
$ENV{management_node_id} = $management_node_id;
return $management_node_id;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "get_management_node_info() failed");
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "management node ID could not be determined");
return 0;
} ## end sub get_management_node_id
sub get_database_table_columns {
return $ENV{database_table_columns} if $ENV{database_table_columns};
my $database = 'information_schema';
my $select_all_table_columns = "
# Call the database select subroutine
my @rows = database_select($select_all_table_columns, $database);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to get database table columns, 0 rows were returned from database select");
return 0;
# Use the map function to populate a hash of arrays
# The hash keys are the table names
# The hash values are arrays of column names
my %database_table_columns;
map({push @{$database_table_columns{$_->{TABLE_NAME}}}, $_->{COLUMN_NAME}} @rows);
$ENV{database_table_columns} = \%database_table_columns;
return $ENV{database_table_columns};
sub switch_vmhost_id {
my ($computer_id, $host_id) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
my ($caller_package, $caller_filename, $caller_line, $caller_sub) = caller(1);
my $caller_info = "$caller_sub($line)";
my $caller = scalar caller;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "called from $caller_info");
# Check the arguments
if (!defined($computer_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "computer_id is undefined");
return 0;
if (!(defined($host_id)) || !$host_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$host_id is either not defined or 0, using NULL");
$host_id = 'NULL';
# Construct the update statement
my $update_statement = "
vmhostid = $host_id
WHERE = $computer_id
# Call the database execute subroutine
if (database_execute($update_statement)) {
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to update computer table, id=$computer_id, vmhostid=$host_id");
return 0;
} ## end sub switch_vmhost_id
=head2 reservations_ready
Parameters : request ID
Returns : 1 if all reservations are ready, 0 if any are not ready, undefined if any failed
Description :
sub reservations_ready {
my ($request_id) = @_;
# Make sure request ID was passed
if (!$request_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "request ID argument was not passed");
my $select_statement = "
SELECT AS reservation_id,
ON (
computerloadlog.reservationid =
ON ( = computerloadlog.loadstateid
WHERE = $request_id
AND reservation.requestid =
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @computerloadlog_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @computerloadlog_rows == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "reservations associated with request $request_id could not be retrieved from the database, 0 rows were returned");
my %reservation_status;
# Loop through the rows, check the loadstate
for my $computerloadlog_row (@computerloadlog_rows) {
my $reservation_id = $computerloadlog_row->{reservation_id};
my $computerloadstate_name = $computerloadlog_row->{loadstatename};
# Initialize the hash key for the reservation if it isn't defined
if (!defined($reservation_status{$reservation_id})) {
$reservation_status{$reservation_id} = 'not ready';
# Skip if loadstatename is undefined, means no computerloadlog rows exist for the reservation
if (!defined($computerloadstate_name)) {
# Only populate hash keys with loadstatnames we care about
# Ignore 'info' and other entries
if ($computerloadstate_name =~ /loadimagecomplete|nodeready|failed/i) {
# Update the reservation hash key, don't overwrite 'failed'
if ($reservation_status{$reservation_id} !~ /failed/) {
$reservation_status{$reservation_id} = $computerloadstate_name;
} ## end for my $computerloadlog_row (@computerloadlog_rows)
# Assemble a string of all of the statuses
my $status_string = '';
my $failed = 0;
my $ready = 1;
foreach my $reservation_check_id (sort keys(%reservation_status)) {
my $reservation_check_status = $reservation_status{$reservation_check_id};
$status_string .= "reservation $request_id:$reservation_check_id: $reservation_check_status\n";
# Set the failed flag to 1 if any reservations failed
if ($reservation_check_status =~ /failed/i) {
$failed = 1;
# Set the ready flag to 0 if any reservations are set to 0 (matching state wasn't found)
if ($reservation_check_status =~ /not ready/) {
$ready = 0;
} ## end foreach my $reservation_check_id (sort keys(%reservation_status...
if ($failed) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "request $request_id has failed reservations, returning undefined:\n$status_string");
if ($ready) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "all reservations for request $request_id are ready, returning $ready:\n$status_string");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "not all reservations for request $request_id are ready, returning $ready:\n$status_string");
return $ready;
} ## end sub reservations_ready
=head2 reservation_being_processed
Parameters : reservation ID
Returns : true if reservation is avtively being processed, false otherwise
Description : Checks the computerloadlog table for rows matching the
reservation ID and loadstate = begin. Returns true if any
matching rows exist, false otherwise.
sub reservation_being_processed {
my ($reservation_id) = @_;
# Make sure reservation ID was passed
if (!$reservation_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "reservation ID argument was not passed");
my $select_statement = "
computerloadlog.reservationid = $reservation_id
AND computerloadlog.loadstateid =
AND computerloadstate.loadstatename = \'begin\'
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @computerloadlog_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check if at least 1 row was returned
my $computerloadlog_exists;
if (scalar @computerloadlog_rows == 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "computerloadlog 'begin' entry exists for reservation");
$computerloadlog_exists = 1;
elsif (scalar @computerloadlog_rows > 1) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "multiple computerloadlog 'begin' entries exist for reservation");
$computerloadlog_exists = 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "computerloadlog 'begin' entry does NOT exist for reservation $reservation_id");
$computerloadlog_exists = 0;
# Check if a vcld process is running matching for this reservation
my @processes_running = is_management_node_process_running("$PROCESSNAME [0-9]+:$reservation_id ");
# Check the results and return
if ($computerloadlog_exists && @processes_running) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reservation is currently being processed, computerloadlog 'begin' entry exists and running process was found: @processes_running");
return 1;
elsif (!$computerloadlog_exists && @processes_running) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computerloadlog 'begin' entry does NOT exist but running process was found: @processes_running, assuming reservation is currently being processed");
return 1;
elsif ($computerloadlog_exists && !@processes_running) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computerloadlog 'begin' entry exists but running process was NOT found, assuming reservation is NOT currently being processed");
return 0;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reservation is NOT currently being processed");
return 0;
=head2 run_command
Parameters : string
Returns : array if command run, undefined if it didn't
Description : Runs a command locally on the management node.
