blob: 1aa75eebb812051f5efd02ddd05207f570c27fe4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.amber.oauth2.common.error.OAuthError;
import org.apache.amber.oauth2.common.exception.OAuthProblemException;
import org.apache.amber.oauth2.common.message.OAuthResponse;
import org.apache.amber.oauth2.common.message.types.GrantType;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.shiro.codec.Base64;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.metrics.MetricsFactory;
import org.glassfish.jersey.server.mvc.Viewable;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Scope;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
import java.util.Map;
import static javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse.*;
import static*;
import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank;
import static;
import static org.apache.usergrid.utils.JsonUtils.mapToJsonString;
import static org.apache.usergrid.utils.StringUtils.stringOrSubstringAfterFirst;
import static org.apache.usergrid.utils.StringUtils.stringOrSubstringBeforeFirst;
@Path( "/management" )
@Scope( "singleton" )
@Produces( {
MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, "application/javascript", "application/x-javascript", "text/ecmascript",
"application/ecmascript", "text/jscript"
} )
public class ManagementResource extends AbstractContextResource {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger( ManagementResource.class );
* New endpoints:
* /management/externaltoken?ext_access_token=<token-from-central-usergrid>&ttl=<time-to-live>
* /management/organizations/<organization-name>/applications
* /management/organizations/<organization-name>/users
* /management/organizations/<organization-name>/keys
* /management/users/<user-name>/login
* /management/users/<user-name>/password
private ApplicationCreator applicationCreator;
// usergrid configuration property names needed
public static final String USERGRID_SYSADMIN_LOGIN_NAME = "";
MetricsFactory metricsFactory = null;
public ManagementResource() {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace( "ManagementResource initialized" );
MetricsFactory getMetricsFactory() {
if ( metricsFactory == null ) {
metricsFactory = injector.getInstance( MetricsFactory.class );
return metricsFactory;
private static String wrapWithCallback( AccessInfo accessInfo, String callback ) {
return wrapWithCallback( mapToJsonString( accessInfo ), callback );
private static String wrapWithCallback( String json, String callback ) {
if ( StringUtils.isNotBlank( callback ) ) {
json = callback + "(" + json + ")";
return json;
private static MediaType jsonMediaType( String callback ) {
return isNotBlank( callback ) ? new MediaType( "application", "javascript" ) : APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE;
@Path( "organizations" )
public OrganizationsResource getOrganizations() {
return getSubResource( OrganizationsResource.class );
@Path( "orgs" )
public OrganizationsResource getOrganizations2() {
return getSubResource( OrganizationsResource.class );
@Path( "users" )
public UsersResource getUsers() {
return getSubResource( UsersResource.class );
@Path( "me" )
public Response getAccessTokenLight( @Context UriInfo ui, @HeaderParam( "Authorization" ) String authorization,
@QueryParam( "grant_type" ) String grant_type,
@QueryParam( "username" ) String username,
@QueryParam( "password" ) String password,
@QueryParam( "client_id" ) String client_id,
@QueryParam( "client_secret" ) String client_secret,
@QueryParam( "ttl" ) long ttl,
@QueryParam( "access_token" ) String access_token,
@QueryParam( "callback" ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String callback )
throws Exception {
return getAccessTokenInternal( ui, authorization, grant_type, username, password, client_id, client_secret, ttl,
callback, false, true );
@Path( "token" )
public Response getAccessToken( @Context UriInfo ui, @HeaderParam( "Authorization" ) String authorization,
@QueryParam( "grant_type" ) String grant_type,
@QueryParam( "username" ) String username,
@QueryParam( "password" ) String password,
@QueryParam( "client_id" ) String client_id,
@QueryParam( "client_secret" ) String client_secret, @QueryParam( "ttl" ) long ttl,
@QueryParam( "callback" ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String callback ) throws Exception {
return getAccessTokenInternal( ui, authorization, grant_type, username, password, client_id, client_secret, ttl,
callback, false, false);
private Response getAccessTokenInternal(UriInfo ui, String authorization, String grant_type, String username,
String password, String client_id, String client_secret, long ttl,
String callback, boolean adminData, boolean me) throws Exception {
UserInfo user = null;
try {
if ( SubjectUtils.getUser() != null ) {
user = SubjectUtils.getUser();
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("ManagementResource.getAccessToken with username: {}", username);
String errorDescription = "invalid username or password";
if ( user == null ) {
if ( !me ) { // if not lightweight-auth, i.e. /management/me then...
