blob: 5cd7c7ad11419064893eefe898e0d020bc0b279c [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Contained below are properties used to configure the Usergrid application.
# Some of the core settings depend on the specific Usergrid deployment architecture.
# For more info, check the docs at:
# <>
# All properties below will follow the below format:
# # Property Description
# #
# property=value
# NOTE: If a property is commented out, its value is defaulted elsewhere in the
# codebase and put here as a reference that the property can be overridden.
################### Usergrid Persistence Implementation ####################
# Set the persistence implementation to use. For 2.1+, this should be CP
# Valid values: CP or EM
########################### Cassandra (Datastore) ###########################
# These settings will configure how Usergrid interacts with with Cassandra and
# include properties used in Core Persistence and Classic Entity Manager.
# Set a property to tell Usergrid which version of cassandra is being used.
# Set the Cassandra cluster name that this instance of Usergrid should use.
cassandra.cluster=Test Cluster
# Set a comma-separated list of one or more Cassandra hosts (host:port) that Usergrid will connect to.
# If no port is provided, the default Cassandra port of 9160 will be used.
# Set the system level keyspace to be used by Usergrid (for management type functions.
# Set the value of the local data center configured in your cassandra deployment. If used, this
# must exactly match the datacenter named used in Cassandra. Example 'us-west-2' or 'us-east-1'
# Set the Cassandra keyspaces to be used by Usergrid for storing data.
# Set the keyspace strategy to be used.
# Set the replication factor to be used for cassandra.keyspace.application.
# Tell Usergrid that Cassandra is not embedded.
# Set the maximum number of connections to Cassandra
# Read timeout for an individual request (in millseconds)
# Set the credentials used for Cassandra, if any.
# Set the Cassandra consistency levels for use in the cluster. With large
# clusters, > 3 nodes, these settings could impact read and write performance.
# For balanced data consistency and performance, choose LOCAL_QUORUM.
# Usergrid currently uses two different Cassandra drivers (hector and astyanax).
# For hector:
# cassandra.readcl
# cassandra.writecl
# For astyanax:
# You should configure these to use the same consistency levels. For possible
# values, see the following docs for each client:
# hector: <>
# astyanax : <>
# Set the read consistency level. This is the default Usergrid read consistency.
# Set the write consistency level. This is the default Usergrid write consistency.
# Set an additional strict read consistency level. When choosing to perform a
# consistent read from Usergrid, this is the consistency level used when reading
# from Cassandra. Used only with astyanax client.
# Set the timeout used when writing unique values and logs to the datastore. (in seconds).
# If the datastore becomes unavailable before the timeout, the column will expire and
# not be left around in the application.
# Set the maximum number of pending mutations allowed in ram before it is flushed
# to cassandra.
# Set the cache size and timeout for entities
# The maximum number of pending mutations allowed in RAM before it is flushed to cassandra
# Set the Cassandra keyspace to use for locking.
# NOTE: If this instance is deployed in a production cluster, the replication factor (RF)
# on this keyspace MUST be updated to use an odd number. Even numbers for RF can
# potentially cause the locks to fail, via "split brain" when read at QUORUM
# on lock verification.
# Set read and write consistency level for locking.
# NOTE: Used by hector client only.
# Set a timeout (in milliseconds) before Hector considers a thrift socket dead.
# Set a flag that tells Hector whether or not to use the host's TCP keep alive settings.
##################### Async Threadpool Settings #####################
# Set the number of threads available in the Rx Async Thread Pool
##################### Elasticsearch (Indexing/Querying) #####################
# Elasticsearch is used for indexing in Usergrid 2.x. The settings below are
# used to configure how Usergrid interacts with Elasticsearch, including basic
# host and port configuration.
# Set a comma-separated list of one or more Elasticsearch hosts.
# Set the port used when connecting to Elasticsearch.
# Set the Elasticsearch cluster name
# Set the Elasticsearch client node name
# Set how Elasticsearch should be started. Valid values: embedded, forked or remote
# Set the number of primary shards to use for an index in Elasticsearch. Typically 2x or 3x the ES nodes.
# Depending on the use case for Usergrid, these numbers may vary. Usergrid is defaulted
# to a higher number of shards based on typical Elasticsearch clusters being >= 6 nodes.
