blob: 5e692fc23938acac74fe86833abe37a28f7b0b90 [file] [log] [blame]
Usergrid 1.0.2
Usergrid 1.0.2
Usergrid 1.0.2
Usergrid 1.0.2
Usergrid 1.0.2
Usergrid 1.0.2 is a minor release with bug fixes and small improvements.
Here are the highlights:
Bugs fixed
* S3 upload fails on OpenJDK and Java 8 (fixed by JClouds upgrade)
* Asset data deleted when connection to Asset deleted
* Portal stores app password as clear-text
* Cassandra key-space names are now configurable
New features
* ExportAdmins: a new tool to export Admin Users, credentials and organizations
* ImportAdmins: a new tool to import Admin Users, credentials and organizations
* Central SSO: Usergrid-Usergrid SSO via new /management/externaltoken end-point
Here's the full list of JIRA issues resolved:
Usergrid 1.0.1
Except for our shiny new PHP5 SDK, Usergrid 1.0.1 is mostly a bug fix release.
Here are the highlights:
* New PHP5 SDK - new SDK is a Guzzle Web service descriptor so any Usergrid API
calls can be added with ease.
* Original PHP SDK - added URL endpoint update functionality.
* Node.js SDK - Bug fix: calcTimeDiff changed to return seconds correctly
* Node.js SDK - Bug fix: getOnExist was sending wrong data value to server.
* Android SDK Updated from Apigee source. Numerous bug fixes and enhancements.
* Docs moved to
* Admin portal - Changed default config to point to localhost.
* Admin portal - Build now created as zip file during build process.
* Stack - Bug fix: Launcher now works, uses Admin portal hosted on ASF Infra.
* Stack - Bug fix: reset password will now work with or without reCaptcha keys.
* Stack - Build now works with latest versions of Maven.
* Stack - Build now supports property for configurable argline parameters.
* Stack - Build now sets java.awt.headless to prevent forkedbooter popups.