blob: 310d46a8b92528cb1b97ea9d5a0889e937b40e80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.ClassRule;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.usergrid.ServiceITSetup;
import org.apache.usergrid.ServiceITSetupImpl;
import org.apache.usergrid.ServiceITSuite;
import org.apache.usergrid.batch.JobExecution;
import org.apache.usergrid.cassandra.CassandraResource;
import org.apache.usergrid.cassandra.ClearShiroSubject;
import org.apache.usergrid.cassandra.Concurrent;
import org.apache.usergrid.count.SimpleBatcher;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.CredentialsInfo;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Entity;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.EntityManager;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.EntityManagerFactory;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.entities.Export;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.entities.JobData;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.entities.User;
import org.apache.usergrid.utils.JsonUtils;
import org.apache.usergrid.utils.UUIDUtils;
import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentials;
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;
import static org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64URLSafeString;
import static org.apache.usergrid.persistence.Schema.DICTIONARY_CREDENTIALS;
import static org.apache.usergrid.persistence.cassandra.CassandraService.MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.when;
/** @author zznate */
public class ManagementServiceIT {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( ManagementServiceIT.class );
private static CassandraResource cassandraResource = ServiceITSuite.cassandraResource;
// app-level data generated only once
private static UserInfo adminUser;
private static OrganizationInfo organization;
private static UUID applicationId;
public ClearShiroSubject clearShiroSubject = new ClearShiroSubject();
public static final ServiceITSetup setup = new ServiceITSetupImpl( cassandraResource );
public static void setup() throws Exception { "in setup" );
adminUser = setup.getMgmtSvc().createAdminUser( "edanuff", "Ed Anuff", "", "test", false, false );
organization = setup.getMgmtSvc().createOrganization( "ed-organization", adminUser, true );
applicationId = setup.getMgmtSvc().createApplication( organization.getUuid(), "ed-application" ).getId();
public void testGetTokenForPrincipalAdmin() throws Exception {
String token = ( ( ManagementServiceImpl ) setup.getMgmtSvc() )
.getTokenForPrincipal( TokenCategory.ACCESS, null, MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID,
AuthPrincipalType.ADMIN_USER, adminUser.getUuid(), 0 );
// ^ same as:
// managementService.getAccessTokenForAdminUser(user.getUuid());
assertNotNull( token );
token = ( ( ManagementServiceImpl ) setup.getMgmtSvc() )
.getTokenForPrincipal( TokenCategory.ACCESS, null, MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID,
AuthPrincipalType.APPLICATION_USER, adminUser.getUuid(), 0 );
// This works because ManagementService#getSecret takes the same code
// path
// on an OR for APP._USER as for ADMIN_USER
// is ok technically as ADMIN_USER is a APP_USER to the admin app, but
// should still
// be stricter checking
assertNotNull( token );
// managementService.getTokenForPrincipal(appUuid, authPrincipal, pUuid,
// salt, true);
public void testGetTokenForPrincipalUser() throws Exception {
// create a user
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "username", "edanuff" );
properties.put( "email", "" );
Entity user = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId ).create( "user", properties );
assertNotNull( user );
String token = ( ( ManagementServiceImpl ) setup.getMgmtSvc() )
.getTokenForPrincipal( TokenCategory.ACCESS, null, MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID,
AuthPrincipalType.APPLICATION_USER, user.getUuid(), 0 );
assertNotNull( token );
public void testCountAdminUserAction() throws Exception {
SimpleBatcher batcher = cassandraResource.getBean( SimpleBatcher.class );
batcher.setBlockingSubmit( true );
batcher.setBatchSize( 1 );
setup.getMgmtSvc().countAdminUserAction( adminUser, "login" );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID );
Map<String, Long> counts = em.getApplicationCounters(); JsonUtils.mapToJsonString( counts ) ); JsonUtils.mapToJsonString( em.getCounterNames() ) );
assertNotNull( counts.get( "admin_logins" ) );
assertEquals( 1, counts.get( "admin_logins" ).intValue() );
public void deactivateUser() throws Exception {
UUID uuid = UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID();
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "username", "test" + uuid );
properties.put( "email", String.format( "", uuid ) );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
Entity entity = em.create( "user", properties );
assertNotNull( entity );
User user = em.get( entity.getUuid(), User.class );
assertFalse( user.activated() );
assertNull( user.getDeactivated() );
setup.getMgmtSvc().activateAppUser( applicationId, user.getUuid() );
user = em.get( entity.getUuid(), User.class );
assertTrue( user.activated() );
assertNull( user.getDeactivated() );
// get a couple of tokens. These shouldn't work after we deactive the user
String token1 = setup.getMgmtSvc().getAccessTokenForAppUser( applicationId, user.getUuid(), 0 );
String token2 = setup.getMgmtSvc().getAccessTokenForAppUser( applicationId, user.getUuid(), 0 );
assertNotNull( setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token1 ) );
assertNotNull( setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token2 ) );
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
setup.getMgmtSvc().deactivateUser( applicationId, user.getUuid() );
