blob: 6e571d1a2f716affcc7c13ec0419d0cb79fd5285 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.usergrid.persistence;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.query.Query;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import me.prettyprint.hector.api.mutation.Mutator;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.cassandra.CassandraService;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.cassandra.GeoIndexManager;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.util.Health;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.entities.Application;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.entities.Role;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.query.CounterResolution;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.query.Identifier;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.query.Query.Level;
* The interface class for the data access object for Applications. Each application contains a set of users as well as
* a hierarchy of groups. A application also includes a set of message inboxes and a set of assets.
public interface EntityManager {
// public void setApplicationId( UUID applicationId );
public GeoIndexManager getGeoIndexManager();
public EntityRef getApplicationRef();
public Application getApplication() throws Exception;
public void updateApplication( Application app ) throws Exception;
public void updateApplication( Map<String, Object> properties ) throws Exception;
public RelationManager getRelationManager( EntityRef entityRef );
/** Get all collections for the application. Includes both user defined collections and schema collections */
public Set<String> getApplicationCollections() throws Exception;
public Map<String, Object> getApplicationCollectionMetadata() throws Exception;
public long getApplicationCollectionSize( String collectionName ) throws Exception;
* Creates an entity of the specified type attached to the specified application.
* @param entityType the type of the entity to create.
* @param properties property values to create in the new entity or null.
* @return the newly created entity object.
public Entity create( String entityType, Map<String, Object> properties ) throws Exception;
public <A extends Entity> A create( String entityType, Class<A> entityClass, Map<String, Object> properties )
throws Exception;
public <A extends TypedEntity> A create( A entity ) throws Exception;
* Creates an entity of the specified type attached to the specified application.
* @param importId the UUID to assign to the imported entity
* @param entityType the type of the entity to create.
* @param properties property values to create in the new entity or null.
* @return the newly created entity object.
* @throws Exception the exception
public Entity create( UUID importId, String entityType, Map<String, Object> properties )
throws Exception;
public void createApplicationCollection( String entityType ) throws Exception;
public EntityRef getAlias( String aliasType, String alias ) throws Exception;
* Get the entity ref from the value
* @param ownerId The owner Id of the collection
* @param collectionName The name of the collection
* @param aliasValue The value of the alias
public EntityRef getAlias( EntityRef ownerRef, String collectionName, String aliasValue )
throws Exception;
public Map<String, EntityRef> getAlias( String aliasType, List<String> aliases ) throws Exception;
* Get aliases from the index with the given value
* @param ownerId The id of the collection owner
* @param collectionName The name of the collection
* @param aliases The alias property
public Map<String, EntityRef> getAlias( EntityRef ownerRef, String collectionName,
List<String> aliases ) throws Exception;
* Validates that the entity exists in the datastore meaning that it exists and the type has
* been loaded if not already provided.
* @return an validated EntityRef or null.
public EntityRef validate( EntityRef entityRef ) throws Exception;
* Retrieves the entity for the specified entity reference.
* @param entityRef an Entity reference
* @return an Entity object for the specified entity reference.
public Entity get( EntityRef entityRef ) throws Exception;
public <A extends Entity> A get( UUID entityId, Class<A> entityClass ) throws Exception;
* Retrieves a set of Entitues cast to the specified class type.
* @return a list of entity objects.
public Results get( Collection<UUID> entityIds, Class<? extends Entity> entityClass,
Level resultsLevel ) throws Exception;
* Retrieves a set of Entities cast to the specified class type.
* @return a list of entity objects.
public Results get( Collection<UUID> entityIds, String entityType,
Class<? extends Entity> entityClass, Level resultsLevel ) throws Exception;
public Results getEntities(List<UUID> ids, String type);
* Updates the entity with the properties and values in the Entity Object.
* @param entity an Entity object.
public void update( Entity entity ) throws Exception;
* Gets the value for a named entity property. Entity properties must be defined in the schema
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @param propertyName the property name to retrieve.
* @return the value of the named property or null.
