blob: ae163c22b73f772351b375fc2b317e4e01af6e21 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.unomi.web;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.unomi.api.*;
import org.apache.unomi.api.conditions.Condition;
import org.apache.unomi.persistence.spi.CustomObjectMapper;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
import javax.servlet.ServletException;
import javax.servlet.ServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.ServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import java.util.*;
* A servlet filter to serve a context-specific Javascript containing the current request context object.
public class ContextServlet extends HttpServlet {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 2928875830103325238L;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContextServlet.class.getName());
private static final int MAX_COOKIE_AGE_IN_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24 * 365; // 1 year
private String profileIdCookieName = "context-profile-id";
private String profileIdCookieDomain;
private int profileIdCookieMaxAgeInSeconds = MAX_COOKIE_AGE_IN_SECONDS;
private ProfileService profileService;
private EventService eventService;
private RulesService rulesService;
private PrivacyService privacyService;
private PersonalizationService personalizationService;
private ConfigSharingService configSharingService;
private boolean sanitizeConditions = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("", "true"));
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
configSharingService.setProperty("profileIdCookieName", profileIdCookieName);
configSharingService.setProperty("profileIdCookieDomain", profileIdCookieDomain);
configSharingService.setProperty("profileIdCookieMaxAgeInSeconds", (Integer) profileIdCookieMaxAgeInSeconds);"ContextServlet initialized.");
public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
final Date timestamp = new Date();
if (request.getParameter("timestamp") != null) {
// set up CORS headers as soon as possible so that errors are not misconstrued on the client for CORS errors
HttpUtils.setupCORSHeaders(request, response);
// Handle OPTIONS request
String httpMethod = request.getMethod();
if ("options".equals(httpMethod.toLowerCase())) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("OPTIONS request received. No context will be returned.");
// Handle persona
Profile profile = null;
Session session = null;
String personaId = request.getParameter("personaId");
if (personaId != null) {
PersonaWithSessions personaWithSessions = profileService.loadPersonaWithSessions(personaId);
if (personaWithSessions == null) {
logger.error("Couldn't find persona with id=" + personaId);
profile = null;
} else {
profile = personaWithSessions.getPersona();
session = personaWithSessions.getLastSession();
// Extract payload
ContextRequest contextRequest = null;
String scope = null;
String sessionId = null;
String profileId = null;
String stringPayload = HttpUtils.getPayload(request);
if (stringPayload != null) {
ObjectMapper mapper = CustomObjectMapper.getObjectMapper();
JsonFactory factory = mapper.getFactory();
try {
contextRequest = mapper.readValue(factory.createParser(stringPayload), ContextRequest.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
((HttpServletResponse)response).sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Check logs for more details");
logger.error("Cannot read payload " + stringPayload, e);
if (contextRequest.getSource() != null) {
scope = contextRequest.getSource().getScope();
sessionId = contextRequest.getSessionId();
profileId = contextRequest.getProfileId();
if (sessionId == null) {
sessionId = request.getParameter("sessionId");
if (profileId == null) {
// Get profile id from the cookie
profileId = ServletCommon.getProfileIdCookieValue(request, profileIdCookieName);
if (profileId == null && sessionId == null && personaId == null) {
((HttpServletResponse)response).sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Check logs for more details");
logger.error("Couldn't find profileId, sessionId or personaId in incoming request! Stopped processing request. See debug level for more information");
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Request dump: {}", HttpUtils.dumpRequestInfo(request));
int changes = EventService.NO_CHANGE;
if (profile == null) {
// Not a persona, resolve profile now
boolean profileCreated = false;
boolean invalidateProfile = request.getParameter("invalidateProfile") != null ?
new Boolean(request.getParameter("invalidateProfile")) : false;
if (profileId == null || invalidateProfile) {
// no profileId cookie was found or the profile has to be invalidated, we generate a new one and create the profile in the profile service
profile = createNewProfile(null, response, timestamp);
profileCreated = true;
} else {
profile = profileService.load(profileId);
if (profile == null) {
// this can happen if we have an old cookie but have reset the server,
// or if we merged the profiles and somehow this cookie didn't get updated.
profile = createNewProfile(profileId, response, timestamp);
profileCreated = true;
} else {
Changes changesObject = checkMergedProfile(response, profile, session);
changes |= changesObject.getChangeType();
profile = changesObject.getProfile();
Profile sessionProfile;
boolean invalidateSession = request.getParameter("invalidateSession") != null ?
new Boolean(request.getParameter("invalidateSession")) : false;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sessionId) && !invalidateSession) {
session = profileService.loadSession(sessionId, timestamp);
if (session != null) {
sessionProfile = session.getProfile();
boolean anonymousSessionProfile = sessionProfile.isAnonymousProfile();
if (!profile.isAnonymousProfile() && !anonymousSessionProfile && !profile.getItemId().equals(sessionProfile.getItemId())) {
// Session user has been switched, profile id in cookie is not up to date
// We must reload the profile with the session ID as some properties could be missing from the session profile
// #personalIdentifier
profile = profileService.load(sessionProfile.getItemId());
if (profile != null) {
HttpUtils.sendProfileCookie(profile, response, profileIdCookieName, profileIdCookieDomain, profileIdCookieMaxAgeInSeconds);
} else {
logger.warn("Couldn't load profile {} referenced in session {}", sessionProfile.getItemId(), session.getItemId());
// Handle anonymous situation
Boolean requireAnonymousBrowsing = privacyService.isRequireAnonymousBrowsing(profile);
if (requireAnonymousBrowsing && anonymousSessionProfile) {
// User wants to browse anonymously, anonymous profile is already set.
