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// UsergridResponse.swift
// UsergridSDK
// Created by Robert Walsh on 9/2/15.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License. For additional information regarding
* copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level
* directory of this distribution.
import Foundation
/// The completion block used in for most `UsergridClient` requests.
public typealias UsergridResponseCompletion = (_ response: UsergridResponse) -> Void
`UsergridResponse` is the core class that handles both successful and unsuccessful HTTP responses from Usergrid.
If a request is successful, any entities returned in the response will be automatically parsed into `UsergridEntity` objects and pushed to the `entities` property.
If a request fails, the `UsergridResponseError.error` property will contain information about the problem encountered.
public class UsergridResponse: NSObject {
// MARK: - Instance Properties -
/// The client that was responsible for the request.
public weak var client: UsergridClient?
/// The raw response JSON.
internal(set) public var responseJSON: [String:Any]?
/// The query used on the request.
internal(set) public var query: UsergridQuery?
/// The cursor from the response.
internal(set) public var cursor: String?
/// The entities created from the response JSON.
internal(set) public var entities: [UsergridEntity]?
/// The response headers.
internal(set) public var headers: [String:String]?
/// The response status code.
internal(set) public var statusCode: Int?
/// The error object containing error information if one occurred.
internal(set) public var error: UsergridResponseError?
/// Returns true if the HTTP status code from the response is less than 400.
public var ok : Bool {
var isOk = false
if let statusCode = self.statusCode {
isOk = (statusCode < 400)
return isOk
/// The count of `entities`.
public var count: Int { return self.entities?.count ?? 0 }
/// The first entity in `entities`.
public var first: UsergridEntity? { return self.entities?.first }
/// The last entity in `entities`.
public var last: UsergridEntity? { return self.entities?.last }
/// The first entity in `entities`.
public var entity: UsergridEntity? { return self.first }
/// The `UsergridUser` entity.
public var user: UsergridUser? { return self.entities?.first as? UsergridUser }
/// An array of `UsergridUser` entities.
public var users: [UsergridUser]? { return self.entities as? [UsergridUser] }
/// Does the response have a cursor.
public var hasNextPage: Bool { return self.cursor != nil }
/// The string value.
public var stringValue : String {
if let responseJSON = self.responseJSON {
return NSString(data: try! responseJSON, options: .prettyPrinted), encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue) as? String ?? ""
} else {
return error?.description ?? ""
/// The description.
public override var description : String {
return "Response Description: \(stringValue)."
/// The debug description.
public override var debugDescription : String {
return "Properties of Entity: \(stringValue)."
// MARK: - Initialization -
Designated initializer for `UsergridResponse` objects that contain errors.
These types of responses are usually created because request conditions are not met.
- parameter client: The client responsible for the request.
- parameter errorName: The error name.
- parameter errorDescription: The error description.
- returns: A new instance of `UsergridResponse`.
public init(client: UsergridClient?, errorName: String, errorDescription: String) {
self.client = client
self.error = UsergridResponseError(errorName: errorName, errorDescription: errorDescription, exception: nil)
Designated initializer for `UsergridResponse` objects finished but still may contain errors.
- parameter client: The client responsible for the request.
- parameter data: The response data.
- parameter response: The `NSHTTPURLResponse` object.
- parameter error: The `NSError` object.
- parameter query: The query when making the request.
- returns: A new instance of `UsergridResponse`.
public init(client:UsergridClient?, data:Data?, response:HTTPURLResponse?, error:NSError?, query:UsergridQuery? = nil) {
self.client = client
self.statusCode = response?.statusCode
// self.headers = response?.allHeaderFields as? [String:String]
if let sessionError = error {
self.error = UsergridResponseError(errorName: sessionError.domain, errorDescription: sessionError.localizedDescription)
if let responseQuery = query {
self.query = responseQuery.copy() as? UsergridQuery
if let jsonData = data {
do {
let dataAsJSON = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData, options: JSONSerialization.ReadingOptions.mutableContainers)
if let jsonDict = dataAsJSON as? [String:Any] {
self.responseJSON = jsonDict
if let responseError = UsergridResponseError(jsonDictionary: jsonDict) {
self.error = responseError
} else {
if let entitiesJSONArray = jsonDict[UsergridResponse.ENTITIES] as? [[String:Any]] , entitiesJSONArray.count > 0 {
self.entities = UsergridEntity.entities(jsonArray: entitiesJSONArray)
if let cursor = jsonDict[UsergridResponse.CURSOR] as? String , !cursor.isEmpty {
self.cursor = cursor
} catch {
// MARK: - Instance Methods -
Attempts to load the next page of `UsergridEntity` objects.
This requires a `cursor` to be valid as well as a `path` key within the response JSON.
- parameter completion: The completion block that is called once the request for the next page has finished.
public func loadNextPage(_ completion: @escaping UsergridResponseCompletion) {
if self.hasNextPage, let type = (self.responseJSON?["path"] as? NSString)?.lastPathComponent {
if let query = self.query?.copy() as? UsergridQuery {
self.client?.GET(query.cursor(self.cursor), queryCompletion:completion)
} else {
self.client?.GET(UsergridQuery(type).cursor(self.cursor), queryCompletion:completion)
} else {
completion(UsergridResponse(client: self.client, errorName: "No next page.", errorDescription: "No next page was found."))
static let CURSOR = "cursor"
static let ENTITIES = "entities"