Converted from CMS style to Hugo
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Hugo generated
+# IntelliJ generated
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+                                 Apache License
+                           Version 2.0, January 2004
+   1. Definitions.
+      "License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
+      and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
+      "Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
+      the copyright owner that is granting the License.
+      "Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
+      other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
+      control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
+      "control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
+      direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
+      otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
+      outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
+      "You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
+      exercising permissions granted by this License.
+      "Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
+      including but not limited to software source code, documentation
+      source, and configuration files.
+      "Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
+      transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
+      not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
+      and conversions to other media types.
+      "Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
+      Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
+      copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
+      (an example is provided in the Appendix below).
+      "Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
+      form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
+      editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
+      represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
+      of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
+      separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
+      the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
+      "Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
+      the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
+      to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
+      submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
+      or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
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+      means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
+      to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
+      communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
+      and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
+      Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
+      excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
+      designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
+      "Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
+      on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
+      subsequently incorporated within the Work.
+   2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
+      copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
+      publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
+      Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
+   3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
+      this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
+      worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
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+      use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
+      where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
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+      Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
+      with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
+      institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
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+   4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
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+      modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
+      meet the following conditions:
+      (a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
+          Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
+      (b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
+          stating that You changed the files; and
+      (c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
+          that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
+          attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
+          excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
+          the Derivative Works; and
+      (d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
+          distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
+          include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
+          within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
+          pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
+          of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
+          as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
+          documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
+          within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
+          wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
+          of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
+          do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
+          notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
+          or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
+          that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
+          as modifying the License.
+      You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
+      may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
+      for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
+      for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
+      reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
+      the conditions stated in this License.
+   5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
+      any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
+      by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
+      this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
+      Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
+      the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
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+   6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
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+      origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
+   7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
+      agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
+      Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
+      PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
+      appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
+      risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
+   8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
+      whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
+      unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
+      negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
+      liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
+      incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
+      result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
+      Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
+      work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
+      other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
+      has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
+   9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
+      the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
+      and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
+      or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
+      License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
+      on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
+      of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
+      defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
+      incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
+      of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
+   APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
+      To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
+      boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
+      replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
+      the brackets!)  The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
+      comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
+      file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
+      same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
+      identification within third-party archives.
+   Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
+   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+   You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
diff --git a/NOTICE b/NOTICE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..449a637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NOTICE
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+Apache VCL
+Copyright 2020 The Apache Software Foundation
+This product includes software developed at
+The Apache Software Foundation (
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index 0000000..a7d7da9
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+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+# Apache VCL website
+This is the source code for the website of [Apache VCL](, hosted at:
+## Repository structure
+This repository uses 2 branches for serving the website.
+- The `master` branch, which contains all the sources for the website.
+- The `asf-site` branch, which contains the generated website being used for the actual website.
+When contributing patches, apply them to the `master` branch. Jenkins will then regenerate the website
+and commit the changes to the `asf-site` branch.
+## Content Management System
+The website uses Hugo as static website generator. 
+See [Hugo]( for more info and for details how to install Hugo.
+## Generate the website
+To generate the static website, execute `hugo` to generate and serve the website on `localhost:1313`.
+During development, it may be useful to run an incremental build. For this to work, execute `hugo server -D` to 
+continuously generate and serve the website on `localhost:1313`.
+## Publish the website
+Jenkins is used for generating the website and committing the generated site to the `asf-site` branch.
diff --git a/archetypes/ b/archetypes/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00e77bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/archetypes/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title: "{{ replace .Name "-" " " | title }}"
+date: {{ .Date }}
+draft: true
diff --git a/config.toml b/config.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d14297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+baseURL = ""
+title = "Apache VCL"
+languageCode = "en"
+contentDir = "source"
+publishDir = "target/content"
+disablePathToLower = true
+uglyURLs = true
+enableRobotsTXT = true
+disableBrowserError = true
+timeout = 3000
+disableKinds = ["taxonomy", "taxonomyTerm"]
+ignoreFiles = [ ] # No files to ignore
+# Highlighting config. See
+pygmentsCodeFences = true
+pygmentsUseClasses = false
+pygmentsStyle = "emacs"
+# Enable Git variables like commit, lastmod
+enableGitInfo = true
+  [markup.goldmark.renderer]
+    unsafe= true
+  [markup.tableOfContents]
+    startLevel = 2
+    endLevel = 4
+    ordered = false
+# hrefTargetBlank = true # We don't want everything opened in a new window
+fractions = false
+date = ["date", ":filename", "publishDate", "lastmod"]
+repositoryUrl = ""
+repositorySourceBranch = "master"
+siteRepositoryUrl = ""
+siteRepositorySourceBranch = "master"
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deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/content/.htaccess
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Options +ExecCGI
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-Title: Board Reports
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-### 2012
-[Feb 2012](2012-02-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-[May 2012](2012-05-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-[Jul 2012](2012-07-25-apache-vcl-board-report.html)<br>
-[Aug 2012](2012-08-15-apache-vcl-board-report.html)<br>
-[Sep 2012](2012-09-19-apache-vcl-board-report.html)<br>
-[Dec 2012](2012-12-19-apache-vcl-board-report.html)<br>
-### 2011
-[Feb 2011](2011-02-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-[May 2011](2011-05-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-[Aug 2011](2011-08-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-[Nov 2011](2011-11-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-### 2010
-[Feb 2010](2010-02-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-[May 2010](2010-05-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-[Aug 2010](2010-08-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-[Nov 2010](2010-11-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-### 2009
-[Jan 2009](2009-01-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-[Feb 2009](2009-02-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-[May 2009](2009-05-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
-[Nov 2009](2009-11-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/comm/commprojects/apache-derby-database.mdtext b/content/comm/commprojects/apache-derby-database.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 1704db4..0000000
--- a/content/comm/commprojects/apache-derby-database.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-Title: Apache Derby Database
-# Using Apache Derby Database
-<big><font color="red">**NOTE: The current code in the trunk does not support Derby
-(21 Aug 2009)**</font></big>
-## Prerequisites
-You should have installed:
-* JDK (it is maybe possible to work with jre only)
-## Downloading and Setting Up the Database for VCL
-1. Download Apache Derby and install it.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~
-        wget
-        tar -xzf db-derby-
-        mkdir /opt/Apache
-        mv db-derby- /opt/Apache/derby
-        export DERBY_HOME="/opt/Apache/derby"
-        export CLASSPATH="${DERBY_HOME}/lib/derby.jar:${DERBY_HOME}/lib/derbytools.jar:${CLASSPATH}"
-        PATH="$DERBY_HOME/bin:$PATH"
-1. Create a database in Apache Derby. The database has to be placed in the
-path */opt/*.
-  Replace *'vcluser'* and *'vcluserpassword'* with the user and password
-you want.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /opt/
-        ij
-        connect 'jdbc:derby:vcl1;create=true;user='vcluser';password='vcluserpassword';';
-        exit;
-1. Download [vcl.sql](
-and the
- Edit the file *''*. The variables 
-*'$user'* and *'$pw'* should match your database.
-        :::BashLexer
-        svn export
-        wget
-        chmod a+x
-        ./
-1. Import vcl-derby.sql file into database. It is a good idea to direct the
-output to file and check if there were any errors.
-        :::BashLexer
-        ij vcl-derby.sql > import.log
-## Setting up the dbd_jdbc Server
-1. Install log4j
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~
-        wget
-        tar -zxf apache-log4j-1.2.15.tar.gz
-        mv apache-log4j-1.2.15 /opt/Apache/derby/lib/
-1. When installing the perl modules using the *''*
-(*/usr/local/vcl/bin/*) two extra modules need to the
-installed for Derby. Open the file *''* and in the list
-of modules to download add the following two modules.
-1. Run the scrips as normal
-        :::BashLexer
-        perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-1. Copy some file from the modules to Derby directory
-        :::BashLexer
-        cp /tmp/perl-modules/DBD-JDBC-0.71/dbd_jdbc.jar /opt/Apache/derby/lib/
-        cp /tmp/perl-modules/DBD-JDBC-0.71/ /opt/Apache/derby/lib/apache-log4j-1.2.15
-1. Create a script file which will launch the dbd_jdbc Server. Save it under
-any name and directory (e.g. /opt/, only remember that this
-scrips needs to be executed every time you start up the server. The file
-should contain
-        :::BashLexer
-        #!/usr/bin/bash
-        java -Djdbc.drivers=org.apache.derby.EmbeddedDriver -Ddbd.port=12345 -classpath /opt/Apache/derby/lib/derby.jar:/opt/Apache/derby/lib/dbd_jdbc.jar:/opt/Apache/derby/lib/apache-log4j-1.2.15/log4j-1.2.15.jar:/opt/Apache/derby/lib/apache-log4j-1.2.15/  com.vizdom.dbd.jdbc.Server &
-Note1: if some of your paths are different you need make the changes in
-this scrips file as well<br>
-Note2: currently port 12345 is used for connecting to Derby, this is hard
-coded. Can be changed on a later stage.
-1. Make the script executable
-        :::BashLexer
-        chmod a+x /opt/server
-1. Start the Server
-        :::BashLexer
-        /opt/server
diff --git a/content/comm/commprojects/automated-installation-of-vcl.mdtext b/content/comm/commprojects/automated-installation-of-vcl.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aeef34..0000000
--- a/content/comm/commprojects/automated-installation-of-vcl.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1110 +0,0 @@
-Title: Automated Installation of VCL
-I developed a set of scripts to automate the installation of VCL for my own
-purposes. I used the scripts in an advanced Linux class I taught at NCA&T
-as an example of scripting. Several student teams installed VCL on their
-individual servers, and the installation had to be repeated after the
-students experimented with the setup. The script made installation
-relatively quick and always consistent. The installation is basically one
-The starting point of the installation is a configured Scientific Linux 6.2
-operating system. This installation also uses scripting and a custom local
-repository I developed. The installation is either PXE or iPXE based. The
-student's starting point is an _ether-wake_ command to the target server,
-and installation is automatic from that point on. My home repository
-contains a database of configuration data for various computers of friends
-at several different geographical locations who use my repository to
-perform automated installation and configuration of LAMP servers, directory
-servers, repository servers, Plandora, Moodle, and so forth. I mirrored my
-home site at NC A&T, and added customization for some NC A&T hosts.
-Each student team adds their customization data, for example, host name,
-partitioning information, and application customization data. Each team
-also makes an entry in the local dnsmasq TFTP/DNS/DHCP configuration.
-These one-time tasks are completed early in the semester during the study
-of enterprise configuration. This background is of interest only because my
-VCL scripts assume certain things, such as, the web directory roots for all
-named virtual hosts are in **/var/www/web_servers/** and configuration
-snippets are in **/etc/httpd/virtual_hosts/**.
-Once the LAMP server is loaded, a team member opens Firefox and downloads
-**** from the repo web server. The “nn” is
-anything, but usually a “1”, or a “2”, and forth, to access a
-unique parameters file for each unique VCL installation. If you look in the
-pre_commands script, you will notice the number is just used to append to
-the filename ****. In the scripts below, I used "13",
-since the particular target host name was "burton-research-13". Before
-starting installation, the students make a one-time instance of both the
-vcl_pre_commands file and the vcl_parameters file customized for their
-team. That is, each team could represent a different institution seeking to
-create a VCL cloud. If you look in these files, you will see the only real
-task is to set the host name of the target server to agree with the DHCP
-hostname assignment. Of course, you can vary every parameter, but since
-this is a student lab, all teams used my default settings for digital
-certificates and so forth. If you use the scripts for your own institution,
-you will wish to change additional settings to reflect your institution's
-name and login credentials. The file is -- at least to me
--- documented and straightforward. I kept the students confined to a
-private LAN without outside access, so **we used weak
-passwords**. Please, use a strong password for any system with access
-from the Internet. Once the pre-commands file is downloaded, the students
-make the file executable, the run the script. About 30 minutes later, VCL
-installation is complete. Packages are installed using _yum_ (see
-****), and all source tarballs are downloaded directly from
-the VCL site. The main script, ****, incorporates several
-modifications to the current VCL installation instructions. Notable areas
-are sourcing the MySQL database structure, dynamically modifying the VCL
-perl script to remove Linux package installation and perl interaction, use
-of SL 6.2, and rearranging the order of installation to complete all
-package installation in one place. The use of explicit yum package
-installation will allow me to copy **** almost directly into
-RPM requires statements. I did not use an RPM for my students because I
-wanted the students to explore and experiment with the scripts.
-## So what is a “complete” VCL installation?
-In this case, it means everything required to install and configure the VCL
-web front end and the VCL management node is completed automatically. The
-script automatically launches Firefox to the VCL web interface and lists
-the few steps that must be completed through the web interface (admin
-password, initial specification of management node).
-What is not done (at this time) is the automated installation of VMware
-ESXi on the service nodes, nor the installation and configuration of XCAT.
-I expect I will just automate the XCAT installation and configuration, and
-let XCAT take care of the service node installation and management, since
-this will provide an arbitrarily large cloud. For my class, we just
-installed VMware ESXi manually on a service node.
-Images can be&nbsp; copied manually, of course, but in my scheme of
-infrastructure, booting a bare metal image with a PXE boot to my repository
-automatically builds Linux images. I expect XCAT can be persuaded to do the
-## How could these scripts help the VCL project?
-I mentioned the automated installation in a poster session at the first ICA-CON 
-conference hosted by IBM in April, 2012 ([ICA-CON]( Several people expressed an interest in access to the scripts, and I
-agreed to post the scripts in support of the Apache VCL project. I suppose
-with a few tweaks the script could be embedded in a no-arch RPM (or at
-least a self-determining arch) so that those who are interested in using
-VCL, but might not have the skills or patience to wade through the
-installation, could go immediately to their own VCL cloud with a click or
-two. This could lower the barrier to entry of cloud computing, and let more
-folks get on with exploring new ways to actually **use** a vcl cloud.
-## The scripts follow:
-    :::BashLexer
-     # Make sure time is correct, otherwise certificates will fail
-    ntpd -gq
-    service ntpd start
-    cd /root
-    wget
-    chmod +x
-    ./ "" "13"
-    :::BashLexer
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + +                                                                      
-    # + +                                                                      
-    # + + Filename:
-    # + + Author:       Larry Burton
-    # + + Copyright:    Copyright 2012 Larry Burton All rights reserved.
-    # + + Revision:     20120324
-    # + + Description:                                                        
-    # + + A script to define paramters used to install Apache VCL
-    # + + Usage:        sourced in other files
-    # + +                                                  
-    # + +                                                                     
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    this_host="burton-research-13"
-    this_domain=""
-    #  + + + + + + + + VCL Installation paramters + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    # Logging file
-    export log_file="/tmp/vcllog.log"
-    # Logging device
-    export logging="| tee $log_file"
-    # Location of the VCL source tarball
-    export source_url=""
-    # VCL version
-    export vcl_version="2.2.1-incubating"
-    # tarball directory
-    export vcl_source_directory="/opt/vcl"
-    # The FQDN of the VCL Management Node (Must have valid DNS entry)
-    export vcl_management_node_name="$this_host.$this_domain"
-    # The FQDN of the VCL Management Node (Must have valid DNS entry)
-    export vcl_FQDN="$this_host.$this_domain"
-    #
-    # The architecture of this machine (for Perl download)
-    export arch='i386'
-    #
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + MySQL parameters + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    # The MySQL root password
-    export mysql_password='useyourownpassword'
-    # VCL database user name
-    export vcl_mysql_user_name="vcluser"
-    # VCL database user password
-    export vcl_mysql_user_password="vcluserpassword"
-    # VCL database name
-    export vcl_database_name="vcl"
-    # $mcryptkey
-    export vcl_mcryptkey="alongpassword"
-    #vcl_pemkey
-    export vcl_pemkey="alongkey"
-    # FQDN of database server (Must have valid DNS entry)
-    export vcl_database_server_name="$this_host.$this_domain"
-    #LockerWrtUser
-    export vcl_lockerwrite_user="vcluser"
-    # LockerWrtUser password
-    export vcl_lockerwrite_user_password="vcluserpassword"
-    # MySQL server name (The name used to connect, which must match the
-    # MySQL database username. Typically, localhost unless you explicitly
-    # allow external connections to the database.
-    export vcl_mysql_server_name="localhost"
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + HTTP parameters + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    export host_name="$this_host.$this_domain"
-    export search_path="$this_domain"
-    export web_virtual_hosts_directory='/etc/httpd/virtual_hosts'
-    export web_content_base='/var/www/web_servers'
-    # The VCL document root for the web server
-    export vcl_web_document_root="$web_content_base/$host_name"
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + CA Certificate Parameters + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    export ca_passphrase="password"
-    #
-    export ca_starting_serial_number="100"
-    export ca_country="US"
-    export ca_state='NorthCarolina'
-    export ca_city="Greensboro"
-    export ca_org="LinuxLab"
-    export ca_ou="VirtualComputingLab"
-    export ca_common_name="$this_host.$this_domain"
-    export ca_email=""
-    # File to contain the self-signed CA certificate (which contains the public key)
-    export ca_certificate_file_name="$ca_common_name.cer"
-    # File to contain the unencrypted, base-64 encoded, private key
-    export ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name="$ca_common_name.key"
-    # The directory in which to copy the digital certificates
-    export ca_path_to_local_certs_files="/etc/pki/tls/certs"
-    # The directory in which to copy the unencrypted private certificate key
-    export ca_path_to_local_key_files="/etc/pki/tls/private"
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + xmlrpc Parameters + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    # The VCL daemon uses xmlrpc (remote procedure call) to connect to the
-    # MySQL database for doing things such as creating block reservations.
-    # A user must exist in the vcl MySQL database with privileges suitable for
-    # acccomplishing the database queries. You may use the MySQL GRANT command
-    # to create a distinct user, or you may use the default vcl user.
-    export vcl_xmlrpc_username=$vcl_mysql_user_name
-    export vcl_xmlrpc_pass=$vcl_mysql_user_password
-    :::BashLexer
-    #!/bin/bash
-    #
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + +                                                                      
-    # + +                                                                      
-    # + + Filename:
-    # + + Author:       Larry Burton
-    # + + Copyright:    Copyright 2012 Larry Burton All rights reserved.
-    # + + Revision:     20120324
-    # + + Description:                                                        
-    # + + A script to configure httpd for https
-    # + + Usage:
-    # + +               Must be run as root                                    
-    # + +                                                                     
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + HTTP parameters + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    # Note: This script assumes httpd is already setup with Larry Burton's LAMP
-    #       RPMs. This means the virtual_hosts directory and the web_servers
-    #       directories are in place and the http access on port 80 is already
-    #       in place.
-    #
-    #       This script forces ALL HTTP access to rewrite to HTTPS. If you wish to
-    #       keep some HTTP access, you will have to edit the reqrite section to
-    #       only rewrite selected locations, eg /location, rather than /.
-    #
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + Add the https rewrite directives + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    # ************ check for existence of cert files ***********************
-    # The line with CustomLog appears in Larry Burton's default HTTP access.
-    # Add the new location to httpd virtual host
-    #
-    sed -i -e '/CustomLog/a\ \n\
-     \
-    # \ 
-    <Location "/"> \
-    # Set the content to ALLOW Indexex to be displayed and to FOLLOW \
-    # symbolic links \
-    Options FollowSymLinks Indexes \
-    # \
-    # \
-    RewriteEngine On \
-    # This will enable the Rewrite capabilities \
-    # \
-    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on \
-    # This checks to make sure the connection is not already HTTPS \
-    # \
-    RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} \
-    # \
-    # This takes http request and changes hhtp to https \
-    # \
-    # \
-    </Location> \
-     \
-    ' $web_virtual_hosts_directory/$host_name.conf
-    #
-    #
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + Add the https access directives + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    # The </VirtualHost> tag will be the last line of some HTTP virtual host,
-    # so we may insert the https virtual host immediately afterwards.
-    # Note the escaping of the forward slash.
-    #
-    sed -i -e '/<\/VirtualHost>/a\ \n\
-     \
-    # \
-    # Make sure httpd listens to port 443 \
-    # \
-    NameVirtualHost *:443 \
-    # \
-    # Add an HTTPS virtual host \
-    # \
-    <VirtualHost *:443> \
-     \
-    DirectoryIndex home.php \
-     \
-     \
-     \
-     \
-         ServerAdmin webmaster@'"$host_name"' \
-         DocumentRoot '"$web_content_base/$host_name"' \
-     \
-         ServerName '"$host_name"' \
-         ErrorLog logs/'"$host_name"'-error_log \
-         CustomLog logs/'"$host_name"'-access_log common \
-     \
-            SSLEngine on \
-            SSLCertificateFile '"$ca_path_to_local_certs_files/$ca_certificate_file_name"' \
-            SSLCertificateKeyFile '"$ca_path_to_local_key_files/$ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name"' \
-     \
-            <Directory /'"$web_content_base/$host_name"'> \
-            AllowOverride All \
-            </Directory> \
-      \
-     \
-    <Location \/> \
-    Options FollowSymLinks Indexes \
-    </Location> \
-    # \
-    </VirtualHost> \
-    # This ends an HTTPS virtual host definition. \
-    # \
-     \
-    ' $web_virtual_hosts_directory/$host_name.conf
-    #
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + Restart -- not reload -- the httpd server + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    # Retart the web server daemon:
-    /etc/init.d/httpd restart
-    #
-    # End of script
-I placed the installation of required packages in a separate file to ease
-the transition of the script into an RPM.
-    :::BashLexer
-    #
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + +                                                                      
-    # + +                                                                      
-    # + + Filename:
-    # + + Author:       Larry Burton
-    # + + Copyright:    Copyright 2012 Larry Burton All rights reserved.
-    # + + Revision:     20120324
-    # + + Description:                                                        
-    # + + A script to define paramters used to install packages used by Apache VCL
-    # + + Usage:        sourced in other files
-    # + +                                                  
-    # + +                                                                     
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + VCL Installation paramters + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    /bin/echo "Installing packages used by VCL" $logging
-    /bin/echo "" $logging
-    /bin/echo "Some of these packages may already be installed, but we" $logging
-    /bin/echo "check them anyway to see if they need updating." $logging
-    /bin/echo "" $logging
-    #
-    # Install these packages
-    #
-    /bin/echo "httpd - Apache HTTP Server" $logging
-    yum -y install httpd
-    #
-    #
-    /bin/echo "mod_ssl - SSL/TLS module for the Apache HTTP server" $logging
-    yum -y install mod_ssl
-    #
-    #
-    /bin/echo "php - The PHP HTML-embedded scripting language" $logging
-    yum -y install php
-    #
-    #
-    /bin/echo "We will not use libmcrypt - Encryption algorithms library" $logging
-    #yum -y install libmcrypt
-    #
-    # Required PHP Modules:
-    #
-    /bin/echo "" $logging
-    /bin/echo "We need the following PHP modules." $logging
-    /bin/echo "" $logging
-    #
-    /bin/echo "php-gd" $logging
-    yum -y install php-gd
-    #
-    #
-    /bin/echo "php-json (required if your PHP version is 5.2 or later)" $logging
-    yum -y install php-json
-    #
-    #
-    /bin/echo "We will not use php-mcrypt" $logging
-    #yum -y install php-mcrypt
-    #
-    #
-    /bin/echo "php-mysql" $logging
-    yum -y install php-mysql
-    #
-    #
-    /bin/echo "php-openssl" $logging
-    yum -y install php-openssl
-    #
-    #
-    /bin/echo "php-sysvsem" $logging
-    yum -y install php-sysvsem
-    #
-    #
-    /bin/echo "php-xml" $logging
-    yum -y install php-xml
-    #
-    #
-    /bin/echo "php-xmlrpc" $logging
-    yum -y install php-xmlrpc
-    #
-    #
-    /bin/echo "php-ldap" $logging
-    yum -y install php-ldap
-    #
-    #
-    # Management Node packages
-    #Required Linux Packages:
-    # The VCL management node daemon (vcld) requires the following Linux packages and 
-    # Perl modules in order to run (see step 2 below for installation instructions):
-    #
-    /bin/echo "expat - A library for parsing XML" $logging
-    yum -y install expat
-    #
-    /bin/echo "expat-devel - Libraries and include files to develop XML applications with expat" $logging
-    yum -y install expat-devel
-    #
-    /bin/echo "gcc - Various compilers C, C++, Objective-C, Java, ..." $logging
-    yum -y install gcc
-    #
-    /bin/echo "krb5-libs - The shared libraries used by Kerberos 5" $logging
-    yum -y install krb5-libs
-    #
-    /bin/echo "krb5-devel - Development files needed to compile Kerberos 5 programs" $logging
-    yum -y install krb5-devel
-    #
-    /bin/echo "libxml2 - Library providing XML and HTML support" $logging
-    yum -y install libxml2
-    #
-    /bin/echo "libxml2-devel - Libraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applications" $logging
-    yum -y install libxml2-devel
-    #
-    /bin/echo "mysql - MySQL client programs and shared libraries" $logging
-    yum -y install mysql
-    #
-    /bin/echo "nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner" $logging
-    yum -y install nmap
-    #
-    /bin/echo "openssh - The OpenSSH implementation of SSH protocol versions 1 and 2" $logging
-    yum -y install openssh
-    #
-    /bin/echo "openssl - The OpenSSL toolkit" $logging
-    yum -y install openssl
-    #
-    /bin/echo "openssl-devel - Files for development of applications which will use OpenSSL" $logging
-    yum -y install openssl-devel
-    #
-    /bin/echo "perl - The Perl programming language" $logging
-    yum -y install perl
-    #
-    /bin/echo "perl-DBD-MySQL - A MySQL interface for perl" $logging
-    yum -y install perl-DBD-MySQL
-    #
-    #          ------------------------- /bin/echo "xmlsec1-openssl - OpenSSL crypto plugin for XML Security Library" $logging
-    #          ------------------------- yum -y install xmlsec1-openssl
-    #
-    #
-    #
-    if [ $arch == "i386" ]
-    then
-    perlarch="i686"
-    else
-    perlarch="x86_64"
-    fi
-    /bin/echo "Perl Architecture for download is $perlarch" $logging
-    wget$arch/xmlsec1-1.2.16-2.el6.$perlarch.rpm
-    yum -y install xmlsec1-1.2.16-2.el6.$perlarch.rpm
-    #
-    #
-    #wget
-    #yum -y install xmlsec1-1.2.16-2.el6.x86_64.rpm
-    #
-    #wget
-    #yum -y install xmlsec1-1.2.16-2.el6.i686.rpm
-    :::BashLexer
-    #!/bin/bash
-    #
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + +
-    # + +                                                                      
-    # + + Filename:
-    # + + Author:       Larry Burton
-    # + + Copyright:    Copyright 2012 Larry Burton All rights reserved.
-    # + + Revision:     20120324
-    # + + Description:                                                        
-    # + + A script to create a new self-signed digital certificate
-    # + + Usage:
-    # + +                                  
-    # + +                                                                     
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    #
-    # This script will create a new self-signed Certificate Authority (CA)
-    # digital certificate. The CA certificate can be posted on a web server for
-    # the public to download in order to verify digital certificates signed by
-    # this CA certificate.
-    #
-    # When creating the CA, we will NOT ENCRYPT the private key because we wish
-    # to store the unencrypted private key on a server for access by software
-    # such as httpd. If we encrypted the private key, we would have to type in the
-    # passphrase every time the software needed to use the key. The "-nodes"
-    # option specifies no encryption.
-    # Prepare subject text
-    # If you have a problem
-    ca_subj=/C=$ca_country/ST=$ca_state/O=$ca_org/localityName=$ca_city/commonName=$ca_common_name/organizationalUnitName=$ca_ou/emailAddress=$ca_email
-    #
-    echo "The subject text is:"
-    echo "$ca_subj"
-    #
-    # Create the self-signed certificate
-    #    PEM format is default, but specify it to make sure we do not have DER format
-    openssl req -x509 \
-        -nodes \
-        -keyform PEM \
-        -inform PEM \
-        -outform PEM \
-        -days 3650 \
-        -newkey rsa:2048 \
-        -set_serial $ca_starting_serial_number \
-        -batch \
-        -subj "$ca_subj" \
-        -keyout $ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name \
-        -out $ca_certificate_file_name \
-        -passin pass:$ca_passphrase
-    #
-    # Self-signed certificate is complete
-    /bin/echo "Here is the unencrypted private key stored in $ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name:"
-    cat $ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name
-    /bin/echo "Here is the self-signed Certificate Authority certificate stored in $ca_certificate_file_name:"
-    cat $ca_certificate_file_name
-    #
-    /bin/echo "Here is the information contained in the self-signed CA certificate:"
-    openssl x509 -text -in $ca_certificate_file_name
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + Copy Cert and Key to local directory + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    mkdir -p $ca_path_to_local_certs_files
-    mkdir -p $ca_path_to_local_key_files
-    cp $ca_certificate_file_name $ca_path_to_local_certs_files/$ca_certificate_file_name
-    cp $ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name $ca_path_to_local_key_files/$ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name
-    #
-    /bin/echo "The CA certificate has been copied to $ca_path_to_local_certs_files"
-    /bin/echo "The CA unecrypted private key has been copied to $ca_path_to_local_key_files"
-    # end of script
-    :::BashLexer
-    #!/bin/bash
-    #
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + +                                                                      
-    # + +                                                                      
-    # + + Filename:
-    # + + Author:       Larry Burton
-    # + + Copyright:    Copyright 2012 Larry Burton All rights reserved.
-    # + + Revision:     20120324
-    # + + Description:                                                        
-    # + + A script to install Apache VCL on a LAMP server
-    # + + Usage: repo_url host
-    # + + Example: "" "1"
-    # + +               Must be run as root    
-    # + +               The second paraeter is appended to the parameters filename
-    # + +                  to allow multiple different VCL installations to use the same script
-    # + +               The target server, which is the computer upon which this
-    # + +               script is executing, must have:
-    # + +                  Internet access and must
-    # + +                  A valid forward and reverse DNS entry
-    # + +                  Access to a valid DS server
-    # + +                  Access to a valid DHCP server                                  
-    # + +                                                                     
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    # + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    repo_url=$1
-    target_host=$2
-    #
-    mkdir -p /tmp/install
-    #
-    # Get installation parameters
-    wget --no-host-directories --output-document="/tmp/install/vcl_parameters" $repo_url/vcl_parameters_$
-    #
-    # All the host paramters are now in /tmp/install/host_parameters
-    #
-    # Source the customization variables
-    . /tmp/install/vcl_parameters
-    /bin/echo "Following are the VCL installation parameters" $logging
-    cat /tmp/install/vcl_parameters
-    #
-    #
-    # Use yum to install the necessary repository packages
-    wget --no-host-directories --output-document="/tmp/install/vcl_packages" $repo_url/
-    . /tmp/install/vcl_packages
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + Start the VCL Installation + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    # The starting point is an installed and hardened LAMP server created by
-    # Larry Burton's RPMs
-    #
-    # Create the VCL source code directory
-    /bin/echo "Creating VCL source code directory as $vcl_source_directory" $logging
-    mkdir -p $vcl_source_directory
-    # Change the working directory to the source code directory
-    /bin/echo "Changing working directory to source code directory" $logging
-    pushd $vcl_source_directory
-    # Download & Extract the Apache VCL Source
-    /bin/echo "Downloading the VCL source tarball from $source_url" $logging
-    wget $source_url/apache-VCL-$vcl_version.tar.bz2
-    # Extract the files
-    /bin/echo "Extracting the VCL source tarball" $logging
-    tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating.tar.bz2
-    #
-    # Configure MySQL for VCL (MySQL is already installed and configured by LAMP)
-    #
-    # Make sure the firewall on the database server is configured to allow
-    # traffic from the web server and management node servers to connect to
-    # the MySQL daemon TCP port: 3306.  See the firewall documentation for
-    # more information.
-    #
-    # Create a VCL database
-    /bin/echo "Creating VCL database" $logging
-    #mysql --user=root --password=$mysql_password -e 'DROP DATABASE vcl;'
-    mysql --user=root --password=$mysql_password -e 'CREATE DATABASE vcl; USE vcl; source apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating/mysql/vcl.sql; SHOW TABLES;'
-    mysql --user=root --password=$mysql_password -e "GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO '$vcl_mysql_user_name'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$vcl_mysql_user_password';"
-    mysql --user=root --password=$mysql_password -e "USE mysql; SELECT * FROM user WHERE User='vcluser';"
-    # Create the VCL user for the MySQL database
-    # Note this user is created with access from the localhost only since the
-    # database server is assumed to be on the same physical machine as the vcl daemon
-    /bin/echo "These are the tables in the VCL database:" $logging
-    mysql --user=root --password=$mysql_password -e "USE vcl;SHOW TABLES;"
-    #
-    # At this point, VCL support in MySQL is complete
-    /bin/echo "" $logging
-    #
-    /bin/echo "MySQL configuration for VCL complete" $logging
-    /bin/echo "" $logging
-    #
-    #  NOTE ----------- Change http.conf document root to correct document root
-    sed -i -e "s:DocumentRoot \"/var/www/html\":DocumentRoot \"$web_content_base/$vcl_FQDN\":g" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + Set up Apache httpd for https + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    /bin/echo "Creating digital certificates for web server" $logging
-    # Download and run the https configuration script
-    wget --no-host-directories --output-document="/tmp/install/" $repo_url/
-    sh /tmp/install/
-    #
-    # Note: The certificates must be in place before trying to start https
-    #
-    /bin/echo "Beginning httpd configuration for VCL" $logging
-    # Download and run the https configuration script
-    wget --no-host-directories --output-document="/tmp/install/" $repo_url/
-    sh /tmp/install/
-    #
-    # At this point, VCL support in httpd is complete
-    /bin/echo "" $logging
-    /bin/echo "httpd configuration for VCL complete" $logging
-    /bin/echo "" $logging
-    #
-    #4. If SELinux is enabled, run the following command to allow the web server to connect to the database:
-    #/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
-    #5. If the iptables firewall is being used, port 80 and 443 should be opened up:
-    #vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-    #
-    #-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-    #-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
-    #service iptables restart
-    #
-    #
-    #
-    #  + + + + + + + + Install the VCL Frontend Web Code + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    #
-    /bin/echo "Beginning VCL Frontend Web Code Installation" $logging
-    #
-    # Copy the web directory to a location under the web root of your web server
-    # and navigate to the destination .ht-inc subdirectory
-    # Create the VCL web server document root directory
-    mkdir -p $vcl_web_document_root
-    # Copy the VCL web documents to the VCL web server document root
-    cp -r apache-VCL-$vcl_version/web/ $vcl_web_document_root/vcl
-    # Change the working directory to the web server document root patch file directory
-    pushd $vcl_web_document_root/vcl/.ht-inc
-    # Apply patch to fix editing reservations
-    wget
-    patch < utils_virtual_undefined.patch
-    # Apply patch to fix processing of block allocations
-    wget
-    patch < vmhostcheck_fix.patch
-    #
-    # Configure the PHP secrets file
-    #
-    # Copy secrets-default.php to secrets.php:
-    cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
-    # Edit the secrets.php file
-    /bin/echo "Editing the PHP secrets.php file" $logging
-    # Set the VCL hostname
-    ####### default is ok sed -i -e "s/\$vclhost = 'localhost'; # name of mysql server/###\$vclhost = 'localhost'; # name of mysql server/g" \
-    ####### default is ok        -e "/\$vclhost = 'localhost'; # name of mysql server/a\ \n\
-    ####### default is ok ####### default is ok \$vclhost = '$host_name'; # name of mysql server/
-    ####### default is ok  \
-    ####### default is ok " \
-    ####### default is ok secrets.php
-    #
-    # Set the VCL database name
-    ####### default is ok sed -i -e "s/\$vcldb = 'vcl';         # name of mysql database/###\$vcldb = 'vcl';         # name of mysql database/g" \
-    ####### default is ok        -e "/\$vcldb = 'vcl';         # name of mysql database/a\ \n\
-    ####### default is ok \$vcldb = '$vcl_database_name';         # name of mysql database/
-    ####### default is ok  \
-    ####### default is ok " \
-    ####### default is ok secrets.php
-    #
-    # Set the VCL user name
-    sed -i -e "s/\$vclusername = '';      # username to access database/###\$vclusername = '';      # username to access database/g" \
-           -e "/\$vclusername = '';      # username to access database/a\ \n\
-    \$vclusername = '$vcl_mysql_user_name';      # username to access database/
-     \
-    " \
-    secrets.php
-    #
-    # Set the VCL password
-    sed -i -e "s/\$vclpassword = '';      # password to access database/###\$vclpassword = '';      # password to access database/g" \
-           -e "/\$vclpassword = '';      # password to access database/a\ \n\
-    \$vclpassword = '$vcl_mysql_user_password';      # password to access database/
-     \
-    " \
-    secrets.php
-    #
-    # Set the VCL password
-    sed -i -e "s/\$mcryptkey = '';  # random password - won't ever have to type it so make it long/###\$mcryptkey = '';  # random password - won't ever have to type it so make it long/g" \
-           -e "/\$mcryptkey = '';  # random password - won't ever have to type it so make it long/a\ \n\
-    \$mcryptkey = '$vcl_mcryptkey';  # random password - won't ever have to type it so make it long/
-     \
-    " \
-    secrets.php
-    #
-    # $mcryptiv = '12345678'; // must be 8 hex chars
-    #
-    # Set the VCL passphrase
-    sed -i -e "s/\$pemkey = ''; # random passphrase - same as given to - should be long/###\$pemkey = ''; # random passphrase - same as given to - should be long/g" \
-           -e "/\$pemkey = ''; # random passphrase - same as given to - should be long/a\ \n\
-    \$pemkey = '$vcl_pemkey'; # random passphrase - same as given to - should be long/
-     \
-    " \
-    secrets.php
-    #
-    #
-    #  + + Create the public and private keys for the vcl user + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    /bin/echo "Creating the public and private keys for the vcl user" $logging
-    # The 2048 MUST come after the passphrase
-    echo "openssl genrsa -aes256 -out keys.pem -passout pass:$vcl_pemkey 2048"
-    openssl genrsa -aes256 -out keys.pem -passout pass:$vcl_pemkey 2048
-    echo "openssl rsa -pubout -in keys.pem -out pubkey.pem -passin pass:$vcl_pemkey"
-    openssl rsa -pubout -in keys.pem -out pubkey.pem -passin pass:$vcl_pemkey
-    #
-    #
-    #
-    #  + + Configure the PHP conf.php + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    /bin/echo "Configuring the PHP conf.php" $logging
-    #
-    # Copy conf-default.php to conf.php:
-    cp conf-default.php conf.php
-    #
-    # Modify conf.php to match your site
-    # Basically this consists of specifying the FQDN and domain name of the server.
-    # NOTE: use = as delimiter instead of slash to avoid escaping slashes
-    sed -i -e "s:define(\"COOKIEDOMAIN\", \"\");       // domain in which cookies are set:define(\"COOKIEDOMAIN\", \"$vcl_FQDN\");       // domain in which cookies are set:g" conf.php
-    sed -i -e "s=define(\"BASEURL\", \"https:\/\/\");=define(\"BASEURL\", \"https:\/\/$vcl_FQDN/vcl\");=g" conf.php
-    sed -i -e "s=define(\"HOMEURL\", \"http:\/\/\/\");=define(\"HOMEURL\", \"http:\/\/$vcl_FQDN\/vcl\/\");=g" conf.php
-    sed -i -e "$vcl_FQDN=g" conf.php
-    sed -i -e "$search_path=g" conf.php
-    # Did not set timezone
-    #
-    #  
-    #
-    #
-    # Set the owner of the .ht-inc/maintenance directory to the web server user (normally 'apache'):
-    chown apache maintenance
-    #
-    #
-    #
-    #  + + Install phpseclib and apply a patch to remove the requirement of having mcrypt installed + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    # Optionally, you can install phpseclib and apply a patch to remove the requirement of having mcrypt installed
-    /bin/echo "Patching to remove the mcrypt dependency" $logging
-    #Here are the steps to remove the dependency:
-    #Download phpseclib to /tmp (version 0.2.2 was used for testing)
-    pushd /tmp
-    wget
-    #Create a directory named phpseclib in your .ht-inc directory
-    mkdir $vcl_web_document_root/vcl/.ht-inc/phpseclib
-    #unzip phpseclib in the phpseclib directory
-    pushd $vcl_web_document_root/vcl/.ht-inc/phpseclib
-    unzip /tmp/
-    #Download no_mcrypt.patch to your .ht-inc directory
-    pushd $vcl_web_document_root/vcl/.ht-inc
-    wget
-    #Apply the patch
-    patch < no_mcrypt.patch
-    #
-    /bin/echo "The VCL web server is now set up" $logging
-    #
-    #
-    #
-    # Test the webserver
-    # Open the testsetup.php page in a web browser
-    firefox https://$host_name/vcl/testsetup.php &
-    # ---------------------------- Must manually use web interface to setup management node !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-    # Right now, before completing remaining steps
-    # It is easier to just let the script run, then use the web interface, and then restart vcld
-    pushd $vcl_web_document_root/vcl/.ht-inc
-    #
-    # At this point, the VCL webserver is configured
-    #
-    #
-    #
-    #
-    #  + + Install the Management Node + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    /bin/echo "Installing VCL Management Node" $logging
-    popd
-    popd
-    popd
-    cd
-    # Change the working directory to the source code directory
-    /bin/echo "Changing working directory to source code directory" $logging
-    pushd $vcl_source_directory
-    #
-    cp -r apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating/managementnode /usr/local/vcl
-    #
-    /bin/echo "Installing perl modules" $logging
-    # Skip the Linux package installation in the perl script and say YES
-    sed -i -e "s=install_linux_packages();=###install_linux_packages()=g" /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-    sed -i -e "s:my \$input = <>;:my \$input = 'YES';:g" /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-    #sed -i -e "s=my @ERRORS;=###my @ERRORS;=g" /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-    # Now install the perl modules
-    perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-    #
-    #  + + Configure vcld.conf + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    /bin/echo "Configuring /etc/vcld.conf" $logging
-    #Create the */etc/vcl* directory:
-    mkdir /etc/vcl
-    #Copy the stock *vcld.conf* file to */etc/vcl*:
-    cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
-    #Edit */etc/vcl/vcld.conf*:
-    #
-    vcl_conf_file="/etc/vcl/vcld.conf"
-    #
-    echo $vcl_management_node_name
-    # You can use any delimiter you like in an address by prepending a \ i.e. \|...| for the substitute command the \ is not necessary.
-    #
-    # Set the FQDN for the management server (vcld)
-    sed -i -e "s/FQDN=/###FQDN=/g" \
-           -e "/###FQDN=/a \
-    FQDN=$vcl_management_node_name
-     \
-    " \
-    $vcl_conf_file
-    #
-    #
-    # Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
-    sed -i -e "s/database=vcl/###database=vcl/g" \
-           -e "/##database=vcl/a \
-    database=$vcl_database_name
-     \
-    " \
-    $vcl_conf_file
-    #
-    # Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
-    sed -i -e "s/server=/###server=/g" \
-           -e "/###server=/a \
-    server=$vcl_mysql_server_name
-     \
-    " \
-    $vcl_conf_file
-    #
-    # Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
-    sed -i -e "s/LockerWrtUser=vcl-wr/###LockerWrtUser=vcl-wr/g" \
-           -e "/###LockerWrtUser=vcl-wr/a \
-    LockerWrtUser=$vcl_mysql_user_name
-     \
-    " \
-    $vcl_conf_file
-    #
-    # Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
-    sed -i -e "s/wrtPass=/###wrtPass=/g" \
-           -e "/###wrtPass=/a \
-    wrtPass=$vcl_mysql_user_password
-     \
-    " \
-    $vcl_conf_file
-    #
-    #
-    # Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
-    sed -i -e "s/xmlrpc_username=vclsystem/###xmlrpc_username=vclsystem/g" \
-           -e "/###xmlrpc_username=vclsystem/a \
-    xmlrpc_username=$vcl_mysql_user_name
-     \
-    " \
-    $vcl_conf_file
-    #
-    # Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
-    sed -i -e "s/xmlrpc_pass=insecureDefault/###xmlrpc_pass=insecureDefault/g" \
-           -e "/###xmlrpc_pass=insecureDefault/a \
-    xmlrpc_pass=$vcl_mysql_user_password
-     \
-    " \
-    $vcl_conf_file
-    #
-    #
-    # Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
-    sed -i -e "s/xmlrpc_url=/###xmlrpc_url=/g" \
-           -e "/###xmlrpc_url=/a \
-    xmlrpc_url=https:\/\/$vcl_management_node_name\/vcl\/index.php\?mode=xmlrpccall
-     \
-    " \
-    $vcl_conf_file
-    #
-    #
-    #  + + Configure the SSH Client + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    /bin/echo "Configuring SSH Client" $logging
-    #
-    # Locate the UserKnownHostsFile and StrictHostKeyChecking lines and change them to the following:
-    # Note: These lines may not exist, so just comment them out if they do exist
-    #       and add the new lines at the end of the file.
-    sed -i -e "s/UserKnownHostsFile/###UserKnownHostsFile/g" \
-           -e "$ a\ \n\
-    UserKnownHostsFile \/dev\/null
-     \
-    " \
-    /etc/ssh/ssh_config
-    #
-    sed -i -e "s/StrictHostKeyChecking/###StrictHostKeyChecking/g" \
-           -e "$ a\ \n\
-    StrictHostKeyChecking no
-     \
-    " \
-    /etc/ssh/ssh_config
-    #
-    #
-    #  + + Install and Start the VCL Daemon (vcld) Service + + + + + + + + +
-    #
-    /bin/echo "Install and Start the VCL Daemon (vcld) Service" $logging
-    #
-    # Copy the vcld service script to /etc/init.d and name it vcld:
-    cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
-    # Add the vcld service using chkconfig:
-    /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
-    # Configure the vcld service to automatically run at runtime levels 3-5:
-    /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
-    # Start the vcld service:
-    /sbin/service vcld start
-    #
-    #       You should see output similar to the following:
-    #
-    #       Starting vcld daemon:
-    #       ============================================================================
-    #       VCL Management Node Daemon (vcld) | 2011-03-15 10:23:04
-    #       ============================================================================
-    #       bin path:      /usr/local/vcl/bin
-    #       config file:   /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
-    #       log file:      /var/log/vcld.log
-    #       pid file:      /var/run/
-    #       daemon mode:   1
-    #       setup mode:    0
-    #       verbose mode:  1
-    #       ============================================================================
-    #       Created VCL daemon process: 8465
-    #                                                                  [  OK  ]
-    #
-    # The vcld service can also be started by running the service script directly: /etc/init.d/vcld start
-    # Check the vcld service by monitoring the vcld.log file:
-    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
-    #
-    # You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if
-    # the management node is checking in with the database:
-    #
-    #       2009-06-16 16:57:15|15792|vcld:main(165)|lastcheckin time updated for management node 18: 2009-06-16 16:57:15
-    #
-    # Print instructions for web setup
-    #
-    cat << WEBSETUP
-    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    + +  
-    + +                       VCL Web Set Up Instructions
-    + +
-    + + All VCL installation is now complete except for a few administrative tasks
-    + + you must complete using the VCL web-based administration tools.
-    + +
-    + + Please use a web browser to complete the following steps.
-    + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
-    Step 1: Log In to the VCL Website with the following URL
-            https://$vcl_FQDN/vcl/index.php
-            Then select "Local Account"
-            The username is:    admin
-            The password is:    adminVc1passw0rd
-            (Note: You may change the password at this time, but be certain to
-                   REMEMBER your new password!)
-    Step 2: Click the Management Nodes link
-            Click Add
-            Fill in these required fields:
-    # Owner - admin@Local
-                 Hostname = $vcl_FQDN
-                 IP address = $(hostname -i)
-                 SysAdmin Email Address = sysadmin@$search_path
-                 Install Path = /var/data
-                 End Node SSH Identity Key Files = /etc/vcl/vcl.key
-            Click Confirm Management Node
-            Click Submit
-    Step 3: Click the Management Nodes link
-                 ( Note: You must click the anagement Nodes link to get out of
-                         of the previous screen state.)
-            Select Edit Management Node Grouping
-            Click Submit
-            Select the checkbox for your management node
-            Click Submit Changes
-    Congratualations! You VCL head node installation is complete!
-    Now, restart the vcld daemon with the following command:
-    /sbin/service vcld restart
-    You may monitor vlcd with this command
-    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
-    #
-    #
-    #  + + Install and Start the DHCP Service + + + + + + + + +
-    # Note: We use dnsmasq rather than dhcpd
-    #
-    exit
-    #
-    # End of script
-Larry Burton 3 May 2012
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deleted file mode 100644
index d4a66d8..0000000
--- a/content/comm/contribute-documentation.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-Title: Contribute Documentation
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-Anyone can submit changes for our web site. ASF CMS sites follow a "Review-Then-Commit" 
-model for anonymous commits.
-The CMS documentation provides further information on 
-[anonymously editing a CMS site](
-## Steps for non-committers to modify the VCL CMS
-1. drag and drop the javascript <a href="javascript:void(location.href=''+escape(location.href))">anonymous CMS bookmarklet</a> to your browser bookmarks
-1. select a page on our site you would like to edit
-1. open the bookmarklet you just added to your bookmarks
-1. click the Edit link for the page you'd like to modify
-1. make any changes to the page
-1. ensure the **Quick Mail** checkbox is selected
-1. leave as the To address
-1. optionally, add your name in the Name field
-1. click Submit to send a diff of your changes to the dev list
-After your diff has been emailed, a committer can then review and commit your changes.
-**NOTE**: All contributions submitted in this way are presumed to be licensed 
-under the 
-[Apache License (AL) version 2.0]( 
-So, by submitting content, you are allowing your content to be licensed in this way.
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--- a/content/comm/getting-involved.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Title: Getting Involved
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-stub page
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Title: Mailing Lists
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-stub page
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index 4a04b5e..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-<iframe width="100%" height="680" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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-Title: Index
-{include:Apache VCL} &nbsp;
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index 8075493..0000000
--- a/content/confluence_export/
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-Title: Using VCL to Broker Access to Pre-installed Machines
-The provisioning module is used to broker access to standalone
-pre-installed Linux or Solaris machines. These machines could be in an
-existing walk-in computer lab or racked in a server room.
-There are four main parts needed to setup a standalone machine to use with
-the module.
-1. a non-root account called vclstaff on the target machines
-1. ssh idenitity key for vclstaff account, this key is used by the vcld
-process on the management node
-1. ssh service running on port 24 of the target machines
-1. vclclientd running on the target machines, vclclientd in the bin
-directory of the vcld release
-For distribution to a large set of machines, an rpm or package could be
-created to distribute vclclientd and related files.
-# How it works {#howitworks}
-The module confirms an assigned node or lab machine is accessible
-using the ssh identity key on port 24. If this succeeds, then a small
-configuration file with the state, user's id and the users' remote IP
-address is sent to the node along with a flag to trigger the vclclientd
-process to either open or close the remote access port. Currently this
-module only supports Linux and Solaris lab machines. 
-# How to setup: {#howtosetup}
-All commands are run as root.
-1. Create the non-root vclstaff account on target machine
-        :::BashLexer
-        on linux: useradd -d /home/vclstaff -m vclstaff
-2. Generate ssh identity keys for vclstaff account. Do not enter a passphrase for 
-the key, just hit enter when prompted.
-        :::BashLexer
-        su - vclstaff
-        ssh-keygen -t rsa
-        Generating public/private rsa key pair.
-        Enter file in which to save the key (/home/vclstaff/.ssh/id_rsa):
-        Created directory '/home/vclstaff/.ssh'.
-        Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
-        Enter same passphrase again:
-        Your identification has been saved in /home/vclstaff/.ssh/id_rsa.
-        Your public key has been saved in /home/vclstaff/.ssh/
-        The key fingerprint is:
-At this point we have created a private key /home/vclstaff/.ssh/id_rsa and
-the public key /home/vclstaff/.ssh/
-1. Copy the public key to /home/vclstaff/.ssh/authorized_keys file
-        :::BashLexer
-        cat /home/vclstaff/.ssh/ > /home/vclstaff/.ssh/authorized_keys
-1. Copy the private key to the management node. This can be stored in
-/etc/vcl/lab.key. This private key is used by vcld to remotely log into the
-the lab machine.
-1. Edit /etc/vcld.conf
-Set the variables IDENTITY_linux_lab and IDENTITY_solaris_lab to use this new key.
-It should look like:
-        :::BashLexer
-        IDENTITY_solaris_lab=/etc/vcl/lab.key
-        IDENTITY_linux_lab=/etc/vcl/lab.key
-1. Test out the newly created key from the vcl management node:
-        :::BashLexer
-        ssh -i /etc/vcl/lab.key vclstaff@target_lab_machine
-1. Set ssh server on target machine to listen on port 24. Edit
-/etc/ssh/sshd_config on target lab machine(s).
-        :::BashLexer
-        echo "Port 24" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
-For advanced ssh configurations one may need to also add vclstaff to the
-AllowUsers directive or some other group which would work with ones
-existing campus ssh login restrictions, if any.
-1. restart sshd
-        :::BashLexer
-        /etc/init.d/sshd restart
-1. retest to make sure sshd is accessible on port 24
-        :::BashLexer
-        ssh -p24 -i /etc/vcl/lab.key vclstaff@target_lab_machine
-1. Copy vclclientd and vclclientd init script to target_lab_machine, from
-managenment node:
-        :::BashLexer
-        scp -P24 /usr/local/vcl/bin/vclclientd vclstaff@target_lab_machine:/home/vclstaff
-        scp -P24 /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vclclient.linux target_lab_machine:/etc/init.d/S99vclclient.linux
-    add this start up script to the appropriate run time levels
-1. Start vclclientd:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /etc/init.d/S99vclclient.linux start
-1. Add computers to the VCL database as one normally would. Make sure to set the 
-type of the computer to <b>lab</b> and the Provisioning Engine to <b>Computing Lab
-1. Insert an image into the image table for this lab machine. You can set name and
-prettyname to whatever you want. We'll use "lab-machine-image1" and "Lab Machine image"
-in the example SQL:
-        :::MysqlLexer
-        INSERT INTO `vcl`.`image`
-        (`name`,
-        `prettyname`,
-        `ownerid`,
-        `imagetypeid`,
-        `platformid`,
-        `OSid`,
-        `lastupdate`,
-        `forcheckout`)
-        VALUES
-        ('lab-machine-image1',
-        'Lab Machine image',
-        '1',
-        (SELECT id FROM imagetype WHERE name = 'lab'),
-        '1',
-        (SELECT id FROM OS WHERE name = 'centos5'),
-        NOW(),
-        '1');
-1. Insert a record into the imagerevision table. Note 'Lab Machine image'
-can be what ever you want.
-        :::MysqlLexer
-        INSERT INTO `vcl`.`imagerevision` (
-        `imageid` ,
-        `revision` ,
-        `userid` ,
-        `datecreated` ,
-        `deleted` ,
-        `production` ,
-        `imagename`)
-        VALUES (
-        (SELECT id FROM image WHERE name = 'lab-machine-image1'),
-        0,
-        1,
-        NOW(),
-        0,
-        1,
-        'lab-machine-image1')
-1. Insert a record into the resource table.
-        :::MysqlLexer
-        INSERT INTO `vcl`.`resource` (
-        `resourcetypeid` ,
-        `subid`
-        )
-        VALUES (
-        13,
-        (SELECT id FROM image WHERE name = "lab-machine-image1")
-        )
-1. Set up the image to computer group mappings and grant access.
-    These next steps will be done using the VCL web interface
-    1. Create a new Image group
-        Manage Groups->Add New Resource Group
-    1. Create a new Computer group
-        Manage Groups->Add New Resource Group
-    1. Add new image (inserted above) to the image group just created in step 1.
-        Manage Images->Edit Image Grouping
-    1. Add machines that have vclclientd to the computer group created in step 2
-        Manage Computers->Edit Computer Grouping
-    1. Assign new computer group to be controlled by management node
-        Management Nodes->Edit Management Node Mapping
-    1. Grant access to the new lab image and computer group in the privilege tree.
diff --git a/content/confluence_export/vcl-installation.mdtext b/content/confluence_export/vcl-installation.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 6213c59..0000000
--- a/content/confluence_export/vcl-installation.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Title: VCL Installation