* @throws Exception the exception
public Object getProperty( EntityRef entityRef, String propertyName ) throws Exception;
* Do a single load of all entities with the given properties. Efficient if you have a subset of properties, and
* know the ids of them. The entity UUID is in the key, the runtime subtype of Entity is in the value. Note that
* if an entity cannot be loaded (id doesn't exist) it is simply ignored
public List<Entity> getPartialEntities( Collection<UUID> ids, Collection<String> properties ) throws Exception;
* Gets the properties for the specified entity property.
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @return the property values.
* @throws Exception the exception
public Map<String, Object> getProperties( EntityRef entityRef ) throws Exception;
* Sets the value for a named entity property. If the property is being index, the index is updated to remove the
* old value and add the new value.
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @param propertyName the property to set.
* @param propertyValue new value for property.
* @throws Exception the exception
public void setProperty( EntityRef entityRef, String propertyName, Object propertyValue ) throws Exception;
* You should only use this method if you are absolutely sure what you're doing. Use setProperty without the
* override param in most cases. With great power comes great responsibility....
* @param override set to true to force this value to persist. This will ignore all mutable attributes as well as
* validation. Use with care
void setProperty( EntityRef entityRef, String propertyName, Object propertyValue, boolean override )
throws Exception;
* Updates the properties for the specified entity.
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @param properties the properties
* @throws Exception the exception
public void updateProperties( EntityRef entityRef, Map<String, Object> properties )
throws Exception;
public void deleteProperty( EntityRef entityRef, String propertyName ) throws Exception;
* Gets the values from an entity list property. Lists are a special type of entity property
* that can contain an unordered set of non-duplicate values.
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @param dictionaryName the property list name to retrieve.
* @return the value of the named property or null.
* @throws Exception the exception
public Set<Object> getDictionaryAsSet( EntityRef entityRef, String dictionaryName )
throws Exception;
* Adds the specified value to the named entity list property. Lists are a special type of
* entity property that can contain an unordered set of non-duplicate values.
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @param dictionaryName the property to set.
* @param elementValue new value for property.
* @throws Exception the exception
public void addToDictionary( EntityRef entityRef, String dictionaryName, Object elementValue )
throws Exception;
public void addToDictionary( EntityRef entityRef, String dictionaryName, Object elementName,
Object elementValue ) throws Exception;
public void addSetToDictionary( EntityRef entityRef, String dictionaryName,
Set<?> elementValues ) throws Exception;
public void addMapToDictionary( EntityRef entityRef, String dictionaryName,
Map<?, ?> elementValues ) throws Exception;
public Map<Object, Object> getDictionaryAsMap( EntityRef entityRef, String dictionaryName )
throws Exception;
public Object getDictionaryElementValue( EntityRef entityRef, String dictionaryName,
String elementName ) throws Exception;
* Removes the specified value to the named entity list property. Lists are a special type of
* entity property that can contain an unordered set of non-duplicate values.
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @param dictionaryName the property to set.
* @param elementValue new value for property.
* @throws Exception the exception
public void removeFromDictionary( EntityRef entityRef, String dictionaryName, Object elementValue )
throws Exception;
public Set<String> getDictionaries( EntityRef entity ) throws Exception;
* Deletes the specified entity.
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @throws Exception the exception
public void delete( EntityRef entityRef ) throws Exception;
* Gets the entities and collections that the specified entity is a member of.
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @return a map of entity references to set of collection names for the entities and
* collections that this entity is a member of.
* @throws Exception the exception
public Map<String, Map<UUID, Set<String>>> getOwners( EntityRef entityRef ) throws Exception;
* Return true if the owner entity ref is an owner of the entity;
* @param owner The owner of the collection
* @param collectionName The collection name
* @param entity The entity in the collection
public boolean isCollectionMember( EntityRef owner, String collectionName, EntityRef entity )
throws Exception;
* Return true if the owner entity ref is an owner of the entity;
* @param owner The owner of the collection
* @param connectionName The collection name
* @param entity The entity in the collection
public boolean isConnectionMember( EntityRef owner, String connectionName, EntityRef entity )
throws Exception;
* Gets the collections for the specified entity. Collection for a given type are encoded
* in the schema, this method loads the entity type and returns the collections from the schema.
