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// UsergridEntity.swift
// UsergridSDK
// Created by Robert Walsh on 7/21/15.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License. For additional information regarding
* copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level
* directory of this distribution.
import Foundation
import CoreLocation
`UsergridEntity` is the base class that contains a single Usergrid entity.
`UsergridEntity` maintains a set of accessor properties for standard Usergrid schema properties (e.g. name, uuid), and supports helper methods for accessing any custom properties that might exist.
public class UsergridEntity: NSObject, NSCoding {
static private var subclassMappings: [String:UsergridEntity.Type] = [UsergridUser.USER_ENTITY_TYPE:UsergridUser.self,UsergridDevice.DEVICE_ENTITY_TYPE:UsergridDevice.self]
// MARK: - Instance Properties -
/// The property dictionary that stores the properties values of the `UsergridEntity` object.
private var properties: [String : AnyObject] {
didSet {
if let fileMetaData = properties.removeValueForKey(UsergridFileMetaData.FILE_METADATA) as? [String:AnyObject] {
self.fileMetaData = UsergridFileMetaData(fileMetaDataJSON: fileMetaData)
} else {
self.fileMetaData = nil
/// The `UsergridAsset` that contains the asset data.
public var asset: UsergridAsset?
/// The `UsergridFileMetaData` of this `UsergridEntity`.
private(set) public var fileMetaData : UsergridFileMetaData?
/// Property helper method for the `UsergridEntity` objects `UsergridEntityProperties.EntityType`.
public var type: String { return self.getEntitySpecificProperty(.EntityType) as! String }
/// Property helper method for the `UsergridEntity` objects `UsergridEntityProperties.UUID`.
public var uuid: String? { return self.getEntitySpecificProperty(.UUID) as? String }
/// Property helper method for the `UsergridEntity` objects `UsergridEntityProperties.Name`.
public var name: String? { return self.getEntitySpecificProperty(.Name) as? String }
/// Property helper method for the `UsergridEntity` objects `UsergridEntityProperties.Created`.
public var created: NSDate? { return self.getEntitySpecificProperty(.Created) as? NSDate }
/// Property helper method for the `UsergridEntity` objects `UsergridEntityProperties.Modified`.
public var modified: NSDate? { return self.getEntitySpecificProperty(.Modified) as? NSDate }
/// Property helper method for the `UsergridEntity` objects `UsergridEntityProperties.Location`.
public var location: CLLocation? {
get { return self.getEntitySpecificProperty(.Location) as? CLLocation }
set(newLocation) { self[UsergridEntityProperties.Location.stringValue] = newLocation }
/// Property helper method to get the UUID or name of the `UsergridEntity`.
public var uuidOrName: String? { return self.uuid ?? }
/// Tells you if this `UsergridEntity` has a type of `user`.
public var isUser: Bool { return self is UsergridUser || self.type == UsergridUser.USER_ENTITY_TYPE }
/// Tells you if there is an asset associated with this entity.
public var hasAsset: Bool { return self.asset != nil || self.fileMetaData?.contentLength > 0 }
/// The JSON object value.
public var jsonObjectValue : [String:AnyObject] { return }
/// The string value.
public var stringValue : String { return NSString(data: try! NSJSONSerialization.dataWithJSONObject(self.jsonObjectValue, options: .PrettyPrinted), encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) as! String }
/// The description.
public override var description : String {
return "Properties of Entity: \(stringValue)."
/// The debug description.
public override var debugDescription : String {
return "Properties of Entity: \(stringValue)."
// MARK: - Initialization -
Designated initializer for `UsergridEntity` objects
- parameter type: The type associated with the `UsergridEntity` object.
- parameter name: The optional name associated with the `UsergridEntity` object.
- parameter propertyDict: The optional property dictionary that the `UsergridEntity` object will start out with.
- returns: A new `UsergridEntity` object.
required public init(type:String, name:String? = nil, propertyDict:[String:AnyObject]? = nil) { = propertyDict ?? [:]
if self is UsergridUser {[UsergridEntityProperties.EntityType.stringValue] = UsergridUser.USER_ENTITY_TYPE
} else if self is UsergridDevice {[UsergridEntityProperties.EntityType.stringValue] = UsergridDevice.DEVICE_ENTITY_TYPE
} else {[UsergridEntityProperties.EntityType.stringValue] = type
if let entityName = name {[UsergridEntityProperties.Name.stringValue] = entityName
internal func copyInternalsFromEntity(entity:UsergridEntity) { =
Used for custom mapping subclasses to a given `Usergrid` type.