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7dcbdda..0000000
--- a/content/dev/code-documentation.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-Title: Code Documentation
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-## Backend Code Documentation
-[Image Capture Sequence](image-capture-sequence.html)
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index f62e939..0000000
--- a/content/dev/index.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Title: Development
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-## Understanding the VCL System design
-[Database Schema](database-schema.html)<br />
-[Web Code Overview](web-code-overview.html)
-Plans for New Features
-[Configuration management system](/dev/configsystem.html)<br/>
-[Release Prodecures](releaseprocedures)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/dev/jira.mdtext b/content/dev/jira.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index d2e8582..0000000
--- a/content/dev/jira.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-<iframe width="100%" height="720" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2987b07..0000000
--- a/content/dev/roadmap.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-Title: Roadmap
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-## Future
-<a name="2.4"></a>
-####VCL 2.4
-* Configuration management system
-* Scripted installation
-* VCL Broker
-<a name="2.5"></a>
-####VCL 2.5
-* Improve additional connect methods
-* NAT support
-* Remove requirement for 2 NICs
-* Support for Spice remote display protocol
-* Support for ESX OS for end users
-* Initial support for EC2 API and OpenStack
-<a name="2.6"></a>
-####VCL 2.6
-* Power management
-* Improve cluster reservations
-* Service deployment configuration management
-* Initial support for Libcloud
-<a name="2.7"></a>
-####VCL 2.7
-* develop tools for managing both system and user storage
-## Current
-<a name="2.3.1"></a>
-####VCL 2.3.1
-* Bugfixes
-## Past
-<a name="2.3"></a>
-####VCL 2.3
-* Service deployments
-* Allow for additional connect methods for environments (port, other protocols, etc)
-* Added framework support for libvirt
-* Added support for KVM
-* Added support for OS X under ESX
-* Added support for VMware VCenter
-* Added multilingualization to frontend
-<a name="2.2.1"></a>
-####VCL 2.2.1
-* removed frontend dependency on jpgraph
-* remove any access control that is hard coded in frontend
-* added support for VirtualBox hypervisor
-* many bug fixes and improvements to VMWare support
-<a name="2.2"></a>
-####VCL 2.2
-* support for xCAT 2.x
-* VMWare Free Server 2.x and ESXi 4
-* improve block reservations (renamed to block allocations)
-<a name="2.1"></a>
-####VCL 2.1
-* completed modularization of vcld
-* xCAT 2.1 support
-* Shibboleth authentication
-* VMWare management via VMWare toolkit
-* ESXi with thin provisioning on a NetApp
-* Only supports xCAT 1.3 and xCAT 2.1 versions
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/development.mdtext b/content/development.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index d64c11f..0000000
--- a/content/development.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-Stub development page.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/docs/Addhoststodhcp.mdtext b/content/docs/Addhoststodhcp.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index c48e383..0000000
--- a/content/docs/Addhoststodhcp.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-Title: Add entries to dhcpd.conf
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-####Generate dhcpd.conf entries
-You need to add entries for your VMs to your dhcpd.conf file so that
-they will correctly be assigned their private addresses at boot.
-1. Click Manage Computers
-2. Select the All VM Computers group in the list at the top
-3. Select the Computer Utilities radio button
-4. Click Submit
-5. Click the Check All link at the bottom of the table  
-6. Next to "For selected computers, generate computer data for", select "dhcpd"
-7. Click Generate Data
-8. Enter the private IP address for your management node
-9. Click Generate Data
-10. Copy/Paste the data for dhcpd.conf to the dhcpd.conf file on
-      your management node (ignore the part for dhcpd.leases)
-11. Restart dhcpd:
-       service dhcpd restart
-12. Scroll to the bottom and click Close
-####Add entries to /etc/hosts
-You need to add entries for your VM hosts and VMs to /etc/hosts
-1. Click Manage Computers
-2. Select the All VM Computers and the allComputers groups in the
-               list at the top
-3. Select the Computer Utilities radio button
-4. Click Submit
-5. Click the Check All link at the bottom of the table
-6. Next to "For selected computers, generate computer data for",
-               select /etc/hosts
-7. Click Generate Data
-8. Copy/Paste the data to your /etc/hosts file
-9. Click Close
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.2.2.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.2.2.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 4adb2a7..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.2.2.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.2.1 to 2.2.2
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2.1 to VCL 2.2.2. Please 
-note it only applies for the upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2, this may or may not work for 
-other versions.
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-  - Download and Extract 2.2.2 code 
-  - Shutdown httpd service
-  - Create backup of vcl database 
-  - Create backup of web code
-  - Upgrade web code
-  - Restart httpd service
-# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2
-1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
-page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.2.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-1. **extract VCL 2.2.2 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xjf apache-VCL-2.2.2.tar.bz2
-1. **Shutdown** the httpd service
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
-1. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point 
-if necessary. There are no updates to the database in this upgrade, but it is still a
-good idea to have a backup.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.2.2-upgrade.sql
-1. **Backup the web code**. This step will move the 2.2.1 web directory out of the 
-way so we can copy in the new web code base. These instructions assume that you installed the 
-vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
-/var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html
-        mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_web
-1. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.2.2
-        cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
-1. **Copy your 2.2.1 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~/vcl_2.2.1_web/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
-1. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is 
-the apache user. If using a different user, change the below command accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-1. **Restart httpd service**
-            :::BashLexer
-            service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
-1. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
-            :::BashLexer
-            tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.1.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.1.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index b9ef0c4..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.1.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.2.1 to 2.3.1
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2.1 to VCL 2.3.1. Please note it only applies for the upgrade 
-from 2.2.1 to 2.3.1, this may or may not work for other versions.
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-  - Download and Extract 2.3.1 code 
-  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
-  - Create backup of vcl database 
-  - Update mysql schema Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart httpd service
-  - Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart vcld service
-# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3.1 #
-1. follow instructions on VCL 2.3.1 Release page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-2. **extract VCL 2.3.1 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
-3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
-        service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
-4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.1-upgrade.sql
-5. This step **updates the mysql schema**. *Note*: A new resource group is added in update-vcl.sql - **all profiles**. 
-Access to manage the group is added to the VCL->admin node in the privilege tree if that node exists. If not, you will 
-need to add it manually after starting httpd again. To add it manually, pick a node in the privilege tree, scroll to 
-Resources, click Add Resource Group, select serverprofile/all profiles from the drop-down box, check available, 
-administer, manageGroup, and manageMapping, and click Submit New Resource Group.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
-        mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
-6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.2.1 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new 
-web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume 
-that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html
-        mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_web
-7. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
-        cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
-8. **Copy your 2.2.1 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~/vcl_2.2.1_web/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
-9. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using 
-a different user change below cmd accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-10. **Make changes to conf.php**:
-    <ol type="a">
-    <li>A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific 
-affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under 
-Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. Users with this permission are notified of 
-new block allocation requests. **Remove the following from conf.php**.
-        :::PhpLexer
-        $blockNotifyUsers
-    <li>A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation 
-has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. 
-Users with this permission can look up information about other users. **Remove the following from conf.php** 
-        :::PhpLexer
-        $userlookupUsers
-    <li>**Multilingualization** has been added VCL. So, **DEFAULTLOCALE** has been added to conf.php to set 
-the default locale. **Add the following to conf.php**, changing en_US if needed to match your locale. You can 
-look in /var/www/html/vcl/locale to see which ones are available.
-        :::PhpLexer
-        define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");
-    <li>Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they 
-log in. **Add the following to conf.php**  If you are using Shibboleth and would like to be able to add users 
-to groups before the user has ever logged in to VCL, you can set this to 1. However, please note that if you 
-typo the userid, there is no way to verify it, and the user will be added with the typoed userid.
-        :::PhpLexer
-        define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0);
-    <li>LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any 
-LDAP entries, add two options. "lookupuserbeforeauth" is used if you need VCL to look up the full DN of a 
-user and use that when doing the bind that authenticates the user (if you don't know what this means, leave 
-it set to 0). If you need to set it to 1, then you will need to set "lookupuserfield" to what LDAP attribute 
-to use when looking up the user's DN (typically either 'cn', 'uid', or 'samaccountname'). In conf.php, **Add 
-the following to each LDAP** array you have in the $authMech array.
-        :::PhpLexer
-        "lookupuserbeforeauth" => 0,
-        "lookupuserfield" => '',
-    <li>If you are using any Local accounts for authentication, you need to modify the entries for $addUserFunc and $updateUserFunc. Change
-    * OLD
-            :::PhpLexer
-            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
-            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
-    * NEW
-            :::PhpLexer
-            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
-            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
-    </ol>
-11. **Restart httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
-12. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2.1 vcl code base and then copy 
-the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd <your vcl MN code root path>
-        ie. cd /usr/local/
-        cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_managementnode
-13. **Copy in the 2.3.1 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
-14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-15. **Restart vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
-16. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.2.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.2.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index e719001..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.2.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.2.1 to 2.3.2
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2.1 to VCL 2.3.2. Please note it only applies for the upgrade 
-from 2.2.1 to 2.3.2, this may or may not work for other versions.
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-  - Download and Extract 2.3.2 code 
-  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
-  - Create backup of vcl database 
-  - Update mysql schema Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart httpd service
-  - Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart vcld service
-# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3.2 #
-1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
-page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-2. **extract VCL 2.3.2 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
-3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
-        service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
-4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.2-upgrade.sql
-5. This step **updates the mysql schema**. *Note*: A new resource group is added in update-vcl.sql - **all profiles**. 
-Access to manage the group is added to the VCL->admin node in the privilege tree if that node exists. If not, you will 
-need to add it manually after starting httpd again. To add it manually, pick a node in the privilege tree, scroll to 
-Resources, click Add Resource Group, select serverprofile/all profiles from the drop-down box, check available, 
-administer, manageGroup, and manageMapping, and click Submit New Resource Group.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
-        mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
-6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.2.1 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new 
-web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume 
-that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html
-        mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_web
-7. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
-        cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
-8. **Copy your 2.2.1 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~/vcl_2.2.1_web/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
-9. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using 
-a different user change below cmd accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-10. **Make changes to conf.php**:
-    <ol type="a">
-    <li>A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific 
-affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under 
-Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. Users with this permission are notified of 
-new block allocation requests. **Remove the following from conf.php**.
-        :::PhpLexer
-        $blockNotifyUsers
-    <li>A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation 
-has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. 
-Users with this permission can look up information about other users. **Remove the following from conf.php** 
-        :::PhpLexer
-        $userlookupUsers
-    <li>**Multilingualization** has been added VCL. So, **DEFAULTLOCALE** has been added to conf.php to set 
-the default locale. **Add the following to conf.php**, changing en_US if needed to match your locale. You can 
-look in /var/www/html/vcl/locale to see which ones are available.
-        :::PhpLexer
-        define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");
-    <li>Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they 
-log in. **Add the following to conf.php**  If you are using Shibboleth and would like to be able to add users 
-to groups before the user has ever logged in to VCL, you can set this to 1. However, please note that if you 
-typo the userid, there is no way to verify it, and the user will be added with the typoed userid.
-        :::PhpLexer
-        define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0);
-    <li>LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any 
-LDAP entries, add two options. "lookupuserbeforeauth" is used if you need VCL to look up the full DN of a 
-user and use that when doing the bind that authenticates the user (if you don't know what this means, leave 
-it set to 0). If you need to set it to 1, then you will need to set "lookupuserfield" to what LDAP attribute 
-to use when looking up the user's DN (typically either 'cn', 'uid', or 'samaccountname'). In conf.php, **Add 
-the following to each LDAP** array you have in the $authMech array.
-        :::PhpLexer
-        "lookupuserbeforeauth" => 0,
-        "lookupuserfield" => '',
-    <li>If you are using any Local accounts for authentication, you need to modify the entries for $addUserFunc and $updateUserFunc. Change
-    * OLD
-            :::PhpLexer
-            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
-            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
-    * NEW
-            :::PhpLexer
-            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
-            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
-    </ol>
-11. **Restart httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
-12. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2.1 vcl code base and then copy 
-the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd <your vcl MN code root path>
-        ie. cd /usr/local/
-        cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_managementnode
-13. **Copy in the 2.3.2 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
-14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-15. **Restart vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
-16. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e4109f..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.2.1 to 2.3
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2.1 to VCL 2.3. Please note it only applies for the upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3, this may or may not work for other versions.
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-  - Download and Extract 2.3 code 
-  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
-  - Create backup of vcl database 
-  - Update mysql schema Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart httpd service
-  - Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart vcld service
-# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3 #
-1. follow instructions on VCL 2.3 Release page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-2. **extract VCL 2.3 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2
-3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
-        service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
-4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3-upgrade.sql
-5. This step **updates the mysql schema**. *Note*: A new resource group is added in update-vcl.sql - **all profiles**. Access to manage the group is added to the VCL->admin node in the privilege tree if that node exists. If not, you will need to add it manually after starting httpd again. To add it manually, pick a node in the privilege tree, scroll to Resources, click Add Resource Group, select serverprofile/all profiles from the drop-down box, check available, administer, manageGroup, and manageMapping, and click Submit New Resource Group.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3
-        mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
-5. If you want to use libvirt provisioning for KVM, you need to add one entry to the database that was left out of the release.
-        :::BashLexer
-        echo "INSERT IGNORE provisioningOSinstalltype (provisioningid, OSinstalltypeid) SELECT, FROM provisioning, OSinstalltype WHERE = 'libvirt' AND = 'vmware';" | mysql vcl
-6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.2.1 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html
-        mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_web
-7. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3
-        cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
-8. **Copy your 2.2.1 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~/vcl_2.2.1_web/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
-9. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using a different user change below cmd accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-10. **Make changes to conf.php**:
-    a. A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. Users with this permission are notified of new block allocation requests. **Remove the following from conf.php**.
-            :::BashLexer
-            $blockNotifyUsers
-    b. A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. Users with this permission can look up information about other users. **Remove the following from conf.php** 
-            :::BashLexer
-            $userlookupUsers
-    c. **Multilingualization** has been added VCL. So, **DEFAULTLOCALE** has been added to conf.php to set the default locale. **Add the following to conf.php**, changing en_US if needed to match your locale. You can look in /var/www/html/vcl/locale to see which ones are available.
-            :::BashLexer
-            define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");
-    d. Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they log in. **Add the following to conf.php**  If you are using Shibboleth and would like to be able to add users to groups before the user has ever logged in to VCL, you can set this to 1. However, please note that if you typo the userid, there is no way to verify it, and the user will be added with the typoed userid.
-            :::BashLexer
-            define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0);
-    e. LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any LDAP entries, add two options. "lookupuserbeforeauth" is used if you need VCL to look up the full DN of a user and use that when doing the bind that authenticates the user (if you don't know what this means, leave it set to 0). If you need to set it to 1, then you will need to set "lookupuserfield" to what LDAP attribute to use when looking up the user's DN (typically either 'cn', 'uid', or 'samaccountname'). In conf.php, **Add the following to each LDAP** array you have in the $authMech array.
-            :::BashLexer
-            "lookupuserbeforeauth" => 0,
-            "lookupuserfield" => '',
-    f. If you are using any Local accounts for authentication, you need to modify the entries for $addUserFunc and $updateUserFunc. Change
-            :::BashLexer
-            OLD
-            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
-            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
-            NEW
-            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
-            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
-11. **Restart httpd service**
-            :::BashLexer
-            service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
-12. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2.1 vcl code base and then copy the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-            :::BashLexer
-            cd <your vcl MN code root path>
-            ie. cd /usr/local/
-            cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_managementnode
-13. **Copy in the 2.3 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-            :::BashLexer
-            /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
-14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-15. **Restart vcld service**
-            :::BashLexer
-            service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
-16. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
-            :::BashLexer
-            tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.2to2.4.2.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.2to2.4.2.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 089c16d..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2.2to2.4.2.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.2.2 to 2.4.2
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-# Scripted Upgrade
-VCL 2.4.2 is the first release to include an upgrade script. All you need to
-upgrade VCL is the script. It will download and validate the VCL software and
-then upgrade your system. The script can be used to upgrade all three parts of
-VCL (database, web portal, and management node) or to upgrade each part
-individually. It works for upgrading from any previous version of Apache VCL.
-[Download Upgrade Script (](
-    :::BashLexer
-    wget
-    sha1sum -c
-    wget
-    gpg --import KEYS
-    wget
-    gpg --verify
-Running the upgrade script with no arguments will step you through upgrading
-all three parts of VCL. Alternatively, the following explains optional 
-arguments. If upgrading the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt 
-you to agree to the installation of various system level requirements needed 
-for the code to run.
-    :::BashLexer
- [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
-            [--dbhost <hostname>] [--dbadminuser <username>]
-            [--dbadminpass <password>]
-    -d|--database - upgrade database components
-            --dbhost may optionally be specified if not localhost
-    -w|--web - upgrade web server components
-    -m|--managementnode - upgrade management node (vcld) components
-    --dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
-    --dbname <name> - name of VCL database on database server (default=vcl)
-    --dbadminuser <username> - admin username for database; must have access
-            to modify database schema and dump data for backup (default=root)
-    --dbadminpass <password> - password for dbadminuser (default=[no password])
-# Manual Upgrade Instructions
-These instructions explain how to upgrade from VCL 2.2.2 to VCL 2.4.2. Please note 
-it only applies for the upgrade from 2.2.2 to 2.4.2, this may or may not work for other 
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-  - Download and Extract 2.4.2 code 
-  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
-  - Create backup of vcl database 
-  - Update mysql schema
-  - Update web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart httpd service
-  - Update management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart vcld service
-### Upgrade steps
-1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
-page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-2. **extract VCL 2.4.2 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xf apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2
-3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop
-        service vcld stop
-4. create a **backup** of the VCL database. This will provide a restore point if 
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.4.2-upgrade.sql
-5. This step **updates the database** schema.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysql vcl < /root/apache-VCL-2.4.2/mysql/update-vcl.sql
-6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.2.2 web directory out of the 
-way, so we can copy in the new web code base. After copying in the new code, we will 
-migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume that you installed the 
-VCL web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
-/var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mv /var/www/html/vcl /var/www/html/vcl-2.2.2
-7. **Disable access** to the old web code
-        :::BashLexer
-        echo "Deny from all" > /var/www/html/vcl-2.2.2/.htaccess
-7. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.4.2/web /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2
-        ln -s /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2 /var/www/html/vcl
-8. **Copy your 2.2.2 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html/vcl-2.2.2/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
-9. **Add new items to conf.php**. The following items need to be added to the conf.php
-file (they can be added anywhere as long as it is not inside an 
-array() definition):
-        :::BashLexer
-        (don't forget to edit conf.php in the **new** location)
-        vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/conf.php
-        :::PhpLexer
-        define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");              // default locale for the site
-        define("SEMTIMEOUT", "45");
-        define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0); // this is only related to using Shibboleth authentication for an affiliation that does not
-                                        // also have LDAP set up (i.e. affiliation.shibonly = 1)
-                                        // set this to 1 to allow users be manually added to VCL before they have ever logged in
-                                        // through things such as adding a user to a user group or directly granting a user a
-                                        // privilege somewhere in the privilege tree. Note that if you enable this and typo
-                                        // a userid, there is no way to verify that it was entered incorrectly so the user
-                                        // will be added to the database with the typoed userid
-        define("MAXINITIALIMAGINGTIME", 720); // for imaging reservations, users will have at least this long as the max selectable duration
-        define("MAXSUBIMAGES", 5000);  // maximum allowed number for subimages in a config
-        # boolean value of 0 or 1 to enable documentation links on login page and page
-        #   where authentication method is selected
-        # 0 = disables; 1 = enabled
-        define("NOAUTH_HOMENAV", 0);
-        # boolean value of 0 or 1 to control logging of non SELECT database queries for auditing or debugging purposes; queries are logged to the querylog table
-        define("QUERYLOGGING", 1);
-        # boolean value of 0 or 1 to control logging of XMLRPC calls for auditing or debugging purposes; queries are logged to the xmlrpcLog table
-        define("XMLRPCLOGGING", 1);
-        # documentation links to display on login page and page
-        #   where authentication method is selected when NOAUTH_HOMENAV is set to 1
-        $NOAUTH_HOMENAV = array (
-            "What is VCL" => "",
-            "How to use VCL" => "",
-            "Report a Problem" => "mailto:" . HELPEMAIL,
-        );
-9. **Modify existing items in conf.php**. The following items in conf.php need to be 
-modified. Change:
-    * OLD
-            :::PhpLexer
-            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
-            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
-    * NEW
-            :::PhpLexer
-            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
-            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
-9. **Make the maintenance directory writable** by the web server user. Normally this is
-the apache user, if using a different user change below cmd accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-11. **Start httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start
-12. **Backup management node code**. This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2.2  
-management node code. These instructions assume that you installed the 
-VCL management node code at /usr/local/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
-/usr/local with your management node path.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cp -r /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.2.2
-13. **Copy in the 2.4.2 management node code** to /usr/local. First, rename the existing
-management node code directory to vcl-2.4.2 so that any drivers or other files you've 
-added are preserved. Then, create a symlink for /usr/local/vcl and copy the new 
-management code over top of it.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mv /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2
-        ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 /usr/local/vcl
-        /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.4.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
-14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-15. **Start vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start
-16. Make some **test reservations** and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2to2.2.2.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2to2.2.2.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a1b6ba..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2to2.2.2.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.2 to 2.2.2
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2 to VCL 2.2.2. Please note 
-it only applies for the upgrade from 2.2 to 2.2.2, this may or may not work for other 
-The basic steps that will be performed
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-* Download and Extract 2.2.2 code
-* Shutdown httpd and vcld services
-* Create backup of vcl database
-* Update mysql schema
-* Grant CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES to mysql user
-* Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes
-* Restart httpd service
-* Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes
-* Restart vcld service
-# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.2 to 2.2.2
-1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
-page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.2.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-1. extract VCL 2.2.2 code
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xjf apache-VCL-2.2.2.tar.bz2
-1. **Shutdown** the httpd service
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
-        service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
-1. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point 
-if necessary. There are no updates to the database in this upgrade, but it is still a
-good idea to have a backup.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.2.2-upgrade.sql
-1. This step **updates the mysql schema**.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.2.2
-        mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
-1. Grant CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES to mysql user<br>
-The web code now requires access to create temporary tables in mysql. You need to 
-grant the user your web code uses to access mysql the "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES" 
-permission. Look at the secrets.php file in your web code for the user and hostname.
-For example, if your web code is installed at /var/www/html/vcl, your secrets.php 
-file would be /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/secrets.php. Look for $vclhost and 
-$vclusername. The secrets.php file might have something like:
-        :::PhpLexer
-        $vclhost = 'localhost';
-        $vcluser = 'vcluser';
-Then, you need to issue the grant command to mysql. Using the values from above 
-as examples, connect to mysql and then issue the grant command:
-        :::MysqlLexer
-        mysql
-        GRANT CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON `vcl`.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost';
-        exit
-1. **Update the web code**. This step will move the 2.2 web directory out 
-of the way, so we can copy in the new web code base. After copying in the new 
-code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume that 
-you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it 
-elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html
-        mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2_web
-1. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.2.2
-        cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
-1. **Copy your 2.2 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~/vcl_2.2_web/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
-1. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally 
-this is the apache user,  if using a different user change below cmd accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-1. **Make changes to conf.php**:
-    <ol type="a">
-    <li> A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations 
-globally or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any 
-user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. 
-Users with this permission are notified of new block allocation requests. 
-<b>Remove the following from conf.php</b>.
-        :::BashLexer
-        $blockNotifyUsers
-    </li>
-    <li> A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally 
-or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group 
-under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. Users with this 
-permission can look up information about other users. 
-<b>Remove the following from conf.php</b>.
-        :::BashLexer
-        $userlookupUsers
-    </li>
-    </ol>
-1. **Restart httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
-1. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2 vcl code 
-base and then copy the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other 
-files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd <your vcl MN code root path>
-        ie. cd /usr/local/
-        cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2_managementnode
-1. **Copy in the 2.2.2 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers 
-or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.2.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
-1. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-1. **Restart vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
-1. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.3.1to2.3.2.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.3.1to2.3.2.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 3edb44c..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.3.1to2.3.2.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.3.1 to 2.3.2
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.3.1 to VCL 2.3.2. Please note it only applies for the upgrade 
-from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2, this may or may not work for other versions.
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-  - Download and Extract 2.3.2 code 
-  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
-  - Create backup of vcl database 
-  - Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart httpd service
-  - Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart vcld service
-There are no updates to the VCL database schema between 2.3.1 and 2.3.2.
-# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.3 to 2.3.2
-1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
-page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-2. **extract VCL 2.3.2 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
-3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
-        service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
-4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.2-upgrade.sql
-6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.3 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new 
-web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume 
-that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html
-        mv vcl ~/vcl_2.3_web
-7. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
-        cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
-8. **Copy your 2.3 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~/vcl_2.3_web/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
-9. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using 
-a different user change below cmd accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-11. **Restart httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
-12. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.3 vcl code base and then copy 
-the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd <your vcl MN code root path>
-        ie. cd /usr/local/
-        cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.3_managementnode
-13. **Copy in the 2.3.2 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
-14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-15. **Restart vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
-16. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.3.2to2.4.2.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.3.2to2.4.2.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 56a1c90..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.3.2to2.4.2.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.3.2 to 2.4.2
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-# Scripted Upgrade
-VCL 2.4.2 is the first release to include an upgrade script. All you need to
-upgrade VCL is the script. It will download and validate the VCL software and
-then upgrade your system. The script can be used to upgrade all three parts of
-VCL (database, web portal, and management node) or to upgrade each part
-individually. It works for upgrading from any previous version of Apache VCL.
-[Download Upgrade Script (](
-    :::BashLexer
-    wget
-    sha1sum -c
-    wget
-    gpg --import KEYS
-    wget
-    gpg --verify
-Running the upgrade script with no arguments will step you through upgrading
-all three parts of VCL. Alternatively, the following explains optional 
-arguments. If upgrading the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt 
-you to agree to the installation of various system level requirements needed 
-for the code to run.
-    :::BashLexer
- [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
-            [--dbhost <hostname>] [--dbadminuser <username>]
-            [--dbadminpass <password>]
-    -d|--database - upgrade database components
-            --dbhost may optionally be specified if not localhost
-    -w|--web - upgrade web server components
-    -m|--managementnode - upgrade management node (vcld) components
-    --dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
-    --dbname <name> - name of VCL database on database server (default=vcl)
-    --dbadminuser <username> - admin username for database; must have access
-            to modify database schema and dump data for backup (default=root)
-    --dbadminpass <password> - password for dbadminuser (default=[no password])
-# Manual Upgrade Instructions
-These instructions explain how to upgrade from VCL 2.3.2 to VCL 2.4.2. Please note 
-it only applies for the upgrade from 2.3.2 to 2.4.2, this may or may not work for other 
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-  - Download and Extract 2.4.2 code 
-  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
-  - Create backup of vcl database 
-  - Update mysql schema
-  - Update web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart httpd service
-  - Update management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart vcld service
-### Upgrade steps
-1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
-page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-2. **extract VCL 2.4.2 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xf apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2
-3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop
-        service vcld stop
-4. create a **backup** of the VCL database. This will provide a restore point if 
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.4.2-upgrade.sql
-5. This step **updates the database** schema.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysql vcl < /root/apache-VCL-2.4.2/mysql/update-vcl.sql
-6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.3.2 web directory out of the 
-way, so we can copy in the new web code base. After copying in the new code, we will 
-migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume that you installed the 
-VCL web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
-/var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mv /var/www/html/vcl /var/www/html/vcl-2.3.2
-7. **Disable access** to the old web code
-        :::BashLexer
-        echo "Deny from all" > /var/www/html/vcl-2.3.2/.htaccess
-7. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.4.2/web /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2
-        ln -s /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2 /var/www/html/vcl
-8. **Copy your 2.3.2 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html/vcl-2.3.2/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
-9. **Add new items to conf.php**. The following items need to be added to the conf.php
-file (they can be added anywhere as long as it is not inside an 
-array() definition):
-        :::BashLexer
-        (don't forget to edit conf.php in the **new** location)
-        vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/conf.php
-        :::PhpLexer
-        define("SEMTIMEOUT", "45");
-        define("MAXINITIALIMAGINGTIME", 720); // for imaging reservations, users will have at least this long as the max selectable duration
-        define("MAXSUBIMAGES", 5000);  // maximum allowed number for subimages in a config
-        # boolean value of 0 or 1 to enable documentation links on login page and page
-        #   where authentication method is selected
-        # 0 = disables; 1 = enabled
-        define("NOAUTH_HOMENAV", 0);
-        # boolean value of 0 or 1 to control logging of non SELECT database queries for auditing or debugging purposes; queries are logged to the querylog table
-        define("QUERYLOGGING", 1);
-        # boolean value of 0 or 1 to control logging of XMLRPC calls for auditing or debugging purposes; queries are logged to the xmlrpcLog table
-        define("XMLRPCLOGGING", 1);
-        # documentation links to display on login page and page
-        #   where authentication method is selected when NOAUTH_HOMENAV is set to 1
-        $NOAUTH_HOMENAV = array (
-            "What is VCL" => "",
-            "How to use VCL" => "",
-            "Report a Problem" => "mailto:" . HELPEMAIL,
-        );
-9. **Make the maintenance directory writable** by the web server user. Normally this is
-the apache user, if using a different user change below cmd accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-11. **Start httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start
-12. **Backup management node code**. This step will make a backup copy of the 2.3.2  
-management node code. These instructions assume that you installed the 
-VCL management node code at /usr/local/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
-/usr/local with your management node path.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cp -r /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.3.2
-13. **Copy in the 2.4.2 management node code** to /usr/local. First, rename the existing
-management node code directory to vcl-2.4.2 so that any drivers or other files you've 
-added are preserved. Then, create a symlink for /usr/local/vcl and copy the new 
-management code over top of it.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mv /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2
-        ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 /usr/local/vcl
-        /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.4.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
-14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-15. **Start vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start
-16. Make some **test reservations** and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.3to2.3.1.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.3to2.3.1.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index f533857..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.3to2.3.1.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.3 to 2.3.1
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.3 to VCL 2.3.1. Please note it only applies for the upgrade 
-from 2.3 to 2.3.1, this may or may not work for other versions.
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-  - Download and Extract 2.3.1 code 
-  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
-  - Create backup of vcl database 
-  - Update mysql schema Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart httpd service
-  - Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart vcld service
-# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.3 to 2.3.1
-1. follow instructions on VCL 2.3.1 Release page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-2. **extract VCL 2.3.1 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
-3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
-        service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
-4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.1-upgrade.sql
-5. This step **updates the mysql schema**.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
-        mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
-6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.3 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new 
-web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume 
-that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html
-        mv vcl ~/vcl_2.3_web
-7. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
-        cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
-8. **Copy your 2.3 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~/vcl_2.3_web/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
-9. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using 
-a different user change below cmd accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-11. **Restart httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
-12. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.3 vcl code base and then copy 
-the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd <your vcl MN code root path>
-        ie. cd /usr/local/
-        cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.3_managementnode
-13. **Copy in the 2.3.1 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
-14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-15. **Restart vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
-16. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.3to2.3.2.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.3to2.3.2.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index f29906c..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.3to2.3.2.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.3 to 2.3.2
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.3 to VCL 2.3.2. Please note it only applies for the upgrade 
-from 2.3 to 2.3.2, this may or may not work for other versions.
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-  - Download and Extract 2.3.2 code 
-  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
-  - Create backup of vcl database 
-  - Update mysql schema Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart httpd service
-  - Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart vcld service
-# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.3 to 2.3.2
-1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
-page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-2. **extract VCL 2.3.2 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
-3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
-        service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
-4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.2-upgrade.sql
-5. This step **updates the mysql schema**.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
-        mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
-6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.3 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new 
-web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume 
-that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html
-        mv vcl ~/vcl_2.3_web
-7. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
-        cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
-8. **Copy your 2.3 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~/vcl_2.3_web/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
-9. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using 
-a different user change below cmd accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-11. **Restart httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
-12. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.3 vcl code base and then copy 
-the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd <your vcl MN code root path>
-        ie. cd /usr/local/
-        cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.3_managementnode
-13. **Copy in the 2.3.2 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
-14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-15. **Restart vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
-16. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.4.2to2.5.1.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.4.2to2.5.1.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index e93047e..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.4.2to2.5.1.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.4.2 to 2.5.1
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-# Scripted Upgrade
-VCL 2.5.1 includes an upgrade script. All you need to
-upgrade VCL is the script. It will download and validate the VCL software and
-then upgrade your system. The script can be used to upgrade all three parts of
-VCL (database, web portal, and management node) or to upgrade each part
-individually. It works for upgrading from any previous version of Apache VCL.
-[Download Upgrade Script (](
-    :::BashLexer
-    wget
-    sha512sum -c
-    wget
-    gpg --import KEYS
-    wget
-    gpg --verify
-Running the upgrade script with no arguments will step you through upgrading
-all three parts of VCL. Alternatively, the following explains optional 
-arguments. If upgrading the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt 
-you to agree to the installation of various system level requirements needed 
-for the code to run.
-    :::BashLexer
- [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
-            [--dbhost <hostname>] [--dbadminuser <username>]
-            [--dbadminpass <password>]
-    -d|--database - upgrade database components
-            --dbhost may optionally be specified if not localhost
-    -w|--web - upgrade web server components
-    -m|--managementnode - upgrade management node (vcld) components
-    --dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
-    --dbname <name> - name of VCL database on database server (default=vcl)
-    --dbadminuser <username> - admin username for database; must have access
-            to modify database schema and dump data for backup (default=root)
-    --dbadminpass <password> - password for dbadminuser (default=[no password])
-# Manual Upgrade Instructions
-These instructions explain how to upgrade from VCL 2.4.2 to VCL 2.5.1. Please note 
-it only applies for the upgrade from 2.4.2 to 2.5.1, this may or may not work for other 
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-  - Download and Extract 2.5.1 code 
-  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
-  - Create backup of vcl database 
-  - Update mysql schema
-  - Update web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart httpd service
-  - Update management node VCL code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart vcld service
-### Upgrade steps
-1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
-page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-2. **extract VCL 2.5.1 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xf apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2
-3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop
-        service vcld stop
-4. create a **backup** of the VCL database. This will provide a restore point if 
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.5.1-upgrade.sql
-5. This step **updates the database** schema.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysql vcl < /root/apache-VCL-2.5.1/mysql/update-vcl.sql
-6. **Possibly move old web code**. If /var/www/html/vcl **is a directory**, rename it to 
-/var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2. These instructions assume that you installed the 
-VCL web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
-/var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mv /var/www/html/vcl /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2
-7. **Disable access** to the old web code
-        :::BashLexer
-        echo "Require all denied" > /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2/.htaccess
-7. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cp -ar /root/apache-VCL-2.5.1/web /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1
-        ln -sfn /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1 /var/www/html/vcl
-8. **Copy your 2.4.2 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
-8. **Set SELinux context** If you are using SELinux, set the correct context:
-        :::BashLexer
-        chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1
-        chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1/.ht-inc/maintenance
-        chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1/.ht-inc/cryptkey
-9. **Update conf.php**. The following item needs to be added to the conf.php
-file. (It is located above the define line for BASEURL in the conf-default.php file):
-        :::BashLexer
-        (don't forget to edit conf.php in the **new** location)
-        vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/conf.php
-        :::PhpLexer
-        define("SSLOFFLOAD", 0);
-The following item needs to be removed from the conf.php file:
-        :::PhpLexer
-        define("MAXVMLIMIT", "100");
-9. **Update secrets.php**  $cryptkey in secrets.php needs to be generated
-using openssl. Generate the value and set it in secrets.php:
-        :::BashLexer
-        openssl rand 32 | base64
-        vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/secrets.php
-        :::PhpLexer
-        $cryptkey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; # set this to output of "openssl rand 32 | base64"
-9. **Make the maintenance and cryptkey directories writable** by the web server user. Normally this is
-the apache user, if using a different user change below command accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/cryptkey
-10. **Start httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start
-11. **Check testsetup.php** Check that everything is correct by viewing the testsetup.php
-script in your browser. This script is located in the same directory as the index.php script.
-        :::BashLexer
-13. **Copy old management node code** If /usr/local/vcl is a directory, copy it to
-/usr/local/vcl-2.4.2, rename /usr/local/vcl to /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1, and create a symlink.
-If /usr/local/vcl is a symlink to vcl-2.4.2, copy /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 to /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
-and update the symlink.
-        :::BashLexer
-        (for directory)
-        cp -ar /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2
-        mv /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
-        ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1 /usr/local/vcl
-        :::BashLexer
-        (for symlink)
-        cp -ar /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
-        ln -sfn /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1 /usr/local/vcl
-13. **Copy new code in place** Copy the new management node code over the old code:
-        /bin/cp -ar /root/apache-VCL-2.5.1/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
-14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-15. **Start vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start
-16. Make some **test reservations** and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.4.2to2.5.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.4.2to2.5.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 872f03e..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.4.2to2.5.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.4.2 to 2.5
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-# Scripted Upgrade
-VCL 2.5 is the second release to include an upgrade script. All you need to
-upgrade VCL is the script. It will download and validate the VCL software and
-then upgrade your system. The script can be used to upgrade all three parts of
-VCL (database, web portal, and management node) or to upgrade each part
-individually. It works for upgrading from any previous version of Apache VCL.
-[Download Upgrade Script (](
-    :::BashLexer
-    wget
-    sha1sum -c
-    wget
-    gpg --import KEYS
-    wget
-    gpg --verify
-Running the upgrade script with no arguments will step you through upgrading
-all three parts of VCL. Alternatively, the following explains optional 
-arguments. If upgrading the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt 
-you to agree to the installation of various system level requirements needed 
-for the code to run.
-    :::BashLexer
- [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
-            [--dbhost <hostname>] [--dbadminuser <username>]
-            [--dbadminpass <password>]
-    -d|--database - upgrade database components
-            --dbhost may optionally be specified if not localhost
-    -w|--web - upgrade web server components
-    -m|--managementnode - upgrade management node (vcld) components
-    --dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
-    --dbname <name> - name of VCL database on database server (default=vcl)
-    --dbadminuser <username> - admin username for database; must have access
-            to modify database schema and dump data for backup (default=root)
-    --dbadminpass <password> - password for dbadminuser (default=[no password])
-# Manual Upgrade Instructions
-These instructions explain how to upgrade from VCL 2.4.2 to VCL 2.5. Please note 
-it only applies for the upgrade from 2.4.2 to 2.5, this may or may not work for other 
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-  - Download and Extract 2.5 code 
-  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
-  - Create backup of vcl database 
-  - Update mysql schema
-  - Update web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart httpd service
-  - Update management node VCL code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart vcld service
-### Upgrade steps
-1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
-page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.5.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-2. **extract VCL 2.5 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xf apache-VCL-2.5.tar.bz2
-3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop
-        service vcld stop
-4. create a **backup** of the VCL database. This will provide a restore point if 
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.5-upgrade.sql
-5. This step **updates the database** schema.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysql vcl < /root/apache-VCL-2.5/mysql/update-vcl.sql
-6. **Possibly move old web code**. If /var/www/html/vcl **is a directory**, rename it to 
-/var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2. These instructions assume that you installed the 
-VCL web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
-/var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mv /var/www/html/vcl /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2
-7. **Disable access** to the old web code
-        :::BashLexer
-        echo "Require all denied" > /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2/.htaccess
-7. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cp -ar /root/apache-VCL-2.5/web /var/www/html/vcl-2.5
-        ln -sfn /var/www/html/vcl-2.5 /var/www/html/vcl
-8. **Copy your 2.4.2 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
-8. **Set SELinux context** If you are using SELinux, set the correct context:
-        :::BashLexer
-        chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5
-        chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5/.ht-inc/maintenance
-        chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5/.ht-inc/cryptkey
-9. **Update conf.php**. The following item needs to be removed from the conf.php
-        :::BashLexer
-        (don't forget to edit conf.php in the **new** location)
-        vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/conf.php
-        :::PhpLexer
-        define("MAXVMLIMIT", "100");
-9. **Update secrets.php**  $cryptkey in secrets.php needs to be generated
-using openssl. Generate the value and set it in secrets.php:
-        :::BashLexer
-        openssl rand 32 | base64
-        vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/secrets.php
-        :::PhpLexer
-        $cryptkey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; # set this to output of "openssl rand 32 | base64"
-9. **Make the maintenance and cryptkey directories writable** by the web server user. Normally this is
-the apache user, if using a different user change below command accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/cryptkey
-10. **Start httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start
-11. **Check testsetup.php** Check that everything is correct by viewing the testsetup.php
-script in your browser. This script is located in the same directory as the index.php script.
-        :::BashLexer
-13. **Copy old management node code** If /usr/local/vcl is a directory, copy it to
-/usr/local/vcl-2.4.2, rename /usr/local/vcl to /usr/local/vcl-2.5, and create a symlink.
-If /usr/local/vcl is a symlink to vcl-2.4.2, copy /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 to /usr/local/vcl-2.5
-and update the symlink.
-        :::BashLexer
-        (for directory)
-        cp -ar /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2
-        mv /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.5
-        ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.5 /usr/local/vcl
-        :::BashLexer
-        (for symlink)
-        cp -ar /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 /usr/local/vcl-2.5
-        ln -sfn /usr/local/vcl-2.5 /usr/local/vcl
-13. **Copy new code in place** Copy the new management node code over the old code:
-        /bin/cp -ar /root/apache-VCL-2.5/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl-2.5
-14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-15. **Start vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start
-16. Make some **test reservations** and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.5to2.5.1.mdtext b/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.5to2.5.1.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f03402..0000000
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.5to2.5.1.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.5 to 2.5.1
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-# Scripted Upgrade
-VCL 2.5.1 includes an upgrade script. All you need to
-upgrade VCL is the script. It will download and validate the VCL software and
-then upgrade your system. The script can be used to upgrade all three parts of
-VCL (database, web portal, and management node) or to upgrade each part
-individually. It works for upgrading from any previous version of Apache VCL.
-[Download Upgrade Script (](
-    :::BashLexer
-    wget
-    sha512sum -c
-    wget
-    gpg --import KEYS
-    wget
-    gpg --verify
-Running the upgrade script with no arguments will step you through upgrading
-all three parts of VCL. Alternatively, the following explains optional 
-arguments. If upgrading the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt 
-you to agree to the installation of various system level requirements needed 
-for the code to run.
-    :::BashLexer
- [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
-            [--dbhost <hostname>] [--dbadminuser <username>]
-            [--dbadminpass <password>]
-    -d|--database - upgrade database components
-            --dbhost may optionally be specified if not localhost
-    -w|--web - upgrade web server components
-    -m|--managementnode - upgrade management node (vcld) components
-    --dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
-    --dbname <name> - name of VCL database on database server (default=vcl)
-    --dbadminuser <username> - admin username for database; must have access
-            to modify database schema and dump data for backup (default=root)
-    --dbadminpass <password> - password for dbadminuser (default=[no password])
-# Manual Upgrade Instructions
-These instructions explain how to upgrade from VCL 2.5 to VCL 2.5.1. Please note 
-it only applies for the upgrade from 2.5 to 2.5.1, this may or may not work for other 
-**The basic steps that will be performed**
-  - Download and Extract 2.5.1 code 
-  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
-  - Create backup of vcl database 
-  - Update mysql schema
-  - Update web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart httpd service
-  - Update management node VCL code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
-  - Restart vcld service
-### Upgrade steps
-1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
-page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
-2. **extract VCL 2.5.1 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xf apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2
-3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop
-        service vcld stop
-4. create a **backup** of the VCL database. This will provide a restore point if 
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.5.1-upgrade.sql
-5. This step **updates the database** schema.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysql vcl < /root/apache-VCL-2.5.1/mysql/update-vcl.sql
-6. **Possibly move old web code**. If /var/www/html/vcl **is a directory**, rename it to 