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @return the collections for the entity type of the given entity.
* @throws Exception the exception
public Set<String> getCollections( EntityRef entityRef ) throws Exception;
* Gets a list of entities in the specified collection belonging to the specified entity.
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @param collectionName the collection name.
* @param startResult the start result
* @param count the count
* @return a list of entities in the specified collection.
* @throws Exception the exception
public Results getCollection( EntityRef entityRef, String collectionName, UUID startResult, int count,
Level resultsLevel, boolean reversed ) throws Exception;
public Results getCollection( UUID entityId, String collectionName, Query query, Level resultsLevel )
throws Exception;
* Adds an entity to the specified collection belonging to the specified entity entity.
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @param collectionName the collection name.
* @param itemRef an entity to be added to the collection.
* @throws Exception the exception
public Entity addToCollection( EntityRef entityRef, String collectionName, EntityRef itemRef ) throws Exception;
public Entity addToCollections( List<EntityRef> ownerEntities, String collectionName, EntityRef itemRef )
throws Exception;
* Create the item in a sub collection
* @param entityRef The owning entity
* @param collectionName The name of the collection
* @param itemType The type of the item
* @param properties The properties for the item
public Entity createItemInCollection( EntityRef entityRef, String collectionName, String itemType,
Map<String, Object> properties ) throws Exception;
* Removes an entity to the specified collection belonging to the specified entity.
* @param entityRef an entity reference
* @param collectionName the collection name.
* @param itemRef a entity to be removed from the collection.
* @throws Exception the exception
public void removeFromCollection( EntityRef entityRef, String collectionName, EntityRef itemRef)
throws Exception;
public Results searchCollection( EntityRef entityRef, String collectionName, Query query )
throws Exception;
public Set<String> getCollectionIndexes( EntityRef entity, String collectionName )
throws Exception;
public void copyRelationships( EntityRef srcEntityRef, String srcRelationName,
EntityRef dstEntityRef, String dstRelationName ) throws Exception;
* Connect the specified entity to another entity with the specified connection type.
* Connections are directional relationships that can be traversed in either direction.
* @throws Exception the exception
public ConnectionRef createConnection( ConnectionRef connection ) throws Exception;
public ConnectionRef createConnection( EntityRef connectingEntity, String connectionType,
EntityRef connectedEntityRef ) throws Exception;
public ConnectionRef createConnection( EntityRef connectingEntity, String pairedConnectionType,
EntityRef pairedEntity, String connectionType,
EntityRef connectedEntityRef ) throws Exception;
public ConnectionRef createConnection(
EntityRef connectingEntity, ConnectedEntityRef... connections )
throws Exception;
public ConnectionRef connectionRef( EntityRef connectingEntity, String connectionType,
EntityRef connectedEntityRef ) throws Exception;
public ConnectionRef connectionRef( EntityRef connectingEntity, String pairedConnectionType,
EntityRef pairedEntity, String connectionType, EntityRef connectedEntityRef )
throws Exception;
public ConnectionRef connectionRef( EntityRef connectingEntity, ConnectedEntityRef... connections );
* Disconnects two connected entities with the specified connection type. Connections are
* directional relationships that can be traversed in either direction.
* @throws Exception the exception
public void deleteConnection( ConnectionRef connectionRef ) throws Exception;
public Set<String> getConnectionTypes( EntityRef ref ) throws Exception;
* Gets the entities of the specified type connected to the specified entity, optionally
* matching the specified connection types and/or entity types. Returns a list of entity ids.
* @param entityId an entity reference
* @param connectionType type of connection or null.
* @param connectedEntityType type of entity or null.
* @return a list of connected entity ids.