- parameter type: The type of the `Usergrid` object.
- parameter toSubclass: The subclass `UsergridEntity.Type` to map it to.
public static func mapCustomType(type:String,toSubclass:UsergridEntity.Type) {
UsergridEntity.subclassMappings[type] = toSubclass
Class convenience constructor for creating `UsergridEntity` objects dynamically.
- parameter jsonDict: A valid JSON dictionary which must contain at the very least a value for the `type` key.
- returns: A `UsergridEntity` object provided that the `type` key within the dictionay exists. Otherwise nil.
public class func entity(jsonDict jsonDict: [String:AnyObject]) -> UsergridEntity? {
if let type = jsonDict[UsergridEntityProperties.EntityType.stringValue] as? String {
if let mapping = UsergridEntity.subclassMappings[type] {
return mapping.init(type: type,propertyDict:jsonDict)
} else {
return UsergridEntity(type:type, propertyDict:jsonDict)
} else {
return nil
Class convenience constructor for creating multiple `UsergridEntity` objects dynamically.
- parameter entitiesJSONArray: An array which contains dictionaries that are used to create the `UsergridEntity` objects.
- returns: An array of `UsergridEntity`.
public class func entities(jsonArray entitiesJSONArray: [[String:AnyObject]]) -> [UsergridEntity] {
var entityArray : [UsergridEntity] = []
for entityJSONDict in entitiesJSONArray {
if let entity = UsergridEntity.entity(jsonDict:entityJSONDict) {
return entityArray
// MARK: - NSCoding -
NSCoding protocol initializer.
- parameter aDecoder: The decoder.
- returns: A decoded `UsergridUser` object.
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
guard let properties = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("properties") as? [String:AnyObject]
else { = [:]
return nil
} = properties
self.fileMetaData = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("fileMetaData") as? UsergridFileMetaData
self.asset = aDecoder.decodeObjectForKey("asset") as? UsergridAsset
NSCoding protocol encoder.
- parameter aCoder: The encoder.
public func encodeWithCoder(aCoder: NSCoder) {
aCoder.encodeObject(, forKey: "properties")
aCoder.encodeObject(self.fileMetaData, forKey: "fileMetaData")
aCoder.encodeObject(self.asset, forKey: "asset")
// MARK: - Property Manipulation -
Subscript for the `UsergridEntity` class.
- Example usage:
let propertyValue = usergridEntity["propertyName"]
usergridEntity["propertyName"] = propertyValue
public subscript(propertyName: String) -> AnyObject? {
get {
if let entityProperty = UsergridEntityProperties.fromString(propertyName) {
return self.getEntitySpecificProperty(entityProperty)
} else {
let propertyValue =[propertyName]
if propertyValue === NSNull() { // Let's just return nil for properties that have been removed instead of NSNull
return nil
} else {
return propertyValue
set(propertyValue) {
if let value = propertyValue {
if let entityProperty = UsergridEntityProperties.fromString(propertyName) {
if entityProperty.isMutableForEntity(self) {
if entityProperty == .Location {
if let location = value as? CLLocation {
properties[propertyName] = [ENTITY_LATITUDE:location.coordinate.latitude,
} else if let location = value as? CLLocationCoordinate2D {
properties[propertyName] = [ENTITY_LATITUDE:location.latitude,
} else if let location = value as? [String:Double] {
if let lat = location[ENTITY_LATITUDE], long = location[ENTITY_LONGITUDE] {
properties[propertyName] = [ENTITY_LATITUDE:lat,
} else {
properties[propertyName] = value
} else {
properties[propertyName] = value
} else { // If the property value is nil we assume they wanted to remove the property.
// We set the value for this property to Null so that when a PUT is performed on the entity the property will actually be removed from the Entity on Usergrid
if let entityProperty = UsergridEntityProperties.fromString(propertyName){
if entityProperty.isMutableForEntity(self) {
properties[propertyName] = NSNull()
} else {
properties[propertyName] = NSNull()
Updates a properties value for the given property name.
- parameter name: The name of the property.
- parameter value: The value to update to.
public func putProperty(name:String,value:AnyObject?) {
self[name] = value
Updates a set of properties that are within the given properties dictionary.
- parameter properties: The property dictionary containing the properties names and values.
public func putProperties(properties:[String:AnyObject]) {
for (name,value) in properties {
self.putProperty(name, value: value)
Removes the property for the given property name.
