blob: e8c78c2443489dec1a9d8f12f3203040e2a6eab8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.*;
public final class UsergridQuery {
@NotNull private final ArrayList<String> requirementStrings = new ArrayList<>();
@NotNull private final ArrayList<String> urlTerms = new ArrayList<>();
@NotNull private final HashMap<String, UsergridQuerySortOrder> orderClauses = new HashMap<>();
@NotNull private Integer limit = UsergridQuery.LIMIT_DEFAULT;
@Nullable private String cursor = null;
@Nullable private String fromStringValue = null;
@Nullable private String collectionName = null;
public UsergridQuery() {
public UsergridQuery(@Nullable final String collectionName) {
this.collectionName = collectionName;
private static boolean isUUID(@NotNull final String string) {
try {
UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(string);
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return false;
private static String encode(@NotNull final String stringValue) {
String escapedString;
try {
escapedString = URLEncoder.encode(stringValue, UTF8);
} catch (Exception e) {
escapedString = stringValue;
return escapedString;
public static String strJoin(@NotNull final List<String> array, @NotNull final String separator) {
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0, il = array.size(); i < il; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
return stringBuilder.toString();
public UsergridQuery fromString(@NotNull final String stringValue) {
this.fromStringValue = stringValue;
return this;
public String getType() {
return this.collectionName;
public String getCollectionName() {
return this.collectionName;
public String getCollection() {
return this.collectionName;
public UsergridQuery type(@Nullable final String type) {
this.collectionName = type;
return this;
public UsergridQuery collection(@Nullable final String collectionName) {
return this.type(collectionName);
public UsergridQuery collectionName(@Nullable final String collectionName) {
return this.type(collectionName);
public UsergridQuery cursor(@Nullable final String value) {
this.cursor = value;
return this;
public UsergridQuery limit(@NotNull final Integer limit) {
this.limit = limit;
return this;
private UsergridQuery addConditionalSeparator(@NotNull final String separator) {
if (!this.requirementStrings.get(0).isEmpty()) {
this.requirementStrings.add(0, separator);
this.requirementStrings.add(0, UsergridQuery.EMPTY_STRING);
return this;
public UsergridQuery and() {
return this.addConditionalSeparator(UsergridQuery.AND);
public UsergridQuery or() {
return this.addConditionalSeparator(UsergridQuery.OR);
public UsergridQuery not() {
return this.addConditionalSeparator(UsergridQuery.NOT);
public UsergridQuery sort(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final UsergridQuerySortOrder sortOrder) {
this.orderClauses.put(term, sortOrder);
return this;
public UsergridQuery ascending(@NotNull final String term) {
return this.asc(term);
public UsergridQuery asc(@NotNull final String term) {
return this.sort(term, UsergridQuerySortOrder.ASC);
public UsergridQuery descending(@NotNull final String term) {
return this.desc(term);
public UsergridQuery desc(@NotNull final String term) {
return this.sort(term, UsergridQuerySortOrder.DESC);
public UsergridQuery contains(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final String value) {
return this.containsWord(term, value);
public UsergridQuery containsString(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final String value) {
return this.containsWord(term, value);
public UsergridQuery containsWord(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final String value) {
return this.addRequirement(term + SPACE + CONTAINS + SPACE + ((UsergridQuery.isUUID(value)) ? EMPTY_STRING : APOSTROPHE) + value + ((UsergridQuery.isUUID(value)) ? EMPTY_STRING : APOSTROPHE));
public UsergridQuery filter(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final Object value) {
return this.eq(term, value);
public UsergridQuery equals(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final Object value) {
return this.eq(term, value);
public UsergridQuery eq(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final Object value) {
return this.addOperationRequirement(term, UsergridQueryOperator.EQUAL, value);
public UsergridQuery greaterThan(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final Object value) {
return, value);
public UsergridQuery gt(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final Object value) {
return this.addOperationRequirement(term, UsergridQueryOperator.GREATER_THAN, value);
public UsergridQuery greaterThanOrEqual(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final Object value) {
return this.gte(term, value);
public UsergridQuery gte(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final Object value) {
return this.addOperationRequirement(term, UsergridQueryOperator.GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_TO, value);
public UsergridQuery lessThan(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final Object value) {
return, value);
public UsergridQuery lt(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final Object value) {
return this.addOperationRequirement(term, UsergridQueryOperator.LESS_THAN, value);
public UsergridQuery lessThanOrEqual(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final Object value) {
return this.lte(term, value);
public UsergridQuery lte(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final Object value) {
return this.addOperationRequirement(term, UsergridQueryOperator.LESS_THAN_EQUAL_TO, value);