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
user = em.get( entity.getUuid(), User.class );
assertFalse( user.activated() );
assertNotNull( user.getDeactivated() );
assertTrue( startTime <= user.getDeactivated() && user.getDeactivated() <= endTime );
boolean invalidTokenExcpetion = false;
try {
setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token1 );
catch ( InvalidTokenException ite ) {
invalidTokenExcpetion = true;
assertTrue( invalidTokenExcpetion );
invalidTokenExcpetion = false;
try {
setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token2 );
catch ( InvalidTokenException ite ) {
invalidTokenExcpetion = true;
assertTrue( invalidTokenExcpetion );
public void disableAdminUser() throws Exception {
UUID uuid = UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID();
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "username", "test" + uuid );
properties.put( "email", String.format( "", uuid ) );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID );
Entity entity = em.create( "user", properties );
assertNotNull( entity );
User user = em.get( entity.getUuid(), User.class );
assertFalse( user.activated() );
assertNull( user.getDeactivated() );
setup.getMgmtSvc().activateAdminUser( user.getUuid() );
user = em.get( entity.getUuid(), User.class );
assertTrue( user.activated() );
assertNull( user.getDeactivated() );
// get a couple of tokens. These shouldn't work after we deactive the user
String token1 = setup.getMgmtSvc().getAccessTokenForAdminUser( user.getUuid(), 0 );
String token2 = setup.getMgmtSvc().getAccessTokenForAdminUser( user.getUuid(), 0 );
assertNotNull( setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token1 ) );
assertNotNull( setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token2 ) );
setup.getMgmtSvc().disableAdminUser( user.getUuid() );
user = em.get( entity.getUuid(), User.class );
assertTrue( user.disabled() );
boolean invalidTokenExcpetion = false;
try {
setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token1 );
catch ( InvalidTokenException ite ) {
invalidTokenExcpetion = true;
assertTrue( invalidTokenExcpetion );
invalidTokenExcpetion = false;
try {
setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token2 );
catch ( InvalidTokenException ite ) {
invalidTokenExcpetion = true;
assertTrue( invalidTokenExcpetion );
public void userTokensRevoke() throws Exception {
UUID userId = UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID();
String token1 = setup.getMgmtSvc().getAccessTokenForAppUser( applicationId, userId, 0 );
String token2 = setup.getMgmtSvc().getAccessTokenForAppUser( applicationId, userId, 0 );
assertNotNull( setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token1 ) );
assertNotNull( setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token2 ) );
setup.getMgmtSvc().revokeAccessTokensForAppUser( applicationId, userId );
boolean invalidTokenExcpetion = false;
try {
setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token1 );
catch ( InvalidTokenException ite ) {
invalidTokenExcpetion = true;
assertTrue( invalidTokenExcpetion );
invalidTokenExcpetion = false;
try {
setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token2 );
catch ( InvalidTokenException ite ) {
invalidTokenExcpetion = true;
assertTrue( invalidTokenExcpetion );
public void userTokenRevoke() throws Exception {
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
Map<String, Object> properties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
properties.put( "username", "realbeast" );
properties.put( "email", "" );
Entity user = em.create( "user", properties );
assertNotNull( user );
UUID userId = user.getUuid();
String token1 = setup.getMgmtSvc().getAccessTokenForAppUser( applicationId, userId, 0 );
String token2 = setup.getMgmtSvc().getAccessTokenForAppUser( applicationId, userId, 0 );
assertNotNull( setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token1 ) );
assertNotNull( setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token2 ) );
setup.getMgmtSvc().revokeAccessTokenForAppUser( token1 );
boolean invalidToken1Excpetion = false;
try {
setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token1 );
catch ( InvalidTokenException ite ) {
invalidToken1Excpetion = true;
assertTrue( invalidToken1Excpetion );
boolean invalidToken2Excpetion = true;
try {
setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token2 );
catch ( InvalidTokenException ite ) {
invalidToken2Excpetion = false;
assertTrue( invalidToken2Excpetion );
public void adminTokensRevoke() throws Exception {
UUID userId = UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID();
String token1 = setup.getMgmtSvc().getAccessTokenForAdminUser( userId, 0 );
String token2 = setup.getMgmtSvc().getAccessTokenForAdminUser( userId, 0 );
assertNotNull( setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token1 ) );
assertNotNull( setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token2 ) );
setup.getMgmtSvc().revokeAccessTokensForAdminUser( userId );
boolean invalidTokenException = false;
try {
setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token1 );
catch ( InvalidTokenException ite ) {
invalidTokenException = true;
assertTrue( invalidTokenException );
invalidTokenException = false;
try {
setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token2 );
catch ( InvalidTokenException ite ) {
invalidTokenException = true;
assertTrue( invalidTokenException );
public void adminTokenRevoke() throws Exception {
UUID userId = adminUser.getUuid();
String token1 = setup.getMgmtSvc().getAccessTokenForAdminUser( userId, 0 );
String token2 = setup.getMgmtSvc().getAccessTokenForAdminUser( userId, 0 );
assertNotNull( setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token1 ) );
