blob: c2e259ef3a7c52cdeb50044e9e52aa3a73448369 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License. For additional information regarding
* copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level
* directory of this distribution.
package org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.CassandraFig;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.*;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.field.*;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.time.StopWatch;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.scope.ApplicationScopeImpl;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.test.UseModules;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.core.util.Health;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.guice.TestIndexModule;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.index.utils.UUIDUtils;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.entity.Entity;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.entity.Id;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.entity.SimpleId;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.util.EntityUtils;
import org.apache.usergrid.persistence.model.util.UUIDGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;
@RunWith( EsRunner.class )
@UseModules( { TestIndexModule.class } )
public class EntityIndexTest extends BaseIT {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EntityIndexTest.class);
public EntityIndexFactory eif;
public IndexFig fig;
public IndexProducer indexProducer;
public CassandraFig cassandraFig;
public ElasticSearchRule elasticSearchRule;
private EntityIndex entityIndex;
private SimpleId appId;
public void setup(){
appId = new SimpleId(UUID.randomUUID(), "application" );
IndexLocationStrategy strategy = new TestIndexIdentifier(cassandraFig,fig,new ApplicationScopeImpl(appId));
entityIndex = eif.createEntityIndex( strategy );
public void testIndex() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
final String entityType = "thing";
IndexEdge searchEdge = new IndexEdgeImpl( appId, "things", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 1 );
final SearchTypes searchTypes = SearchTypes.fromTypes( entityType );
insertJsonBlob( entityType, searchEdge, "/sample-large.json", 101, 0 );
testQueries( searchEdge, searchTypes );
* Tests that when types conflict, but should match queries they work
public void testIndexVariations() throws IOException {
Id appId = new SimpleId( "application" );
final String entityType = "thing";
IndexEdge indexEdge = new IndexEdgeImpl( appId, "things", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 1 );
final SearchTypes searchTypes = SearchTypes.fromTypes( entityType );
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
Entity entity1 = new Entity( entityType );
EntityUtils.setVersion(entity1, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID());
entity1.setField(new UUIDField(IndexingUtils.ENTITY_ID_FIELDNAME, UUID.randomUUID()));
entity1.setField( new StringField( "testfield", "test" ) );
entity1.setField(new IntegerField("ordinal", 0));
entity1.setField(new UUIDField("testuuid", uuid));
entity1.setField( new NullField("nullfield"));
batch.index( indexEdge, entity1 );
Entity entity2 = new Entity( entityType );
EntityUtils.setVersion(entity2, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID());
List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
entity2.setField(new ArrayField<>("testfield", list));
entity2.setField(new IntegerField("ordinal", 1));
batch.index( indexEdge, entity2 );
StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
CandidateResults candidateResults = indexEdge, searchTypes, "select * where testfield = 'test' order by ordinal", 100, 0 );
assertEquals( 2, candidateResults.size() );
logger.debug( "Query time {}ms", timer.getTime() );
final CandidateResult candidate1 = candidateResults.get(0);
//check the id and version
assertEquals( entity1.getId(), candidate1.getId() );
assertEquals(entity1.getVersion(), candidate1.getVersion());
final CandidateResult candidate2 = candidateResults.get(1);
//check the id and version
assertEquals( entity2.getId(), candidate2.getId() );
assertEquals( entity2.getVersion(), candidate2.getVersion() );
//make sure we can query uuids out as strings and not wrapped
candidateResults = indexEdge, searchTypes, "select * where testuuid = '"+uuid+"'", 100, 0 );
candidateResults = indexEdge, searchTypes, "select * where testuuid = "+uuid, 100, 0 );
public void testIndexThreads() throws IOException {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
final int threads = 20;
final int size = 30;
final String entityType = "thing";
final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch( threads );
final AtomicLong failTime = new AtomicLong( 0 );
InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream("/sample-large.json");
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
