blob: 21b1a5e7033d9fcfd55b213c1992b46720d01122 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2012 Apigee Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.usergrid.persistence;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.usergrid.AbstractCoreIT;
import org.usergrid.cassandra.Concurrent;
import org.usergrid.persistence.Results.Level;
import org.usergrid.persistence.entities.Group;
import org.usergrid.persistence.entities.User;
import org.usergrid.utils.UUIDUtils;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.usergrid.persistence.cassandra.CassandraService.MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID;
public class EntityManagerIT extends AbstractCoreIT {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( EntityManagerIT.class );
public EntityManagerIT() {
public void testEntityManager() throws Exception { "EntityManagerIT.testEntityManagerTest" );
UUID applicationId = setup.createApplication( "testOrganization", "testEntityManagerTest" );
assertNotNull( applicationId );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
assertNotNull( em );
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "username", "edanuff" );
properties.put( "email", "" );
Entity user = em.create( "user", properties );
assertNotNull( user );
user = em.get( user );
assertNotNull( user );
assertEquals( "user.username not expected value", "edanuff", user.getProperty( "username" ) );
assertEquals( " not expected value", "", user.getProperty( "email" ) );
EntityRef userRef = em.getAlias( applicationId, "user", "edanuff" );
assertNotNull( userRef );
assertEquals( " not expected value", user.getUuid(), userRef.getUuid() );
assertEquals( "userRef.type not expected value", "user", userRef.getType() ); "user.username: " + user.getProperty( "username" ) ); " " + user.getProperty( "email" ) );
Results results = em.searchCollection( em.getApplicationRef(), "users",
new Query().addEqualityFilter( "username", "edanuff" ) );
assertNotNull( results );
assertEquals( 1, results.size() );
user = results.getEntity();
assertNotNull( user );
assertEquals( "user.username not expected value", "edanuff", user.getProperty( "username" ) );
assertEquals( " not expected value", "", user.getProperty( "email" ) ); "user.username: " + user.getProperty( "username" ) ); " " + user.getProperty( "email" ) );
results = em.searchCollection( em.getApplicationRef(), "users",
new Query().addEqualityFilter( "email", "" ) );
assertNotNull( results );
assertEquals( 1, results.size() );
user = results.getEntity();
assertNotNull( user );
assertEquals( "user.username not expected value", "edanuff", user.getProperty( "username" ) );
assertEquals( " not expected value", "", user.getProperty( "email" ) ); "user.username: " + user.getProperty( "username" ) ); " " + user.getProperty( "email" ) );
public void testCreateAndGet() throws Exception { "EntityDaoTest.testCreateAndGet" );
UUID applicationId = setup.createApplication( "testOrganization", "testCreateAndGet" );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
int i = 0;
List<Entity> things = new ArrayList<Entity>();
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) {
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "name", "thing" + i );
Entity thing = em.create( "thing", properties );
assertNotNull( "thing should not be null", thing );
assertFalse( "thing id not valid", thing.getUuid().equals( new UUID( 0, 0 ) ) );
assertEquals( "name not expected value", "thing" + i, thing.getProperty( "name" ) );
things.add( thing );
assertEquals( "should be ten entities", 10, things.size() );
i = 0;
for ( Entity entity : things ) {
Entity thing = em.get( entity.getUuid() );
assertNotNull( "thing should not be null", thing );
assertFalse( "thing id not valid", thing.getUuid().equals( new UUID( 0, 0 ) ) );
assertEquals( "name not expected value", "thing" + i, thing.getProperty( "name" ) );
List<UUID> ids = new ArrayList<UUID>();
for ( Entity entity : things ) {
ids.add( entity.getUuid() );
Entity en = em.get( entity.getUuid() );
String type = en.getType();
assertEquals( "type not expected value", "thing", type );
Object property = en.getProperty( "name" );
assertNotNull( "thing name property should not be null", property );
assertTrue( "thing name should start with \"thing\"", property.toString().startsWith( "thing" ) );
Map<String, Object> properties = en.getProperties();
assertEquals( "number of properties wrong", 5, properties.size() );
i = 0;
Results results = em.get( ids, Results.Level.CORE_PROPERTIES );
for ( Entity thing : results ) {
assertNotNull( "thing should not be null", thing );
assertFalse( "thing id not valid", thing.getUuid().equals( new UUID( 0, 0 ) ) );
assertEquals( "wrong type", "thing", thing.getType() );
assertNotNull( "thing name should not be null", thing.getProperty( "name" ) );
String name = thing.getProperty( "name" ).toString();
assertEquals( "unexpected name", "thing" + i, name );
assertEquals( "entities unfound entity name count incorrect", 10, i );
public void testDictionaries() throws Exception { "EntityDaoTest.testDictionaries" );
UUID applicationId = setup.createApplication( "testOrganization", "testDictionaries" );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "name", "thing" );
Entity thing = em.create( "thing", properties );
assertNotNull( thing );
em.addToDictionary( thing, "stuff", "alpha" );
em.addToDictionary( thing, "stuff", "beta" );
