blob: ccb276b3ef9ea4ca6f9459faae0468937b2a7018 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
package Usergrid::Client;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
use Usergrid::Entity;
use Usergrid::Collection;
with (
our $VERSION = '0.22';
=head1 NAME
Usergrid::Client - Usergrid Perl Client
use Usergrid::Client;
my $client = Usergrid::Client->new(
organization => 'test-organization',
application => 'test-app',
api_url => 'http://localhost:8080'
$client->login('johndoe', 'Johndoe123$');
$client->add_entity("books", { name => "Ulysses" });
$client->add_entity("books", { name => "Neuromancer" });
my $books = $client->get_collection("books");
while ($books->has_next_entity()) {
my $book = $books->get_next_entity();
print "Name: " . $book->get('name') . ", ";
print "Author: " . $book->get('author') . "\n";
$book->set("in-stock", 0);
Usergrid::Client provides an easy to use Perl API for Apache Usergrid.
Usergrid is an open-source Backend-as-a-Service ("BaaS" or "mBaaS") composed of
an integrated distributed NoSQL database, application layer and client tier with
SDKs for developers looking to rapidly build web and/or mobile applications.
It provides elementary services (user registration & management, data storage,
file storage, queues) and retrieval features (full text search, geolocation
search, joins) to power common app features.
It is a multi-tenant system designed for deployment to public cloud environments
(such as Amazon Web Services, Rackspace, etc.) or to run on traditional server
infrastructures so that anyone can run their own private BaaS deployment.
For architects and back-end teams, it aims to provide a distributed, easily
extendable, operationally predictable and highly scalable solution. For
front-end developers, it aims to simplify the development process by enabling
them to rapidly build and operate mobile and web applications without requiring
backend expertise.
Source: L<>
For more information, visit L<>
The following attributes are made available via the L<Usergrid::Request> role:
=over 4
=item organization (String)
Organization name
=item application (String)
Application name
=item api_url (String)
URL of the Usergrid instance
=item trace (Boolean)
Enable/disable request and response tracing for debugging and troubleshooting
=head1 METHODS
The following methods are provided in this API for interacting with the Apache
Usergrid backend.
=head2 Authentication
=over 4
=item login ( $username, $password )
Performs application user authentication. Returns the user token for the
logged in user. The token is also kept in memory and used for subsequent
authentication of requests.
sub login {
my ($self, $username, $password) = @_;
my %request = (
grant_type => "password",
username => $username,
password => $password
my $uri = URI::Template
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application
my $token = $self->POST($uri, \%request);
return $self->user_token;
=item admin_login ( $username, $password )
Performs admin user authentication. Returns the user token for the
logged in user. The token is also kept in memory and used for subsequent
authentication of requests.
sub management_login {
my ($self, $username, $password) = @_;
my %request = (
grant_type => "password",
username => $username,
password => $password
my $token = $self->POST('/management/token', \%request);
return $self->user_token;
=head2 Entities
This section covers some of the entity level methods available in the API.
Entities form one of the basic building blocks of Usergrid and is analogous to
a row in an RDBMS table.
=over 4
=item add_entity ( $collection, \%entity )
Creates a new entity within the specified collection. Returns a L<Usergrid::Entity>
for the newly added entity.
sub add_entity {
my ($self, $collection, $entity) = @_;
my $uri = URI::Template
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application,
collection => $collection
return Usergrid::Entity->new( object => $self->POST($uri, $entity));
=item update_entity ( L<Usergrid::Entity> )
Saves changes to the given entity. Returns the updated L<Usergrid::Entity>.
sub update_entity {
my ($self, $entity) = @_;
my $uri = URI::Template
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application,
collection => $entity->get('type'),
uuid => $entity->get('uuid')
return Usergrid::Entity->new( object => $self->PUT($uri,
$entity->object->{'entities'}[0]) );
=item get_entity ( $collection, $id )
Returns a L<Usergrid::Entity> identified by either UUID or name.
If the entity does not exist, the method returns FALSE.
sub get_entity {
my ($self, $collection, $id_or_name) = @_;
my $uri = URI::Template
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application,
collection => $collection,
id_or_name => $id_or_name
my $response = $self->GET($uri);
return undef if (! $response);
return Usergrid::Entity->new( object => $response );
=item delete_entity_by_id ( $collection, $id )
Deletes an entity from the collection identified by either UUID or name. Returns
a L<Usergrid::Entity> of the deleted entity.
sub delete_entity_by_id {
my ($self, $collection, $id_or_name) = @_;
my $uri = URI::Template
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application,
collection => $collection,
id => $id_or_name
return Usergrid::Entity->new( object => $self->DELETE($uri) );
=item delete_entity ( L<Usergrid::Entity> )
Deletes the specified L<Usergrid::Entity>. Returns an instance of the deleted
L<Usergrid::Entity> if successful.
sub delete_entity {
my ($self, $entity) = @_;
my $uri = URI::Template
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application,
collection => $entity->get('type'),
uuid => $entity->get('uuid')
return Usergrid::Entity->new( object => $self->DELETE($uri) );
=item connect_entities ( L<Usergrid::Entity>, $relationship, L<Usergrid::Entity> )
Creates a connection from Entity #1 to Entity #2 signified by the relationship.