assertNotNull( setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token2 ) );
setup.getMgmtSvc().revokeAccessTokenForAdminUser( userId, token1 );
boolean invalidToken1Excpetion = false;
try {
setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token1 );
catch ( InvalidTokenException ite ) {
invalidToken1Excpetion = true;
assertTrue( invalidToken1Excpetion );
boolean invalidToken2Excpetion = true;
try {
setup.getTokenSvc().getTokenInfo( token2 );
catch ( InvalidTokenException ite ) {
invalidToken2Excpetion = false;
assertTrue( invalidToken2Excpetion );
public void superUserGetOrganizationsPage() throws Exception {
int beforeSize = setup.getMgmtSvc().getOrganizations().size() - 1;
// create 15 orgs
for ( int x = 0; x < 15; x++ ) {
setup.getMgmtSvc().createOrganization( "super-user-org-" + x, adminUser, true );
// should be 17 total
assertEquals( 16 + beforeSize, setup.getMgmtSvc().getOrganizations().size() );
List<OrganizationInfo> orgs = setup.getMgmtSvc().getOrganizations( null, 10 );
assertEquals( 10, orgs.size() );
UUID val = orgs.get( 9 ).getUuid();
orgs = setup.getMgmtSvc().getOrganizations( val, 10 );
assertEquals( 7 + beforeSize, orgs.size() );
assertEquals( val, orgs.get( 0 ).getUuid() );
public void authenticateAdmin() throws Exception {
String username = "tnine";
String password = "test";
UserInfo adminUser = setup.getMgmtSvc()
.createAdminUser( username, "Todd Nine", UUID.randomUUID() + "", password,
false, false );
UserInfo authedUser = setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAdminUserPasswordCredentials( username, password );
assertEquals( adminUser.getUuid(), authedUser.getUuid() );
authedUser = setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAdminUserPasswordCredentials( adminUser.getEmail(), password );
assertEquals( adminUser.getUuid(), authedUser.getUuid() );
authedUser = setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAdminUserPasswordCredentials( adminUser.getUuid().toString(), password );
assertEquals( adminUser.getUuid(), authedUser.getUuid() );
/** Test we can change the password if it's hashed with sha1 */
public void testAdminPasswordChangeShaType() throws Exception {
String username = "testAdminPasswordChangeShaType";
String password = "test";
User user = new User();
user.setActivated( true );
user.setUsername( username );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID );
User storedUser = em.create( user );
UUID userId = storedUser.getUuid();
//set the password in the sha1 format
CredentialsInfo info = new CredentialsInfo();
info.setRecoverable( false );
info.setEncrypted( true );
Sha1HashCommand command = new Sha1HashCommand();
byte[] hashed = command.hash( password.getBytes( "UTF-8" ), info, userId, MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID );
info.setSecret( encodeBase64URLSafeString( hashed ) );
info.setCipher( command.getName() );
em.addToDictionary( storedUser, DICTIONARY_CREDENTIALS, "password", info );
//verify authorization works
User authedUser =
setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAppUserPasswordCredentials( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID, username, password );
assertEquals( userId, authedUser.getUuid() );
//test we can change the password
String newPassword = "test2";
setup.getMgmtSvc().setAppUserPassword( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID, userId, password, newPassword );
//verify authorization works
authedUser =
setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAppUserPasswordCredentials( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID, username, newPassword );
assertEquals( userId, authedUser.getUuid() );
/** Test we can change the password if it's hashed with md5 then sha1 */
public void testAdminPasswordChangeMd5ShaType() throws Exception {
String username = "testAdminPasswordChangeMd5ShaType";
String password = "test";
User user = new User();
user.setActivated( true );
user.setUsername( username );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID );
User storedUser = em.create( user );
UUID userId = storedUser.getUuid();
//set the password in the sha1 format
//set the password in the sha1 format
CredentialsInfo info = new CredentialsInfo();
info.setRecoverable( false );
info.setEncrypted( true );
Md5HashCommand md5 = new Md5HashCommand();
Sha1HashCommand sha1 = new Sha1HashCommand();
byte[] hashed = md5.hash( password.getBytes( "UTF-8" ), info, userId, MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID );
hashed = sha1.hash( hashed, info, userId, MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID );
info.setSecret( encodeBase64URLSafeString( hashed ) );
//set the final cipher to sha1
info.setCipher( sha1.getName() );
//set the next hash type to md5
info.setHashType( md5.getName() );
em.addToDictionary( storedUser, DICTIONARY_CREDENTIALS, "password", info );
//verify authorization works
User authedUser =
setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAppUserPasswordCredentials( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID, username, password );
assertEquals( userId, authedUser.getUuid() );
//test we can change the password
String newPassword = "test2";
setup.getMgmtSvc().setAppUserPassword( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID, userId, password, newPassword );
//verify authorization works
authedUser =
setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAppUserPasswordCredentials( MANAGEMENT_APPLICATION_ID, username, newPassword );
assertEquals( userId, authedUser.getUuid() );
public void authenticateUser() throws Exception {
String username = "tnine";
String password = "test";
String orgName = "autneticateUser";
String appName = "authenticateUser";
UUID appId = setup.getEmf().createApplication( orgName, appName );