-/var/www/html/vcl-2.5. These instructions assume that you installed the 
-VCL web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
-/var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mv /var/www/html/vcl /var/www/html/vcl-2.5
-7. **Disable access** to the old web code
-        :::BashLexer
-        echo "Require all denied" > /var/www/html/vcl-2.5/.htaccess
-7. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cp -ar /root/apache-VCL-2.5.1/web /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1
-        ln -sfn /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1 /var/www/html/vcl
-8. **Copy your 2.5 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html/vcl-2.5/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/
-        cp cryptkey/cryptkeyid cryptkey/private.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/cryptkey/
-8. **Set SELinux context** If you are using SELinux, set the correct context:
-        :::BashLexer
-        chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1
-        chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1/.ht-inc/maintenance
-        chcon -R -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1/.ht-inc/cryptkey
-9. **Update conf.php**. The following item needs to be added to the conf.php
-file. (It is located above the define line for BASEURL in the conf-default.php file):
-        :::BashLexer
-        (don't forget to edit conf.php in the **new** location)
-        vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/conf.php
-        :::PhpLexer
-        define("SSLOFFLOAD", 0);
-9. **Make the maintenance and cryptkey directories writable** by the web server user. Normally this is
-the apache user, if using a different user change below command accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/cryptkey
-10. **Start httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start
-11. **Check testsetup.php** Check that everything is correct by viewing the testsetup.php
-script in your browser. This script is located in the same directory as the index.php script.
-        :::BashLexer
-13. **Copy old management node code** If /usr/local/vcl is a directory, copy it to
-/usr/local/vcl-2.5, rename /usr/local/vcl to /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1, and create a symlink.
-If /usr/local/vcl is a symlink to vcl-2.5, copy /usr/local/vcl-2.5 to /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
-and update the symlink.
-        :::BashLexer
-        (for directory)
-        cp -ar /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.5
-        mv /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
-        ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1 /usr/local/vcl
-        :::BashLexer
-        (for symlink)
-        cp -ar /usr/local/vcl-2.5 /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
-        ln -sfn /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1 /usr/local/vcl
-13. **Copy new code in place** Copy the new management node code over the old code:
-        /bin/cp -ar /root/apache-VCL-2.5.1/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
-14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
-15. **Start vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start
-16. Make some **test reservations** and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
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+++ /dev/null
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-Title: Upgrade Guides
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-## Upgrade from previous versions to the latest release (2.5.1)
-[Upgrade from 2.5 to 2.5.1](UpgradeFrom2.5to2.5.1.html)
-[Upgrade from 2.4.2 to 2.5.1](UpgradeFrom2.4.2to2.5.1.html)
-## Upgrade from previous versions to 2.5
-[Upgrade from 2.4.2 to 2.5](UpgradeFrom2.4.2to2.5.html)
-## Upgrade from previous versions to 2.4.2
-[Upgrade from 2.3.2 to 2.4.2](UpgradeFrom2.3.2to2.4.2.html)
-[Upgrade from 2.2.2 to 2.4.2](UpgradeFrom2.2.2to2.4.2.html)
-## Upgrade from previous versions to 2.3.2
-[Upgrade from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2](UpgradeFrom2.3to2.3.2.html)
-[Upgrade from 2.3 to 2.3.2](UpgradeFrom2.3to2.3.2.html)
-[Upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3.2](UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.2.html)
-[Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3.2](UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.2.html)
-## Upgrade from previous versions to 2.2.2
-[Upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2](UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.2.2.html)
-[Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.2.2](UpgradeFrom2.2to2.2.2.html)
-## Upgrade from previous versions to 2.3.1
-[Upgrade from 2.3 to 2.3.1](UpgradeFrom2.3to2.3.1.html)
-[Upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3.1](UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.1.html)
-[Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3.1](UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.1.html)
-## Upgrade from previous versions to 2.3
-[Upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3](UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.html)
-[Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3](UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.html)
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@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-Title: Add entries to /etc/hosts
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-For vcld to probably communicate with the nodes on the private network, you need to add entries for your nodes to /etc/hosts on the management node(s).
-To do go to your vcl portal and follow these steps.
- 1. Click Manage Computers
- 2. Select the allComputers group in the list at the top
- 3. Select the Computer Utilities radio button
- 4. Click Submit
- 5. Click the Check All link at the bottom of the table
- 6. Next to "For selected computers, generate computer data for", select /etc/hosts
- 7. Click Generate Data
- 8. Copy/Paste the data to your /etc/hosts file
- 9. Click Close
-The data generated will include a list of your short hostnames and the private IP addresses stored in the vcl database.
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index 7137006..0000000
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-Title: Administration
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-[Administration Concepts](authorization/administrationconcepts.html)
-[Adding a New Locale to the VCL Web Frontend](/docs/multilingualization.html)
-####Account and Access Management
-[Adding Local VCL Accounts](/docs/localaccounts.html)
-[Granting Access to a New Image](authorization/grantaccesstonewimage.html)
-[Example - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images](authorization/example2users2images.html)
-####Image Management
-[Understanding Connect Methods introduced in Apache VCL 2.3](/docs/connectmethods.html)
-[How to Increase the Size of a Virtual Machine Hard Drive under VMware ESXi](/docs/increasevmhdd.html)
-[Adding xCAT Kickstart Based Images](/docs/adding-xcat-kickstart-based-image.html)
-[Using VCL post load and reserve scripts](/docs/vclPostScripts.html)
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Title: Assign Virtual Machine(s) to a Virtual Host
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-1. Click Virtual Hosts
-2. On the VM Hosts tab, select the virtual host server added
-   previously
-3. Click Configure Host, You should see the vm profile and two columns of **VMs assigned to host**
-   and **Unassigned VMs**
-4. Select the virtual machine nodes from the **Unassigned VMs** column
-5. Click Add
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Title: Video - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-This video shows the steps outlined in [Example - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images](example2users2images.html)
-This video was created using [Wink](
-<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" 
-   codebase=",0,0,0" 
-   WIDTH="895" 
-   HEIGHT="581" 
-   id="example_two_sets_of_groups" 
-   ALIGN="">
-<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="example_two_sets_of_groups.swf">
-<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> 
-<PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#333399> 
-<param name="scale" value="exactfit"/>
-<param name="type" value="application/x-shockwave-flash2-preview"/>
-<EMBED src="example_two_sets_of_groups.swf" 
-   quality=high 
-   bgcolor=#333399 
-   WIDTH="895" 
-   HEIGHT="581" 
-   NAME="example_two_sets_of_groups" 
-   ALIGN="" 
-   TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" 
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Title: Deployment Planning
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-stub page
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deleted file mode 100644
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-Title: Image Creation
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-After VCL is installed, you need to create images for users. As part of the installation,
-you should have [created some base images](baseimagecreation.html) from which to start 
-building other images. The guides on this page explain how to create new images 
-through the VCL, starting from already created base images.
-## Creating Images
-* [Creating a New Image From a Base Image](creating-a-new-image-from-a-base-image.html)
-    * [Additional Steps for Windows Images](additional-steps-for-windows-images.html)
-    * [Additional Steps for Linux Images](additional-steps-for-linux-images.html)
-* [Configuring the Default User Profile](configure-the-default-profile.html)
-* [Using VCL post load and reserve scripts](vclPostScripts.html)
diff --git a/content/docs/index.mdtext b/content/docs/index.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index d02ee58..0000000
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-Title: Documentation
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-stub documentation index page
-## Archived Documentation
-### VCL 2.2 
-* [Release Page](/docs/archives/old-releases/vcl-2.2.html)<br>
-* [Installation Guide](/docs/archives/old-releases/vcl-2.2-installation.html)
\ No newline at end of file
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index f891990..0000000
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@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Title: Installation
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-This portion of the site is for documentation on installing VCL and for documentation
-explaining configuration items that an installer would typically do.
-[VCL 2.5.1 Installation Guide - Current Release](/docs/VCL251InstallGuide.html)
-Supplemental configuration guides
- - [Upgrade from previous versions](/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/upgrades.html)
- - [Configuring LDAP Authentication](/docs/ldapauth.html)
- - [Configuring Shibboleth Authentication](/docs/shibauth.html)
- - [Creating Custom Themes](/docs/themes.html)
- - [phpMyAdmin Installation and Configuration](/docs/installphpmyadmin)
- - [VMware Configuration](/docs/vmwareconfiguration)
- - [Creating Base images](/docs/baseimagecreation)
-Archived Install guides:
-[VCL 2.5 Installation Guide](/docs/VCL25InstallGuide.html)<br>
-[VCL 2.4.2 Installation Guide](/docs/VCL242InstallGuide.html)<br>
-[VCL 2.3.2 Installation Guide](/docs/VCL232InstallGuide.html)<br>
-[VCL 2.3.1 Installation Guide](/docs/VCL231InstallGuide.html)<br>
-[VCL 2.3 Installation Guide](/docs/VCL23Installation.html)
diff --git a/content/docs/installphpMyAdminVCL.mdtext b/content/docs/installphpMyAdminVCL.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index fb2c3b7..0000000
--- a/content/docs/installphpMyAdminVCL.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-Title: phpMyAdmin Installation & Configuration
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-<div class="docnote">
-phpMyAdmin is a free and optional tool which allows MySQL or MariaDB to be administered using a web 
-browser. It makes administering the VCL database easier. This tool can be installed on 
-the VCL web server.
-1. Install phpMyAdmin via the yum package manager. Tested on clean installs of CentOS, Red Hat versions 6 and 7
-    a. phpMyAdmin is in the extras repository, use epel-release package to add this repo
-        :::BashLexer
-        yum -y install epel-release 
-    b. Install phpMyAdmin
-        :::BashLexer
-        yum -y install phpMyAdmin
-    c. Move the phpMyAdmin directory to the web server directory:
-        :::BashLexer
-    	mv /usr/share/phpMyAdmin /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin
-    d. Edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf with your favorite editor.
-        Replace the paths created by the yum install, change each 
-        "**/usr/share/phpMyAdmin**" with **/var/www/html/phpMyAdmin** 
-        or use this sed command
-        :::BashLexer
-        sed -i "s|/usr/share/|/var/www/html/|g" /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf
-* Follow the latest setup instructions at [][1]
-    <pre class="docnote">
-    The "Securing your phpMyAdmin installation" instructions can be followed 
-    to secure phpMyAdmin. At a minimum set the MySQL user and password 
-    in the file
-    Edit /etc/phpMyAdmin/ and set the user and password variables to match 
-    the LockerWrtUser(typically vcluser) and wrtPass from /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
-    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user']          = 'vcluser';  
-    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password']      = '';  //Use wrtPass from /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
-    </pre>
-* How to allow access to phpMyAdmin from other machines. The default server configuration limits 
-access only to localhost ( If desired to access from other machines, edit the 
-server config file to allow other machines, change any lines with to your workstation IP or 
-a set of known IP addresses. 
-    In your editor, open /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf 
-    Edit the first section, there are two locations that need to change
-    <pre class="docnote">
-    Under the section labeled:  Directory /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin/
-    . . .
-    Require ip your_workstation_IP_address
-    . . .
-    Allow from your_workstation_IP_address
-    . . .
-    </pre>
-* Restart httpd service and test
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd restart
-    If you receive 403-Forbidden errors after installing phpMyAdmin, the problem is likely caused by SELinux. Run the following command to correct the problem:
-    <pre class="docnote">
-    chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin
-    </pre>
-* Optional, Configure the phpMyAdmin-VCL Table relationships:
-    After following the documentation on creating the phpMyAdmin Linked-tables 
-infrastructure, you can set up the VCL table relationships. The phpmyadmin.sql file is 
-provided in the mysql directory in the Apache VCL source code. It will add entries to the 
-pma_table_info table in the phpmyadmin database. These entries cause corresponding 
-information to be displayed when you hover over a value in the VCL database.
-    Import the SQL file into the phpmyadmin database:
-        :::BashLexer
-    	mysql phpmyadmin < apache-VCL-2.4/mysql/phpmyadmin.sql
-  [1]:
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deleted file mode 100644
index f43db04..0000000
--- a/content/docs/installphpmyadmin.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-Title: phpMyAdmin Installation & Configuration
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-<div class="docnote">
-phpMyAdmin is a free and optional tool which allows MySQL to be administered using a web 
-browser. It makes administering the VCL database easier. This tool can be installed on 
-the VCL web server.
-1. phpmyadmin recommends performing installation using packages available from you Linux 
-    For CentOS, the EPEL yum repository needs to have been added (which is done for installing
-the VCL management node code; use **yum install -y epel-release** in not already installed). Use the 
-following to install phpMyAdmin from EPEL:
-        :::BashLexer
-        yum install -y phpMyAdmin
-1. By default phpMyAdmin on Red Hat based distros restrict access to localhost only. Modify
-**/etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf** to change that.  It is advisable to only allow access from some
-specific IP addresses or IP ranges so that phpMyAdmin is not open to everyone to try to access.
-    * In the &lt;Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/&gt; section, add
-      <div><pre>Require ip x.x.x.x/y</pre></div>
-    Where x.x.x.x/y represents an IP range such as Multiple lines can be added
-to match multiple ranges.
-    * restart httpd to active the changes
-            :::BashLexer
-            systemctl restart httpd
-1. A special database needs to be created to enable some of the more helpful phpMyAdmin functionality.
-phpMyAdmin provides a script for creating the database. Look for create_tables.sql (for v4.4.15.10,
-it was at /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/sql/create_tables.sql). Create the database using
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysql < /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/sql/create_tables.sql
-1. A control user must be created in mysql/mariadb for phpMyAdmin to use (we'll use pmacontrol, 
-**replace mypassword with your own password!**):
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysql -e "CREATE USER 'pmacontrol'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword';"
-    Save the following in a file named **pmaprivs.sql** to grant the pmacontrol user access to various parts tables:
-    <div><pre>
-    GRANT USAGE ON mysql.&ast; TO 'pmacontrol'@'localhost';
-    Host, User, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv,
-    Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv,
-    File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv,
-    Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv, Lock_tables_priv,
-    Execute_priv, Repl_slave_priv, Repl_client_priv
-    ) ON mysql.user TO 'pmacontrol'@'localhost';
-    GRANT SELECT ON mysql.db TO 'pmacontrol'@'localhost';
-    GRANT SELECT ON TO 'pmacontrol'@'localhost';
-    GRANT SELECT (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Table_priv, Column_priv)
-    ON mysql.tables_priv TO 'pmacontrol'@'localhost';
-    GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON phpmyadmin.&ast; TO 'pmacontrol'@'localhost';
-    </pre></div>
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysql < pmaprivs.sql
-1. Configure the phpMyAdmin-VCL Table relationships:
-    A file named phpmyadmin.sql file is provided in the mysql directory in the Apache VCL source 
-code. It will add entries to the pma_table_info table in the phpmyadmin database. These entries 
-cause useful information to be displayed when you hover over values in the VCL database.
-    Import the SQL file into the phpmyadmin database:
-        :::BashLexer
-    	mysql phpmyadmin < apache-VCL-2.5.1/mysql/phpmyadmin.sql
-1. You should now be able to log in to phpMyAdmin using the account set up for VCL to access the
-database (can be referenced in /etc/vcl/vcld.conf or /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/secrets.php).
-  [1]: VCL251InstallGuide.html
-  [2]:
-  [3]:
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diff --git a/content/docs/ldap-showhostname.mdtext b/content/docs/ldap-showhostname.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 9336522..0000000
--- a/content/docs/ldap-showhostname.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-Title: Viewing the hostname in an SSL certificate
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-The hostname in an SSL certificate used for LDAP must match the hostname entered in 
-the conf.php file (this is the SSL certificate actually installed on the LDAP server,
-not the CA certificate). If you have no control over making it match, you can just put
-an entry in /etc/hosts with the IP of the LDAP server and the hostname that is in
-the certificate. To view the hostname in the certificate, you need a file containing
-the certificate (mycert.pem is used in the example). Run the following command to see
-the hostname that is set in the certificate:
-openssl x509 -in /tmp/mycert.pem -subject -noout
-You should see something like:
-subject= /OU=Domain Control Validated/
-The hostname is after the **CN=** part. So, **** is the hostname in
-this example.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/docs/localaccounts.mdtext b/content/docs/localaccounts.mdtext
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index 0fd3963..0000000
--- a/content/docs/localaccounts.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-Title: Adding Local VCL Accounts
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-Local VCL accounts are contained within the VCL database. The admin 
-account is a local VCL account. Additional local accounts can be added 
-after the backend management node component has been installed by 
-executing the vcld file with the -setup argument:
-    /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld --setup
-<pre class="docnote">
-It is safe to run vcld --setup while the normal vcld daemon process 
-is running on a management node. Running vcld --setup will not 
-affect it.
-You will see a menu. Enter the number next to the VCL Base Module entry:
-    :::text
-    [root@mgt-node]# /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld -setup
-    VCL Management Node Setup
-    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    Check Configuration
-       1: Check Windows OS Module
-    Image Management
-       2: Capture a Base Image
-    Management Node Configuration
-       3: Test RPC-XML Access
-    Management Node Operations
-       4: Check private IP addresses
-    User Accounts
-       5: Add Local VCL User Account
-       6: Set Local VCL User Account Password
-    VMware Provisioning Module
-       7: VM Host Operations
-    Windows Image Configuration
-       Activation
-          8: Configure Key Management Service (KMS) Activation
-          9: Configure Multiple Activation Key (MAK) Activation
-    [vcld]
-    Make a selection (1-9, 'c' to cancel):
-Enter the number next to the Add Local VCL User Account entry:
-    :::text
-    Make a selection (1-9, 'c' to cancel): 5
-Enter the requested information:
-    :::text
-    Enter the user login name ('c' to cancel):
-    localuser
-    Enter the first name ('c' to cancel):
-    Local
-    Enter the last name ('c' to cancel):
-    User
-    Enter the email address [not set]:
-    Enter the password ('c' to cancel):
-    somepassword
-After adding the local user account, you can continue to navigate the 
-menus or press Ctrl-C to exit.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/download.cgi b/content/download.cgi
deleted file mode 100644
index f5d0989..0000000
--- a/content/download.cgi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-# Wrapper script around mirrors.cgi script
-# (we must change to that directory in order for python to pick up the
-#  python includes correctly)
-cd /www/
-/www/ $*
\ No newline at end of file
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index 3717c09..0000000
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@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
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-      .todo {
-        color: red;
-      }
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-    <TITLE>Apache VCL Downloads</TITLE>
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-    <TABLE border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
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-        <TD valign="middle" class="topBarDiv" align="left" nowrap>
-          &nbsp;<A href="" title="Apache VCL">Apache VCL</A>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<A href="" title="Apache VCL">Apache VCL</A>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<A href="" title="Releases">Releases</A>&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;<A href="" title="Apache VCL Downloads">Apache VCL Downloads</A>
-        </TD>
-      </TR> 
-    </TABLE>
-    <DIV id="PageContent">
-      <DIV class="pageheader" style="padding: 6px 0px 0px 0px;">
-        <DIV style="margin: 0px 10px 8px 10px" class="pagetitle"><img src="vcllogo.png" alt="">Apache VCL Downloads</DIV>
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-              </DIV>
-      <DIV class="pagecontent">
-        <DIV class="wiki-content">
-<H2>Download Links</H2>
-Use the links below to download Apache VCL from one of our mirrors. You <strong>must
-</strong> <a href="download.cgi#verify">verify the integrity</a> of the downloaded files using signatures downloaded
-from our main distribution directory, <strong>not</strong> from a mirror.<br>
-Only current recommended releases are available on the main distribution site and
-its mirrors. Older releases are available from the archive download site.<br>
-Stable Release - Latest Version:
-<a href="[location]?Preferred=[preferred]&action=download&filename=%2Fvcl%2Fapache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2">apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2</a>
-[ <a href="">GPG</a> ]
-[ <a href="">SHA1</a> ]
-[ <a href="">MD5</a> ]
-(released 2012-07-20)
-Previous Releases:
-<a href="[location]?Preferred=">apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating.tar.bz2</a>
-[ <a href="">GPG</a> ]
-[ <a href="">SHA1</a> ]
-[ <a href="">MD5</a> ]
-(released 2011-04-08)
-<a href="[location]?Preferred=">apache-VCL-2.2-incubating.tar.bz2</a>
-[ <a href="">GPG</a> ]
-[ <a href="">SHA1</a> ]
-[ <a href="">MD5</a> ]
-(released 2010-10-05)
-<a href="[location]?Preferred=">apache-VCL-2.1-incubating.tar.bz2</a>
-[ <a href="">GPG</a> ]
-[ <a href="">SHA1</a> ]
-[ <a href="">MD5</a> ]
-(released 2009-12-04)
-The currently selected mirror is <strong>[preferred]</strong>.
- If you encounter a problem with this mirror, please select another mirror. If all
-mirrors are failing, there are backup mirrors (at the end of the mirrors list)
-that should be available.<br><br>
-<form name="setmirror" method="get" action="[location]">
-Other mirrors: 
-<select name="Preferred">
-[if-any http]
-  [for http]
-    <option value="[http]">[http]</option>
-  [end]
-[if-any ftp]
-  [for ftp]
-    <option value="[ftp]">[ftp]</option>
-  [end]
-[if-any backup]
-  [for backup]
-    <option value="[backup]">[backup] (backup)</option>
-  [end]
-<input type="submit" value="Change"></input>
-You may also consult the <a href="">complete list of mirrors</a>.
-<a name="verify"></a>
-<h2>Verifying the integrity of the files</h2>
-<p>It is essential that you verify the integrity of the downloaded files using
-the PGP or MD5 signatures. Security of the mirrors cannot be guaranteed, which means malicious code could be added to the downloads from the mirrors. By verifying the integrity of downloaded release files, you ensure they have not been tainted.</p>
-<p>Run the following command to verify the MD5 sum. It should give output similar to "apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2: OK":</p>
-md5sum &#45;c apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2.md5
-<p>Similarly, Run the following command to verify the SHA1 sum. You should get output similar to "apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2: OK":</p>
-sha1sum &#45;c apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2.sha1
-<p>To verify the GPG signature (you'll need to have <a href="" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">GnuPG</a> installed):</p>
-   <li>download and import the VCL KEYS file (if you've imported the KEYS file for previously releases, you do not need to import it again):<br>
-gpg &#45;-import KEYS</li>
-   <li>download the GPG Signature to the same location as the release file</li>
-   <li>from the directory containing both the release file and the GPG signature, run<br>
-gpg &#45;-verify apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2.asc</li>
-For new installs, visit the on-line installation guide:<br><br>
-Latest Version:
-<li><a href="">Apache VCL 2.3 Installation Guide</a></li>
-Previous Versions:
-<li><a href="">Apache VCL 2.2.1 Installation Guide</a></li>
-<li><a href="">Apache VCL 2.2 Installation Guide</a></li>
-<li><a href="">Apache VCL 2.1 Installation Guide</a></li>
-For upgrades, visit the on-line upgrade guide:<br><br>
-Upgrade to latest version:
-<li><a href="">upgrade 2.2.1 to 2.3</a></li>
-<li><a href="">upgrade 2.2 to 2.3</a></li>
-<li><a href="">upgrade 2.1 to 2.3</a></li>
-Upgrade really old versions to older versions:
-<li><a href="">upgrade 2.2 to 2.2.1</a></li>
-<li><a href="">upgrade 2.1 to 2.2.1</a></li>
-<li><a href="">upgrade 2.1 to 2.2</a></li>
-        </DIV>
-      </DIV>
-    </DIV>
-  </BODY>
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index c048090..0000000
--- a/content/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,653 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-""" -- EaZy Templating
-For documentation, please see:
-# Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Greg Stein. All Rights Reserved.
-# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-# met:
-# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-#   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
-#   notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
-#   documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-# This software is maintained by Greg and is available at:
-__author__ = 'Greg Stein'
-__version__ = '1.0'
-__license__ = 'BSD'
-import re
-from types import StringType, IntType, FloatType, LongType
-import os
-import urllib
-  import cStringIO
-except ImportError:
-  import StringIO
-  cStringIO = StringIO
-# Formatting types
-FORMAT_RAW = 'raw'
-FORMAT_HTML = 'html'
-FORMAT_XML = 'xml'
-FORMAT_JS = 'js'
-FORMAT_URL = 'url'
-# This regular expression matches three alternatives:
-#   DIRECTIVE: '[' ITEM (whitespace ITEM)* ']
-#   STRING: '"' (not-slash-or-dquote | '\' anychar)* '"'
-#   NAME: (alphanum | '_' | '-' | '.')+
-#   BRACKET: '[[]'
-#   COMMENT: '[#' not-rbracket* ']'
-# When used with the split() method, the return value will be composed of
-# non-matching text and the three paren groups (NEWLINE, DIRECTIVE and
-# BRACKET). Since the COMMENT matches are not placed into a group, they are
-# considered a "splitting" value and simply dropped.
-_item = r'(?:"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"|[-\w.]+)'
-_re_parse = re.compile(r'(\r?\n)|\[(%s(?: +%s)*)\]|(\[\[\])|\[#[^\]]*\]' %
-                       (_item, _item))
-_re_args = re.compile(r'"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"|[-\w.]+')
-# block commands and their argument counts
-_block_cmd_specs = { 'if-index':2, 'for':1, 'is':2, 'define':1, 'format':1 }
-_block_cmds = _block_cmd_specs.keys()
-# two regular expressions for compressing whitespace. the first is used to
-# compress any whitespace including a newline into a single newline. the
-# second regex is used to compress runs of whitespace into a single space.
-_re_newline = re.compile('[ \t\r\f\v]*\n\\s*')
-_re_whitespace = re.compile(r'\s\s+')
-# this regex is used to substitute arguments into a value. we split the value,
-# replace the relevant pieces, and then put it all back together. splitting
-# will produce a list of: TEXT ( splitter TEXT )*. splitter will be '%' or
-# an integer.
-_re_subst = re.compile('%(%|[0-9]+)')
-class Template:
-  def __init__(self, fname=None, compress_whitespace=1,
-               base_format=FORMAT_RAW):
-    self.compress_whitespace = compress_whitespace
-    if fname:
-      self.parse_file(fname, base_format)
-  def parse_file(self, fname, base_format=FORMAT_RAW):
-    "fname -> a string object with pathname of file containg an EZT template."
-    self.parse(_FileReader(fname), base_format)
-  def parse(self, text_or_reader, base_format=FORMAT_RAW):
-    """Parse the template specified by text_or_reader.
-    The argument should be a string containing the template, or it should
-    specify a subclass of ezt.Reader which can read templates. The base
-    format for printing values is given by base_format.
-    """
-    if not isinstance(text_or_reader, Reader):
-      # assume the argument is a plain text string
-      text_or_reader = _TextReader(text_or_reader)
-    self.program = self._parse(text_or_reader,
-                               base_printer=_parse_format(base_format))
-  def generate(self, fp, data):
-    if hasattr(data, '__getitem__') or callable(getattr(data, 'keys', None)):
-      # a dictionary-like object was passed. convert it to an
-      # attribute-based object.
-      class _data_ob:
-        def __init__(self, d):
-          vars(self).update(d)
-      data = _data_ob(data)
-    ctx = _context()
- = data
-    ctx.for_index = { }
-    ctx.defines = { }
-    self._execute(self.program, fp, ctx)
-  def _parse(self, reader, for_names=None, file_args=(), base_printer=None):
-    """text -> string object containing the template.
-    This is a private helper function doing the real work for method parse.
-    It returns the parsed template as a 'program'.  This program is a sequence
-    made out of strings or (function, argument) 2-tuples.
-    Note: comment directives [# ...] are automatically dropped by _re_parse.
-    """
-    filename = reader.filename()
-    # parse the template program into: (TEXT NEWLINE DIRECTIVE BRACKET)* TEXT
-    parts = _re_parse.split(reader.text)
-    program = [ ]
-    stack = [ ]
-    if not for_names:
-      for_names = [ ]
-    if base_printer is None:
-      base_printer = ()
-    printers = [ base_printer ]
-    one_newline_copied = False
-    line_number = 1
-    for i in range(len(parts)):
-      piece = parts[i]
-      which = i % 4  # discriminate between: TEXT NEWLINE DIRECTIVE BRACKET
-      if which == 0:
-        # TEXT. append if non-empty.
-        if piece:
-          if self.compress_whitespace:
-            piece = _re_whitespace.sub(' ', piece)
-          program.append(piece)
-          one_newline_copied = False
-      elif which == 1:
-        # NEWLINE. append unless compress_whitespace requested
-        if piece:
-          line_number += 1
-          if self.compress_whitespace:
-            if not one_newline_copied:
-              program.append('\n')
-              one_newline_copied = True
-          else:
-            program.append(piece)
-      elif which == 3:
-        # BRACKET directive. append '[' if present.
-        if piece:
-          program.append('[')
-          one_newline_copied = False
-      elif piece:
-        # DIRECTIVE is present.
-        one_newline_copied = False
-        args = _re_args.findall(piece)
-        cmd = args[0]
-        if cmd == 'else':
-          if len(args) > 1:
-            raise ArgCountSyntaxError(str(args[1:]), filename, line_number)
-          ### check: don't allow for 'for' cmd
-          idx = stack[-1][1]
-          true_section = program[idx:]
-          del program[idx:]
-          stack[-1][3] = true_section
-        elif cmd == 'end':
-          if len(args) > 1:
-            raise ArgCountSyntaxError(str(args[1:]), filename, line_number)
-          # note: true-section may be None
-          try:
-            cmd, idx, args, true_section, start_line_number = stack.pop()
-          except IndexError:
-            raise UnmatchedEndError(None, filename, line_number)
-          else_section = program[idx:]
-          if cmd == 'format':
-            printers.pop()
-          else:
-            func = getattr(self, '_cmd_' + re.sub('-', '_', cmd))
-            program[idx:] = [ (func, (args, true_section, else_section),
-                               filename, line_number) ]
-            if cmd == 'for':
-              for_names.pop()
-        elif cmd in _block_cmds:
-          if len(args) > _block_cmd_specs[cmd] + 1:
-            raise ArgCountSyntaxError(str(args[1:]), filename, line_number)
-          ### this assumes arg1 is always a ref unless cmd is 'define'
-          if cmd != 'define':
-            args[1] = _prepare_ref(args[1], for_names, file_args)
-          # handle arg2 for the 'is' command
-          if cmd == 'is':
-            args[2] = _prepare_ref(args[2], for_names, file_args)
-          elif cmd == 'for':
-            for_names.append(args[1][0])  # append the refname
-          elif cmd == 'format':
-            if args[1][0]:
-              raise BadFormatConstantError(str(args[1:]), filename, line_number)
-            printers.append(_parse_format(args[1][1]))
-          # remember the cmd, current pos, args, and a section placeholder
-          stack.append([cmd, len(program), args[1:], None, line_number])
-        elif cmd == 'include' or cmd == 'insertfile':
-          is_insertfile = (cmd == 'insertfile')
-          # extra arguments are meaningless when using insertfile
-          if is_insertfile and len(args) != 2:
-            raise ArgCountSyntaxError(str(args), filename, line_number)
-          if args[1][0] == '"':
-            include_filename = args[1][1:-1]
-            if is_insertfile:
-              program.append(reader.read_other(include_filename).text)
-            else:
-              f_args = [ ]
-              for arg in args[2:]:
-                f_args.append(_prepare_ref(arg, for_names, file_args))
-              program.extend(self._parse(reader.read_other(include_filename),
-                                         for_names, f_args, printers[-1]))
-          else:
-            if len(args) != 2:
-              raise ArgCountSyntaxError(str(args), filename, line_number)
-            if is_insertfile:
-              cmd = self._cmd_insertfile
-            else:
-              cmd = self._cmd_include
-            program.append((cmd,
-                            (_prepare_ref(args[1], for_names, file_args),
-                             reader, printers[-1]), filename, line_number))
-        elif cmd == 'if-any':
-          f_args = [ ]
-          for arg in args[1:]:
-            f_args.append(_prepare_ref(arg, for_names, file_args))
-          stack.append(['if-any', len(program), f_args, None, line_number])
-        else:
-          # implied PRINT command
-          if len(args) > 1:
-            f_args = [ ]
-            for arg in args:
-              f_args.append(_prepare_ref(arg, for_names, file_args))
-            program.append((self._cmd_subst,
-                            (printers[-1], f_args[0], f_args[1:]),
-                            filename, line_number))
-          else:
-            valref = _prepare_ref(args[0], for_names, file_args)
-            program.append((self._cmd_print, (printers[-1], valref),
-                            filename, line_number))
-    if stack:
-      raise UnclosedBlocksError('Block opened at line %s' % stack[-1][4],
-                                filename=filename)
-    return program
-  def _execute(self, program, fp, ctx):
-    """This private helper function takes a 'program' sequence as created
-    by the method '_parse' and executes it step by step.  strings are written
-    to the file object 'fp' and functions are called.
-    """
-    for step in program:
-      if isinstance(step, StringType):
-        fp.write(step)
-      else:
-        method, method_args, filename, line_number = step
-        method(method_args, fp, ctx, filename, line_number)
-  def _cmd_print(self, (transforms, valref), fp, ctx, filename, line_number):
-    value = _get_value(valref, ctx, filename, line_number)
-    # if the value has a 'read' attribute, then it is a stream: copy it
-    if hasattr(value, 'read'):
-      while 1:
-        chunk =
-        if not chunk:
-          break
-        for t in transforms:
-          chunk = t(chunk)
-        fp.write(chunk)
-    else:
-      for t in transforms:
-        value = t(value)
-      fp.write(value)
-  def _cmd_subst(self, (transforms, valref, args), fp, ctx, filename,
-                 line_number):
-    fmt = _get_value(valref, ctx, filename, line_number)
-    parts = _re_subst.split(fmt)
-    for i in range(len(parts)):
-      piece = parts[i]
-      if i%2 == 1 and piece != '%':
-        idx = int(piece)
-        if idx < len(args):
-          piece = _get_value(args[idx], ctx, filename, line_number)
-        else:
-          piece = '<undef>'
-      for t in transforms:
-        piece = t(piece)
-      fp.write(piece)
-  def _cmd_include(self, (valref, reader, printer), fp, ctx, filename,
-                   line_number):
-    fname = _get_value(valref, ctx, filename, line_number)
-    ### note: we don't have the set of for_names to pass into this parse.
-    ### I don't think there is anything to do but document it
-    self._execute(self._parse(reader.read_other(fname), base_printer=printer),
-                  fp, ctx)
-  def _cmd_insertfile(self, (valref, reader, printer), fp, ctx, filename,
-                      line_number):
-    fname = _get_value(valref, ctx, filename, line_number)
-    fp.write(reader.read_other(fname).text)
-  def _cmd_if_any(self, args, fp, ctx, filename, line_number):
-    "If any value is a non-empty string or non-empty list, then T else F."
-    (valrefs, t_section, f_section) = args
-    value = 0
-    for valref in valrefs:
-      if _get_value(valref, ctx, filename, line_number):
-        value = 1
-        break
-    self._do_if(value, t_section, f_section, fp, ctx)
-  def _cmd_if_index(self, args, fp, ctx, filename, line_number):
-    ((valref, value), t_section, f_section) = args
-    list, idx = ctx.for_index[valref[0]]
-    if value == 'even':
-      value = idx % 2 == 0
-    elif value == 'odd':
-      value = idx % 2 == 1
-    elif value == 'first':
-      value = idx == 0
-    elif value == 'last':
-      value = idx == len(list)-1
-    else:
-      value = idx == int(value)
-    self._do_if(value, t_section, f_section, fp, ctx)
-  def _cmd_is(self, args, fp, ctx, filename, line_number):
-    ((left_ref, right_ref), t_section, f_section) = args
-    right_value = _get_value(right_ref, ctx, filename, line_number)
-    left_value = _get_value(left_ref, ctx, filename, line_number)
-    value = left_value.lower() == right_value.lower()
-    self._do_if(value, t_section, f_section, fp, ctx)
-  def _do_if(self, value, t_section, f_section, fp, ctx):
-    if t_section is None:
-      t_section = f_section
-      f_section = None
-    if value:
-      section = t_section
-    else:
-      section = f_section
-    if section is not None:
-      self._execute(section, fp, ctx)
-  def _cmd_for(self, args, fp, ctx, filename, line_number):
-    ((valref,), unused, section) = args
-    list = _get_value(valref, ctx, filename, line_number)
-    refname = valref[0]
-    if isinstance(list, StringType):
-      raise NeedSequenceError(refname, filename, line_number)
-    ctx.for_index[refname] = idx = [ list, 0 ]
-    for item in list:
-      self._execute(section, fp, ctx)
-      idx[1] = idx[1] + 1
-    del ctx.for_index[refname]
-  def _cmd_define(self, args, fp, ctx, filename, line_number):
-    ((name,), unused, section) = args
-    valfp = cStringIO.StringIO()
-    if section is not None:
-      self._execute(section, valfp, ctx)
-    ctx.defines[name] = valfp.getvalue()
-def boolean(value):
-  "Return a value suitable for [if-any bool_var] usage in a template."
-  if value:
-    return 'yes'
-  return None
-def _prepare_ref(refname, for_names, file_args):
-  """refname -> a string containing a dotted identifier. example:""
-  for_names -> a list of active for sequences.
-  Returns a `value reference', a 3-tuple made out of (refname, start, rest),
-  for fast access later.
-  """
-  # is the reference a string constant?
-  if refname[0] == '"':
-    return None, refname[1:-1], None
-  parts = refname.split('.')
-  start = parts[0]
-  rest = parts[1:]
-  # if this is an include-argument, then just return the prepared ref
-  if start[:3] == 'arg':
-    try:
-      idx = int(start[3:])
-    except ValueError:
-      pass
-    else:
-      if idx < len(file_args):
-        orig_refname, start, more_rest = file_args[idx]
-        if more_rest is None:
-          # the include-argument was a string constant
-          return None, start, None
-        # prepend the argument's "rest" for our further processing
-        rest[:0] = more_rest
-        # rewrite the refname to ensure that any potential 'for' processing
-        # has the correct name
-        ### this can make it hard for debugging include files since we lose
-        ### the 'argNNN' names
-        if not rest:
-          return start, start, [ ]
-        refname = start + '.' + '.'.join(rest)
-  if for_names:
-    # From last to first part, check if this reference is part of a for loop
-    for i in range(len(parts), 0, -1):
-      name = '.'.join(parts[:i])
-      if name in for_names:
-        return refname, name, parts[i:]
-  return refname, start, rest
-def _get_value((refname, start, rest), ctx, filename, line_number):
-  """(refname, start, rest) -> a prepared `value reference' (see above).
-  ctx -> an execution context instance.
-  Does a name space lookup within the template name space.  Active
-  for blocks take precedence over data dictionary members with the
-  same name.
-  """
-  if rest is None:
-    # it was a string constant
-    return start
-  # get the starting object
-  if ctx.for_index.has_key(start):
-    list, idx = ctx.for_index[start]
-    ob = list[idx]
-  elif ctx.defines.has_key(start):
-    ob = ctx.defines[start]
-  elif hasattr(, start):
-    ob = getattr(, start)
-  else:
-    raise UnknownReference(refname, filename, line_number)
-  # walk the rest of the dotted reference
-  for attr in rest:
-    try:
-      ob = getattr(ob, attr)
-    except AttributeError:
-      raise UnknownReference(refname, filename, line_number)
-  # make sure we return a string instead of some various Python types
-  if isinstance(ob, (IntType, FloatType, LongType)):
-    return str(ob)
-  if ob is None:
-    return ''
-  # string or a sequence
-  return ob
-def _replace(s, replace_map):
-  for orig, repl in replace_map:
-    s = s.replace(orig, repl)
-  return s
-  ('\\', r'\\'), ('\t', r'\t'), ('\n', r'\n'), ('\r', r'\r'),
-  ('"', r'\x22'), ('\'', r'\x27'), ('&', r'\x26'),
-  ('<', r'\x3c'), ('>', r'\x3e'), ('=', r'\x3d'),
-# Various unicode whitespace
-  (u'\u0085', r'\u0085'), (u'\u2028', r'\u2028'), (u'\u2029', r'\u2029'),
-# Why not cgi.escape? It doesn't do single quotes which are occasionally
-# used to contain HTML attributes and event handler definitions (unfortunately)
-  ('&', '&amp;'), ('<', '&lt;'), ('>', '&gt;'),
-  ('"', '&quot;'), ('\'', '&#39;'),
-def _js_escape(s):
-  s = _replace(s, REPLACE_JS_MAP)
-  ### perhaps attempt to coerce the string to unicode and then replace?
-  if isinstance(s, unicode):
-    s = _replace(s, REPLACE_JS_UNICODE_MAP)
-  return s
-def _html_escape(s):
-  return _replace(s, REPLACE_HTML_MAP)
-def _url_escape(s):
-  ### quote_plus barfs on non-ASCII characters. According to
-  ### URIs should be
-  ### UTF-8 encoded first.
-  if isinstance(s, unicode):
-    s = s.encode('utf8')
-  return urllib.quote_plus(s)
-  FORMAT_RAW: None,
-  FORMAT_HTML: _html_escape,
-  FORMAT_XML: _html_escape,   ### use the same quoting as HTML for now
-  FORMAT_JS: _js_escape,
-  FORMAT_URL: _url_escape,
-def _parse_format(format_string=FORMAT_RAW):
-  format_funcs = []
-  try:
-    for fspec in format_string.split(','):
-      format_func = FORMATTERS[fspec]
-      if format_func is not None:
-        format_funcs.append(format_func)
-  except KeyError:
-    raise UnknownFormatConstantError(format_string)
-  return format_funcs
-class _context:
-  """A container for the execution context"""
-class Reader:
-  """Abstract class which allows EZT to detect Reader objects."""
-  def filename(self):
-    return '(%s does not provide filename() method)' % repr(self)
-class _FileReader(Reader):
-  """Reads templates from the filesystem."""
-  def __init__(self, fname):
-    self.text = open(fname, 'rb').read()
-    self._dir = os.path.dirname(fname)
-    self.fname = fname
-  def read_other(self, relative):
-    return _FileReader(os.path.join(self._dir, relative))
-  def filename(self):
-    return self.fname
-class _TextReader(Reader):
-  """'Reads' a template from provided text."""
-  def __init__(self, text):
-    self.text = text
-  def read_other(self, relative):
-    raise BaseUnavailableError()
-  def filename(self):
-    return '(text)'
-class EZTException(Exception):
-  """Parent class of all EZT exceptions."""
-  def __init__(self, message=None, filename=None, line_number=None):
-    self.message = message
-    self.filename = filename
-    self.line_number = line_number
-  def __str__(self):
-    ret = []
-    if self.message is not None:
-      ret.append(self.message)
-    if self.filename is not None:
-      ret.append('in file ' + str(self.filename))
-    if self.line_number is not None:
-      ret.append('at line ' + str(self.line_number))
-    return ' '.join(ret)
-class ArgCountSyntaxError(EZTException):
-  """A bracket directive got the wrong number of arguments."""
-class UnknownReference(EZTException):
-  """The template references an object not contained in the data dictionary."""
-class NeedSequenceError(EZTException):
-  """The object dereferenced by the template is no sequence (tuple or list)."""
-class UnclosedBlocksError(EZTException):
-  """This error may be simply a missing [end]."""
-class UnmatchedEndError(EZTException):
-  """This error may be caused by a misspelled if directive."""
-class BaseUnavailableError(EZTException):
-  """Base location is unavailable, which disables includes."""
-class BadFormatConstantError(EZTException):
-  """Format specifiers must be string constants."""
-class UnknownFormatConstantError(EZTException):
-  """The format specifier is an unknown value."""
-# --- standard test environment ---
-def test_parse():
-  assert _re_parse.split('[a]') == ['', '[a]', None, '']
-  assert _re_parse.split('[a] [b]') == \
-         ['', '[a]', None, ' ', '[b]', None, '']
-  assert _re_parse.split('[a c] [b]') == \
-         ['', '[a c]', None, ' ', '[b]', None, '']
-  assert _re_parse.split('x [a] y [b] z') == \
-         ['x ', '[a]', None, ' y ', '[b]', None, ' z']
-  assert _re_parse.split('[a "b" c "d"]') == \
-         ['', '[a "b" c "d"]', None, '']
-  assert _re_parse.split(r'["a \"b[foo]" c.d f]') == \
-         ['', '["a \\"b[foo]" c.d f]', None, '']
-def _test(argv):
-  import doctest, ezt
-  verbose = "-v" in argv
-  return doctest.testmod(ezt, verbose=verbose)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  # invoke unit test for this module:
-  import sys
-  sys.exit(_test(sys.argv)[0])
diff --git a/content/info/about.mdtext b/content/info/about.mdtext
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index ae64262..0000000
--- a/content/info/about.mdtext
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-Title: What is VCL?
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-VCL stands for Virtual Computing Lab.  It is a free & open-source cloud computing platform with the primary goal of delivering dedicated, custom compute environments to users.
-This compute environments can range from something as simple as a virtual machine running productivity software to a cluster of powerful physical servers running complex HPC simulations.
-<img src="/img/remote-access.png" width="600" border="0">
-VCL supports provisioning several different types of compute resources including physical bare-metal machines, virtual machines hosted on several different hypervisors, and traditional computing lab computers you would normally find on a university campus.
-The user interface consists of a self-service web portal.  Using the portal, users select from a list of customized environments and make reservations.
-<img src="/img/ss-select-environment.png" width="600" border="1">
-Behind the scenes, the scheduling components built into the web portal determine which compute resources to assign to the reservations.  The requested environment is then dynamically provisioned, secured, and configured to allow remote access by the user.
-The user then remotely connects to the remote compute environment using remote desktop, SSH, or any of the other supported protocols.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 882da72..0000000
--- a/content/info/architecture.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Title: Architecture
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-The VCL architecture consists of 4 main components:
-* Web Portal
-* Database
-* Management Node
-* Compute Nodes (physical servers, virtual machines, traditional computing lab machines, cloud compute resources)
-<img src="vclarchitecture.png">
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Title: Frequently Asked Questions
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-# What storage is required? # {#storage}
-# What are the networking requirements? # {#networking}
diff --git a/content/info/features.mdtext b/content/info/features.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index c15ba2f..0000000
--- a/content/info/features.mdtext
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@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-Title: Features
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-### Free & Open Source {#free}
-There are no commercial product requirements in order to deploy a fully functional VCL cloud.
-### Self-Service Web Portal {#web-portal}
-* Designed to present simple interface to end users
-* Scheduling
-### Support for Multiple Authentication Methods {#authentication}
-* Built-in
-* Shibboleth
-### Simple Image Creation {#image-creation}
-* Image revision control 
-* Delegation of image creation
-### Robust Privilege & Authorization Model {#privileges}
-Robust privilege model allows for granular access to be granted...
-### Support for Multiple Provisioning Methods {#provisioning}
-* Bare Metal
-* Virtual Machines
-    * VMware ESXi 4.x/5.x
-    * KVM
-    * VirtualBox
-* Traditional computer lab machines
-### Block Allocations {#block-allocation}
-* Ideal for in the classroom or workshops
-* Create pre-scheduled loads of multiple nodes for a group of users.
-* Priority loading, dedicated access.
-### Cluster Environments {#cluster}
-* Create parent child type environments
-* Ideal for small to medium size clusters,
-* Self-service, build and manage your own custom cluster 
-### Statistics & Log Data {#statistics}
-* Built in Statistics page
-* Provides data in readable format 
-* Number of reservations, total and unique by user count, by OS, by environment.
-* Graphs
-* Useful in determining how and when environments are used.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5931b37..0000000
--- a/content/info/networklayout.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-Title: Network Layout
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-This page describes the basic network layout required in order for VCL to function. It 
-also describes the recommended network layout if a blade chassis management module is 
-# At the simplest form VCL uses two networks
-1. Private - applies to provisioning modules where node is reloaded, esx, vmware, etc.
-    * loading and boot strapping images
-    * managing reservations, adding/deleting accounts, controlling the OS on the node
-    * opens access ports on node for user requests on public network interface
-    * image creation
-    * DHCP serves fixed-addresses over this network to the eth0 adapter of the node
-    * DHCP is run on the management node - prerequisite
-2. Public
-    * user accessible
-    * VCL can either use dhcp(preferred) or statically assign addresses to the node on 
-the public network
-The diagram below shows the simple layout:
-<img src="generalnetworklayout.png">
-# Blade Center network layout
-The network using blade center is more involved by adding a 2nd private network.
-1. Private 1 - applies to provisioning modules, xCAT, vmware, etc.
-2. Private 2
-    * allows management node to interact with blade center management module
-    * provides scaling method for adding multiple blade center's
-3. Public - user access
-The diagram below shows the suggested network layout when using blade center.
-<img src="bladenetworklayout.png">
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deleted file mode 100644
index 804c169..0000000
--- a/content/info/use-cases.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-Title: Use Cases
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-stub page
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@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-# -*- python -*-
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-# distributed with this work for additional information
-# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-# specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-# This is a Python CGI script that uses EZT to produce templated
-# mirror content and GeoIP to choose the appropriate mirror
-import sys
-import os
-import cgi
-import stat
-import random
-import time
-import traceback
-import cStringIO
-# Should be installed in the main system library
-import GeoIP
-# Insert this directory into PATH so that we can import ezt
-this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) or '.'
-sys.path.insert(0, this_dir)
-import ezt
-# Configurable stuff
-MIRRORS_LIST = "/x1/www/"
-DEFAULT_TEMPLATE = "/x1/www/"
-def get_region(environ):
-  """Use GeoIP to find the client's country, falling back to
-     DEFAULT_REGION on failure."""
-  try:
-    remote_ip = environ['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-    gi =
-    region = gi.country_code_by_addr(remote_ip).lower().strip()
-    if region == 'gb':
-      return 'uk'
-    else:
-      return region
-  except:
-    ### should we log an error here? absorbing without reporting is
-    ### generally bad form.
-    return DEFAULT_REGION
-def parse_mirrors(filename, country, preferred, mingood):
-  """Parse the mirror database to find the best mirrors for a client.
-  The Format of the mirror database is (last two fields are optional):
-  ftp au 1117724635 """
-  output = { 'http'   : [ ],
-             'ftp'    : [ ],
-             'backup' : [ ],
-             'preferred' : None,
-             'logo' : None,
-             'link' : None,
-             }
-  # Read the mirror database and put it in a list of lists
-  # skip empty lines and comment
-  mirrors = [line.split() for line in open(filename).readlines()
-             if line.strip() and not line.startswith('#')]
-  mirrors.append(['http', 'us', '', '9999999999'])
-  # Add trailing slashes where missing.  Otherwise,
-  # strcat("", pathinfo=".foo.evil") would link to
-  #
-  for mir in mirrors:
-    if not mir[2].endswith('/'):
-      mir[2] += '/'
-  # grab the backup mirrors
-  backupmirrors = [mir for mir in mirrors if mir[1] == 'Backup']
-  # Grab the mirrors for the requested country or, failing that,
-  # from the default region (us)
-  for region in (country, DEFAULT_REGION):
-    countrymirrors = [mir for mir in mirrors if mir[1] == region]
-    random.shuffle(countrymirrors)
-    goodmirror = None
-    for mir in countrymirrors:
-      if mir[0] == 'http' and int(mir[3]) > mingood:
-        goodmirror = mir
-        break
-    if goodmirror:
-      break
-  # Check if the requested Preferred mirror is in the list
-  # Note the user-requested mirror doesn't have a trailing-slash
-  prefmir = None
-  if preferred:
-    for mir in mirrors:
-      if mir[2] == preferred:
-        prefmir = mir
-        break
-  # Otherwise pick a preferred mirror from our country
-  if not prefmir and goodmirror:
-    prefmir = goodmirror
-  if not prefmir:  # In the worst case, choose a backup
-    prefmir = random.choice(backupmirrors)
-  # Record the preferred mirror and, if available, its logo and link
-  # Keep the trailing-slash on the URL (it is later joined to the path_info)
-  output['preferred'] = prefmir[2]
-  if len(prefmir) > 5:
-    output['logo'] = prefmir[4]
-    output['link'] = prefmir[5]
-  # Now assemble a list of all the other mirrors.
-  # Keep the trailing-slash on the URL (it is later joined to the path_info)
-  output['http'] = [mir[2] for mir in countrymirrors if mir[0] == 'http']
-  output['ftp'] = [mir[2] for mir in countrymirrors if mir[0] == 'ftp']
-  output['backup'] = [mir[2] for mir in backupmirrors]
-  return output
-def mirrorwrap(environ, start_response):
-  try:
-    return mirrorsapp(environ, start_response)
-  except:
-    status = "500 Oops"
-    response_headers = [("content-type","text/plain")]
-    start_response(status, response_headers, sys.exc_info())
-    return ["Problem running mirror.cgi, contact <> "
-            "if it persists.\n\n"
-            + traceback.format_exc() ]
-def locate_template(environ):
-  # Determine the correct template by noting our filesystem location
-  if environ.has_key('ASF_MIRROR_FILENAME'):
-    template_file = environ['ASF_MIRROR_FILENAME'].replace(".cgi", ".html")
-  elif environ.has_key('SCRIPT_FILENAME'):
-    template_file = environ['SCRIPT_FILENAME'].replace(".cgi", ".html")
-  else:
-    template_file = sys.argv[0].replace(".cgi", ".html")
-  if not os.path.isfile(template_file):
-    # look in docroot instead if this is in a cgi-bin dir
-    template_file = template_file.replace("/cgi-bin/", "/content/")
-    if not os.path.isfile(template_file):
-      template_file = DEFAULT_TEMPLATE
-  return template_file
-def locate_mirrors(environ):
-  # Allow the MIRRORS_LIST environment variable to override the default
-  mirrors = environ.get('MIRRORS_LIST')
-  if mirrors and os.path.isfile(mirrors):
-    return mirrors
-  return MIRRORS_LIST  # the default
-def mirrorsapp(environ, start_response):
-  headers = [ ]
-  resp_code = '200 OK'
-  # Where is the client coming from
-  region = get_region(environ)
-  # Was there a preferred mirror or update requirement?
-  form = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=environ['wsgi.input'],
-                          environ=environ,
-                          keep_blank_values=True)
-  preferred = form.getfirst("Preferred", "")
-  update = form.getfirst("update", "")
-  # Get the last update time of the mirror database
-  mirrors = locate_mirrors(environ)
-  base_time = os.path.getmtime(mirrors)
-  # convert from YYYYMMDDhhmm to time-since-unix-epoch
-  try:
-    mingood = time.mktime(time.strptime(update, "%Y%m%d%H%M"))
-    # Never use a mirror more than a week old
-    mingood = max(mingood, base_time - 7*24*60*60)
-  except:
-    # if we didn't get a time, or we can't convert it, then
-    # use the time the mirror database was last updated minus 24 hours
-    mingood = base_time - 24*60*60
-  # Load the mirrors file and parse it out
-  data = parse_mirrors(mirrors, region, preferred, mingood)
-  # ======== new download tracking code ==========
-  action = form.getfirst("action", "")
-  filename = form.getfirst("filename", "")
-  if action == 'download' and filename != '':
-    url = "%s%s" % (data['preferred'][:-1], filename)
-    headers.append(('Location', url))
-    start_response(resp_code, headers)
-    #log_download(url, data['preferred'], environ, region)
-    return ''
-  # ====== end new download tracking code ========
-  # Note location to self
-  data['location'] = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', DEFAULT_LOCATION)
-  path_param = form.getfirst("path", None)
-  if path_param:
-    path_info = cgi.escape(path_param, 1)
-  else:
-    # Note any PATH_INFO
-    if environ.has_key('PATH_INFO'):
-      path_info = cgi.escape(environ['PATH_INFO'], 1)
-      if environ.has_key('SCRIPT_NAME'):
-        if environ['PATH_INFO'] == environ['SCRIPT_NAME']:
-          path_info = ''
-    else:
-      path_info = ''
-  # The mirror URL already has a trailing slash. Avoid doubling it up.
-  if path_info.startswith('/'):
-    path_info = path_info[1:]
-  data['path_info'] = path_info
-  template_file = locate_template(environ)
-  # Print out the CGI header component
-  # using xml if the filename ends with the magic '--xml' string
-  if template_file.endswith('--xml.html'):
-    headers.append(('Content-type', 'text/xml'))
-  else:
-    headers.append(('Content-type', 'text/html'))
-  start_response(resp_code, headers)
-  output = cStringIO.StringIO()
-  template = ezt.Template(template_file)
-  template.generate(output, data)
-  return [ output.getvalue() ]
-# ======== new download tracking code ==========
-def log_download(url, preferred, environ, region):
-  timestamp = int(time.time())
-  # format: timestamp,url,mirror,IP,region,"useragent"
-  try:
-    fh = open('/home/jfthomps/debug', 'a')
-    fh.write('%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,"%s"\n' % (timestamp, url, preferred, environ['REMOTE_ADDR'], region, environ['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
-    fh.close
-  except:
-    pass
-# ====== end new download tracking code ========
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  #from flup.server.fcgi import WSGIServer
-  from flup.server.cgi import WSGIServer
-  WSGIServer(mirrorwrap).run()
diff --git a/content/patches/patching-CVE-2018.mdtext b/content/patches/patching-CVE-2018.mdtext
deleted file mode 100644
index 023ad59..0000000
--- a/content/patches/patching-CVE-2018.mdtext
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Title:     Patching CVE-2018-11772, CVE-2018-11773, and CVE-2018-11774
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
-Please see the [security page](/security.html) for more information about these patches.
-## Downloading
-Patches for Apache VCL versions 2.2.2, 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.4.2, and 2.5 are all available in a
-single archive for all three of CVE-2018-11772, CVE-2018-11773, and CVE-2018-11774.
-* [CVE-2018-11772.tar.bz2](
-  [ [GPG]( ]
-  [ [SHA512]( ]
-  (published on 2019-07-29)
-## Applying Patches
-The patches are only for the web code and therefore only need to be applied to
-that portion of the code.  To apply the patches, download the archive to the web
-server running your VCL code.  Extract it under /tmp.  It will generate a
-directory named CVE-2018-11772 (though it patches all 3 CVEs) with
-subdirectories for each VCL version under that.  Then, cd to where your web
-code is (probably something like /var/www/html/vcl).  You should be in the
-directory containing index.php, .ht-inc, and js.  Four files will be patched.
-So, you'll probably want to make backup copies of them before patching:
-    :::Text
-    .ht-inc/blockallocations.php
-    .ht-inc/privileges.php
-    .ht-inc/vm.php
-    js/vm.js
-You can see what version of VCL you have by running
-    :::Text
-    grep VCLversion index.php
-Finally, while still in the directory containing index.php, apply the patches
-for your version using a command similar to the following, substituting the
-proper version number.
-    :::Text
-    patch -p1 < /tmp/CVE-2018-11772/2.5/VCL-2.5-CVE-2018.patch
-You should see output similar to
-    :::Text
-    patching file .ht-inc/blockallocations.php
-    patching file .ht-inc/privileges.php
-    patching file .ht-inc/vm.php
-    patching file js/vm.js
-Patches to php files will take effect immediately - there is no need to
-restart httpd.  The patched vm.js file will take effect when users' browsers
-reload it.  There is no problem in having a delay in vm.js getting updated in
-users' browsers as it only affects an error message displayed to users if they
-attempt to submit invalid data.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/img/title-background.png b/img/title-background.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d7208c..0000000
--- a/img/title-background.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/img/vcllogo.png b/img/vcllogo.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9206895..0000000
--- a/img/vcllogo.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/templates/skeleton.html b/layouts/_default/baseof.html
similarity index 80%
rename from templates/skeleton.html
rename to layouts/_default/baseof.html
index af27c08..587cb83 100644
--- a/templates/skeleton.html
+++ b/layouts/_default/baseof.html
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
   <link href="/css/vcl.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
   <link href="/css/code.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
-  <title>Apache VCL - {% block title %}{{ headers.title }}{% endblock %}</title>
+  <title>Apache VCL - {{ .Title }}</title>
   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
@@ -36,23 +36,25 @@
   <div id="left-column">
-    <div id="navigation"> 
-      {% filter markdown %}{% include "sidenav.mdtext" %}{% endfilter %}
+    <div id="navigation">
+      {{ partialCached "" . | markdownify }}
     <div id="current-event"> 
-      <a  href=""><img src=""/></a>
+      <a  href="">
+        <img src="" alt="Apache current event" />
+      </a>
   <div id="content">
-    <h1 class="title">{% block title %}{{ headers.title }}{% endblock %}</h1>
-    {% block content %}{{ content|markdown }}{% endblock %}
+    <h1 class="title">{{ .Title }}</h1>
+    {{ block "main" . }}{{ end }}
   <div id="footer">
     <div class="copyright">
-        Copyright &copy; 2019 The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under 
+        Copyright &copy; {{ now.Year }} The Apache Software Foundation, Licensed under
         the <a href="">Apache License, Version 2.0</a>.
         <br />
         Apache and the Apache feather logo are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation.
diff --git a/layouts/_default/list.html b/layouts/_default/list.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1339be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/_default/list.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{{ define "main" }}
+	{{ .Content }}
+{{ end }}
diff --git a/layouts/_default/single.html b/layouts/_default/single.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1339be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/_default/single.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+{{ define "main" }}
+	{{ .Content }}
+{{ end }}
diff --git a/templates/sidenav.mdtext b/layouts/partials/
similarity index 92%
rename from templates/sidenav.mdtext
rename to layouts/partials/
index 1b59c91..9a43246 100644
--- a/templates/sidenav.mdtext
+++ b/layouts/partials/
@@ -9,9 +9,13 @@
     * [Administration](
     * [Installation](/docs/installation.html)
 * <a href="" target="_blank">Confluence Wiki</a>
-    * 
+    <ul>
+        <li></li>
+    </ul>
 * <a href="" target="_blank">Jira Issue Tracking</a>
-    * 
+    <ul>
+        <li></li>
+    </ul>
 * [Community](/comm/index.html)
     * [Getting Involved](/comm/index.html#getInvolved)
     * [Mailing Lists](/comm/index.html#mail-list)
diff --git a/layouts/shortcodes/toc.html b/layouts/shortcodes/toc.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aca3785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layouts/shortcodes/toc.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{{ .Page.TableOfContents }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ae775d..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-package path;