public UsergridQuery locationWithin(final double distance, final double latitude, final double longitude) {
return this.addRequirement(LOCATION + SPACE + WITHIN + SPACE + distance + SPACE + OF + SPACE + latitude + SPACE + COMMA + longitude);
public UsergridQuery urlTerm(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final String equalsValue) {
if (term.equalsIgnoreCase(QL)) {
} else {
this.urlTerms.add(UsergridQuery.encode(term) + EQUALS + UsergridQuery.encode(equalsValue));
return this;
public UsergridQuery ql(final String value) {
return value != null && !value.isEmpty() ? this.addRequirement(value) : this;
public UsergridQuery addRequirement(@NotNull final String requirement) {
String requirementString = this.requirementStrings.remove(0);
if (!requirement.isEmpty() && !requirementString.isEmpty()) {
requirementString += SPACE + AND + SPACE;
requirementString += requirement;
this.requirementStrings.add(0, requirementString);
return this;
public UsergridQuery addOperationRequirement(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final UsergridQueryOperator operation, final int intValue) {
return this.addOperationRequirement(term, operation, Integer.valueOf(intValue));
public UsergridQuery addOperationRequirement(@NotNull final String term, @NotNull final UsergridQueryOperator operation, @NotNull final Object value) {
if (value instanceof String) {
String valueString = value.toString();
if (!UsergridQuery.isUUID(valueString)) {
valueString = APOSTROPHE + value + APOSTROPHE;
return addRequirement(term + SPACE + operation.operatorValue() + SPACE + valueString);
} else {
return addRequirement(term + SPACE + operation.operatorValue() + SPACE + value.toString());
private String constructOrderByString() {
String orderByString = EMPTY_STRING;
if (!this.orderClauses.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<String, UsergridQuerySortOrder> orderClause : this.orderClauses.entrySet()) {
if (!orderByString.isEmpty()) {
orderByString += COMMA;
orderByString += orderClause.getKey() + SPACE + orderClause.getValue().toString();
if (!orderByString.isEmpty()) {
orderByString = SPACE + ORDER_BY + SPACE + orderByString;
return orderByString;
private String constructURLTermsString() {
String urlTermsString = EMPTY_STRING;
if (!this.urlTerms.isEmpty()) {
urlTermsString = UsergridQuery.strJoin(this.urlTerms, AMPERSAND);
return urlTermsString;
private String constructRequirementString() {
ArrayList<String> requirementStrings = new ArrayList<>(this.requirementStrings);
String firstString = requirementStrings.get(0);
if (firstString.isEmpty()) {
String requirementsString = EMPTY_STRING;
if (!requirementStrings.isEmpty()) {
firstString = requirementStrings.get(0);
if (firstString.equalsIgnoreCase(OR) || firstString.equalsIgnoreCase(AND) || firstString.equalsIgnoreCase(NOT)) {
if (!requirementStrings.isEmpty()) {
requirementsString = UsergridQuery.strJoin(requirementStrings, SPACE);
return requirementsString;
private String constructURLAppend() {
return this.constructURLAppend(true);
private String constructURLAppend(final boolean autoURLEncode) {
if (this.fromStringValue != null) {
String requirementsString = this.fromStringValue;
if (autoURLEncode) {
requirementsString = UsergridQuery.encode(requirementsString);
return QUESTION_MARK + QL + EQUALS + requirementsString;
String urlAppend = EMPTY_STRING;
if (this.limit != LIMIT_DEFAULT) {
urlAppend += LIMIT + EQUALS + this.limit.toString();
String urlTermsString = this.constructURLTermsString();
if (!urlTermsString.isEmpty()) {
if (!urlAppend.isEmpty()) {
urlAppend += AMPERSAND;
urlAppend += urlTermsString;
if (this.cursor != null && !this.cursor.isEmpty()) {
if (!urlAppend.isEmpty()) {
urlAppend += AMPERSAND;
urlAppend += CURSOR + EQUALS + this.cursor;
String requirementsString = this.constructRequirementString();
String orderByString = this.constructOrderByString();
if (!orderByString.isEmpty()) {
requirementsString += orderByString;
if (!requirementsString.isEmpty()) {
if (autoURLEncode) {
requirementsString = UsergridQuery.encode(requirementsString);
if (!urlAppend.isEmpty()) {
urlAppend += AMPERSAND;
urlAppend += QL + EQUALS + requirementsString;
if (!urlAppend.isEmpty()) {
urlAppend = QUESTION_MARK + urlAppend;
return urlAppend;
public String build() {
public String build(final boolean autoURLEncode) {
return this.constructURLAppend(autoURLEncode);
private static final int LIMIT_DEFAULT = 10;
@NotNull private static final String AMPERSAND = "&";
@NotNull private static final String AND = "and";
@NotNull private static final String APOSTROPHE = "'";
@NotNull private static final String COMMA = ",";
@NotNull private static final String CONTAINS = "contains";
@NotNull private static final String CURSOR = "cursor";
@NotNull private static final String EMPTY_STRING = "";
@NotNull private static final String EQUALS = "=";
@NotNull private static final String LIMIT = "limit";
@NotNull private static final String LOCATION = "location";
@NotNull private static final String NOT = "not";
@NotNull private static final String OF = "of";
@NotNull private static final String OR = "or";
@NotNull private static final String ORDER_BY = "order by";
@NotNull private static final String QL = "ql";
@NotNull private static final String QUESTION_MARK = "?";
@NotNull private static final String SELECT_ALL = "select *";
@NotNull private static final String SPACE = " ";
@NotNull private static final String UTF8 = "UTF-8";
@NotNull private static final String WHERE = "where";
@NotNull private static final String WITHIN = "within";