em.addToDictionary( thing, "stuff", "gamma" );
Set<Object> set = em.getDictionaryAsSet( thing, "stuff" );
assertNotNull( "list should not be null", set );
assertEquals( "Wrong number of items in list", 3, set.size() );
Iterator<Object> i = set.iterator(); "first item is " + ); "second item is " + ); "third item is " + );
i = set.iterator();
assertEquals( "first item should be alpha", "alpha", );
assertEquals( "second item should be beta", "beta", );
assertEquals( "third item should be gamma", "gamma", );
em.addToDictionary( thing, "test", "foo", "bar" );
String val = ( String ) em.getDictionaryElementValue( thing, "test", "foo" );
assertEquals( "val should be bar", "bar", val );
* Results r = em.searchCollection(em.getApplicationRef(), "things",
* Query.findForProperty("stuff", "beta"));
* assertNotNull("results should not be null", r);
* assertEquals("Wrong number of items in list", 1, r.size());
public void testProperties() throws Exception { "EntityDaoTest.testProperties" );
UUID applicationId = setup.createApplication( "testOrganization", "testProperties" );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "name", "testprop" );
Entity thing = em.create( "thing", properties );
Entity entity = em.get( thing.getUuid() );
assertNotNull( "entity should not be null", entity );
em.setProperty( entity, "alpha", 1 );
em.setProperty( entity, "beta", 2 );
em.setProperty( entity, "gamma", 3 );
Map<String, Object> props = em.getProperties( entity );
assertNotNull( "properties should not be null", props );
assertEquals( "wrong number of properties", 8, props.size() );
assertEquals( "wrong value for property alpha", new Long( 1 ), props.get( "alpha" ) );
assertEquals( "wrong value for property beta", new Long( 2 ), props.get( "beta" ) );
assertEquals( "wrong value for property gamma", new Long( 3 ), props.get( "gamma" ) );
for ( Entry<String, Object> entry : props.entrySet() ) { entry.getKey() + " : " + entry.getValue() );
em.deleteProperty( entity, "alpha" );
props = em.getProperties( entity );
assertNotNull( "properties should not be null", props );
assertEquals( "wrong number of properties", 7, props.size() );
public void testCreateAndDelete() throws Exception { "EntityDaoTest.testCreateAndDelete" );
UUID applicationId = setup.createApplication( "testOrganization", "testCreateAndDelete" );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
String name = "test.thing" + UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID();
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "name", name );
properties.put( "foo", "bar" ); "Starting entity create" );
Entity thing = em.create( "thing", properties ); "Entity created" ); "Starting entity delete" );
em.delete( thing ); "Entity deleted" );
// now search by username, no results should be returned
Results r =
em.searchCollection( em.getApplicationRef(), "thing", new Query().addEqualityFilter( "name", name ) );
assertEquals( 0, r.size() );
public void testCreateAndDeleteUser() throws Exception { "EntityDaoTest.testCreateAndDeleteUser" );
UUID applicationId = setup.createApplication( "testOrganization", "testCreateAndDeleteUser" );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
String name = "test.thing" + UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID();
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "username", name );
properties.put( "foo", "bar" ); "Starting entity create" );
Entity user = em.create( "user", properties ); "Entity created" ); "Starting entity delete" );
em.delete( user ); "Entity deleted" );
// now search by username, no results should be returned
Results r = em.searchCollection( em.getApplicationRef(), "users",
new Query().addEqualityFilter( "username", name ) );
assertEquals( 0, r.size() );
// now re-create a new user with the same username
properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "username", name );
properties.put( "foo", "bar" ); "Starting entity create" );
user = em.create( "user", properties ); "Entity created" );
r = em.searchCollection( em.getApplicationRef(), "users", new Query().addEqualityFilter( "username", name ) );
assertEquals( 1, r.size() );
assertEquals( user.getUuid(), r.getEntity().getUuid() );
public void testJson() throws Exception { "EntityDaoTest.testProperties" );
UUID applicationId = setup.createApplication( "testOrganization", "testJson" );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "name", "testprop" );
Entity thing = em.create( "thing", properties );
Entity entity = em.get( thing.getUuid() );
assertNotNull( "entity should not be null", entity );
Map<String, Object> json = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
json.put( "a", "alpha" );
json.put( "b", "beta" );
json.put( "c", "gamma" );
em.setProperty( entity, "json", json );
Map<String, Object> props = em.getProperties( entity );
assertNotNull( "properties should not be null", props );
assertEquals( "wrong number of properties", 6, props.size() );
json = ( Map<String, Object> ) props.get( "json" );
assertEquals( "wrong size for property alpha", 3, json.size() );
assertEquals( "wrong value for property beta", "alpha", json.get( "a" ) );
em.deleteProperty( entity, "json" );
@Ignore("There is a concurrency issue due to counters not being thread safe: see USERGRID-1753")
public void testEntityCounters() throws Exception { "EntityManagerIT#testEntityCounters" );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID );
Group organizationEntity = new Group();
organizationEntity.setPath( "testCounterOrg" );
organizationEntity.setProperty( "name", "testCounterOrg" );
organizationEntity = em.create( organizationEntity );
UUID applicationId = setup.getEmf().createApplication( "testCounterOrg", "testEntityCounters" );
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "name", "testEntityCounters" );
Entity applicationEntity = em.create( applicationId, "application_info", properties );
em.createConnection( new SimpleEntityRef( "group", organizationEntity.getUuid() ), "owns",
new SimpleEntityRef( "application_info", applicationId ) );
em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "username", "edanuff" );
properties.put( "email", "" );
Entity user = em.create( "user", properties );
em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID );
Map<String, Long> counts = em.getEntityCounters( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID ); "Entity counters: {}", counts );
assertNotNull( counts );
assertEquals( 4, counts.size() );
Entity entity = em.get( new SimpleEntityRef( Group.ENTITY_TYPE, organizationEntity.getUuid() ) );
assertEquals( "testCounterOrg", entity.getName() );
em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
counts = em.getEntityCounters( applicationId ); "Entity counters: {}", counts );
assertNotNull( counts );
assertEquals( 3, counts.size() );
public void testCreateAndList() throws Exception { "EntityDaoTest.testCreateAndDelete" );
UUID applicationId = setup.createApplication( "testOrganization", "testCreateAndList" );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
String name = "test.thing" + UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID() + 1;
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "name", name );
properties.put( "foo", "bar" ); "Starting entity create" );
Entity thing1 = em.create( "thing", properties ); "Entity created" );
String name2 = "test.thing" + UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID() + 2;
properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "name", name2 );
properties.put( "foo", "bar" ); "Starting entity create" );
Entity thing2 = em.create( "thing", properties ); "Entity created" );
// now search by username, no results should be returned
EntityRef appRef = em.getRef( applicationId );
Results r = em.getCollection( appRef, "things", null, 10, Level.ALL_PROPERTIES, false );
assertEquals( 2, r.size() );
assertEquals( thing1.getUuid(), r.getEntities().get( 0 ).getUuid() );
assertEquals( thing2.getUuid(), r.getEntities().get( 1 ).getUuid() );
public void testCorrectType() throws Exception {
UUID applicationId = setup.createApplication( "testOrganization", "testCorrectType" );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "name", "testuser" );
properties.put( "username", "testuser" );
properties.put( "email", "" );
Entity created = em.create( "user", properties );
Entity returned = em.get( created.getUuid() );
assertNotNull( created );
assertNotNull( returned );
assertTrue( created instanceof User );
assertTrue( returned instanceof User );
assertEquals( created, returned );
public void testImmutableForcedPropChange() throws Exception { "EntityDaoTest.testProperties" );
UUID applicationId = setup.createApplication( "testOrganization", "testNamePropChanges" );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "name", "one" );
Entity saved = em.create( "thing", properties );
Entity thingOne = em.get( saved.getUuid() );
assertNotNull( "entity should not be null", thingOne );
assertEquals( "one", thingOne.getProperty( "name" ).toString() );
em.setProperty( thingOne, "name", "two", true );
Entity thingTwo = em.get( saved.getUuid() );
assertEquals( "two", thingTwo.getProperty( "name" ) );
public void ownershipScopeCorrect() throws Exception {
UUID applicationId = setup.createApplication( "testOrganization", "ownershipScopeCorrect" );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
//first user
Map<String, Object> userProps = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
userProps.put( "name", "testuser" );
userProps.put( "username", "testuser" );
userProps.put( "email", "" );
Entity createdUser = em.create( "user", userProps );
Entity returnedUser = em.get( createdUser.getUuid() );
assertNotNull( createdUser );
assertNotNull( returnedUser );
//second user
Map<String, Object> userProps2 = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
userProps2.put( "name", "testuser2" );
userProps2.put( "username", "testuser2" );
userProps2.put( "email", "" );
Entity createdUser2 = em.create( "user", userProps2 );
Entity returnedUser2 = em.get( createdUser2.getUuid() );
assertNotNull( createdUser2 );
assertNotNull( returnedUser2 );
//now create the device, in the scope of the user
Map<String, Object> device = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
device.put( "name", "device1" );
Entity createdDevice = em.createItemInCollection( createdUser, "devices", "device", device );
Entity returnedDevice = em.get( createdDevice.getUuid() );
assertNotNull( createdDevice );
assertNotNull( returnedDevice );
assertEquals( "device1", returnedDevice.getName() );
//now load it within the context of the user, it should load.
//first user is an owner
assertTrue( em.isCollectionMember( createdUser, "devices", createdDevice ) );
//Not an owner
assertFalse( em.isCollectionMember( createdUser2, "devices", createdDevice ) );