-use ASF::Value;


-# taken from django's


-our @patterns = (

-	[qr!\.mdtext$!, single_narrative => { template => "single_narrative.html" }],


-#	[qr!^/vcl/sitemap\.html$!, sitemap => { headers => { title => "Apache VCL Sitemap" }} ],


-) ;


-# for specifying interdependencies between files


-#our %dependencies = (

-#    "/vcl/sitemap.html" => [ grep s!^content!!, glob "content/vcl/*.mdtext" ],





-=head1 LICENSE


-           Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one

-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file

-           distributed with this work for additional information

-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file

-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the

-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance

-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at




-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,

-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an


-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the

-           specific language governing permissions and limitations

-           under the License.



diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb3487e..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package view;
-use base 'ASF::View';
-=head1 LICENSE
-           Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
diff --git a/content/index.mdtext b/source/
similarity index 97%
rename from content/index.mdtext
rename to source/
index b4240a6..4cce16f 100644
--- a/content/index.mdtext
+++ b/source/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: Apache VCL
+title: Apache VCL
 VCL stands for Virtual Computing Lab.  It is a free & open-source cloud computing platform with the primary goal of delivering dedicated, custom compute environments to users.
diff --git a/content/comm/index.mdtext b/source/comm/
similarity index 62%
rename from content/comm/index.mdtext
rename to source/comm/
index 4cd3ba8..8493de7 100644
--- a/content/comm/index.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/
@@ -1,26 +1,13 @@
-Title: Community
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Community
+slug: index
 The Apache VCL community strives to be open and inviting. Our mission is to advance the adoption and development of Apache VCL around the world.
+{{% toc %}}
-# Getting Involved # {#getInvolved}
+## Getting Involved # {#getInvolved}
 One of the many benefits of Apache VCL being an open-source, community-driven project is that there are many ways to become involved and engaged.
@@ -31,7 +18,7 @@
 * Get your hands dirty! Play with the code. Submit patches. Become a committer.
 * [Contribute documentation](contribute-documentation.html). 
-# Mailing Lists # {#mail-list}
+## Mailing Lists # {#mail-list}
 The **** mailing list is for general questions, information, and topics related to Apache VCL. This is the list to use if you have a question about using, administering, or installing Apache VCL.
@@ -51,11 +38,11 @@
 * To unsubscribe, send a message to: [][8]
 * Archives: [][9]
-# IRC Channel
+## IRC Channel
 IRC  [#asfvcl on Freenode][10]
-#How do I Join the Project
+## How do I Join the Project
 Projects at Apache operate under a [meritocracy][11], meaning those that the developers notice participating to a high extent will be invited to join the project as a committer.
@@ -63,24 +50,24 @@
 Apache VCL has some basic [guidelines][12] on the steps to become eligible for consideration to become a Apache VCL committer.
-# Board Reports
+## Board Reports
 All Apache projects must submit [regular reports](/comm/boardreports/)
 to the Apache Board.
-# Community Contributed Pages and Projects
+## Community Contributed Pages and Projects
 [Automated Installation of VCL](/comm/commprojects/automated-installation-of-vcl.html)<br>
 [Replacing MySQL with Derby](/comm/commprojects/apache-derby-database.html) (outdated)
-  [1]:
-  [2]:
-  [3]:
-  [4]:
-  [5]:
-  [6]:
-  [7]:
-  [8]:
-  [9]:
-  [10]: irc://
-  [11]:
-  [12]: committer-guidelines
\ No newline at end of file
+[10]: irc://
+[12]: committer-guidelines
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2009-01-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 93%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2009-01-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index f3c7420..0d3309f 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2009-01-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-Title: 2009-01 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2009-01 Incubator VCL Report
 Included is the monthly status report for VCL to the Incubator PMC for
 January 2009
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2009-02-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 95%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2009-02-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index dc020e3..8c821c1 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2009-02-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-Title: 2009-02 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2009-02 Incubator VCL Report
 February 2009 VCL Incubator status report
 VCL has been incubating since December 2008
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2009-05-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 96%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2009-05-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index b04beb3..3fc2af5 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2009-05-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2009-05 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2009-05 Incubator VCL Report
 # May 2009 VCL Incubator status report
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2009-11-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 98%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2009-11-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index 03e87ed..6501bc8 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2009-11-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2009-11 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2009-11 Incubator VCL Report
 VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud
 computing platform for the management of physical and virtual machines.
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2010-02-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 97%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2010-02-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index 67ebb8f..dcdcddd 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2010-02-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2010-02 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2010-02 Incubator VCL Report
 VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing
 platform for the management of physical and virtual machines.
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2010-05-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 96%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2010-05-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index d36b3ab..2b34c8b 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2010-05-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2010-05 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2010-05 Incubator VCL Report
 VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing
 platform for the management of physical and virtual machines.
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2010-08-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 95%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2010-08-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index 254e5a0..9e9b5ac 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2010-08-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2010-08 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2010-08 Incubator VCL Report
 VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing
 platform for the management of physical and virtual machines.
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2010-11-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 93%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2010-11-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index 17800d5..000abb5 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2010-11-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2010-11 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2010-11 Incubator VCL Report
 VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing
 platform for the management of physical and virtual machines.
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2011-02-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 95%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2011-02-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index a2e2b68..1befd12 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2011-02-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2011-02 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2011-02 Incubator VCL Report
 VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing platform for the management of physical and virtual machines.[](
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2011-05-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 95%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2011-05-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index 17ae2a6..c56f1c8 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2011-05-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2011-05 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2011-05 Incubator VCL Report
 VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing platform for the management of physical and virtual machines.[](
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2011-08-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 95%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2011-08-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index c413507..7d2328d 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2011-08-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2011-08 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2011-08 Incubator VCL Report
 VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing 
 platform for the management of physical and virtual machines.
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2011-11-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 96%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2011-11-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index 300da59..4afe261 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2011-11-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2011-11 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2011-11 Incubator VCL Report
 VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing 
  platform for the management of physical and virtual machines.
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2012-02-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 95%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2012-02-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index e57960b..0de12fd 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2012-02-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2012-02 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2012-02 Incubator VCL Report
 VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing
 platform for the management of physical and virtual machines.
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2012-05-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 96%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2012-05-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index 6886652..5d49d5b 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2012-05-incubator-vcl-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2012-05 Incubator VCL Report
+title: 2012-05 Incubator VCL Report
 VCL has been incubating since December 2008. VCL is a cloud computing
 platform for the management of physical and virtual machines. It
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2012-07-25-apache-vcl-board-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 95%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2012-07-25-apache-vcl-board-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index 8e242b8..d344f24 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2012-07-25-apache-vcl-board-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2012-07-25 Apache VCL Board Report
+title: 2012-07-25 Apache VCL Board Report
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2012-08-15-apache-vcl-board-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 95%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2012-08-15-apache-vcl-board-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index 72bc849..7344cbf 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2012-08-15-apache-vcl-board-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2012-08-15 Apache VCL Board Report
+title: 2012-08-15 Apache VCL Board Report
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2012-09-19-apache-vcl-board-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 96%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2012-09-19-apache-vcl-board-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index 302f229..570b9e1 100644
--- a/content/comm/boardreports/2012-09-19-apache-vcl-board-report.mdtext
+++ b/source/comm/boardreports/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2012-09-19 Apache VCL Board Report
+title: 2012-09-19 Apache VCL Board Report
diff --git a/content/comm/boardreports/2012-12-19-apache-vcl-board-report.mdtext b/source/comm/boardreports/
similarity index 95%
rename from content/comm/boardreports/2012-12-19-apache-vcl-board-report.mdtext
rename to source/comm/boardreports/
index 0164924..8b091e1 100644
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-Title: 2012-12-19 Apache VCL Board Report
+title: 2012-12-19 Apache VCL Board Report
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+title: Board Reports
+slug: index
+### 2012
+[Feb 2012](2012-02-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+[May 2012](2012-05-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+[Jul 2012](2012-07-25-apache-vcl-board-report.html)<br>
+[Aug 2012](2012-08-15-apache-vcl-board-report.html)<br>
+[Sep 2012](2012-09-19-apache-vcl-board-report.html)<br>
+[Dec 2012](2012-12-19-apache-vcl-board-report.html)<br>
+### 2011
+[Feb 2011](2011-02-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+[May 2011](2011-05-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+[Aug 2011](2011-08-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+[Nov 2011](2011-11-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+### 2010
+[Feb 2010](2010-02-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+[May 2010](2010-05-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+[Aug 2010](2010-08-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+[Nov 2010](2010-11-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+### 2009
+[Jan 2009](2009-01-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+[Feb 2009](2009-02-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+[May 2009](2009-05-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
+[Nov 2009](2009-11-incubator-vcl-report.html)<br>
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--- a/content/comm/committer-guidelines.mdtext
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-Title: Committer Guidelines
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Committer Guidelines
 Projects at Apache operate under a meritocracy, meaning those that the developers notice participating to a high extent will be invited to join the project as a committer.
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+title: Apache Derby Database
+# Using Apache Derby Database
+<big><font color="red">**NOTE: The current code in the trunk does not support Derby
+(21 Aug 2009)**</font></big>
+## Prerequisites
+You should have installed:
+* JDK (it is maybe possible to work with jre only)
+## Downloading and Setting Up the Database for VCL
+1. Download Apache Derby and install it.
+    ```bash
+    cd ~
+    wget
+    tar -xzf db-derby-
+    mkdir /opt/Apache
+    mv db-derby- /opt/Apache/derby
+    export DERBY_HOME="/opt/Apache/derby"
+    export CLASSPATH="${DERBY_HOME}/lib/derby.jar:${DERBY_HOME}/lib/derbytools.jar:${CLASSPATH}"
+    ```
+1. Create a database in Apache Derby. The database has to be placed in the
+path */opt/*.
+  Replace *'vcluser'* and *'vcluserpassword'* with the user and password
+you want.
+    ```bash
+    cd /opt/
+    ij
+    connect 'jdbc:derby:vcl1;create=true;user='vcluser';password='vcluserpassword';';
+    exit;
+    ```
+1. Download [vcl.sql](
+and the
+ Edit the file *''*. The variables 
+*'$user'* and *'$pw'* should match your database.
+    ```bash
+    svn export
+    wget
+    chmod a+x
+    ./
+    ```
+1. Import vcl-derby.sql file into database. It is a good idea to direct the
+output to file and check if there were any errors.
+    ```bash
+    ij vcl-derby.sql > import.log
+    ```
+## Setting up the dbd_jdbc Server
+1. Install log4j
+    ```bash
+    cd ~
+    wget
+    tar -zxf apache-log4j-1.2.15.tar.gz
+    mv apache-log4j-1.2.15 /opt/Apache/derby/lib/
+    ```
+1. When installing the perl modules using the *''*
+(*/usr/local/vcl/bin/*) two extra modules need to the
+installed for Derby. Open the file *''* and in the list
+of modules to download add the following two modules.
+    ```text
+    ```
+1. Run the scrips as normal
+    ```bash
+    perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+1. Copy some file from the modules to Derby directory
+    ```bash
+    cp /tmp/perl-modules/DBD-JDBC-0.71/dbd_jdbc.jar /opt/Apache/derby/lib/
+    cp /tmp/perl-modules/DBD-JDBC-0.71/ /opt/Apache/derby/lib/apache-log4j-1.2.15
+    ```
+1. Create a script file which will launch the dbd_jdbc Server. Save it under
+any name and directory (e.g. /opt/, only remember that this
+scrips needs to be executed every time you start up the server. The file
+should contain
+    ```bash
+    #!/bin/bash
+    java -Djdbc.drivers=org.apache.derby.EmbeddedDriver -Ddbd.port=12345 -classpath /opt/Apache/derby/lib/derby.jar:/opt/Apache/derby/lib/dbd_jdbc.jar:/opt/Apache/derby/lib/apache-log4j-1.2.15/log4j-1.2.15.jar:/opt/Apache/derby/lib/apache-log4j-1.2.15/  com.vizdom.dbd.jdbc.Server &
+    ```
+    Note1: if some of your paths are different you need make the changes in
+    this scrips file as well
+    Note2: currently port 12345 is used for connecting to Derby, this is hard
+    coded. Can be changed on a later stage.
+1. Make the script executable
+    ```bash
+    chmod a+x /opt/server
+    ```
+1. Start the Server
+    ```bash
+    /opt/server
+    ```
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+title: Automated Installation of VCL
+I developed a set of scripts to automate the installation of VCL for my own
+purposes. I used the scripts in an advanced Linux class I taught at NCA&T
+as an example of scripting. Several student teams installed VCL on their
+individual servers, and the installation had to be repeated after the
+students experimented with the setup. The script made installation
+relatively quick and always consistent. The installation is basically one
+The starting point of the installation is a configured Scientific Linux 6.2
+operating system. This installation also uses scripting and a custom local
+repository I developed. The installation is either PXE or iPXE based. The
+student's starting point is an _ether-wake_ command to the target server,
+and installation is automatic from that point on. My home repository
+contains a database of configuration data for various computers of friends
+at several different geographical locations who use my repository to
+perform automated installation and configuration of LAMP servers, directory
+servers, repository servers, Plandora, Moodle, and so forth. I mirrored my
+home site at NC A&T, and added customization for some NC A&T hosts.
+Each student team adds their customization data, for example, host name,
+partitioning information, and application customization data. Each team
+also makes an entry in the local dnsmasq TFTP/DNS/DHCP configuration.
+These one-time tasks are completed early in the semester during the study
+of enterprise configuration. This background is of interest only because my
+VCL scripts assume certain things, such as, the web directory roots for all
+named virtual hosts are in **/var/www/web_servers/** and configuration
+snippets are in **/etc/httpd/virtual_hosts/**.
+Once the LAMP server is loaded, a team member opens Firefox and downloads
+**** from the repo web server. The “nn” is
+anything, but usually a “1”, or a “2”, and forth, to access a
+unique parameters file for each unique VCL installation. If you look in the
+pre_commands script, you will notice the number is just used to append to
+the filename ****. In the scripts below, I used "13",
+since the particular target host name was "burton-research-13". Before
+starting installation, the students make a one-time instance of both the
+vcl_pre_commands file and the vcl_parameters file customized for their
+team. That is, each team could represent a different institution seeking to
+create a VCL cloud. If you look in these files, you will see the only real
+task is to set the host name of the target server to agree with the DHCP
+hostname assignment. Of course, you can vary every parameter, but since
+this is a student lab, all teams used my default settings for digital
+certificates and so forth. If you use the scripts for your own institution,
+you will wish to change additional settings to reflect your institution's
+name and login credentials. The file is -- at least to me
+-- documented and straightforward. I kept the students confined to a
+private LAN without outside access, so **we used weak
+passwords**. Please, use a strong password for any system with access
+from the Internet. Once the pre-commands file is downloaded, the students
+make the file executable, the run the script. About 30 minutes later, VCL
+installation is complete. Packages are installed using _yum_ (see
+****), and all source tarballs are downloaded directly from
+the VCL site. The main script, ****, incorporates several
+modifications to the current VCL installation instructions. Notable areas
+are sourcing the MySQL database structure, dynamically modifying the VCL
+perl script to remove Linux package installation and perl interaction, use
+of SL 6.2, and rearranging the order of installation to complete all
+package installation in one place. The use of explicit yum package
+installation will allow me to copy **** almost directly into
+RPM requires statements. I did not use an RPM for my students because I
+wanted the students to explore and experiment with the scripts.
+## So what is a “complete” VCL installation?
+In this case, it means everything required to install and configure the VCL
+web front end and the VCL management node is completed automatically. The
+script automatically launches Firefox to the VCL web interface and lists
+the few steps that must be completed through the web interface (admin
+password, initial specification of management node).
+What is not done (at this time) is the automated installation of VMware
+ESXi on the service nodes, nor the installation and configuration of XCAT.
+I expect I will just automate the XCAT installation and configuration, and
+let XCAT take care of the service node installation and management, since
+this will provide an arbitrarily large cloud. For my class, we just
+installed VMware ESXi manually on a service node.
+Images can be&nbsp; copied manually, of course, but in my scheme of
+infrastructure, booting a bare metal image with a PXE boot to my repository
+automatically builds Linux images. I expect XCAT can be persuaded to do the
+## How could these scripts help the VCL project?
+I mentioned the automated installation in a poster session at the first ICA-CON 
+conference hosted by IBM in April, 2012 ([ICA-CON]( Several people expressed an interest in access to the scripts, and I
+agreed to post the scripts in support of the Apache VCL project. I suppose
+with a few tweaks the script could be embedded in a no-arch RPM (or at
+least a self-determining arch) so that those who are interested in using
+VCL, but might not have the skills or patience to wade through the
+installation, could go immediately to their own VCL cloud with a click or
+two. This could lower the barrier to entry of cloud computing, and let more
+folks get on with exploring new ways to actually **use** a vcl cloud.
+## The scripts follow:
+ # Make sure time is correct, otherwise certificates will fail
+ntpd -gq
+service ntpd start
+cd /root
+chmod +x
+./ "" "13"
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + +                                                                      
+# + +                                                                      
+# + + Filename:
+# + + Author:       Larry Burton
+# + + Copyright:    Copyright 2012 Larry Burton All rights reserved.
+# + + Revision:     20120324
+# + + Description:                                                        
+# + + A script to define paramters used to install Apache VCL
+# + + Usage:        sourced in other files
+# + +                                                  
+# + +                                                                     
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+#  + + + + + + + + VCL Installation paramters + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# Logging file
+export log_file="/tmp/vcllog.log"
+# Logging device
+export logging="| tee $log_file"
+# Location of the VCL source tarball
+export source_url=""
+# VCL version
+export vcl_version="2.2.1-incubating"
+# tarball directory
+export vcl_source_directory="/opt/vcl"
+# The FQDN of the VCL Management Node (Must have valid DNS entry)
+export vcl_management_node_name="$this_host.$this_domain"
+# The FQDN of the VCL Management Node (Must have valid DNS entry)
+export vcl_FQDN="$this_host.$this_domain"
+# The architecture of this machine (for Perl download)
+export arch='i386'
+#  + + + + + + + + MySQL parameters + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# The MySQL root password
+export mysql_password='useyourownpassword'
+# VCL database user name
+export vcl_mysql_user_name="vcluser"
+# VCL database user password
+export vcl_mysql_user_password="vcluserpassword"
+# VCL database name
+export vcl_database_name="vcl"
+# $mcryptkey
+export vcl_mcryptkey="alongpassword"
+export vcl_pemkey="alongkey"
+# FQDN of database server (Must have valid DNS entry)
+export vcl_database_server_name="$this_host.$this_domain"
+export vcl_lockerwrite_user="vcluser"
+# LockerWrtUser password
+export vcl_lockerwrite_user_password="vcluserpassword"
+# MySQL server name (The name used to connect, which must match the
+# MySQL database username. Typically, localhost unless you explicitly
+# allow external connections to the database.
+export vcl_mysql_server_name="localhost"
+#  + + + + + + + + HTTP parameters + + + + + + + + + + + +
+export host_name="$this_host.$this_domain"
+export search_path="$this_domain"
+export web_virtual_hosts_directory='/etc/httpd/virtual_hosts'
+export web_content_base='/var/www/web_servers'
+# The VCL document root for the web server
+export vcl_web_document_root="$web_content_base/$host_name"
+#  + + + + + + + + CA Certificate Parameters + + + + + + + + + + + +
+export ca_passphrase="password"
+export ca_starting_serial_number="100"
+export ca_country="US"
+export ca_state='NorthCarolina'
+export ca_city="Greensboro"
+export ca_org="LinuxLab"
+export ca_ou="VirtualComputingLab"
+export ca_common_name="$this_host.$this_domain"
+export ca_email=""
+# File to contain the self-signed CA certificate (which contains the public key)
+export ca_certificate_file_name="$ca_common_name.cer"
+# File to contain the unencrypted, base-64 encoded, private key
+export ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name="$ca_common_name.key"
+# The directory in which to copy the digital certificates
+export ca_path_to_local_certs_files="/etc/pki/tls/certs"
+# The directory in which to copy the unencrypted private certificate key
+export ca_path_to_local_key_files="/etc/pki/tls/private"
+#  + + + + + + + + xmlrpc Parameters + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# The VCL daemon uses xmlrpc (remote procedure call) to connect to the
+# MySQL database for doing things such as creating block reservations.
+# A user must exist in the vcl MySQL database with privileges suitable for
+# acccomplishing the database queries. You may use the MySQL GRANT command
+# to create a distinct user, or you may use the default vcl user.
+export vcl_xmlrpc_username=$vcl_mysql_user_name
+export vcl_xmlrpc_pass=$vcl_mysql_user_password
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + +                                                                      
+# + +                                                                      
+# + + Filename:
+# + + Author:       Larry Burton
+# + + Copyright:    Copyright 2012 Larry Burton All rights reserved.
+# + + Revision:     20120324
+# + + Description:                                                        
+# + + A script to configure httpd for https
+# + + Usage:
+# + +               Must be run as root                                    
+# + +                                                                     
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+#  + + + + + + + + HTTP parameters + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# Note: This script assumes httpd is already setup with Larry Burton's LAMP
+#       RPMs. This means the virtual_hosts directory and the web_servers
+#       directories are in place and the http access on port 80 is already
+#       in place.
+#       This script forces ALL HTTP access to rewrite to HTTPS. If you wish to
+#       keep some HTTP access, you will have to edit the reqrite section to
+#       only rewrite selected locations, eg /location, rather than /.
+#  + + + + + + + + Add the https rewrite directives + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# ************ check for existence of cert files ***********************
+# The line with CustomLog appears in Larry Burton's default HTTP access.
+# Add the new location to httpd virtual host
+sed -i -e '/CustomLog/a\ \n\
+ \
+# \ 
+<Location "/"> \
+# Set the content to ALLOW Indexex to be displayed and to FOLLOW \
+# symbolic links \
+Options FollowSymLinks Indexes \
+# \
+# \
+RewriteEngine On \
+# This will enable the Rewrite capabilities \
+# \
+RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on \
+# This checks to make sure the connection is not already HTTPS \
+# \
+RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} \
+# \
+# This takes http request and changes hhtp to https \
+# \
+# \
+</Location> \
+ \
+' $web_virtual_hosts_directory/$host_name.conf
+#  + + + + + + + + Add the https access directives + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# The </VirtualHost> tag will be the last line of some HTTP virtual host,
+# so we may insert the https virtual host immediately afterwards.
+# Note the escaping of the forward slash.
+sed -i -e '/<\/VirtualHost>/a\ \n\
+ \
+# \
+# Make sure httpd listens to port 443 \
+# \
+NameVirtualHost *:443 \
+# \
+# Add an HTTPS virtual host \
+# \
+<VirtualHost *:443> \
+ \
+DirectoryIndex home.php \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+ \
+     ServerAdmin webmaster@'"$host_name"' \
+     DocumentRoot '"$web_content_base/$host_name"' \
+ \
+     ServerName '"$host_name"' \
+     ErrorLog logs/'"$host_name"'-error_log \
+     CustomLog logs/'"$host_name"'-access_log common \
+ \
+        SSLEngine on \
+        SSLCertificateFile '"$ca_path_to_local_certs_files/$ca_certificate_file_name"' \
+        SSLCertificateKeyFile '"$ca_path_to_local_key_files/$ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name"' \
+ \
+        <Directory /'"$web_content_base/$host_name"'> \
+        AllowOverride All \
+        </Directory> \
+  \
+ \
+<Location \/> \
+Options FollowSymLinks Indexes \
+</Location> \
+# \
+</VirtualHost> \
+# This ends an HTTPS virtual host definition. \
+# \
+ \
+' $web_virtual_hosts_directory/$host_name.conf
+#  + + + + + + + + Restart -- not reload -- the httpd server + + + + + + + + +
+# Retart the web server daemon:
+/etc/init.d/httpd restart
+# End of script
+I placed the installation of required packages in a separate file to ease
+the transition of the script into an RPM.
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + +                                                                      
+# + +                                                                      
+# + + Filename:
+# + + Author:       Larry Burton
+# + + Copyright:    Copyright 2012 Larry Burton All rights reserved.
+# + + Revision:     20120324
+# + + Description:                                                        
+# + + A script to define paramters used to install packages used by Apache VCL
+# + + Usage:        sourced in other files
+# + +                                                  
+# + +                                                                     
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+#  + + + + + + + + VCL Installation paramters + + + + + + + + + + + +
+/bin/echo "Installing packages used by VCL" $logging
+/bin/echo "" $logging
+/bin/echo "Some of these packages may already be installed, but we" $logging
+/bin/echo "check them anyway to see if they need updating." $logging
+/bin/echo "" $logging
+# Install these packages
+/bin/echo "httpd - Apache HTTP Server" $logging
+yum -y install httpd
+/bin/echo "mod_ssl - SSL/TLS module for the Apache HTTP server" $logging
+yum -y install mod_ssl
+/bin/echo "php - The PHP HTML-embedded scripting language" $logging
+yum -y install php
+/bin/echo "We will not use libmcrypt - Encryption algorithms library" $logging
+#yum -y install libmcrypt
+# Required PHP Modules:
+/bin/echo "" $logging
+/bin/echo "We need the following PHP modules." $logging
+/bin/echo "" $logging
+/bin/echo "php-gd" $logging
+yum -y install php-gd
+/bin/echo "php-json (required if your PHP version is 5.2 or later)" $logging
+yum -y install php-json
+/bin/echo "We will not use php-mcrypt" $logging
+#yum -y install php-mcrypt
+/bin/echo "php-mysql" $logging
+yum -y install php-mysql
+/bin/echo "php-openssl" $logging
+yum -y install php-openssl
+/bin/echo "php-sysvsem" $logging
+yum -y install php-sysvsem
+/bin/echo "php-xml" $logging
+yum -y install php-xml
+/bin/echo "php-xmlrpc" $logging
+yum -y install php-xmlrpc
+/bin/echo "php-ldap" $logging
+yum -y install php-ldap
+# Management Node packages
+#Required Linux Packages:
+# The VCL management node daemon (vcld) requires the following Linux packages and 
+# Perl modules in order to run (see step 2 below for installation instructions):
+/bin/echo "expat - A library for parsing XML" $logging
+yum -y install expat
+/bin/echo "expat-devel - Libraries and include files to develop XML applications with expat" $logging
+yum -y install expat-devel
+/bin/echo "gcc - Various compilers C, C++, Objective-C, Java, ..." $logging
+yum -y install gcc
+/bin/echo "krb5-libs - The shared libraries used by Kerberos 5" $logging
+yum -y install krb5-libs
+/bin/echo "krb5-devel - Development files needed to compile Kerberos 5 programs" $logging
+yum -y install krb5-devel
+/bin/echo "libxml2 - Library providing XML and HTML support" $logging
+yum -y install libxml2
+/bin/echo "libxml2-devel - Libraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applications" $logging
+yum -y install libxml2-devel
+/bin/echo "mysql - MySQL client programs and shared libraries" $logging
+yum -y install mysql
+/bin/echo "nmap - Network exploration tool and security scanner" $logging
+yum -y install nmap
+/bin/echo "openssh - The OpenSSH implementation of SSH protocol versions 1 and 2" $logging
+yum -y install openssh
+/bin/echo "openssl - The OpenSSL toolkit" $logging
+yum -y install openssl
+/bin/echo "openssl-devel - Files for development of applications which will use OpenSSL" $logging
+yum -y install openssl-devel
+/bin/echo "perl - The Perl programming language" $logging
+yum -y install perl
+/bin/echo "perl-DBD-MySQL - A MySQL interface for perl" $logging
+yum -y install perl-DBD-MySQL
+#          ------------------------- /bin/echo "xmlsec1-openssl - OpenSSL crypto plugin for XML Security Library" $logging
+#          ------------------------- yum -y install xmlsec1-openssl
+if [ $arch == "i386" ]
+/bin/echo "Perl Architecture for download is $perlarch" $logging
+yum -y install xmlsec1-1.2.16-2.el6.$perlarch.rpm
+#yum -y install xmlsec1-1.2.16-2.el6.x86_64.rpm
+#yum -y install xmlsec1-1.2.16-2.el6.i686.rpm
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + +
+# + +                                                                      
+# + + Filename:
+# + + Author:       Larry Burton
+# + + Copyright:    Copyright 2012 Larry Burton All rights reserved.
+# + + Revision:     20120324
+# + + Description:                                                        
+# + + A script to create a new self-signed digital certificate
+# + + Usage:
+# + +                                  
+# + +                                                                     
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# This script will create a new self-signed Certificate Authority (CA)
+# digital certificate. The CA certificate can be posted on a web server for
+# the public to download in order to verify digital certificates signed by
+# this CA certificate.
+# When creating the CA, we will NOT ENCRYPT the private key because we wish
+# to store the unencrypted private key on a server for access by software
+# such as httpd. If we encrypted the private key, we would have to type in the
+# passphrase every time the software needed to use the key. The "-nodes"
+# option specifies no encryption.
+# Prepare subject text
+# If you have a problem
+echo "The subject text is:"
+echo "$ca_subj"
+# Create the self-signed certificate
+#    PEM format is default, but specify it to make sure we do not have DER format
+openssl req -x509 \
+    -nodes \
+    -keyform PEM \
+    -inform PEM \
+    -outform PEM \
+    -days 3650 \
+    -newkey rsa:2048 \
+    -set_serial $ca_starting_serial_number \
+    -batch \
+    -subj "$ca_subj" \
+    -keyout $ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name \
+    -out $ca_certificate_file_name \
+    -passin pass:$ca_passphrase
+# Self-signed certificate is complete
+/bin/echo "Here is the unencrypted private key stored in $ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name:"
+cat $ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name
+/bin/echo "Here is the self-signed Certificate Authority certificate stored in $ca_certificate_file_name:"
+cat $ca_certificate_file_name
+/bin/echo "Here is the information contained in the self-signed CA certificate:"
+openssl x509 -text -in $ca_certificate_file_name
+#  + + + + + + + + Copy Cert and Key to local directory + + + + + + + + + + + +
+mkdir -p $ca_path_to_local_certs_files
+mkdir -p $ca_path_to_local_key_files
+cp $ca_certificate_file_name $ca_path_to_local_certs_files/$ca_certificate_file_name
+cp $ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name $ca_path_to_local_key_files/$ca_certificate_private_unencrypted_key_file_name
+/bin/echo "The CA certificate has been copied to $ca_path_to_local_certs_files"
+/bin/echo "The CA unecrypted private key has been copied to $ca_path_to_local_key_files"
+# end of script
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + +                                                                      
+# + +                                                                      
+# + + Filename:
+# + + Author:       Larry Burton
+# + + Copyright:    Copyright 2012 Larry Burton All rights reserved.
+# + + Revision:     20120324
+# + + Description:                                                        
+# + + A script to install Apache VCL on a LAMP server
+# + + Usage: repo_url host
+# + + Example: "" "1"
+# + +               Must be run as root    
+# + +               The second paraeter is appended to the parameters filename
+# + +                  to allow multiple different VCL installations to use the same script
+# + +               The target server, which is the computer upon which this
+# + +               script is executing, must have:
+# + +                  Internet access and must
+# + +                  A valid forward and reverse DNS entry
+# + +                  Access to a valid DS server
+# + +                  Access to a valid DHCP server                                  
+# + +                                                                     
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+mkdir -p /tmp/install
+# Get installation parameters
+wget --no-host-directories --output-document="/tmp/install/vcl_parameters" $repo_url/vcl_parameters_$
+# All the host paramters are now in /tmp/install/host_parameters
+# Source the customization variables
+. /tmp/install/vcl_parameters
+/bin/echo "Following are the VCL installation parameters" $logging
+cat /tmp/install/vcl_parameters
+# Use yum to install the necessary repository packages
+wget --no-host-directories --output-document="/tmp/install/vcl_packages" $repo_url/
+. /tmp/install/vcl_packages
+#  + + + + + + + + Start the VCL Installation + + + + + + + + + + + +
+# The starting point is an installed and hardened LAMP server created by
+# Larry Burton's RPMs
+# Create the VCL source code directory
+/bin/echo "Creating VCL source code directory as $vcl_source_directory" $logging
+mkdir -p $vcl_source_directory
+# Change the working directory to the source code directory
+/bin/echo "Changing working directory to source code directory" $logging
+pushd $vcl_source_directory
+# Download & Extract the Apache VCL Source
+/bin/echo "Downloading the VCL source tarball from $source_url" $logging
+wget $source_url/apache-VCL-$vcl_version.tar.bz2
+# Extract the files
+/bin/echo "Extracting the VCL source tarball" $logging
+tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating.tar.bz2
+# Configure MySQL for VCL (MySQL is already installed and configured by LAMP)
+# Make sure the firewall on the database server is configured to allow
+# traffic from the web server and management node servers to connect to
+# the MySQL daemon TCP port: 3306.  See the firewall documentation for
+# more information.
+# Create a VCL database
+/bin/echo "Creating VCL database" $logging
+#mysql --user=root --password=$mysql_password -e 'DROP DATABASE vcl;'
+mysql --user=root --password=$mysql_password -e 'CREATE DATABASE vcl; USE vcl; source apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating/mysql/vcl.sql; SHOW TABLES;'
+mysql --user=root --password=$mysql_password -e "GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO '$vcl_mysql_user_name'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$vcl_mysql_user_password';"
+mysql --user=root --password=$mysql_password -e "USE mysql; SELECT * FROM user WHERE User='vcluser';"
+# Create the VCL user for the MySQL database
+# Note this user is created with access from the localhost only since the
+# database server is assumed to be on the same physical machine as the vcl daemon
+/bin/echo "These are the tables in the VCL database:" $logging
+mysql --user=root --password=$mysql_password -e "USE vcl;SHOW TABLES;"
+# At this point, VCL support in MySQL is complete
+/bin/echo "" $logging
+/bin/echo "MySQL configuration for VCL complete" $logging
+/bin/echo "" $logging
+#  NOTE ----------- Change http.conf document root to correct document root
+sed -i -e "s:DocumentRoot \"/var/www/html\":DocumentRoot \"$web_content_base/$vcl_FQDN\":g" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
+#  + + + + + + + + Set up Apache httpd for https + + + + + + + + + + + +
+/bin/echo "Creating digital certificates for web server" $logging
+# Download and run the https configuration script
+wget --no-host-directories --output-document="/tmp/install/" $repo_url/
+sh /tmp/install/
+# Note: The certificates must be in place before trying to start https
+/bin/echo "Beginning httpd configuration for VCL" $logging
+# Download and run the https configuration script
+wget --no-host-directories --output-document="/tmp/install/" $repo_url/
+sh /tmp/install/
+# At this point, VCL support in httpd is complete
+/bin/echo "" $logging
+/bin/echo "httpd configuration for VCL complete" $logging
+/bin/echo "" $logging
+#4. If SELinux is enabled, run the following command to allow the web server to connect to the database:
+#/usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+#5. If the iptables firewall is being used, port 80 and 443 should be opened up:
+#vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+#-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
+#-A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
+#service iptables restart
+#  + + + + + + + + Install the VCL Frontend Web Code + + + + + + + + + + + +
+/bin/echo "Beginning VCL Frontend Web Code Installation" $logging
+# Copy the web directory to a location under the web root of your web server
+# and navigate to the destination .ht-inc subdirectory
+# Create the VCL web server document root directory
+mkdir -p $vcl_web_document_root
+# Copy the VCL web documents to the VCL web server document root
+cp -r apache-VCL-$vcl_version/web/ $vcl_web_document_root/vcl
+# Change the working directory to the web server document root patch file directory
+pushd $vcl_web_document_root/vcl/.ht-inc
+# Apply patch to fix editing reservations
+patch < utils_virtual_undefined.patch
+# Apply patch to fix processing of block allocations
+patch < vmhostcheck_fix.patch
+# Configure the PHP secrets file
+# Copy secrets-default.php to secrets.php:
+cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+# Edit the secrets.php file
+/bin/echo "Editing the PHP secrets.php file" $logging
+# Set the VCL hostname
+####### default is ok sed -i -e "s/\$vclhost = 'localhost'; # name of mysql server/###\$vclhost = 'localhost'; # name of mysql server/g" \
+####### default is ok        -e "/\$vclhost = 'localhost'; # name of mysql server/a\ \n\
+####### default is ok ####### default is ok \$vclhost = '$host_name'; # name of mysql server/
+####### default is ok  \
+####### default is ok " \
+####### default is ok secrets.php
+# Set the VCL database name
+####### default is ok sed -i -e "s/\$vcldb = 'vcl';         # name of mysql database/###\$vcldb = 'vcl';         # name of mysql database/g" \
+####### default is ok        -e "/\$vcldb = 'vcl';         # name of mysql database/a\ \n\
+####### default is ok \$vcldb = '$vcl_database_name';         # name of mysql database/
+####### default is ok  \
+####### default is ok " \
+####### default is ok secrets.php
+# Set the VCL user name
+sed -i -e "s/\$vclusername = '';      # username to access database/###\$vclusername = '';      # username to access database/g" \
+       -e "/\$vclusername = '';      # username to access database/a\ \n\
+\$vclusername = '$vcl_mysql_user_name';      # username to access database/
+ \
+" \
+# Set the VCL password
+sed -i -e "s/\$vclpassword = '';      # password to access database/###\$vclpassword = '';      # password to access database/g" \
+       -e "/\$vclpassword = '';      # password to access database/a\ \n\
+\$vclpassword = '$vcl_mysql_user_password';      # password to access database/
+ \
+" \
+# Set the VCL password
+sed -i -e "s/\$mcryptkey = '';  # random password - won't ever have to type it so make it long/###\$mcryptkey = '';  # random password - won't ever have to type it so make it long/g" \
+       -e "/\$mcryptkey = '';  # random password - won't ever have to type it so make it long/a\ \n\
+\$mcryptkey = '$vcl_mcryptkey';  # random password - won't ever have to type it so make it long/
+ \
+" \
+# $mcryptiv = '12345678'; // must be 8 hex chars
+# Set the VCL passphrase
+sed -i -e "s/\$pemkey = ''; # random passphrase - same as given to - should be long/###\$pemkey = ''; # random passphrase - same as given to - should be long/g" \
+       -e "/\$pemkey = ''; # random passphrase - same as given to - should be long/a\ \n\
+\$pemkey = '$vcl_pemkey'; # random passphrase - same as given to - should be long/
+ \
+" \
+#  + + Create the public and private keys for the vcl user + + + + + + + + +
+/bin/echo "Creating the public and private keys for the vcl user" $logging
+# The 2048 MUST come after the passphrase
+echo "openssl genrsa -aes256 -out keys.pem -passout pass:$vcl_pemkey 2048"
+openssl genrsa -aes256 -out keys.pem -passout pass:$vcl_pemkey 2048
+echo "openssl rsa -pubout -in keys.pem -out pubkey.pem -passin pass:$vcl_pemkey"
+openssl rsa -pubout -in keys.pem -out pubkey.pem -passin pass:$vcl_pemkey
+#  + + Configure the PHP conf.php + + + + + + + + +
+/bin/echo "Configuring the PHP conf.php" $logging
+# Copy conf-default.php to conf.php:
+cp conf-default.php conf.php
+# Modify conf.php to match your site
+# Basically this consists of specifying the FQDN and domain name of the server.
+# NOTE: use = as delimiter instead of slash to avoid escaping slashes
+sed -i -e "s:define(\"COOKIEDOMAIN\", \"\");       // domain in which cookies are set:define(\"COOKIEDOMAIN\", \"$vcl_FQDN\");       // domain in which cookies are set:g" conf.php
+sed -i -e "s=define(\"BASEURL\", \"https:\/\/\");=define(\"BASEURL\", \"https:\/\/$vcl_FQDN/vcl\");=g" conf.php
+sed -i -e "s=define(\"HOMEURL\", \"http:\/\/\/\");=define(\"HOMEURL\", \"http:\/\/$vcl_FQDN\/vcl\/\");=g" conf.php
+sed -i -e "$vcl_FQDN=g" conf.php
+sed -i -e "$search_path=g" conf.php
+# Did not set timezone
+# Set the owner of the .ht-inc/maintenance directory to the web server user (normally 'apache'):
+chown apache maintenance
+#  + + Install phpseclib and apply a patch to remove the requirement of having mcrypt installed + + + + + + + + +
+# Optionally, you can install phpseclib and apply a patch to remove the requirement of having mcrypt installed
+/bin/echo "Patching to remove the mcrypt dependency" $logging
+#Here are the steps to remove the dependency:
+#Download phpseclib to /tmp (version 0.2.2 was used for testing)
+pushd /tmp
+#Create a directory named phpseclib in your .ht-inc directory
+mkdir $vcl_web_document_root/vcl/.ht-inc/phpseclib
+#unzip phpseclib in the phpseclib directory
+pushd $vcl_web_document_root/vcl/.ht-inc/phpseclib
+unzip /tmp/
+#Download no_mcrypt.patch to your .ht-inc directory
+pushd $vcl_web_document_root/vcl/.ht-inc
+#Apply the patch
+patch < no_mcrypt.patch
+/bin/echo "The VCL web server is now set up" $logging
+# Test the webserver
+# Open the testsetup.php page in a web browser
+firefox https://$host_name/vcl/testsetup.php &
+# ---------------------------- Must manually use web interface to setup management node !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+# Right now, before completing remaining steps
+# It is easier to just let the script run, then use the web interface, and then restart vcld
+pushd $vcl_web_document_root/vcl/.ht-inc
+# At this point, the VCL webserver is configured
+#  + + Install the Management Node + + + + + + + + +
+/bin/echo "Installing VCL Management Node" $logging
+# Change the working directory to the source code directory
+/bin/echo "Changing working directory to source code directory" $logging
+pushd $vcl_source_directory
+cp -r apache-VCL-2.2.1-incubating/managementnode /usr/local/vcl
+/bin/echo "Installing perl modules" $logging
+# Skip the Linux package installation in the perl script and say YES
+sed -i -e "s=install_linux_packages();=###install_linux_packages()=g" /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+sed -i -e "s:my \$input = <>;:my \$input = 'YES';:g" /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+#sed -i -e "s=my @ERRORS;=###my @ERRORS;=g" /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+# Now install the perl modules
+perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+#  + + Configure vcld.conf + + + + + + + + +
+/bin/echo "Configuring /etc/vcld.conf" $logging
+#Create the */etc/vcl* directory:
+mkdir /etc/vcl
+#Copy the stock *vcld.conf* file to */etc/vcl*:
+cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+#Edit */etc/vcl/vcld.conf*:
+echo $vcl_management_node_name
+# You can use any delimiter you like in an address by prepending a \ i.e. \|...| for the substitute command the \ is not necessary.
+# Set the FQDN for the management server (vcld)
+sed -i -e "s/FQDN=/###FQDN=/g" \
+       -e "/###FQDN=/a \
+ \
+" \
+# Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
+sed -i -e "s/database=vcl/###database=vcl/g" \
+       -e "/##database=vcl/a \
+ \
+" \
+# Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
+sed -i -e "s/server=/###server=/g" \
+       -e "/###server=/a \
+ \
+" \
+# Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
+sed -i -e "s/LockerWrtUser=vcl-wr/###LockerWrtUser=vcl-wr/g" \
+       -e "/###LockerWrtUser=vcl-wr/a \
+ \
+" \
+# Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
+sed -i -e "s/wrtPass=/###wrtPass=/g" \
+       -e "/###wrtPass=/a \
+ \
+" \
+# Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
+sed -i -e "s/xmlrpc_username=vclsystem/###xmlrpc_username=vclsystem/g" \
+       -e "/###xmlrpc_username=vclsystem/a \
+ \
+" \
+# Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
+sed -i -e "s/xmlrpc_pass=insecureDefault/###xmlrpc_pass=insecureDefault/g" \
+       -e "/###xmlrpc_pass=insecureDefault/a \
+ \
+" \
+# Set the MySQL database name for the management server (vcld)
+sed -i -e "s/xmlrpc_url=/###xmlrpc_url=/g" \
+       -e "/###xmlrpc_url=/a \
+ \
+" \
+#  + + Configure the SSH Client + + + + + + + + +
+/bin/echo "Configuring SSH Client" $logging
+# Locate the UserKnownHostsFile and StrictHostKeyChecking lines and change them to the following:
+# Note: These lines may not exist, so just comment them out if they do exist
+#       and add the new lines at the end of the file.
+sed -i -e "s/UserKnownHostsFile/###UserKnownHostsFile/g" \
+       -e "$ a\ \n\
+UserKnownHostsFile \/dev\/null
+ \
+" \
+sed -i -e "s/StrictHostKeyChecking/###StrictHostKeyChecking/g" \
+       -e "$ a\ \n\
+StrictHostKeyChecking no
+ \
+" \
+#  + + Install and Start the VCL Daemon (vcld) Service + + + + + + + + +
+/bin/echo "Install and Start the VCL Daemon (vcld) Service" $logging
+# Copy the vcld service script to /etc/init.d and name it vcld:
+cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+# Add the vcld service using chkconfig:
+/sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+# Configure the vcld service to automatically run at runtime levels 3-5:
+/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+# Start the vcld service:
+/sbin/service vcld start
+#       You should see output similar to the following:
+#       Starting vcld daemon:
+#       ============================================================================
+#       VCL Management Node Daemon (vcld) | 2011-03-15 10:23:04
+#       ============================================================================
+#       bin path:      /usr/local/vcl/bin
+#       config file:   /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+#       log file:      /var/log/vcld.log
+#       pid file:      /var/run/
+#       daemon mode:   1
+#       setup mode:    0
+#       verbose mode:  1
+#       ============================================================================
+#       Created VCL daemon process: 8465
+#                                                                  [  OK  ]
+# The vcld service can also be started by running the service script directly: /etc/init.d/vcld start
+# Check the vcld service by monitoring the vcld.log file:
+tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+# You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if
+# the management node is checking in with the database:
+#       2009-06-16 16:57:15|15792|vcld:main(165)|lastcheckin time updated for management node 18: 2009-06-16 16:57:15
+# Print instructions for web setup
+cat << WEBSETUP
++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
++ +  
++ +                       VCL Web Set Up Instructions
++ +
++ + All VCL installation is now complete except for a few administrative tasks
++ + you must complete using the VCL web-based administration tools.
++ +
++ + Please use a web browser to complete the following steps.
++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+Step 1: Log In to the VCL Website with the following URL
+        https://$vcl_FQDN/vcl/index.php
+        Then select "Local Account"
+        The username is:    admin
+        The password is:    adminVc1passw0rd
+        (Note: You may change the password at this time, but be certain to
+               REMEMBER your new password!)
+Step 2: Click the Management Nodes link
+        Click Add
+        Fill in these required fields:
+# Owner - admin@Local
+             Hostname = $vcl_FQDN
+             IP address = $(hostname -i)
+             SysAdmin Email Address = sysadmin@$search_path
+             Install Path = /var/data
+             End Node SSH Identity Key Files = /etc/vcl/vcl.key
+        Click Confirm Management Node
+        Click Submit
+Step 3: Click the Management Nodes link
+             ( Note: You must click the anagement Nodes link to get out of
+                     of the previous screen state.)
+        Select Edit Management Node Grouping
+        Click Submit
+        Select the checkbox for your management node
+        Click Submit Changes
+Congratualations! You VCL head node installation is complete!
+Now, restart the vcld daemon with the following command:
+/sbin/service vcld restart
+You may monitor vlcd with this command
+tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+#  + + Install and Start the DHCP Service + + + + + + + + +
+# Note: We use dnsmasq rather than dhcpd
+# End of script
+Larry Burton 3 May 2012
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/comm/ b/source/comm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d770f9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/comm/
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+title: Contribute Documentation
+Anyone can submit changes for our web site. ASF CMS sites follow a "Review-Then-Commit" 
+model for anonymous commits.
+The CMS documentation provides further information on 
+[anonymously editing a CMS site](
+## Steps for non-committers to modify the VCL CMS
+1. drag and drop the javascript <a href="javascript:void(location.href=''+escape(location.href))">anonymous CMS bookmarklet</a> to your browser bookmarks
+1. select a page on our site you would like to edit
+1. open the bookmarklet you just added to your bookmarks
+1. click the Edit link for the page you'd like to modify
+1. make any changes to the page
+1. ensure the **Quick Mail** checkbox is selected
+1. leave as the To address
+1. optionally, add your name in the Name field
+1. click Submit to send a diff of your changes to the dev list
+After your diff has been emailed, a committer can then review and commit your changes.
+**NOTE**: All contributions submitted in this way are presumed to be licensed 
+under the 
+[Apache License (AL) version 2.0]( 
+So, by submitting content, you are allowing your content to be licensed in this way.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/source/comm/ b/source/comm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5658265
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/comm/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+title: Getting Involved
+stub page
diff --git a/source/comm/ b/source/comm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f3faad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/comm/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+title: Mailing Lists
+stub page
diff --git a/source/comm/ b/source/comm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73e1b02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/comm/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+title: Wiki
+<iframe width="100%" height="680" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
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+title: Index
+slug: index
+{include:Apache VCL} &nbsp;
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-Title: Adding New OS Module
+title: Adding New OS Module
 This is a short guide on how to set up development environment for a OS
@@ -26,22 +28,23 @@
 beginning of the process() subroutine in, followed by a call to
-        :::PerlLexer
-        sub process {
-        my $self = shift;
-        my $request_data = $self->data->get_request_data();
-        ...
-        my $imagerevision_id = $self->data->get_imagerevision_id();
-        print "\n\n---\n\n";
-        my $ip = $self->os->get_public_ip_address();
-        print "IP: $ip\n";
-        print "\n\n---\n\n";
-        exit;
-        ...
+    ```perl
+    sub process {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $request_data = $self->data->get_request_data();
+    ...
+    my $imagerevision_id = $self->data->get_imagerevision_id();
+    print "\n\n---\n\n";
+    my $ip = $self->os->get_public_ip_address();
+    print "IP: $ip\n";
+    print "\n\n---\n\n";
+    exit;
+    ...
+    ```
 * To test things over and over again, run a script which inserts entries
 into the request and reservation tables with the request state and
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-Title: Apache VCL
+title: Apache VCL
 <a name="ApacheVCL-ApacheVCL"></a>
 # Apache VCL
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-Title: Automated installation of VCL and Xcat
+title: Automated installation of VCL and Xcat
 This is a work in progress describing the development of an automatic
 installation for VCL and Xcat.
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-Title: Base Image Creation
+title: Base Image Creation
 {excerpt}These pages describe how to create base images.{excerpt}
 [Windows OS](vcl:create-a-windows-base-image.html)
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+++ b/source/confluence_export/
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-Title: Becoming a Committer
+title: Becoming a Committer
 {excerpt}This page explains the process someone must go through to become
 an official committer to Apache VCL.{excerpt}
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+++ b/source/confluence_export/
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-Title: Board Reports
+title: Board Reports
 <a name="BoardReports-BoardReportingSchedule"></a>
 ## Board Reporting Schedule
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+++ b/source/confluence_export/
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-Title: Capture A Base Image
+title: Capture A Base Image
 <a name="CaptureABaseImage-Runvcld\-setup"></a>
 ### Run vcld \-setup
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-Title: Configuration Management
+title: Configuration Management
 This page describes a new configuration system that will be added to VCL
 that  can be used to dynamically configure deployed systems.
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-Title: Configuring a Standalone VCL Environment using VMware Server 1.x
+title: Configuring a Standalone VCL Environment using VMware Server 1.x
 <a name="ConfiguringaStandaloneVCLEnvironmentusingVMwareServer1.x-{color:#ff0000}DISCLAIMER\!{color}"></a>
 ## {color:#ff0000}DISCLAIMER\!{color}
@@ -394,17 +397,17 @@
 {panel}The dhcpd.conf file should contain the following:
     ddns-update-style none; shared-network vmnet1 {
-             subnet netmask {
-                     ignore unknown-clients;
-                     option routers;
-                     host vmguest-1 {
-                             option host-name "vmguest-1";
-                             hardware ethernet 00:50:56:1a:01:01;
-                             fixed-address;
-                             filename "/tftpboot/pxelinux.0";
-                             option dhcp-server-identifier;
-                             next-server;
-                     }
+     ������� subnet netmask {
+     ��������������� ignore unknown-clients;
+     ��������������� option routers;
+    ���������������  host vmguest-1 {
+     ����������������������� option host-name "vmguest-1";
+     ����������������������� hardware ethernet 00:50:56:1a:01:01;
+     ����������������������� fixed-address;
+     ����������������������� filename "/tftpboot/pxelinux.0";
+     ����������������������� option dhcp-server-identifier;
+     ����������������������� next-server;
+     ��������������� }
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-Title: Configuring a Standalone VCL Environment using VMware Server 2.0
+title: Configuring a Standalone VCL Environment using VMware Server 2.0
 <a name="ConfiguringaStandaloneVCLEnvironmentusingVMwareServer2.0-{color:#ff0000}DISCLAIMER\!{color}"></a>
 ## {color:#ff0000}DISCLAIMER\!{color}
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+++ b/source/confluence_export/
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-Title: Copy Administator Profile With Bat Scripts
+title: Copy Administator Profile With Bat Scripts
 Copy Administrator Windows XP Profile to Default User Profile Via Bat
 Scripts. Once you have your Administrator profile and shortcuts and
 programs in Windows XP perfect. All users will want to see the same
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--- a/content/confluence_export/create-a-linux-base-image.mdtext
+++ b/source/confluence_export/
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-Title: Create a Linux Base Image
+title: Create a Linux Base Image
 {excerpt}This page describes how to create a Linux base image.{excerpt}
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--- a/content/confluence_export/create-a-windows-base-image.mdtext
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-Title: Create a Windows Base Image
+title: Create a Windows Base Image
 {excerpt}This page describes how to create a Windows base
 image.{excerpt}These instructions should work regardless of the
 provisioning engine being used (xCAT, VMware, etc.).&nbsp; Ignore the
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--- a/content/confluence_export/creating-a-virtual-machine-for-the-vcl-server.mdtext
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-Title: Creating a Virtual Machine for the VCL Server
+title: Creating a Virtual Machine for the VCL Server
 1. {color:#000000}Create a reservation for the vSphere client image{color}##
 {color:#000000}Log into{color} [](
 1. # {color:#000000}Click{color} {color:#000000}New Reservation{color}
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--- a/content/confluence_export/database-configuration.mdtext
+++ b/source/confluence_export/
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-Title: Database Configuration
+title: Database Configuration
 {excerpt}This page describes how to create the VCL MySQL database and
 import the VCL database schema.{excerpt}
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-Title: Dependencies
+title: Dependencies
 <a name="Dependencies-Frontend"></a>
 ## Frontend
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-Title: Developer Guidelines
+title: Developer Guidelines
 This page will eventually contain a summary of developer guidelines for the
 Apache VCL project.&nbsp; These guidelines will first be proposed and
 discussed by the development community using the project's dev list.
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-Title: Example - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images
+title: Example - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images
 This page explains how to grant one groups of users access to one set of
 images, and another set of users access to a separate set of images.
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-Title: For VCL Users
+title: For VCL Users
 There are several concepts you need to understand when administering VCL.
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-Title: Frontend
+title: Frontend
 [Overview of code structure](web-code-overview.html)
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-Title: Graduation Board Resolution
+title: Graduation Board Resolution
 X. Establish the Apache VCL Project
 WHEREAS, the Board of Directors deems it to be in the best
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-Title: Graduation Migration ToDo
+title: Graduation Migration ToDo
 This page is to track all the things that need to happen for migrating out
 of the incubator. Put your name next to any you are working on. Strike them
 out when completed.
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--- a/content/confluence_export/granting-access-to-a-new-image.mdtext
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-Title: Granting Access to a New Image
+title: Granting Access to a New Image
 <a name="GrantingAccesstoaNewImage-Overview"></a>
 ## Overview
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+++ b/source/confluence_export/
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-Title: Guidelines for Large Contributions
+title: Guidelines for Large Contributions
 These are some guidelines for making a large contribution to Apache VCL for
 people who are not currently committers.
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--- a/content/confluence_export/how-do-i-grant-a-user-access-to-an-image.mdtext
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-Title: How do I grant a user access to an image?
+title: How do I grant a user access to an image?
 How Do I grant a user access to an Image?
 The 1st step would to make sure that you have an image that you want to
diff --git a/content/confluence_export/how-to-increase-the-size-of-a-virtual-machine-hard-drive-under-vmware-esxi.mdtext b/source/confluence_export/
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--- a/content/confluence_export/how-to-increase-the-size-of-a-virtual-machine-hard-drive-under-vmware-esxi.mdtext
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@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-Title: How to Increase the Size of a Virtual Machine Hard Drive under VMware ESXi
+title: How to Increase the Size of a Virtual Machine Hard Drive under VMware ESXi
 {excerpt}This page describes how to increase the size of a VM's hard drive.
 This is useful if additional space is needed to install large
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--- a/content/confluence_export/image-creation-problems.mdtext
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-Title: Image Creation Problems
+title: Image Creation Problems
 {excerpt}This page and its child pages discribe known problems that can
 occur which may cause image creation to fail.{excerpt}
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-Title: Image Load Flow
+title: Image Load Flow
 * vcld daemon is running
 ** polls database every 12 seconds to check if the management node has any
 reservations which need to be processed
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--- a/content/confluence_export/install-windows-for-a-base-image.mdtext
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-Title: Install Windows for a Base Image
+title: Install Windows for a Base Image
 {excerpt}This page describes how to mount the Windows installation media
 and install Windows for a base image.{excerpt}
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-Title: Issue Tracking
+title: Issue Tracking
 This page will be used to document the Apache VCL community's procedures
 for reporting and tracking development issues, including:
 * bugs
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-Title: KVM Configuration
+title: KVM Configuration
 <a name="KVMConfiguration-InstallPackages"></a>
 #### Install Packages
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+title: Using VCL to Broker Access to Pre-installed Machines
+The provisioning module is used to broker access to standalone
+pre-installed Linux or Solaris machines. These machines could be in an
+existing walk-in computer lab or racked in a server room.
+There are four main parts needed to setup a standalone machine to use with
+the module.
+1. a non-root account called vclstaff on the target machines
+1. ssh idenitity key for vclstaff account, this key is used by the vcld
+process on the management node
+1. ssh service running on port 24 of the target machines
+1. vclclientd running on the target machines, vclclientd in the bin
+directory of the vcld release
+For distribution to a large set of machines, an rpm or package could be
+created to distribute vclclientd and related files.
+# How it works {#howitworks}
+The module confirms an assigned node or lab machine is accessible
+using the ssh identity key on port 24. If this succeeds, then a small
+configuration file with the state, user's id and the users' remote IP
+address is sent to the node along with a flag to trigger the vclclientd
+process to either open or close the remote access port. Currently this
+module only supports Linux and Solaris lab machines. 
+# How to setup: {#howtosetup}
+All commands are run as root.
+1. Create the non-root vclstaff account on target machine
+    ```bash
+    on linux: useradd -d /home/vclstaff -m vclstaff
+    ```
+2. Generate ssh identity keys for vclstaff account. Do not enter a passphrase for 
+the key, just hit enter when prompted.
+    ```bash
+    su - vclstaff
+    ssh-keygen -t rsa
+    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
+    Enter file in which to save the key (/home/vclstaff/.ssh/id_rsa):
+    Created directory '/home/vclstaff/.ssh'.
+    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
+    Enter same passphrase again:
+    Your identification has been saved in /home/vclstaff/.ssh/id_rsa.
+    Your public key has been saved in /home/vclstaff/.ssh/
+    The key fingerprint is:
+    ```
+    At this point we have created a private key /home/vclstaff/.ssh/id_rsa and
+    the public key /home/vclstaff/.ssh/
+1. Copy the public key to /home/vclstaff/.ssh/authorized_keys file
+    ```bash
+    cat /home/vclstaff/.ssh/ > /home/vclstaff/.ssh/authorized_keys
+    ```
+1. Copy the private key to the management node. This can be stored in
+/etc/vcl/lab.key. This private key is used by vcld to remotely log into the
+the lab machine.
+1. Edit /etc/vcld.conf
+Set the variables IDENTITY_linux_lab and IDENTITY_solaris_lab to use this new key.
+It should look like:
+    ```bash
+    IDENTITY_solaris_lab=/etc/vcl/lab.key
+    IDENTITY_linux_lab=/etc/vcl/lab.key
+    ```
+1. Test out the newly created key from the vcl management node:
+    ```bash
+    ssh -i /etc/vcl/lab.key vclstaff@target_lab_machine
+    ```
+1. Set ssh server on target machine to listen on port 24. Edit
+/etc/ssh/sshd_config on target lab machine(s).
+    ```bash
+    echo "Port 24" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+    ```
+    For advanced ssh configurations one may need to also add vclstaff to the
+    AllowUsers directive or some other group which would work with ones
+    existing campus ssh login restrictions, if any.
+1. restart sshd
+    ```bash
+    /etc/init.d/sshd restart
+    ```
+1. retest to make sure sshd is accessible on port 24
+    ```bash
+    ssh -p24 -i /etc/vcl/lab.key vclstaff@target_lab_machine
+    ```
+1. Copy vclclientd and vclclientd init script to target_lab_machine, from
+managenment node:
+    ```bash
+    scp -P24 /usr/local/vcl/bin/vclclientd vclstaff@target_lab_machine:/home/vclstaff
+    scp -P24 /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vclclient.linux target_lab_machine:/etc/init.d/S99vclclient.linux
+    ```
+    add this start up script to the appropriate run time levels
+1. Start vclclientd:
+    ```bash
+    /etc/init.d/S99vclclient.linux start
+    ```
+1. Add computers to the VCL database as one normally would. Make sure to set the 
+type of the computer to **lab** and the Provisioning Engine to **Computing Lab**
+1. Insert an image into the image table for this lab machine. You can set name and
+prettyname to whatever you want. We'll use "lab-machine-image1" and "Lab Machine image"
+in the example SQL:
+    ```sql
+    INSERT INTO `vcl`.`image`
+    (`name`,
+    `prettyname`,
+    `ownerid`,
+    `imagetypeid`,
+    `platformid`,
+    `OSid`,
+    `lastupdate`,
+    `forcheckout`)
+    ('lab-machine-image1',
+    'Lab Machine image',
+    '1',
+    (SELECT id FROM imagetype WHERE name = 'lab'),
+    '1',
+    (SELECT id FROM OS WHERE name = 'centos5'),
+    NOW(),
+    '1');
+    ```
+1. Insert a record into the imagerevision table. Note 'Lab Machine image'
+can be what ever you want.
+    ```sql
+    INSERT INTO `vcl`.`imagerevision` (
+    `imageid` ,
+    `revision` ,
+    `userid` ,
+    `datecreated` ,
+    `deleted` ,
+    `production` ,
+    `imagename`)
+    VALUES (
+    (SELECT id FROM image WHERE name = 'lab-machine-image1'),
+    0,
+    1,
+    NOW(),
+    0,
+    1,
+    'lab-machine-image1')
+    ```
+1. Insert a record into the resource table.
+    ```sql
+    INSERT INTO `vcl`.`resource` (
+    `resourcetypeid` ,
+    `subid`
+    )
+    VALUES (
+    13,
+    (SELECT id FROM image WHERE name = "lab-machine-image1")
+    )
+    ```
+1. Set up the image to computer group mappings and grant access.
+    These next steps will be done using the VCL web interface
+    1. Create a new Image group
+        Manage Groups->Add New Resource Group
+    1. Create a new Computer group
+        Manage Groups->Add New Resource Group
+    1. Add new image (inserted above) to the image group just created in step 1.
+        Manage Images->Edit Image Grouping
+    1. Add machines that have vclclientd to the computer group created in step 2
+        Manage Computers->Edit Computer Grouping
+    1. Assign new computer group to be controlled by management node
+        Management Nodes->Edit Management Node Mapping
+    1. Grant access to the new lab image and computer group in the privilege tree.
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+++ b/source/confluence_export/
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-Title: Libvirt Provisioning Module
+title: Libvirt Provisioning Module
