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// User.swift
// UsergridSDK
// Created by Robert Walsh on 7/21/15.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License. For additional information regarding
* copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level
* directory of this distribution.
import Foundation
/// The completion block used for checking email and/or username availablity for new `UsergridUser` objects.
public typealias UsergridUserAvailabilityCompletion = (_ error: UsergridResponseError?, _ available:Bool) -> Void
/// The completion block used for changing the password of `UsergridUser` objects.
public typealias UsergridUserResetPasswordCompletion = (_ error: UsergridResponseError?, _ didSucceed:Bool) -> Void
`UsergridUser` is a special subclass of `UsergridEntity` that supports functions and properties unique to users.
public class UsergridUser : UsergridEntity {
static let USER_ENTITY_TYPE = "user"
// MARK: - Instance Properties -
/// The `UsergridUserAuth` object if this user was authenticated.
public var auth: UsergridUserAuth?
Property helper method for the `UsergridUser` objects `UsergridUserProperties.Name`.
Unlike `UsergridEntity` objects, `UsergridUser`'s can change their name property which is why we provide a getter here.
override public var name: String? {
set(name) { self[] = name }
get{ return }
/// Property getter and setter helpers for the `UsergridUser` objects `UsergridUserProperties.Username`.
public var username: String? {
set(username) { self[UsergridUserProperties.username.stringValue] = username }
get { return self.getUserSpecificProperty(.username) as? String }
/// Property getter and setter helpers for the `UsergridUser` objects `UsergridUserProperties.Password`.
public var password: String? {
set(password) { self[UsergridUserProperties.password.stringValue] = password }
get { return self.getUserSpecificProperty(.password) as? String }
/// Property getter and setter helpers for the `UsergridUser` objects `UsergridUserProperties.Email`.
public var email: String? {
set(email) { self[] = email }
get { return self.getUserSpecificProperty(.email) as? String }
/// Property getter and setter helpers for the `UsergridUser` objects `UsergridUserProperties.Age`.
public var age: NSNumber? {
set(age) { self[UsergridUserProperties.age.stringValue] = age }
get { return self.getUserSpecificProperty(.age) as? NSNumber }
/// Property helper method to get the username or email of the `UsergridUser`.
public var usernameOrEmail: String? { return self.username ?? }
Property getter and setter helpers for the `UsergridUser` objects `UsergridUserProperties.Activated`.
Indicates whether the user account has been activated or not.
public var activated: Bool {
set(activated) { self[UsergridUserProperties.activated.stringValue] = activated }
get { return self.getUserSpecificProperty(.activated) as? Bool ?? false }
/// Property getter and setter helpers for the `UsergridUser` objects `UsergridUserProperties.Disabled`.
public var disabled: Bool {
set(disabled) { self[UsergridUserProperties.disabled.stringValue] = disabled }
get { return self.getUserSpecificProperty(.disabled) as? Bool ?? false }
Property getter and setter helpers for the `UsergridUser` objects `UsergridUserProperties.Picture`.
URL path to user’s profile picture. Defaults to Gravatar for email address.
public var picture: String? {
set(picture) { self[UsergridUserProperties.picture.stringValue] = picture }
get { return self.getUserSpecificProperty(.picture) as? String }
/// The UUID or username property value if found.
public var uuidOrUsername: String? { return self.uuid ?? self.username }
// MARK: - Initialization -
Designated initializer for `UsergridUser` objects.
- parameter name: The name of the user. Note this is different from the `username` property.
- returns: A new instance of `UsergridUser`.
public init(name:String? = nil) {
super.init(type: UsergridUser.USER_ENTITY_TYPE, name:name, propertyDict:nil)
The required public initializer for `UsergridEntity` subclasses.
- parameter type: The type associated with the `UsergridEntity` object.
- parameter name: The optional name associated with the `UsergridEntity` object.
- parameter propertyDict: The optional property dictionary that the `UsergridEntity` object will start out with.
- returns: A new `UsergridUser` object.
required public init(type: String, name: String?, propertyDict: [String : Any]?) {
super.init(type: type, name: name, propertyDict: propertyDict)
Designated initializer for `UsergridUser` objects.
- parameter name: The name of the user. Note this is different from the `username` property.
- parameter propertyDict: The optional property dictionary that the `UsergridEntity` object will start out with.
- returns: A new instance of `UsergridUser`.
public init(name:String,propertyDict:[String:Any]? = nil) {
super.init(type: UsergridUser.USER_ENTITY_TYPE, name:name, propertyDict:propertyDict)
Convenience initializer for `UsergridUser` objects.
- parameter name: The name of the user. Note this is different from the `username` property.
- parameter email: The user's email.
- parameter password: The optional user's password.
- returns: A new instance of `UsergridUser`.
public convenience init(name:String, email:String, password:String? = nil) {
Convenience initializer for `UsergridUser` objects.