final List<Object> sampleJson = mapper.readValue( is, new TypeReference<List<Object>>() {} );
for ( int i = 0; i < threads; i++ ) {
final IndexEdge indexEdge = new IndexEdgeImpl( appId, "things", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, i );
Thread thread = new Thread( () -> {
try {
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
insertJsonBlob( sampleJson, batch, entityType, indexEdge, size, 0 );
catch ( Exception e ) {
synchronized ( failTime ) {
if ( failTime.get() == 0 ) {
failTime.set( System.currentTimeMillis() );
System.out.println( e.toString() );
fail( "threw exception" );
finally {
} );
try {
catch ( InterruptedException ie ) {
throw new RuntimeException( ie );
assertTrue( "system must have failed at " + ( failTime.get() - now ), failTime.get() == 0 );
public void testAddMultipleIndexes() throws IOException {
final String entityType = "thing";
IndexEdge searchEdge = new IndexEdgeImpl( appId, "things", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 10 );
final SearchTypes searchTypes = SearchTypes.fromTypes(entityType);
insertJsonBlob( entityType, searchEdge, "/sample-large.json", 101, 0);
testQueries(searchEdge, searchTypes);
entityIndex.addIndex(UUID.randomUUID()+"_v2", 1, 0, "one");
insertJsonBlob( entityType, searchEdge, "/sample-large.json", 101, 100);
//Hilda Youn
testQuery( searchEdge, searchTypes, "name = 'Hilda Young'", 1 );
testQuery( searchEdge, searchTypes, "name = 'Lowe Kelley'", 1 );"hi");
public void testDeleteWithAlias() throws IOException {
final String entityType = "thing";
IndexEdge searchEdge = new IndexEdgeImpl( appId, "things", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 1 );
final SearchTypes searchTypes = SearchTypes.fromTypes( entityType );
insertJsonBlob( entityType, searchEdge, "/sample-large.json", 1, 0 );
entityIndex.addIndex(UUID.randomUUID() + "v2", 1, 0, "one");
insertJsonBlob( entityType, searchEdge, "/sample-large.json", 1, 1 );
CandidateResults crs = testQuery( searchEdge, searchTypes, "name = 'Bowers Oneil'", 1 );
EntityIndexBatch entityIndexBatch = entityIndex.createBatch();
entityIndexBatch.deindex(searchEdge, crs.get(0));
//Hilda Youn
testQuery(searchEdge, searchTypes, "name = 'Bowers Oneil'", 0);
private void insertJsonBlob( String entityType, IndexEdge indexEdge,
String filePath, final int max, final int startIndex ) throws IOException {
InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream( filePath );
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
List<Object> sampleJson = mapper.readValue(is, new TypeReference<List<Object>>() {
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
insertJsonBlob(sampleJson, batch, entityType, indexEdge, max, startIndex);
EntityIndex.IndexRefreshCommandInfo info = entityIndex.refreshAsync().toBlocking().first();
long time = info.getExecutionTime();"refresh took ms:" + time);
private void insertJsonBlob( List<Object> sampleJson, EntityIndexBatch batch, String entityType,
IndexEdge indexEdge, final int max, final int startIndex ) throws IOException {
int count = 0;
StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
if ( startIndex > 0 ) {
for ( int i = 0; i < startIndex; i++ ) {
sampleJson.remove( 0 );
for ( Object o : sampleJson ) {
Map<String, Object> item = ( Map<String, Object> ) o;
Entity entity = new Entity( entityType );
entity = EntityIndexMapUtils.fromMap( entity, item );
EntityUtils.setVersion( entity, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
entity.setField( new UUIDField( IndexingUtils.ENTITY_ID_FIELDNAME, UUID.randomUUID() ) );
batch.index( indexEdge, entity );
if ( ++count > max ) {
timer.stop(); "Total time to index {} entries {}ms, average {}ms/entry",
new Object[] { count, timer.getTime(), timer.getTime() / count } );
public void testDeindex() {
IndexEdge searchEdge = new IndexEdgeImpl( appId, "fastcars", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 1 );
Map entityMap = new HashMap() {{
put( "name", "Ferrari 212 Inter" );
put( "introduced", 1952 );
put( "topspeed", 215 );
Entity entity = EntityIndexMapUtils.fromMap( entityMap );
EntityUtils.setId(entity, new SimpleId( "fastcar" ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion(entity, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
entity.setField(new UUIDField(IndexingUtils.ENTITY_ID_FIELDNAME, UUID.randomUUID() ) );
indexProducer.put(entityIndex.createBatch().index( searchEdge, entity ).build()).subscribe();
CandidateResults candidateResults = entityIndex
.search( searchEdge, SearchTypes.fromTypes( entity.getId().getType() ), "name contains 'Ferrari*'", 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, candidateResults.size() );
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
batch.deindex( searchEdge, entity );
candidateResults = entityIndex
.search(searchEdge, SearchTypes.fromTypes( entity.getId().getType() ), "name contains 'Ferrari*'", 10, 0 );
assertEquals(0, candidateResults.size());