If command completed successfully, an array containing
the exit status and a reference to an array containing the
lines of output of the command specified is returned.
$array[0] = the exit status of the command
$array[1] = reference to array containing lines of output
generated by the command
If the command fails, an empty array is returned.
sub run_command {
my ($command, $no_output) = @_;
my $pid;
my @output = ();
my $exit_status;
# Pipe the command output to a file handle
# The open function returns the pid of the process
if ($pid = open(COMMAND, "$command 2>&1 |")) {
# Capture the output of the command
@output = <COMMAND>;
# Save the exit status
$exit_status = $? >> 8;
if ($? == -1) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "\$? is set to $?, setting exit status to 0, Perl bug likely encountered");
$exit_status = 0;
# Close the command handle
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute command: $command, error: $!");
if (!$no_output) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "executed command: $command, pid: $pid, exit status: $exit_status, output:\n@output");
# Remove newlines from output lines
map { chomp $_ } @output;
return ($exit_status, \@output);
=head2 string_to_ascii
Parameters : string
Returns : string with special ASCII characters replaced with character
Description : Takes the string passed, checks each character, and replaces
special ASCII characters with the character name. For
example, "This is a\r\nstring." would return
sub string_to_ascii {
my $string = shift;
my %ascii_codes = (
0 => 'NUL',
1 => 'SOH',
2 => 'STX',
3 => 'ETX',
4 => 'EOT',
5 => 'ENQ',
6 => 'ACK',
7 => 'BEL',
8 => 'BS',
9 => 'HT',
10 => 'LF',
11 => 'VT',
12 => 'FF',
13 => 'CR',
14 => 'SO',
15 => 'SI',
16 => 'DLE',
17 => 'DC1',
18 => 'DC2',
19 => 'DC3',
20 => 'DC4',
21 => 'NAK',
22 => 'SYN',
23 => 'ETB',
24 => 'CAN',
25 => 'EM',
26 => 'SUB',
27 => 'ESC',
28 => 'FS',
29 => 'GS',
30 => 'RS',
31 => 'US',
32 => 'SP',
127 => 'DEL',
my $ascii_value_string;
foreach my $ascii_code (unpack("C*", $string)) {
if (defined($ascii_codes{$ascii_code})) {
$ascii_value_string .= "[$ascii_codes{$ascii_code}]";
$ascii_value_string .= "\n" if $ascii_code == 10;
else {
$ascii_value_string .= pack("C*", $ascii_code);
if (defined($ascii_value_string)) {
return $ascii_value_string;
else {
return '';
=head2 xmlrpc_call
Parameters : @arguments
Returns : RPC::XML::Client response value
Description : Calls the RPC::XML function defined in the arguments
sub xmlrpc_call {
my @arguments = @_;
if (!@arguments) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "no arguments were passed to subroutine");
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to call " . join(", ", @arguments) . " function - RPC::XML values have not been set in the vcld.ini file");
# Create a Client object
my $client;
if (LWP::UserAgent->new->can('ssl_opts')) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "RPC::XML version supports useragent options, setting verify_hostname to 0");
$client = RPC::XML::Client->new($XMLRPC_URL, useragent => ['ssl_opts' => {verify_hostname => 0}]);
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "RPC::XML version does not support useragent options");
$client = RPC::XML::Client->new($XMLRPC_URL);
$client->request->header('X-User' => $XMLRPC_USER);
$client->request->header('X-Pass' => $XMLRPC_PASS);
$client->request->header('X-APIVERSION' => 2);
if (defined($client)) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "created RPC::XML client object:\n" .
"username: $XMLRPC_USER"
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to create a new RPC::XML client object, error: " . ($RPC::XML::ERROR || '<none>'));
# Call send_request
my $response = $client->send_request(@arguments);
$ENV{rpc_xml_response} = $response;
if (!ref($response)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "RPC::XML::Client::send_request failed\n" .
"username: $XMLRPC_USER\n" .
"password: $XMLRPC_PASS\n" ."error: " . ($RPC::XML::ERROR || '<none>') . "\n" .
"arguments: " . join(", ", @arguments) . "\n" .
"response: '$response'\n" . format_data($response)
#"client: '$client'\n" . format_data($client)
$ENV{rpc_xml_error} = $response;
$ENV{rpc_xml_error} =~ s/^RPC::XML::Client::send_request:\s*//;
# Check if fault occurred
if ($response->is_fault) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "RPC::XML::Client::send_request fault occurred\n" .
"username: $XMLRPC_USER\n" .
"password: $XMLRPC_PASS\n" .
"arguments: " . join(", ", @arguments) . "\n" .
"fault code: " . $response->code . "\n" .
"fault string: " . $response->string
$ENV{rpc_xml_error} = $response->string;
# Display the response details
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "called RPC::XML::Client::send_request:\n" .
"arguments: " . join(", ", @arguments) . "\n" .
