blob: 3eaea004daaf2348329a4199967e0d3d0d012b83 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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#import "UGActivity.h"
// the way they have set up the object info
kUGActivityNoObject = 0,
kUGActivityObjectEntity = 1,
kUGActivityObjectContent = 2,
kUGActivityObjectNameOnly = 3
@implementation UGActivity
// basic stats
NSString *m_verb;
NSString *m_category;
NSString *m_content;
NSString *m_title;
// stats related to the actor
NSString *m_actorUserName;
NSString *m_actorDisplayName;
NSString *m_actorUUID;
NSString *m_actorEmail;
// stats related to the object
NSString *m_objectType;
NSString *m_objectDisplayName;
// for the object, either these must be set...
NSString *m_entityType;
NSString *m_entityUUID;
// ...or this must be set
NSString *m_objectContent;
// or it will use the content field as the content for the object
// tracking how the object is currently set up
int m_objectDataType;
self = [super init];
if ( self )
m_objectDataType = kUGActivityNoObject;
return self;
-(BOOL) setBasics: (NSString *)verb category:(NSString *)category content:(NSString *)content title:(NSString *)title
// input validation
if ( !verb || !category || !content || !title ) return NO;
m_verb = verb;
m_category = category;
m_content = content;
m_title = title;
return YES;
-(BOOL) setActorInfo: (NSString *)actorUserName actorDisplayName:(NSString *)actorDisplayName actorUUID:(NSString *)actorUUID
// input validation
if ( !actorUserName || !actorDisplayName || !actorUUID ) return NO;
m_actorUserName = actorUserName;
m_actorDisplayName = actorDisplayName;
m_actorUUID = actorUUID;
m_actorEmail = nil;
return YES;
-(BOOL) setActorInfo: (NSString *)actorUserName actorDisplayName:(NSString *)actorDisplayName actorEmail:(NSString *)actorEmail
// input validation
if ( !actorUserName || !actorDisplayName || !actorEmail ) return NO;
m_actorUserName = actorUserName;
m_actorDisplayName = actorDisplayName;
m_actorEmail = actorEmail;
m_actorUUID = nil;
return YES;
-(BOOL)setObjectInfo: (NSString *)objectType displayName:(NSString *)displayName entityType:(NSString *)entityType entityUUID:(NSString *)entityUUID
// input validation
if ( !objectType || !displayName || !entityType || !entityUUID ) return NO;
m_objectType = objectType;
m_objectDisplayName = displayName;
m_entityType = entityType;
m_entityUUID = entityUUID;
m_objectDataType = kUGActivityObjectEntity;
// clear out the unused value
m_objectContent = nil;
return YES;
-(BOOL)setObjectInfo: (NSString *)objectType displayName:(NSString *)displayName objectContent:(NSString *)objectContent
// input validation
if ( !objectType || !displayName || !objectContent ) return NO;
m_objectType = objectType;
m_objectDisplayName = displayName;
m_objectContent = objectContent;
m_objectDataType = kUGActivityObjectContent;
// clear out the unused values
m_entityType = nil;
m_entityUUID = nil;
return YES;
-(BOOL)setObjectInfo: (NSString *)objectType displayName:(NSString *)displayName
// input validation
if ( !objectType || !displayName ) return NO;
m_objectType = objectType;
m_objectDisplayName = displayName;
m_objectDataType = kUGActivityObjectNameOnly;
// we'll use m_content when the time comes. But we don't want to
// assume they've set it yet. They can call the setup functions in any order.
m_objectContent = nil;
m_entityType = nil;
m_entityUUID = nil;
return YES;
// if any of the required values are nil, it's not valid
if ( !m_verb || !m_category || !m_content || !m_title || !m_actorUserName || !m_actorDisplayName )
return NO;
// either the uuid or the email of the user must be valid
if ( !m_actorUUID && !m_actorEmail )
return NO;
// the object data requirements are based on the object setup
switch ( m_objectDataType )
case kUGActivityObjectEntity:
if ( !m_objectType || !m_objectDisplayName || !m_entityType || !m_entityUUID ) return NO;
case kUGActivityObjectContent:
if ( !m_objectType || !m_objectDisplayName || !m_objectContent ) return NO;
case kUGActivityObjectNameOnly:
if ( !m_objectType || !m_objectDisplayName ) return NO;
// kUGActivityNoObject has no requirements.
// if we're here, we're valid.
return YES;
-(NSDictionary *)toNSDictionary
NSMutableDictionary *ret = [NSMutableDictionary new];
// add all the fields in
[ret setObject:@"activity" forKey:@"type"];
[ret setObject:m_verb forKey:@"verb"];
[ret setObject:m_category forKey:@"category"];
[ret setObject:m_content forKey:@"content"];
[ret setObject:m_title forKey:@"title"];
// make the actor's subdictionary
NSMutableDictionary *actor = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[actor setObject:@"person" forKey:@"type"];
[actor setObject:@"user" forKey:@"entityType"];
[actor setObject:m_actorDisplayName forKey:@"displayName"];
if ( m_actorUUID )
[actor setObject:m_actorUUID forKey:@"uuid"];
if ( m_actorEmail )
[actor setObject:m_actorEmail forKey:@"email"];
// add the actor to the main dict
[ret setObject:actor forKey:@"actor"];
if ( m_objectDataType != kUGActivityNoObject )
// there is an associated object. Prep a dict for it
NSMutableDictionary *object = [NSMutableDictionary new];
// these fields are involved in all cases
[object setObject:m_objectType forKey:@"type"];
[object setObject:m_objectDisplayName forKey:@"displayName"];
if ( m_objectDataType == kUGActivityObjectContent )
[object setObject:m_objectContent forKey:@"content"];
else if ( m_objectDataType == kUGActivityObjectNameOnly )
[object setObject:m_content forKey:@"content"];
else if ( m_objectDataType == kUGActivityObjectEntity )
[object setObject:m_entityType forKey:@"entityType"];
[object setObject:m_entityUUID forKey:@"entityUUID"];
// add to the dict
[ret setObject:object forKey:@"object"];
// done with the assembly
return ret;