private CandidateResults testQuery( final SearchEdge scope, final SearchTypes searchTypes,
final String queryString,
final int num ) {
StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
CandidateResults candidateResults = scope, searchTypes, queryString, num == 0 ? 1 : num , 0 );
assertEquals(num, candidateResults.size());
logger.debug("Query time {}ms", timer.getTime());
return candidateResults;
private void testQueries( final SearchEdge scope, SearchTypes searchTypes) {
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "name = 'Morgan Pierce'", 1 );
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "name = 'morgan pierce'", 1 );
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "name = 'Morgan'", 0 );
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "name contains 'Morgan'", 1 );
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "company > 'GeoLogix'", 64 );
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "gender = 'female'", 45 );
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "name = 'Minerva Harrell' and age > 39", 1 );
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "name = 'Minerva Harrell' and age > 39 and age < 41", 1 );
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "name = 'Minerva Harrell' and age > 40", 0 );
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "name = 'Minerva Harrell' and age >= 40", 1 );
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "name = 'Minerva Harrell' and age <= 40", 1 );
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "name = 'Morgan* '", 1 );
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "name = 'Morgan*'", 1 );
// test a couple of array sub-property queries
int totalUsers = 102;
// nobody has a friend named Jack the Ripper
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, " = 'Jack the Ripper'", 0 );
// everybody doesn't have a friend named Jack the Ripper
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "not ( = 'Jack the Ripper')", totalUsers );
// one person has a friend named Shari Hahn
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, " = 'Wendy Moody'", 1 );
// everybody but 1 doesn't have a friend named Shari Hahh
testQuery( scope, searchTypes, "not ( = 'Shari Hahn')", totalUsers - 1 );
* Tests that Entity-to-map and Map-to-entity round trip works.
public void testEntityIndexMapUtils() throws IOException {
InputStream is = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream( "/sample-small.json" );
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
List<Object> contacts = mapper.readValue( is, new TypeReference<List<Object>>() {} );
for ( Object o : contacts ) {
Map<String, Object> map1 = ( Map<String, Object> ) o;
// convert map to entity
Entity entity1 = EntityIndexMapUtils.fromMap( map1 );
// convert entity back to map
Map map2 = EntityIndexMapUtils.toMap( entity1 );
// the two maps should be the same
Map diff = Maps.difference( map1, map2 ).entriesDiffering();
assertEquals( 0, diff.size() );
public void deleteVerification() throws Throwable {
Id ownerId = new SimpleId( "owner" );
IndexEdge indexSCope = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, "user", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 10 );
final String middleName = "middleName" + UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID();
Map entityMap = new HashMap() {{
put( "username", "edanuff" );
put( "email", "" );
put( "middlename", middleName );
Entity user = EntityIndexMapUtils.fromMap( entityMap );
EntityUtils.setId( user, new SimpleId( "edanuff" ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion( user, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
batch.index( indexSCope, user );
final String query = "where username = 'edanuff'";
CandidateResults r = indexSCope, SearchTypes.fromTypes( "edanuff" ), query, 10, 0);
assertEquals( user.getId(), r.get( 0 ).getId());
batch.deindex( indexSCope, user.getId(), user.getVersion() );
// EntityRef
r = indexSCope, SearchTypes.fromTypes( "edanuff" ), query, 10, 0 );
assertFalse( r.iterator().hasNext() );
public void multiValuedTypes() {
Id appId = new SimpleId( "entityindextest" );
Id ownerId = new SimpleId( "multivaluedtype" );
IndexEdge indexScope = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, "user", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 10 );
// Bill has favorites as string, age as string and retirement goal as number
Map billMap = new HashMap() {{
put( "username", "bill" );
put( "email", "" );
put( "age", "thirtysomething" );
put( "favorites", "scallops, croquet, wine" );
put( "retirementGoal", 100000 );
Entity bill = EntityIndexMapUtils.fromMap( billMap );
EntityUtils.setId( bill, new SimpleId( UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID(), "user" ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion( bill, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
batch.index( indexScope, bill );
// Fred has age as int, favorites as object and retirement goal as object
Map fredMap = new HashMap() {{
