blob: 997e279688d02455e58531d54942428deb75d8c6 [file] [log] [blame]
Usergrid Core Repository
JDK 1.7 (
Maven (
Download and install Maven using the instructions on the Apache Maven website,
then, from the command line, go to the usergrid-core directory and type the
mvn install
This will cause Maven to download and install all the necessary dependencies.
This also runs a small set of tests after compilation, however these tests do
start up an instance of Cassandra. To run the build without all the tests
being fired, use the following:
mvn install -DskipTests=true
Usergrid-core contains the persistence layer and shared utilities for powering
the Usergrid service. The services layer is contained in usergrid-services and
exposes a higher-level API that's used by the usergrid-rest web services tier.