User user = new User();
user.setActivated( true );
user.setUsername( username );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( appId );
User storedUser = em.create( user );
UUID userId = storedUser.getUuid();
//set the password
setup.getMgmtSvc().setAppUserPassword( appId, userId, password );
//verify authorization works
User authedUser = setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAppUserPasswordCredentials( appId, username, password );
assertEquals( userId, authedUser.getUuid() );
//test we can change the password
String newPassword = "test2";
setup.getMgmtSvc().setAppUserPassword( appId, userId, password, newPassword );
//verify authorization works
authedUser = setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAppUserPasswordCredentials( appId, username, newPassword );
/** Test we can change the password if it's hashed with sha1 */
public void testAppUserPasswordChangeShaType() throws Exception {
String username = "tnine";
String password = "test";
String orgName = "testAppUserPasswordChangeShaType";
String appName = "testAppUserPasswordChangeShaType";
UUID appId = setup.getEmf().createApplication( orgName, appName );
User user = new User();
user.setActivated( true );
user.setUsername( username );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( appId );
User storedUser = em.create( user );
UUID userId = storedUser.getUuid();
//set the password in the sha1 format
CredentialsInfo info = new CredentialsInfo();
info.setRecoverable( false );
info.setEncrypted( true );
Sha1HashCommand command = new Sha1HashCommand();
byte[] hashed = command.hash( password.getBytes( "UTF-8" ), info, userId, appId );
info.setSecret( encodeBase64URLSafeString( hashed ) );
info.setCipher( command.getName() );
em.addToDictionary( storedUser, DICTIONARY_CREDENTIALS, "password", info );
//verify authorization works
User authedUser = setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAppUserPasswordCredentials( appId, username, password );
assertEquals( userId, authedUser.getUuid() );
//test we can change the password
String newPassword = "test2";
setup.getMgmtSvc().setAppUserPassword( appId, userId, password, newPassword );
//verify authorization works
authedUser = setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAppUserPasswordCredentials( appId, username, newPassword );
assertEquals( userId, authedUser.getUuid() );
/** Test we can change the password if it's hashed with md5 then sha1 */
public void testAppUserPasswordChangeMd5ShaType() throws Exception {
String username = "tnine";
String password = "test";
String orgName = "testAppUserPasswordChangeMd5ShaType";
String appName = "testAppUserPasswordChangeMd5ShaType";
UUID appId = setup.getEmf().createApplication( orgName, appName );
User user = new User();
user.setActivated( true );
user.setUsername( username );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( appId );
User storedUser = em.create( user );
UUID userId = storedUser.getUuid();
//set the password in the sha1 format
CredentialsInfo info = new CredentialsInfo();
info.setRecoverable( false );
info.setEncrypted( true );
Md5HashCommand md5 = new Md5HashCommand();
Sha1HashCommand sha1 = new Sha1HashCommand();
byte[] hashed = md5.hash( password.getBytes( "UTF-8" ), info, userId, appId );
hashed = sha1.hash( hashed, info, userId, appId );
info.setSecret( encodeBase64URLSafeString( hashed ) );
//set the final cipher to sha1
info.setCipher( sha1.getName() );
//set the next hash type to md5
info.setHashType( md5.getName() );
em.addToDictionary( storedUser, DICTIONARY_CREDENTIALS, "password", info );
//verify authorization works
User authedUser = setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAppUserPasswordCredentials( appId, username, password );
assertEquals( userId, authedUser.getUuid() );
//test we can change the password
String newPassword = "test2";
setup.getMgmtSvc().setAppUserPassword( appId, userId, password, newPassword );
//verify authorization works
authedUser = setup.getMgmtSvc().verifyAppUserPasswordCredentials( appId, username, newPassword );
assertEquals( userId, authedUser.getUuid() );
//Tests to make sure we can call the job with mock data and it runs.
@Ignore //Connections won't save when run with maven, but on local builds it will.
public void testConnectionsOnCollectionExport() throws Exception {
File f = null;
int indexCon = 0;
try {
f = new File( "testFileConnections.json" );
catch ( Exception e ) {
//consumed because this checks to see if the file exists. If it doesn't then don't do anything and carry on.
S3Export s3Export = new MockS3ExportImpl();
s3Export.setFilename( "testFileConnections.json" );
ExportService exportService = setup.getExportService();
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
payload.put( "organizationId",organization.getUuid() );
payload.put( "applicationId",applicationId );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
//intialize user object to be posted
Map<String, Object> userProperties = null;
Entity[] entity;
entity = new Entity[2];
//creates entities
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
userProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
userProperties.put( "username", "meatIsGreat" + i );
userProperties.put( "email", "grey" + i + "" );//String.format( "", i ) );
entity[i] = em.create( "users", userProperties );
//creates connections
em.createConnection( em.getRef( entity[0].getUuid() ), "Vibrations", em.getRef( entity[1].getUuid() ) );
em.createConnection( em.getRef( entity[1].getUuid() ), "Vibrations", em.getRef( entity[0].getUuid() ) );
UUID exportUUID = exportService.schedule( payload );
exportService.setS3Export( s3Export );
//create and initialize jobData returned in JobExecution.
