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// UsergridEnums.swift
// UsergridSDK
// Created by Robert Walsh on 10/21/15.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License. For additional information regarding
* copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level
* directory of this distribution.
import Foundation
An enumeration that is used to determine what the `UsergridClient` will use for authorization.
@objc public enum UsergridAuthMode : Int {
// MARK: - Values -
If the API call fails, the activity is treated as a failure with an appropriate HTTP status code.
case none
If a non-expired `UsergridUserAuth` exists in `UsergridClient.currentUser`, this token is used to authenticate all API calls.
If the API call fails, the activity is treated as a failure with an appropriate HTTP status code (This behavior is identical to authMode=.None).
case user
If a non-expired `UsergridAppAuth` exists in `UsergridClient.appAuth`, this token is used to authenticate all API calls.
If the API call fails, the activity is treated as a failure with an appropriate HTTP status code (This behavior is identical to authMode=.None).
case app
`UsergridEntity` specific properties keys. Note that trying to mutate the values of these properties will not be allowed in most cases.
@objc public enum UsergridEntityProperties : Int {
// MARK: - Values -
/// Corresponds to the property 'type'
case type
/// Corresponds to the property 'uuid'
case uuid
/// Corresponds to the property 'name'
case name
/// Corresponds to the property 'created'
case created
/// Corresponds to the property 'modified'
case modified
/// Corresponds to the property 'location'
case location
// MARK: - Methods -
Gets the corresponding `UsergridEntityProperties` from a string if it's valid.
- parameter stringValue: The string value to convert.
- returns: The corresponding `UsergridEntityProperties` or nil.
public static func fromString(_ stringValue: String) -> UsergridEntityProperties? {
switch stringValue.lowercased() {
case ENTITY_TYPE: return .type
case ENTITY_UUID: return .uuid
case ENTITY_NAME: return .name
case ENTITY_CREATED: return .created
case ENTITY_MODIFIED: return .modified
case ENTITY_LOCATION: return .location
default: return nil
/// Returns the string value.
public var stringValue: String {
switch self {
case .type: return ENTITY_TYPE
case .uuid: return ENTITY_UUID
case .name: return ENTITY_NAME
case .created: return ENTITY_CREATED
case .modified: return ENTITY_MODIFIED
case .location: return ENTITY_LOCATION
Determines if the `UsergridEntityProperties` is mutable for the given entity.
- parameter entity: The entity to check.
- returns: If the `UsergridEntityProperties` is mutable for the given entity
public func isMutableForEntity(_ entity:UsergridEntity) -> Bool {
switch self {
case .type,.uuid,.created,.modified: return false
case .location: return true
case .name: return entity.isUser
`UsergridDeviceProperties` specific properties keys. Note that trying to mutate the values of these properties will not be allowed in most cases.
@objc public enum UsergridDeviceProperties : Int {
// MARK: - Values -
/// Corresponds to the property 'deviceModel'
case model
/// Corresponds to the property 'devicePlatform'
case platform
/// Corresponds to the property 'deviceOSVersion'
case osVersion
// MARK: - Methods -
Gets the corresponding `UsergridDeviceProperties` from a string if it's valid.
- parameter stringValue: The string value to convert.
- returns: The corresponding `UsergridDeviceProperties` or nil.
public static func fromString(_ stringValue: String) -> UsergridDeviceProperties? {
switch stringValue.lowercased() {
case DEVICE_MODEL: return .model
case DEVICE_PLATFORM: return .platform
case DEVICE_OSVERSION: return .osVersion
default: return nil
/// Returns the string value.
public var stringValue: String {
switch self {
case .model: return DEVICE_MODEL
case .platform: return DEVICE_PLATFORM
case .osVersion: return DEVICE_OSVERSION
`UsergridUser` specific properties keys.
@objc public enum UsergridUserProperties: Int {
// MARK: - Values -
/// Corresponds to the property 'name'
case name
/// Corresponds to the property 'username'
case username
/// Corresponds to the property 'password'
case password
/// Corresponds to the property 'email'
case email
/// Corresponds to the property 'age'
case age
/// Corresponds to the property 'activated'
case activated
/// Corresponds to the property 'disabled'
case disabled
/// Corresponds to the property 'picture'
case picture
// MARK: - Methods -
Gets the corresponding `UsergridUserProperties` from a string if it's valid.
- parameter stringValue: The string value to convert.