"response value:\n" . format_data($response->value)
# Return the response
return $response;
=head2 is_management_node_process_running
Parameters : PID or process name
Returns : 0 or 1
Description :
sub is_management_node_process_running {
my ($process_identifier) = @_;
# Check the arguments
unless ($process_identifier) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "process PID or name argument was not specified");
my $command = "pgrep -fl '$process_identifier'";
my ($exit_status, $output) = run_command($command, 0);
if (!defined($output)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to run command to determine if process is running: $command");
my @processes_running;
for my $line (@$output) {
my ($pid) = $line =~ /^(\d+)/;
if (!defined($pid)) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "ignoring pgrep output line, it does not begin with a number: $line");
elsif ($pid eq $PID) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "ignoring pgrep output line for the currently running process: $line");
elsif ($line =~ /pgrep -fl/) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "ignoring pgrep output line containing for pgrep command: $line");
elsif ($line =~ /sh -c/) {
# Ignore lines containing 'sh -c', probably indicating a duplicate process of a command run remotely
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "ignoring pgrep output line containing 'sh -c': $line");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "found matching process: $line");
push @processes_running, $pid;
if (@processes_running) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "process is running, identifier: '$process_identifier', returning array containing PIDs: @processes_running");
return @processes_running;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "process is NOT running, identifier: '$process_identifier'");
=head2 read_file_to_array
Parameters : File path
Returns : If successful: array containing lines in file
If failed: false
Description : Returns the contents of the file specified by the argument in an
array. Each array element contains a line from the file.
sub read_file_to_array {
my $file_path = shift;
if (!$file_path) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "file path argument was not specified");
unless (open(FILE, $file_path)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to open file: $file_path, reason: $!");
my @file_contents = <FILE>;
close FILE;
return @file_contents;
=head2 is_valid_ip_address
Parameters : IP address string
Returns : If valid: true
If not valid: false
Description : Determines if the argument is a valid IP address.
sub is_valid_ip_address {
my $ip_address = shift;
if (!$ip_address) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "IP address argument was not specified");
# Split up the IP address being checked into its octets
my @octets = split(/\./, $ip_address);
# Make sure 4 octets were found
if (scalar @octets != 4) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "IP address does not contain 4 octets: $ip_address, octets:\n" . join("\n", @octets));
return 0;
# Make sure address only contains digits
if (grep(/\D/, @octets)) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "IP address contains a non-digit: $ip_address");
return 0;
# Make sure none of the octets is > 255
if ($octets[0] > 255 || $octets[0] > 255 || $octets[0] > 255 || $octets[0] > 255) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "IP address contains an octet > 255: $ip_address");
return 0;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "IP address is valid: $ip_address");
return 1;
=head2 is_valid_dns_host_name
Parameters : $dns_host_name
Returns : If valid: true
If not valid: false
Description : Determines if the argument is a valid DNS host name.
sub is_valid_dns_host_name {
my $dns_host_name = shift;
if (!$dns_host_name) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "DNS host name argument was not specified");
if (!$dns_host_name) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "DNS host name argument was not specified");
return 0;
if ((my $length = length($dns_host_name)) > 255) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "DNS host name is too long ($length characters): $dns_host_name");
return 0;
if (my @illegal_characters = $dns_host_name =~ /([^\da-z\.\-])/i) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "DNS host name contains illegal characters: " . join(" ", @illegal_characters));
return 0;
if ($dns_host_name =~ /\.\./i) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "DNS host name contains contiguous periods: $dns_host_name");
return 0;
if ($dns_host_name !~ /^[\da-z]/i) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "DNS host name does not begin with a letter or digit: " . string_to_ascii($dns_host_name));
return 0;
if (grep(/^\d+$/, split(/\./, $dns_host_name))) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "DNS host name contains a section comprised only of digits: $dns_host_name");
return 0;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "DNS host name is valid: $dns_host_name");
return 1;
=head2 is_public_ip_address
Parameters : IP address string
Returns : If public: true
If not public: false
Description : Determines if the argument is a valid public IP address. It will
return true if the IP address is valid and not in any of the
following ranges:
Private: - - -
Loopback: -
Reserved: - -
Multicast: -
sub is_public_ip_address {
my $ip_address = shift;
if (!$ip_address) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "IP address argument was not specified");
# Split up the IP address being checked into its octets
my @octets = split(/\./, $ip_address);
# Make sure the address is valid
unless (is_valid_ip_address($ip_address)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to determine if IP address is private, the address is not valid: $ip_address");
return 0;
# Determine the type of address address
# Private:
# -
# -
# -
if (($octets[0] == 10) ||
($octets[0] == 172 && ($octets[1] >= 16 && $octets[1] <= 31)) ||
($octets[0] == 192 && $octets[1] == 168)
) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "private IP address: $ip_address, returning 0");
return 0;
# Loopback:
# -
elsif ($ip_address =~ /^127/) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "loopback IP address: $ip_address, returning 0");
return 0;
# Reserved:
# -
# -
elsif (($ip_address eq '') ||
($ip_address =~ /^169\.254/) ||
($ip_address eq '') ||
($ip_address eq '') ||
($octets[0] >= 240 && $octets[0] <= 255)
) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "reserved IP address: $ip_address, returning 0");
return 0;
# Multicast:
# -
elsif ($octets[0] >= 224 && $octets[0] <= 239) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "multicast IP address: $ip_address, returning 0");
return 0;
# Broadcast:
elsif ($ip_address eq '') {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "broadcast IP address: $ip_address, returning 0");
return 0;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "public IP address: $ip_address, returning 1");
return 1;
=head2 get_block_request_image_info
Parameters : computer ID
Returns : imagename imageid imagerevisionid
Description : Checks the blockcomputers table matching computer id
sub get_block_request_image_info {
my ($computerid) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
# Check the passed parameters
if (!(defined($computerid))) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer ID was not specified");
return ();
# Construct the select statement
my $select_statement = "
SELECT DISTINCT AS image_name, AS image_id, AS imagerevision_id,
blockTimes.start AS starttime
blockComputers.imageid =
AND imagerevision.imageid =
AND imagerevision.production = 1
AND = blockComputers.blockTimeid
AND blockComputers.computerid = $computerid
ORDER BY blockTimes.start LIMIT 1
# Call the database select subroutine
# This will return an array of one or more rows based on the select statement
my @block_image_info = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure 1 row was returned
if (scalar @block_image_info == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "no block reservation image information existed for $computerid, 0 rows were returned");
if (scalar @block_image_info == 1) {
my @ret_array;
push (@ret_array, $block_image_info[0]{image_name},$block_image_info[0]{image_id},$block_image_info[0]{imagerevision_id});
return @ret_array;
=head2 get_module_info
Parameters : Module ID (optional)
Returns : Array
Description : Returns a hash reference containing information from the module
An optional module ID argument can be supplied. If supplied, only
the information for the specified module is returned.
