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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.unomi.api.*;
import org.apache.unomi.api.conditions.Condition;
import org.apache.unomi.api.query.Query;
import java.util.*;
* A service to access and operate on {@link Profile}s, {@link Session}s and {@link Persona}s.
public interface ProfileService {
* Retrieves the number of unique profiles.
* @return the number of unique profiles.
long getAllProfilesCount();
* Retrieves profiles or personas matching the specified query.
* @param <T> the specific sub-type of {@link Profile} to retrieve
* @param query a {@link Query} specifying which elements to retrieve
* @param clazz the class of elements to retrieve
* @return a {@link PartialList} of {@code T} instances matching the specified query
<T extends Profile> PartialList<T> search(Query query, Class<T> clazz);
* Retrieves sessions matching the specified query.
* @param query a {@link Query} specifying which elements to retrieve
* @return a {@link PartialList} of sessions matching the specified query
PartialList<Session> searchSessions(Query query);
* Creates a String containing comma-separated values (CSV) formatted version of profiles matching the specified query.
* @param query the query specifying which profiles to export
* @return a CSV-formatted String version of the profiles matching the specified query
String exportProfilesPropertiesToCsv(Query query);
* Find profiles which have the specified property with the specified value, ordered according to the specified {@code sortBy} String and paged: only
* {@code size} of them are retrieved, starting with the {@code offset}-th one.
* TODO: replace with version using a query instead of separate parameters
* TODO: remove as it's unused?
* @param propertyName the name of the property we're interested in
* @param propertyValue the value of the property we want profiles to have
* @param offset zero or a positive integer specifying the position of the first profile in the total ordered collection of matching profiles
* @param size a positive integer specifying how many matching profiles should be retrieved or {@code -1} if all of them should be retrieved
* @param sortBy an optional ({@code null} if no sorting is required) String of comma ({@code ,}) separated property names on which ordering should be performed, ordering elements according to the property order in
* the String, considering each in turn and moving on to the next one in case of equality of all preceding ones. Each property name is optionally
* followed by a column ({@code :}) and an order specifier: {@code asc} or {@code desc}.
* @return a {@link PartialList} of matching profiles
PartialList<Profile> findProfilesByPropertyValue(String propertyName, String propertyValue, int offset, int size, String sortBy);
* Merges the specified profiles into the provided so-called master profile, merging properties according to the {@link PropertyMergeStrategyType} specified on their {@link
* PropertyType}.
* @param masterProfile the profile into which the specified profiles will be merged
* @param profilesToMerge the list of profiles to merge into the specified master profile
* @return the merged profile
Profile mergeProfiles(Profile masterProfile, List<Profile> profilesToMerge);
* Retrieves the profile identified by the specified identifier.
* @param profileId the identifier of the profile to retrieve
* @return the profile identified by the specified identifier or {@code null} if no such profile exists
Profile load(String profileId);
* Saves the specified profile in the context server.
* @param profile the profile to be saved
* @return the newly saved profile
Profile save(Profile profile);
* Merge the specified profile properties in an existing profile,or save new profile if it does not exist yet
* @param profile the profile to be saved
* @return the newly saved profile
boolean saveOrMerge(Profile profile);
* Removes the profile (or persona if the {@code persona} parameter is set to {@code true}) identified by the specified identifier.
* @param profileId the identifier of the profile or persona to delete
* @param persona {@code true} if the specified identifier is supposed to refer to a persona, {@code false} if it is supposed to refer to a profile
void delete(String profileId, boolean persona);
* Retrieves the sessions associated with the profile identified by the specified identifier that match the specified query (if specified), ordered according to the specified
* {@code sortBy} String and and paged: only {@code size} of them are retrieved, starting with the {@code offset}-th one.
* TODO: use a Query object instead of distinct parameter
* @param profileId the identifier of the profile we want to retrieve sessions from
* @param query a String of text used for fulltext filtering which sessions we are interested in or {@code null} (or an empty String) if we want to retrieve all sessions
* @param offset zero or a positive integer specifying the position of the first session in the total ordered collection of matching sessions
* @param size a positive integer specifying how many matching sessions should be retrieved or {@code -1} if all of them should be retrieved
* @param sortBy an optional ({@code null} if no sorting is required) String of comma ({@code ,}) separated property names on which ordering should be performed, ordering elements according to the property order in the
* String, considering each in turn and moving on to the next one in case of equality of all preceding ones. Each property name is optionally followed by
* a column ({@code :}) and an order specifier: {@code asc} or {@code desc}.
* @return a {@link PartialList} of matching sessions
PartialList<Session> getProfileSessions(String profileId, String query, int offset, int size, String sortBy);
* Retrieves the session identified by the specified identifier.
* @param sessionId the identifier of the session to be retrieved
* @param dateHint a Date helping in identifying where the item is located
* @return the session identified by the specified identifier
Session loadSession(String sessionId, Date dateHint);
* Saves the specified session.