// make sure authentication is allowed considering
// external token validation configuration (UG Central SSO)
ensureAuthenticationAllowed( username, grant_type );
if ( authorization != null ) {
String type = stringOrSubstringBeforeFirst( authorization, ' ' ).toUpperCase();
if ( "BASIC".equals( type ) ) {
String token = stringOrSubstringAfterFirst( authorization, ' ' );
String[] values = Base64.decodeToString( token ).split( ":" );
if ( values.length >= 2 ) {
client_id = values[0];
client_secret = values[1];
// do checking for different grant types
if ( GrantType.PASSWORD.toString().equals( grant_type ) ) {
try {
user = management.verifyAdminUserPasswordCredentials( username, password );
if ( user != null ) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("found user from verify: {}", user.getUuid());
catch ( UnactivatedAdminUserException uaue ) {
errorDescription = "user not activated";
logger.error( errorDescription, uaue );
catch ( DisabledAdminUserException daue ) {
errorDescription = "user disabled";
logger.error( errorDescription, daue );
catch ( UnconfirmedAdminUserException uaue ) {
errorDescription = "User must be confirmed to authenticate";
logger.warn("Responding with HTTP 403 forbidden response for unconfirmed user");
OAuthResponse response = OAuthResponse.errorResponse( SC_FORBIDDEN )
.setError( OAuthError.TokenResponse.INVALID_GRANT )
.setErrorDescription( errorDescription )
return Response.status( response.getResponseStatus() ).type( jsonMediaType( callback ) )
.entity( wrapWithCallback( response.getBody(), callback ) ).build();
catch ( Exception e1 ) {
logger.error( errorDescription, e1 );
else if ( "client_credentials".equals( grant_type ) ) {
try {
AccessInfo access_info = management.authorizeClient( client_id, client_secret, ttl );
if ( access_info != null ) {
return Response.status( SC_OK ).type( jsonMediaType( callback ) )
.entity( wrapWithCallback( access_info, callback ) ).build();
catch ( Exception e1 ) {
logger.error( "failed authorizeClient", e1 );
if ( user == null ) {
//TODO: this could be fixed to return the reason why a user is null. In some cases the USER is not found
//so a 404 would be more appropriate etc...
OAuthResponse response =
OAuthResponse.errorResponse( SC_BAD_REQUEST ).setError( OAuthError.TokenResponse.INVALID_GRANT )
.setErrorDescription( errorDescription ).buildJSONMessage();
return Response.status( response.getResponseStatus() ).type( jsonMediaType( callback ) )
.entity( wrapWithCallback( response.getBody(), callback ) ).build();
String token = management.getAccessTokenForAdminUser( user.getUuid(), ttl );
Long passwordChanged = management.getLastAdminPasswordChange( user.getUuid() );
AccessInfo access_info =
new AccessInfo().withExpiresIn( tokens.getMaxTokenAgeInSeconds( token ) ).withAccessToken( token )
.withPasswordChanged( passwordChanged );
access_info.setProperty( "user", management.getAdminUserOrganizationData( user, me ) );
// increment counters for admin login
management.countAdminUserAction( user, "login" );
return Response.status( SC_OK ).type( jsonMediaType( callback ) )
.entity( wrapWithCallback( access_info, callback ) ).build();
catch ( OAuthProblemException e ) {
logger.error( "OAuth Error", e );
OAuthResponse res = OAuthResponse.errorResponse( SC_BAD_REQUEST ).error( e ).buildJSONMessage();
return Response.status( res.getResponseStatus() ).type( jsonMediaType( callback ) )
.entity( wrapWithCallback( res.getBody(), callback ) ).build();
@Path( "token" )
public Response getAccessTokenPost( @Context UriInfo ui, @FormParam( "grant_type" ) String grant_type,
@HeaderParam( "Authorization" ) String authorization,
@FormParam( "username" ) String username,
@FormParam( "password" ) String password,
@FormParam( "client_id" ) String client_id, @FormParam( "ttl" ) long ttl,
@FormParam( "client_secret" ) String client_secret,
@QueryParam( "callback" ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String callback )
throws Exception {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
return getAccessTokenInternal( ui, authorization, grant_type, username, password, client_id, client_secret, ttl,
callback, false, false);
@Path( "me" )
public Response getAccessTokenLightPost( @Context UriInfo ui, @HeaderParam( "Authorization" ) String authorization,
@FormParam( "grant_type" ) String grant_type,
@FormParam( "username" ) String username,
@FormParam( "password" ) String password,
@FormParam( "client_id" ) String client_id,
@FormParam( "client_secret" ) String client_secret,
@FormParam( "ttl" ) long ttl,
@FormParam( "access_token" ) String access_token,
@FormParam( "callback" ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String callback )
throws Exception {
return getAccessTokenInternal( ui, authorization, grant_type, username, password, client_id, client_secret, ttl,
callback, false, true );
@Path( "token" )
public Response getAccessTokenPostJson( @Context UriInfo ui, @HeaderParam( "Authorization" ) String authorization,