A hash reference is returned. The keys of the hash are the module IDs.
Example showing the format of the data structure returned:
my $module_info = get_module_info();
|--{description} = 'Provides OS support for standalone Unix lab machines'
|--{name} = 'os_unix_lab'
|--{perlpackage} = 'VCL::Module::OS::Linux::UnixLab'
|--{prettyname} = 'Unix Lab OS Module'
|--{description} = ''
|--{name} = 'os_win2008'
|--{perlpackage} = 'VCL::Module::OS::Windows::Version_6::2008'
|--{prettyname} = 'Windows Server 2008 OS Module'
sub get_module_info {
# Create the select statement
my $select_statement = "
# Append a WHERE clause if a module ID argument was supplied
my $module_id = shift;
if ($module_id) {
$select_statement .= "WHERE id = $module_id";
# Call the database select subroutine
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure rows were returned
if (!@selected_rows) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to retrieve rows from module table");
# Transform the array of database rows into a hash
my %module_info_hash;
for my $row (@selected_rows) {
my $module_id = $row->{id};
for my $key (keys %$row) {
next if $key eq 'id';
my $value = $row->{$key};
$module_info_hash{$module_id}{$key} = $value;
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved module info:\n" . format_data(\%module_info_hash));
return \%module_info_hash;
=head2 get_current_package_name
Parameters : None
Returns : String
Description : Returns a string containing the name of the Perl package which
called get_current_package_name.
sub get_current_package_name {
my $package_name = (caller(0))[0];
return $package_name;
=head2 get_current_file_name
Parameters : None
Returns : String
Description : Returns a string containing the name of the file which
called get_current_file_name.
sub get_current_file_name {
my $file_name = (caller(0))[1];
# Remove path leaving only file name
$file_name =~ s/.*\///g;
return $file_name;
=head2 get_current_subroutine_name
Parameters : None
Returns : String
Description : Returns a string containing the name of the subroutine which
called get_current_subroutine_name.
sub get_current_subroutine_name {
my $subroutine_name = (caller(1))[3];
# Remove path leaving only sub name
$subroutine_name =~ s/.*:://g;
return $subroutine_name;
=head2 disablesshd
Parameters : $hostname, $unityname, $remoteIP, $state, $osname, $log
Returns : 1 success 0 failure
Description : using ssh identity key log into remote lab machine
and set flag for vclclientd to disable sshd for remote user
sub disablesshd {
my ($hostname, $unityname, $remoteIP, $state, $osname, $log) = @_;
my ($package, $filename, $line, $sub) = caller(0);
$log = 0 if (!(defined($log)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "hostname is not defined") if (!(defined($hostname)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "unityname is not defined") if (!(defined($unityname)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "remoteIP is not defined") if (!(defined($remoteIP)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "state is not defined") if (!(defined($state)));
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "osname is not defined") if (!(defined($osname)));
if (!(defined($remoteIP))) {
$remoteIP = "";
my @lines;
my $l;
my $identity_keys = get_management_node_info()->{keys};
# create clientdata file
my $clientdata = "/tmp/clientdata.$hostname";
if (open(CLIENTDATA, ">$clientdata")) {
print CLIENTDATA "$state\n";
print CLIENTDATA "$unityname\n";
print CLIENTDATA "$remoteIP\n";
# scp to hostname
my $target = "vclstaff\@$hostname:/home/vclstaff/clientdata";
if (run_scp_command($clientdata, $target, $identity_keys, "24")) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $log, "Success copied $clientdata to $target");
# send flag to activate changes
my @sshcmd = run_ssh_command($hostname, $identity_keys, "echo 1 > /home/vclstaff/flag", "vclstaff", "24");
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $log, "setting flag to 1 on $hostname");
my $nmapchecks = 0;
# return nmap check
if (!(nmap_port($hostname, 22))) {
return 1;
else {
if ($nmapchecks < 5) {
sleep 1;
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $log, "port 22 not closed yet calling NMAPPORT code block");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "port 22 never closed on client $hostname");
return 0;
} ## end else [ if (!(nmap_port($hostname, 22)))
} ## end if (run_scp_command($clientdata, $target, ...
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, $log, "could not copy src=$clientdata to target=$target");
return 0;
} ## end if (open(CLIENTDATA, ">$clientdata"))
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, $log, "could not open /tmp/clientdata.$hostname $! ");
return 0;
} ## end sub disablesshd
=head2 get_affiliation_info
Parameters : Affiliation ID (optional)
Returns : Array
Description : Returns a hash reference containing information from the affiliation
An optional affiliation ID argument can be supplied. If supplied, only
the information for the specified affiliation is returned.
A hash reference is returned. The keys of the hash are the affiliation IDs.