- parameter name: The name of the property.
public func removeProperty(name:String) {
self[name] = nil
Removes the properties with the names within the propertyNames array
- parameter propertyNames: An array of property names.
public func removeProperties(propertyNames:[String]) {
for name in propertyNames {
Appends the given value to the end of the properties current value.
- parameter name: The name of the property.
- parameter value: The value or an array of values to append.
public func append(name:String, value:AnyObject) {
self.insertArray(name, values:value as? [AnyObject] ?? [value], index: Int.max)
Inserts the given value at the given index within the properties current value.
- parameter name: The name of the property.
- parameter index: The index to insert at.
- parameter value: The value or an array of values to insert.
public func insert(name:String, value:AnyObject, index:Int = 0) {
self.insertArray(name, values:value as? [AnyObject] ?? [value], index: index)
Inserts an array of property values at a given index within the properties current value.
- parameter name: The name of the property
- parameter index: The index to insert at.
- parameter values: The values to insert.
private func insertArray(name:String,values:[AnyObject], index:Int = 0) {
if let propertyValue = self[name] {
if let arrayValue = propertyValue as? [AnyObject] {
var arrayOfValues = arrayValue
if index > arrayValue.count {
} else {
arrayOfValues.insertContentsOf(values, at: index)
self[name] = arrayOfValues
} else {
if index > 0 {
self[name] = [propertyValue] + values
} else {
self[name] = values + [propertyValue]
} else {
self[name] = values
Removes the last value of the properties current value.
- parameter name: The name of the property.
public func pop(name:String) {
if let arrayValue = self[name] as? [AnyObject] where arrayValue.count > 0 {
var arrayOfValues = arrayValue
self[name] = arrayOfValues
Removes the first value of the properties current value.
- parameter name: The name of the property.
public func shift(name:String) {
if let arrayValue = self[name] as? [AnyObject] where arrayValue.count > 0 {
var arrayOfValues = arrayValue
self[name] = arrayOfValues
private func getEntitySpecificProperty(entityProperty: UsergridEntityProperties) -> AnyObject? {
var propertyValue: AnyObject? = nil
switch entityProperty {
case .UUID,.EntityType,.Name :
propertyValue =[entityProperty.stringValue]
case .Created,.Modified :
if let utcTimeStamp =[entityProperty.stringValue] as? Int {
propertyValue = NSDate(utcTimeStamp: utcTimeStamp.description)
case .Location :
if let locationDict =[entityProperty.stringValue] as? [String:Double], lat = locationDict[ENTITY_LATITUDE], long = locationDict[ENTITY_LONGITUDE] {
propertyValue = CLLocation(latitude: lat, longitude: long)
return propertyValue
// MARK: - CRUD Convenience Methods -
Performs a GET on the `UsergridEntity` using the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block that, if successful, will contain the reloaded `UsergridEntity` object.
public func reload(completion: UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
self.reload(Usergrid.sharedInstance, completion: completion)
Performs a GET on the `UsergridEntity`.
- parameter client: The client to use when reloading.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block that, if successful, will contain the reloaded `UsergridEntity` object.
public func reload(client:UsergridClient, completion: UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
if let uuidOrName = self.uuidOrName {
client.GET(self.type, uuidOrName: uuidOrName) { (response) -> Void in
if let responseEntity = response.entity {
completion?(response: response)
} else {
completion?(response: UsergridResponse(client: client, errorName: "Entity cannot be reloaded.", errorDescription: "Entity has neither an UUID or name specified."))
Performs a PUT (or POST if no UUID is found) on the `UsergridEntity` using the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block that, if successful, will contain the updated/saved `UsergridEntity` object.
public func save(completion: UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {, completion: completion)
Performs a PUT (or POST if no UUID is found) on the `UsergridEntity`.
- parameter client: The client to use when saving.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block that, if successful, will contain the updated/saved `UsergridEntity` object.
public func save(client:UsergridClient, completion: UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
if let _ = self.uuid { // If UUID exists we PUT otherwise POST
client.PUT(self, completion: { (response) -> Void in
if let responseEntity = response.entity {
completion?(response: response)
} else {
client.POST(self, completion: { (response) -> Void in
if let responseEntity = response.entity {
completion?(response: response)
Performs a DELETE on the `UsergridEntity` using the shared instance of the `UsergridClient`.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block.
public func remove(completion: UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
Usergrid.sharedInstance.DELETE(self, completion: completion)
Performs a DELETE on the `UsergridEntity`.