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload );
jobData.setProperty( "exportId", exportUUID );
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
exportService.doExport( jobExecution );
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
org.json.simple.JSONArray a = ( org.json.simple.JSONArray ) parser.parse( new FileReader( f ) );
//assertEquals(2, a.size() );
for(indexCon = 0; indexCon < a.size(); indexCon++) {
JSONObject jObj = ( JSONObject ) a.get( indexCon );
JSONObject data = ( JSONObject ) jObj.get( "Metadata" );
String uuid = (String) data.get( "uuid" );
if ( entity[0].getUuid().toString().equals( uuid )) {
org.json.simple.JSONObject objEnt = ( org.json.simple.JSONObject ) a.get( indexCon );
org.json.simple.JSONObject objConnections = ( org.json.simple.JSONObject ) objEnt.get( "connections" );
assertNotNull( objConnections );
org.json.simple.JSONArray objVibrations = ( org.json.simple.JSONArray ) objConnections.get( "Vibrations" );
assertNotNull( objVibrations );
@Test //Connections won't save when run with maven, but on local builds it will.
public void testConnectionsOnApplicationEndpoint() throws Exception {
File f = null;
try {
f = new File( "testConnectionsOnApplicationEndpoint.json" );
catch ( Exception e ) {
//consumed because this checks to see if the file exists. If it doesn't then don't do anything and carry on.
S3Export s3Export = new MockS3ExportImpl();
s3Export.setFilename( "testConnectionsOnApplicationEndpoint.json" );
ExportService exportService = setup.getExportService();
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
//intialize user object to be posted
Map<String, Object> userProperties = null;
Entity[] entity;
entity = new Entity[2];
//creates entities
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
userProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
userProperties.put( "username", "billybob" + i );
userProperties.put( "email", "test" + i + "" );//String.format( "", i ) );
entity[i] = em.create( "users", userProperties );
//creates connections
em.createConnection( em.getRef( entity[0].getUuid() ), "Vibrations", em.getRef( entity[1].getUuid() ) );
em.createConnection( em.getRef( entity[1].getUuid() ), "Vibrations", em.getRef( entity[0].getUuid() ) );
UUID exportUUID = exportService.schedule( payload );
exportService.setS3Export( s3Export );
//create and initialize jobData returned in JobExecution.
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload );
jobData.setProperty( "exportId", exportUUID );
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
exportService.doExport( jobExecution );
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
org.json.simple.JSONArray a = ( org.json.simple.JSONArray ) parser.parse( new FileReader( f ) );
int indexApp = 0;
for(indexApp = 0; indexApp < a.size(); indexApp++) {
JSONObject jObj = ( JSONObject ) a.get( indexApp );
JSONObject data = ( JSONObject ) jObj.get( "Metadata" );
String uuid = (String) data.get( "uuid" );
if ( entity[0].getUuid().toString().equals( uuid )) {
if(indexApp >= a.size()) {
//what? How does this condition even get reached due to the above forloop
org.json.simple.JSONObject objEnt = ( org.json.simple.JSONObject ) a.get( indexApp );
org.json.simple.JSONObject objConnections = ( org.json.simple.JSONObject ) objEnt.get( "connections" );
assertNotNull( objConnections );
org.json.simple.JSONArray objVibrations = ( org.json.simple.JSONArray ) objConnections.get( "Vibrations" );
assertNotNull( objVibrations );
////need to add tests for the other endpoint as well.
public void testValidityOfCollectionExport() throws Exception {
File f = null;
try {
f = new File( "fileValidity.json" );
catch ( Exception e ) {
//consumed because this checks to see if the file exists. If it doesn't then don't do anything and carry on.
S3Export s3Export = new MockS3ExportImpl();
s3Export.setFilename( "fileValidity.json" );
ExportService exportService = setup.getExportService();
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
payload.put( "organizationId",organization.getUuid() );
payload.put( "applicationId",applicationId);
payload.put( "collectionName","users");
UUID exportUUID = exportService.schedule( payload );
exportService.setS3Export( s3Export );
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload );
jobData.setProperty( "exportId", exportUUID );
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
exportService.doExport( jobExecution );
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
org.json.simple.JSONArray a = ( org.json.simple.JSONArray ) parser.parse( new FileReader( f ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++ ) {
org.json.simple.JSONObject entity = ( org.json.simple.JSONObject ) a.get( i );
org.json.simple.JSONObject entityData = ( JSONObject ) entity.get( "Metadata" );
assertNotNull( entityData );
public void testValidityOfApplicationExport() throws Exception {
File f = null;
try {
f = new File( "testValidityOfApplicationExport.json" );
catch ( Exception e ) {
//consumed because this checks to see if the file exists. If it doesn't then don't do anything and carry on.