- returns: The corresponding `UsergridUserProperties` or nil.
public static func fromString(_ stringValue: String) -> UsergridUserProperties? {
switch stringValue.lowercased() {
case ENTITY_NAME: return .name
case USER_USERNAME: return .username
case USER_PASSWORD: return .password
case USER_EMAIL: return .email
case USER_AGE: return .age
case USER_ACTIVATED: return .activated
case USER_DISABLED: return .disabled
case USER_PICTURE: return .picture
default: return nil
/// Returns the string value.
public var stringValue: String {
switch self {
case .name: return ENTITY_NAME
case .username: return USER_USERNAME
case .password: return USER_PASSWORD
case .email: return USER_EMAIL
case .age: return USER_AGE
case .activated: return USER_ACTIVATED
case .disabled: return USER_DISABLED
case .picture: return USER_PICTURE
`UsergridQuery` specific operators.
@objc public enum UsergridQueryOperator: Int {
// MARK: - Values -
/// '='
case equal
/// '>'
case greaterThan
/// '>='
case greaterThanEqualTo
/// '<'
case lessThan
/// '<='
case lessThanEqualTo
// MARK: - Methods -
Gets the corresponding `UsergridQueryOperator` from a string if it's valid.
- parameter stringValue: The string value to convert.
- returns: The corresponding `UsergridQueryOperator` or nil.
public static func fromString(_ stringValue: String) -> UsergridQueryOperator? {
switch stringValue.lowercased() {
case UsergridQuery.EQUAL: return .equal
case UsergridQuery.GREATER_THAN: return .greaterThan
case UsergridQuery.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO: return .greaterThanEqualTo
case UsergridQuery.LESS_THAN: return .lessThan
case UsergridQuery.LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO: return .lessThanEqualTo
default: return nil
/// Returns the string value.
public var stringValue: String {
switch self {
case .equal: return UsergridQuery.EQUAL
case .greaterThan: return UsergridQuery.GREATER_THAN
case .greaterThanEqualTo: return UsergridQuery.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO
case .lessThan: return UsergridQuery.LESS_THAN
case .lessThanEqualTo: return UsergridQuery.LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO
`UsergridQuery` specific sort orders.
@objc public enum UsergridQuerySortOrder: Int {
// MARK: - Values -
/// Sort order is ascending.
case asc
/// Sort order is descending.
case desc
// MARK: - Methods -
Gets the corresponding `UsergridQuerySortOrder` from a string if it's valid.
- parameter stringValue: The string value to convert.
- returns: The corresponding `UsergridQuerySortOrder` or nil.
public static func fromString(_ stringValue: String) -> UsergridQuerySortOrder? {
switch stringValue.lowercased() {
case UsergridQuery.ASC: return .asc
case UsergridQuery.DESC: return .desc
default: return nil
/// Returns the string value.
public var stringValue: String {
switch self {
case .asc: return UsergridQuery.ASC
case .desc: return UsergridQuery.DESC
`UsergridAsset` image specific content types.
@objc public enum UsergridImageContentType : Int {
// MARK: - Values -
/// Content type: 'image/png'
case png
/// Content type: 'image/jpeg'
case jpeg
// MARK: - Methods -
/// Returns the string value.
public var stringValue: String {
switch self {
case .png: return ASSET_IMAGE_PNG
case .jpeg: return ASSET_IMAGE_JPEG
An enumeration that is used when getting connections to entity objects. Used to determine which the direction of the connection is wanted.
@objc public enum UsergridDirection : Int {
// MARK: - Values -
/// To get the entities that have created a connection to an entity. aka `connecting`
case `in`
/// To get the entities an entity has connected to. aka `connections`
case out
// MARK: - Methods -
/// Returns the connection value.
public var connectionValue: String {
switch self {
case .in: return CONNECTION_TYPE_IN
case .out: return CONNECTION_TYPE_OUT
An enumeration for defining the HTTP methods used by Usergrid.
@objc public enum UsergridHttpMethod : Int {
/// GET
case get
/// PUT
case put
/// POST
case post
case delete
/// Returns the string value.
public var stringValue: String {
switch self {
case .get: return "GET"
case .put: return "PUT"
case .post: return "POST"
case .delete: return "DELETE"
let ENTITY_TYPE = "type"
let ENTITY_UUID = "uuid"
let ENTITY_NAME = "name"
let ENTITY_CREATED = "created"
let ENTITY_MODIFIED = "modified"
let ENTITY_LOCATION = "location"
let ENTITY_LATITUDE = "latitude"
let ENTITY_LONGITUDE = "longitude"
let USER_USERNAME = "username"
let USER_PASSWORD = "password"
let USER_EMAIL = "email"
let USER_AGE = "age"
let USER_ACTIVATED = "activated"
let USER_DISABLED = "disabled"
let USER_PICTURE = "picture"
let DEVICE_MODEL = "deviceModel"
let DEVICE_PLATFORM = "devicePlatform"
let DEVICE_OSVERSION = "deviceOSVersion"
let ASSET_IMAGE_PNG = "image/png"
let ASSET_IMAGE_JPEG = "image/jpeg"
let CONNECTION_TYPE_IN = "connecting"
let CONNECTION_TYPE_OUT = "connections"