- parameter email: The user's email.
- parameter password: The optional user's password.
- returns: A new instance of `UsergridUser`.
public convenience init(email:String, password:String? = nil) {
Convenience initializer for `UsergridUser` objects.
- parameter name: The name of the user. Note this is different from the `username` property.
- parameter username: The username of the user.
- parameter password: The optional user's password.
- returns: A new instance of `UsergridUser`.
public convenience init(name:String, username:String, password:String? = nil) {
Convenience initializer for `UsergridUser` objects.
- parameter username: The username of the user.
- parameter password: The optional user's password.
- returns: A new instance of `UsergridUser`.
public convenience init(username:String, password:String? = nil) {
Convenience initializer for `UsergridUser` objects.
- parameter name: The optional name of the user. Note this is different from the `username` property.
- parameter email: The optional user's email.
- parameter username: The optional username of the user.
- parameter password: The optional user's password.
- returns: A new instance of `UsergridUser`.
public convenience init(name:String?, email:String?, username:String?, password:String? = nil) {
self.init(name:name) = email
self.username = username
self.password = password
// MARK: - NSCoding -
NSCoding protocol initializer.
- parameter aDecoder: The decoder.
- returns: A decoded `UsergridUser` object.
required public init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
self.auth = aDecoder.decodeObject(forKey: "auth") as? UsergridUserAuth
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
NSCoding protocol encoder.
- parameter aCoder: The encoder.
public override func encode(with aCoder: NSCoder) {
aCoder.encode(self.auth, forKey: "auth")
super.encode(with: aCoder)
// MARK: - Class Methods -
Checks the given email and/or username availablity for new `UsergridUser` objects using the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter email: The optional email address.
- parameter username: The optional username.
- parameter completion: The completion block.
public static func checkAvailable(_ email:String?, username:String?, completion:@escaping UsergridUserAvailabilityCompletion) {
self.checkAvailable(Usergrid.sharedInstance, email: email, username: username, completion: completion)
Checks the given email and/or username availablity for new `UsergridUser` objects using with the given `UsergridClient`.
- parameter client: The client to use for checking availability.
- parameter email: The optional email address.
- parameter username: The optional username.
- parameter completion: The completion block.
public static func checkAvailable(_ client: UsergridClient, email:String?, username:String?, completion:@escaping UsergridUserAvailabilityCompletion) {
let query = UsergridQuery(USER_ENTITY_TYPE)
if let emailValue = email {
query.eq(, value: emailValue)
if let usernameValue = username {
query.or().eq(UsergridUserProperties.username.stringValue, value: usernameValue)
client.GET(query) { (response) -> Void in
completion(response.error, response.entity == nil)
// MARK: - Instance Methods -
Creates the user object in Usergrid if the user does not already exist with the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func create(_ completion: UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
self.create(Usergrid.sharedInstance, completion: completion)
Creates the user object in Usergrid if the user does not already exist with the given `UsergridClient`.
- parameter client: The client to use for creation.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func create(_ client: UsergridClient, completion: UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
client.POST(self) { (response) -> Void in
if response.ok, let createdUser = response.user {
Authenticates the specified user using the provided username and password with the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
While functionally similar to `UsergridClient.authenticateUser(auth)`, this method does not automatically assign this user to `UsergridClient.currentUser`:
- parameter username: The username.
- parameter password: The password.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func login(_ username:String, password:String, completion: UsergridUserAuthCompletionBlock? = nil) {
self.login(Usergrid.sharedInstance, username: username, password: password, completion: completion)
Authenticates the specified user using the provided username and password.
While functionally similar to `UsergridClient.authenticateUser(auth)`, this method does not automatically assign this user to `UsergridClient.currentUser`:
- parameter client: The client to use for login.
- parameter username: The username.
- parameter password: The password.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func login(_ client: UsergridClient, username:String, password:String, completion: UsergridUserAuthCompletionBlock? = nil) {
let userAuth = UsergridUserAuth(username: username, password: password)
client.authenticateUser(userAuth,setAsCurrentUser:false) { (auth, user, error) -> Void in
self.auth = userAuth
completion?(userAuth, user, error)
Changes the User's current password with the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter old: The old password.
- parameter new: The new password.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func resetPassword(_ old:String, new:String, completion:UsergridUserResetPasswordCompletion? = nil) {
self.resetPassword(Usergrid.sharedInstance, old: old, new: new, completion: completion)
Changes the User's current password with the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter client: The client to use for resetting the password.
- parameter old: The old password.