put( "username", "fred" );
put( "email", "" );
put( "age", 41 );
put( "favorites", new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
put( "food", "cheezewiz" );
put( "sport", "nascar" );
put( "beer", "budwizer" );
}} );
put( "retirementGoal", new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
put( "car", "Firebird" );
put( "home", "Mobile" );
}} );
Entity fred = EntityIndexMapUtils.fromMap( fredMap );
EntityUtils.setId( fred, new SimpleId( UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID(), "user" ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion( fred, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
batch.index( indexScope, fred);
final SearchTypes searchTypes = SearchTypes.fromTypes( "user" );
CandidateResults r = indexScope, searchTypes, "where username = 'bill'", 10, 0);
assertEquals( bill.getId(), r.get( 0 ).getId() );
r = indexScope, searchTypes, "where username = 'fred'", 10, 0);
assertEquals(fred.getId(), r.get(0).getId());
r = indexScope, searchTypes, "where age = 41", 10, 0);
assertEquals(fred.getId(), r.get(0).getId());
r = indexScope, searchTypes, "where age = 'thirtysomething'", 10, 0);
assertEquals(bill.getId(), r.get(0).getId());
public void healthTest() {
Id appId = new SimpleId( "entityindextest" );
assertNotEquals( "cluster should be ok", Health.RED, entityIndex.getClusterHealth() );
assertEquals( "index should be ready", Health.GREEN, entityIndex.getIndexHealth() );
assertNotEquals( "cluster should be fine", Health.RED, entityIndex.getIndexHealth() );
assertNotEquals( "cluster should be ready now", Health.RED, entityIndex.getClusterHealth() );
public void testCursorFormat() throws Exception {
String myType = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Id ownerId = new SimpleId( UUID.randomUUID(),"owner" );
IndexEdge indexEdge = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, "users", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 10 );
final EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
final int size = 100;
final List<Id> entityIds = new ArrayList<>( size );
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
final String middleName = "middleName" + UUIDUtils.newTimeUUID();
final int ordinal = i;
Map entityMap = new HashMap() {{
put( "username", "edanuff" );
put( "email", "" );
put( "middlename", middleName );
put( "ordinal", ordinal );
put( "mytype", myType);
final Id userId = new SimpleId( "user" );
Entity user = EntityIndexMapUtils.fromMap( entityMap );
EntityUtils.setId( user, userId );
EntityUtils.setVersion( user, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
entityIds.add(userId );
batch.index( indexEdge, user );
final int limit = 5;
final int expectedPages = size / limit;
Optional<Integer> offset = Optional.absent();
UUID lastId = null;
final String query = "select * where mytype='"+myType+"' order by ordinal asc";
int i ;
for ( i=0; i < expectedPages; i++ ) {
final CandidateResults results = !offset.isPresent()
? indexEdge, SearchTypes.allTypes(), query, limit, 0 )
:, SearchTypes.allTypes(), query, limit, i * limit);
assertEquals(limit, results.size());
int ordinal = 0;//i == 0 ? 0 : 1;
assertNotEquals("Scroll matches last item from previous page",lastId, results.get(ordinal).getId().getUuid());
lastId = results.get(limit -1).getId().getUuid();
offset = results.getOffset();
assertEquals("Failed on page "+i, results.get( ordinal ).getId(), entityIds.get( i*limit ) );
//get our next page, we shouldn't get a cursor
final CandidateResults results =, SearchTypes.allTypes(), query, limit, i * limit);
assertEquals( 0, results.size() );
public void queryByUUID() throws Throwable {
Id appId = new SimpleId( "application" );
Id ownerId = new SimpleId( "owner" );
IndexEdge indexSCope = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, "user", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 10 );
final UUID searchUUID = UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID();
Map entityMap = new HashMap() {{
put( "searchUUID", searchUUID );
Entity user = EntityIndexMapUtils.fromMap( entityMap );
final Id entityId = new SimpleId( "entitytype" );
EntityUtils.setId( user, entityId );
EntityUtils.setVersion( user, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
batch.index( indexSCope, user );
final String query = "where searchUUID = " + searchUUID;
final CandidateResults r = indexSCope, SearchTypes.fromTypes(entityId.getType()), query, 10, 0);
assertEquals(user.getId(), r.get(0).getId());
public void queryByStringWildCardSpaces() throws Throwable {
Id appId = new SimpleId( "application" );
Id ownerId = new SimpleId( "owner" );
IndexEdge indexSCope = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, "user", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 10 );
Map entityMap = new HashMap() {{
put( "string", "I am a search string" );
Entity user = EntityIndexMapUtils.fromMap( entityMap );
final Id entityId = new SimpleId( "entitytype" );