 **(this page is probably beyond repair and should be recreated - it would probably
 be best to separate the manually created part from the auto generated part and
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--- a/content/confluence_export/making-a-reservation.mdtext
+++ b/source/confluence_export/
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-Title: Making a Reservation
+title: Making a Reservation
 To make a VCL reservation:
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-Title: - Remotely managing user groups
+title: - Remotely managing user groups
+ is a script for remotely managing VCL user groups. It uses
 VCL's XML RPC API to provide an easy command line driven way of doing group
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--- a/content/confluence_export/management-node-installation.mdtext
+++ b/source/confluence_export/
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-Title: Management Node Installation
+title: Management Node Installation
 {excerpt}This page describes how to install and configure the backend VCL
 management node components including the required Perl modules, VCL daemon
 (vcld), and Windows utility dependencies.{excerpt}
@@ -186,7 +189,7 @@
 ** License: Perl ([Artistic](
  and [GPL|]
-** Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2008. Ingy döt Net.
+** Copyright (c) 2005, 2006, 2008. Ingy d�t Net.
 Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2005. Brian Ingerson.
@@ -290,11 +293,11 @@
     pre-execution: config file being used: /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
     Uncaught exception from user code:
-            VCLD : /etc/vcl/vcld.conf does not exist, exiting --  No such file
+    ������� VCLD : /etc/vcl/vcld.conf does not exist, exiting --� No such file
 or directory
     BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/vcl/lib/VCL/ line
-     at /usr/local/vcl/lib/VCL/ line 616
+    �at /usr/local/vcl/lib/VCL/ line 616
 <a name="ManagementNodeInstallation-WhattodoifaModuleisMissing"></a>
@@ -717,7 +720,7 @@
     pre-execution: log file being used: /var/log/vcld.log
     pre-execution: PID file being used: /var/run/
     Created process 23696 renamed to vcld ...
-                                                               [  OK  ]
+    ���������������������������������������������������������� [� OK� ]
 */etc/init.d/vcld start*
 1. Check the vcld service by monitoring the vcld.log file:
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+title: Missing from export
 The following pages were not properly exported and need to be manually copied from Confluence:
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+++ b/source/confluence_export/
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-Title: Modularized Architecture
+title: Modularized Architecture
 <a name="ModularizedArchitecture-Background"></a>
 # Background
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--- a/content/confluence_export/network-layout.mdtext
+++ b/source/confluence_export/
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-Title: Network Layout
+title: Network Layout
 {excerpt}This page describes the basic network layout required in order for
 VCL to function. It also describes the recommended network layout if a
 blade chassis management module is used.{excerpt}
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-Title: Network requirements
+title: Network requirements
 For the current Apache VCL release (version 2.2.1), the system requires a
 minimum of two parallel networks, i.e.:
 (1) A private network, providing interconnectivity between the VCL
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-Title: Operating System Module Inheritance
+title: Operating System Module Inheritance
 {gliffy:name=OS Modularization Transition|space=VCL|page=Operating System
 Module Inheritance|align=center|size=L}
 {gliffy:name=OS Module Inheritance|space=VCL|page=Operating System Module
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-Title: Operating System Module Interface Specification
+title: Operating System Module Interface Specification
 <a name="OperatingSystemModuleInterfaceSpecification-Background"></a>
 # Background
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-Title: Patch to remove mcrypt dependency
+title: Patch to remove mcrypt dependency
 This page explains how to use a php package called [phpseclib](
  to remove the requirement of mcrypt. phpseclib will use mcrypt functions
 if it is installed but will use native php to implement the encryption if
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-Title: Pre-release test procedures
+title: Pre-release test procedures
 Recommended test cases for release candidates.
 <a name="Pre-releasetestprocedures-Webfrontend"></a>
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-Title: Provisioning Engine Module Interface Specification
+title: Provisioning Engine Module Interface Specification
 <a name="ProvisioningEngineModuleInterfaceSpecification-Background"></a>
 # Background
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-Title: Security Features
+title: Security Features
 Baseline VCL security for the end-user environments:
 * The VCL environments are not generally shared. One user to one machine.
 * After an environment is used - the machine is reloaded(sanitized) with
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-Title: States
+title: States
 <a name="States-RequestStates"></a>
 ## Request States
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--- a/content/confluence_export/storage-management.mdtext
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-Title: Storage Management
+title: Storage Management
 Something VCL has been lacking is automated management of storage, both on
 the system side and on the user side. This is a list of areas that should
 be addressed when designing storage management and automation:
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--- a/content/confluence_export/sysprep-fails-because-of-unsigned-storage-drivers.mdtext
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-Title: Sysprep Fails Because of Unsigned Storage Drivers
+title: Sysprep Fails Because of Unsigned Storage Drivers
 Sysprep may fail if mass storage drivers are not signed.&nbsp; This problem
 occurs even if the sysprep.inf file is configured with
 DriverSigningPolicy=Ignore.&nbsp; This is a known problem with some
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-Title: Terms
+title: Terms
 * backend
 * block request
 * cluster reservation
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--- a/content/confluence_export/troubleshooting.mdtext
+++ b/source/confluence_export/
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
-Title: Troubleshooting
+title: Troubleshooting
 {excerpt}These pages are intended to help VCL administrators troubleshoot
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--- a/content/confluence_export/variable-table.mdtext
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-Title: Variable Table
+title: Variable Table
 <a name="VariableTable-Overview"></a>
 ## Overview
@@ -98,13 +101,13 @@
     CREATE TABLE `variable` (
-      `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-      `name` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
-      `value` longtext NOT NULL,
-      `setby` varchar(128) default NULL,
-      `timestamp` datetime NOT NULL,
-      PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
-      UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)
+    � `id` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
+    � `name` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
+    � `value` longtext NOT NULL,
+    � `setby` varchar(128) default NULL,
+    � `timestamp` datetime NOT NULL,
+    � PRIMARY KEY� (`id`),
+    � UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)
@@ -118,8 +121,8 @@
 The following hash is created in Perl:
     my %kms_configuration = (
-     "ECU" => "",
-     "NCSU" => "",
+    �"ECU" => "",
+    �"NCSU" => "",
     $self->data->set_variable("kms-configuration", \%kms_configuration);
@@ -171,7 +174,7 @@
       "employee_id" => 7865
-    );  
+    );��
     $self->data->set_variable("contacts", \@contacts); uses YAML::Dump to transform this data
@@ -179,16 +182,16 @@
     - email:
-        -
-        -
-      employee_id: 3342
-      firstname: Joe
-      lastname: Doe
+    ��� -
+    ��� -
+    � employee_id: 3342
+    � firstname: Joe
+    � lastname: Doe
     - email:
-        -
-      employee_id: 7865
-      firstname: Jane
-      lastname: Doe
+    ��� -
+    � employee_id: 7865
+    � firstname: Jane
+    � lastname: Doe
 The following row is then added to the variable table:
diff --git a/content/confluence_export/vcl-2.1-goals.mdtext b/source/confluence_export/
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-Title: VCL 2.1 goals
+title: VCL 2.1 goals
 VCL 2.1 goals
 1. xCAT 2.x module
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@@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
-Title: VCL 2.1 Installation
+title: VCL 2.1 Installation
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-Title: VCL 2.1
+title: VCL 2.1
 <a name="VCL2.1-TableofContents"></a>
 ## Table of Contents
    * [Download links](#VCL2.1-Downloadlinks)
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--- a/content/confluence_export/vcl-2.2.1---adding-ldap-authentication.mdtext
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@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-Title: VCL 2.2.1 - Adding LDAP Authentication
+title: VCL 2.2.1 - Adding LDAP Authentication
 <a name="VCL2.2.1-AddingLDAPAuthentication-PrerequisitesforyourLDAPserver:"></a>
 ### Prerequisites for your LDAP server:
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--- a/content/confluence_export/vcl-2.2.1---further-steps-if-using-vmware.mdtext
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-Title: VCL 2.2.1 - Further Steps if Using VMware
+title: VCL 2.2.1 - Further Steps if Using VMware
 If you are using standalone VMware servers (i.e. ones that VCL did not
 deploy using xCAT), you first need to add the VMWare servers; then, you
 need to add the virtual machines. You can either add them individually
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--- a/content/confluence_export/vcl-2.2.1---further-steps-if-using-xcat.mdtext
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-Title: VCL 2.2.1 - Further steps if using xCAT
+title: VCL 2.2.1 - Further steps if using xCAT
 You can initially add individual computers or multiple computers all
 together. After you have added at least one computer, you will need to go
 to Manage Computers \-> Edit Computer Information to additional ones.
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--- a/content/confluence_export/vcl-2.2.1-database-installation.mdtext
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-Title: VCL 2.2.1 Database Installation
+title: VCL 2.2.1 Database Installation
 {excerpt:hidden=true}How to install MySQL Server, create the VCL database,
 and import the VCL database schema{excerpt}
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-Title: VCL 2.2.1 Installation
+title: VCL 2.2.1 Installation
 <a name="VCL2.2.1Installation-Install&Configure:"></a>
 ### Install & Configure:
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--- a/content/confluence_export/vcl-2.2.1-management-node-installation.mdtext
+++ b/source/confluence_export/
@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-Title: VCL 2.2.1 Management Node Installation
+title: VCL 2.2.1 Management Node Installation
 How to install and configure the VCL management node components including
 the required Linux packages, Perl modules, VCL daemon (vcld), and Windows
@@ -159,16 +162,16 @@
     VCL Management Node Daemon (vcld) | 2011-03-15 10:23:04
-    bin path:      /usr/local/vcl/bin
-    config file:   /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
-    log file:      /var/log/vcld.log
-    pid file:      /var/run/
-    daemon mode:   1
-    setup mode:    0
-    verbose mode:  1
+    bin path:����� /usr/local/vcl/bin
+    config file:�� /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+    log file:����� /var/log/vcld.log
+    pid file:����� /var/run/
+    daemon mode:�� 1
+    setup mode:��� 0
+    verbose mode:� 1
     Created VCL daemon process: 8465
-                                                               [  OK  ]
+    ���������������������������������������������������������� [� OK� ]
     The vcld service can also be started by running the service script
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-Title: VCL 2.2.1 Web Code Installation
+title: VCL 2.2.1 Web Code Installation
 How to install and configure the frontend VCL web code. It also describes
 how to add local accounts to the VCL database, configure LDAP
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-Title: VCL 2.2.1
+title: VCL 2.2.1
 <a name="VCL2.2.1-TableofContents"></a>
 ## Table of Contents
    * [Download links](#VCL2.2.1-Downloadlinks)
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-Title: VCL 2.3 - Adding LDAP Authentication
+title: VCL 2.3 - Adding LDAP Authentication
 <a name="VCL2.3-AddingLDAPAuthentication-*AddingLDAPAuthenciation*"></a>
 ## *Adding LDAP Authenciation*
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-Title: VCL 2.3 - Further Steps if Using VMware
+title: VCL 2.3 - Further Steps if Using VMware
 If you are using standalone VMware servers (i.e. ones that VCL did not
 deploy using xCAT), you first need to configure a VM Profile to match your
 setup. Next, add the VMWare servers. Then, you need to add the virtual
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-Title: VCL 2.3 - Further steps if using xCAT
+title: VCL 2.3 - Further steps if using xCAT
 Once you have added at least one computer, you can add more computers by
 going to Manage Computers->Edit Computer Information and clicking *Add
 Single Computer* or *Add Multiple Computers"*.
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-Title: VCL 2.3 Configure Frontend Authentication
+title: VCL 2.3 Configure Frontend Authentication
 How to configure authentication for the frontend VCL web code using LDAP
 and Local accounts.{excerpt}
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-Title: VCL 2.3 Database Installation
+title: VCL 2.3 Database Installation
 {excerpt:hidden=true}How to install MySQL Server, create the VCL database,
 and import the VCL database schema{excerpt}
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-Title: VCL 2.3 Installation
+title: VCL 2.3 Installation
 <a name="VCL2.3Installation-Install&Configure:"></a>
 ### Install & Configure:
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-Title: VCL 2.3 Management Node Installation
+title: VCL 2.3 Management Node Installation
 How to install and configure the VCL management node components including
 the required Linux packages, Perl modules, VCL daemon (vcld), and Windows
@@ -155,7 +158,7 @@
 You should see output similar to the following:
-                                                               [  OK  ]
+    ���������������������������������������������������������� [� OK� ]
     The vcld service can also be started by running the service script
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-Title: VCL 2.3 Web Code Installation
+title: VCL 2.3 Web Code Installation
 How to install and configure the frontend VCL web code. It also describes
 how to add local accounts to the VCL database, configure LDAP
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-Title: VCL 2.3
+title: VCL 2.3
 VCL 2.3 was release on July 20th, 2012
 <a name="VCL2.3-TableofContents"></a>
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-Title: VCL Architecture
+title: VCL Architecture
 {gliffy:name=VCL Architecture diagram|space=VCL|page=VCL
 The VCL Architecture consists or 3 main components:
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-Title: VCL conf call 2-5-2009
+title: VCL conf call 2-5-2009
 VCL-dev 2/05/2009 call
 Roll Call:
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+title: VCL Installation
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-Title: VCL Release Procedures
+title: VCL Release Procedures
 <a name="VCLReleaseProcedures-Prerequisites:Thingsthatmustbedonebeforearelease"></a>
 ## Prerequisites: Things that must be done before a release
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-Title: Video - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images
+title: Video - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images
 This video shows the steps outlined in [Example - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images](example---granting-two-sets-of-users-access-to-two-different-sets-of-images.html)
 This video was created using [Wink](
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-Title: VMware Configuration
+title: VMware Configuration
 <a name="VMwareConfiguration-Terminology"></a>
 ## Terminology
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-Title: VMware Provisioning Module Information
+title: VMware Provisioning Module Information
 <a name="VMwareProvisioningModuleInformation-VMwareProvisioningModule"></a>
 ## VMware Provisioning Module
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-Title: Web Code Installation
+title: Web Code Installation
 {excerpt}This page describes how to install and configure the frontend VCL
 web code components including the web server prerequisites and frontend VCL
 web code. It also describes how to add local web accounts, configure LDAP
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+title: Development
+slug: index
+## Understanding the VCL System design
+[Database Schema](database-schema.html)<br />
+[Web Code Overview](web-code-overview.html)
+Plans for New Features
+[Configuration management system](/dev/configsystem.html)<br/>
+[Release Prodecures](releaseprocedures)
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+title: Code Documentation
+## Backend Code Documentation
+[Image Capture Sequence](image-capture-sequence.html)
diff --git a/content/dev/configsystem.mdtext b/source/dev/
similarity index 91%
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index 740f11e..be54f9c 100644
--- a/content/dev/configsystem.mdtext
+++ b/source/dev/
@@ -1,22 +1,8 @@
-Title: New Configuration System
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: New Configuration System
+{{% toc %}}
 This page describes a new configuration system that will be added to VCL that can be used to dynamically configure deployed systems.
@@ -166,7 +152,7 @@
-###Hadoop cluster with variable amount of slave nodes
+### Hadoop cluster with variable amount of slave nodes
 This example shows how a hadoop cluster can be requested with 5-10 slave nodes.
 It can be useful to have the variable amount because 10 nodes may
diff --git a/content/dev/database-schema.mdtext b/source/dev/
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index b0dfbd6..fef2fe7 100644
--- a/content/dev/database-schema.mdtext
+++ b/source/dev/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-Title: Database Schema
+title: Database Schema
+{{% toc %}}
 ### affiliation table
 This table contains a list of affiliations that can access this VCL site.
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similarity index 96%
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index 307a9df..2807c4c 100644
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-Title: Image Capture Sequence
+title: Image Capture Sequence
 ## Modularization Example
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+title: Jira
+<iframe width="100%" height="720" src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
\ No newline at end of file
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index 6c446e2..cc772ae 100644
--- a/content/dev/releaseprocedures.mdtext
+++ b/source/dev/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: VCL Release Procedures
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: VCL Release Procedures
 # Prerequisites: Things that must be done before a release
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similarity index 87%
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index aba0b6c..2d946e8 100644
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+++ b/source/dev/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: VCL Release Procedures - 2.3.1 ToDo
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: VCL Release Procedures - 2.3.1 ToDo
 # Prerequisites: Things that must be done before a release
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+title: Roadmap
+## Future
+<a name="2.4"></a>
+#### VCL 2.4
+* Configuration management system
+* Scripted installation
+* VCL Broker
+<a name="2.5"></a>
+#### VCL 2.5
+* Improve additional connect methods
+* NAT support
+* Remove requirement for 2 NICs
+* Support for Spice remote display protocol
+* Support for ESX OS for end users
+* Initial support for EC2 API and OpenStack
+<a name="2.6"></a>
+#### VCL 2.6
+* Power management
+* Improve cluster reservations
+* Service deployment configuration management
+* Initial support for Libcloud
+<a name="2.7"></a>
+#### VCL 2.7
+* develop tools for managing both system and user storage
+## Current
+<a name="2.3.1"></a>
+#### VCL 2.3.1
+* Bugfixes
+## Past
+<a name="2.3"></a>
+#### VCL 2.3
+* Service deployments
+* Allow for additional connect methods for environments (port, other protocols, etc)
+* Added framework support for libvirt
+* Added support for KVM
+* Added support for OS X under ESX
+* Added support for VMware VCenter
+* Added multilingualization to frontend
+<a name="2.2.1"></a>
+#### VCL 2.2.1
+* removed frontend dependency on jpgraph
+* remove any access control that is hard coded in frontend
+* added support for VirtualBox hypervisor
+* many bug fixes and improvements to VMWare support
+<a name="2.2"></a>
+#### VCL 2.2
+* support for xCAT 2.x
+* VMWare Free Server 2.x and ESXi 4
+* improve block reservations (renamed to block allocations)
+<a name="2.1"></a>
+#### VCL 2.1
+* completed modularization of vcld
+* xCAT 2.1 support
+* Shibboleth authentication
+* VMWare management via VMWare toolkit
+* ESXi with thin provisioning on a NetApp
+* Only supports xCAT 1.3 and xCAT 2.1 versions
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index b1f8206..ff7fe53 100644
--- a/content/dev/web-code-overview.mdtext
+++ b/source/dev/
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-Title: Web Code Overview
+title: Web Code Overview
 ## General Overview
@@ -62,44 +64,48 @@
 So, if your mode is named "examplemode", you could end up with these two lines being added:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    $actions['mode']['examplemode'] = <span class="code-quote">"exampleFunc1"</span>;
-    $actions['pages']['examplemode'] = <span class="code-quote">"exampleSection"</span>;
+$actions['mode']['examplemode'] = <span class="code-quote">"exampleFunc1"</span>;
+$actions['pages']['examplemode'] = <span class="code-quote">"exampleSection"</span>;
 While we're editing states.php, lets jump to the top and add our new mode to $actions['entry'] so that it can be called directly without having to already be on the site. Just add 'examplemode' as a new item at the end of the array.
 The next thing to do is to actually add the functions. Lets place them in a new file called 'examples.php' in the .ht-inc directory. Our first function can be really simple and just print out some text. So, create examples.php with this in it:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    <?php
-    function exampleFunc1() {
-       print <span class="code-quote">"exampleFunc1 successfully called.<br>\n"</span>;
-    }
-    ?>
+function exampleFunc1() {
+   print <span class="code-quote">"exampleFunc1 successfully called.<br>\n"</span>;
 There's one last thing we need to do before linking this in on the site. As described in the "General Processing Flow" section, initGlobals includes the required files based on the current mode's section. So, edit utils.php and scroll toward the end of it where files are included (using require_once) within a switch statement. In the switch statement, before the "default" case, add
-    :::PhpLexer
-    case 'exampleSection':
-       require_once('.ht-inc/examples.php');
-       break;
+case 'exampleSection':
+   require_once('.ht-inc/examples.php');
+   break;
 Now, we're ready to actually add a link for this example function to the navigation area (of course, not all modes are linked to from the navigation area, but it is an easy example). To do this, edit utils.php and find the getNavMenu function close to the bottom of the file. We'll add our new mode to the end; so, find the "logout" part which should look something like this:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    if($inclogout) {
-       $rt .= menulistLI('authentication');
-       $rt .= "<a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=logout\">";
-       $rt .= "Logout</a></li>\n";
-    }
+if($inclogout) {
+   $rt .= menulistLI('authentication');
+   $rt .= "<a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=logout\">";
+   $rt .= "Logout</a></li>\n";
 We'll basically duplicate that (without the if conditional), changing a few things so that we add this right below it:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    $rt .= menulistLI('exampleSection');
-    $rt .= "<a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=examplemode\">";
-    $rt .= "Example Section</a></li>\n";
+$rt .= menulistLI('exampleSection');
+$rt .= "<a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=examplemode\">";
+$rt .= "Example Section</a></li>\n";
 Viewing the site should now show "Example Section" right under "Logout" in the navigation area. Clicking "Example Section" should cause "exampleFunc1 successfully called." to be displayed in the main content area of the site.
@@ -109,38 +115,39 @@
 So, change the contents of examplefunc1 to be:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    $options = array(0 => "option1",
-                     1 => "option2");
-    print "<FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n";
-    print "Select one of these options:";
-    printSelectInput("theoption", $options);
-    $cont = addContinuationsEntry("submitFunc1Form", $options);
-    print "<INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"$cont\">\n";
-    print "<INPUT type=submit value=Submit>\n";
-    print "</FORM>\n";
+$options = array(0 => "option1",
+                 1 => "option2");
+print "<FORM action=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "\" method=post>\n";
+print "Select one of these options:";
+printSelectInput("theoption", $options);
+$cont = addContinuationsEntry("submitFunc1Form", $options);
+print "<INPUT type=hidden name=continuation value=\"$cont\">\n";
+print "<INPUT type=submit value=Submit>\n";
+print "</FORM>\n";
 Now, we have a form that gets displayed when "Example Section" is clicked.  Now, we need to add a function to process that form.  Add this function to examples.php:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    function submitFunc1Form() {
-       $data = getContinuationVar();
-       $theoption = processInputVar("theoption", ARG_NUMERIC);
-       if(! array_key_exists($theoption, $data)) {
-          print "invalid option submitted\n";
-          return;
-       }
-       print "The option you selected was: ";
-       print "{$data\[$theoption\]}<br>\n";
-    }
+function submitFunc1Form() {
+   $data = getContinuationVar();
+   $theoption = processInputVar("theoption", ARG_NUMERIC);
+   if(! array_key_exists($theoption, $data)) {
+      print "invalid option submitted\n";
+      return;
+   }
+   print "The option you selected was: ";
+   print "{$data\[$theoption\]}<br>\n";
 Next, we add this function to states.php:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    $actions['mode']['submitFunc1Form'] = "submitFunc1Form";
-    $actions['pages']['submitFunc1Form'] = "exampleSection";
+$actions['mode']['submitFunc1Form'] = "submitFunc1Form";
+$actions['pages']['submitFunc1Form'] = "exampleSection";
 Now, click the "Example Section" link, select one of the options, and click Submit to see if it works.
@@ -150,72 +157,79 @@
 Add this to the end of examplefunc1:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    print "<br><br>\n";
-    print "<div id=examplediv>\n";
-    print "This will get dynamically changed.<br>\n";
-    print "</div>\n";
-    $cont = addContinuationsEntry("AJexample");
-    print "<a onclick=\"JS_AJexample('$cont');\">Click to ";
-    print "update</a><br>\n";
+print "<br><br>\n";
+print "<div id=examplediv>\n";
+print "This will get dynamically changed.<br>\n";
+print "</div>\n";
+$cont = addContinuationsEntry("AJexample");
+print "<a onclick=\"JS_AJexample('$cont');\">Click to ";
+print "update</a><br>\n";
 Next, we need to add the javascript function we just referenced to code.js (in .ht-inc's parent directory) as well as a callback function that will be called when the results of the AJAX call are returned:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    function JS_AJexample(contid) {
-       dojo.xhrPost({
-          url:'index.php',
-          load: JS_AJexampleCB,
-          error: errorHandler,
-          content: {continuation: contid},
-          timeout: 15000
-       });
-    }
+function JS_AJexample(contid) {
+   dojo.xhrPost({
+      url:'index.php',
+      load: JS_AJexampleCB,
+      error: errorHandler,
+      content: {continuation: contid},
+      timeout: 15000
+   });
-    function JS_AJexampleCB(data, ioArgs) {
-       eval(data);
-    }
+function JS_AJexampleCB(data, ioArgs) {
+   eval(data);
 Then, we need to add a few things to states.php:
 to the $actions array:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    $actions['mode']['AJexample'] = "exampleFunc2";
-    $actions['pages']['AJexample'] = "exampleSection";
+$actions['mode']['AJexample'] = "exampleFunc2";
+$actions['pages']['AJexample'] = "exampleSection";
 to the $noHTMLwrappers array:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    'AJexample'
 Now, we need to create exampleFunc2 (in examples.php):
-    :::PhpLexer
-    function exampleFunc2() {
-       print "document.getElementById('examplediv').innerHTML = 'Dynamic update';";
-    }
+function exampleFunc2() {
+   print "document.getElementById('examplediv').innerHTML = 'Dynamic update';";
 Then, we do something we haven't seen before.  getDojoHTML (in utils.php) must be modified so that the correct dojo requires get set when we are in mode examplefunc1.  For a simple AJAX update, we only need the dojo.parser module to be loaded.  Since this is already loaded for some of the Group modes, just add another case statement under submitDeleteGroup so we have:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    case 'viewGroups':
-    case 'submitEditGroup':
-    case 'submitAddGroup':
-    case 'submitDeleteGroup':
-    case 'examplemode':
-       $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser');
-       break;
+case 'viewGroups':
+case 'submitEditGroup':
+case 'submitAddGroup':
+case 'submitDeleteGroup':
+case 'examplemode':
+   $dojoRequires = array('dojo.parser');
+   break;
 We also have to add a case statement a little further down where the HTML is actually generated. Find "case 'submitDeleteGroup':" in the switch statement following the one we just modified, and add another case statement for examplemode so we have:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    case 'viewGroups':
-    case 'submitEditGroup':
-    case 'submitAddGroup':
-    case 'submitDeleteGroup':
-    case 'examplemode':
-       $rt .= "<style type=\"text/css\">\n";
+case 'viewGroups':
+case 'submitEditGroup':
+case 'submitAddGroup':
+case 'submitDeleteGroup':
+case 'examplemode':
+   $rt .= "<style type=\"text/css\">\n";
 Since we modified code.js, to test this, you will need to hold Shift and click the reload button in your browser to force your browser to reload code.js.  "Click to update" will not show up as a normal link, but it should still be clickable.  You can use CSS to make it look like a normal link or give it an href="#"  if you want.
@@ -223,15 +237,16 @@
 All of the code has been indented using tabs (rather than spaces) except where code wraps to more than one line, in which case a combination of tabs and spaces are used.  This allows someone editing the code to set his tab width to whatever he prefers, but still allows code that wraps to multiple lines to line up correctly.  To do this, when you want to wrap code to another line, put a newline at the end of the one you are on just as you normally would.  Next, tab over from the beginning of the line until you are even with where the initial line of code started, then use spaces to line up this line with something in the line above it that makes sense.  I'll give an example.  Almost all of the queries are written on multiple lines like this:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    =====------------------------------
-         $query = "SELECT id, "
-                .        "name, "
-                .        "prettyname "
-                . "FROM image "
-                . "WHERE id < 400 AND "
-                .       "OSid = 3";
-    =====------------------------------
+     $query = "SELECT id, "
+            .        "name, "
+            .        "prettyname "
+            . "FROM image "
+            . "WHERE id < 400 AND "
+            .       "OSid = 3";
 In this example, whitespace indicated by the = marks should be made of tabs, whitespace indicated by the - marks should be made of spaces.
@@ -239,29 +254,31 @@
 Online documentation of the code is generated using Doxygen.  Each file that should be parsed to generate docs needs to have the following toward the top of it:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    /**
-     * \file
-     */
+ * \file
+ */
 All functions should have a header above them that documents what it does.  The header should include the name of the function, a description of any parameters passed in, a description of anything returned, and a brief description of what the function does.  The format of the header is:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-    ///
-    /// \fn nameOfFunction($param1, $param2)
-    ///
-    /// \param $param1 - description of param1
-    /// \param $param2 - description of param2
-    ///
-    /// \return description of datastructure returned
-    ///
-    /// \brief short description of what the function does
-    ///
-    /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+/// \fn nameOfFunction($param1, $param2)
+/// \param $param1 - description of param1
+/// \param $param2 - description of param2
+/// \return description of datastructure returned
+/// \brief short description of what the function does
 If the function doesn't receive any parameters or doesn't return anything, those sections can be omitted.
 ## Authentication
-Authentication has been somewhat modularized.  When a user loads the site, the initGlobals function checks to see if the user is logged in.  If not, the mode in which the site should function gets set to "selectauth".  Here, the user is prompted to select an authentication method to use to log in.  Authentication methods are configured in $authMethods which is in conf.php.  There are currently three authentication types that can be handled: redirect, ldap, and local.  Redirect types send the user to another site to handle their authentication, with the expectation that a cookie will be set and that knowledge of how to interpret that cookie is handled in initGlobals.  If an ldap or local method is chosen, the user is directed to a page displayed by printLoginPageWithSkin() (in authentication.php as are most of the following functions).  This function sets up the skin for the page to match the affiliation defined in $authMethods, and then calls printLoginPage().  printLoginPage() displays a form for the user to enter a userid and password.  The form is submitted and then processed by submitLogin().  If the authentication method is ldap based, ldapLogin() is called; if it is the local system, localLogin() is called.  Each of these functions tries to validate the user.  If it succeeds, a cookie named VCLAUTH is set, and the user is redirected to the main page of the site.  If it fails, the user is redirected back to the login page. *If you enter valid credentials, but still get redirected back to the login page, the first thing to check is whether or not the setcookie() call was reached, and if so, was the cookie actually set in your browser.*
\ No newline at end of file
+Authentication has been somewhat modularized.  When a user loads the site, the initGlobals function checks to see if the user is logged in.  If not, the mode in which the site should function gets set to "selectauth".  Here, the user is prompted to select an authentication method to use to log in.  Authentication methods are configured in $authMethods which is in conf.php.  There are currently three authentication types that can be handled: redirect, ldap, and local.  Redirect types send the user to another site to handle their authentication, with the expectation that a cookie will be set and that knowledge of how to interpret that cookie is handled in initGlobals.  If an ldap or local method is chosen, the user is directed to a page displayed by printLoginPageWithSkin() (in authentication.php as are most of the following functions).  This function sets up the skin for the page to match the affiliation defined in $authMethods, and then calls printLoginPage().  printLoginPage() displays a form for the user to enter a userid and password.  The form is submitted and then processed by submitLogin().  If the authentication method is ldap based, ldapLogin() is called; if it is the local system, localLogin() is called.  Each of these functions tries to validate the user.  If it succeeds, a cookie named VCLAUTH is set, and the user is redirected to the main page of the site.  If it fails, the user is redirected back to the login page. *If you enter valid credentials, but still get redirected back to the login page, the first thing to check is whether or not the setcookie() call was reached, and if so, was the cookie actually set in your browser.*
diff --git a/source/ b/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..102ebb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+title: Development
+Stub development page.
diff --git a/source/docs/ b/source/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72a9268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+title: Add entries to dhcpd.conf
+#### Generate dhcpd.conf entries
+You need to add entries for your VMs to your dhcpd.conf file so that
+they will correctly be assigned their private addresses at boot.
+1. Click Manage Computers
+2. Select the All VM Computers group in the list at the top
+3. Select the Computer Utilities radio button
+4. Click Submit
+5. Click the Check All link at the bottom of the table  
+6. Next to "For selected computers, generate computer data for", select "dhcpd"
+7. Click Generate Data
+8. Enter the private IP address for your management node
+9. Click Generate Data
+10. Copy/Paste the data for dhcpd.conf to the dhcpd.conf file on
+      your management node (ignore the part for dhcpd.leases)
+11. Restart dhcpd:
+       service dhcpd restart
+12. Scroll to the bottom and click Close
+#### Add entries to /etc/hosts
+You need to add entries for your VM hosts and VMs to /etc/hosts
+1. Click Manage Computers
+2. Select the All VM Computers and the allComputers groups in the
+               list at the top
+3. Select the Computer Utilities radio button
+4. Click Submit
+5. Click the Check All link at the bottom of the table
+6. Next to "For selected computers, generate computer data for",
+               select /etc/hosts
+7. Click Generate Data
+8. Copy/Paste the data to your /etc/hosts file
+9. Click Close
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..831f177
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.2.1 to 2.2.2
+This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2.1 to VCL 2.2.2. Please 
+note it only applies for the upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2, this may or may not work for 
+other versions.
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+  - Download and Extract 2.2.2 code 
+  - Shutdown httpd service
+  - Create backup of vcl database 
+  - Create backup of web code
+  - Upgrade web code
+  - Restart httpd service
+# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2
+1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
+page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.2.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+1. **extract VCL 2.2.2 code**
+    ```bash
+    tar xjf apache-VCL-2.2.2.tar.bz2
+    ```
+1. **Shutdown** the httpd service
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
+    ```
+1. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point 
+if necessary. There are no updates to the database in this upgrade, but it is still a
+good idea to have a backup.
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.2.2-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+1. **Backup the web code**. This step will move the 2.2.1 web directory out of the 
+way so we can copy in the new web code base. These instructions assume that you installed the 
+vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
+/var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html
+    mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_web
+    ```
+1. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.2.2
+    cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+1. **Copy your 2.2.1 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd ~/vcl_2.2.1_web/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
+1. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is 
+the apache user. If using a different user, change the below command accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
+1. **Restart httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```
+1. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7923a89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.2.1 to 2.3.1
+This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2.1 to VCL 2.3.1. Please note it only applies for the upgrade 
+from 2.2.1 to 2.3.1, this may or may not work for other versions.
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+  - Download and Extract 2.3.1 code 
+  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
+  - Create backup of vcl database 
+  - Update mysql schema Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart httpd service
+  - Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart vcld service
+# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3.1 #
+1. follow instructions on VCL 2.3.1 Release page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+2. **extract VCL 2.3.1 code**
+    ```bash
+    tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
+    ```
+3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
+    service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```
+4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.1-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+5. This step **updates the mysql schema**. *Note*: A new resource group is added in update-vcl.sql - **all profiles**. 
+Access to manage the group is added to the VCL->admin node in the privilege tree if that node exists. If not, you will 
+need to add it manually after starting httpd again. To add it manually, pick a node in the privilege tree, scroll to 
+Resources, click Add Resource Group, select serverprofile/all profiles from the drop-down box, check available, 
+administer, manageGroup, and manageMapping, and click Submit New Resource Group.
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
+    mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
+6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.2.1 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new 
+web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume 
+that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html
+    mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_web
+    ```
+7. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
+    cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+8. **Copy your 2.2.1 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd ~/vcl_2.2.1_web/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
+9. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using 
+a different user change below cmd accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
+10. **Make changes to conf.php**:
+    1. A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific 
+    affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under 
+    Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. Users with this permission are notified of 
+    new block allocation requests. **Remove the following from conf.php**.
+        ```php
+        $blockNotifyUsers
+        ```
+    2. A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation 
+    has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. 
+    Users with this permission can look up information about other users. **Remove the following from conf.php** 
+        ```php
+        $userlookupUsers
+        ```
+    3. **Multilingualization** has been added VCL. So, **DEFAULTLOCALE** has been added to conf.php to set 
+    the default locale. **Add the following to conf.php**, changing en_US if needed to match your locale. You can 
+    look in /var/www/html/vcl/locale to see which ones are available.
+        ```php
+        define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");
+         ```
+    3. Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they 
+    log in. **Add the following to conf.php**  If you are using Shibboleth and would like to be able to add users 
+    to groups before the user has ever logged in to VCL, you can set this to 1. However, please note that if you 
+    typo the userid, there is no way to verify it, and the user will be added with the typoed userid.
+        ```php
+        define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0);
+        ```
+    4. LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any 
+    LDAP entries, add two options. "lookupuserbeforeauth" is used if you need VCL to look up the full DN of a 
+    user and use that when doing the bind that authenticates the user (if you don't know what this means, leave 
+    it set to 0). If you need to set it to 1, then you will need to set "lookupuserfield" to what LDAP attribute 
+    to use when looking up the user's DN (typically either 'cn', 'uid', or 'samaccountname'). In conf.php, **Add 
+    the following to each LDAP** array you have in the $authMech array.
+        ```php
+        "lookupuserbeforeauth" => 0,
+        "lookupuserfield" => '',
+         ```
+    5. If you are using any Local accounts for authentication, you need to modify the entries for $addUserFunc and $updateUserFunc. Change
+        * OLD
+            ```php
+            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
+            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
+             ```
+        * NEW
+            ```php
+            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
+            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
+            ```
+11. **Restart httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```
+12. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2.1 vcl code base and then copy 
+the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    cd <your vcl MN code root path>
+    ie. cd /usr/local/
+    cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_managementnode
+    ```
+13. **Copy in the 2.3.1 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+15. **Restart vcld service**
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```
+16. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c54a305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.2.1 to 2.3.2
+This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2.1 to VCL 2.3.2. Please note it only applies for the upgrade 
+from 2.2.1 to 2.3.2, this may or may not work for other versions.
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+  - Download and Extract 2.3.2 code 
+  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
+  - Create backup of vcl database 
+  - Update mysql schema Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart httpd service
+  - Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart vcld service
+# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3.2 #
+1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
+page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+2. **extract VCL 2.3.2 code**
+    ```bash
+    tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
+    ```
+3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
+    service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```
+4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.2-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+5. This step **updates the mysql schema**. *Note*: A new resource group is added in update-vcl.sql - **all profiles**. 
+Access to manage the group is added to the VCL->admin node in the privilege tree if that node exists. If not, you will 
+need to add it manually after starting httpd again. To add it manually, pick a node in the privilege tree, scroll to 
+Resources, click Add Resource Group, select serverprofile/all profiles from the drop-down box, check available, 
+administer, manageGroup, and manageMapping, and click Submit New Resource Group.
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
+    mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
+6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.2.1 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new 
+web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume 
+that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html
+    mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_web
+    ```
+7. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
+    cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+8. **Copy your 2.2.1 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd ~/vcl_2.2.1_web/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
+9. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using 
+a different user change below cmd accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
+10. **Make changes to conf.php**:
+    1. A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific 
+    affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under 
+    Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. Users with this permission are notified of 
+    new block allocation requests. **Remove the following from conf.php**.
+        ```php
+        $blockNotifyUsers
+        ```
+    2. A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation 
+    has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. 
+    Users with this permission can look up information about other users. **Remove the following from conf.php** 
+        ```php
+        $userlookupUsers
+        ```
+    3. **Multilingualization** has been added VCL. So, **DEFAULTLOCALE** has been added to conf.php to set 
+    the default locale. **Add the following to conf.php**, changing en_US if needed to match your locale. You can 
+    look in /var/www/html/vcl/locale to see which ones are available.
+        ```php
+        define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");
+        ```
+    4. Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they 
+    log in. **Add the following to conf.php**  If you are using Shibboleth and would like to be able to add users 
+    to groups before the user has ever logged in to VCL, you can set this to 1. However, please note that if you 
+    typo the userid, there is no way to verify it, and the user will be added with the typoed userid.
+        ```php
+        define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0);
+        ```
+    5. LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any 
+    LDAP entries, add two options. "lookupuserbeforeauth" is used if you need VCL to look up the full DN of a 
+    user and use that when doing the bind that authenticates the user (if you don't know what this means, leave 
+    it set to 0). If you need to set it to 1, then you will need to set "lookupuserfield" to what LDAP attribute 
+    to use when looking up the user's DN (typically either 'cn', 'uid', or 'samaccountname'). In conf.php, **Add 
+    the following to each LDAP** array you have in the $authMech array.
+        ```php
+        "lookupuserbeforeauth" => 0,
+        "lookupuserfield" => '',
+        ```
+    6. If you are using any Local accounts for authentication, you need to modify the entries for $addUserFunc and $updateUserFunc. Change
+        * OLD
+            ```php
+            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
+            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
+            ```
+        * NEW
+            ```php
+            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
+            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
+            ```
+11. **Restart httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```
+12. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2.1 vcl code base and then copy 
+the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    cd <your vcl MN code root path>
+    ie. cd /usr/local/
+    cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_managementnode
+    ```
+13. **Copy in the 2.3.2 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+15. **Restart vcld service**
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```
+16. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12f3afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.2.1 to 2.3
+This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2.1 to VCL 2.3. Please note it only applies for the upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3, this may or may not work for other versions.
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+  - Download and Extract 2.3 code 
+  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
+  - Create backup of vcl database 
+  - Update mysql schema Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart httpd service
+  - Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart vcld service
+# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3 #
+1. follow instructions on VCL 2.3 Release page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+2. **extract VCL 2.3 code**
+    ```bash
+    tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2
+    ```
+3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
+    service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```
+4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+5. This step **updates the mysql schema**. *Note*: A new resource group is added in update-vcl.sql - **all profiles**. Access to manage the group is added to the VCL->admin node in the privilege tree if that node exists. If not, you will need to add it manually after starting httpd again. To add it manually, pick a node in the privilege tree, scroll to Resources, click Add Resource Group, select serverprofile/all profiles from the drop-down box, check available, administer, manageGroup, and manageMapping, and click Submit New Resource Group.
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3
+    mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
+5. If you want to use libvirt provisioning for KVM, you need to add one entry to the database that was left out of the release.
+    ```bash
+    echo "INSERT IGNORE provisioningOSinstalltype (provisioningid, OSinstalltypeid) SELECT, FROM provisioning, OSinstalltype WHERE = 'libvirt' AND = 'vmware';" | mysql vcl
+    ```
+6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.2.1 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html
+    mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_web
+    ```
+7. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3
+    cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+8. **Copy your 2.2.1 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd ~/vcl_2.2.1_web/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
+9. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using a different user change below cmd accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
+10. **Make changes to conf.php**:
+    1. A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. Users with this permission are notified of new block allocation requests. **Remove the following from conf.php**.
+        ```php
+        $blockNotifyUsers
+        ```
+    2. A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. Users with this permission can look up information about other users. **Remove the following from conf.php** 
+        ```php
+        $userlookupUsers
+        ```
+    3. **Multilingualization** has been added VCL. So, **DEFAULTLOCALE** has been added to conf.php to set the default locale. **Add the following to conf.php**, changing en_US if needed to match your locale. You can look in /var/www/html/vcl/locale to see which ones are available.
+        ```php
+        define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");
+        ```
+    4. Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they log in. **Add the following to conf.php**  If you are using Shibboleth and would like to be able to add users to groups before the user has ever logged in to VCL, you can set this to 1. However, please note that if you typo the userid, there is no way to verify it, and the user will be added with the typoed userid.
+        ```php
+        define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0);
+        ```
+    5. LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any LDAP entries, add two options. "lookupuserbeforeauth" is used if you need VCL to look up the full DN of a user and use that when doing the bind that authenticates the user (if you don't know what this means, leave it set to 0). If you need to set it to 1, then you will need to set "lookupuserfield" to what LDAP attribute to use when looking up the user's DN (typically either 'cn', 'uid', or 'samaccountname'). In conf.php, **Add the following to each LDAP** array you have in the $authMech array.
+        ```php
+        "lookupuserbeforeauth" => 0,
+        "lookupuserfield" => '',
+        ```
+    6. If you are using any Local accounts for authentication, you need to modify the entries for $addUserFunc and $updateUserFunc. Change
+        * OLD
+            ```php
+            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
+            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
+            ```
+        * NEW
+            ```php
+            $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
+            $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
+            ```
+11. **Restart httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```
+12. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2.1 vcl code base and then copy the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    cd <your vcl MN code root path>
+    ie. cd /usr/local/
+    cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2.1_managementnode
+    ```
+13. **Copy in the 2.3 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+15. **Restart vcld service**
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```
+16. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d574757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.2.2 to 2.4.2
+# Scripted Upgrade
+VCL 2.4.2 is the first release to include an upgrade script. All you need to
+upgrade VCL is the script. It will download and validate the VCL software and
+then upgrade your system. The script can be used to upgrade all three parts of
+VCL (database, web portal, and management node) or to upgrade each part
+individually. It works for upgrading from any previous version of Apache VCL.
+[Download Upgrade Script (](
+sha1sum -c
+gpg --import KEYS
+gpg --verify
+Running the upgrade script with no arguments will step you through upgrading
+all three parts of VCL. Alternatively, the following explains optional 
+arguments. If upgrading the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt 
+you to agree to the installation of various system level requirements needed 
+for the code to run.
+```bash [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
+        [--dbhost <hostname>] [--dbadminuser <username>]
+        [--dbadminpass <password>]
+-d|--database - upgrade database components
+        --dbhost may optionally be specified if not localhost
+-w|--web - upgrade web server components
+-m|--managementnode - upgrade management node (vcld) components
+--dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
+--dbname <name> - name of VCL database on database server (default=vcl)
+--dbadminuser <username> - admin username for database; must have access
+        to modify database schema and dump data for backup (default=root)
+--dbadminpass <password> - password for dbadminuser (default=[no password])
+# Manual Upgrade Instructions
+These instructions explain how to upgrade from VCL 2.2.2 to VCL 2.4.2. Please note 
+it only applies for the upgrade from 2.2.2 to 2.4.2, this may or may not work for other 
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+  - Download and Extract 2.4.2 code 
+  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
+  - Create backup of vcl database 
+  - Update mysql schema
+  - Update web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart httpd service
+  - Update management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart vcld service
+### Upgrade steps
+1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
+page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+2. **extract VCL 2.4.2 code**
+    ```bash
+    tar xf apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2
+    ```
+3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop
+    service vcld stop
+    ```
+4. create a **backup** of the VCL database. This will provide a restore point if 
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.4.2-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+5. This step **updates the database** schema.
+    ```bash
+    mysql vcl < /root/apache-VCL-2.4.2/mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
+6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.2.2 web directory out of the 
+way, so we can copy in the new web code base. After copying in the new code, we will 
+migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume that you installed the 
+VCL web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
+/var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    mv /var/www/html/vcl /var/www/html/vcl-2.2.2
+    ```
+7. **Disable access** to the old web code
+    ```bash
+    echo "Deny from all" > /var/www/html/vcl-2.2.2/.htaccess
+    ```
+7. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.4.2/web /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2
+    ln -s /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2 /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+8. **Copy your 2.2.2 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html/vcl-2.2.2/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
+9. **Add new items to conf.php**. The following items need to be added to the conf.php
+file (they can be added anywhere as long as it is not inside an 
+array() definition):
+    ```bash
+    (don't forget to edit conf.php in the **new** location)
+    vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/conf.php
+    ```
+    ```php
+    define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");              // default locale for the site
+    define("SEMTIMEOUT", "45");
+    define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0); // this is only related to using Shibboleth authentication for an affiliation that does not
+                                    // also have LDAP set up (i.e. affiliation.shibonly = 1)
+                                    // set this to 1 to allow users be manually added to VCL before they have ever logged in
+                                    // through things such as adding a user to a user group or directly granting a user a
+                                    // privilege somewhere in the privilege tree. Note that if you enable this and typo
+                                    // a userid, there is no way to verify that it was entered incorrectly so the user
+                                    // will be added to the database with the typoed userid
+    define("MAXINITIALIMAGINGTIME", 720); // for imaging reservations, users will have at least this long as the max selectable duration
+    define("MAXSUBIMAGES", 5000);  // maximum allowed number for subimages in a config
+    # boolean value of 0 or 1 to enable documentation links on login page and page
+    #   where authentication method is selected
+    # 0 = disables; 1 = enabled
+    define("NOAUTH_HOMENAV", 0);
+    # boolean value of 0 or 1 to control logging of non SELECT database queries for auditing or debugging purposes; queries are logged to the querylog table
+    define("QUERYLOGGING", 1);
+    # boolean value of 0 or 1 to control logging of XMLRPC calls for auditing or debugging purposes; queries are logged to the xmlrpcLog table
+    define("XMLRPCLOGGING", 1);
+    # documentation links to display on login page and page
+    #   where authentication method is selected when NOAUTH_HOMENAV is set to 1
+    $NOAUTH_HOMENAV = array (
+        "What is VCL" => "",
+        "How to use VCL" => "",
+        "Report a Problem" => "mailto:" . HELPEMAIL,
+    );
+    ```
+9. **Modify existing items in conf.php**. The following items in conf.php need to be 
+modified. Change:
+    * OLD
+        ```php
+        $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
+        $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return 0;');
+        ```
+    * NEW
+        ```php
+        $addUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
+        $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
+        ```
+9. **Make the maintenance directory writable** by the web server user. Normally this is
+the apache user, if using a different user change below cmd accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
+11. **Start httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start
+    ```
+12. **Backup management node code**. This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2.2  
+management node code. These instructions assume that you installed the 
+VCL management node code at /usr/local/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
+/usr/local with your management node path.
+    ```bash
+    cp -r /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.2.2
+    ```
+13. **Copy in the 2.4.2 management node code** to /usr/local. First, rename the existing
+management node code directory to vcl-2.4.2 so that any drivers or other files you've 
+added are preserved. Then, create a symlink for /usr/local/vcl and copy the new 
+management code over top of it.
+    ```bash
+    mv /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2
+    ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 /usr/local/vcl
+    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.4.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+15. **Start vcld service**
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start
+    ```
+16. Make some **test reservations** and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8427832
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.2 to 2.2.2
+This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2 to VCL 2.2.2. Please note 
+it only applies for the upgrade from 2.2 to 2.2.2, this may or may not work for other 
+The basic steps that will be performed
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+* Download and Extract 2.2.2 code
+* Shutdown httpd and vcld services
+* Create backup of vcl database
+* Update mysql schema
+* Grant CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES to mysql user
+* Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes
+* Restart httpd service
+* Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes
+* Restart vcld service
+# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.2 to 2.2.2
+1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
+page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.2.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+1. extract VCL 2.2.2 code
+    ```bash
+    tar xjf apache-VCL-2.2.2.tar.bz2
+    ```
+1. **Shutdown** the httpd service
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
+    service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```
+1. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point 
+if necessary. There are no updates to the database in this upgrade, but it is still a
+good idea to have a backup.
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.2.2-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+1. This step **updates the mysql schema**.
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.2.2
+    mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
+1. Grant CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES to mysql user
+    The web code now requires access to create temporary tables in mysql. You need to 
+    grant the user your web code uses to access mysql the "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES" 
+    permission. Look at the secrets.php file in your web code for the user and hostname.
+    For example, if your web code is installed at /var/www/html/vcl, your secrets.php 
+    file would be /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/secrets.php. Look for $vclhost and 
+    $vclusername. The secrets.php file might have something like:
+    ```php
+    $vclhost = 'localhost';
+    $vcluser = 'vcluser';
+    ```
+    Then, you need to issue the grant command to mysql. Using the values from above 
+    as examples, connect to mysql and then issue the grant command:
+    ```bash
+    mysql
+    GRANT CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON `vcl`.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost';
+    exit
+    ```
+1. **Update the web code**. This step will move the 2.2 web directory out 
+of the way, so we can copy in the new web code base. After copying in the new 
+code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume that 
+you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it 
+elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html
+    mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2_web
+    ```
+1. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.2.2
+    cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+1. **Copy your 2.2 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd ~/vcl_2.2_web/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
+1. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally 
+this is the apache user,  if using a different user change below cmd accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
+1. **Make changes to conf.php**:
+    1. A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations 
+    globally or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any 
+    user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. 
+    Users with this permission are notified of new block allocation requests. 
+    **Remove the following from conf.php**.
+        ```php
+        $blockNotifyUsers
+        ```bash
+    1. A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally 
+    or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group 
+    under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. Users with this 
+    permission can look up information about other users. 
+    **Remove the following from conf.php**.
+        ```php
+        $userlookupUsers
+        ```
+1. **Restart httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```
+1. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2 vcl code 
+base and then copy the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other 
+files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    cd <your vcl MN code root path>
+    ie. cd /usr/local/
+    cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2_managementnode
+    ```
+1. **Copy in the 2.2.2 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers 
+or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.2.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+1. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+1. **Restart vcld service**
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```
+1. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.1.mdtext b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
similarity index 62%
rename from content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.1.mdtext
rename to source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
index 380ed3e..0d81870 100644
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.1.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.2 to 2.3.1
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Upgrade From 2.2 to 2.3.1
 This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2 to VCL 2.3.1. Please note it only applies for the upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3.1, 
 this may or may not work for other versions.
@@ -35,19 +21,22 @@
 1. follow instructions on VCL 2.3.1 Release page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
 1. **extract VCL 2.3.1 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
+    ```bash
+    tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
+    ```
 1. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
-        service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
+    service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```
 1. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.1-upgrade.sql
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.1-upgrade.sql
+    ```
 1. This step **updates the mysql schema**. *Note*: A new resource group is added in update-vcl.sql - **all profiles**. 
 Access to manage the group is added to the VCL->admin node in the privilege tree if that node exists. If not, you will 
@@ -55,9 +44,10 @@
 Resources, click Add Resource Group, select serverprofile/all profiles from the drop-down box, check available, 
 administer, manageGroup, and manageMapping, and click Submit New Resource Group.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
-        mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
+    mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
 1. Grant CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES to mysql user
 The web code now requires access to create temporary tables in mysql. You need to grant the user your web code uses 
@@ -65,101 +55,112 @@
 and hostname. For example, if your web code is installed at /var/www/html/vcl, your secrets.php file would be 
 /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/secrets.php. Look for $vclhost and $vclusername. The secrets.php file might have something like:
-        :::BashLexer
-        $vclhost = 'localhost';
-        $vcluser = 'vcluser';
+    ```php
+    $vclhost = 'localhost';
+    $vcluser = 'vcluser';
+    ```
 1. Then, you need to issue the grant command to mysql. Using the values from above as examples, connect to mysql and then issue the grant command:
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysql
-        GRANT CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON `vcl`.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost';
-        exit
+    ```bash
+    mysql
+    GRANT CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON `vcl`.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost';
+    exit
+    ```
 1. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.2 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new 
 web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume 
 that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl 
 with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html
-        mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2_web
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html
+    mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2_web
+    ```
 1. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
-        cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
+    cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
 1. **Copy your 2.2 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~/vcl_2.2_web/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```bash
+    cd ~/vcl_2.2_web/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
 1. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using a 
 different user change below cmd accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
 1. **Make changes to conf.php**:
-    <ol type="a">
-    <li>A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific affiliation 
-has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. 
-Users with this permission are notified of new block allocation requests. **Remove the following from conf.php**.
+    1. A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific affiliation 
+    has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. 
+    Users with this permission are notified of new block allocation requests. **Remove the following from conf.php**.
-        :::PhpLexer
+        ```php
+        ```
-    <li>A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation has been 
+    1. A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation has been 
 added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. Users with this 
 permission can look up information about other users. **Remove the following from conf.php** 
-        :::PhpLexer
+        ```php
+        ```
-    <li>**Multilingualization** has been added VCL. So, **DEFAULTLOCALE** has been added to conf.php to set the default 
