blob: 9ccf240894eddb2133a8c5e1a6e4dc82927ab31a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.usergrid.persistence.cassandra;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.EntityManager;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Identifier;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Query;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Query.SortDirection;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Query.SortPredicate;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Results;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Schema;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.entities.User;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.exceptions.NoFullTextIndexException;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.exceptions.NoIndexException;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.exceptions.PersistenceException;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.AndOperand;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.ContainsOperand;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.Equal;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.EqualityOperand;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.GreaterThan;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.GreaterThanEqual;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.LessThan;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.LessThanEqual;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.Literal;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.NotOperand;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.Operand;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.OrOperand;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.QueryVisitor;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.StringLiteral;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.WithinOperand;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.schema.CollectionInfo;
import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.UUIDSerializer;
import static org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Schema.getDefaultSchema;
public class QueryProcessor {
public static final int PAGE_SIZE = 1000;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( QueryProcessor.class );
private static final Schema SCHEMA = getDefaultSchema();
private final CollectionInfo collectionInfo;
private final EntityManager em;
private final ResultsLoaderFactory loaderFactory;
private Operand rootOperand;
private List<SortPredicate> sorts;
private CursorCache cursorCache;
private QueryNode rootNode;
private String entityType;
private int size;
private Query query;
private int sliceCount;
public QueryProcessor( Query query, CollectionInfo collectionInfo, EntityManager em,
ResultsLoaderFactory loaderFactory ) throws PersistenceException {
setQuery( query );
this.collectionInfo = collectionInfo;
this.em = em;
this.loaderFactory = loaderFactory;
public Query getQuery() {
return query;
public void setQuery( Query query ) {
this.sorts = query.getSortPredicates();
this.cursorCache = new CursorCache( query.getCursor() );
this.rootOperand = query.getRootOperand();
this.entityType = query.getEntityType();
this.size = query.getLimit();
this.query = query;
public CollectionInfo getCollectionInfo() {
return collectionInfo;
private void process() throws PersistenceException {
sliceCount = 0;
// no operand. Check for sorts
if ( rootOperand != null ) {
// visit the tree
TreeEvaluator visitor = new TreeEvaluator();
rootOperand.visit( visitor );
rootNode = visitor.getRootNode();
sliceCount = rootNode.getCount();
// see if we have sorts, if so, we can add them all as a single node at
// the root
if ( sorts.size() > 0 ) {
OrderByNode order = generateSorts( sliceCount );
sliceCount += order.getCount();
rootNode = order;
//if we still don't have a root node, no query nor order by was specified,
// just use the all node or the identifiers
if ( rootNode == null ) {
//a name alias or email alias was specified
if ( query.containsSingleNameOrEmailIdentifier() ) {
Identifier ident = query.getSingleIdentifier();
//an email was specified. An edge case that only applies to users. This is fulgy to put here,
// but required
if ( query.getEntityType().equals( User.ENTITY_TYPE ) && ident.isEmail() ) {
rootNode = new EmailIdentifierNode( ident );
//use the ident with the default alias. could be an email
else {
rootNode = new NameIdentifierNode( ident.getName() );
//a uuid was specified
else if ( query.containsSingleUuidIdentifier() ) {
rootNode = new UuidIdentifierNode( query.getSingleUuidIdentifier() );
//nothing was specified, order it by uuid
else {
//this is a bit ugly, but how we handle the start parameter
UUID startResult = query.getStartResult();
boolean startResultSet = startResult != null;
AllNode allNode = new AllNode( 0, startResultSet );
if ( startResultSet ) {
cursorCache.setNextCursor( allNode.getSlice().hashCode(),
UUIDSerializer.get().toByteBuffer( startResult ) );
rootNode = allNode;
public QueryNode getFirstNode() {
return rootNode;
* Apply cursor position and sort order to this slice. This should only be invoke at evaluation time to ensure that
* the IR tree has already been fully constructed
public void applyCursorAndSort( QuerySlice slice ) {