Example showing the format of the data structure returned:
my $affiliation_info = get_affiliation_info();
|--{dataUpdateText} = ''
|--{helpaddress} = NULL
|--{name} = 'Global'
|--{shibname} = NULL
|--{shibonly} = '0'
|--{sitewwwaddress} = NULL
|--{dataUpdateText} = '<font size="-2">* To update any of these fields, follow the appropriate<br>link under <strong>Related Tools</strong> at the Campus Directory</font>'
|--{helpaddress} = ''
|--{name} = 'University of Blah'
|--{shibname} = ''
|--{shibonly} = '0'
|--{sitewwwaddress} = ''
sub get_affiliation_info {
# Create the select statement
my $select_statement = "
# Append a WHERE clause if a affiliation ID argument was supplied
my $affiliation_id = shift;
if ($affiliation_id) {
$select_statement .= "WHERE id = $affiliation_id";
# Call the database select subroutine
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Check to make sure rows were returned
if (!@selected_rows) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to retrieve rows from affiliation table");
# Transform the array of database rows into a hash
my %affiliation_info_hash;
for my $row (@selected_rows) {
my $affiliation_id = $row->{id};
for my $key (keys %$row) {
next if $key eq 'id';
my $value = $row->{$key};
$affiliation_info_hash{$affiliation_id}{$key} = $value;
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved affiliation info:\n" . format_data(\%affiliation_info_hash));
return \%affiliation_info_hash;
=head2 format_number
Parameters : $number, $decimal_places (optional)
Returns : string
Description : Formats a number with commas and rounds it to a number of
decimal places. The default number of decimal places is 0 so
that numbers are rounded to the nearest integer.
sub format_number {
my ($number, $decimal_places) = @_;
$decimal_places = 0 if !$decimal_places;
$number = sprintf("%." . $decimal_places . "f", $number);
$number = reverse($number);
$number =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
return scalar reverse $number;
=head2 get_file_size_info_string
Parameters : $bytes
Returns : string
Description :
sub get_file_size_info_string {
my ($size_bytes, $separator) = @_;
$separator = " - " if !$separator;
my $size_kb = format_number(($size_bytes / 1024), 1);
my $size_mb = format_number(($size_bytes / 1024 ** 2), 1);
my $size_gb = format_number(($size_bytes / 1024 ** 3), 2);
my $size_tb = format_number(($size_bytes / 1024 ** 4), 2);
my $size_info;
$size_info .= format_number($size_bytes) . " bytes$separator";
$size_info .= "$size_kb KB$separator";
$size_info .= "$size_mb MB$separator";
$size_info .= "$size_gb GB";
$size_info .= "$separator$size_tb TB" if ($size_tb >= 1);
return $size_info;
=head2 get_copy_speed_info_string
Parameters : $copied_bytes, $duration_seconds
Returns : string
Description : Calculates various copy rates based on the amount of data copied
and time the copy took.
sub get_copy_speed_info_string {
my ($copied_bytes, $duration_seconds) = @_;
my $minutes = ($duration_seconds / 60);
$minutes =~ s/\..*//g;
my $seconds = ($duration_seconds - ($minutes * 60));
if (length($seconds) == 0) {
$seconds = "00";
elsif (length($seconds) == 1) {
$seconds = "0$seconds";
my $copied_bits = ($copied_bytes * 8);
my $copied_kb = ($copied_bytes / 1024);
my $copied_mb = ($copied_bytes / 1024 / 1024);
my $copied_gb = ($copied_bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024);
my $copied_kbit = ($copied_bits / 1024);
my $copied_mbit = ($copied_bits / 1024 / 1024);
my $copied_gbit = ($copied_bits / 1024 / 1024 / 1024);
my $bytes_per_second = ($copied_bytes / $duration_seconds);
my $kb_per_second = ($copied_kb / $duration_seconds);
my $mb_per_second = ($copied_mb / $duration_seconds);
my $gb_per_second = ($copied_gb / $duration_seconds);
my $bits_per_second = ($copied_bits / $duration_seconds);
my $kbit_per_second = ($copied_kbit / $duration_seconds);
my $mbit_per_second = ($copied_mbit / $duration_seconds);
my $gbit_per_second = ($copied_gbit / $duration_seconds);
my $bytes_per_minute = ($copied_bytes / $duration_seconds * 60);
my $kb_per_minute = ($copied_kb / $duration_seconds * 60);
my $mb_per_minute = ($copied_mb / $duration_seconds * 60);
my $gb_per_minute = ($copied_gb / $duration_seconds * 60);
my $info_string;
$info_string .= "data copied: " . get_file_size_info_string($copied_bytes) . "\n";
$info_string .= "time to copy: $minutes:$seconds (" . format_number($duration_seconds) . " seconds)\n";
$info_string .= "---\n";
$info_string .= "bits copied: " . format_number($copied_bits) . " ($copied_bits)\n";
$info_string .= "bytes copied: " . format_number($copied_bytes) . " ($copied_bytes)\n";
$info_string .= "MB copied: " . format_number($copied_mb, 1) . "\n";
$info_string .= "GB copied: " . format_number($copied_gb, 2) . "\n";
$info_string .= "---\n";
$info_string .= "B/m: " . format_number($bytes_per_minute) . "\n";
$info_string .= "MB/m: " . format_number($mb_per_minute, 1) . "\n";
$info_string .= "GB/m: " . format_number($gb_per_minute, 2) . "\n";
$info_string .= "---\n";
$info_string .= "B/s: " . format_number($bytes_per_second) . "\n";
$info_string .= "MB/s: " . format_number($mb_per_second, 1) . "\n";
$info_string .= "GB/s: " . format_number($gb_per_second, 2) . "\n";
$info_string .= "---\n";
$info_string .= "Mbit/s: " . format_number($mbit_per_second, 1) . "\n";
$info_string .= "Gbit/s: " . format_number($gbit_per_second, 2);
return $info_string;
=head2 create_management_node_directory
Parameters : $directory_path
Returns : boolean
Description : Creates a directory on the management node.