+    1. **Multilingualization** has been added VCL. So, **DEFAULTLOCALE** has been added to conf.php to set the default 
 locale. **Add the following to conf.php**, changing en_US if needed to match your locale. You can look in 
 /var/www/html/vcl/locale to see which ones are available.
-        :::PhpLexer
+        ```php
         define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");
-    <li>Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they log in. **Add 
+        ```
+    1. Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they log in. **Add 
 the following to conf.php**  If you are using Shibboleth and would like to be able to add users to groups before the user 
 has ever logged in to VCL, you can set this to 1. However, please note that if you typo the userid, there is no way to 
 verify it, and the user will be added with the typoed userid.
-        :::PhpLexer
+        ```php
         define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0);
+        ```
-    <li>LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any LDAP entries, 
+    1. LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any LDAP entries, 
 add two options. "lookupuserbeforeauth" is used if you need VCL to look up the full DN of a user and use that when doing 
 the bind that authenticates the user (if you don't know what this means, leave it set to 0). If you need to set it to 1, 
 then you will need to set "lookupuserfield" to what LDAP attribute to use when looking up the user's DN 
 (typically either 'cn', 'uid', or 'samaccountname'). In conf.php, **Add the following to each LDAP** array you have in the $authMech array.
-        :::PhpLexer
+        ```php
         "lookupuserbeforeauth" => 0,
         "lookupuserfield" => '',
-    <li>The way the authentication functions toward the bottom of conf.php are initialized has been simplified. Make the following changes:
+        ```
-    * REMOVE
+    1. The way the authentication functions toward the bottom of conf.php are initialized has been simplified. Make the following changes:
-            :::PhpLexer
+        * REMOVE
+            ```php
-    * ADD
+            ```
+        * ADD
-            :::PhpLexer
+            ```php
             $affilValFunc = array();
             $affilValFuncArgs = array();
             $addUserFunc = array();
@@ -181,38 +182,43 @@
                     $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
-    </ol> 
+            ```
 1. **Restart httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```
 1. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2 vcl code base and then copy the new code 
 over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd <your vcl MN code root path>
-        ie. cd /usr/local/
-        cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2_managementnode
+    ```bash
+    cd <your vcl MN code root path>
+    ie. cd /usr/local/
+    cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2_managementnode
+    ```
 1. **Copy in the 2.3.1 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
 1. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
 1. **Restart vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```
 1. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
\ No newline at end of file
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.2.mdtext b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
similarity index 64%
rename from content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.2.mdtext
rename to source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
index fe9e080..707158d 100644
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.2.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: Upgrade From 2.2 to 2.3.2
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Upgrade From 2.2 to 2.3.2
 This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2 to VCL 2.3.2. Please note it only applies for the upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3.2, 
 this may or may not work for other versions.
@@ -36,19 +22,22 @@
 page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
 1. **extract VCL 2.3.2 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
+    ```bash
+    tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
+    ```
 1. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
-        service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
+    service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```
 1. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.2-upgrade.sql
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.2-upgrade.sql
+    ```
 1. This step **updates the mysql schema**. *Note*: A new resource group is added in update-vcl.sql - **all profiles**. 
 Access to manage the group is added to the VCL->admin node in the privilege tree if that node exists. If not, you will 
@@ -56,9 +45,10 @@
 Resources, click Add Resource Group, select serverprofile/all profiles from the drop-down box, check available, 
 administer, manageGroup, and manageMapping, and click Submit New Resource Group.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
-        mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
+    mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
 1. Grant CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES to mysql user
 The web code now requires access to create temporary tables in mysql. You need to grant the user your web code uses 
@@ -66,101 +56,112 @@
 and hostname. For example, if your web code is installed at /var/www/html/vcl, your secrets.php file would be 
 /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/secrets.php. Look for $vclhost and $vclusername. The secrets.php file might have something like:
-        :::BashLexer
-        $vclhost = 'localhost';
-        $vcluser = 'vcluser';
+    ```php
+    $vclhost = 'localhost';
+    $vcluser = 'vcluser';
+    ```
 1. Then, you need to issue the grant command to mysql. Using the values from above as examples, connect to mysql and then issue the grant command:
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysql
-        GRANT CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON `vcl`.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost';
-        exit
+    ```bash
+    mysql
+    GRANT CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON `vcl`.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost';
+    exit
+    ```
 1. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.2 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new 
 web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume 
 that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl 
 with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html
-        mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2_web
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html
+    mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2_web
+    ```
 1. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
-        cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
+    cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
 1. **Copy your 2.2 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~/vcl_2.2_web/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```bash
+    cd ~/vcl_2.2_web/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
 1. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using a 
 different user change below cmd accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
 1. **Make changes to conf.php**:
-    <ol type="a">
-    <li>A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific affiliation 
+    1. A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific affiliation 
 has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. 
 Users with this permission are notified of new block allocation requests. **Remove the following from conf.php**.
-        :::PhpLexer
+        ```php
+        ```
-    <li>A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation has been 
+    1. A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation has been 
 added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. Users with this 
 permission can look up information about other users. **Remove the following from conf.php** 
-        :::PhpLexer
+        ```php
+        ```
-    <li>**Multilingualization** has been added VCL. So, **DEFAULTLOCALE** has been added to conf.php to set the default 
+    1. **Multilingualization** has been added VCL. So, **DEFAULTLOCALE** has been added to conf.php to set the default 
 locale. **Add the following to conf.php**, changing en_US if needed to match your locale. You can look in 
 /var/www/html/vcl/locale to see which ones are available.
-        :::PhpLexer
+        ```php
         define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");
-    <li>Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they log in. **Add 
+        ```
+    1. Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they log in. **Add 
 the following to conf.php**  If you are using Shibboleth and would like to be able to add users to groups before the user 
 has ever logged in to VCL, you can set this to 1. However, please note that if you typo the userid, there is no way to 
 verify it, and the user will be added with the typoed userid.
-        :::PhpLexer
+        ```php
         define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0);
+        ```
-    <li>LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any LDAP entries, 
+    1. LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any LDAP entries, 
 add two options. "lookupuserbeforeauth" is used if you need VCL to look up the full DN of a user and use that when doing 
 the bind that authenticates the user (if you don't know what this means, leave it set to 0). If you need to set it to 1, 
 then you will need to set "lookupuserfield" to what LDAP attribute to use when looking up the user's DN 
 (typically either 'cn', 'uid', or 'samaccountname'). In conf.php, **Add the following to each LDAP** array you have in the $authMech array.
-        :::PhpLexer
+        ```php
         "lookupuserbeforeauth" => 0,
         "lookupuserfield" => '',
-    <li>The way the authentication functions toward the bottom of conf.php are initialized has been simplified. Make the following changes:
+        ```
-    * REMOVE
+    1. The way the authentication functions toward the bottom of conf.php are initialized has been simplified. Make the following changes:
-            :::PhpLexer
+        * REMOVE
+            ```php
-    * ADD
+            ```
+        * ADD
-            :::PhpLexer
+            ```php
             $affilValFunc = array();
             $affilValFuncArgs = array();
             $addUserFunc = array();
@@ -182,38 +183,43 @@
                     $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
-    </ol> 
+            ```
 1. **Restart httpd service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```
 1. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2 vcl code base and then copy the new code 
 over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd <your vcl MN code root path>
-        ie. cd /usr/local/
-        cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2_managementnode
+    ```bash
+    cd <your vcl MN code root path>
+    ie. cd /usr/local/
+    cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2_managementnode
+    ```
 1. **Copy in the 2.3.2 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
 1. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
 1. **Restart vcld service**
-        :::BashLexer
-        service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```
 1. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
\ No newline at end of file
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.mdtext b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
similarity index 64%
rename from content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.mdtext
rename to source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
index ab4c5bb..02df491 100644
--- a/content/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3
 This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.2 to VCL 2.3. Please note it only applies for the upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3, this may or may not work for other versions.
@@ -34,117 +20,128 @@
 1. follow instructions on VCL 2.3 Release page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
 2. **extract VCL 2.3 code**
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2
+    ```bash
+    tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2
+    ```
 3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
-        :::BashLexer
-        service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
-        service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
+    service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```
 4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3-upgrade.sql
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3-upgrade.sql
+    ```
 5. This step **updates the mysql schema**. *Note*: A new resource group is added in update-vcl.sql - **all profiles**. Access to manage the group is added to the VCL->admin node in the privilege tree if that node exists. If not, you will need to add it manually after starting httpd again. To add it manually, pick a node in the privilege tree, scroll to Resources, click Add Resource Group, select serverprofile/all profiles from the drop-down box, check available, administer, manageGroup, and manageMapping, and click Submit New Resource Group.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3
-        mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3
+    mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
 5. If you want to use libvirt provisioning for KVM, you need to add one entry to the database that was left out of the release.
-        :::BashLexer
-        echo "INSERT IGNORE provisioningOSinstalltype (provisioningid, OSinstalltypeid) SELECT, FROM provisioning, OSinstalltype WHERE = 'libvirt' AND = 'vmware';" | mysql vcl
+    ```bash
+    echo "INSERT IGNORE provisioningOSinstalltype (provisioningid, OSinstalltypeid) SELECT, FROM provisioning, OSinstalltype WHERE = 'libvirt' AND = 'vmware';" | mysql vcl
+    ```
 6. Grant CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES to mysql user
 The web code now requires access to create temporary tables in mysql. You need to grant the user your web code uses to access mysql the "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES" permission. Look at the secrets.php file in your web code for the user and hostname. For example, if your web code is installed at /var/www/html/vcl, your secrets.php file would be /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/secrets.php. Look for $vclhost and $vclusername. The secrets.php file might have something like:
-        :::BashLexer
-        $vclhost = 'localhost';
-        $vcluser = 'vcluser';
+    ```php
+    $vclhost = 'localhost';
+    $vcluser = 'vcluser';
+    ```
 7. Then, you need to issue the grant command to mysql. Using the values from above as examples, connect to mysql and then issue the grant command:
-        :::BashLexer
-        mysql
-        GRANT CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON `vcl`.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost';
-        exit
+    ```bash
+    mysql
+    GRANT CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON `vcl`.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost';
+    exit
+    ```
 8. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.2 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /var/www/html
-        mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2_web
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html
+    mv vcl ~/vcl_2.2_web
+    ```
 9. **Copy the new code** in place
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3
-        cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3
+    cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
 10. **Copy your 2.2 config files**
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd ~/vcl_2.2.1_web/.ht-inc
-        cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```bash
+    cd ~/vcl_2.2.1_web/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
 11. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using a different user change below cmd accordingly.
-        :::BashLexer
-        chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
 12. **Make changes to conf.php**:
-    a. A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. Users with this permission are notified of new block allocation requests. **Remove the following from conf.php**.
+    1. A new user group permission that controls who can manage block allocations globally or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->Manage Block Allocations. Users with this permission are notified of new block allocation requests. **Remove the following from conf.php**.
-            :::BashLexer
-            $blockNotifyUsers
+        ```php
+        $blockNotifyUsers
+        ```
-    b. A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. Users with this permission can look up information about other users. **Remove the following from conf.php** 
+    1. A new user group permission that controls who can look up users globally or for a specific affiliation has been added. It can be granted to any user group under Privileges->Additional User Permissions->User Lookup. Users with this permission can look up information about other users. **Remove the following from conf.php** 
-            :::BashLexer
-            $userlookupUsers
+        ```php
+        $userlookupUsers
+        ```
-    c. **Multilingualization** has been added VCL. So, **DEFAULTLOCALE** has been added to conf.php to set the default locale. **Add the following to conf.php**, changing en_US if needed to match your locale. You can look in /var/www/html/vcl/locale to see which ones are available.
+    1. **Multilingualization** has been added VCL. So, **DEFAULTLOCALE** has been added to conf.php to set the default locale. **Add the following to conf.php**, changing en_US if needed to match your locale. You can look in /var/www/html/vcl/locale to see which ones are available.
-            :::BashLexer
-            define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");
+        ```php
+        define("DEFAULTLOCALE", "en_US");
+        ```
-    d. Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they log in. **Add the following to conf.php**  If you are using Shibboleth and would like to be able to add users to groups before the user has ever logged in to VCL, you can set this to 1. However, please note that if you typo the userid, there is no way to verify it, and the user will be added with the typoed userid.
+    1. Users authenticated using Shibboleth without also having an LDAP server can now be added before they log in. **Add the following to conf.php**  If you are using Shibboleth and would like to be able to add users to groups before the user has ever logged in to VCL, you can set this to 1. However, please note that if you typo the userid, there is no way to verify it, and the user will be added with the typoed userid.
-            :::BashLexer
-            define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0);
+        ```php
+        define("ALLOWADDSHIBUSERS", 0);
+        ```
-    e. LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any LDAP entries, add two options. "lookupuserbeforeauth" is used if you need VCL to look up the full DN of a user and use that when doing the bind that authenticates the user (if you don't know what this means, leave it set to 0). If you need to set it to 1, then you will need to set "lookupuserfield" to what LDAP attribute to use when looking up the user's DN (typically either 'cn', 'uid', or 'samaccountname'). In conf.php, **Add the following to each LDAP** array you have in the $authMech array.
+    1. LDAP related items have been simplified in the code using additional options in $authMechs. For any LDAP entries, add two options. "lookupuserbeforeauth" is used if you need VCL to look up the full DN of a user and use that when doing the bind that authenticates the user (if you don't know what this means, leave it set to 0). If you need to set it to 1, then you will need to set "lookupuserfield" to what LDAP attribute to use when looking up the user's DN (typically either 'cn', 'uid', or 'samaccountname'). In conf.php, **Add the following to each LDAP** array you have in the $authMech array.
-            :::BashLexer
-            "lookupuserbeforeauth" => 0,
-            "lookupuserfield" => '',
+        ```php
+        "lookupuserbeforeauth" => 0,
+        "lookupuserfield" => '',
+         ```
-    f. The way the authentication functions toward the bottom of conf.php are initialized has been simplified. Make the following changes:
+    1. The way the authentication functions toward the bottom of conf.php are initialized has been simplified. Make the following changes:
-            :::BashLexer
-            REMOVE
+        * REMOVE
+            ```php
-            ADD
+             ```
+        * ADD
+            ```php
             $affilValFunc = array();
             $affilValFuncArgs = array();
             $addUserFunc = array();
@@ -166,36 +163,42 @@
                     $updateUserFunc[$item['affiliationid']] = create_function('', 'return NULL;');
+            ```
 13. **Restart httpd service**
-            :::BashLexer
-            service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```
 14. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.2 vcl code base and then copy the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-            :::BashLexer
-            cd <your vcl MN code root path>
-            ie. cd /usr/local/
-            cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2_managementnode
+    ```bash
+    cd <your vcl MN code root path>
+    ie. cd /usr/local/
+    cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.2_managementnode
+    ```
 15. **Copy in the 2.3 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
-            :::BashLexer
-            /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
 16. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
 17. **Restart vcld service**
-            :::BashLexer
-            service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```
 18. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
-            :::BashLexer
-            tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
\ No newline at end of file
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..024ab38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.3.1 to 2.3.2
+This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.3.1 to VCL 2.3.2. Please note it only applies for the upgrade 
+from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2, this may or may not work for other versions.
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+  - Download and Extract 2.3.2 code 
+  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
+  - Create backup of vcl database 
+  - Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart httpd service
+  - Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart vcld service
+There are no updates to the VCL database schema between 2.3.1 and 2.3.2.
+# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.3 to 2.3.2
+1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
+page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+2. **extract VCL 2.3.2 code**
+    ```bash
+    tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
+    ```
+3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
+    service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```
+4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.2-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.3 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new 
+web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume 
+that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html
+    mv vcl ~/vcl_2.3_web
+    ```
+7. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
+    cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+8. **Copy your 2.3 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd ~/vcl_2.3_web/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
+9. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using 
+a different user change below cmd accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
+11. **Restart httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```
+12. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.3 vcl code base and then copy 
+the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    cd <your vcl MN code root path>
+    ie. cd /usr/local/
+    cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.3_managementnode
+    ```
+13. **Copy in the 2.3.2 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+15. **Restart vcld service**
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```
+16. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ece755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.3.2 to 2.4.2
+# Scripted Upgrade
+VCL 2.4.2 is the first release to include an upgrade script. All you need to
+upgrade VCL is the script. It will download and validate the VCL software and
+then upgrade your system. The script can be used to upgrade all three parts of
+VCL (database, web portal, and management node) or to upgrade each part
+individually. It works for upgrading from any previous version of Apache VCL.
+[Download Upgrade Script (](
+sha1sum -c
+gpg --import KEYS
+gpg --verify
+Running the upgrade script with no arguments will step you through upgrading
+all three parts of VCL. Alternatively, the following explains optional 
+arguments. If upgrading the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt 
+you to agree to the installation of various system level requirements needed 
+for the code to run.
+```bash [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
+        [--dbhost <hostname>] [--dbadminuser <username>]
+        [--dbadminpass <password>]
+-d|--database - upgrade database components
+        --dbhost may optionally be specified if not localhost
+-w|--web - upgrade web server components
+-m|--managementnode - upgrade management node (vcld) components
+--dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
+--dbname <name> - name of VCL database on database server (default=vcl)
+--dbadminuser <username> - admin username for database; must have access
+        to modify database schema and dump data for backup (default=root)
+--dbadminpass <password> - password for dbadminuser (default=[no password])
+# Manual Upgrade Instructions
+These instructions explain how to upgrade from VCL 2.3.2 to VCL 2.4.2. Please note 
+it only applies for the upgrade from 2.3.2 to 2.4.2, this may or may not work for other 
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+  - Download and Extract 2.4.2 code 
+  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
+  - Create backup of vcl database 
+  - Update mysql schema
+  - Update web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart httpd service
+  - Update management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart vcld service
+### Upgrade steps
+1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
+page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+2. **extract VCL 2.4.2 code**
+    ```bash
+    tar xf apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2
+    ```
+3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop
+    service vcld stop
+    ```
+4. create a **backup** of the VCL database. This will provide a restore point if 
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.4.2-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+5. This step **updates the database** schema.
+    ```bash
+    mysql vcl < /root/apache-VCL-2.4.2/mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
+6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.3.2 web directory out of the 
+way, so we can copy in the new web code base. After copying in the new code, we will 
+migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume that you installed the 
+VCL web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
+/var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    mv /var/www/html/vcl /var/www/html/vcl-2.3.2
+    ```
+7. **Disable access** to the old web code
+    ```bash
+    echo "Deny from all" > /var/www/html/vcl-2.3.2/.htaccess
+    ```
+7. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.4.2/web /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2
+    ln -s /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2 /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+8. **Copy your 2.3.2 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html/vcl-2.3.2/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
+9. **Add new items to conf.php**. The following items need to be added to the conf.php
+file (they can be added anywhere as long as it is not inside an 
+array() definition):
+    ```bash
+    # (don't forget to edit conf.php in the **new** location)
+    vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/conf.php
+    ```
+    ```php
+    define("SEMTIMEOUT", "45");
+    define("MAXINITIALIMAGINGTIME", 720); // for imaging reservations, users will have at least this long as the max selectable duration
+    define("MAXSUBIMAGES", 5000);  // maximum allowed number for subimages in a config
+    # boolean value of 0 or 1 to enable documentation links on login page and page
+    #   where authentication method is selected
+    # 0 = disables; 1 = enabled
+    define("NOAUTH_HOMENAV", 0);
+    # boolean value of 0 or 1 to control logging of non SELECT database queries for auditing or debugging purposes; queries are logged to the querylog table
+    define("QUERYLOGGING", 1);
+    # boolean value of 0 or 1 to control logging of XMLRPC calls for auditing or debugging purposes; queries are logged to the xmlrpcLog table
+    define("XMLRPCLOGGING", 1);
+    # documentation links to display on login page and page
+    #   where authentication method is selected when NOAUTH_HOMENAV is set to 1
+    $NOAUTH_HOMENAV = array (
+        "What is VCL" => "",
+        "How to use VCL" => "",
+        "Report a Problem" => "mailto:" . HELPEMAIL,
+    );
+    ```
+9. **Make the maintenance directory writable** by the web server user. Normally this is
+the apache user, if using a different user change below cmd accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
+11. **Start httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start
+    ```
+12. **Backup management node code**. This step will make a backup copy of the 2.3.2  
+management node code. These instructions assume that you installed the 
+VCL management node code at /usr/local/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
+/usr/local with your management node path.
+    ```bash
+    cp -r /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.3.2
+    ```
+13. **Copy in the 2.4.2 management node code** to /usr/local. First, rename the existing
+management node code directory to vcl-2.4.2 so that any drivers or other files you've 
+added are preserved. Then, create a symlink for /usr/local/vcl and copy the new 
+management code over top of it.
+    ```bash
+    mv /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2
+    ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 /usr/local/vcl
+    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.4.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+15. **Start vcld service**
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start
+    ```
+16. Make some **test reservations** and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..307a0cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.3 to 2.3.1
+This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.3 to VCL 2.3.1. Please note it only applies for the upgrade 
+from 2.3 to 2.3.1, this may or may not work for other versions.
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+  - Download and Extract 2.3.1 code 
+  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
+  - Create backup of vcl database 
+  - Update mysql schema Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart httpd service
+  - Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart vcld service
+# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.3 to 2.3.1
+1. follow instructions on VCL 2.3.1 Release page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+2. **extract VCL 2.3.1 code**
+    ```bash
+    tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
+    ```
+3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
+    service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```
+4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.1-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+5. This step **updates the mysql schema**.
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
+    mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
+6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.3 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new 
+web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume 
+that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html
+    mv vcl ~/vcl_2.3_web
+    ```
+7. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1
+    cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+8. **Copy your 2.3 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd ~/vcl_2.3_web/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
+9. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using 
+a different user change below cmd accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
+11. **Restart httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```
+12. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.3 vcl code base and then copy 
+the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    cd <your vcl MN code root path>
+    ie. cd /usr/local/
+    cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.3_managementnode
+    ```
+13. **Copy in the 2.3.1 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.1/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+15. **Restart vcld service**
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```
+16. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..295781e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.3 to 2.3.2
+This page provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.3 to VCL 2.3.2. Please note it only applies for the upgrade 
+from 2.3 to 2.3.2, this may or may not work for other versions.
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+  - Download and Extract 2.3.2 code 
+  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
+  - Create backup of vcl database 
+  - Update mysql schema Update Web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart httpd service
+  - Update Management node vcl code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart vcld service
+# Detailed steps for upgrade from 2.3 to 2.3.2
+1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
+page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+2. **extract VCL 2.3.2 code**
+    ```bash
+    tar xjf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
+    ```
+3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop or /etc/init.d/httpd stop
+    service vcld stop or /etc/init.d/vcld stop
+    ```
+4. We will **create a backup of the vcl database**. This will provide a restore point if necessary.
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.3.2-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+5. This step **updates the mysql schema**.
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
+    mysql vcl < mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
+6. **Update the web code**. This step we will move the 2.3 web directory out of the way, so we can copy in the new 
+web code base. After copying in the new code, we will migrate your configuration changes. These instructions assume 
+that you installed the vcl web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace /var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html
+    mv vcl ~/vcl_2.3_web
+    ```
+7. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cd /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2
+    cp -r web /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+8. **Copy your 2.3 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd ~/vcl_2.3_web/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
+9. **Make the maintenance directory writable by the web server user**. Normally this is the apache user,  if using 
+a different user change below cmd accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    ```
+11. **Restart httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start or /etc/init.d/httpd start
+    ```
+12. **Update management node code** This step will make a backup copy of the 2.3 vcl code base and then copy 
+the new code over the existing code to preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    cd <your vcl MN code root path>
+    ie. cd /usr/local/
+    cp -r vcl ~/vcl_2.3_managementnode
+    ```
+13. **Copy in the 2.3.2 code base to /usr/local**, copying in should preserve any drivers or other files you've added.
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -r /root/apache-VCL-2.3.2/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+15. **Restart vcld service**
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start or /etc/init.d/vcld start
+    ```
+16. Make some test reservations and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working correctly.
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61b48a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.4.2 to 2.5.1
+# Scripted Upgrade
+VCL 2.5.1 includes an upgrade script. All you need to
+upgrade VCL is the script. It will download and validate the VCL software and
+then upgrade your system. The script can be used to upgrade all three parts of
+VCL (database, web portal, and management node) or to upgrade each part
+individually. It works for upgrading from any previous version of Apache VCL.
+[Download Upgrade Script (](
+sha512sum -c
+gpg --import KEYS
+gpg --verify
+Running the upgrade script with no arguments will step you through upgrading
+all three parts of VCL. Alternatively, the following explains optional 
+arguments. If upgrading the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt 
+you to agree to the installation of various system level requirements needed 
+for the code to run.
+```bash [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
+        [--dbhost <hostname>] [--dbadminuser <username>]
+        [--dbadminpass <password>]
+-d|--database - upgrade database components
+        --dbhost may optionally be specified if not localhost
+-w|--web - upgrade web server components
+-m|--managementnode - upgrade management node (vcld) components
+--dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
+--dbname <name> - name of VCL database on database server (default=vcl)
+--dbadminuser <username> - admin username for database; must have access
+        to modify database schema and dump data for backup (default=root)
+--dbadminpass <password> - password for dbadminuser (default=[no password])
+# Manual Upgrade Instructions
+These instructions explain how to upgrade from VCL 2.4.2 to VCL 2.5.1. Please note 
+it only applies for the upgrade from 2.4.2 to 2.5.1, this may or may not work for other 
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+  - Download and Extract 2.5.1 code 
+  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
+  - Create backup of vcl database 
+  - Update mysql schema
+  - Update web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart httpd service
+  - Update management node VCL code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart vcld service
+### Upgrade steps
+1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
+page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+2. **extract VCL 2.5.1 code**
+    ```bash
+    tar xf apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2
+    ```
+3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop
+    service vcld stop
+    ```
+4. create a **backup** of the VCL database. This will provide a restore point if 
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.5.1-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+5. This step **updates the database** schema.
+    ```bash
+    mysql vcl < /root/apache-VCL-2.5.1/mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
+6. **Possibly move old web code**. If /var/www/html/vcl **is a directory**, rename it to 
+/var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2. These instructions assume that you installed the 
+VCL web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
+/var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    mv /var/www/html/vcl /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2
+    ```
+7. **Disable access** to the old web code
+    ```bash
+    echo "Require all denied" > /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2/.htaccess
+    ```
+7. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cp -ar /root/apache-VCL-2.5.1/web /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1
+    ln -sfn /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1 /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+8. **Copy your 2.4.2 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
+8. **Set SELinux context** If you are using SELinux, set the correct context:
+    ```bash
+    chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1
+    chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1/.ht-inc/cryptkey
+    ```
+9. **Update conf.php**. The following item needs to be added to the conf.php
+file. (It is located above the define line for BASEURL in the conf-default.php file):
+    ```bash
+    # (don't forget to edit conf.php in the **new** location)
+    vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/conf.php
+    ```
+    ```php
+    define("SSLOFFLOAD", 0);
+    ```
+    The following item needs to be removed from the conf.php file:
+    ```php
+    define("MAXVMLIMIT", "100");
+    ```
+9. **Update secrets.php**  $cryptkey in secrets.php needs to be generated
+using openssl. Generate the value and set it in secrets.php:
+    ```bash
+    openssl rand 32 | base64
+    vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/secrets.php
+    ```
+    ```php
+    $cryptkey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; # set this to output of "openssl rand 32 | base64"
+    ```
+9. **Make the maintenance and cryptkey directories writable** by the web server user. Normally this is
+the apache user, if using a different user change below command accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/cryptkey
+    ```
+10. **Start httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start
+    ```
+11. **Check testsetup.php** Check that everything is correct by viewing the testsetup.php
+script in your browser. This script is located in the same directory as the index.php script.
+    ```bash
+    ```
+13. **Copy old management node code** If /usr/local/vcl is a directory, copy it to
+/usr/local/vcl-2.4.2, rename /usr/local/vcl to /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1, and create a symlink.
+If /usr/local/vcl is a symlink to vcl-2.4.2, copy /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 to /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
+and update the symlink.
+    ```bash
+    # (for directory)
+    cp -ar /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2
+    mv /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
+    ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1 /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+    ```bash
+    # (for symlink)
+    cp -ar /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
+    ln -sfn /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1 /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+13. **Copy new code in place** Copy the new management node code over the old code:
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -ar /root/apache-VCL-2.5.1/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
+    ```
+14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+15. **Start vcld service**
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start
+    ```
+16. Make some **test reservations** and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2aeba36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.4.2 to 2.5
+# Scripted Upgrade
+VCL 2.5 is the second release to include an upgrade script. All you need to
+upgrade VCL is the script. It will download and validate the VCL software and
+then upgrade your system. The script can be used to upgrade all three parts of
+VCL (database, web portal, and management node) or to upgrade each part
+individually. It works for upgrading from any previous version of Apache VCL.
+[Download Upgrade Script (](
+sha1sum -c
+gpg --import KEYS
+gpg --verify
+Running the upgrade script with no arguments will step you through upgrading
+all three parts of VCL. Alternatively, the following explains optional 
+arguments. If upgrading the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt 
+you to agree to the installation of various system level requirements needed 
+for the code to run.
+```bash [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
+        [--dbhost <hostname>] [--dbadminuser <username>]
+        [--dbadminpass <password>]
+-d|--database - upgrade database components
+        --dbhost may optionally be specified if not localhost
+-w|--web - upgrade web server components
+-m|--managementnode - upgrade management node (vcld) components
+--dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
+--dbname <name> - name of VCL database on database server (default=vcl)
+--dbadminuser <username> - admin username for database; must have access
+        to modify database schema and dump data for backup (default=root)
+--dbadminpass <password> - password for dbadminuser (default=[no password])
+# Manual Upgrade Instructions
+These instructions explain how to upgrade from VCL 2.4.2 to VCL 2.5. Please note 
+it only applies for the upgrade from 2.4.2 to 2.5, this may or may not work for other 
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+  - Download and Extract 2.5 code 
+  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
+  - Create backup of vcl database 
+  - Update mysql schema
+  - Update web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart httpd service
+  - Update management node VCL code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart vcld service
+### Upgrade steps
+1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
+page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.5.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+2. **extract VCL 2.5 code**
+    ```bash
+    tar xf apache-VCL-2.5.tar.bz2
+    ```
+3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop
+    service vcld stop
+    ```
+4. create a **backup** of the VCL database. This will provide a restore point if 
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.5-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+5. This step **updates the database** schema.
+    ```bash
+    mysql vcl < /root/apache-VCL-2.5/mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
+6. **Possibly move old web code**. If /var/www/html/vcl **is a directory**, rename it to 
+/var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2. These instructions assume that you installed the 
+VCL web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
+/var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    mv /var/www/html/vcl /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2
+    ```
+7. **Disable access** to the old web code
+    ```bash
+    echo "Require all denied" > /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2/.htaccess
+    ```
+7. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cp -ar /root/apache-VCL-2.5/web /var/www/html/vcl-2.5
+    ln -sfn /var/www/html/vcl-2.5 /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+8. **Copy your 2.4.2 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+    ```
+8. **Set SELinux context** If you are using SELinux, set the correct context:
+    ```bash
+    chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5
+    chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5/.ht-inc/cryptkey
+    ```
+9. **Update conf.php**. The following item needs to be removed from the conf.php
+    ```bash
+    # (don't forget to edit conf.php in the **new** location)
+    vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/conf.php
+    ```
+    ```php
+    define("MAXVMLIMIT", "100");
+    ```
+9. **Update secrets.php**  $cryptkey in secrets.php needs to be generated
+using openssl. Generate the value and set it in secrets.php:
+    ```bash
+    openssl rand 32 | base64
+    vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/secrets.php
+    ```
+    ```php
+    $cryptkey = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; # set this to output of "openssl rand 32 | base64"
+    ```
+9. **Make the maintenance and cryptkey directories writable** by the web server user. Normally this is
+the apache user, if using a different user change below command accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/cryptkey
+    ```
+10. **Start httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start
+    ```
+11. **Check testsetup.php** Check that everything is correct by viewing the testsetup.php
+script in your browser. This script is located in the same directory as the index.php script.
+    ```bash
+    ```
+13. **Copy old management node code** If /usr/local/vcl is a directory, copy it to
+/usr/local/vcl-2.4.2, rename /usr/local/vcl to /usr/local/vcl-2.5, and create a symlink.
+If /usr/local/vcl is a symlink to vcl-2.4.2, copy /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 to /usr/local/vcl-2.5
+and update the symlink.
+    ```bash
+    # (for directory)
+    cp -ar /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2
+    mv /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.5
+    ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.5 /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+    ```bash
+    # (for symlink)
+    cp -ar /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 /usr/local/vcl-2.5
+    ln -sfn /usr/local/vcl-2.5 /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+13. **Copy new code in place** Copy the new management node code over the old code:
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -ar /root/apache-VCL-2.5/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl-2.5
+    ```
+14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+15. **Start vcld service**
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start
+    ```
+16. Make some **test reservations** and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45c2ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+title: Upgrade From 2.5 to 2.5.1
+# Scripted Upgrade
+VCL 2.5.1 includes an upgrade script. All you need to
+upgrade VCL is the script. It will download and validate the VCL software and
+then upgrade your system. The script can be used to upgrade all three parts of
+VCL (database, web portal, and management node) or to upgrade each part
+individually. It works for upgrading from any previous version of Apache VCL.
+[Download Upgrade Script (](
+sha512sum -c
+gpg --import KEYS
+gpg --verify
+Running the upgrade script with no arguments will step you through upgrading
+all three parts of VCL. Alternatively, the following explains optional 
+arguments. If upgrading the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt 
+you to agree to the installation of various system level requirements needed 
+for the code to run.
+```bash [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
+        [--dbhost <hostname>] [--dbadminuser <username>]
+        [--dbadminpass <password>]
+-d|--database - upgrade database components
+        --dbhost may optionally be specified if not localhost
+-w|--web - upgrade web server components
+-m|--managementnode - upgrade management node (vcld) components
+--dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
+--dbname <name> - name of VCL database on database server (default=vcl)
+--dbadminuser <username> - admin username for database; must have access
+        to modify database schema and dump data for backup (default=root)
+--dbadminpass <password> - password for dbadminuser (default=[no password])
+# Manual Upgrade Instructions
+These instructions explain how to upgrade from VCL 2.5 to VCL 2.5.1. Please note 
+it only applies for the upgrade from 2.5 to 2.5.1, this may or may not work for other 
+**The basic steps that will be performed**
+  - Download and Extract 2.5.1 code 
+  - Shutdown httpd and vcld services
+  - Create backup of vcl database 
+  - Update mysql schema
+  - Update web code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart httpd service
+  - Update management node VCL code, create a backup, copy in new, make changes 
+  - Restart vcld service
+### Upgrade steps
+1. follow instructions on the [VCL download]( 
+page to download and verify apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2 and put in in /root
+2. **extract VCL 2.5.1 code**
+    ```bash
+    tar xf apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2
+    ```
+3. **Shutdown** the httpd and vcld services
+    ```bash
+    service httpd stop
+    service vcld stop
+    ```
+4. create a **backup** of the VCL database. This will provide a restore point if 
+    ```bash
+    mysqldump vcl > ~/vcl-pre2.5.1-upgrade.sql
+    ```
+5. This step **updates the database** schema.
+    ```bash
+    mysql vcl < /root/apache-VCL-2.5.1/mysql/update-vcl.sql
+    ```
+6. **Possibly move old web code**. If /var/www/html/vcl **is a directory**, rename it to 
+/var/www/html/vcl-2.5. These instructions assume that you installed the 
+VCL web code at /var/www/html/vcl. If you installed it elsewhere, replace 
+/var/www/html/vcl with your vcl web root.
+    ```bash
+    mv /var/www/html/vcl /var/www/html/vcl-2.5
+    ```
+7. **Disable access** to the old web code
+    ```bash
+    echo "Require all denied" > /var/www/html/vcl-2.5/.htaccess
+    ```
+7. **Copy the new code** in place
+    ```bash
+    cp -ar /root/apache-VCL-2.5.1/web /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1
+    ln -sfn /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1 /var/www/html/vcl
+    ```
+8. **Copy your 2.5 config files**
+    ```bash
+    cd /var/www/html/vcl-2.5/.ht-inc
+    cp conf.php secrets.php pubkey.pem keys.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/
+    cp cryptkey/cryptkeyid cryptkey/private.pem /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/cryptkey/
+    ```
+8. **Set SELinux context** If you are using SELinux, set the correct context:
+    ```bash
+    chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1
+    chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    chcon -R -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1/.ht-inc/cryptkey
+    ```
+9. **Update conf.php**. The following item needs to be added to the conf.php
+file. (It is located above the define line for BASEURL in the conf-default.php file):
+    ```bash
+    # (don't forget to edit conf.php in the **new** location)
+    vim /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/conf.php
+    ```
+    ```php
+    define("SSLOFFLOAD", 0);
+    ```
+9. **Make the maintenance and cryptkey directories writable** by the web server user. Normally this is
+the apache user, if using a different user change below command accordingly.
+    ```bash
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/maintenance
+    chown apache /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/cryptkey
+    ```
+10. **Start httpd service**
+    ```bash
+    service httpd start
+    ```
+11. **Check testsetup.php** Check that everything is correct by viewing the testsetup.php
+script in your browser. This script is located in the same directory as the index.php script.
+    ```bash
+    ```
+13. **Copy old management node code** If /usr/local/vcl is a directory, copy it to
+/usr/local/vcl-2.5, rename /usr/local/vcl to /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1, and create a symlink.
+If /usr/local/vcl is a symlink to vcl-2.5, copy /usr/local/vcl-2.5 to /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
+and update the symlink.
+    ```bash
+    # (for directory)
+    cp -ar /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.5
+    mv /usr/local/vcl /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
+    ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1 /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+    ```bash
+    # (for symlink)
+    cp -ar /usr/local/vcl-2.5 /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
+    ln -sfn /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1 /usr/local/vcl
+    ```
+13. **Copy new code in place** Copy the new management node code over the old code:
+    ```bash
+    /bin/cp -ar /root/apache-VCL-2.5.1/managementnode/* /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
+    ```
+14. **Run** to add any new perl library requirements:
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+    ```
+15. **Start vcld service**
+    ```bash
+    service vcld start
+    ```
+16. Make some **test reservations** and watch the vcld.log to verify everything is working 
+    ```bash
+    tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+    ```
diff --git a/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..648e881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+title: Upgrade Guides
+## Upgrade from previous versions to the latest release (2.5.1)
+[Upgrade from 2.5 to 2.5.1](UpgradeFrom2.5to2.5.1.html)
+[Upgrade from 2.4.2 to 2.5.1](UpgradeFrom2.4.2to2.5.1.html)
+## Upgrade from previous versions to 2.5
+[Upgrade from 2.4.2 to 2.5](UpgradeFrom2.4.2to2.5.html)
+## Upgrade from previous versions to 2.4.2
+[Upgrade from 2.3.2 to 2.4.2](UpgradeFrom2.3.2to2.4.2.html)
+[Upgrade from 2.2.2 to 2.4.2](UpgradeFrom2.2.2to2.4.2.html)
+## Upgrade from previous versions to 2.3.2
+[Upgrade from 2.3.1 to 2.3.2](UpgradeFrom2.3to2.3.2.html)
+[Upgrade from 2.3 to 2.3.2](UpgradeFrom2.3to2.3.2.html)
+[Upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3.2](UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.2.html)
+[Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3.2](UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.2.html)
+## Upgrade from previous versions to 2.2.2
+[Upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2](UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.2.2.html)
+[Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.2.2](UpgradeFrom2.2to2.2.2.html)
+## Upgrade from previous versions to 2.3.1
+[Upgrade from 2.3 to 2.3.1](UpgradeFrom2.3to2.3.1.html)
+[Upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3.1](UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.1.html)
+[Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3.1](UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.1.html)
+## Upgrade from previous versions to 2.3
+[Upgrade from 2.2.1 to 2.3](UpgradeFrom2.2.1to2.3.html)
+[Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3](UpgradeFrom2.2to2.3.html)
diff --git a/content/docs/VCL231InstallGuide.mdtext b/source/docs/
similarity index 75%
rename from content/docs/VCL231InstallGuide.mdtext
rename to source/docs/
index 172c28b..e951f24 100644
--- a/content/docs/VCL231InstallGuide.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-Title: VCL 2.3.1 Installation Guide
+title: VCL 2.3.1 Installation Guide
 **VCL 2.3.1 Installation Guide**
 This guide will provide the necessary steps to install and configure VCL software. It covers the set up of the database , web portal, and management node.
+{{% toc %}}
 # Install & Configure the Database # {#database}
@@ -16,72 +18,83 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
+        ```
 2. Install MySQL Server
     * Install MySQL Server 5.x
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install mysql-server -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install mysql-server -y
+        ```
     * Configure the MySQL daemon (mysqld) to start automatically:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
+        ```
     *  Start the MySQL daemon:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service mysqld start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service mysqld start
+        ```
     *  If the iptables firewall is being used and the web server and management nodes 
 will be on different machines, port 3306 should be opened up. Add the following to 
 your iptables config and restart iptables service.<br>
 **Note:** Insert your web server and management node IP address in the right locations.
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <web server IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
-                -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <management node IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            ```text
+            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <web server IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <management node IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            ```
         * Restart iptables:
-                :::BashLexer
-                service iptables restart   
+            ```bash
+            service iptables restart   
+            ```
 3. Create the VCL Database
     * Run the MySQL command-line client:
-            :::BashLexer
-            mysql
+        ```bash
+        mysql
+        ```
     * Create a database:
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            CREATE DATABASE vcl;
+        ```sql
+        CREATE DATABASE vcl;
+        ```
     * Create a user with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES privileges on the database you just created:
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vcluserpassword';
+        ```sql
+        GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vcluserpassword';
+        ```
     * Exit the MySQL command-line client
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            exit
+        ```bash
+        exit
+        ```
     * Import the vcl.sql file into the database. The **vcl.sql** file is included in the **mysql** directory within the Apache VCL source code
-            :::BashLexer
-            mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.3.1/mysql/vcl.sql
+        ```bash
+        mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.3.1/mysql/vcl.sql
+        ```
@@ -129,46 +142,53 @@
         For RHEL / CentOS 6
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap php-process -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap php-process -y
+        ```
         For RHEL / CentOS 5
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```
     * Configure the web server daemon (httpd) to start automatically:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
+        ```
     * Start the web server daemon
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service httpd start 
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service httpd start 
+        ```
     * If SELinux is enabled, run the following command to allow the web server to connect to the database:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+        ```bash
+        /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+        ```
     * If the iptables firewall is being used, port 80 and 443 should be opened up in the iptables
 config file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-                -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
+            ```text
+            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
+            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
+            ```
         * Restart iptables
-                :::BashLexer
-                service iptables restart
+            ```bash
+            service iptables restart
+            ```
 2. **Install the VCL Frontend Web Code**
     * If you have not already done so, follow the instructions on the [download](/downloads/download.cgi)
@@ -176,24 +196,28 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
+        ```
     * Copy the **web** directory to a location under the web root of your web server and navigate to the destination **.ht-inc** subdirectory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp -r apache-VCL-2.3.1/web/ /var/www/html/vcl
-            cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+        ```bash
+        cp -r apache-VCL-2.3.1/web/ /var/www/html/vcl
+        cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+        ```
     * Copy secrets-default.php to secrets.php:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+        ```bash
+        cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+        ```
     * Edit the secrets.php file:
-            :::BashLexer	 
-            vi secrets.php
+        ```bash
+        vi secrets.php
+        ```
         * Set the following variables to match your database configuration:
             * $vclhost
@@ -207,19 +231,22 @@
     * Run the
-            :::BashLexer
-            ./
+        ```bash
+        ./
+        ```
     * Copy conf-default.php to conf.php:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp conf-default.php conf.php
+        ```bash
+        cp conf-default.php conf.php
+        ```
     * Modify conf.php to match your site
-            :::BashLexer	 
-            vi conf.php
+        ```bash
+        vi conf.php
+        ```
         * Modify every entry under "Things in this section must be modified". 
         Descriptions and pointers for each value are included within conf.php.
         * COOKIEDOMAIN - set this to the domain name your web server is using 
@@ -227,8 +254,9 @@
     * Set the owner of the .ht-inc/maintenance directory to the web server user (normally 'apache'):
-            :::BashLexer
-            chown apache maintenance
+        ```bash
+        chown apache maintenance
+        ```
     * Open the testsetup.php page in a web browser:
         * If you set up your site to be open
@@ -321,7 +349,7 @@
 * Object::InsideOut - Comprehensive inside-out object support
 * RPC::XML - Set of classes for core data, message, XML handling
 * YAML - YAML Ain't Markup Language
 1. **Install the VCL Management Node Code - Perl Daemon**
@@ -330,20 +358,23 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.1.tar.bz2
+        ```
     * Copy the managementnode directory to the location where you want it to reside (typically /usr/local):
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp -r apache-VCL-2.3.1/managementnode /usr/local/vcl
+        ```bash
+        cp -r apache-VCL-2.3.1/managementnode /usr/local/vcl
+        ```
 2. **Install the Required Linux Packages & Perl Modules**
     * Run the script located in the bin directory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+        ```bash
+        perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+        ```
     The last line of the script output should be:
@@ -359,18 +390,21 @@
     * Create the /etc/vcl directory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            mkdir /etc/vcl
+        ```bash
+        mkdir /etc/vcl
+        ```
     * Copy the stock vcld.conf file to /etc/vcl:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+        ```bash
+        cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+        ```
     * Edit /etc/vcl/vcld.conf:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+        ```
         The following lines must be configured in order to start the VCL daemon (vcld) and allow it to check in to the database:
@@ -389,8 +423,9 @@
     * Edit the ssh_config file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
+        ```
     * Set the following parameters:
         * UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
@@ -402,49 +437,55 @@
     * Copy the vcld service script to /etc/init.d and name it vcld:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+        ```bash
+        cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+        ```
     * Add the vcld service using chkconfig:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+        ```
     * Configure the vcld service to automatically run at runtime levels 3-5:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+        ```
     * Start the vcld service:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service vcld start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service vcld start
+        ```
     * Check the vcld service by monitoring the vcld.log file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+        ```bash
+        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+        ```
-    You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if the management node is checking in with the database:
+        You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if the management node is checking in with the database:
-        :::BashLexer
+        ```text
         2012-05-15 13:23:45|25494|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for management node 1: 2012-05-15 13:23:45
+        ```
 6. **Set the vclsystem account password for xmlrpc api**
     Using the vcld -setup tool, set the vclsystem account. This is needed to properly use the block allocation features.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld -setup
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld -setup
+    ```
     Select the options listed below to set the password. When prompted paste or type the password from xmlrpc_pass variable in the vcld.conf file and hit enter. 
-        :::BashLexer
-        Select 1. VCL Base Module
-        Select 2. Set Local VCL User Account Password
-        Select 2. vclsystem
+    ```bash
+    Select 1. VCL Base Module
+    Select 2. Set Local VCL User Account Password
+    Select 2. vclsystem
+    ```
 7. **Install & Configure the DHCP Service**
@@ -452,41 +493,45 @@
     * Install dhcp if it is not already installed:
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install dhcp -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install dhcp -y
+        ```
     * Configure the dhcpd service to automatically start at runlevels 3-5:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on
+        ```
     * Configure the dhcpd.conf file.
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
-            -or-
-            vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
+        # -or-
+        vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+        ```
-    Configure your dhcpd.conf file according to your network configuration. 
-    The contents of the dhcpd.conf file will vary based on how your network is configured. Below is an example of a basic dhcpd.conf file:
+        Configure your dhcpd.conf file according to your network configuration. 
+        The contents of the dhcpd.conf file will vary based on how your network is configured. Below is an example of a basic dhcpd.conf file:
-        :::BashLexer
+        ```text
         ddns-update-style none;
         shared-network eth0 {
 	        subnet netmask {
 	                 ignore unknown-clients;
+        ```
-    You will add host definitions to the dhcpd.conf file after you add computers to VCL using the website. 
-    The website will display the dhcpd.conf host definitions after the computers have been added to VCL, 
-    which can be copied and pasted into the dhcpd.conf file.
+        You will add host definitions to the dhcpd.conf file after you add computers to VCL using the website. 
+        The website will display the dhcpd.conf host definitions after the computers have been added to VCL, 
+        which can be copied and pasted into the dhcpd.conf file.
     * Start the dhcpd service:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service dhcpd start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service dhcpd start
+        ```
@@ -512,7 +557,6 @@
-  [1]:
-  [2]:
-  [3]: installphpmyadmin
\ No newline at end of file
+[3]: installphpmyadmin
diff --git a/content/docs/VCL232InstallGuide.mdtext b/source/docs/
similarity index 75%
rename from content/docs/VCL232InstallGuide.mdtext
rename to source/docs/
index c57cadc..bb97953 100644
--- a/content/docs/VCL232InstallGuide.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-Title: VCL 2.3.2 Installation Guide
+title: VCL 2.3.2 Installation Guide
 This guide will provide the necessary steps to install and configure VCL software. It covers the set up of the database, web portal, and management node.
+{{% toc %}}
 # Install & Configure the Database {#database}
@@ -14,72 +16,83 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
+        ```
 2. Install MySQL Server
     * Install MySQL Server 5.x
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install mysql-server -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install mysql-server -y
+        ```
     * Configure the MySQL daemon (mysqld) to start automatically:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
+        ```
     *  Start the MySQL daemon:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service mysqld start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service mysqld start
+        ```
     *  If the iptables firewall is being used and the web server and management nodes 
 will be on different machines, port 3306 should be opened up. Add the following to 
 your iptables config and restart iptables service.<br>
 **Note:** Insert your web server and management node IP address in the right locations.
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <web server IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
-                -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <management node IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            ```text
+            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <web server IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <management node IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            ```
         * Restart iptables:
-                :::BashLexer
-                service iptables restart   
+            ```bash
+            service iptables restart   
+            ```
 3. Create the VCL Database
     * Run the MySQL command-line client:
-            :::BashLexer
-            mysql
+        ```bash
+        mysql
+        ```
     * Create a database:
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            CREATE DATABASE vcl;
+        ```sql
+        CREATE DATABASE vcl;
+        ```
     * Create a user with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES privileges on the database you just created:
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vcluserpassword';
+        ```sql
+        GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vcluserpassword';
+        ```
     * Exit the MySQL command-line client
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            exit
+        ```bash
+        exit
+        ```
     * Import the vcl.sql file into the database. The **vcl.sql** file is included in the **mysql** directory within the Apache VCL source code
-            :::BashLexer
-            mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.3.2/mysql/vcl.sql
+        ```bash
+        mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.3.2/mysql/vcl.sql
+        ```
@@ -127,46 +140,53 @@
         For RHEL / CentOS 6
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap php-process -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap php-process -y
+        ```
         For RHEL / CentOS 5
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```
     * Configure the web server daemon (httpd) to start automatically:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
+        ```
     * Start the web server daemon
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service httpd start 
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service httpd start 
+        ```
     * If SELinux is enabled, run the following command to allow the web server to connect to the database:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+        ```bash
+        /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+        ```
     * If the iptables firewall is being used, port 80 and 443 should be opened up in the iptables
 config file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-                -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
+            ```text
+            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
+            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
+            ```
         * Restart iptables
-                :::BashLexer
-                service iptables restart
+            ```bash
+            service iptables restart
+            ```
 2. **Install the VCL Frontend Web Code**
     * If you have not already done so, follow the instructions on the [download](/downloads/download.cgi)
@@ -174,24 +194,28 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
+        ```
     * Copy the **web** directory to a location under the web root of your web server and navigate to the destination **.ht-inc** subdirectory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp -r apache-VCL-2.3.2/web/ /var/www/html/vcl
-            cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+        ```bash
+        cp -r apache-VCL-2.3.2/web/ /var/www/html/vcl
+        cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+        ```
     * Copy secrets-default.php to secrets.php:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+        ```bash
+        cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+        ```
     * Edit the secrets.php file:
-            :::BashLexer	 
-            vi secrets.php
+        ```bash
+        vi secrets.php
+        ```
         * Set the following variables to match your database configuration:
