blob: c7b83cca9973491f24aa53e032715214b026b46d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.apache.unomi.api.Item;
import org.apache.unomi.api.Metadata;
import org.apache.unomi.api.PartialList;
import org.apache.unomi.api.query.Query;
import org.apache.unomi.api.segments.DependentMetadata;
import org.apache.unomi.api.segments.Scoring;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import java.util.List;
* A JAX-RS endpoint to manage {@link Scoring}s
allowAllOrigins = true,
allowCredentials = true
public class ScoringServiceEndPoint {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ScoringServiceEndPoint.class.getName());
private SegmentService segmentService;
public ScoringServiceEndPoint() {"Initializing scoring service endpoint...");
@WebMethod(exclude = true)
public void setSegmentService(SegmentService segmentService) {
this.segmentService = segmentService;
* Retrieves the set of all scoring metadata.
* @param offset zero or a positive integer specifying the position of the first element in the total ordered collection of matching elements
* @param size a positive integer specifying how many matching elements should be retrieved or {@code -1} if all of them should be retrieved
* @param sortBy an optional ({@code null} if no sorting is required) String of comma ({@code ,}) separated property names on which ordering should be performed, ordering
* elements according to the property order in the
* String, considering each in turn and moving on to the next one in case of equality of all preceding ones. Each property name is optionally followed by
* a column ({@code :}) and an order specifier: {@code asc} or {@code desc}.
* @return the set of all scoring metadata
public List<Metadata> getScoringMetadatas(@QueryParam("offset") @DefaultValue("0") int offset, @QueryParam("size") @DefaultValue("50") int size, @QueryParam("sort") String sortBy) {
return segmentService.getScoringMetadatas(offset,size,sortBy).getList();
* Retrieves the set of scoring metadata for scorings matching the specified query.
* @param query the query the scorings must match for their metadata to be retrieved
* @return the set of scoring metadata for scorings matching the specified query
public PartialList<Metadata> getScoringMetadatas(Query query) {
return segmentService.getScoringMetadatas(query);
* Retrieves the scoring identified by the specified identifier.
* @param scoringId the identifier of the scoring to be retrieved
* @return the scoring identified by the specified identifier or {@code null} if no such scoring exists
public Scoring getScoringDefinition(@PathParam("scoringID") String scoringId) {
return segmentService.getScoringDefinition(scoringId);
* Persists the specified scoring in the context server.
* @param scoring the scoring to be persisted
public void setScoringDefinition(Scoring scoring) {
* Creates a scoring with the specified scope, identifier, name and description from form-encoded data.
* @param scope the scope for the new scoring
* @param scoringId the identifier for the new scoring
* @param scoringName the name of the new scoring
* @param scoringDescription the description of the new scoring
* @see Item Item's description for a discussion of scope
public void createScoringDefinition(@PathParam("scope") String scope, @PathParam("scoringID") String scoringId, @FormParam("scoringName") String scoringName, @FormParam("scoringDescription") String scoringDescription) {
segmentService.createScoringDefinition(scope, scoringId, scoringName, scoringDescription);
* Removes the scoring definition identified by the specified identifier. We can specify that we want the operation to be validated beforehand so that we can
* know if any other segment that might use the segment we're trying to delete as a condition might be impacted. If {@code validate} is set to {@code false}, no
* validation is performed. If set to {@code true}, we will first check if any segment or scoring depends on the scoring we're trying to delete and if so we will not delete the
* scoring but rather return the list of the metadata of the impacted items. If no dependents are found, then we properly delete the scoring.
* @param scoringId the identifier of the scoring we want to delete
* @param validate whether or not to perform validation
* @return a list of impacted items metadata if any or an empty list if none were found or validation was skipped
public DependentMetadata removeScoringDefinition(@PathParam("scoringID") String scoringId, @QueryParam("validate") boolean validate) {
return segmentService.removeScoringDefinition(scoringId, validate);
* Retrieves the list of Segment and Scoring metadata depending on the specified scoring.
* A segment or scoring is depending on a segment if it includes a scoringCondition with a test on this scoring.
* @param scoringId the segment identifier
* @return a list of Segment/Scoring Metadata depending on the specified scoring
public DependentMetadata getScoringDependentMetadata(@PathParam("scoringID") String scoringId) {
return segmentService.getScoringDependentMetadata(scoringId);
* TODO: remove
* @deprecated As of version 1.1.0-incubating, not needed anymore
public void resetQueries() {
for (Metadata metadata : segmentService.getScoringMetadatas(0, 50, null).getList()) {
Scoring s = segmentService.getScoringDefinition(metadata.getId());