// apply the sort first, since this can change the hash code
SortPredicate sort = getSort( slice.getPropertyName() );
if ( sort != null ) {
boolean isReversed = sort.getDirection() == SortDirection.DESCENDING;
//we're reversing the direction of this slice, reverse the params as well
if ( isReversed != slice.isReversed() ) {
// apply the cursor
ByteBuffer cursor = cursorCache.getCursorBytes( slice.hashCode() );
if ( cursor != null ) {
slice.setCursor( cursor );
* Return the node id from the cursor cache
public ByteBuffer getCursorCache( int nodeId ) {
return cursorCache.getCursorBytes( nodeId );
private SortPredicate getSort( String propertyName ) {
for ( SortPredicate sort : sorts ) {
if ( sort.getPropertyName().equals( propertyName ) ) {
return sort;
return null;
* Return the iterator results, ordered if required
public Results getResults( SearchVisitor visitor ) throws Exception {
// if we have no order by just load the results
if ( rootNode == null ) {
return null;
rootNode.visit( visitor );
ResultIterator itr = visitor.getResults();
List<ScanColumn> entityIds = new ArrayList<ScanColumn>( Math.min( size, Query.MAX_LIMIT ) );
CursorCache resultsCursor = new CursorCache();
while ( entityIds.size() < size && itr.hasNext() ) {
entityIds.addAll( );
//set our cursor, we paged through more entities than we want to return
if ( entityIds.size() > 0 ) {
int resultSize = Math.min( entityIds.size(), size );
entityIds = entityIds.subList( 0, resultSize );
if ( resultSize == size ) {
itr.finalizeCursor( resultsCursor, entityIds.get( resultSize - 1 ).getUUID() );
if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) {
logger.debug( "Getting result for query: [{}], returning entityIds size: {}", getQuery(),
entityIds.size() );
final ResultsLoader loader = loaderFactory.getResultsLoader( em, query, query.getResultsLevel() );
final Results results = loader.getResults( entityIds );
if ( results == null ) {
return null;
// now we need to set the cursor from our tree evaluation for return
results.setCursor( resultsCursor.asString() );
results.setQuery( query );
results.setQueryProcessor( this );
results.setSearchVisitor( visitor );
return results;
private class TreeEvaluator implements QueryVisitor {
// stack for nodes that will be used to construct the tree and create
// objects
private Stack<QueryNode> nodes = new Stack<QueryNode>();
private int contextCount = -1;
* Get the root node in our tree for runtime evaluation
public QueryNode getRootNode() {
return nodes.peek();
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.QueryVisitor#visit(org.apache.usergrid
* .persistence.query.tree.AndOperand)
public void visit( AndOperand op ) throws PersistenceException {
op.getLeft().visit( this );
QueryNode leftResult = nodes.peek();
op.getRight().visit( this );
QueryNode rightResult = nodes.peek();
// if the result of the left and right are the same, we don't want
// to create an AND. We'll use the same SliceNode. Do nothing
if ( leftResult == rightResult ) {
// otherwise create a new AND node from the result of the visit
QueryNode right = nodes.pop();
QueryNode left = nodes.pop();
AndNode newNode = new AndNode( left, right );
nodes.push( newNode );
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.QueryVisitor#visit(org.apache.usergrid
* .persistence.query.tree.OrOperand)
public void visit( OrOperand op ) throws PersistenceException {
// we need to create a new slicenode for the children of this
// operation
Operand left = op.getLeft();
Operand right = op.getRight();
// we only create a new slice node if our children are && and ||
// operations
createNewSlice( left );
left.visit( this );
// we only create a new slice node if our children are && and ||
// operations
createNewSlice( right );
right.visit( this );
QueryNode rightResult = nodes.pop();
QueryNode leftResult = nodes.pop();
// rewrite with the new Or operand
OrNode orNode = new OrNode( leftResult, rightResult, ++contextCount );
nodes.push( orNode );
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.QueryVisitor#visit(org.apache.usergrid
* .persistence.query.tree.NotOperand)
public void visit( NotOperand op ) throws PersistenceException {
// create a new context since any child of NOT will need to be
// evaluated independently
Operand child = op.getOperation();
createNewSlice( child );
child.visit( this );
nodes.push( new NotNode( nodes.pop(), new AllNode( ++contextCount, false ) ) );
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.QueryVisitor#visit(org.apache.usergrid
* .persistence.query.tree.ContainsOperand)
public void visit( ContainsOperand op ) throws NoFullTextIndexException {
String propertyName = op.getProperty().getValue();
if ( !SCHEMA.isPropertyFulltextIndexed( entityType, propertyName ) ) {
throw new NoFullTextIndexException( entityType, propertyName );
StringLiteral string = op.getString();
String indexName = op.getProperty().getIndexedValue();
SliceNode node = null;
// sdg - if left & right have same field name, we need to create a new
// slice
if ( !nodes.isEmpty() && nodes.peek() instanceof SliceNode
&& ( ( SliceNode ) nodes.peek() ).getSlice( indexName ) != null ) {
node = newSliceNode();
else {
node = getUnionNode( op );
String fieldName = op.getProperty().getIndexedValue();
node.setStart( fieldName, string.getValue(), true );