             * $vclhost
@@ -205,19 +229,22 @@
     * Run the
-            :::BashLexer
-            ./
+        ```bash
+        ./
+        ```
     * Copy conf-default.php to conf.php:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp conf-default.php conf.php
+        ```bash
+        cp conf-default.php conf.php
+        ```
     * Modify conf.php to match your site
-            :::BashLexer	 
-            vi conf.php
+        ```bash
+        vi conf.php
+        ```
         * Modify every entry under "Things in this section must be modified". 
         Descriptions and pointers for each value are included within conf.php.
         * COOKIEDOMAIN - set this to the domain name your web server is using 
@@ -225,8 +252,9 @@
     * Set the owner of the .ht-inc/maintenance directory to the web server user (normally 'apache'):
-            :::BashLexer
-            chown apache maintenance
+        ```bash
+        chown apache maintenance
+        ```
     * Open the testsetup.php page in a web browser:
         * If you set up your site to be open
@@ -328,20 +356,23 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.2.tar.bz2
+        ```
     * Copy the managementnode directory to the location where you want it to reside (typically /usr/local):
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp -r apache-VCL-2.3.2/managementnode /usr/local/vcl
+        ```bash
+        cp -r apache-VCL-2.3.2/managementnode /usr/local/vcl
+        ```
 2. **Install the Required Linux Packages & Perl Modules**
     * Run the script located in the bin directory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+        ```bash
+        perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+        ```
     The last line of the script output should be:
@@ -357,18 +388,21 @@
     * Create the /etc/vcl directory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            mkdir /etc/vcl
+        ```bash
+        mkdir /etc/vcl
+        ```
     * Copy the stock vcld.conf file to /etc/vcl:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+        ```bash
+        cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+        ```
     * Edit /etc/vcl/vcld.conf:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+        ```
         The following lines must be configured in order to start the VCL daemon (vcld) and allow it to check in to the database:
@@ -387,8 +421,9 @@
     * Edit the ssh_config file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
+        ```
     * Set the following parameters:
         * UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
@@ -400,49 +435,55 @@
     * Copy the vcld service script to /etc/init.d and name it vcld:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+        ```bash
+        cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+        ```
     * Add the vcld service using chkconfig:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+        ```
     * Configure the vcld service to automatically run at runtime levels 3-5:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+        ```
     * Start the vcld service:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service vcld start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service vcld start
+        ```
     * Check the vcld service by monitoring the vcld.log file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+        ```bash
+        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+        ```
-    You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if the management node is checking in with the database:
+        You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if the management node is checking in with the database:
-        :::BashLexer
+        ```text
         2012-05-15 13:23:45|25494|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for management node 1: 2012-05-15 13:23:45
+        ```
 6. **Set the vclsystem account password for xmlrpc api**
     Using the vcld -setup tool, set the vclsystem account. This is needed to properly use the block allocation features.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld -setup
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld -setup
+    ```
     Select the options listed below to set the password. When prompted paste or type the password from xmlrpc_pass variable in the vcld.conf file and hit enter. 
-        :::BashLexer
-        Select 1. VCL Base Module
-        Select 2. Set Local VCL User Account Password
-        Select 2. vclsystem
+    ```bash
+    Select 1. VCL Base Module
+    Select 2. Set Local VCL User Account Password
+    Select 2. vclsystem
+    ```
 7. **Install & Configure the DHCP Service**
@@ -450,41 +491,45 @@
     * Install dhcp if it is not already installed:
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install dhcp -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install dhcp -y
+        ```
     * Configure the dhcpd service to automatically start at runlevels 3-5:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on
+        ```
     * Configure the dhcpd.conf file.
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
-            -or-
-            vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
+        # -or-
+        vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+        ```
-    Configure your dhcpd.conf file according to your network configuration. 
-    The contents of the dhcpd.conf file will vary based on how your network is configured. Below is an example of a basic dhcpd.conf file:
+        Configure your dhcpd.conf file according to your network configuration. 
+        The contents of the dhcpd.conf file will vary based on how your network is configured. Below is an example of a basic dhcpd.conf file:
-        :::BashLexer
+        ```text
         ddns-update-style none;
         shared-network eth0 {
 	        subnet netmask {
 	                 ignore unknown-clients;
+        ```
-    You will add host definitions to the dhcpd.conf file after you add computers to VCL using the website. 
-    The website will display the dhcpd.conf host definitions after the computers have been added to VCL, 
-    which can be copied and pasted into the dhcpd.conf file.
+        You will add host definitions to the dhcpd.conf file after you add computers to VCL using the website. 
+        The website will display the dhcpd.conf host definitions after the computers have been added to VCL, 
+        which can be copied and pasted into the dhcpd.conf file.
     * Start the dhcpd service:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service dhcpd start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service dhcpd start
+        ```
@@ -511,6 +556,6 @@
-  [1]:
-  [2]:
-  [3]: installphpmyadmin
\ No newline at end of file
+[3]: installphpmyadmin
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similarity index 63%
rename from content/docs/VCL23Installation.mdtext
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index 32e4a72..f5e67c9 100644
--- a/content/docs/VCL23Installation.mdtext
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@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-Title: VCL 2.3 Installation Guide
+title: VCL 2.3 Installation Guide
 **VCL 2.3 Installation Guide**
 This guide will provide the necessary steps to install and configure VCL software. It covers the set up of the database , web portal, and management node.
+{{% toc %}}
 # Install & Configure the Database # {#database}
@@ -13,70 +15,82 @@
 1. Download and Extract the Apache VCL Source
     * If you have not already done so, download and the Apache VCL source to the database server:
-            :::BashLexer
-            wget --trust-server-names ''
+        ```bash
+        wget --trust-server-names ''
+        ```
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2
+        ```
 2. Install MySQL Server
     * Install MySQL Server 5.x
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install mysql-server -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install mysql-server -y
+        ```
     * Configure the MySQL daemon (mysqld) to start automatically:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
+        ```
     *  Start the MySQL daemon:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service mysqld start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service mysqld start
+        ```
     *  If the iptables firewall is being used and the web server and management nodes will be on different machines, port 3306 should be opened up. Add the following to your iptables config and restart iptables service. Note insert your web server and management node IP address in the right locations.
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <web server IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
-            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <management node IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
-            service iptables restart   
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <web server IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+        -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <management node IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+        service iptables restart   
+        ```
 3. Create the VCL Database
     * Run the MySQL command-line client:
-            :::BashLexer
-            mysql
+        ```bash
+        mysql
+        ```
     * Create a database:
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            CREATE DATABASE vcl;
+        ```sql
+        CREATE DATABASE vcl;
+        ```
     * Create a user with SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES privileges on the database you just created:
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO '**vcluser**'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '**vcluserpassword**';
+        ```sql
+        GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO '**vcluser**'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '**vcluserpassword**';
+        ```
     * Exit the MySQL command-line client
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            exit
+        ```bash
+        exit
+        ```
     * Import the vcl.sql file into the database. The **vcl.sql** file is included in the **mysql** directory within the Apache VCL source code
-            :::BashLexer
-            mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.3/mysql/vcl.sql
+        ```bash
+        mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.3/mysql/vcl.sql
+        ```
     * If you want to use libvirt provisioning for KVM, you need to add one entry to the database that was left out of the release.
-            :::BashLexer
-            echo "INSERT IGNORE provisioningOSinstalltype (provisioningid, OSinstalltypeid) SELECT, FROM provisioning, OSinstalltype WHERE = 'libvirt' AND = 'vmware';" | mysql vcl
+        ```bash
+        echo "INSERT IGNORE provisioningOSinstalltype (provisioningid, OSinstalltypeid) SELECT, FROM provisioning, OSinstalltype WHERE = 'libvirt' AND = 'vmware';" | mysql vcl
+        ```
@@ -117,92 +131,106 @@
     * If your web server is running a Red Hat-based OS, the required components can be installed with:
         For RHEL / CentOS 5
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```
         For RHEL / CentOS 6
-            :::BashLexer
-            	yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap php-process -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap php-process -y
+        ```
     * Configure the web server daemon (httpd) to start automatically:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
+        ```
     * Start the web server daemon
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service httpd start 
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service httpd start 
+        ```
     * If SELinux is enabled, run the following command to allow the web server to connect to the database:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+        ```bash
+        /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+        ```
     * If the iptables firewall is being used, port 80 and 443 should be opened up:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
-            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
-            service iptables restart
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
+        -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
+        service iptables restart
+        ```
 2. **Install the VCL Frontend Web Code**
     * If you have not already done so, download and extract the source files on the web server:
-            :::BashLexer
-            wget --trust-server-names ''
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        wget --trust-server-names ''
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2
+        ```
     * Copy the **web** directory to a location under the web root of your web server and navigate to the destination **.ht-inc** subdirectory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp -r apache-VCL-2.3/web/ /var/www/html/vcl
-            cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+        ```bash
+        cp -r apache-VCL-2.3/web/ /var/www/html/vcl
+        cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+        ```
     * Copy secrets-default.php to secrets.php:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+        ```bash
+        cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+        ```
     * Edit the secrets.php file:
-            :::BashLexer	 
-            vi secrets.php
+        ```bash
+        vi secrets.php
+        ```
-            * Set the following variables to match your database configuration:
-                * $vclhost
-                * $vcldb
-                * $vclusername
-                * $vclpassword
-            * Create random passwords for the following variables:
-                * $cryptkey
-                * $pemkey
-            * Save the secrets.php file
+        * Set the following variables to match your database configuration:
+            * $vclhost
+            * $vcldb
+            * $vclusername
+            * $vclpassword
+        * Create random passwords for the following variables:
+            * $cryptkey
+            * $pemkey
+        * Save the secrets.php file
     * Run the
-            :::BashLexer
-            ./
+        ```bash
+        ./
+        ```
     * Copy conf-default.php to conf.php:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp conf-default.php conf.php
+        ```bash
+        cp conf-default.php conf.php
+        ```
     * Modify conf.php to match your site
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi conf.php
+        ```bash
+        vi conf.php
+        ```
-	        * Modify every entry under "Things in this section must be modified". Descriptions and pointers for each value are included within conf.php.
-                * COOKIEDOMAIN - set this to the domain name your web server is using or leave it blank if you are only accessing the web server by its IP address
+        * Modify every entry under "Things in this section must be modified". Descriptions and pointers for each value are included within conf.php.
+            * COOKIEDOMAIN - set this to the domain name your web server is using or leave it blank if you are only accessing the web server by its IP address
     * Set the owner of the .ht-inc/maintenance directory to the web server user (normally 'apache'):
-            :::BashLexer
-            chown apache maintenance
+        ```bash
+        chown apache maintenance
+        ```
     * Open the testsetup.php page in a web browser:
         * If you set up your site to be open
@@ -252,8 +280,8 @@
 The following management node installation instructions assume the instructions on the following pages have previously been completed:
-    * VCL 2.3 Database Installation
-    * VCL 2.3 Web Code Installation
+* VCL 2.3 Database Installation
+* VCL 2.3 Web Code Installation
 **Supported Operating Systems:**
@@ -302,21 +330,24 @@
     * If you have not already done so, download and extract the source files on the web server:
-            :::BashLexer
-            wget --trust-server-names ''
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        wget --trust-server-names ''
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.3.tar.bz2
+        ```
     * Copy the managementnode directory to the location where you want it to reside (typically /usr/local):
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp -r apache-VCL-2.3/managementnode /usr/local/vcl
+        ```bash
+        cp -r apache-VCL-2.3/managementnode /usr/local/vcl
+        ```
 2. **Install the Required Linux Packages & Perl Modules**
     * Run the script located in the bin directory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+        ```bash
+        perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+        ```
     The last line of the script output should be:
@@ -332,25 +363,29 @@
     * Create the /etc/vcl directory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            mkdir /etc/vcl
+        ```bash
+        mkdir /etc/vcl
+        ```
     * Copy the stock vcld.conf file to /etc/vcl:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+        ```bash
+        cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+        ```
     * Edit /etc/vcl/vcld.conf:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
-            The following lines must be configured in order to start the VCL daemon (vcld) and allow it to check in to the database:
-            * FQDN - the fully qualified name of the management node, this should match the name that was configured for the management node in the database
-            * server - the IP address or FQDN of the database server
-            * LockerWrtUser - database user account with write privileges
-            * wrtPass - database user password
-            * xmlrpc_pass - password for xmlrpc api from vcld to the web interface(can be long). This will be used later to sync the database vclsystem user account
-            * xmlrpc_url - URL for xmlrpc api
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+        ```
+        The following lines must be configured in order to start the VCL daemon (vcld) and allow it to check in to the database:
+        * FQDN - the fully qualified name of the management node, this should match the name that was configured for the management node in the database
+        * server - the IP address or FQDN of the database server
+        * LockerWrtUser - database user account with write privileges
+        * wrtPass - database user password
+        * xmlrpc_pass - password for xmlrpc api from vcld to the web interface(can be long). This will be used later to sync the database vclsystem user account
+        * xmlrpc_url - URL for xmlrpc api
     * Save the vcld.conf file
@@ -360,11 +395,12 @@
     * Edit the ssh_config file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
-            Set the following parameters:<br>
-            UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null<br>
-            StrictHostKeyChecking no<br>
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
+        Set the following parameters:<br>
+        UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null<br>
+        StrictHostKeyChecking no<br>
+        ```
     Note: If you do not want these settings applied universally on the management node the SSH configuration can also be configured to only apply these settings to certain hosts or only for the root user. Consult the SSH documentation for more information.
@@ -372,28 +408,33 @@
     * Copy the vcld service script to /etc/init.d and name it vcld:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+        ```bash
+        cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+        ```
     * Add the vcld service using chkconfig:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+        ```
     * Configure the vcld service to automatically run at runtime levels 3-5:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+        ```
     * Start the vcld service:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service vcld start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service vcld start
+        ```
     * Check the vcld service by monitoring the vcld.log file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+        ```bash
+        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+        ```
      You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if the management node is checking in with the database:<br>
      2012-05-15 13:23:45|25494|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for management node 1: 2012-05-15 13:23:45
@@ -403,16 +444,17 @@
      Using the vcld -setup tool, set the vclsystem account. This is needed to properly use the block allocation features.
-            :::BashLexer
-            /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld -setup
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld -setup
+    ```
     Select the options listed below to set the password. When prompted paste or type the password from xmlrpc_pass variable in the vcld.conf file and hit enter. 
-            :::BashLexer
-            Select 1. VCL Base Module
-            Select 2. Set Local VCL User Account Password
-            Select 2. vclsystem
+    ```bash
+    Select 1. VCL Base Module
+    Select 2. Set Local VCL User Account Password
+    Select 2. vclsystem
+    ```
 7. **Install & Configure the DHCP Service**
@@ -420,46 +462,48 @@
     * Install dhcp if it is not already installed:
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install dhcp -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install dhcp -y
+        ```
     * Configure the dhcpd service to automatically start at runlevels 3-5:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on
+        ```
     * Configure the dhcpd.conf file.
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
-            -or-
-            vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
+        # -or-
+        vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+        ```
-    Configure your dhcpd.conf file according to your network configuration. 
-    The contents of the dhcpd.conf file will vary based on how your network is configured. Below is an example of a basic dhcpd.conf file:
+        Configure your dhcpd.conf file according to your network configuration. 
+        The contents of the dhcpd.conf file will vary based on how your network is configured. Below is an example of a basic dhcpd.conf file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            ddns-update-style none;
-            shared-network eth0 {
-	                subnet netmask {
-		                    ignore unknown-clients;
-	                }
-            }
+        ```text
+        ddns-update-style none;
+        shared-network eth0 {
+                subnet netmask {
+                        ignore unknown-clients;
+                }
+        }
+        ```
-    You will add host definitions to the dhcpd.conf file after you add computers to VCL using the website. 
-    The website will display the dhcpd.conf host definitions after the computers have been added to VCL, 
-    which can be copied and pasted into the dhcpd.conf file.
+        You will add host definitions to the dhcpd.conf file after you add computers to VCL using the website. 
+        The website will display the dhcpd.conf host definitions after the computers have been added to VCL, 
+        which can be copied and pasted into the dhcpd.conf file.
     * Start the dhcpd service:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service dhcpd start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service dhcpd start
+        ```
- [1]:
-  [2]:
\ No newline at end of file
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similarity index 70%
rename from content/docs/VCL242InstallGuide.mdtext
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--- a/content/docs/VCL242InstallGuide.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: VCL 2.4.2 Installation Guide
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: VCL 2.4.2 Installation Guide
 # Scripted Installation
 VCL 2.4.2 is the first release to include an installation script.  All you need to install
@@ -26,44 +12,45 @@
 Validate script:
-    :::BashLexer
-    wget
-    sha1sum -c
-    wget
-    gpg --import KEYS
-    wget
-    gpg --verify
+sha1sum -c
+gpg --import KEYS
+gpg --verify
 Running the installation script with no arguments will step you through installing all
 three parts of VCL.  Alternatively, the following explains optional arguments.  If
 installing the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt you to agree to the 
 installation of various system level requirements needed for the code to run.
- [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
-            [--dbhost <hostname> --dbpass <password>] 
-            [--mnhost <hostname>] [--webhost <hostname>]
+```bash [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
+        [--dbhost <hostname> --dbpass <password>] 
+        [--mnhost <hostname>] [--webhost <hostname>]
-    -d|--database - install database server components
-            --dbpass, --mnhost, --mnip, --webhost, and --adminpass must also be specified
+-d|--database - install database server components
+        --dbpass, --mnhost, --mnip, --webhost, and --adminpass must also be specified
-    -w|--web - install web server components
-            --dbhost and --dbpass must also be specified
+-w|--web - install web server components
+        --dbhost and --dbpass must also be specified
-    -m|--managementnode - install management node (vcld) components
-            --dbhost, --dbpass, and --adminpass must also be specified
+-m|--managementnode - install management node (vcld) components
+        --dbhost, --dbpass, and --adminpass must also be specified
-    --dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
+--dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
-    --dbpass <password> - password VCL will use for accessing
-            database (default=random)
+--dbpass <password> - password VCL will use for accessing
+        database (default=random)
-    --mnhost <hostname> - hostname of management node (default=localhost)
+--mnhost <hostname> - hostname of management node (default=localhost)
-    --webhost <hostname> - hostname of web server (default=localhost)
+--webhost <hostname> - hostname of web server (default=localhost)
-    --adminpass <password> - password for VCL admin user
+--adminpass <password> - password for VCL admin user
 # Manual Installation 
@@ -84,60 +71,69 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2
+        ```
 2. Install MySQL Server or MariaDB Server
     * Install MySQL or MariaDB Server
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install mysql-server -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install mysql-server -y
+        ```
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install mariadb-server -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install mariadb-server -y
+        ```
     * Configure the database daemon to start automatically:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
+        ```
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mariadb on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mariadb on
+        ```
     *  Start the database daemon:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service mysqld start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service mysqld start
+        ```
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service mariadb start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service mariadb start
+        ```
     *  If the iptables firewall is being used and the web server and management nodes 
 will be on different machines, port 3306 should be opened up to each of those nodes. 
 Add the following to your iptables config and restart iptables service.<br>
 **Note:** Insert your web server and management node IP address in the right locations.
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <web server IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
-                -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <management node IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            ```text
+            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <web server IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <management node IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            ```
         * Restart iptables:
-                :::BashLexer
-                service iptables restart
+            ```bash
+            service iptables restart
+            ```
     *  If the firewalld firewall is being used and the web server and management nodes 
 will be on different machines, port 3306 should be opened up to each of those nodes. 
@@ -146,45 +142,51 @@
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="<web server IP>" service name="mysql" accept"
-                firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="<management node IP>" service name="mysql" accept"
+            ```bash
+            firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="<web server IP>" service name="mysql" accept"
+            firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="<management node IP>" service name="mysql" accept"
+            ```
         * Restart iptables:
-                :::BashLexer
-                firewall-cmd --reload
+            ```bash
+            firewall-cmd --reload
+            ```
 3. Create the VCL Database
     * Run the MySQL command-line client:
-            :::BashLexer
-            mysql
+        ```bash
+        mysql
+        ```
     * Create a database:
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            CREATE DATABASE vcl;
+        ```sql
+        CREATE DATABASE vcl;
+        ```
 privileges on the database you just created (**NOTE Use your own password**):
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vcluserpassword';
+        ```bash
+        GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vcluserpassword';
+        ```
     * Exit the MySQL command-line client
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            exit
+        ```bash
+        exit
+        ```
     * Import the vcl.sql file into the database. The **vcl.sql** file is included in the 
 **mysql** directory within the Apache VCL source code
-            :::BashLexer
-            mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.4.2/mysql/vcl.sql
+        ```bash
+        mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.4.2/mysql/vcl.sql
+        ```
 ## Install and Configure the Web Components {#web}
@@ -225,60 +227,68 @@
         For RHEL / CentOS 6 and 7
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```
         For RHEL / CentOS 5
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-gd php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```
     * Configure the web server daemon (httpd) to start automatically:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
+        ```
     * Start the web server daemon
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service httpd start 
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service httpd start 
+        ```
     * If SELinux is enabled, run the following command to allow the web server to connect to the database:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+        ```bash
+        /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+        ```
     * If the iptables firewall is being used, port 80 and 443 should be opened up in the iptables
 config file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-                -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
+            ```text
+            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
+            -A RH-Firewall-1-INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
+            ```
         * Restart iptables
-                :::BashLexer
-                service iptables restart
+            ```bash
+            service iptables restart
+            ```
     * If the firewalld firewall is being used, port 80 and 443 should be opened up:
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent
-                firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=https --permanent
+            ```bash
+            firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent
+            firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=https --permanent
+            ```
         * Reload firewalld rules
-                :::BashLexer
-                firewall-cmd --reload
+            ```bash
+            firewall-cmd --reload
+            ```
 2. **Install the VCL Frontend Web Code**
     * If you have not already done so, follow the instructions on the [download](/downloads/download.cgi)
@@ -286,26 +296,30 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2
+        ```
     * Copy the **web** directory to a location under the web root of your web server and 
 navigate to the destination **.ht-inc** subdirectory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp -r apache-VCL-2.4.2/web/ /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2
-            ln -s /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2 /var/www/html/vcl
-            cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+        ```bash
+        cp -r apache-VCL-2.4.2/web/ /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2
+        ln -s /var/www/html/vcl-2.4.2 /var/www/html/vcl
+        cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+        ```
     * Copy secrets-default.php to secrets.php:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+        ```bash
+        cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+        ```
     * Edit the secrets.php file:
-            :::BashLexer	 
-            vi secrets.php
+        ```bash
+        vi secrets.php
+        ```
         * Set the following variables to match your database configuration:
             * $vclhost
@@ -319,26 +333,30 @@
     * Run the
-            :::BashLexer
-            ./
+        ```bash
+        ./
+        ```
     * Copy conf-default.php to conf.php:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp conf-default.php conf.php
+        ```bash
+        cp conf-default.php conf.php
+        ```
     * Modify conf.php to match your site
-            :::BashLexer	 
-            vi conf.php
+        ```bash
+        vi conf.php
+        ```
         * Review every entry under "Things in this section must be modified/reviewed". 
         Descriptions and pointers for each value are included within conf.php.
     * Set the owner of the .ht-inc/maintenance directory to the web server user (normally 'apache'):
-            :::BashLexer
-            chown apache maintenance
+        ```bash
+        chown apache maintenance
+        ```
     * Open the testsetup.php page in a web browser:
         * If you set up your site to be open
@@ -474,7 +492,7 @@
 * Time::HiRes - provides high resolution time and timers
 * URI - Uniform Resource Identifiers (absolute and relative)
 * YAML - YAML Ain't Markup Language
 1. **Install the VCL Management Node Code - Perl Daemon**
@@ -484,22 +502,25 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.4.2.tar.bz2
+        ```
     * Copy the managementnode directory to the location where you want it to reside 
 (typically /usr/local):
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp -r apache-VCL-2.4.2/managementnode /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2
-            ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 /usr/local/vcl
+        ```bash
+        cp -r apache-VCL-2.4.2/managementnode /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2
+        ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.4.2 /usr/local/vcl
+        ```
 2. **Install the Required Linux Packages & Perl Modules**
     * Run the script located in the bin directory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+        ```bash
+        perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+        ```
     The last line of the script output should be:
@@ -525,18 +546,21 @@
     * Create the /etc/vcl directory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            mkdir /etc/vcl
+        ```bash
+        mkdir /etc/vcl
+        ```
     * Copy the stock vcld.conf file to /etc/vcl:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+        ```bash
+        cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+        ```
     * Edit /etc/vcl/vcld.conf:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+        ```
         The following lines must be configured in order to start the VCL daemon (vcld) 
 and allow it to check in to the database:
@@ -561,8 +585,9 @@
     * Edit the ssh_config file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
+        ```
     * Set the following parameters:
         * UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
@@ -576,51 +601,57 @@
     * Copy the vcld service script to /etc/init.d and name it vcld:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+        ```bash
+        cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+        ```
     * Add the vcld service using chkconfig:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+        ```
     * Configure the vcld service to automatically run at runtime levels 3-5:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+        ```
     * Start the vcld service:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service vcld start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service vcld start
+        ```
     * Check the vcld service by monitoring the vcld.log file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+        ```bash
+        tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+        ```
-    You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if the 
-management node is checking in with the database:
+        You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if the 
+        management node is checking in with the database:
-        :::BashLexer
+        ```text
         2015-01-28 13:23:45|25494|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for management node 1: 2015-01-28 13:23:45
+        ```
 6. **Set the vclsystem account password for xmlrpc api**
     Using the vcld -setup tool, set the vclsystem account. This is needed to properly 
 use the block allocation features.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld --setup
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld --setup
+    ```
     Select the options listed below to set the password. When prompted paste or type the 
 password from xmlrpc_pass variable in the vcld.conf file and hit enter. 
-        :::BashLexer
-        Select 6. Set Local VCL User Account Password
-        Select 2. vclsystem
+    ```bash
+    Select 6. Set Local VCL User Account Password
+    Select 2. vclsystem
+    ```
 7. **Install & Configure the DHCP Service**
@@ -629,42 +660,46 @@
     * Install dhcp if it is not already installed:
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install dhcp -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install dhcp -y
+        ```
     * Configure the dhcpd service to automatically start at runlevels 3-5:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on
+        ```
     * Configure the dhcpd.conf file.
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
-            -or-
-            vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
+        # -or-
+        vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+        ```
-    Configure your dhcpd.conf file according to your network configuration. 
-    The contents of the dhcpd.conf file will vary based on how your network is 
+        Configure your dhcpd.conf file according to your network configuration. 
+        The contents of the dhcpd.conf file will vary based on how your network is 
 configured. Below is an example of a basic dhcpd.conf file:
-        :::BashLexer
+        ```text
         ddns-update-style none;
         shared-network eth0 {
 	        subnet netmask {
 	                 ignore unknown-clients;
+        ```
-    You will add host definitions to the dhcpd.conf file after you add computers to VCL 
+        You will add host definitions to the dhcpd.conf file after you add computers to VCL 
 using the website. The website allows you to select a set of computers for which to
 generate dhcpd.conf information, which can be copied and pasted into the dhcpd.conf file.
     * Start the dhcpd service:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service dhcpd start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service dhcpd start
+        ```
@@ -697,7 +732,7 @@
-  [1]:
-  [2]:
-  [3]: installphpmyadmin
-  [4]:
\ No newline at end of file
+[3]: installphpmyadmin
diff --git a/content/docs/VCL251InstallGuide.mdtext b/source/docs/
similarity index 65%
rename from content/docs/VCL251InstallGuide.mdtext
rename to source/docs/
index afc958f..73110a4 100644
--- a/content/docs/VCL251InstallGuide.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: VCL 2.5.1 Installation Guide
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: VCL 2.5.1 Installation Guide
 # Scripted Installation
 VCL 2.5.1 can be installed using an installation script.  All you need to install
@@ -26,44 +12,45 @@
 Validate script:
-    :::BashLexer
-    wget
-    sha512sum -c
-    wget
-    gpg --import KEYS
-    wget
-    gpg --verify
+sha512sum -c
+gpg --import KEYS
+gpg --verify
 Running the installation script with no arguments will step you through installing all
 three parts of VCL.  Alternatively, the following explains optional arguments.  If
 installing the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt you to agree to the 
 installation of various system level requirements needed for the code to run.
- [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
-            [--dbhost <hostname> --dbpass <password>] 
-            [--mnhost <hostname>] [--webhost <hostname>]
+```bash [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
+        [--dbhost <hostname> --dbpass <password>] 
+        [--mnhost <hostname>] [--webhost <hostname>]
-    -d|--database - install database server components
-            --dbpass, --mnhost, --mnip, --webhost, and --adminpass must also be specified
+-d|--database - install database server components
+        --dbpass, --mnhost, --mnip, --webhost, and --adminpass must also be specified
-    -w|--web - install web server components
-            --dbhost and --dbpass must also be specified
+-w|--web - install web server components
+        --dbhost and --dbpass must also be specified
-    -m|--managementnode - install management node (vcld) components
-            --dbhost, --dbpass, and --adminpass must also be specified
+-m|--managementnode - install management node (vcld) components
+        --dbhost, --dbpass, and --adminpass must also be specified
-    --dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
+--dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
-    --dbpass <password> - password VCL will use for accessing
-            database (default=random)
+--dbpass <password> - password VCL will use for accessing
+        database (default=random)
-    --mnhost <hostname> - hostname of management node (default=localhost)
+--mnhost <hostname> - hostname of management node (default=localhost)
-    --webhost <hostname> - hostname of web server (default=localhost)
+--webhost <hostname> - hostname of web server (default=localhost)
-    --adminpass <password> - password for VCL admin user
+--adminpass <password> - password for VCL admin user
 # Manual Installation 
@@ -84,106 +71,123 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2
+        ```
 2. Install MySQL Server or MariaDB Server
     * Install MySQL or MariaDB Server
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install mysql-server -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install mysql-server -y
+        ```
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install mariadb-server -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install mariadb-server -y
+        ```
     * Configure the database daemon to start automatically:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
+        ```
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mariadb on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mariadb on
+        ```
     *  Start the database daemon:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service mysqld start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service mysqld start
+        ```
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service mariadb start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service mariadb start
+        ```
     *  If the iptables firewall is being used and the web server and management nodes 
-will be on different machines, port 3306 should be opened up to each of those nodes. 
-Add the following to your iptables config and restart iptables service.<br>
-**Note:** Insert your web server and management node IP address in the right locations.
+        will be on different machines, port 3306 should be opened up to each of those nodes. 
+        Add the following to your iptables config and restart iptables service.
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        **Note:** Insert your web server and management node IP address in the right locations.
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <web server IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
-                -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <management node IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            ```text
+            -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <web server IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <management node IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            ```
         * Restart iptables:
-                :::BashLexer
-                service iptables restart
+            ```bash
+            service iptables restart
+            ```
     *  If the firewalld firewall is being used and the web server and management nodes 
-will be on different machines, port 3306 should be opened up to each of those nodes. 
-Add the following rules and reload the rule set.<br>
-**Note:** Insert your web server and management node IP address in the right locations.
+        will be on different machines, port 3306 should be opened up to each of those nodes. 
+        Add the following rules and reload the rule set.
+        **Note:** Insert your web server and management node IP address in the right locations.
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="<web server IP>" service name="mysql" accept"
-                firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="<management node IP>" service name="mysql" accept"
+            ```bash
+            firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="<web server IP>" service name="mysql" accept"
+            firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="<management node IP>" service name="mysql" accept"
+            ```
         * Restart iptables:
-                :::BashLexer
-                firewall-cmd --reload
+            ```bash
+            firewall-cmd --reload
+            ```
 3. Create the VCL Database
     * Run the MySQL command-line client:
-            :::BashLexer
-            mysql
+        ```bash
+        mysql
+        ```
     * Create a database:
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            CREATE DATABASE vcl;
+        ```sql
+        CREATE DATABASE vcl;
+        ```
 privileges on the database you just created (**NOTE Use your own password**):
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vcluserpassword';
+        ```sql
+        GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vcluserpassword';
+        ```
     * Exit the MySQL command-line client
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            exit
+        ```bash
+        exit
+        ```
     * Import the vcl.sql file into the database. The **vcl.sql** file is included in the 
 **mysql** directory within the Apache VCL source code
-            :::BashLexer
-            mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.5.1/mysql/vcl.sql
+        ```bash
+        mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.5.1/mysql/vcl.sql
+        ```
@@ -223,54 +227,62 @@
     * If your web server is running a Red Hat-based OS, the required components can be installed with:
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```
     * Configure the web server daemon (httpd) to start automatically:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
+        ```
     * Start the web server daemon
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service httpd start 
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service httpd start 
+        ```
     * If SELinux is enabled, run the following command to allow the web server to connect to the database:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+        ```bash
+        /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+        ```
     * If the iptables firewall is being used, port 80 and 443 should be opened up in the iptables
 config file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-                -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
+            ```text
+            -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
+            -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
+            ```
         * Restart iptables
-                :::BashLexer
-                service iptables restart
+            ```bash
+            service iptables restart
+            ```
     * If the firewalld firewall is being used, port 80 and 443 should be opened up:
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent
-                firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=https --permanent
+            ```bash
+            firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent
+            firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=https --permanent
+            ```
         * Reload firewalld rules
-                :::BashLexer
-                firewall-cmd --reload
+            ```bash
+            firewall-cmd --reload
+            ```
 2. **Install the VCL Frontend Web Code**
     * If you have not already done so, follow the instructions on the [download](/downloads/download.cgi)
@@ -278,31 +290,36 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2
+        ```
     * Copy the **web** directory to a location under the web root of your web server and 
 navigate to the destination **.ht-inc** subdirectory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp -ar apache-VCL-2.5.1/web/ /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1
-            ln -s /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1 /var/www/html/vcl
-            cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+        ```bash
+        cp -ar apache-VCL-2.5.1/web/ /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1
+        ln -s /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1 /var/www/html/vcl
+        cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+        ```
     * If SELinux is enabled, run the following command to set the context of the web code to httpd_sys_content_t
-            :::BashLexer
-            chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1
+        ```bash
+        chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5.1
+        ```
     * Copy secrets-default.php to secrets.php:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+        ```bash
+        cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+        ```
     * Edit the secrets.php file:
-            :::BashLexer	 
-            vi secrets.php
+        ```bash
+        vi secrets.php
+        ```
         * Set the following variables to match your database configuration:
             * $vclhost
@@ -316,33 +333,38 @@
     * Run the
-            :::BashLexer
-            ./
+        ```bash
+        ./
+        ```
     * Copy conf-default.php to conf.php:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp conf-default.php conf.php
+        ```bash
+        cp conf-default.php conf.php
+        ```
     * Modify conf.php to match your site
-            :::BashLexer	 
-            vi conf.php
+        ```bash
+        vi conf.php
+        ```
         * Review every entry under "Things in this section must be modified/reviewed". 
         Descriptions and pointers for each value are included within conf.php.
     * Set the owner of the .ht-inc/maintenance and .ht-inc/cryptkey directories to the web server user (normally 'apache'):
-            :::BashLexer
-            chown apache maintenance
-            chown apache cryptkey
+        ```bash
+        chown apache maintenance
+        chown apache cryptkey
+        ```
     * If SELinux is enabled, run the following command to allow the web server to write to maintenance and cryptkey
-            :::BashLexer
-            chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t maintenance
-            chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t cryptkey
+        ```bash
+        chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t maintenance
+        chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t cryptkey
+        ```
     * Open the testsetup.php page in a web browser:
         * If you set up your site to be open
@@ -467,7 +489,7 @@
 * Text::CSV_XS - comma-separated values manipulation routines
 * XML::Simple - API for simple XML files
 * YAML - YAML Ain't Markup Language
 1. **Install the VCL Management Node Code - Perl Daemon**
@@ -477,22 +499,25 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2
+        ```
     * Copy the managementnode directory to the location where you want it to reside 
 (typically /usr/local):
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp -ar apache-VCL-2.5.1/managementnode /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
-            ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1 /usr/local/vcl
+        ```bash
+        cp -ar apache-VCL-2.5.1/managementnode /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1
+        ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.5.1 /usr/local/vcl
+        ```
 2. **Install the Required Linux Packages & Perl Modules**
     * Run the script located in the bin directory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+        ```bash
+        perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+        ```
     The last line of the script output should be:
@@ -518,18 +543,21 @@
     * Create the /etc/vcl directory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            mkdir /etc/vcl
+        ```bash
+        mkdir /etc/vcl
+        ```
     * Copy the stock vcld.conf file to /etc/vcl:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+        ```bash
+        cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+        ```
     * Edit /etc/vcl/vcld.conf:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+        ```
         The following lines must be configured in order to start the VCL daemon (vcld) 
 and allow it to check in to the database:
@@ -554,8 +582,9 @@
     * Edit the ssh_config file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
+        ```
     * Set the following parameters:
         * UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
@@ -571,90 +600,104 @@
         * Copy the vcld service script to /usr/lib/systemd/system
-                :::BashLexer
-                cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/systemd/system/vcld.service /usr/lib/systemd/system
+            ```bash
+            cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/systemd/system/vcld.service /usr/lib/systemd/system
+            ```
         * Create a vcld config file in /etc/sysconfig
-                :::BashLexer
-                echo "OPTIONS='-v -conf=/etc/vcl/vcld.conf'" > /etc/sysconfig/vcld
+            ```bash
+            echo "OPTIONS='-v -conf=/etc/vcl/vcld.conf'" > /etc/sysconfig/vcld
+            ```
         * If using SELinux, set the correct user and context:
-                :::BashLexer
-                chcon -u system_u -t systemd_unit_file_t /usr/lib/systemd/system/vcld.service
+            ```bash
+            chcon -u system_u -t systemd_unit_file_t /usr/lib/systemd/system/vcld.service
+            ```
         * Enable vcld.service
-                :::BashLexer
-                systemctl enable vcld.service
+            ```bash
+            systemctl enable vcld.service
+            ```
         * Start the vcld service:
-                :::BashLexer
-                systemctl start vcld.service
+            ```bash
+            systemctl start vcld.service
+            ```
         * Check the vcld service by monitoring the vcld.log file:
-                :::BashLexer
-                tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+            ```bash
+            tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+            ```
     * **Steps for SystemV** - use these steps if your system is using SystemV (scripts located in
         * Copy the vcld service script to /etc/init.d and name it vcld:
-                :::BashLexer
-                cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+            ```bash
+            cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+            ```
         * Add the vcld service using chkconfig:
-                :::BashLexer
-                /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+            ```bash
+            /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+            ```
         * Configure the vcld service to automatically run at runtime levels 3-5:
-                :::BashLexer
-                /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+            ```bash
+            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+            ```
         * Start the vcld service:
-                :::BashLexer
-                /sbin/service vcld start
+            ```bash
+            /sbin/service vcld start
+            ```
         * Check the vcld service by monitoring the vcld.log file:
-                :::BashLexer
-                tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+            ```bash
+            tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+            ```
-        You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if the 
+            You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if the 
 management node is checking in with the database:
-            :::BashLexer
+            ```text
             2019-06-07 13:23:45|25494|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for management node 1: 2019-06-07 13:23:45
+            ```
 6. **Set the vclsystem account password for xmlrpc api**
     Using the vcld -setup tool, set the vclsystem account. This is needed to properly 
 use the block allocation features.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld --setup
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld --setup
+    ```
     Select the options listed below to set the password. When prompted paste or type the 
 password from xmlrpc_pass variable in the vcld.conf file and hit enter. 
-        :::BashLexer
-        Select 5. Set Local VCL User Account Password
-        Select 2. vclsystem
-        Enter the password you set for xmlrpc_pass in /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+    ```bash
+    Select 5. Set Local VCL User Account Password
+    Select 2. vclsystem
+    Enter the password you set for xmlrpc_pass in /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+    ```
     After setting the password for the vclsystem user, test that RPC-XML Access works correctly
 by selecting
-        :::BashLexer
-        2: Test RPC-XML Access
+    ```bash
+    2: Test RPC-XML Access
+    ```
     **SUCCESS: RPC-XML access is configured correctly** should be displayed followed by a long list of
 available XMLRPC functions
@@ -666,42 +709,46 @@
     * Install dhcp if it is not already installed:
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install dhcp -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install dhcp -y
+        ```
     * Configure the dhcpd service to automatically start at runlevels 3-5:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on
+        ```
     * Configure the dhcpd.conf file.
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
-            -or-
-            vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
+        # -or-
+        vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+        ```
-    Configure your dhcpd.conf file according to your network configuration. 
-    The contents of the dhcpd.conf file will vary based on how your network is 
-configured. Below is an example of a basic dhcpd.conf file:
+        Configure your dhcpd.conf file according to your network configuration. 
+        The contents of the dhcpd.conf file will vary based on how your network is 
+        configured. Below is an example of a basic dhcpd.conf file:
-        :::BashLexer
+        ```text
         ddns-update-style none;
         shared-network eth0 {
 	        subnet netmask {
 	                 ignore unknown-clients;
+        ```
-    You will add host definitions to the dhcpd.conf file after you add computers to VCL 
-using the website. The website allows you to select a set of computers for which to
-generate dhcpd.conf information, which can be copied and pasted into the dhcpd.conf file.
+        You will add host definitions to the dhcpd.conf file after you add computers to VCL 
+        using the website. The website allows you to select a set of computers for which to
+        generate dhcpd.conf information, which can be copied and pasted into the dhcpd.conf file.
     * Start the dhcpd service:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service dhcpd start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service dhcpd start
+        ```
@@ -734,7 +781,7 @@
-  [1]:
-  [2]:
-  [3]: installphpmyadmin
-  [4]:
\ No newline at end of file
+[3]: installphpmyadmin
diff --git a/content/docs/VCL25InstallGuide.mdtext b/source/docs/
similarity index 67%
rename from content/docs/VCL25InstallGuide.mdtext
rename to source/docs/
index fde7c19..7fc6d49 100644
--- a/content/docs/VCL25InstallGuide.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: VCL 2.5 Installation Guide
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: VCL 2.5 Installation Guide
 # Scripted Installation
 VCL 2.5 is the first release to include an installation script.  All you need to install
@@ -26,44 +12,45 @@
 Validate script:
-    :::BashLexer
-    wget
-    sha1sum -c
-    wget
-    gpg --import KEYS
-    wget
-    gpg --verify
+sha1sum -c
+gpg --import KEYS
+gpg --verify
 Running the installation script with no arguments will step you through installing all
 three parts of VCL.  Alternatively, the following explains optional arguments.  If
 installing the management node part of VCL, it will also prompt you to agree to the 
 installation of various system level requirements needed for the code to run.
- [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
-            [--dbhost <hostname> --dbpass <password>] 
-            [--mnhost <hostname>] [--webhost <hostname>]
+```bash [-h|--help] [-d|--database] [-w|--web] [-m|--managementnode]
+        [--dbhost <hostname> --dbpass <password>] 
+        [--mnhost <hostname>] [--webhost <hostname>]
-    -d|--database - install database server components
-            --dbpass, --mnhost, --mnip, --webhost, and --adminpass must also be specified
+-d|--database - install database server components
+        --dbpass, --mnhost, --mnip, --webhost, and --adminpass must also be specified
-    -w|--web - install web server components
-            --dbhost and --dbpass must also be specified
+-w|--web - install web server components
+        --dbhost and --dbpass must also be specified
-    -m|--managementnode - install management node (vcld) components
-            --dbhost, --dbpass, and --adminpass must also be specified
+-m|--managementnode - install management node (vcld) components
+        --dbhost, --dbpass, and --adminpass must also be specified
-    --dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
+--dbhost <hostname> - hostname of database server (default=localhost)
-    --dbpass <password> - password VCL will use for accessing
-            database (default=random)
+--dbpass <password> - password VCL will use for accessing
+        database (default=random)
-    --mnhost <hostname> - hostname of management node (default=localhost)
+--mnhost <hostname> - hostname of management node (default=localhost)
-    --webhost <hostname> - hostname of web server (default=localhost)
+--webhost <hostname> - hostname of web server (default=localhost)
-    --adminpass <password> - password for VCL admin user
+--adminpass <password> - password for VCL admin user
 # Manual Installation 
@@ -84,60 +71,70 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.5.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.5.tar.bz2
+        ```
 2. Install MySQL Server or MariaDB Server
     * Install MySQL or MariaDB Server
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install mysql-server -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install mysql-server -y
+        ```
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install mariadb-server -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install mariadb-server -y
+        ```
     * Configure the database daemon to start automatically:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mysqld on
+        ```
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mariadb on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 mariadb on
+        ```
     *  Start the database daemon:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service mysqld start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service mysqld start
+        ```
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service mariadb start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service mariadb start
+        ```
     *  If the iptables firewall is being used and the web server and management nodes 
 will be on different machines, port 3306 should be opened up to each of those nodes. 
-Add the following to your iptables config and restart iptables service.<br>
-**Note:** Insert your web server and management node IP address in the right locations.
+Add the following to your iptables config and restart iptables service.
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        **Note:** Insert your web server and management node IP address in the right locations.
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <web server IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
-                -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <management node IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            ```text
+            -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <web server IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -s <management node IP> -p tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT
+            ```
         * Restart iptables:
-                :::BashLexer
-                service iptables restart
+            ```bash
+            service iptables restart
+            ```
     *  If the firewalld firewall is being used and the web server and management nodes 
 will be on different machines, port 3306 should be opened up to each of those nodes. 
@@ -146,45 +143,51 @@
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="<web server IP>" service name="mysql" accept"
-                firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="<management node IP>" service name="mysql" accept"
+            ```bash
+            firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="<web server IP>" service name="mysql" accept"
+            firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="<management node IP>" service name="mysql" accept"
+            ```
         * Restart iptables:
-                :::BashLexer
-                firewall-cmd --reload
+            ```bash
+            firewall-cmd --reload
+            ```
 3. Create the VCL Database
     * Run the MySQL command-line client:
-            :::BashLexer
-            mysql
+        ```bash
+        mysql
+        ```
     * Create a database:
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            CREATE DATABASE vcl;
+        ```sql
+        CREATE DATABASE vcl;
+        ```
 privileges on the database you just created (**NOTE Use your own password**):
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vcluserpassword';
+        ```sql
+        GRANT SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON vcl.* TO 'vcluser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vcluserpassword';
+        ```bash
     * Exit the MySQL command-line client
-            :::MySqlLexer
-            exit
+        ```bash
+        exit
+        ```
     * Import the vcl.sql file into the database. The **vcl.sql** file is included in the 
 **mysql** directory within the Apache VCL source code
-            :::BashLexer
-            mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.5/mysql/vcl.sql
+        ```bash
+        mysql vcl < apache-VCL-2.5/mysql/vcl.sql
+        ```
 ## Install and Configure the Web Components {#web}
@@ -225,54 +228,62 @@
         For RHEL / CentOS 6 and 7
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install httpd mod_ssl php php-mysql php-xml php-xmlrpc php-ldap -y
+        ```
     * Configure the web server daemon (httpd) to start automatically:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on
+        ```
     * Start the web server daemon
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service httpd start 
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service httpd start 
+        ```
     * If SELinux is enabled, run the following command to allow the web server to connect to the database:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+        ```bash
+        /usr/sbin/setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect=1
+        ```
     * If the iptables firewall is being used, port 80 and 443 should be opened up in the iptables
 config file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/sysconfig/iptables
+        ```
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-                -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
+            ```text
+            -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
+            -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
+            ```
         * Restart iptables
-                :::BashLexer
-                service iptables restart
+            ```bash
+            service iptables restart
+            ```
     * If the firewalld firewall is being used, port 80 and 443 should be opened up:
         * Add these rules:
-                :::BashLexer
-                firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent
-                firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=https --permanent
+            ```bash
+            firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=http --permanent
+            firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-service=https --permanent
+            ```
         * Reload firewalld rules
-                :::BashLexer
-                firewall-cmd --reload
+            ```bash
+            firewall-cmd --reload
+            ```
 2. **Install the VCL Frontend Web Code**
     * If you have not already done so, follow the instructions on the [download](/downloads/download.cgi)
@@ -280,31 +291,36 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.5.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.5.tar.bz2
+        ```
     * Copy the **web** directory to a location under the web root of your web server and 
 navigate to the destination **.ht-inc** subdirectory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp -ar apache-VCL-2.5/web/ /var/www/html/vcl-2.5
-            ln -s /var/www/html/vcl-2.5 /var/www/html/vcl
-            cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+        ```bash
+        cp -ar apache-VCL-2.5/web/ /var/www/html/vcl-2.5
+        ln -s /var/www/html/vcl-2.5 /var/www/html/vcl
+        cd /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc
+        ```
     * If SELinux is enabled, run the following command to set the context of the web code to httpd_sys_content_t
-            :::BashLexer
-            chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5
+        ```bash
+        chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/vcl-2.5
+        ```
     * Copy secrets-default.php to secrets.php:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+        ```bash
+        cp secrets-default.php secrets.php
+        ```
     * Edit the secrets.php file:
-            :::BashLexer	 
-            vi secrets.php
+        ```bash
+        vi secrets.php
+        ```
         * Set the following variables to match your database configuration:
             * $vclhost
@@ -318,33 +334,38 @@
     * Run the
-            :::BashLexer
-            ./
+        ```bash
+        ./
+        ```
     * Copy conf-default.php to conf.php:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp conf-default.php conf.php
+        ```bash
+        cp conf-default.php conf.php
+        ```
     * Modify conf.php to match your site
-            :::BashLexer	 
-            vi conf.php
+        ```bash
+        vi conf.php
+        ```
         * Review every entry under "Things in this section must be modified/reviewed". 
         Descriptions and pointers for each value are included within conf.php.
     * Set the owner of the .ht-inc/maintenance and .ht-inc/cryptkey directories to the web server user (normally 'apache'):
-            :::BashLexer
-            chown apache maintenance
-            chown apache cryptkey
+        ```bash
+        chown apache maintenance
+        chown apache cryptkey
+        ```
     * If SELinux is enabled, run the following command to allow the web server to write to maintenance and cryptkey
-            :::BashLexer
-            chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t maintenance
-            chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t cryptkey
+        ```bash
+        chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t maintenance
+        chcon -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t cryptkey
+        ```
     * Open the testsetup.php page in a web browser:
         * If you set up your site to be open
@@ -477,22 +498,25 @@
     * Extract the files:
-            :::BashLexer
-            tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.5.tar.bz2
+        ```bash
+        tar -jxvf apache-VCL-2.5.tar.bz2
+        ```
     * Copy the managementnode directory to the location where you want it to reside 
 (typically /usr/local):
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp -ar apache-VCL-2.5/managementnode /usr/local/vcl-2.5
-            ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.5 /usr/local/vcl
+        ```bash
+        cp -ar apache-VCL-2.5/managementnode /usr/local/vcl-2.5
+        ln -s /usr/local/vcl-2.5 /usr/local/vcl
+        ```
 2. **Install the Required Linux Packages & Perl Modules**
     * Run the script located in the bin directory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+        ```bash
+        perl /usr/local/vcl/bin/
+        ```
     The last line of the script output should be:
@@ -518,18 +542,21 @@
     * Create the /etc/vcl directory:
-            :::BashLexer
-            mkdir /etc/vcl
+        ```bash
+        mkdir /etc/vcl
+        ```
     * Copy the stock vcld.conf file to /etc/vcl:
-            :::BashLexer
-            cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+        ```bash
+        cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/vcl/vcld.conf /etc/vcl
+        ```
     * Edit /etc/vcl/vcld.conf:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+        ```
         The following lines must be configured in order to start the VCL daemon (vcld) 
 and allow it to check in to the database:
@@ -554,8 +581,9 @@
     * Edit the ssh_config file:
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
+        ```
     * Set the following parameters:
         * UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
@@ -571,90 +599,104 @@
         * Copy the vcld service script to /usr/lib/systemd/system
-                :::BashLexer
-                cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/systemd/system/vcld.service /usr/lib/systemd/system
+            ```bash
+            cp /usr/local/vcl/etc/systemd/system/vcld.service /usr/lib/systemd/system
+            ```
         * Create a vcld config file in /etc/sysconfig
-                :::BashLexer
-                echo "OPTIONS='-v -conf=/etc/vcl/vcld.conf'" > /etc/sysconfig/vcld
+            ```bash
+            echo "OPTIONS='-v -conf=/etc/vcl/vcld.conf'" > /etc/sysconfig/vcld
+            ```
         * If using SELinux, set the correct user and context:
-                :::BashLexer
-                chcon -u system_u -t systemd_unit_file_t /usr/lib/systemd/system/vcld.service
+            ```bash
+            chcon -u system_u -t systemd_unit_file_t /usr/lib/systemd/system/vcld.service
+            ```
         * Enable vcld.service
-                :::BashLexer
-                systemctl enable vcld.service
+            ```bash
+            systemctl enable vcld.service
+            ```