* @param session the session to be saved
* @return the newly saved session
Session saveSession(Session session);
* Retrieves sessions associated with the profile identified by the specified identifier.
* @param profileId the profile id for which we want to retrieve the sessions
* @return a {@link PartialList} of the profile's sessions
PartialList<Session> findProfileSessions(String profileId);
* Checks whether the specified profile and/or session satisfy the specified condition.
* @param condition the condition we're testing against which might or might not have profile- or session-specific sub-conditions
* @param profile the profile we're testing
* @param session the session we're testing
* @return {@code true} if the profile and/or sessions match the specified condition, {@code false} otherwise
boolean matchCondition(Condition condition, Profile profile, Session session);
* Update all profiles in batch according to the specified {@link BatchUpdate}
* @param update the batch update specification
void batchProfilesUpdate(BatchUpdate update);
* Retrieves the persona identified by the specified identifier.
* @param personaId the identifier of the persona to retrieve
* @return the persona associated with the specified identifier or {@code null} if no such persona exists.
Persona loadPersona(String personaId);
* Persists the specified {@link Persona} in the context server.
* @param persona the persona to persist
* @return the newly persisted persona
Persona savePersona(Persona persona);
* Retrieves the persona identified by the specified identifier and all its associated sessions
* @param personaId the identifier of the persona to retrieve
* @return a {@link PersonaWithSessions} instance with the persona identified by the specified identifier and all its associated sessions
PersonaWithSessions loadPersonaWithSessions(String personaId);
* Creates a persona with the specified identifier and automatically creates an associated session with it.
* @param personaId the identifier to use for the new persona
* @return the newly created persona
Persona createPersona(String personaId);
* Retrieves the sessions associated with the persona identified by the specified identifier, ordered according to the specified {@code sortBy} String and and paged: only
* {@code size} of them are retrieved, starting with the {@code offset}-th one.
* @param personaId the persona id
* @param offset zero or a positive integer specifying the position of the first session in the total ordered collection of matching sessions
* @param size a positive integer specifying how many matching sessions should be retrieved or {@code -1} if all of them should be retrieved
* @param sortBy an optional ({@code null} if no sorting is required) String of comma ({@code ,}) separated property names on which ordering should be performed, ordering elements according to the property order in the
* String, considering each in turn and moving on to the next one in case of equality of all preceding ones. Each property name is optionally followed by
* a column ({@code :}) and an order specifier: {@code asc} or {@code desc}.
* @return a {@link PartialList} of sessions for the persona identified by the specified identifier
PartialList<Session> getPersonaSessions(String personaId, int offset, int size, String sortBy);
* Retrieves all the property types associated with the specified target.
* TODO: move to a different class
* @param target the target for which we want to retrieve the associated property types
* @return a collection of all the property types associated with the specified target
Collection<PropertyType> getAllPropertyTypes(String target);
* Retrieves all known property types.
* TODO: move to a different class
* TODO: use Map instead of HashMap
* @return a Map associating targets as keys to related {@link PropertyType}s
Map<String, Collection<PropertyType>> getAllPropertyTypes();
* Retrieves all property types with the specified tag also retrieving property types with sub-tags of the specified tag if so specified.
* TODO: move to a different class
* @param tag the tag name marking property types we want to retrieve
* @param includeFromSubtags {@code true} if sub-tags of the specified tag should also be considered, {@code false} otherwise
* @return a Set of the property types with the specified tag
Set<PropertyType> getPropertyTypeByTag(String tag, boolean includeFromSubtags);
String getPropertyTypeMapping(String fromPropertyTypeId);
Collection<PropertyType> getPropertyTypeByMapping(String propertyName);
* Retrieves the property type identified by the specified identifier.
* TODO: move to a different class
* @param id the identifier of the property type to retrieve
* @return the property type identified by the specified identifier or {@code null} if no such property type exists
PropertyType getPropertyType(String id);
* Persists the specified property type in the context server.
* TODO: move to a different class
* @param property the property type to persist
* @return {@code true} if the property type was properly created, {@code false} otherwise (for example, if the property type already existed
boolean setPropertyType(PropertyType property);
* Deletes the property type identified by the specified identifier.
* TODO: move to a different class
* @param propertyId the identifier of the property type to delete
* @return {@code true} if the property type was properly deleted, {@code false} otherwise
boolean deletePropertyType(String propertyId);
* Retrieves the existing property types for the specified type as defined by the Item subclass public field {@code ITEM_TYPE} and with the specified tag.
* TODO: move to a different class
* @param tagId the tag we're interested in
* @param itemType the String representation of the item type we want to retrieve the count of, as defined by its class' {@code ITEM_TYPE} field
* @return all property types defined for the specified item type and with the specified tag
Set<PropertyType> getExistingProperties(String tagId, String itemType);