node.setFinish( fieldName, string.getEndValue(), true );
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.QueryVisitor#visit(org.apache.usergrid
* .persistence.query.tree.WithinOperand)
public void visit( WithinOperand op ) {
// change the property name to coordinates
nodes.push( new WithinNode( op.getProperty().getIndexedName(), op.getDistance().getFloatValue(),
op.getLattitude().getFloatValue(), op.getLongitude().getFloatValue(), ++contextCount ) );
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.QueryVisitor#visit(org.apache.usergrid
* .persistence.query.tree.LessThan)
public void visit( LessThan op ) throws NoIndexException {
String propertyName = op.getProperty().getValue();
checkIndexed( propertyName );
getUnionNode( op ).setFinish( propertyName, op.getLiteral().getValue(), false );
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.QueryVisitor#visit(org.apache.usergrid
* .persistence.query.tree.LessThanEqual)
public void visit( LessThanEqual op ) throws NoIndexException {
String propertyName = op.getProperty().getValue();
checkIndexed( propertyName );
getUnionNode( op ).setFinish( propertyName, op.getLiteral().getValue(), true );
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.QueryVisitor#visit(org.apache.usergrid
* .persistence.query.tree.Equal)
public void visit( Equal op ) throws NoIndexException {
String fieldName = op.getProperty().getValue();
//checkIndexed( fieldName );
Literal<?> literal = op.getLiteral();
SliceNode node = getUnionNode( op );
// this is an edge case. If we get more edge cases, we need to push
// this down into the literals and let the objects
// handle this
if ( literal instanceof StringLiteral ) {
StringLiteral stringLiteral = ( StringLiteral ) literal;
String endValue = stringLiteral.getEndValue();
if ( endValue != null ) {
node.setFinish( fieldName, endValue, true );
else {
node.setFinish( fieldName, literal.getValue(), true );
node.setStart( fieldName, literal.getValue(), true );
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.QueryVisitor#visit(org.apache.usergrid
* .persistence.query.tree.GreaterThan)
public void visit( GreaterThan op ) throws NoIndexException {
String propertyName = op.getProperty().getValue();
checkIndexed( propertyName );
getUnionNode( op ).setStart( propertyName, op.getLiteral().getValue(), false );
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.apache.usergrid.persistence.query.tree.QueryVisitor#visit(org.apache.usergrid
* .persistence.query.tree.GreaterThanEqual)
public void visit( GreaterThanEqual op ) throws NoIndexException {
String propertyName = op.getProperty().getValue();
checkIndexed( propertyName );
getUnionNode( op ).setStart( propertyName, op.getLiteral().getValue(), true );
* Return the current leaf node to add to if it exists. This means that we can compress multiple 'AND'
* operations and ranges into a single node. Otherwise a new node is created and pushed to the stack
* @param current The current operand node
private SliceNode getUnionNode( EqualityOperand current ) {
* we only create a new slice node in 3 situations 1. No nodes exist 2.
* The parent node is not an AND node. Meaning we can't add this slice to
* the current set of slices 3. Our current top of stack is not a slice
* node.
// no nodes exist
if ( nodes.size() == 0 || !( nodes.peek() instanceof SliceNode ) ) {
return newSliceNode();
return ( SliceNode ) nodes.peek();
* The new slice node
private SliceNode newSliceNode() {
SliceNode sliceNode = new SliceNode( ++contextCount );
nodes.push( sliceNode );
return sliceNode;
* Create a new slice if one will be required within the context of this node
private void createNewSlice( Operand child ) {
if ( child instanceof EqualityOperand || child instanceof AndOperand || child instanceof ContainsOperand ) {
* @return the pageSizeHint
public int getPageSizeHint( QueryNode node ) {
* It is crucial that the root iterator only needs the result set size per page
* otherwise our cursor logic will fail when passing cursor data to the leaf nodes
//if it's a root node, and there's only 1 slice to check in the entire tree, then just select what we need
//so we short circuit on range scans faster. otherwise it's more efficient to make less trips with candidates we discard from cassandra
if ( node == rootNode && sliceCount == 1 ) {
return size;
return PAGE_SIZE;
* Generate a slice node with scan ranges for all the properties in our sort cache
private OrderByNode generateSorts( int opCount ) throws NoIndexException {
// the value is irrelevant since we'll only ever have 1 slice node
// if this is called
SliceNode slice = new SliceNode( opCount );
SortPredicate first = sorts.get( 0 );
String propertyName = first.getPropertyName();
checkIndexed( propertyName );
slice.setStart( propertyName, null, true );
slice.setFinish( propertyName, null, true );
for ( int i = 1; i < sorts.size(); i++ ) {
checkIndexed( sorts.get( i ).getPropertyName() );
return new OrderByNode( slice, sorts.subList( 1, sorts.size() ), rootNode );
private void checkIndexed( String propertyName ) throws NoIndexException {
if ( propertyName == null || propertyName.isEmpty() || ( !SCHEMA.isPropertyIndexed( entityType, propertyName )
&& collectionInfo != null ) ) {
throw new NoIndexException( entityType, propertyName );
public EntityManager getEntityManager() {
return em;