EntityUtils.setId( user, entityId );
EntityUtils.setVersion( user, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
batch.index(indexSCope, user);
final String query = "where string = 'I am*'";
final CandidateResults r = indexSCope, SearchTypes.fromTypes( entityId.getType() ), query, 10, 0);
assertEquals(user.getId(), r.get(0).getId());
//shouldn't match
final String queryNoWildCard = "where string = 'I am'";
final CandidateResults noWildCardResults = indexSCope, SearchTypes.fromTypes( entityId.getType() ), queryNoWildCard, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 0, noWildCardResults.size() );
public void sortyByString() throws Throwable {
Id appId = new SimpleId( "application" );
Id ownerId = new SimpleId( "owner" );
IndexEdge indexSCope = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, "user", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 10 );
* Ensures sort ordering is correct when more than 1 token is present. Should order by the unanalyzed field,
* not the analyzed field
final Entity first = new Entity( "search" );
first.setField( new StringField( "string", "alpha long string" ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion( first, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
final Entity second = new Entity( "search" );
second.setField(new StringField("string", "bravo long string"));
EntityUtils.setVersion( second, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
batch.index(indexSCope, first );
batch.index( indexSCope, second );
final String ascQuery = "order by string";
final CandidateResults ascResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), ascQuery, 10 , 0);
assertEquals( first.getId(), ascResults.get( 0).getId() );
assertEquals( second.getId(), ascResults.get( 1 ).getId() );
//search in reversed
final String descQuery = "order by string desc";
final CandidateResults descResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), descQuery, 10 , 0);
assertEquals( second.getId(), descResults.get( 0).getId() );
assertEquals( first.getId(), descResults.get( 1 ).getId() );
public void unionString() throws Throwable {
Id appId = new SimpleId( "application" );
Id ownerId = new SimpleId( "owner" );
final Entity first = new Entity( "search" );
first.setField( new StringField( "string", "alpha long string" ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion( first, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
final Entity second = new Entity( "search" );
second.setField( new StringField( "string", "bravo long string" ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion( second, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
//get ordering, so 2 is before 1 when both match
IndexEdge indexScope1 = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, "searches", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 10 );
batch.index(indexScope1, first);
IndexEdge indexScope2 = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, "searches", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 11 );
batch.index(indexScope2, second);
final String singleMatchQuery = "string contains 'alpha' OR string contains 'foo'";
final CandidateResults singleResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), singleMatchQuery, 10, 0 );
assertEquals(1, singleResults.size());
assertEquals(first.getId(), singleResults.get(0).getId());
//search in reversed
final String bothKeywordsMatch = "string contains 'alpha' OR string contains 'bravo'";
final CandidateResults singleKeywordUnion =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), bothKeywordsMatch, 10 , 0);
assertEquals( 2, singleKeywordUnion.size() );
assertEquals( second.getId(), singleKeywordUnion.get( 0).getId() );
assertEquals( first.getId(), singleKeywordUnion.get( 1 ).getId() );
final String twoKeywordMatches = "string contains 'alpha' OR string contains 'long'";
final CandidateResults towMatchResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), twoKeywordMatches, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 2, towMatchResults.size() );
assertEquals(second.getId(), towMatchResults.get( 0).getId() );
assertEquals(first.getId(), towMatchResults.get( 1 ).getId() );
* Tests that when NOT is the only query term, it functions correctly
public void notRootOperandFilter() throws Throwable {
Id appId = new SimpleId( "application" );
Id ownerId = new SimpleId( "owner" );
final Entity first = new Entity( "search" );
first.setField( new IntegerField( "int", 1 ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion( first, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
final Entity second = new Entity( "search" );
second.setField( new IntegerField( "int", 2 ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion( second, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
//get ordering, so 2 is before 1 when both match
IndexEdge indexScope1 = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, "searches", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 10 );