Map<String, Object> json,
@QueryParam( "callback" ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String callback )
throws Exception {
String grant_type = ( String ) json.get( "grant_type" );
String username = ( String ) json.get( "username" );
String password = ( String ) json.get( "password" );
String client_id = ( String ) json.get( "client_id" );
String client_secret = ( String ) json.get( "client_secret" );
long ttl = 0;
if ( json.get( "ttl" ) != null ) {
try {
ttl = Long.parseLong( json.get( "ttl" ).toString() );
catch ( NumberFormatException nfe ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ttl must be a number >= 0" );
return getAccessTokenInternal( ui, authorization, grant_type, username, password, client_id, client_secret, ttl,
callback, false, false );
@Path( "me" )
public Response getAccessTokenMePostJson( @Context UriInfo ui, Map<String, Object> json,
@QueryParam( "callback" ) @DefaultValue( "" ) String callback,
@HeaderParam( "Authorization" ) String authorization ) throws Exception {
String grant_type = ( String ) json.get( "grant_type" );
String username = ( String ) json.get( "username" );
String password = ( String ) json.get( "password" );
String client_id = ( String ) json.get( "client_id" );
String client_secret = ( String ) json.get( "client_secret" );
long ttl = 0;
if ( json.get( "ttl" ) != null ) {
try {
ttl = Long.parseLong( json.get( "ttl" ).toString() );
catch ( NumberFormatException nfe ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "ttl must be a number >= 0" );
return getAccessTokenInternal( ui, authorization, grant_type, username, password, client_id, client_secret, ttl,
callback, false, false );
@Path( "authorize" )
@Produces( MediaType.TEXT_HTML )
public Viewable showAuthorizeForm( @Context UriInfo ui, @QueryParam( "response_type" ) String response_type,
@QueryParam( "client_id" ) String client_id,
@QueryParam( "redirect_uri" ) String redirect_uri,
@QueryParam( "scope" ) String scope, @QueryParam( "state" ) String state ) {
responseType = response_type;
clientId = client_id;
redirectUri = redirect_uri;
this.scope = scope;
this.state = state;
return handleViewable( "authorize_form", this );
@Path( "authorize" )
@Produces( MediaType.TEXT_HTML )
public Viewable handleAuthorizeForm( @Context UriInfo ui, @FormParam( "response_type" ) String response_type,
@FormParam( "client_id" ) String client_id,
@FormParam( "redirect_uri" ) String redirect_uri,
@FormParam( "scope" ) String scope, @FormParam( "state" ) String state,
@FormParam( "username" ) String username,
@FormParam( "password" ) String password ) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace("ManagementResource /authorize: {}", username);
try {
responseType = response_type;
clientId = client_id;
redirectUri = redirect_uri;
this.scope = scope;
this.state = state;
UserInfo user = null;
try {
user = management.verifyAdminUserPasswordCredentials( username, password );
catch ( Exception e1 ) {
// intentionally empty
if ( ( user != null ) && isNotBlank( redirect_uri ) ) {
if ( !redirect_uri.contains( "?" ) ) {
redirect_uri += "?";
else {
redirect_uri += "&";
redirect_uri += "code=" + management.getAccessTokenForAdminUser( user.getUuid(), 0 );
if ( isNotBlank( state ) ) {
redirect_uri += "&state=" + URLEncoder.encode( state, "UTF-8" );
throw new RedirectionException( state );
else {
errorMsg = "Username or password do not match";
return handleViewable( "authorize_form", this );
catch ( RedirectionException e ) {
throw e;
catch ( Exception e ) {
logger.error("handleAuthorizeForm failed", e);
return handleViewable( "error", e );
* Check that authentication is allowed. If external token validation is enabled (Central Usergrid SSO)
* then only superusers should be allowed to login directly to this Usergrid instance.
private void ensureAuthenticationAllowed( String username, String grant_type ) {
if ( username == null || grant_type == null || !grant_type.equalsIgnoreCase( "password" )) {
return; // we only care about username/password auth
final boolean externalTokensEnabled =
!StringUtils.isEmpty( properties.getProperty( USERGRID_CENTRAL_URL ) );
if ( externalTokensEnabled ) {
// when external tokens enabled then only superuser can obtain an access token
final String superuserName = properties.getProperty( USERGRID_SYSADMIN_LOGIN_NAME );
if ( !username.equalsIgnoreCase( superuserName )) {
// this guy is not the superuser
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Admin Users must login via " +
properties.getProperty( USERGRID_CENTRAL_URL ) );
String errorMsg = "";
String responseType;
String clientId;
String redirectUri;
String scope;
String state;
public String getErrorMsg() {
return errorMsg;
public String getResponseType() {
return responseType;
public String getClientId() {
return clientId;
public String getRedirectUri() {
return redirectUri;
public String getScope() {
return scope;
public String getState() {
return state;