The first entity in this relationship is identified as the connecting entity and
the second as the connected entity. The relationship is a string that signifies
the type of connection. This returns a L<Usergrid::Entity> of the connecting
sub connect_entities {
my ($self, $connecting, $relationship, $connected) = @_;
my $uri = URI::Template
->new ('/{organization}/{application}/{connecting_collection}/{connecting}/{relationship}/{connected_collection}/{connected}')
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application,
connecting_collection => $connecting->get('type'),
connecting => $connecting->get('uuid'),
relationship => $relationship,
connected_collection => $connected->get('type'),
connected => $connected->get('uuid')
return Usergrid::Entity->new ( object => $self->POST($uri));
=item disconnect_entities ( L<Usergrid::Entity>, $relationship, L<Usergrid::Entity> )
Removes the connection between the two entities signified by the relationship.
This does not affect the entities in any other way apart from the removal of the
connection that is depicted by the relationship. This returns a L<Usergrid::Entity>
of the connecting entity with the given relationship removed.
sub disconnect_entities {
my ($self, $connecting, $relationship, $connected) = @_;
my $uri = URI::Template
->new ('/{organization}/{application}/{connecting_collection}/{connecting}/{relationship}/{connected_collection}/{connected}')
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application,
connecting_collection => $connecting->get('type'),
connecting => $connecting->get('uuid'),
relationship => $relationship,
connected_collection => $connected->get('type'),
connected => $connected->get('uuid')
return Usergrid::Entity->new ( object => $self->DELETE($uri));
=head2 Collections
This section covers the methods related to retrieving and working with
collections in the Usergrid API. Collections contains groups of entities and is
analogous to a table in an RDBMS.
=over 4
=item get_collection ( $collection, [ $limit ] )
Returns a L<Usergrid::Collection> with the list of entities up to the maximum
specified limit, which is 10 if not provided.
sub get_collection {
my ($self, $collection, $limit) = @_;
my $uri = URI::Template
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application,
collection => $collection,
limit => ( defined $limit ) ? $limit: 10
return $self->_collection($self->GET($uri), $uri);
=item update_collection ( $collection, \%attributes, [ $query ], [ $limit ] )
Updates all the entities in the specified collection with the provided attributes.
Optionally pass in the SQL-like query to narrow the scope of the objects that
are affected. This also supports specifying a limit to restrict the maximum number of
records that are updated. If not specified, the limit defaults to 10 entities.
sub update_collection {
my ($self, $collection, $properties, $query, $limit) = @_;
my $uri = URI::Template
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application,
collection => $collection,
limit => ( defined $limit ) ? $limit : 10,
query => ( defined $query ) ? $query : undef
return $self->_collection($self->PUT($uri, $properties), $uri);
=item delete_collection ( $collection, [ $query ], [ $limit ] )
Batch delete entities in the specified collection. Optionally pass in a SQL-like
query to narrow the scope of the objects that are affected and a limit to restrict
the maximum number of records that are deleted. If not specified, the limit
defaults to 10 entities.
sub delete_collection {
my ($self, $collection, $query, $limit) = @_;
my $uri = URI::Template
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application,
collection => $collection,
limit => ( defined $limit ) ? $limit : 10,
query => ( defined $query ) ? $query : undef
return $self->_collection($self->DELETE($uri), $uri);
=item query_collection ( $collection, $query, [ $limit ] )
Queries all the entities in the specified collection using a SQL-like query string.
This also supports specifying a limit to restrict the maximum number of
records that are returned. If not specified, the limit defaults to 10 entities.
sub query_collection {
my ($self, $collection, $query, $limit) = @_;
my $uri = URI::Template
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application,
collection => $collection,
limit => ( defined $limit ) ? $limit : 10,
ql => $query
return $self->_collection($self->GET($uri), $uri);
=item query_connections ( $entity, $relationship, [ $query ], [ $limit ] )
Returns a collection of entities for the given relationship, optionally filtered
by a SQL-like query and limited to the maximum number of records specified. If no limit
is provided, a default of 10 entities is assumed.
sub query_connections {
my ($self, $entity, $relationship, $query, $limit) = @_;
my $uri = URI::Template
organization => $self->organization,
application => $self->application,
collection => $entity->get('type'),
id => $entity->get('uuid'),
relationship => $relationship,
limit => ( defined $limit ) ? $limit : 10,
ql => $query
return $self->_collection($self->GET($uri), $uri);
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Usergrid::Collection>, L<Usergrid::Entity>, L<Usergrid::Request>
=head1 LICENSE
This software is distributed under the Apache 2 license.
=head1 AUTHOR
Anuradha Weeraman <>