batch.index( indexScope1, first );
IndexEdge indexScope2 = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, "searches", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 11 );
batch.index( indexScope2, second);
final String notFirst = "NOT int = 1";
final CandidateResults notFirstResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), notFirst, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, notFirstResults.size() );
assertEquals(second.getId(), notFirstResults.get( 0 ).getId() );
//search in reversed
final String notSecond = "NOT int = 2";
final CandidateResults notSecondUnion =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), notSecond, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, notSecondUnion.size() );
assertEquals( first.getId(), notSecondUnion.get( 0 ).getId() );
final String notBothReturn = "NOT int = 3";
final CandidateResults notBothReturnResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), notBothReturn, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 2, notBothReturnResults.size() );
assertEquals( second.getId(), notBothReturnResults.get( 0).getId() );
assertEquals( first.getId(), notBothReturnResults.get( 1 ).getId() );
final String notFilterBoth = "(NOT int = 1) AND (NOT int = 2) ";
final CandidateResults filterBoth =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), notFilterBoth, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 0, filterBoth.size() );
final String noMatchesAnd = "(NOT int = 3) AND (NOT int = 4)";
final CandidateResults noMatchesAndResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), noMatchesAnd, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 2, noMatchesAndResults.size() );
assertEquals( second.getId(), noMatchesAndResults.get( 0).getId() );
assertEquals( first.getId(), noMatchesAndResults.get( 1 ).getId() );
final String noMatchesOr = "(NOT int = 3) AND (NOT int = 4)";
final CandidateResults noMatchesOrResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), noMatchesOr, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 2, noMatchesOrResults.size() );
assertEquals( second.getId(), noMatchesOrResults.get( 0).getId() );
assertEquals( first.getId(), noMatchesOrResults.get( 1 ).getId() );
* Tests that when NOT is the only query term, it functions correctly
public void notRootOperandQuery() throws Throwable {
Id appId = new SimpleId( "application" );
Id ownerId = new SimpleId( "owner" );
final Entity first = new Entity( "search" );
first.setField( new StringField( "string", "I ate a sammich" ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion( first, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
final Entity second = new Entity( "search" );
second.setField( new StringField( "string", "I drank a beer" ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion( second, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
//get ordering, so 2 is before 1 when both match
IndexEdge indexScope1 = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, "searches", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 10 );
batch.index( indexScope1, first );
IndexEdge indexScope2 = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, "searches", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 11 );
batch.index( indexScope2, second);
final String notFirst = "NOT string = 'I ate a sammich'";
final CandidateResults notFirstResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), notFirst, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, notFirstResults.size() );
assertEquals(second.getId(), notFirstResults.get( 0 ).getId() );
final String notFirstWildCard = "NOT string = 'I ate*'";
final CandidateResults notFirstWildCardResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), notFirstWildCard, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, notFirstWildCardResults.size() );
assertEquals(second.getId(), notFirstWildCardResults.get( 0 ).getId() );
final String notFirstContains = "NOT string contains 'sammich'";
final CandidateResults notFirstContainsResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), notFirstContains, 10 , 0);
assertEquals( 1, notFirstContainsResults.size() );
assertEquals(second.getId(), notFirstContainsResults.get( 0 ).getId() );
//search in reversed
final String notSecond = "NOT string = 'I drank a beer'";
final CandidateResults notSecondUnion =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), notSecond, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, notSecondUnion.size() );
assertEquals( first.getId(), notSecondUnion.get( 0 ).getId() );
final String notSecondWildcard = "NOT string = 'I drank*'";
final CandidateResults notSecondWildcardUnion =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), notSecondWildcard, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, notSecondWildcardUnion.size() );
assertEquals( first.getId(), notSecondWildcardUnion.get( 0 ).getId() );