# You can choose how it's sharded in Elasticsearch to reach optimal indexing for your dataset. For more
# info about sharding, here is a good starting point:
# <>
# Set an alias used for this running instance of Usergrid. This allows you to
# configure multiple Usergrid instances pointing to the same Elasticsearch cluster,
# but have data indexed separately for optimal querying. (Multi-tenacy use.)
# Set a timeout for the cursor returned with query responses.
# Set the number of failures that occur before refreshing an Elasticsearch client.
# Set a flag to force refresh the index after every write into the index. This
# setting is not advised to be set to TRUE as it will have a tremendous impact
# negatively on performance. USE THIS ONLY FOR TESTING
# Set the maximum buffer size to use before sending index write requests to Elasticsearch.
# Set the maximum buffer size to use when performing re-index requests.
# Set the batch size to use when sending batched index write requests to Elasticsearch.
# Set the maximum time to wait before the Usergrid buffer flushes and sends index
# write requests to Elasticsearch. This is used so the application doesn't wait
# forever for the buffer to reach its size before writing data to Elasticsearch.
# Set the write consistency level for writing into the Elasticsearch index. The
# default value is 'one', and you can configure 'all' and 'quorum'.
# Set the timeout used when writing into the Elasticsearch index. (in milliseconds)
# Set the type of client that Usergrid uses for Elasticsearch. Default is NODE
# and should be left in this configuration. For more info, check the Elasticsearch
# docs at:
# <>
# Set the maximum number of searches that are allowed during a refresh.
# Set the amount of time to wait when Elasticsearch rejects a requests before
# retrying. This provides simple backpressure. (in milliseconds)
# Properties to control the number of buckets in the index.
############################ Usergrid Queuing ##########################
# Usergrid implements queueing to help provide optimal read/write performance.
# The below properties are used to change queue providers and tune Usergrid
# for reading and processing data from the queues.
# Flag to override Usergrid and force use default built-in queue implementation
# and not to use any 3rd party queue services like Amazon SNS and SQS
# The number of worker threads used to read index write requests from the queue.
# Set the number of worker threads used for processing index write requests to
# Elasticsearch from the buffer.
# Set the implementation to use for queuing in Usergrid.
# Valid values: TEST, LOCAL, SQS, SNS
# NOTE: SQS and SNS equate to the same implementation of Amazon queue services.
# Sets a flag to resolve the LOCAL queue implementation service synchronously.
# Use only when elasticsearch.queue_impl=LOCAL
# Set the read timeout for processing messages in the queue. (in milliseconds)
# Set the visibility timeout for messages created in the queue. (in milliseconds)
# Set the timeout in locks from reading messages transitionally from a queue. (in seconds)
#################### Amazon Queue Implementation Properties ###################
# The below settings are specific to the Amazon queue implementation. Keep in
# mind that any region values must exactly match the regions specified on this
# page:
# <>
# Set the primary region to use for amazon queues.
# Set a flag to determine if Usergrid should use a multi-region Amazon queue
# implementation.
# Set a comma-separated list of one or more Amazon regions to use if multiregion
# is set to true.
# Set the amount of time (in minutes) to retain messages in a queue.
# 1209600 = 14 days (maximum retention period)
# Set the amount of time (in minutes) to retain messages in a dead letter queue.
# 1209600 = 14 days (maximum retention period)
# Set the maximum number of messages to deliver to a dead letter queue.
# Set the number of async workers used to publish messages to SNS
# Set the queue size for the number of messages that can be queued during async publishing to SNS
############################## Usergrid Scheduler ###########################
# Usergrid uses a scheduler for some functions such as scheduled push notificatins.
# Use the below settings to configure the scheduler.
# Enable the scheduler
# Time in milliseconds that a job can be started without a heartbeat before being
# considered dead.
# NOTE: This must be high enough so jobs that are iteration based can finish an
# iteration and update the heartbeat.
# Set the scheduler poll interval to check for new jobs. (in millseconds)
# Set the max number of times a job can fail before removing it permanently.
# Set the number of workers for the scheduler jobs.
# Set the path to the queue in the managment app to get jobs from
############################### Usergrid Push Notifications #############################
# Usergrid processes individual push notifications asynchronously using a queue. Below are
# settings that can be used to tune this processing.
# Set the number of queue consumers to read from the in-region push notification queue.
# Set the sleep time between queue polling ( in milliseconds)
############################### Usergrid Central SSO #############################