* @throws Exception the exception
public Results getConnectedEntities( EntityRef entityRef, String connectionType,
String connectedEntityType, Level resultsLevel ) throws Exception;
* Gets the entities connecting to this entity, optionally with the specified connection
* type and/or entity type.
* <p/>
* e.g. "get users who have favorited this place"
* @param entityId an entity reference
* @param connectionType type of connection or null.
* @param connectedEntityType type of entity or null.
* @return a list of entities connecting to this one.
* @throws Exception the exception
public Results getConnectingEntities( EntityRef entityRef, String connectionType,
String connectedEntityType, Level resultsLevel ) throws Exception;
public Results getConnectingEntities( EntityRef entityRef, String connectionType,
String entityType, Level level, int count) throws Exception;
public Results searchConnectedEntities( EntityRef connectingEntity, Query query ) throws Exception;
// Application roles
public Set<String> getConnectionIndexes( EntityRef entity, String connectionType ) throws Exception;
public Map<String, String> getRoles() throws Exception;
public void resetRoles() throws Exception;
* Create the role with the title and inactivity
* @param roleName The name of the role
* @param roleTitle The human readable title
* @param inactivity The amount of inactivity time to have the role expire. 0 is infinity, I.E no expiration
public Entity createRole( String roleName, String roleTitle, long inactivity ) throws Exception;
public void grantRolePermission( String roleName, String permission ) throws Exception;
public void grantRolePermissions( String roleName, Collection<String> permissions ) throws Exception;
public void revokeRolePermission( String roleName, String permission ) throws Exception;
public Set<String> getRolePermissions( String roleName ) throws Exception;
public void deleteRole( String roleName ) throws Exception;
public EntityRef getGroupRoleRef( UUID ownerId, String roleName ) throws Exception;
// Group roles
public Map<String, String> getGroupRoles( UUID groupId ) throws Exception;
/** Create a group role with the group id, roleName, and inactivity */
public Entity createGroupRole( UUID groupId, String roleName, long inactivity ) throws Exception;
public void grantGroupRolePermission( UUID groupId, String roleName, String permission ) throws Exception;
public void revokeGroupRolePermission( UUID groupId, String roleName, String permission ) throws Exception;
public Set<String> getGroupRolePermissions( UUID groupId, String roleName ) throws Exception;
public void deleteGroupRole( UUID groupId, String roleName ) throws Exception;
// User role membership
public Set<String> getUserRoles( UUID userId ) throws Exception;
public void addUserToRole( UUID userId, String roleName ) throws Exception;
public void removeUserFromRole( UUID userId, String roleName ) throws Exception;
// User permissions
public Set<String> getUserPermissions( UUID userId ) throws Exception;
public void grantUserPermission( UUID userId, String permission ) throws Exception;
public void revokeUserPermission( UUID userId, String permission ) throws Exception;
// User role membership
public Map<String, String> getUserGroupRoles( UUID userId, UUID groupId ) throws Exception;
public void addUserToGroupRole( UUID userId, UUID groupId, String roleName ) throws Exception;
public void removeUserFromGroupRole( UUID userId, UUID groupId, String roleName ) throws Exception;
public Results getUsersInGroupRole( UUID groupId, String roleName, Level level ) throws Exception;
public void incrementAggregateCounters( UUID userId, UUID groupId, String category,
String counterName, long value );
public Results getAggregateCounters( UUID userId, UUID groupId, String category,
String counterName, CounterResolution resolution, long start, long finish, boolean pad );
public Results getAggregateCounters( UUID userId, UUID groupId, UUID queueId, String category,
String counterName, CounterResolution resolution, long start, long finish, boolean pad );
public Results getAggregateCounters( Query query ) throws Exception;
public EntityRef getUserByIdentifier( Identifier identifier ) throws Exception;
public EntityRef getGroupByIdentifier( Identifier identifier ) throws Exception;