final String notSecondContains = "NOT string contains 'beer'";
final CandidateResults notSecondContainsUnion =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), notSecondContains, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 1, notSecondContainsUnion.size() );
assertEquals( first.getId(), notSecondContainsUnion.get( 0 ).getId() );
final String notBothReturn = "NOT string = 'I'm a foodie'";
final CandidateResults notBothReturnResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), notBothReturn, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 2, notBothReturnResults.size() );
assertEquals( second.getId(), notBothReturnResults.get( 0).getId() );
assertEquals( first.getId(), notBothReturnResults.get( 1 ).getId() );
final String notFilterBoth = "(NOT string = 'I ate a sammich') AND (NOT string = 'I drank a beer') ";
final CandidateResults filterBoth =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), notFilterBoth, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 0, filterBoth.size() );
final String noMatchesAnd = "(NOT string = 'I ate*') AND (NOT string = 'I drank*')";
final CandidateResults noMatchesAndResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), noMatchesAnd, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 0, noMatchesAndResults.size() );
final String noMatchesContainsAnd = "(NOT string contains 'ate') AND (NOT string contains 'drank')";
final CandidateResults noMatchesContainsAndResults = entityIndex
.search(indexScope1, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), noMatchesContainsAnd, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 0, noMatchesContainsAndResults.size() );
final String noMatchesOr = "(NOT string = 'I ate*') AND (NOT string = 'I drank*')";
final CandidateResults noMatchesOrResults =, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), noMatchesOr, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 0, noMatchesOrResults.size() );
final String noMatchesContainsOr = "(NOT string contains 'ate') AND (NOT string contains 'drank')";
final CandidateResults noMatchesContainsOrResults = entityIndex
.search(indexScope1, SearchTypes.fromTypes( first.getId().getType() ), noMatchesContainsOr, 10, 0 );
assertEquals( 0, noMatchesContainsOrResults.size() );
public void testSizeByEdge(){
final String type = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
Id ownerId = new SimpleId( "owner" );
final Entity first = new Entity( type );
first.setField( new StringField( "string", "I ate a sammich" ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion( first, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
final Entity second = new Entity( type );
second.setField( new StringField( "string", "I drank a beer" ) );
EntityUtils.setVersion( second, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID() );
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
//get ordering, so 2 is before 1 when both match
IndexEdge indexScope1 = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId,type , SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 10 );
batch.index( indexScope1, first );
IndexEdge indexScope2 = new IndexEdgeImpl( ownerId, type+"er", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 11 );
batch.index( indexScope2, second);
long size = entityIndex.getEntitySize(new SearchEdgeImpl(ownerId,type, SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE));
assertTrue( size == 100 );
* Tests that we're supporting null fields when indexing at Elasticsearch
public void testNullFields() throws IOException {
Id appId = new SimpleId( "application" );
final String entityType = "thing";
IndexEdge indexEdge = new IndexEdgeImpl( appId, "things", SearchEdge.NodeType.SOURCE, 1 );
final SearchTypes searchTypes = SearchTypes.fromTypes( entityType );
EntityIndexBatch batch = entityIndex.createBatch();
UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
Entity entity1 = new Entity( entityType );
EntityUtils.setVersion(entity1, UUIDGenerator.newTimeUUID());
entity1.setField(new UUIDField(IndexingUtils.ENTITY_ID_FIELDNAME, uuid));
// create a list and add 3 null values to it
List<Object> listOfNulls = new ArrayList<>(3);
List<Object> listOfMixedNulls = new ArrayList<>(3);
entity1.setField( new UUIDField("uuid", uuid, true));
entity1.setField( new ArrayField<>( "arrayofnulls", listOfNulls) );
entity1.setField( new ArrayField<>( "arrayofmixednulls", listOfMixedNulls) );
entity1.setField( new NullField("nullfield"));
batch.index( indexEdge, entity1 );
StopWatch timer = new StopWatch();
CandidateResults candidateResults = indexEdge, searchTypes, "select * where uuid = '"+uuid+"'", 100, 0 );
assertEquals(1, candidateResults.size());
logger.debug("Query time {}ms", timer.getTime());
final CandidateResult candidate1 = candidateResults.get(0);
//check the id and version
assertEquals( entity1.getId(), candidate1.getId() );
assertEquals(entity1.getVersion(), candidate1.getVersion());