- parameter client: The client to use when removing.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block.
public func remove(client:UsergridClient, completion: UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
client.DELETE(self, completion: completion)
// MARK: - Asset Management -
Uploads the given `UsergridAsset` and the data within it and creates an association between this `UsergridEntity` with the given `UsergridAsset` using the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter asset: The `UsergridAsset` object to upload.
- parameter progress: An optional progress block to keep track of upload progress.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block.
public func uploadAsset(asset:UsergridAsset, progress:UsergridAssetRequestProgress? = nil, completion:UsergridAssetUploadCompletion? = nil) {
Usergrid.sharedInstance.uploadAsset(self, asset: asset, progress:progress, completion:completion)
Uploads the given `UsergridAsset` and the data within it and creates an association between this `UsergridEntity` with the given `UsergridAsset`.
- parameter client: The client to use when uploading.
- parameter asset: The `UsergridAsset` object to upload.
- parameter progress: An optional progress block to keep track of upload progress.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block.
public func uploadAsset(client:UsergridClient, asset:UsergridAsset, progress:UsergridAssetRequestProgress? = nil, completion:UsergridAssetUploadCompletion? = nil) {
client.uploadAsset(self, asset: asset, progress:progress, completion:completion)
Downloads the `UsergridAsset` that is associated with this `UsergridEntity` using the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter contentType: The content type of the data to load.
- parameter progress: An optional progress block to keep track of download progress.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block.
public func downloadAsset(contentType:String, progress:UsergridAssetRequestProgress? = nil, completion:UsergridAssetDownloadCompletion? = nil) {
Usergrid.sharedInstance.downloadAsset(self, contentType: contentType, progress:progress, completion: completion)
Downloads the `UsergridAsset` that is associated with this `UsergridEntity`.
- parameter client: The client to use when uploading.
- parameter contentType: The content type of the data to load.
- parameter progress: An optional progress block to keep track of download progress.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block.
public func downloadAsset(client:UsergridClient, contentType:String, progress:UsergridAssetRequestProgress? = nil, completion:UsergridAssetDownloadCompletion? = nil) {
client.downloadAsset(self, contentType: contentType, progress:progress, completion: completion)
// MARK: - Connection Management -
Creates a relationship between this `UsergridEntity` and the given entity using the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter relationship: The relationship type.
- parameter toEntity: The entity to connect.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block.
public func connect(relationship:String, toEntity:UsergridEntity, completion: UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
Usergrid.sharedInstance.connect(self, relationship: relationship, to: toEntity, completion: completion)
Creates a relationship between this `UsergridEntity` and the given entity.
- parameter client: The client to use when connecting.
- parameter relationship: The relationship type.
- parameter toEntity: The entity to connect.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block.
public func connect(client:UsergridClient, relationship:String, toEntity:UsergridEntity, completion: UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
client.connect(self, relationship: relationship, to: toEntity, completion: completion)
Removes a relationship between this `UsergridEntity` and the given entity using the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter relationship: The relationship type.
- parameter fromEntity: The entity to disconnect.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block.
public func disconnect(relationship:String, fromEntity:UsergridEntity, completion: UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
Usergrid.sharedInstance.disconnect(self, relationship: relationship, from: fromEntity, completion: completion)
Removes a relationship between this `UsergridEntity` and the given entity.
- parameter client: The client to use when disconnecting.
- parameter relationship: The relationship type.
- parameter fromEntity: The entity to disconnect.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block.
public func disconnect(client:UsergridClient, relationship:String, fromEntity:UsergridEntity, completion: UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
client.disconnect(self, relationship: relationship, from: fromEntity, completion: completion)
Gets the `UsergridEntity` objects, if any, which are connected via the relationship using the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter direction: The direction of the connection.
- parameter relationship: The relationship type.
- parameter query: The optional query.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block.
public func getConnections(direction:UsergridDirection, relationship:String, query:UsergridQuery?, completion:UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
Usergrid.sharedInstance.getConnections(direction, entity: self, relationship: relationship, query:query, completion: completion)
Gets the `UsergridEntity` objects, if any, which are connected via the relationship.
- parameter client: The client to use when getting the connected `UsergridEntity` objects.
- parameter direction: The direction of the connection.
- parameter relationship: The relationship type.
- parameter query: The optional query.
- parameter completion: An optional completion block.
public func getConnections(client:UsergridClient, direction:UsergridDirection, relationship:String, query:UsergridQuery?, completion:UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
client.getConnections(direction, entity: self, relationship: relationship, query:query, completion: completion)