sub create_management_node_directory {
my ($directory_path) = @_;
# Check if the directory already exists
if (-d $directory_path) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "directory already exists on management node: $directory_path");
return 1;
# Attempt to create the directory
my $command = "mkdir -p -v \"$directory_path\" 2>&1 && ls -1d \"$directory_path\"";
my ($exit_status, $output) = run_command($command, 1);
if (!defined($output)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to run command to create directory on management node: $directory_path\ncommand: $command");
elsif (grep(/created directory/i, @$output)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "created directory on management node: $directory_path");
return 1;
elsif (grep(/mkdir: /i, @$output)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "error occurred attempting to create directory on management node: $directory_path:\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output));
elsif (grep(/^$directory_path/, @$output)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "directory already exists on management node: $directory_path");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unexpected output returned from command to create directory on management node: $directory_path:\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output));
=head2 normalize_file_path
Parameters : $path
Returns : string
Description : Normalizes a file or directory path:
-spaces from the beginning and end of the path are removed
-quotes from the beginning and end of the path are removed
-trailing slashes are removed
-escaped spaces are unescaped
sub normalize_file_path {
# Get the path argument
my $path = shift;
if (!$path) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "path argument was not specified");
# Remove any spaces and quotes from the beginning and end of the path
# Remove any slashes from the end of the path
$path =~ s/(^['"\s]*|['"\s\\\/]*$)//g;
# Unescape any spaces
$path =~ s/\\+(\s)/$1/g;
return $path;
=head2 escape_file_path
Parameters : $path
Returns : string
Description : Escapes special characters in a file or directory path with
-spaces are escaped
sub escape_file_path {
# Get the path argument
my $path = shift;
if (!$path) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "path argument was not specified");
$path = normalize_file_path($path);
# Call quotemeta to escape all special character
$path = quotemeta $path;
# Unescape wildcard *, +, characters or else subroutines will fail which accept a wildcard file path
$path =~ s/\\+([\*\+\/\~])/$1/g;
return $path;
=head2 parent_directory_path
Parameters : $path
Returns : string
Description : Returns the parent directory path of the path argument. The path
returned is normalized.
sub parent_directory_path {
# Get the path argument
my $path = shift;
if (!$path) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "path argument was not specified");
$path = normalize_file_path($path);
# Remove everything after the last forward or backslash
$path =~ s/\/[^\/\\]+$//g;
return $path;
=head2 setup_get_array_choice
Parameters :
Returns :
Description :
sub setup_get_array_choice {
my (@choices) = @_;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "choices argument:\n" . join("\n", @choices));
my $choice_count = scalar(@choices);
while (1) {
for (my $i=1; $i<=$choice_count; $i++) {
print "$i. $choices[$i-1]\n";
print "\n[" . join("/", @{$ENV{setup_path}}) . "]\n";
print "Make a selection (1";
print "-$choice_count" if ($choice_count > 1);
print ", 'c' to cancel): ";
my $choice = <STDIN>;
chomp $choice;
if ($choice =~ /^c$/i) {
if ($choice !~ /^\d+$/ || $choice < 1 || $choice > $choice_count) {
print "\n*** Choice must be an integer between 1 and $choice_count ***\n\n";
else {
return ($choice - 1);
=head2 setup_get_input_string
Parameters :
Returns :
Description :
sub setup_get_input_string {
my ($message, $default_value) = @_;
if ($default_value) {
print "$message [$default_value]: ";
else {
print "$message ('c' to cancel): ";
my $input = <STDIN>;
chomp $input;
if ($input =~ /^c$/i) {
elsif ($default_value && !length($input)) {
return $default_value;
else {
return $input;
=head2 setup_get_hash_choice
Parameters : $hash_ref, $display_key ()
Returns :
Description :
sub setup_get_hash_choice {
my ($hash_ref, $display_key) = @_;
my $choice_count = scalar(keys %$hash_ref);
my %choices;
for my $key (keys %$hash_ref) {
my $display_name;
if ($display_key) {
$display_name = $hash_ref->{$key}{$display_key};
else {
$display_name = $key;
if ($choices{$display_name}) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "duplicate hash keys containing the value '$display_key' = '$display_name', hash argument:\n" . format_data($hash_ref));
$choices{$display_name} = $key;
my $choice_index = setup_get_array_choice(sort keys %choices);
return if (!defined($choice_index));
my $choice_name = (sort keys %choices)[$choice_index];
return $choices{$choice_name};
=head2 setup_confirm
Parameters : $message
Returns : boolean
Description : Displays the message to the user and loops until they enter Y or
sub setup_confirm {
my ($message) = @_;
while (1) {
print "$message (Y/N)? ";
my $input = <STDIN>;
if ($input =~ /^y(es)?$/i) {
return 1;
elsif ($input =~ /^n(o)?$/i) {
return 0;
=head2 setup_print_wrap
Parameters : $message, $columns (optional)
Returns :
Description : Prints a message to STDOUT formatted to the column width. 76 is
the default column value.
sub setup_print_wrap {
my ($message, $columns) = @_;
$columns = 76 if !defined($columns);
return if !$message;
# Save the leading and trailing lines then remove them from the string
# This is done so wrap doesn't lose them
my ($leading_newlines) = $message =~ /^(\n+)/;
$message =~ s/^\n+//g;
my ($trailing_newlines) = $message =~ /(\n+)$/;
$message =~ s/\n+$//g;
# Wrap text for lines
local($Text::Wrap::columns) = $columns;
print $leading_newlines if $leading_newlines;
print wrap('', '', $message);
print $trailing_newlines if $trailing_newlines;
return 1;
=head2 get_os_info
Parameters : none
Returns : hash reference
Description : Returns the contents of the OS table as a hash reference. The
hash keys are the OS IDs.
