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// UsergridExtensions.swift
// UsergridSDK
// Created by Robert Walsh on 10/6/15.
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. The ASF licenses this file to You
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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* copyright in this work, please see the NOTICE file in the top level
* directory of this distribution.
import Foundation
private let kUsergrid_Milliseconds_Per_Second = 1000
/// Extension methods to help create and manipulate `NSDate` objects returned by Usergrid.
public extension Date {
Creates a new `NSDate` object with the given milliseconds.
- parameter milliseconds: the milliseconds
- returns: A new `NSDate` object.
public init(milliseconds: String) {
self.init(timeIntervalSince1970:(milliseconds as NSString).doubleValue / Double(kUsergrid_Milliseconds_Per_Second))
Converts the `NSDate` object to milliseconds.
- returns: The number of milliseconds corresponding to the date.
public func dateAsMilliseconds() -> Int {
return Int(self.timeIntervalSince1970 * Double(kUsergrid_Milliseconds_Per_Second))
Converts the `NSDate` object to milliseconds and returns the value as a string.
- returns: The number of milliseconds corresponding to the date as a string.
public func dateAsMillisecondsString() -> String {
return Date.stringFromMilleseconds(self.dateAsMilliseconds())
Converts the number of milliseconds to a string.
- parameter milliseconds: the milliseconds to convert
- returns: The milliseconds as a string.
public static func stringFromMilleseconds(_ milliseconds:Int) -> String {
return NSNumber(value: Int64(milliseconds)).stringValue
Converts the `NSDate` object to the corresponding UNIX time stamp as a string.
- returns: The UNIX time stamp as a string.
public static func unixTimeStampString() -> String {
return Date.stringFromMilleseconds(Date.nowAsMilliseconds())
Converts the `NSDate` object to the corresponding UNIX time stamp.
- returns: The UNIX time stamp.
public static func unixTimeStamp() -> Int {
return Date.nowAsMilliseconds()
Converts the current date to milliseconds.
- returns: The milliseconds of the current date.
public static func nowAsMilliseconds() -> Int {
var tv = timeval()
let currentMillisecondTime = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &tv, { (t: UnsafeMutablePointer<timeval>) -> Int in
gettimeofday(t, nil)
return (Int(t.pointee.tv_sec) * kUsergrid_Milliseconds_Per_Second) + (Int(t.pointee.tv_usec) / kUsergrid_Milliseconds_Per_Second)
return currentMillisecondTime
internal extension String {
func isUuid() -> Bool {
return (UUID(uuidString: self) != nil) ? true : false
internal extension Dictionary {
mutating func update(_ other:Dictionary) {
for (key,value) in other {
self.updateValue(value, forKey:key)