public Set<String> getCounterNames() throws Exception;
public Map<String, Long> getEntityCounters( UUID entityId ) throws Exception;
public Map<String, Long> getApplicationCounters() throws Exception;
public void incrementAggregateCounters(
UUID userId, UUID groupId, String category, Map<String, Long> counters );
public boolean isPropertyValueUniqueForEntity(
String entityType, String propertyName, Object propertyValue ) throws Exception;
* Get an entity by UUID. This will return null if the entity is not found
public Entity get( UUID id ) throws Exception;
public <A extends Entity> A get( EntityRef entityRef, Class<A> entityClass ) throws Exception;
public Map<String, Role> getRolesWithTitles( Set<String> roleNames ) throws Exception;
public String getRoleTitle( String roleName ) throws Exception;
public Map<String, Role> getUserRolesWithTitles( UUID userId ) throws Exception;
// Group role membership
public Map<String, Role> getGroupRolesWithTitles( UUID userId ) throws Exception;
public void addGroupToRole( UUID userId, String roleName ) throws Exception;
public void removeGroupFromRole( UUID userId, String roleName ) throws Exception;
// Group permissions
public Set<String> getGroupPermissions( UUID groupId ) throws Exception;
public void grantGroupPermission( UUID groupId, String permission ) throws Exception;
public void revokeGroupPermission( UUID groupId, String permission ) throws Exception;
<A extends Entity> A batchCreate(Mutator<ByteBuffer> m, String entityType,
Class<A> entityClass, Map<String, Object> properties,
UUID importId, UUID timestampUuid) throws Exception;
* Batch dictionary property.
* @param batch The batch to set the property into
* @param entity The entity that owns the property
* @param propertyName the property name
* @param propertyValue the property value
* @param timestampUuid The update timestamp as a uuid
* @return batch
* @throws Exception the exception
Mutator<ByteBuffer> batchSetProperty(Mutator<ByteBuffer> batch, EntityRef entity,
String propertyName, Object propertyValue, UUID timestampUuid) throws Exception;
Mutator<ByteBuffer> batchSetProperty(Mutator<ByteBuffer> batch, EntityRef entity,
String propertyName, Object propertyValue, boolean force, boolean noRead,
UUID timestampUuid) throws Exception;
Mutator<ByteBuffer> batchUpdateDictionary(Mutator<ByteBuffer> batch, EntityRef entity,
String dictionaryName, Object elementValue, Object elementCoValue,
boolean removeFromDictionary, UUID timestampUuid) throws Exception;
* Batch update set.
* @param batch the batch
* @param entity The owning entity
* @param dictionaryName the dictionary name
* @param elementValue the dictionary value
* @param removeFromDictionary True to delete from the dictionary
* @param timestampUuid the timestamp
* @return batch
* @throws Exception the exception
Mutator<ByteBuffer> batchUpdateDictionary(Mutator<ByteBuffer> batch, EntityRef entity,
String dictionaryName, Object elementValue,
boolean removeFromDictionary, UUID timestampUuid) throws Exception;
* Batch update properties.
* @param batch the batch
* @param entity The owning entity reference
* @param properties the properties to set
* @param timestampUuid the timestamp of the update operation as a time uuid
* @return batch
* @throws Exception the exception
Mutator<ByteBuffer> batchUpdateProperties(Mutator<ByteBuffer> batch,
EntityRef entity, Map<String, Object> properties, UUID timestampUuid) throws Exception;
Set<String> getDictionaryNames(EntityRef entity) throws Exception;
void insertEntity( EntityRef ref ) throws Exception;
/** @return the applicationId */
UUID getApplicationId();
/** @return the indexBucketLocator */
IndexBucketLocator getIndexBucketLocator();
/** @return the cass */
CassandraService getCass();
* Refresh the applications index -- use sparingly.
void refreshIndex();
* Create the index, should ONLY ever be called the first time an application is created
void createIndex();
public void init( EntityManagerFactory emf, UUID applicationId);
/** For testing purposes */
public void flushManagerCaches();
public void reindex( final EntityManagerFactory.ProgressObserver po ) throws Exception;
* Get health status of application's index.
public Health getIndexHealth();