blob: 62fe6f51b1c680a9c396ce128a7b23a53fb7d17e [file] [log] [blame]
#Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
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desc 'idempotent create or update (put is usually an update)'
arg_name '[path] [data]'
command :put,:update do |c|
c.flag [:d,:data], :desc => 'does nothing: for ease of conversion from curl'
c.flag [:f,:file], :must_match => /.*=.*/, :arg_name => 'field_name=file_name', :desc => 'will force multipart upload'
c.action do |global_options,options,args|
help_now! unless args[0]
resource = $context[args[0]]
payload = parse_data(options[:data] || args[1])
if $settings.show_curl?
puts_curl(:put, resource, payload, options[:file])
if options[:file]
format_response multipart_upload resource, payload, options[:file], :put
format_response resource.put payload