S3Export s3Export = new MockS3ExportImpl();
s3Export.setFilename( "testValidityOfApplicationExport.json" );
ExportService exportService = setup.getExportService();
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
payload.put( "organizationId",organization.getUuid() );
payload.put( "applicationId",applicationId);
UUID exportUUID = exportService.schedule( payload );
exportService.setS3Export( s3Export );
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload );
jobData.setProperty( "exportId", exportUUID );
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
exportService.doExport( jobExecution );
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
org.json.simple.JSONArray a = ( org.json.simple.JSONArray ) parser.parse( new FileReader( f ) );
for ( int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++ ) {
org.json.simple.JSONObject entity = ( org.json.simple.JSONObject ) a.get( i );
org.json.simple.JSONObject entityData = ( JSONObject ) entity.get( "Metadata" );
assertNotNull( entityData );
public void testExportOneOrgCollectionEndpoint() throws Exception {
File f = null;
try {
f = new File( "exportOneOrg.json" );
catch ( Exception e ) {
//consumed because this checks to see if the file exists. If it doesn't then don't do anything and carry on.
.createOwnerAndOrganization( "noExport", "junkUserName", "junkRealName", "",
"123456789" );
S3Export s3Export = new MockS3ExportImpl();
ExportService exportService = setup.getExportService();
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
payload.put( "organizationId",organization.getUuid() );
payload.put( "applicationId",applicationId);
payload.put( "collectionName","roles");
UUID exportUUID = exportService.schedule( payload );
exportService.setS3Export( s3Export );
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload );
jobData.setProperty( "exportId", exportUUID );
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
exportService.doExport( jobExecution );
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
org.json.simple.JSONArray a = ( org.json.simple.JSONArray ) parser.parse( new FileReader( f ) );
assertEquals( 3 , a.size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++ ) {
org.json.simple.JSONObject entity = ( org.json.simple.JSONObject ) a.get( i );
org.json.simple.JSONObject entityData = ( JSONObject ) entity.get( "Metadata" );
String entityName = ( String ) entityData.get( "name" );
// assertNotEquals( "NotEqual","junkRealName",entityName );
assertFalse( "junkRealName".equals( entityName ) );
//creation of files doesn't always delete itself
public void testExportOneAppOnCollectionEndpoint() throws Exception {
File f = null;
String orgName = "ed-organization";
String appName = "testAppCollectionTestNotExported";
try {
f = new File( "exportOneApp.json" );
catch ( Exception e ) {
//consumed because this checks to see if the file exists. If it doesn't, don't do anything and carry on.
UUID appId = setup.getEmf().createApplication( orgName, appName );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( appId );
//intialize user object to be posted
Map<String, Object> userProperties = null;
Entity[] entity;
entity = new Entity[1];
//creates entities
for ( int i = 0; i < 1; i++ ) {
userProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
userProperties.put( "username", "junkRealName");
userProperties.put( "email", "test" + i + "" );//String.format( "", i ) );
entity[i] = em.create( "user", userProperties );
S3Export s3Export = new MockS3ExportImpl();
s3Export.setFilename( "exportOneApp.json" );
ExportService exportService = setup.getExportService();
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
payload.put( "organizationId",organization.getUuid() );
payload.put( "applicationId",applicationId);
UUID exportUUID = exportService.schedule( payload );
exportService.setS3Export( s3Export );
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload );
jobData.setProperty( "exportId", exportUUID );
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
exportService.doExport( jobExecution );
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
org.json.simple.JSONArray a = ( org.json.simple.JSONArray ) parser.parse( new FileReader( f ) );
//assertEquals( 3 , a.size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++ ) {
org.json.simple.JSONObject data = ( org.json.simple.JSONObject ) a.get( i );
org.json.simple.JSONObject entityData = ( JSONObject ) data.get( "Metadata" );
String entityName = ( String ) entityData.get( "name" );
assertFalse( "junkRealName".equals( entityName ) );
public void testExportOneAppOnApplicationEndpoint() throws Exception {
File f = null;
String orgName = "ed-organization";
String appName = "testAppNotExported";
try {
f = new File( "exportOneApp.json" );
catch ( Exception e ) {
//consumed because this checks to see if the file exists. If it doesn't, don't do anything and carry on.
UUID appId = setup.getEmf().createApplication( orgName, appName );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( appId );
//intialize user object to be posted
Map<String, Object> userProperties = null;
Entity[] entity;
entity = new Entity[1];
//creates entities
for ( int i = 0; i < 1; i++ ) {
userProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
userProperties.put( "username", "junkRealName");
userProperties.put( "email", "test" + i + "" );//String.format( "", i ) );
entity[i] = em.create( "users", userProperties );
S3Export s3Export = new MockS3ExportImpl();
s3Export.setFilename( "exportOneApp.json" );
ExportService exportService = setup.getExportService();
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
payload.put( "organizationId",organization.getUuid() );
payload.put( "applicationId",applicationId);
UUID exportUUID = exportService.schedule( payload );
exportService.setS3Export( s3Export );
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload );
jobData.setProperty( "exportId", exportUUID );
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
exportService.doExport( jobExecution );
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
org.json.simple.JSONArray a = ( org.json.simple.JSONArray ) parser.parse( new FileReader( f ) );
//assertEquals( 3 , a.size() );
for ( int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++ ) {
org.json.simple.JSONObject data = ( org.json.simple.JSONObject ) a.get( i );
org.json.simple.JSONObject entityData = ( JSONObject ) data.get( "Metadata" );
String entityName = ( String ) entityData.get( "name" );
assertFalse( "junkRealName".equals( entityName ) );
public void testExportOneCollection() throws Exception {
File f = null;
int entitiesToCreate = 10000;
try {
f = new File( "exportOneCollection.json" );
catch ( Exception e ) {
//consumed because this checks to see if the file exists. If it doesn't, don't do anything and carry on.