- parameter new: The new password.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block
public func resetPassword(_ client: UsergridClient, old:String, new:String, completion:UsergridUserResetPasswordCompletion? = nil) {
client.resetPassword(self, old: old, new: new, completion: completion)
Attmepts to reauthenticate using the user's `UsergridUserAuth` instance property with the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func reauthenticate(_ completion: UsergridUserAuthCompletionBlock? = nil) {
self.reauthenticate(Usergrid.sharedInstance, completion: completion)
Attmepts to reauthenticate using the user's `UsergridUserAuth` instance property.
- parameter client: The client to use for reauthentication.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func reauthenticate(_ client: UsergridClient, completion: UsergridUserAuthCompletionBlock? = nil) {
guard let userAuth = self.auth
else {
completion?(nil, self, UsergridResponseError(errorName: "Invalid UsergridUserAuth.", errorDescription: "No UsergridUserAuth found on the UsergridUser."))
client.authenticateUser(userAuth, setAsCurrentUser:self.isEqualToEntity(client.currentUser), completion: completion)
Invalidates the user token locally and remotely.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func logout(_ completion:UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
Invalidates the user token locally and remotely.
- parameter client: The client to use for logout.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func logout(_ client: UsergridClient, completion:UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
guard let uuidOrUsername = self.uuidOrUsername,
let accessToken = self.auth?.accessToken
else {
completion?(UsergridResponse(client:client, errorName:"Logout Failed.", errorDescription:"UUID or Access Token not found on UsergridUser object."))
client.logoutUser(uuidOrUsername, token: accessToken) { (response) in
self.auth = nil
A special convenience function that connects a `UsergridDevice` to this `UsergridUser` using the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter device: The device to connect to. If nil it will use the `UsergridDevice.sharedDevice` instance.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func connectToDevice(_ device:UsergridDevice? = nil, completion:UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
self.connectToDevice(Usergrid.sharedInstance, device: device, completion: completion)
A special convenience function that connects a `UsergridDevice` to this `UsergridUser`.
- parameter client: The `UsergridClient` object to use for connecting.
- parameter device: The device to connect to. If nil it will use the `UsergridDevice.sharedDevice` instance.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func connectToDevice(_ client:UsergridClient, device:UsergridDevice? = nil, completion:UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
let deviceToConnect = device ?? UsergridDevice.sharedDevice
guard let _ = deviceToConnect.uuidOrName
else {
completion?(UsergridResponse(client: client, errorName: "Device cannot be connected to User.", errorDescription: "Device has neither an UUID or name specified."))
self.connect(client, relationship: "", toEntity: deviceToConnect, completion: completion)
Gets the connected device using the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func getConnectedDevice(_ completion:UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
self.getConnectedDevice(Usergrid.sharedInstance, completion: completion)
Gets the connected device.
- parameter client: The `UsergridClient` object to use for connecting.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func getConnectedDevice(_ client:UsergridClient, completion:UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
client.getConnections(.out, entity: self, relationship: "device", completion: completion)
A special convenience function that disconnects a `UsergridDevice` from this `UsergridUser` using the shared instance of `UsergridClient`.
- parameter device: The device to connect to. If nil it will use the `UsergridDevice.sharedDevice` instance.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func disconnectFromDevice(_ device:UsergridDevice? = nil, completion:UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
self.disconnectFromDevice(Usergrid.sharedInstance, device: device, completion: completion)
A special convenience function that disconnects a `UsergridDevice` from this `UsergridUser`.
- parameter client: The `UsergridClient` object to use for connecting.
- parameter device: The device to connect to.
- parameter completion: The optional completion block.
public func disconnectFromDevice(_ client:UsergridClient, device:UsergridDevice? = nil, completion:UsergridResponseCompletion? = nil) {
let deviceToDisconnectFrom = device ?? UsergridDevice.sharedDevice
guard let _ = deviceToDisconnectFrom.uuidOrName
else {
completion?(UsergridResponse(client: client, errorName: "Device cannot be disconnected from User.", errorDescription: "Device has neither an UUID or name specified."))
self.disconnect(client, relationship: "", fromEntity: deviceToDisconnectFrom, completion: completion)
private func getUserSpecificProperty(_ userProperty: UsergridUserProperties) -> Any? {
var propertyValue: Any? = super[userProperty.stringValue]
switch userProperty {
case .activated,.disabled :
propertyValue = (propertyValue as AnyObject) as? Bool ?? false
case .age :
propertyValue = (propertyValue as AnyObject) as? Int ?? 0 // TODO: Check these conversions
case .name,.username,.password,.email,.picture :
return propertyValue
Subscript for the `UsergridUser` class.
- Warning: When setting a properties value must be a valid JSON object.
- Example usage:
let someName = usergridUser["name"]
usergridUser["name"] = someName
override public subscript(propertyName: String) -> Any? {
get {
if let userProperty = UsergridUserProperties.fromString(propertyName) {
return self.getUserSpecificProperty(userProperty)
} else {
return super[propertyName]
set(propertyValue) {
super[propertyName] = propertyValue