sub get_os_info {
# Create the select statement
my $select_statement = <<EOF;
OS.*, AS module_name,
module.prettyname AS module_prettyname,
module.perlpackage AS module_perlpackage
OS.moduleid =
# Call the database select subroutine
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
my %info;
for my $row (@selected_rows) {
my $os_id = $row->{id};
foreach my $key (keys %$row) {
my $value = $row->{$key};
(my $original_key = $key) =~ s/^.+_//;
if ($key =~ /module_/) {
$info{$os_id}{module}{$original_key} = $value;
else {
$info{$os_id}{$original_key} = $value;
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved OS info:\n" . format_data(\%info));
return \%info;
=head2 kill_child_processes
Parameters : $parent_pid
Returns : boolean
Description : Kills all child processes belonging to the parent PID specified
as the argument.
sub kill_child_processes {
my @parent_pids = @_;
my $parent_pid = $parent_pids[-1];
my $parent_process_string = "parent PID: " . join(">", @parent_pids);
# Make sure the parent vcld daemon process didn't call this subroutine for safety
# Prevents all reservations being processed from being killed
if ($ENV{vcld}) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "kill_child_processes subroutine called from the parent vcld process, not killing any processes for safety");
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$parent_process_string: attempting to kill child processes");
my $command = "pgrep -flP $parent_pid | sort -r";
my ($exit_status, $output) = run_command($command, 1);
for my $line (@$output) {
# Make sure the line only contains a PID
my ($child_pid, $child_command) = $line =~ /^(\d+)\s+(.*)/;
if (!defined($child_pid) || !defined($child_command)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$parent_process_string: pgrep output line does not contain a PID and command:\nline: '$child_pid'\ncommand: '$command'");
elsif ($child_command =~ /$command/) {
# Ignore the pgrep command called to determine child processes
# Create a string containing the beginning and end of the child process command to make log output more readable
my $child_command_summary = join('...', ($child_command =~ /^(.{10,20}).*(.{20,30})$/));
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$parent_process_string, found child process: $child_pid '$child_command_summary'");
# Recursively kill the child processes of the child process
kill_child_processes(@parent_pids, $child_pid);
my $kill_count = kill 9, $child_pid;
if ($kill_count) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$parent_process_string, killed child process: $child_pid (kill count: $kill_count)");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$parent_process_string, kill command returned 0 attempting to kill child process: $child_pid");
return 1;
=head2 get_connect_method_info
Parameters : $imagerevision_id
Returns : hash reference
Description : Returns the connect methods for the image revision specified as
the argument.
sub get_connect_method_info {
my ($imagerevision_id) = @_;
if (!defined($imagerevision_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "imagerevision ID argument was not supplied");
my $imagerevision_info = get_imagerevision_info($imagerevision_id);
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "attempting to retrieve connect method info:\n" .
"imagerevision: $imagerevision_id - " . $imagerevision_info->{imagename} . "\n" .
"OS: " . $imagerevision_info->{image}{OS}{id} . " - " . $imagerevision_info->{image}{OS}{name} . "\n" .
"OS type: " . $imagerevision_info->{image}{OS}{OStype}{id} . " - " . $imagerevision_info->{image}{OS}{OStype}{name}
# Get a hash ref containing the database column names
my $database_table_columns = get_database_table_columns();
my @tables = (
# Construct the select statement
my $select_statement = "SELECT DISTINCT\n";
# Get the column names for each table and add them to the select statement
for my $table (@tables) {
my @columns = @{$database_table_columns->{$table}};
for my $column (@columns) {
$select_statement .= "$table.$column AS '$table-$column',\n";
# Remove the comma after the last column line
$select_statement =~ s/,$//;
# Complete the select statement
$select_statement .= <<EOF;
LEFT JOIN image ON ( = imagerevision.imageid)
LEFT JOIN OS ON ( = image.OSid)
LEFT JOIN OStype ON ( = OS.type)
connectmethodmap.connectmethodid =
AND = $imagerevision_id
AND connectmethodmap.autoprovisioned IS NULL
connectmethodmap.OStypeid =
OR connectmethodmap.OSid =
OR connectmethodmap.imagerevisionid =
# Call the database select subroutine
my @selected_rows = database_select($select_statement);
# Transform the array of database rows into a hash
my $connect_method_info = {};
for my $row (@selected_rows) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, $row->{"connectmethod-name"} . ": " .
"connectmethodid=" . $row->{"connectmethod-id"} . ", " .
"OStypeid=" . ($row->{"connectmethodmap-OStypeid"} || 'NULL') . ", " .
"OSid=" . ($row->{"connectmethodmap-OSid"} || 'NULL') . ", " .
"imagerevisionid=" . ($row->{"connectmethodmap-imagerevisionid"} || 'NULL') . ", " .
"disabled=" . $row->{"connectmethodmap-disabled"});
my $connectmethod_id = $row->{'connectmethod-id'};
# Loop through all the columns returned
for my $key (keys %$row) {
next if $key eq 'connectmethod-connecttext';
my $value = $row->{$key};
# Split the table-column names
my ($table, $column) = $key =~ /^([^-]+)-(.+)/;
# Add the values for the primary table to the hash
# Add values for other tables under separate keys
if ($table eq $tables[0]) {
$connect_method_info->{$connectmethod_id}{$column} = $value;
else {
$connect_method_info->{$connectmethod_id}{$table}{$column} = $value;
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved connect method info:\n" . format_data($connect_method_info));
return $connect_method_info;
=head2 get_random_mac_address
Parameters : $prefix (optional)
Returns : string
Description : Generates a random MAC address.