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId);
em.createApplicationCollection( "baconators" );
//intialize user object to be posted
Map<String, Object> userProperties = null;
Entity[] entity;
entity = new Entity[entitiesToCreate];
//creates entities
for ( int i = 0; i < entitiesToCreate; i++ ) {
userProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
userProperties.put( "username", "billybob" + i );
userProperties.put( "email", "test" + i + "" );//String.format( "", i ) );
entity[i] = em.create( "baconators", userProperties );
S3Export s3Export = new MockS3ExportImpl();
s3Export.setFilename( "exportOneCollection.json" );
ExportService exportService = setup.getExportService();
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
payload.put( "organizationId",organization.getUuid() );
payload.put( "applicationId",applicationId);
payload.put( "collectionName","baconators");
UUID exportUUID = exportService.schedule( payload );
exportService.setS3Export( s3Export );
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload );
jobData.setProperty( "exportId", exportUUID );
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
exportService.doExport( jobExecution );
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
org.json.simple.JSONArray a = ( org.json.simple.JSONArray ) parser.parse( new FileReader( f ) );
assertEquals( entitiesToCreate , a.size() );
//@Ignore("file created won't be deleted when running tests")
public void testExportOneOrganization() throws Exception {
//File f = new File( "exportOneOrganization.json" );
int entitiesToCreate = 123;
File f = null;
try {
f = new File( "exportOneOrganization.json" );
catch ( Exception e ) {
//consumed because this checks to see if the file exists. If it doesn't, don't do anything and carry on.
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId);
em.createApplicationCollection( "newOrg" );
//intialize user object to be posted
Map<String, Object> userProperties = null;
Entity[] entity;
entity = new Entity[entitiesToCreate];
//creates entities
for ( int i = 0; i < entitiesToCreate; i++ ) {
userProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
userProperties.put( "username", "billybob" + i );
userProperties.put( "email", "test" + i + "" );//String.format( "", i ) );
entity[i] = em.create( "newOrg", userProperties );
S3Export s3Export = new MockS3ExportImpl();
s3Export.setFilename( "exportOneOrganization.json" );
ExportService exportService = setup.getExportService();
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
// payload.put( "organizationId",organization.getUuid() );
// payload.put( "applicationId",applicationId);
//creates 100s of organizations with some entities in each one to make sure we don't actually apply it
OrganizationInfo orgMade = null;
ApplicationInfo appMade = null;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
orgMade =setup.getMgmtSvc().createOrganization( "superboss"+i,adminUser,true );
appMade = setup.getMgmtSvc().createApplication( orgMade.getUuid(), "superapp"+i);
EntityManager customMaker = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( appMade.getId() );
customMaker.createApplicationCollection( "superappCol"+i );
//intialize user object to be posted
Map<String, Object> entityLevelProperties = null;
Entity[] entNotCopied;
entNotCopied = new Entity[entitiesToCreate];
//creates entities
for ( int index = 0; index < 20; index++ ) {
entityLevelProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
entityLevelProperties.put( "username", "bobso" + index );
entityLevelProperties.put( "email", "derp" + index + "" );
entNotCopied[index] = customMaker.create( "superappCol", entityLevelProperties );
payload.put( "organizationId",orgMade.getUuid());
payload.put( "applicationId",appMade.getId());
UUID exportUUID = exportService.schedule( payload );
exportService.setS3Export( s3Export );
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload );
jobData.setProperty( "exportId", exportUUID );
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
exportService.doExport( jobExecution );
JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
org.json.simple.JSONArray a = ( org.json.simple.JSONArray ) parser.parse( new FileReader( f ) );
/*plus 3 for the default roles*/
assertEquals( 23 , a.size() );
public void testExportDoJob() throws Exception {
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
payload.put( "organizationId",organization.getUuid() );
payload.put( "applicationId",applicationId);
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload ); //this needs to be populated with properties of export info
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
ExportJob job = new ExportJob();
ExportService eS = mock( ExportService.class );
job.setExportService( eS );
try {
job.doJob( jobExecution );
catch ( Exception e ) {
assert ( false );
assert ( true );
public void testExportDoExportOnApplicationEndpoint() throws Exception {
EntityManagerFactory emf = setup.getEmf();
EntityManager em = emf.getEntityManager( applicationId );
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
ExportService eS = setup.getExportService();
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
UUID entityExportUUID = eS.schedule( payload);
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload );
jobData.setProperty( "exportId", entityExportUUID );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
Export exportEntity = ( Export ) em.get( entityExportUUID );
assertNotNull( exportEntity );
String derp = exportEntity.getState().name();
assertEquals( "SCHEDULED", exportEntity.getState().name() );
try {
eS.doExport( jobExecution );
catch ( Exception e ) {
//throw e;
exportEntity = ( Export ) em.get( entityExportUUID );
assertNotNull( exportEntity );
assertEquals( "FINISHED", exportEntity.getState().name() );
//tests that with empty job data, the export still runs.