         * Start the vcld service:
-                :::BashLexer
-                systemctl start vcld.service
+            ```bash
+            systemctl start vcld.service
+            ```
         * Check the vcld service by monitoring the vcld.log file:
-                :::BashLexer
-                tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+            ```bash
+            tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+            ```
     * **Steps for SystemV** - use these steps if your system is using SystemV (scripts located in
         * Copy the vcld service script to /etc/init.d and name it vcld:
-                :::BashLexer
-                cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+            ```bash
+            cp /usr/local/vcl/bin/S99vcld.linux /etc/init.d/vcld
+            ```
         * Add the vcld service using chkconfig:
-                :::BashLexer
-                /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+            ```bash
+            /sbin/chkconfig --add vcld
+            ```
         * Configure the vcld service to automatically run at runtime levels 3-5:
-                :::BashLexer
-                /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+            ```bash
+            /sbin/chkconfig --level 345 vcld on
+            ```
         * Start the vcld service:
-                :::BashLexer
-                /sbin/service vcld start
+            ```bash
+            /sbin/service vcld start
+            ```
         * Check the vcld service by monitoring the vcld.log file:
-                :::BashLexer
-                tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+            ```bash
+            tail -f /var/log/vcld.log
+            ```
-        You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if the 
+            You should see the following being added to the log file every few seconds if the 
 management node is checking in with the database:
-            :::BashLexer
+            ```text
             2017-07-13 13:23:45|25494|vcld:main(167)|lastcheckin time updated for management node 1: 2017-07-13 13:23:45
+            ```
 6. **Set the vclsystem account password for xmlrpc api**
     Using the vcld -setup tool, set the vclsystem account. This is needed to properly 
 use the block allocation features.
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld --setup
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld --setup
+    ```
     Select the options listed below to set the password. When prompted paste or type the 
 password from xmlrpc_pass variable in the vcld.conf file and hit enter. 
-        :::BashLexer
-        Select 5. Set Local VCL User Account Password
-        Select 2. vclsystem
-        Enter the password you set for xmlrpc_pass in /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+    ```bash
+    Select 5. Set Local VCL User Account Password
+    Select 2. vclsystem
+    Enter the password you set for xmlrpc_pass in /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+    ```
     After setting the password for the vclsystem user, test that RPC-XML Access works correctly
 by selecting
-        :::BashLexer
-        2: Test RPC-XML Access
+    ```bash
+    2: Test RPC-XML Access
+    ```
     **SUCCESS: RPC-XML access is configured correctly** should be displayed followed by a long list of
 available XMLRPC functions
@@ -666,42 +708,46 @@
     * Install dhcp if it is not already installed:
-            :::BashLexer
-            yum install dhcp -y
+        ```bash
+        yum install dhcp -y
+        ```
     * Configure the dhcpd service to automatically start at runlevels 3-5:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/chkconfig dhcpd on
+        ```
     * Configure the dhcpd.conf file.
-            :::BashLexer
-            vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
-            -or-
-            vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+        ```bash
+        vi /etc/dhcpd.conf
+        # -or-
+        vi /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
+        ```
-    Configure your dhcpd.conf file according to your network configuration. 
-    The contents of the dhcpd.conf file will vary based on how your network is 
-configured. Below is an example of a basic dhcpd.conf file:
+        Configure your dhcpd.conf file according to your network configuration. 
+        The contents of the dhcpd.conf file will vary based on how your network is 
+        configured. Below is an example of a basic dhcpd.conf file:
-        :::BashLexer
+        ```text
         ddns-update-style none;
         shared-network eth0 {
 	        subnet netmask {
 	                 ignore unknown-clients;
+        ```
-    You will add host definitions to the dhcpd.conf file after you add computers to VCL 
+        You will add host definitions to the dhcpd.conf file after you add computers to VCL 
 using the website. The website allows you to select a set of computers for which to
 generate dhcpd.conf information, which can be copied and pasted into the dhcpd.conf file.
     * Start the dhcpd service:
-            :::BashLexer
-            /sbin/service dhcpd start
+        ```bash
+        /sbin/service dhcpd start
+        ```
@@ -733,8 +779,7 @@
-  [1]:
-  [2]:
-  [3]: installphpmyadmin
-  [4]:
\ No newline at end of file
+[3]: installphpmyadmin
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new file mode 100644
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+title: Documentation
+slug: index
+stub documentation index page
+## Archived Documentation
+### VCL 2.2 
+* [Release Page](/docs/archives/old-releases/vcl-2.2.html)<br>
+* [Installation Guide](/docs/archives/old-releases/vcl-2.2-installation.html)
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similarity index 86%
rename from content/docs/addcomputers.mdtext
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--- a/content/docs/addcomputers.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: Add computers
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Add computers
 Adding computers is done by going to Manage Computers->Edit Computer 
 Profiles and clicking Add New Computer
@@ -24,7 +10,7 @@
 [Adding Multiple Bare Metal Computers](#multiplebare)<br>
 [Adding Multiple Virtual Computers](#multiplevirtual)
-####Adding Individual Bare Metal Computers {#individualbare}
+#### Adding Individual Bare Metal Computers {#individualbare}
  1. Click Manage Computers
  2. Select the Edit Computer Profiles radio button
@@ -61,7 +47,7 @@
  5. Click <-Add
  6. Click Close
-####Adding Individual Virtual Computers {#individualvirtual}
+#### Adding Individual Virtual Computers {#individualvirtual}
  1. Click Manage Computers
  2. Select the Edit Computer Profiles radio button
@@ -94,7 +80,7 @@
  5. Click <-Add
  6. Click Close
-####Adding Multiple Bare Metal Computers {#multiplebare}
+#### Adding Multiple Bare Metal Computers {#multiplebare}
  1. Click Manage Computers
  2. Select the Edit Computer Profiles radio button
@@ -146,7 +132,7 @@
  6. Click Close
-####Adding Multiple Virtual Computers {#multiplevirtual}
+#### Adding Multiple Virtual Computers {#multiplevirtual}
  1. Click Manage Computers
  2. Select the Edit Computer Profiles radio button
diff --git a/content/docs/addhypvisorservers.mdtext b/source/docs/
similarity index 75%
rename from content/docs/addhypvisorservers.mdtext
rename to source/docs/
index d8a602b..25cbacc 100644
--- a/content/docs/addhypvisorservers.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: Adding VM Host Servers
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Adding VM Host Servers
 ## Adding Individual VMware Servers
diff --git a/content/docs/adding-xcat-kickstart-based-image.mdtext b/source/docs/
similarity index 76%
rename from content/docs/adding-xcat-kickstart-based-image.mdtext
rename to source/docs/
index 4c88fe3..8a30c24 100644
--- a/content/docs/adding-xcat-kickstart-based-image.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: Adding xCAT kickstart based image
+title: Adding xCAT kickstart based image
 # Guide for adding kickstart installs using xCAT to the VCL database.
@@ -48,12 +50,13 @@
 changes as needed such as ownerid, in this example it is set to 1 or the
 admin user id.
-    :::MySqlLexer
-    INSERT INTO `image` (id, `name`, `prettyname`, `ownerid`, `platformid`, `OSid`, `minram`, `minprocnumber`, `minprocspeed`, `minnetwork`,`reloadtime`, `deleted`, `lastupdate`, `forcheckout`, `maxinitialtime`,`project`, `size`) VALUES (25, 'rhel5-base25-v0', 'RHEL 5 base', 1, 1, 19, 1024, 1, 0, 10, 14, 0, NOW(), 1, 0, 'vcl', 1045);
+INSERT INTO `image` (id, `name`, `prettyname`, `ownerid`, `platformid`, `OSid`, `minram`, `minprocnumber`, `minprocspeed`, `minnetwork`,`reloadtime`, `deleted`, `lastupdate`, `forcheckout`, `maxinitialtime`,`project`, `size`) VALUES (25, 'rhel5-base25-v0', 'RHEL 5 base', 1, 1, 19, 1024, 1, 0, 10, 14, 0, NOW(), 1, 0, 'vcl', 1045);
-    INSERT INTO `imagerevision` (`imageid`, `revision`, `userid`, `datecreated`, `deleted`, `production`, `comments`, `imagename`) VALUES (25, 0, 1, NOW(), 0, 1, NULL, 'rhel5-base25-v0');
+INSERT INTO `imagerevision` (`imageid`, `revision`, `userid`, `datecreated`, `deleted`, `production`, `comments`, `imagename`) VALUES (25, 0, 1, NOW(), 0, 1, NULL, 'rhel5-base25-v0');
-    INSERT INTO `resource` (`resourcetypeid`, `subid`) VALUES (13, 25);
+INSERT INTO `resource` (`resourcetypeid`, `subid`) VALUES (13, 25);
 Again, the xCAT template .tmpl file must match the the
 entry VCL database entry of
@@ -84,5 +87,6 @@
 If VCL supports the OS, extending the OS table for a new OS is fairly
 straight forward. In this example we will use Red Hat 6.
-    :::MySqlLexer
-    INSERT INTO `OS` (`name`, `prettyname`, `type`, `installtype`, `sourcepath`, `moduleid`) VALUES ('rhel6','RedHat Enterprise 6','linux','kickstart','rhel6', (SELECT `id` FROM `module` WHERE `name` LIKE 'os_linux'));
\ No newline at end of file
+INSERT INTO `OS` (`name`, `prettyname`, `type`, `installtype`, `sourcepath`, `moduleid`) VALUES ('rhel6','RedHat Enterprise 6','linux','kickstart','rhel6', (SELECT `id` FROM `module` WHERE `name` LIKE 'os_linux'));
diff --git a/content/docs/addingvmcomputers.mdtext b/source/docs/
similarity index 74%
rename from content/docs/addingvmcomputers.mdtext
rename to source/docs/
index e2b4526..5d361eb 100644
--- a/content/docs/addingvmcomputers.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,22 +1,8 @@
-Title: Adding computers
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Adding computers
-###Adding Individual Virtual Machines
+### Adding Individual Virtual Machines
  1. Click Manage Computers
  2. Select Edit Computer Information
@@ -47,7 +33,7 @@
  6. Click Confirm Computer
  7. Click Submit
-###Adding Multiple Virtual Machines
+### Adding Multiple Virtual Machines
  1. Click Manage Computers
  2. Select Edit Computer Information
diff --git a/content/docs/additional-steps-for-linux-images.mdtext b/source/docs/
similarity index 95%
rename from content/docs/additional-steps-for-linux-images.mdtext
rename to source/docs/
index a6a36cc..5ff2f4a 100644
--- a/content/docs/additional-steps-for-linux-images.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: Additional Steps for Linux Images
+title: Additional Steps for Linux Images
 On the **Connect!** page, the following connection information will be
diff --git a/content/docs/additional-steps-for-windows-images.mdtext b/source/docs/
similarity index 97%
rename from content/docs/additional-steps-for-windows-images.mdtext
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index 1d3e660..e6b5c1f 100644
--- a/content/docs/additional-steps-for-windows-images.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: Additional Steps for Windows Images
+title: Additional Steps for Windows Images
 On the **Connect!** page, the following connection information will be
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+title: Add entries to /etc/hosts
+For vcld to probably communicate with the nodes on the private network, you need to add entries for your nodes to /etc/hosts on the management node(s).
+To do go to your vcl portal and follow these steps.
+ 1. Click Manage Computers
+ 2. Select the allComputers group in the list at the top
+ 3. Select the Computer Utilities radio button
+ 4. Click Submit
+ 5. Click the Check All link at the bottom of the table
+ 6. Next to "For selected computers, generate computer data for", select /etc/hosts
+ 7. Click Generate Data
+ 8. Copy/Paste the data to your /etc/hosts file
+ 9. Click Close
+The data generated will include a list of your short hostnames and the private IP addresses stored in the vcl database.
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+title: Administration
+#### General
+[Administration Concepts](authorization/administrationconcepts.html)
+[Adding a New Locale to the VCL Web Frontend](/docs/multilingualization.html)
+#### Account and Access Management
+[Adding Local VCL Accounts](/docs/localaccounts.html)
+[Granting Access to a New Image](authorization/grantaccesstonewimage.html)
+[Example - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images](authorization/example2users2images.html)
+#### Image Management
+[Understanding Connect Methods introduced in Apache VCL 2.3](/docs/connectmethods.html)
+[How to Increase the Size of a Virtual Machine Hard Drive under VMware ESXi](/docs/increasevmhdd.html)
+[Adding xCAT Kickstart Based Images](/docs/adding-xcat-kickstart-based-image.html)
+[Using VCL post load and reserve scripts](/docs/vclPostScripts.html)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/content/docs/advanced-image-options.mdtext b/source/docs/
similarity index 98%
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index 0200366..0eca40d 100644
--- a/content/docs/advanced-image-options.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: Advanced Image Options
+title: Advanced Image Options
 There are several advanced options for each image that can be modified.
 Normally, they can be left alone. However, there are times where it is
diff --git a/content/docs/archives/old-releases/2.2-database-configuration.mdtext b/source/docs/archives/old-releases/
similarity index 96%
rename from content/docs/archives/old-releases/2.2-database-configuration.mdtext
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--- a/content/docs/archives/old-releases/2.2-database-configuration.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/archives/old-releases/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2.2 Database Configuration
+title: 2.2 Database Configuration
 This page describes how to create the VCL MySQL database and
 import the VCL database schema.
diff --git a/content/docs/archives/old-releases/2.2-management-node-installation.mdtext b/source/docs/archives/old-releases/
similarity index 98%
rename from content/docs/archives/old-releases/2.2-management-node-installation.mdtext
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--- a/content/docs/archives/old-releases/2.2-management-node-installation.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/archives/old-releases/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2.2 Management Node Installation
+title: 2.2 Management Node Installation
 This page describes how to install and configure the backend VCL
 management node components including the required Perl modules, VCL daemon
diff --git a/content/docs/archives/old-releases/2.2-phpmyadmin-installation-configuration.mdtext b/source/docs/archives/old-releases/
similarity index 72%
rename from content/docs/archives/old-releases/2.2-phpmyadmin-installation-configuration.mdtext
rename to source/docs/archives/old-releases/
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--- a/content/docs/archives/old-releases/2.2-phpmyadmin-installation-configuration.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/archives/old-releases/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: 2.2 phpMyAdmin Installation & Configuration
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: 2.2 phpMyAdmin Installation & Configuration
 <p><a href="" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">phpMyAdmin</a> is a free and optional tool which allows <a href="" class="external-link" rel="nofollow">MySQL</a> to be administered using a web browser. It makes administering the VCL database easier. This tool can be installed on the VCL web server.</p>
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-Title: 2.2 Web Code Installation
+title: 2.2 Web Code Installation
 This page describes how to install and configure the frontend VCL
 web code components including the web server prerequisites and frontend VCL
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-Title: Adding LDAP Authentication
+title: Adding LDAP Authentication
 <a name="AddingLDAPAuthentication-PrerequisitesforyourLDAPserver:"></a>
 ### Prerequisites for your LDAP server:
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@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: Adding support for partimage and partimage-ng to xCAT 2.x (unofficial)
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Adding support for partimage and partimage-ng to xCAT 2.x (unofficial)
 <p>This is how I added support for partimage/partimage-ng to xCAT 2.x</p>
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@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: Further steps if using only VMWare
+title: Further steps if using only VMWare
 If you are using standalone VMWare servers (i.e. ones that VCL did not
 deploy using xCAT), you first need to add the VMWare servers; then, you
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--- a/content/docs/archives/old-releases/further-steps-if-using-xcat.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/archives/old-releases/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: Further steps if using xCAT
+title: Further steps if using xCAT
 You can initially add individual computers or multiple computers all
 together. After you have added at least one computer, you will need to go
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--- a/content/docs/archives/old-releases/upgrade-from-previous-version.mdtext
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@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: Upgrade From Previous Version
+title: Upgrade From Previous Version
 This file provides information on how to upgrade from VCL 2.1 to VCL 2.2.
 Please note it only applies for the upgrade from 2.1 to 2.2, this may or
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@@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
-Title: VCL 2.2 Installation
+title: VCL 2.2 Installation
 Steps to install VCL:
 1. Download and verify a release file. Follow instructions on the [VCL 2.2 release page](vcl-2.2.html)
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--- a/content/docs/archives/old-releases/vcl-2.2.mdtext
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@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-Title: VCL 2.2
+title: VCL 2.2
+{{% toc %}}
 <a name="VCL2.2-Downloadlinks"></a>
 ## Download links
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+title: Assign Virtual Machine(s) to a Virtual Host
+1. Click Virtual Hosts
+2. On the VM Hosts tab, select the virtual host server added
+   previously
+3. Click Configure Host, You should see the vm profile and two columns of **VMs assigned to host**
+   and **Unassigned VMs**
+4. Select the virtual machine nodes from the **Unassigned VMs** column
+5. Click Add
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/content/docs/authorization/administrationconcepts.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/authorization/
@@ -1,31 +1,17 @@
-Title: Administration Concepts
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Administration Concepts
 There are several concepts you need to understand when administering VCL.
+{{% toc %}}
+## Resources
 VCL manages sets of resources. There are four types of resources: images, computers, 
 management nodes, and schedules. Each of these resources types are described below.
+### Images/Environments
 An image is a collection of software that is installed on an operating system. For the 
 most part, these images can be deployed, used, modified, and saved (captured). However, 
@@ -41,7 +27,7 @@
 provisioning technologies. We plan on adding support for other hypervisor technologies 
 in the near future.
+### Computers
 Images are deployed on to computers. VCL needs to know about all of the computers it 
 will be managing. Entries for both physical computers and Virtual Machines (some people 
@@ -52,7 +38,7 @@
 images to computers when users make reservations for images. Each management node can 
 manage a mix of physical and virtual computers.
+### Schedules
 Each computer must have a schedule associated with it. Schedules provide a way to 
 define what times during a week a computer is available through VCL. This allows for 
@@ -61,11 +47,11 @@
 the lab is physically closed, but you wouldn't want to be assigning remote users to 
 those computers when the lab is open.
+## Groups
 Users and resources are placed into groups to make management of them easier.
-###User Groups
+### User Groups
 There are two types of user groups in VCL: those whose membership is manually managed 
 through the web frontend or XML RPC API, and those whose membership is automatically 
@@ -73,7 +59,7 @@
 associated with it. There are various places within VCL that user groups can be used, 
 with the primary place being granting access to resources in the privilege tree.
-###Resource Groups
+### Resource Groups
 Each resource group has a type associated with it which can be one of image, computer, 
 management node, or schedule. The resource groups are used to grant users access to 
@@ -84,12 +70,12 @@
 Resource Groups also have an *Owning User Group* associated with them. The owning 
 user group has administrative access to the group to manage the group within VCL. 
-##Resource Management
+## Resource Management
 VCL needs to know how resources related to one another. This is done by adding the 
 resources to a resource group, and then mapping one type of resource group to another.
-###Resource Grouping
+### Resource Grouping
 Resource groups can contain any number of resources. Each resource group has a resource 
 type associated with it. Only resources matching that type can be added to the group. 
@@ -99,7 +85,7 @@
 to the code will remove this restriction, but for now, keep this restriction in mind 
 while grouping computers.
-###Resource Mapping
+### Resource Mapping
 After you have grouped your resources, you need to map them together. Image groups are 
 mapped to computer groups, and management node groups are mapped to computer groups. 
@@ -116,7 +102,7 @@
 users purchase their own hardware to be managed by VCL, you could map only their image 
 groups to their computer groups.
+## Privileges
 Users are granted access to parts of the VCL web site and to resources through the 
 Privilege tree. User permissions and resource attributes can both be cascaded down 
@@ -124,7 +110,7 @@
 resource attributes can be blocked at a node so that they do not cascade down to that 
 node or any of its children.
-###User Permissions
+### User Permissions
 There are nine user permissions that can be granted to users. They can be granted 
 to users directly or to user groups.
@@ -146,7 +132,7 @@
 * **userGrant** - grants users access to control what user permissions are assigned at 
 the same node
-###Resource Attributes
+### Resource Attributes
 There are three resource attributes that can be assigned to a resource group at any 
 node in the privilege tree.
@@ -161,4 +147,3 @@
 controlled by users with the appropriate user permissions at the same node
 * **manageMapping** - makes the resources in the group available to have their mapping 
 controlled by users with the appropriate user permissions at the same node
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+title: Video - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images
+This video shows the steps outlined in [Example - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images](example2users2images.html)
+This video was created using [Wink](
+<OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" 
+   codebase=",0,0,0" 
+   WIDTH="895" 
+   HEIGHT="581" 
+   id="example_two_sets_of_groups" 
+   ALIGN="">
+<PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="example_two_sets_of_groups.swf">
+<PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> 
+<PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#333399> 
+<param name="scale" value="exactfit"/>
+<param name="type" value="application/x-shockwave-flash2-preview"/>
+<EMBED src="example_two_sets_of_groups.swf" 
+   quality=high 
+   bgcolor=#333399 
+   WIDTH="895" 
+   HEIGHT="581" 
+   NAME="example_two_sets_of_groups" 
+   ALIGN="" 
+   TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" 
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--- a/content/docs/authorization/example2users2images.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/authorization/
@@ -1,29 +1,15 @@
-Title: Example - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Example - Granting Two Sets of Users Access to Two Different Sets of Images
 This page explains how to grant one groups of users access to one set of images, 
 and another set of users access to a separate set of images.
 After looking over these steps, you can watch a [video](example2users2images-video.html) of the steps being performed.
+{{% toc %}}
-##Create a User Group for Each Set of Users
+## Create a User Group for Each Set of Users
 First, you need to create two user groups - one for each set of users.
@@ -41,7 +27,7 @@
 For the rest of the page, I'll call the groups **faculty** and **student**
-##Add Users to Each Group
+## Add Users to Each Group
 You need to add users to each of the groups.
@@ -53,7 +39,7 @@
 5. Repeat for all users you wish to add to the **faculty** group
 6. Repeat these steps for the **student** group
-##Create an Image Group for Each Set of Images
+## Create an Image Group for Each Set of Images
 Next, you need to create an image group for each set of images.
@@ -70,7 +56,7 @@
 For the rest of the page, I'll call the groups **faculty images** and **student images**
-##Add Images to Each Group
+## Add Images to Each Group
 Now, you need to add the desired images to each group.
@@ -85,7 +71,7 @@
 8. Click the <-Add button
 9. Repeat steps for the **student images** group
-##Map the Image Groups to Computer Groups
+## Map the Image Groups to Computer Groups
 In order for VCL to know on which computers the images can run, you must map 
 the image groups to computer groups. I'll assume you already have one or more 
@@ -102,7 +88,7 @@
 groups to the same computer group. That will not affect what images the users 
 have access to.)
-##Create a Two Privilege Nodes
+## Create a Two Privilege Nodes
 Now, you need to create one node for each user group to separate their access.
@@ -116,7 +102,7 @@
 I'll refer to these nodes as **faculty access** and **student access**
-##Assign Rights at Each Node
+## Assign Rights at Each Node
 Finally, you need to give each user group the **imageCheckOut** privilege at 
 their respective nodes, and give each image group the **available** attribute 
@@ -141,8 +127,8 @@
 * Select the checkbox for the **available** attribute
 * Click Submit New Resource Group
+## Summary
 Now, users in the **faculty** user group will have access to check out images 
 in the **faculty images** image group, and users in the **student** user group 
-will have access to check out images in the **student images** image group.
\ No newline at end of file
+will have access to check out images in the **student images** image group.
diff --git a/content/docs/authorization/grantaccesstonewimage.mdtext b/source/docs/authorization/
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--- a/content/docs/authorization/grantaccesstonewimage.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/authorization/
@@ -1,22 +1,8 @@
-Title: Granting Access to a New Image
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Granting Access to a New Image
+## Overview
 Once you have created a new image, there are a few things you have to do to allow 
 other people to use it.  If you don't have access to do any of the following steps, 
@@ -29,7 +15,7 @@
 set of users access to a new image, you may only have to perform step 1.1 for subsequent 
-##Step 1: Image Mapping
+## Step 1: Image Mapping
 Images are mapped to be run on a set of computers. See the documentation on 
 [Resource Mapping](administrationconcepts.html#resource-mapping) to learn 
@@ -51,7 +37,7 @@
     * **Note**: there is an assumption here that the computer groups you selected 
 already have computers that are in those groups
-##Step 2: Privileges
+## Step 2: Privileges
 Now, you need to grant access to use the image to a user or group of users under the Privileges section of the site.  Here are the steps involved:
@@ -75,4 +61,4 @@
     * Select the computer group from the drop-down box and select the **available** checkbox
     * Click **Submit New Resource Group**
-Now, the user or user groups you have added to this node will be able to make reservations for the new image.
\ No newline at end of file
+Now, the user or user groups you have added to this node will be able to make reservations for the new image.
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index bae8d0d..1ee2eb0 100644
--- a/content/docs/baseimagecreation.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: Creating Base Images from an ISO - Part 1
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Creating Base Images from an ISO - Part 1
 This page describes how to create a base image from an install media. 
@@ -23,9 +9,9 @@
 Operating Systems. The supported provisioning methods for VCL are (xCAT, 
 VMware, and KVM).
+{{% toc %}}
+### Requirements
 Before getting started make sure you have the following requirements 
 completed or on hand:
@@ -53,9 +39,9 @@
 These instructions assume you have root access on your management 
 node and are using a bash shell.
-###Preparing node under a supported provisioning system
+### Preparing node under a supported provisioning system
-####VMware ESX/ESXi 4.x, 5.x, vCenter
+#### VMware ESX/ESXi 4.x, 5.x, vCenter
 The instructions assume that VMware has been configured with the 
 following bridged networks:
@@ -99,101 +85,112 @@
  - Click **Finish**
+#### KVM
  - Create guest OS on KVM host...
-####Bare Metal via xCAT
+#### Bare Metal via xCAT
 The requirement in this section is to have a working xCAT system.
-###Next Steps - Installing OS
+### Next Steps - Installing OS
-####Install Windows OS for a Base Image
+#### Install Windows OS for a Base Image
-####Install Linux OS for a Base Image
+#### Install Linux OS for a Base Image
 - Power on the VM and follow the installation instructions for the
 Linux distribution and version you are installing.
 - On the Linux computer being captured, create a /root/.ssh directory:
-        :::BashLexer
-        mkdir /root/.ssh
+    ```bash
+    mkdir /root/.ssh
+    ```
 - On the management node, copy the public SSH identity key to the 
 authorized_keys file on the Linux computer being captured: 
-        :::BashLexer
-        scp /etc/vcl/ <hostname or IP address>:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
+    ```bash
+    scp /etc/vcl/ <hostname or IP address>:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
+    ```
 - Or replace the above two steps with the following on the management 
-        :::BashLexer
-        ssh-copy-id -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key <hostname or IP address>
+    ```bash
+    ssh-copy-id -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key <hostname or IP address>
+    ```
 - Make sure you can login from the management node to the Linux 
 computer being captured using the identity key:
-        :::BashLexer
-        ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key <hostname or IP address>
+    ```bash
+    ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key <hostname or IP address>
+    ```
 Configure the ifcfg-* Files
 - Navigate to the network-scripts directory:
-        :::BashLexer
-        cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
+    ```bash
+    cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
+    ```
 - Delete any ifcfg-*.bak files:
-        :::BashLexer
-        rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*.bak
+    ```bash
+    rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*.bak
+    ```
 - Edit every ifcfg-eth* file in the network-scripts directory. Remove 
 the HWADDRESS= line if it exists:
-        :::BashLexer
-        vi ifcfg-eth0
-        vi ifcfg-eth1
+    ```bash
+    vi ifcfg-eth0
+    vi ifcfg-eth1
+    ```
 - The ifcfg-eth0 file should contain the following:
-        :::BashLexer
-        DEVICE=eth0
-        BOOTPROTO=dhcp
-        ONBOOT=yes
+    ```bash
+    DEVICE=eth0
+    BOOTPROTO=dhcp
+    ONBOOT=yes
+    ```
 - The ifcfg-eth1 file should contain the following:
-        :::BashLexer
-        DEVICE=eth1
-        BOOTPROTO=dhcp
-        ONBOOT=yes
+    ```bash
+    DEVICE=eth1
+    BOOTPROTO=dhcp
+    ONBOOT=yes
+    ```
 - Reboot the computer:
-        :::BashLexer
-        shutdown -r now
+    ```bash
+    shutdown -r now
+    ```
 - Check the ifcfg-eth* files to make sure there are no new ifcfg-eth* 
 files and that the HWADDRESS= lines have not been automatically added 
-        :::BashLexer
-        ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
-        cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
-        cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
+    ```bash
+    ls /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
+    cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
+    cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1
+    ```
-###Capture the Image
+### Capture the Image
 - Run the following command on the management node:
-        :::BashLexer
-        /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld --setup
+    ```bash
+    /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld --setup
+    ```
 - Navigate through the menu options to capture the image
@@ -213,11 +210,11 @@
 failed to be captured".  Further troubleshooting is required if the 
 image fails to be captured.
-###Add the Base Image to an Image Group
+### Add the Base Image to an Image Group
 The vcld --setup utility does not add the new base image to any image 
 groups.  You must add the image to an image group using the VCL website 
 after the image capture process is complete.  Reservations for the 
 image cannot be made until this is done.  To add the image to an image 
 group, browse to the VCL website and select 
-**Manage Images > Edit Grouping & Mapping.**
\ No newline at end of file
+**Manage Images > Edit Grouping & Mapping.**
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--- a/content/docs/changelog.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: Apache VCL Change Log
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Apache VCL Change Log
 ## 2.5.1 Changes {#2.5.1}
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-Title: Configure the Default Profile
+title: Configure the Default Profile
 A Windows profile is the desktop environment configured for a
 particular user. It contains various settings such as desktop colors,
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-Title: Connect Methods
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Connect Methods
 ## Overview
@@ -138,16 +124,16 @@
 This could be used as the connecttext:
-    :::text
-    You will need to have a VNC client on your local computer to connect to the system. 
-    Open your VNC client and use the following information when you are ready to connect:<br>
-    <UL><br>
-    <LI><b>Remote Computer</b>: #connectIP#</LI><br>
-    <LI><b>Remote Port</b>: #connectport#</LI>;<br>
-    <LI><b>User ID</b>: #userid#</LI><br>
-    <LI><b>Password</b>: #password#</LI><br>
-    </UL>
+You will need to have a VNC client on your local computer to connect to the system. 
+Open your VNC client and use the following information when you are ready to connect:<br>
+<LI><b>Remote Computer</b>: #connectIP#</LI><br>
+<LI><b>Remote Port</b>: #connectport#</LI>;<br>
+<LI><b>User ID</b>: #userid#</LI><br>
+<LI><b>Password</b>: #password#</LI><br>
 Next, we create an entry in the connectmethodmap table that allows VNC to be selected
 for any Linux images, but not as an autoprovisioned method (note that this only **allows** it to be selected, it does not
@@ -176,14 +162,15 @@
 This could be used as the connecttext:
-    :::text
-    You will need to have an RDP client to connect to the system. 
-    Open your RDP client and use the following information when you are ready to connect:<br>
-    <UL><br>
-    <LI><b>Remote Computer</b>: #connectIP#</LI><br>
-    <LI><b>User ID</b>: #userid#</LI><br>
-    <LI><b>Password</b>: #password#</LI><br>
-    </UL>
+You will need to have an RDP client to connect to the system. 
+Open your RDP client and use the following information when you are ready to connect:<br>
+<LI><b>Remote Computer</b>: #connectIP#</LI><br>
+<LI><b>User ID</b>: #userid#</LI><br>
+<LI><b>Password</b>: #password#</LI><br>
 Next, we create an entry in the connectmethodmap table that allows xRDP to be selected
 for any Linux images, and another entry that enables it for all Fedora 16 images.
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-Title: Creating a Cluster enviroment
+title: Creating a Cluster environment
 Cluster environments are created from existing VCL images.
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-Title: Creating a New Image from a Base Image
+title: Creating a New Image from a Base Image
 <img src="createimage.png">
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+title: Deployment Planning
+stub page
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-Title:     Customization of Email messages with HTML content
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title:     Customization of Email messages with HTML content
 Email messages sent out to VCL users can be customized under the Site Configuration part of the
 site. However, HTML content is not allowed to be entered via the web form for security reasons. 
@@ -24,13 +10,14 @@
-    :::BashLexer
- --getmessagenames
- --dumpmessage '<name of message>'
- --setmessage '<name of message>' --htmlfile <filename> --subject <message subject>
- --resetmessage '<name of message>'
+```bash --getmessagenames --dumpmessage '<name of message>' --setmessage '<name of message>' --htmlfile <filename> --subject <message subject> --resetmessage '<name of message>'
- --help|-? --help|-?
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+title: Image Creation
+After VCL is installed, you need to create images for users. As part of the installation,
+you should have [created some base images](baseimagecreation.html) from which to start 
+building other images. The guides on this page explain how to create new images 
+through the VCL, starting from already created base images.
+## Creating Images
+* [Creating a New Image From a Base Image](creating-a-new-image-from-a-base-image.html)
+    * [Additional Steps for Windows Images](additional-steps-for-windows-images.html)
+    * [Additional Steps for Linux Images](additional-steps-for-linux-images.html)
+* [Configuring the Default User Profile](configure-the-default-profile.html)
+* [Using VCL post load and reserve scripts](vclPostScripts.html)
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-Title: How to Increase the Size of a Virtual Machine Hard Drive under VMware ESXi
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: How to Increase the Size of a Virtual Machine Hard Drive under VMware ESXi
 This page describes how to increase the size of a VM's hard drive. This is useful if additional space is needed to install large applications. 
@@ -26,45 +12,53 @@
 Navigate to the VM's working directory (under the VM Working Directory Path configured in the VM profile)
-    ::::text
-    cd /vmfs/volumes/vmpath/vclv99-77_1846-v14
+cd /vmfs/volumes/vmpath/vclv99-77_1846-v14
 You should see several files in the directory:
-    ::::text
-    /vmfs/volumes/19873c05-fcd3d912/vclv99-77_1846-v14 # ls -l
-    -rw-rw----    1 root     root               8684 Aug 13 16:34 nvram
-    -rw-------    1 root     root         4294967296 Aug 13 16:32 vclv99-77_1846-v14-6197888b.vswp
-    -rw-rw----    1 root     root              18926 Aug 13 16:32 vclv99-77_1846-v14-Snapshot1.vmsn
-    -rw-rw----    1 root     root                498 Aug 13 16:32 vclv99-77_1846-v14.vmsd
-    --wxrw--wx    1 root     root               3464 Aug 13 16:37 vclv99-77_1846-v14.vmx
-    --w-rw--w-    1 root     root                273 Aug 13 16:32 vclv99-77_1846-v14.vmxf
-    -rw-r--r--    1 root     root             137538 Aug 13 16:43 vmware.log
-    -rw-rw----    1 root     root          268505088 Aug 13 19:50 vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14-000001-delta.vmdk
-    -rw-rw----    1 root     root                432 Aug 13 16:32 vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14-000001.vmdk
+/vmfs/volumes/19873c05-fcd3d912/vclv99-77_1846-v14 # ls -l
+-rw-rw----    1 root     root               8684 Aug 13 16:34 nvram
+-rw-------    1 root     root         4294967296 Aug 13 16:32 vclv99-77_1846-v14-6197888b.vswp
+-rw-rw----    1 root     root              18926 Aug 13 16:32 vclv99-77_1846-v14-Snapshot1.vmsn
+-rw-rw----    1 root     root                498 Aug 13 16:32 vclv99-77_1846-v14.vmsd
+--wxrw--wx    1 root     root               3464 Aug 13 16:37 vclv99-77_1846-v14.vmx
+--w-rw--w-    1 root     root                273 Aug 13 16:32 vclv99-77_1846-v14.vmxf
+-rw-r--r--    1 root     root             137538 Aug 13 16:43 vmware.log
+-rw-rw----    1 root     root          268505088 Aug 13 19:50 vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14-000001-delta.vmdk
+-rw-rw----    1 root     root                432 Aug 13 16:32 vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14-000001.vmdk
 The VM is configured to run in linked clone mode because a snapshot was created before the VM was powered on for the first time. The .vmdk files in this directory only contain changes made to the master image. The master image can be determined by lookin in the vmsn file:
-    ::::text
-    snapshot0.disk0.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/e17be478-2ac3b743/vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14/vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14.vmdk"
+snapshot0.disk0.fileName = "/vmfs/volumes/e17be478-2ac3b743/vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14/vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14.vmdk"
 A full copy of the master image and delta files needs to be created in order to be able to resize the virtual disk. Run the following command from the VM's working directory on the VM host:
-    vmkfstools -i vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14-000001.vmdk copy.vmdk -d thin
+vmkfstools -i vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14-000001.vmdk copy.vmdk -d thin
 Example output of command
-    ::::text
-    /vmfs/volumes/19873c05-fcd3d912/vclv99-77_1846-v14 # vmkfstools -i vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14-000001.vmdk copy.vmdk -d thin
-    Destination disk format: VMFS thin-provisioned
-    Cloning disk 'vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14-000001.vmdk'...
-    Clone: 100% done.
+/vmfs/volumes/19873c05-fcd3d912/vclv99-77_1846-v14 # vmkfstools -i vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14-000001.vmdk copy.vmdk -d thin
+Destination disk format: VMFS thin-provisioned
+Cloning disk 'vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v14-000001.vmdk'...
+Clone: 100% done.
 **Resize the Virtual Disk**
 Run the following command to resize the virtual disk. The -X argument should specify the total size you want the virtual disk to be, not the amount of space to add to it:
-    vmkfstools -X 50G copy.vmdk
+vmkfstools -X 50G copy.vmdk
 **Download Gparted Live CD**
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+title: Installation
+This portion of the site is for documentation on installing VCL and for documentation
+explaining configuration items that an installer would typically do.
+[VCL 2.5.1 Installation Guide - Current Release](/docs/VCL251InstallGuide.html)
+Supplemental configuration guides
+ - [Upgrade from previous versions](/docs/UpgradePreviousVersions/upgrades.html)
+ - [Configuring LDAP Authentication](/docs/ldapauth.html)
+ - [Configuring Shibboleth Authentication](/docs/shibauth.html)
+ - [Creating Custom Themes](/docs/themes.html)
+ - [phpMyAdmin Installation and Configuration](/docs/installphpmyadmin)
+ - [VMware Configuration](/docs/vmwareconfiguration)
+ - [Creating Base images](/docs/baseimagecreation)
+Archived Install guides:
+[VCL 2.5 Installation Guide](/docs/VCL25InstallGuide.html)<br>
+[VCL 2.4.2 Installation Guide](/docs/VCL242InstallGuide.html)<br>
+[VCL 2.3.2 Installation Guide](/docs/VCL232InstallGuide.html)<br>
+[VCL 2.3.1 Installation Guide](/docs/VCL231InstallGuide.html)<br>
+[VCL 2.3 Installation Guide](/docs/VCL23Installation.html)
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+title: phpMyAdmin Installation & Configuration
+<div class="docnote">
+phpMyAdmin is a free and optional tool which allows MySQL or MariaDB to be administered using a web 
+browser. It makes administering the VCL database easier. This tool can be installed on 
+the VCL web server.
+1. Install phpMyAdmin via the yum package manager. Tested on clean installs of CentOS, Red Hat versions 6 and 7
+    1. phpMyAdmin is in the extras repository, use epel-release package to add this repo
+        ```bash
+        yum -y install epel-release 
+        ```
+    1. Install phpMyAdmin
+        ```bash
+        yum -y install phpMyAdmin
+        ```
+    1. Move the phpMyAdmin directory to the web server directory:
+        ```bash
+    	mv /usr/share/phpMyAdmin /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin
+        ```
+    1. Edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf with your favorite editor.
+        Replace the paths created by the yum install, change each 
+        "**/usr/share/phpMyAdmin**" with **/var/www/html/phpMyAdmin** 
+        or use this sed command
+        ```bash
+        sed -i "s|/usr/share/|/var/www/html/|g" /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf
+        ```
+* Follow the latest setup instructions at [][1]
+    <pre class="docnote">
+    The "Securing your phpMyAdmin installation" instructions can be followed 
+    to secure phpMyAdmin. At a minimum set the MySQL user and password 
+    in the file
+    Edit /etc/phpMyAdmin/ and set the user and password variables to match 
+    the LockerWrtUser(typically vcluser) and wrtPass from /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user']          = 'vcluser';  
+    $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password']      = '';  //Use wrtPass from /etc/vcl/vcld.conf
+    </pre>
+* How to allow access to phpMyAdmin from other machines. The default server configuration limits 
+access only to localhost ( If desired to access from other machines, edit the 
+server config file to allow other machines, change any lines with to your workstation IP or 
+a set of known IP addresses. 
+    In your editor, open /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf 
+    Edit the first section, there are two locations that need to change
+    <pre class="docnote">
+    Under the section labeled:  Directory /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin/
+    . . .
+    Require ip your_workstation_IP_address
+    . . .
+    Allow from your_workstation_IP_address
+    . . .
+    </pre>
+* Restart httpd service and test
+    ```bash
+    service httpd restart
+    ```
+    If you receive 403-Forbidden errors after installing phpMyAdmin, the problem is likely caused by SELinux. Run the following command to correct the problem:
+    <pre class="docnote">
+    chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_t /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin
+    </pre>
+* Optional, Configure the phpMyAdmin-VCL Table relationships:
+    After following the documentation on creating the phpMyAdmin Linked-tables 
+    infrastructure, you can set up the VCL table relationships. The phpmyadmin.sql file is 
+    provided in the mysql directory in the Apache VCL source code. It will add entries to the 
+    pma_table_info table in the phpmyadmin database. These entries cause corresponding 
+    information to be displayed when you hover over a value in the VCL database.
+    Import the SQL file into the phpmyadmin database:
+    ```bash
+    mysql phpmyadmin < apache-VCL-2.4/mysql/phpmyadmin.sql
+    ```
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+title: phpMyAdmin Installation & Configuration
+<div class="docnote">
+phpMyAdmin is a free and optional tool which allows MySQL to be administered using a web 
+browser. It makes administering the VCL database easier. This tool can be installed on 
+the VCL web server.
+1. phpmyadmin recommends performing installation using packages available from you Linux 
+    For CentOS, the EPEL yum repository needs to have been added (which is done for installing
+the VCL management node code; use **yum install -y epel-release** in not already installed). Use the 
+following to install phpMyAdmin from EPEL:
+    ```bash
+    yum install -y phpMyAdmin
+    ```
+1. By default phpMyAdmin on Red Hat based distros restrict access to localhost only. Modify
+**/etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf** to change that.  It is advisable to only allow access from some
+specific IP addresses or IP ranges so that phpMyAdmin is not open to everyone to try to access.
+    * In the `<Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/>` section, add
+        ```text
+        Require ip x.x.x.x/y
+        ```
+        Where x.x.x.x/y represents an IP range such as Multiple lines can be added
+        to match multiple ranges.
+    * restart httpd to active the changes
+        ```bash
+        systemctl restart httpd
+        ```
+1. A special database needs to be created to enable some of the more helpful phpMyAdmin functionality.
+phpMyAdmin provides a script for creating the database. Look for create_tables.sql (for v4.4.15.10,
+it was at /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/sql/create_tables.sql). Create the database using
+    ```bash
+    mysql < /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/sql/create_tables.sql
+    ```
+1. A control user must be created in mysql/mariadb for phpMyAdmin to use (we'll use pmacontrol, 
+**replace mypassword with your own password!**):
+    ```bash
+    mysql -e "CREATE USER 'pmacontrol'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'mypassword';"
+    ```
+    Save the following in a file named **pmaprivs.sql** to grant the pmacontrol user access to various parts tables:
+    ```sql
+    GRANT USAGE ON mysql.&ast; TO 'pmacontrol'@'localhost';
+    Host, User, Select_priv, Insert_priv, Update_priv, Delete_priv,
+    Create_priv, Drop_priv, Reload_priv, Shutdown_priv, Process_priv,
+    File_priv, Grant_priv, References_priv, Index_priv, Alter_priv,
+    Show_db_priv, Super_priv, Create_tmp_table_priv, Lock_tables_priv,
+    Execute_priv, Repl_slave_priv, Repl_client_priv
+    ) ON mysql.user TO 'pmacontrol'@'localhost';
+    GRANT SELECT ON mysql.db TO 'pmacontrol'@'localhost';
+    GRANT SELECT ON TO 'pmacontrol'@'localhost';
+    GRANT SELECT (Host, Db, User, Table_name, Table_priv, Column_priv)
+    ON mysql.tables_priv TO 'pmacontrol'@'localhost';
+    GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON phpmyadmin.&ast; TO 'pmacontrol'@'localhost';
+    ```
+    ```bash
+    mysql < pmaprivs.sql
+    ```
+1. Configure the phpMyAdmin-VCL Table relationships:
+    A file named phpmyadmin.sql file is provided in the mysql directory in the Apache VCL source 
+    code. It will add entries to the pma_table_info table in the phpmyadmin database. These entries 
+    cause useful information to be displayed when you hover over values in the VCL database.
+    Import the SQL file into the phpmyadmin database:
+    ```bash
+    mysql phpmyadmin < apache-VCL-2.5.1/mysql/phpmyadmin.sql
+    ```
+1. You should now be able to log in to phpMyAdmin using the account set up for VCL to access the
+database (can be referenced in /etc/vcl/vcld.conf or /var/www/html/vcl/.ht-inc/secrets.php).
+[1]: VCL251InstallGuide.html
diff --git a/content/docs/ldap-ca-bundle-ex.mdtext b/source/docs/
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-Title: Example ca-bundle.crt File
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Example ca-bundle.crt File
 This is an example of some entries you might see in a ca-bundle.crt file:
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+title: Viewing the hostname in an SSL certificate
+The hostname in an SSL certificate used for LDAP must match the hostname entered in 
+the conf.php file (this is the SSL certificate actually installed on the LDAP server,
+not the CA certificate). If you have no control over making it match, you can just put
+an entry in /etc/hosts with the IP of the LDAP server and the hostname that is in
+the certificate. To view the hostname in the certificate, you need a file containing
+the certificate (mycert.pem is used in the example). Run the following command to see
+the hostname that is set in the certificate:
+openssl x509 -in /tmp/mycert.pem -subject -noout
+You should see something like:
+subject= /OU=Domain Control Validated/
+The hostname is after the **CN=** part. So, **** is the hostname in
+this example.
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -1,22 +1,8 @@
-Title: LDAP Authentication
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: LDAP Authentication
+{{% toc %}}
 ## Why LDAP Authentication?
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+title: Adding Local VCL Accounts
+Local VCL accounts are contained within the VCL database. The admin 
+account is a local VCL account. Additional local accounts can be added 
+after the backend management node component has been installed by 
+executing the vcld file with the -setup argument:
+/usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld --setup
+<pre class="docnote">
+It is safe to run vcld --setup while the normal vcld daemon process 
+is running on a management node. Running vcld --setup will not 
+affect it.
+You will see a menu. Enter the number next to the VCL Base Module entry:
+[root@mgt-node]# /usr/local/vcl/bin/vcld -setup
+VCL Management Node Setup
+Check Configuration
+   1: Check Windows OS Module
+Image Management
+   2: Capture a Base Image
+Management Node Configuration
+   3: Test RPC-XML Access
+Management Node Operations
+   4: Check private IP addresses
+User Accounts
+   5: Add Local VCL User Account
+   6: Set Local VCL User Account Password
+VMware Provisioning Module
+   7: VM Host Operations
+Windows Image Configuration
+   Activation
+      8: Configure Key Management Service (KMS) Activation
+      9: Configure Multiple Activation Key (MAK) Activation
+Make a selection (1-9, 'c' to cancel):
+Enter the number next to the Add Local VCL User Account entry:
+Make a selection (1-9, 'c' to cancel): 5
+Enter the requested information:
+Enter the user login name ('c' to cancel):
+Enter the first name ('c' to cancel):
+Enter the last name ('c' to cancel):
+Enter the email address [not set]:
+Enter the password ('c' to cancel):
+After adding the local user account, you can continue to navigate the 
+menus or press Ctrl-C to exit.
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-Title: Site Configuration Message Substitutions
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Site Configuration Message Substitutions
 # Message Substitutions
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-Title: Adding a New Locale to the VCL Web Frontend
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Adding a New Locale to the VCL Web Frontend
 ## Introduction
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--- a/content/docs/releasenotes.mdtext
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@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: Apache VCL Release Notes
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Apache VCL Release Notes
 ## 2.5.1 Release Notes {#2.5.1}
 2.5.1 is a bugfix release. See the [Change Log](changelog.html#2.5.1) for a list of 
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-Title: Save the Image
+title: Save the Image
 When you're finished configuring the remote computer and are ready to save
 the image:
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@@ -1,21 +1,6 @@
-Title: Shibboleth Authentication
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Shibboleth Authentication
 The VCL is designed to support Shibboleth authentication for one or more affiliations. Using Shibboleth
 does not preclude the use of LDAP for other affiliations in the same VCL infrastructure. The principal
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--- a/content/docs/themes.mdtext
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@@ -1,22 +1,8 @@
-Title: Themes
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Themes
+{{% toc %}}
 ## Overview
 Custom themes can be created in VCL for each affiliation. This allows a multi-site 
@@ -112,66 +98,70 @@
 look at the default theme include in each release. We'll call the theme "minimal". First,
 we create a directory under the themes directory for it:
-    :::BashLexer
-    mkdir vcl/themes/minimal
+mkdir vcl/themes/minimal
 Next, we create a css directory and run the script:
-    :::BashLexer
-    mkdir vcl/themes/minimal/css
-    cd vcl/themes
-    ./ minimal
+mkdir vcl/themes/minimal/css
+cd vcl/themes
+./ minimal
 Now, we create vcl/themes/minimal/page.php with this content:
-    :::PhpLexer
-    function getHeader($refresh) {
-    	global $user, $mode, $authed, $locale, $VCLversion;
-    	$rt  = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n";
-    	$rt .= "<html>\n";
-    	$rt .= "<head>\n";
-    	$rt .= "<title>VCL</title>\n";
-    	$rt .= "<link rel=stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/vcl.css\">\n";
-    	$rt .= "<link rel=stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"themes/minimal/css/minimal.css\">\n";
-    	$rt .= "<script src=\"js/code.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n";
-    	$rt .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
-    	$rt .= "var cookiedomain = '" . COOKIEDOMAIN . "';\n";
-    	$rt .= "</script>\n";
-    	$rt .= getDojoHTML($refresh);
-    	$extracss = getExtraCSS();
-    	foreach($extracss as $file)
-    		$rt .= "<link rel=stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/$file\">\n";
-    	$rt .= "</head>\n\n";
-    	$rt .= "<body class=minimal>\n\n";
-    	$rt .= "<div id=menulist>\n";
-    	if($authed) {
-    		$rt .= "<ul>\n";
-    		$rt .= getNavMenu(1, 1);
-    		$rt .= "</ul>\n";
-    	}
-    	$rt .= "</div>\n";
-    	$rt .= "<div id=content>\n";
-    	return $rt;
+function getHeader($refresh) {
+    global $user, $mode, $authed, $locale, $VCLversion;
+    $rt  = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n";
+    $rt .= "<html>\n";
+    $rt .= "<head>\n";
+    $rt .= "<title>VCL</title>\n";
+    $rt .= "<link rel=stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/vcl.css\">\n";
+    $rt .= "<link rel=stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"themes/minimal/css/minimal.css\">\n";
+    $rt .= "<script src=\"js/code.js\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n";
+    $rt .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
+    $rt .= "var cookiedomain = '" . COOKIEDOMAIN . "';\n";
+    $rt .= "</script>\n";
+    $rt .= getDojoHTML($refresh);
+    $extracss = getExtraCSS();
+    foreach($extracss as $file)
+        $rt .= "<link rel=stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/$file\">\n";
+    $rt .= "</head>\n\n";
+    $rt .= "<body class=minimal>\n\n";
+    $rt .= "<div id=menulist>\n";
+    if($authed) {
+        $rt .= "<ul>\n";
+        $rt .= getNavMenu(1, 1);
+        $rt .= "</ul>\n";
+    $rt .= "</div>\n";
+    $rt .= "<div id=content>\n";
+    return $rt;
-    function getFooter() {
-    	$year = date("Y");
-    	$rt  = "</div>\n";
-    	$rt .= "</body>\n";
-    	$rt .= "</html>\n";
-    	return $rt;
-    }
+function getFooter() {
+    $year = date("Y");
+    $rt  = "</div>\n";
+    $rt .= "</body>\n";
+    $rt .= "</html>\n";
+    return $rt;
 Finally, we create a basic css file at vcl/themes/minimal/css/minimal.css:
-    :::CssLexer
-    #menulist {
-    	float: left;
-    }
-    #content {
-    	margin-left: 15em;
-    }
+#menulist {
+    float: left;
+#content {
+    margin-left: 15em;
 ## Using a new theme
 Themes are assigned on a per-affiliation basis in the affiliation table. This must
@@ -193,12 +183,13 @@
 call a different function that generates mobile specific HTML and returns it to the
 calling function.  Here is an example that could be used in getHeader:
-    :::PhpLexer
     if(array_key_exists('HTTP_USER_AGENT', $_SERVER) &&
          (eregi('iphone', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ||
          eregi('android', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])))
        return mobileHeader($refresh);
 mobileHeader would still need to meet all of the requirements of getHeader, but it
 would just generate mobile specific HTML. A similar block of code would then be 
-added to getFooter, calling a function named something like mobileFooter.
\ No newline at end of file
+added to getFooter, calling a function named something like mobileFooter.
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@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-Title: Updating an Existing Image
+title: Updating an Existing Image
 This is a continuation of other pages, if you did not come from [Save the Image](save-the-image.html)
 , you should start at [Creating a New Image from a Base Image](creating-a-new-image-from-a-base-image.html)
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similarity index 100%
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similarity index 78%
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index ad3bfe9..40f4e89 100644
--- a/content/docs/vclPostScripts.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: VCL Image Scripts: Post-Load, Post-Reserve, & Post-Reservation
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: "VCL Image Scripts: Post-Load, Post-Reserve, & Post-Reservation"
 Scripts may be saved within VCL images which are automatically executed at specific stages of the 
diff --git a/content/docs/vmwareconfiguration.mdtext b/source/docs/
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--- a/content/docs/vmwareconfiguration.mdtext
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@@ -1,22 +1,8 @@
-Title: VMware Configuration
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: VMware Configuration
+## Terminology
 **VM Host**
@@ -47,7 +33,7 @@
  - - -
-##VM Host Management Options
+## VM Host Management Options
  The VCL management node must be able to control the VM host and the VMs running on it.  VMware provides several different ways of doing this.  VCL currently supports the following methods for remote VM host management:
@@ -58,7 +44,7 @@
 If remote management is restricted, the VM host can be managed if SSH is enabled on it.  VCL will execute vim-cmd and other commands on the VM host via SSH. 
-##How to enable SSH on the VM host:
+## How to enable SSH on the VM host:
 **VMware Server 2.x**
@@ -107,35 +93,40 @@
  - - -
-###How to configure ESX/ESXi to use SSH identity key authentication:
+### How to configure ESX/ESXi to use SSH identity key authentication:
 SSH identity key authentication must be configured if SSH is used to manage the VM host.
   - Create an SSH key pair on the management node (or use a key you previously created):
-        :::BashLexer
-        ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/vcl/vcl.key -N '' -b 1024 -C 'VCL root account'
+    ```bash
+    ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /etc/vcl/vcl.key -N '' -b 1024 -C 'VCL root account'
+    ```
   - Log into the ESX host via SSH (password authentication should work) and create the directory:
-        :::BashLexer
-        ssh <ESXi host> 'mkdir /.ssh'
+    ```bash
+    ssh <ESXi host> 'mkdir /.ssh'
+    ```
   - Copy the public key to the ESXi host:
      - ESXi 4.x:
-        :::BashLexer
+        ```bash
         scp /etc/vcl/ ESXi host:/.ssh/authorized_keys
+        ```
      - ESXi 5.x:
-        :::BashLexer
+        ```bash
         scp /etc/vcl/ ESXi host:/etc/ssh/keys-root/authorized_keys
+        ```
   - Test making an SSH connection using the key:
-        :::BashLexer
-        ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key <ESXi host>
+    ```bash
+    ssh -i /etc/vcl/vcl.key <ESXi host>
+    ```
 **IMPORTANT**: Under ESXi 4.x, the authorized_keys file is erased when the ESXi VM host is rebooted. Complete the following steps to make the authorized_keys file persistent:
@@ -143,26 +134,28 @@
   - Create a compressed tarball file containing the /.ssh directory:
-        :::BashLexer
-        tar -C / -czf bootbank/vcl.tgz .ssh
+    ```bash
+    tar -C / -czf bootbank/vcl.tgz .ssh
+    ```
   - Edit the /bootbank/boot.cfg file and append ' --- **vcl.tgz**' to modules line as shown in the following example:
-    <pre>
+    ```text
     modules=k.z — s.z — c.z — oem.tgz — license.tgz — m.z — state.tgz — vcl.tgz
-    </pre>
+    ```
-        :::BashLexer
-        Optionally you can run the following two commands:
-        tar -C / -czf bootbank/vcl.tgz .ssh
- --add=vcl.tgz --verbose
+    ```bash
+    Optionally you can run the following two commands:
+    tar -C / -czf bootbank/vcl.tgz .ssh
+ --add=vcl.tgz --verbose
+    ```
-##VM Host Profile Parameters
+## VM Host Profile Parameters
 **General Parameters**
@@ -189,7 +182,7 @@
  - This account is used to manage the VM host and VMs assigned to the host
  - The username and password are currently only used if the vSphere SDK is used to manage the VM host and VMs
-###Storage Parameters
+### Storage Parameters
 **Resource Path (optional)**
@@ -269,7 +262,7 @@
      - VM Working Directory Paths of multiple hosts may reside on the same volume but a subdirectory should be created for each host
  - Storage where the VM Working Directory Path is located should be optimized for read-write performance
-###Networking Parameters
+### Networking Parameters
 **VM Network (previously Virtual Switch)**
@@ -290,7 +283,7 @@
  - New in VCL 2.3
  - Determines whether VMs are assigned MAC addresses defined in the VCL database or if random MAC addresses should be assigned
-###Configuration Examples
+### Configuration Examples
 **Local Disk Only - Repository Mounted via NFS**
@@ -335,8 +328,7 @@
 The VM host profile Virtual Disk Mode parameter is set to shared.  This indicates to the load process that the VM host's Virtual Disk Path is shared by other VM hosts.
-  [1]: vmware-network-labels.gif
-  [2]: local-only-nfs.gif
-  [3]: local-only-scp.gif
-  [4]: network-only-no-repo.gif
\ No newline at end of file
+[1]: vmware-network-labels.gif
+[2]: local-only-nfs.gif
+[3]: local-only-scp.gif
+[4]: network-only-no-repo.gif
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index 5a6a0e3..32467d0 100644
--- a/content/docs/windowsbaseimagecreation.mdtext
+++ b/source/docs/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title:  Install a Windows Base Image
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title:  Install a Windows Base Image
 This page describes how to mount the Windows installation media and install Windows for a base image.
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index 6665bea..0dfd75b 100644
--- a/content/downloads/download.mdtext
+++ b/source/downloads/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title: Downloads
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: Downloads
 ## Download Links
 Use the links below to download Apache VCL from one of our mirrors. You **must**
@@ -85,14 +71,16 @@
 Run the following command to verify the SHA256 sum. You should get output 
 similar to "apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2: OK":</p>
-    :::Text
-    sha256sum -c apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2.sha256
+sha256sum -c apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2.sha256
 Similarly, run the following command to verify the MD5 sum. It should give output similar to 
 "apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2: OK":
-    :::Text
-    md5sum -c apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2.md5
+md5sum -c apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2.md5
 To verify the GPG signature (you'll need to have [GnuPG]( installed):
@@ -100,14 +88,16 @@
 1. download and import the [VCL KEYS file]( (if you've imported the KEYS file for previously 
 releases, you do not need to import it again):
-        :::Text
-        gpg --import KEYS
+    ```bash
+    gpg --import KEYS
+    ```
 1. download the GPG Signature to the same location as the release file
 1. from the directory containing both the release file and the GPG signature, run
-        :::Text
-        gpg --verify apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2.asc
+    ```bash
+    gpg --verify apache-VCL-2.5.1.tar.bz2.asc
+    ```
 ## TSU Notification - Encryption
 This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+title: What is VCL?
+VCL stands for Virtual Computing Lab.  It is a free & open-source cloud computing platform with the primary goal of delivering dedicated, custom compute environments to users.
+This compute environments can range from something as simple as a virtual machine running productivity software to a cluster of powerful physical servers running complex HPC simulations.
+<img src="/img/remote-access.png" width="600" border="0">
+VCL supports provisioning several different types of compute resources including physical bare-metal machines, virtual machines hosted on several different hypervisors, and traditional computing lab computers you would normally find on a university campus.
+The user interface consists of a self-service web portal.  Using the portal, users select from a list of customized environments and make reservations.
+<img src="/img/ss-select-environment.png" width="600" border="1">
+Behind the scenes, the scheduling components built into the web portal determine which compute resources to assign to the reservations.  The requested environment is then dynamically provisioned, secured, and configured to allow remote access by the user.
+The user then remotely connects to the remote compute environment using remote desktop, SSH, or any of the other supported protocols.
\ No newline at end of file
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+title: Architecture
+The VCL architecture consists of 4 main components:
+* Web Portal
+* Database
+* Management Node
+* Compute Nodes (physical servers, virtual machines, traditional computing lab machines, cloud compute resources)
+<img src="vclarchitecture.png">
\ No newline at end of file
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+title: Frequently Asked Questions
+{{% toc %}}
+## What storage is required? # {#storage}
+## What are the networking requirements? # {#networking}
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/info/
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+title: Features
+{{% toc %}}
+### Free & Open Source {#free}
+There are no commercial product requirements in order to deploy a fully functional VCL cloud.
+### Self-Service Web Portal {#web-portal}
+* Designed to present simple interface to end users
+* Scheduling
+### Support for Multiple Authentication Methods {#authentication}
+* Built-in
+* Shibboleth
+### Simple Image Creation {#image-creation}
+* Image revision control 
+* Delegation of image creation
+### Robust Privilege & Authorization Model {#privileges}
+Robust privilege model allows for granular access to be granted...
+### Support for Multiple Provisioning Methods {#provisioning}
+* Bare Metal
+* Virtual Machines
+    * VMware ESXi 4.x/5.x
+    * KVM
+    * VirtualBox
+* Traditional computer lab machines
+### Block Allocations {#block-allocation}
+* Ideal for in the classroom or workshops
+* Create pre-scheduled loads of multiple nodes for a group of users.
+* Priority loading, dedicated access.
+### Cluster Environments {#cluster}
+* Create parent child type environments
+* Ideal for small to medium size clusters,
+* Self-service, build and manage your own custom cluster 
+### Statistics & Log Data {#statistics}
+* Built in Statistics page
+* Provides data in readable format 
+* Number of reservations, total and unique by user count, by OS, by environment.
+* Graphs
+* Useful in determining how and when environments are used.
\ No newline at end of file
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similarity index 90%
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index 8bb944c..968e014 100644
--- a/content/info/license.mdtext
+++ b/source/info/
@@ -1,22 +1,9 @@
-Title: License
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title: License
-<pre>	                              Apache License
+	                              Apache License
 	                        Version 2.0, January 2004
@@ -217,4 +204,4 @@
 	See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 	limitations under the License.
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+title: Network Layout
+This page describes the basic network layout required in order for VCL to function. It 
+also describes the recommended network layout if a blade chassis management module is 
+# At the simplest form VCL uses two networks
+1. Private - applies to provisioning modules where node is reloaded, esx, vmware, etc.
+    * loading and boot strapping images
+    * managing reservations, adding/deleting accounts, controlling the OS on the node
+    * opens access ports on node for user requests on public network interface
+    * image creation
+    * DHCP serves fixed-addresses over this network to the eth0 adapter of the node
+    * DHCP is run on the management node - prerequisite
+2. Public
+    * user accessible
+    * VCL can either use dhcp(preferred) or statically assign addresses to the node on 
+the public network
+The diagram below shows the simple layout:
+<img src="generalnetworklayout.png">
+# Blade Center network layout
+The network using blade center is more involved by adding a 2nd private network.
+1. Private 1 - applies to provisioning modules, xCAT, vmware, etc.
+2. Private 2
+    * allows management node to interact with blade center management module
+    * provides scaling method for adding multiple blade center's
+3. Public - user access
+The diagram below shows the suggested network layout when using blade center.
+<img src="bladenetworklayout.png">
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--- /dev/null
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+title: Use Cases
+stub page
diff --git a/source/patches/ b/source/patches/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/patches/
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+title: Patching CVE-2018-11772, CVE-2018-11773, and CVE-2018-11774
+Please see the [security page](/security.html) for more information about these patches.
+## Downloading
+Patches for Apache VCL versions 2.2.2, 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.4.2, and 2.5 are all available in a
+single archive for all three of CVE-2018-11772, CVE-2018-11773, and CVE-2018-11774.
+* [CVE-2018-11772.tar.bz2](
+  [ [GPG]( ]
+  [ [SHA512]( ]
+  (published on 2019-07-29)
+## Applying Patches
+The patches are only for the web code and therefore only need to be applied to
+that portion of the code.  To apply the patches, download the archive to the web
+server running your VCL code.  Extract it under /tmp.  It will generate a
+directory named CVE-2018-11772 (though it patches all 3 CVEs) with
+subdirectories for each VCL version under that.  Then, cd to where your web
+code is (probably something like /var/www/html/vcl).  You should be in the
+directory containing index.php, .ht-inc, and js.  Four files will be patched.
+So, you'll probably want to make backup copies of them before patching:
+You can see what version of VCL you have by running
+grep VCLversion index.php
+Finally, while still in the directory containing index.php, apply the patches
+for your version using a command similar to the following, substituting the
+proper version number.
+patch -p1 < /tmp/CVE-2018-11772/2.5/VCL-2.5-CVE-2018.patch
+You should see output similar to
+patching file .ht-inc/blockallocations.php
+patching file .ht-inc/privileges.php
+patching file .ht-inc/vm.php
+patching file js/vm.js
+Patches to php files will take effect immediately - there is no need to
+restart httpd.  The patched vm.js file will take effect when users' browsers
+reload it.  There is no problem in having a delay in vm.js getting updated in
+users' browsers as it only affects an error message displayed to users if they
+attempt to submit invalid data.
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similarity index 79%
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index 2f75c7f..851ebe8 100644
--- a/content/security.mdtext
+++ b/source/
@@ -1,20 +1,6 @@
-Title:     Apache VCL Security
-Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           .
-           .
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
+title:     Apache VCL Security
 # Security Issues
 The Apache Software Foundation takes security issues seriously and has a 
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 	color: white;
 	font-family: "Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
 	font-weight: bolder;
-	background-image: url(/img/title-background.png);
+	background-image: url(../img/title-background.png);
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