# Usergrid has a feature to provide a distributing SSO system. The below configurations
# allow you to configure the central Usergrid SSO server.
# Set the base URL of the central Usergrid SSO server. This will enable
# External Token Validation for Admin Users and will configure this Usergrid
# instance to delegate all Admin User authentication to the central Usergrid SSO
# server. See also:
# Set the HTTP Client connection pool for connections to the SSO central server.
############################### Usergrid Assets #############################
# Usergrid provides the ability to store assets (images, binary data,etc.). The
# configurations for where to store this information are below.
# Set the bucket name used for storing assets.
# Set the maximum size for a single asset (in MB).
# Set the number of worker threads available for uploading assets to a remote
# storage provider. (Amazon S3 currently supported)
# Set the location for storing and temporary files.
# Set the implementation of binary uploading to be used
# Aws for aws s3 uploading, local
############################### Usergrid Admin ##############################
# Usergrid has a sysadmin user which has access to the complete Usergrid system
# and all data. Below are settings for this user and other administrative functions.
# Set the sysadmin login details.
# Set admin notification email properties
############################## Usergrid Server #############################
# Below settings are general server configuration properties for Usergrid. Here
# you will configure things like SMTP, redirect urls, etc.
# Set SMTP server configuration details.
# Set the sender email info for emails sent by Usergrid
# Mailer <>
# Set the URL to redirect any HTTP requests sent to the root of the server /
# Set the graphite host that Usergrid should send metrics to.
# Set a flag for public/private recaptcha url. For example, this is used to display
# recaptcha when resetting passwords. If both are false, recaptcha will not be
# used
# swagger.basepath is replaced by usergrid.api.url.base
# Set the flag to disable the Usergrid Mongo Emulation Server
# Set the flag to disable WebSocket support
# Set batch size for when to submit counter batches.
# Set the time interval for when to submit counter batches.
# Set build number for display
# Note: ${version is obtained from the pom.xml <version>}
# Set a unique cluster name that this Usergrid instance is a member of. This MUST be set to something
# other than 'default-property', otherwise startup will fail.
# Usergrid will cache computed authentication and authorization information in Cassandra.
# The cache time-to-live is specified in seconds and defaults to the value below.
# Setting to zero will disable the authentication cache.
# This setting determines the inmemory cache TTL. Set this low so updates in other regions will be picked up on all
# servers after this in memory cache expires
# Usergrid will keep an in memory cache so it does not have to get from the distributed cache in Cassandra as often.
# This property will allow the cache to be tuned based on JVM memory settings.
# Default connection types to return for an entity (fewer connection types increases performance)
# none, in (only connections inbound to the entity), out (only connections outbound from the entity),
# all (= in + out)'
############################## Usergrid Testing #############################
# Below properties are used if wanting to set up a Usergrid organization, app,
# user for the purposes of testing. If these properties are null or missing,
# the test account creation is ignored.
# Set flags to disable test features.
usergrid.test-account.admin-user.username=test User
# Set some test properties
######################### Usergrid Activation/Confirmation ##################
# Usergrid will send emails for activation and provide links for users to visit
# for activation. In the event that Usergrid is behind a proxy or public endpoint,
# the below properties allow the system to use a different URL and control the
# activation behavior.
# Set the requirements for activiation and confirmations
# Activation/reset URLS build by combining base and path
# *.url.path properties shouldn't need to be modified
# no trailing slash
# org config property name regex
# don't use backslashes in the regex, as they don't play well in properties files
# instead, use character class ([.] instead of backslash-period)[.]view[.].*
########################### Usergrid Email Templates ########################
# During Usergrid account and application registration workflows, the system will
# email the user and/or admin for activations and notifications. The below
# properties configure the language used in email templates sent by Usergrid.
# Email to sysadmin to notify that a new organization has been activated.
<p>Organization account for ${organization_name}, owned by ${organization_owners}, \
has been successfully activated.</p>
# Email to sysadmin to notify that a new admin user has been activated.
<p>Admin user account for ${user_email}has been successfully activated.</p>
# Email to sysadmin to approve and activate new organizations.
<p>To activate the organization account for ${organization_name}, owned by ${organization_owners}, \
click here:</p>\n<p><a href="${activation_url}">${activation_url}</a></p>
# Email to organization owner to request confirmation.
<p>To confirm your organization account, click here:</p>\n\
<p><a href="${confirmation_url}">${confirmation_url}</a></p>
# Email to organization owner to notify approval is pending
<p>Your organization account ${organization_name} is awaiting approval.</p>
# Email to organization owner to notify organization is active
<p>Your organization account ${organization_name} has been successfully activated.</p>
# Email to sysadmin to approve and activate new admin
<p>To activate the user account for ${user_email}, click here:</p>\n\
<p><a href="${activation_url}">${activation_url}</a></p>
# Email to admin user to confirm email
<p>To confirm your email address ${confirm_email}, click here:</p>\n\
<p><a href="${confirmation_url}">${confirmation_url}</a></p>
# Email to admin user to notify email has been confirmed
<p>Your email address ${confirmed_email} has been confirmed.</p>\n\
<p>You will receive another email with your account has been activated.</p>
# Email to admin to notify account is active
<p>Your user account has been successfully activated.</p>
# Email to admin to notify account has been added to an organization
<p>Your user account has been added to the organization ${organization_name}.</p>
# Email to admin for password reset
<p>To reset your password, click here:</p>\n\
<p><a href="${reset_url}">${reset_url}</a></p>
# Email to admin to approve and activate new app user
<p>To activate the user account for ${user_email}, click here:</p>\n\
<p><a href="${activation_url}">${activation_url}</a></p>
# Email to user to request activation
<p>To confirm your user account, click here:</p>\n\
<p><a href="${confirmation_url}">${confirmation_url}</a></p>
# Email to user to notify account is confirmed
<p>Your user account has been successfully confirmed.</p>\n\
<p>You will receive another email with your account has been activated.</p>
# Email to user to notify account is active
<p>Your user account has been successfully activated.</p>
# Email to user to reset password
<p>To reset your password, click here:</p>\n\
<p><a href="${reset_url}">${reset_url}</a></p>
# Email to admin to notify new app user has been successfully activated
<p>User account for ${user_email} has been successfully activated</p>
# Email to user to recover pin
<p>Your application pin is:</p>\n\
# Email footer