public void testExportEmptyJobData() throws Exception {
JobData jobData = new JobData();
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
ExportJob job = new ExportJob();
S3Export s3Export = mock( S3Export.class );
setup.getExportService().setS3Export( s3Export );
job.setExportService( setup.getExportService() );
try {
job.doJob( jobExecution );
catch ( Exception e ) {
assert ( false );
assert ( true );
public void testNullJobExecution() {
JobData jobData = new JobData();
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
ExportJob job = new ExportJob();
S3Export s3Export = mock( S3Export.class );
setup.getExportService().setS3Export( s3Export );
job.setExportService( setup.getExportService() );
try {
job.doJob( jobExecution );
catch ( Exception e ) {
assert ( false );
assert ( true );
@Test //For this test please input your s3 credentials into payload builder.
public void testIntegration100EntitiesOn() throws Exception {
//s3client.putObject(new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, keyName, file));
S3Export s3Export = new S3ExportImpl();
ExportService exportService = setup.getExportService();
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
//intialize user object to be posted
Map<String, Object> userProperties = null;
Entity[] entity;
entity = new Entity[100];
//creates entities
for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
userProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
userProperties.put( "username", "bojangles" + i );
userProperties.put( "email", "bojangles" + i + "" );
entity[i] = em.create( "user", userProperties );
UUID exportUUID = exportService.schedule( payload );
exportService.setS3Export( s3Export );
//create and initialize jobData returned in JobExecution.
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload );
jobData.setProperty( "exportId", exportUUID );
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
exportService.doExport( jobExecution );
AWSCredentials myCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(
System.getProperty( "accessKey" ), System.getProperty("secretKey"));
AmazonS3 s3client = new AmazonS3Client(myCredentials);
S3Object sd = null;
try {
sd = s3client.getObject( new GetObjectRequest( System.getProperty( "bucketName" ),
s3Export.getFilename()) );
}catch(Exception e) {
assertNotNull( sd );
//@Ignore("I'd have to add some overhead such that I loop through all files or keep track of them all ")
public void testIntegration100EntitiesOnOneOrg() throws Exception {
S3Export s3Export = new S3ExportImpl();
ExportService exportService = setup.getExportService();
HashMap<String, Object> payload = payloadBuilder();
OrganizationInfo orgMade = null;
ApplicationInfo appMade = null;
for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
orgMade =setup.getMgmtSvc().createOrganization( "minorboss"+i,adminUser,true );
appMade = setup.getMgmtSvc().createApplication( orgMade.getUuid(), "superapp"+i);
EntityManager customMaker = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( appMade.getId() );
customMaker.createApplicationCollection( "superappCol"+i );
//intialize user object to be posted
Map<String, Object> entityLevelProperties = null;
Entity[] entNotCopied;
entNotCopied = new Entity[20];
//creates entities
for ( int index = 0; index < 20; index++ ) {
entityLevelProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
entityLevelProperties.put( "username", "bobso" + index );
entityLevelProperties.put( "email", "derp" + index + "" );
entNotCopied[index] = customMaker.create( "superappCol", entityLevelProperties );
EntityManager em = setup.getEmf().getEntityManager( applicationId );
//intialize user object to be posted
Map<String, Object> userProperties = null;
Entity[] entity;
entity = new Entity[100];
//creates entities
for ( int i = 0; i < 100; i++ ) {
userProperties = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
userProperties.put( "username", "bido" + i );
userProperties.put( "email", "bido" + i + "" );
entity[i] = em.create( "user", userProperties );
UUID exportUUID = exportService.schedule( payload );
exportService.setS3Export( s3Export );
//create and initialize jobData returned in JobExecution.
JobData jobData = new JobData();
jobData.setProperty( "jobName", "exportJob" );
jobData.setProperty( "exportInfo", payload );
jobData.setProperty( "exportId", exportUUID );
JobExecution jobExecution = mock( JobExecution.class );
when( jobExecution.getJobData() ).thenReturn( jobData );
exportService.doExport( jobExecution );
AWSCredentials myCredentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(
System.getProperty( "accessKey" ), System.getProperty("secretKey"));
AmazonS3 s3client = new AmazonS3Client(myCredentials);
S3Object sd = null;
try {
sd = s3client.getObject( new GetObjectRequest( System.getProperty( "bucketName" ),
s3Export.getFilename()) );
}catch(Exception e) {
assertNotNull( sd );
/*Creates fake payload for testing purposes.*/
public HashMap<String, Object> payloadBuilder() {
HashMap<String, Object> payload = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>();
Map<String, Object> storage_info = new HashMap<String, Object>();
storage_info.put( "s3_key", System.getProperty( "secretKey" ) );
storage_info.put( "s3_access_id", System.getProperty( "accessKey" ));
storage_info.put( "bucket_location", System.getProperty( "bucketName" ) );
properties.put( "storage_provider", "s3" );
properties.put( "storage_info", storage_info );
payload.put( "path", "test-organization/test-app" );
payload.put( "properties", properties );
return payload;