sub get_random_mac_address {
my ($prefix) = @_;
if ($prefix) {
# Add a trailing colon if not supplied in the argument
$prefix =~ s/:+$/:/;
if ($prefix !~ /([a-f0-9]{2}:)+/i) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "invalid MAC address prefix argument: $prefix");
elsif (length($prefix) % 3 != 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "invalid MAC address prefix length: '$prefix'");
else {
$prefix = '52:54:';
my $random_octet_count = (6 - (length($prefix) / 3));
# Remove the trailing colon
$prefix =~ s/:+$//;
my $mac_address = uc($prefix);
for (my $i=0; $i<$random_octet_count; $i++) {
$mac_address .= ":" . sprintf("%02X",int(rand(255)));
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "generated random MAC address: '$mac_address'");
return $mac_address;
=head2 xml_string_to_hash
Parameters : $xml_text
Returns : hash reference
Description : Converts XML text to a hash using XML::Simple:XMLin. The argument
may be a string of XML text, an array, or array reference of
lines of XML text.
sub xml_string_to_hash {
my @arguments = @_;
if (!@arguments) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "XML text argument was not specified");
my $xml_text;
# Check if the argument is an array of lines, array reference, or string
if (scalar(@arguments) == 1) {
my $argument = $arguments[0];
if (my $type = ref($argument)) {
if ($type eq 'ARRAY') {
$xml_text = join("\n", @$argument);
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "XML text argument is a $type reference, it may only be a string or array reference");
else {
$xml_text = $argument;
else {
$xml_text = join("\n", @arguments);
# Override the die handler
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{};
# Convert the XML to a hash using XML::Simple
my $xml_hashref;
eval {
$xml_hashref = XMLin($xml_text, 'ForceArray' => 1, 'KeyAttr' => []);
if ($xml_hashref) {
return $xml_hashref;
elsif ($EVAL_ERROR) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to convert XML text to hash, error: $EVAL_ERROR\nXML text:$xml_text");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to convert XML text to hash, XML text:$xml_text");
=head2 hash_to_xml_string
Parameters : $xml_hashref
Returns : string
Description : Converts an XML hash reference to text to a hash using
sub hash_to_xml_string {
my $xml_hashref = shift;
if (!$xml_hashref) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "XML hash reference argument was not specified");
elsif (!ref($xml_hashref) || ref($xml_hashref) ne 'HASH') {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "argument is not a hash reference");
my $root_name = shift;
# Override the die handler
local $SIG{__DIE__} = sub{};
# Convert the XML hashref to text using XML::Simple::XMLout
my $xml_text;
eval {
$xml_text = XMLout($xml_hashref, 'RootName' => $root_name, 'KeyAttr' => []);
if ($xml_text) {
return $xml_text;
elsif ($EVAL_ERROR) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to convert XML hash reference to text, error: $EVAL_ERROR\nXML hash reference:" . format_data($xml_hashref));
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to convert XML hash reference to text, XML hash reference:" . format_data($xml_hashref));
=head2 get_array_summary_string
Parameters : $array_ref or @array
Returns : string
Description : Formats a string from an array. If there are more than 3 elements
in the array, the values are summarized:
...14 additional entries...
sub get_array_summary_string {
my @arguments = @_;
if (!@arguments) {
return '';
elsif (scalar(@arguments) == 1) {
if (!ref($arguments[0])) {
return $arguments[0];
elsif (ref($arguments[0]) eq 'ARRAY') {
@arguments = @{$arguments[0]};
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "argument is not an array reference: " . ref($arguments[0]));
return '';
my $array_size = scalar(@arguments);
if ($array_size == 1) {
return $arguments[0];
if ($array_size > 3) {
return "$arguments[0]\n..." . ($array_size-2) . " additional entries...\n$arguments[-1]";
else {
return join("\n", @arguments);
=head2 sort_by_file_name
Parameters : @file_paths
Returns : array
Description : Sorts a list of file paths by file name. Directory paths are
ignored. File names beginning with numbers are sorted
Input array:
/var/1 file.txt
100 file.txt
/tmp/99 data.txt
50 file.txt
Sorted result:
/var/1 file.txt
50 file.txt
/tmp/99 data.txt
100 file.txt
sub sort_by_file_name {
if (!defined($a) && !defined($b)) {
my @file_paths = @_;
if (scalar(@file_paths)) {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "not called by sort, \$a and \$b are not defined, array argument was passed");
return sort sort_by_file_name @file_paths;
else {
return ();
# Get the file names from the 2 file paths being compared
my $a_file_name = ($a =~ /([^\/]+)$/g)[0];
my $b_file_name = ($b =~ /([^\/]+)$/g)[0];
# Check if both file names begin with a number
my $a_number = ($a_file_name =~ /^(\d+)/g)[0];
my $b_number = ($b_file_name =~ /^(\d+)/g)[0];
# If both file names begin with a number, sort numerically
# Otherwise, sort alphabetically
if (defined($a_number) && defined($b_number) && $a_number != $b_number) {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "numeric comparison - a: $a_file_name ($a_number), b: $b_file_name ($b_number)");
return $a_number <=> $b_number;
else {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "alphabetic comparison - a: $a_file_name, b: $b_file_name");
return lc($a_file_name) cmp lc($b_file_name);
=head2 get_current_image_contents_noDS
Parameters : node name
Returns : array
Description : returns contents of currentimage.txt for given node
sub get_current_image_contents_noDS {
my ($computer_node_name) = @_;
if (!defined($computer_node_name)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer_node_name argument was not supplied");
# Attempt to retrieve the contents of currentimage.txt
my $cat_command = "cat ~/currentimage.txt";
my ($cat_exit_status, $cat_output) = run_ssh_command($computer_node_name, $ENV{management_node_info}{keys}, $cat_command);
if (!defined($cat_output)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute command to failed to retrieve currentimage.txt from $computer_node_name");
elsif ($cat_exit_status ne '0') {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve currentimage.txt from $computer_node_name, exit status: $cat_exit_status, output:\n@{$cat_output}");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved currentimage.txt contents from $computer_node_name:\n" . join("\n", @$cat_output));
return @{$cat_output};
=head1 SEE ALSO