} else if (requireAnonymousBrowsing && !anonymousSessionProfile) {
// User wants to browse anonymously, update the sessionProfile to anonymous profile
sessionProfile = privacyService.getAnonymousProfile(profile);
changes |= EventService.SESSION_UPDATED;
} else if (!requireAnonymousBrowsing && anonymousSessionProfile) {
// User does not want to browse anonymously anymore, update the sessionProfile to real profile
sessionProfile = profile;
changes |= EventService.SESSION_UPDATED;
} else if (!requireAnonymousBrowsing && !anonymousSessionProfile) {
// User does not want to browse anonymously, use the real profile. Check that session contains the current profile.
sessionProfile = profile;
if (!session.getProfileId().equals(sessionProfile.getItemId())) {
changes |= EventService.SESSION_UPDATED;
if (session == null || invalidateSession) {
sessionProfile = privacyService.isRequireAnonymousBrowsing(profile) ? privacyService.getAnonymousProfile(profile) : profile;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sessionId)) {
// Only save session and send event if a session id was provided, otherwise keep transient session
session = new Session(sessionId, sessionProfile, timestamp, scope);
changes |= EventService.SESSION_UPDATED;
Event event = new Event("sessionCreated", session, profile, scope, null, session, timestamp);
if (sessionProfile.isAnonymousProfile()) {
// Do not keep track of profile in event
event.getAttributes().put(Event.HTTP_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE, request);
event.getAttributes().put(Event.HTTP_RESPONSE_ATTRIBUTE, response);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Received event {} for profile={} session={} target={} timestamp={}",
event.getEventType(), profile.getItemId(), session.getItemId(), event.getTarget(), timestamp);
changes |= eventService.send(event);
if (profileCreated) {
changes |= EventService.PROFILE_UPDATED;
Event profileUpdated = new Event("profileUpdated", session, profile, scope, null, profile, timestamp);
profileUpdated.getAttributes().put(Event.HTTP_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE, request);
profileUpdated.getAttributes().put(Event.HTTP_RESPONSE_ATTRIBUTE, response);
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Received event {} for profile={} {} target={} timestamp={}", profileUpdated.getEventType(), profile.getItemId(),
" session=" + (session != null ? session.getItemId() : null), profileUpdated.getTarget(), timestamp);
changes |= eventService.send(profileUpdated);
ContextResponse contextResponse = new ContextResponse();
if (session != null) {
} else if (sessionId != null) {
if (contextRequest != null) {
Changes changesObject = handleRequest(contextRequest, session, profile, contextResponse, request, response, timestamp);
changes |= changesObject.getChangeType();
profile = changesObject.getProfile();
if ((changes & EventService.PROFILE_UPDATED) == EventService.PROFILE_UPDATED) {;
if ((changes & EventService.SESSION_UPDATED) == EventService.SESSION_UPDATED && session != null) {
if ((changes & EventService.ERROR) == EventService.ERROR) {
String extension = request.getRequestURI().substring(request.getRequestURI().lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
boolean noScript = "json".equals(extension);
String contextAsJSONString = CustomObjectMapper.getObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(contextResponse);
Writer responseWriter;
if (noScript) {
responseWriter = response.getWriter();
IOUtils.write(contextAsJSONString, responseWriter);
} else {
responseWriter = response.getWriter();
responseWriter.append("window.digitalData = window.digitalData || {};\n")
.append("var cxs = ")
private Changes checkMergedProfile(ServletResponse response, Profile profile, Session session) {
int changes = EventService.NO_CHANGE;
if (profile.getMergedWith() != null && !privacyService.isRequireAnonymousBrowsing(profile) && !profile.isAnonymousProfile()) {
Profile currentProfile = profile;
String masterProfileId = profile.getMergedWith();
Profile masterProfile = profileService.load(masterProfileId);
if (masterProfile != null) {
if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Current profile was merged with profile {}, replacing profile in session", masterProfileId);
profile = masterProfile;
if (session != null) {
changes = EventService.SESSION_UPDATED;
HttpUtils.sendProfileCookie(profile, response, profileIdCookieName, profileIdCookieDomain, profileIdCookieMaxAgeInSeconds);
} else {
logger.warn("Couldn't find merged profile {}, falling back to profile {}", masterProfileId, currentProfile.getItemId());
profile = currentProfile;
changes = EventService.PROFILE_UPDATED;
return new Changes(changes, profile);
private Changes handleRequest(ContextRequest contextRequest, Session session, Profile profile, ContextResponse data,
ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, Date timestamp) {
Changes changes = ServletCommon.handleEvents(contextRequest.getEvents(), session, profile, request, response, timestamp,
privacyService, eventService);
profile = changes.getProfile();
if (contextRequest.isRequireSegments()) {
if (contextRequest.getRequiredProfileProperties() != null) {
Map<String, Object> profileProperties = new HashMap<>(profile.getProperties());
if (!contextRequest.getRequiredProfileProperties().contains("*")) {
if (session != null) {
if (contextRequest.getRequiredSessionProperties() != null) {
Map<String, Object> sessionProperties = new HashMap<>(session.getProperties());
if (!contextRequest.getRequiredSessionProperties().contains("*")) {
processOverrides(contextRequest, profile, session);
List<PersonalizationService.PersonalizedContent> filterNodes = contextRequest.getFilters();
if (filterNodes != null) {
data.setFilteringResults(new HashMap<>());
for (PersonalizationService.PersonalizedContent personalizedContent : sanitizePersonalizedContentObjects(filterNodes)) {
data.getFilteringResults().put(personalizedContent.getId(), personalizationService.filter(profile,
session, personalizedContent));
List<PersonalizationService.PersonalizationRequest> personalizations = contextRequest.getPersonalizations();
if (personalizations != null) {
data.setPersonalizations(new HashMap<>());
for (PersonalizationService.PersonalizationRequest personalization : sanitizePersonalizations(personalizations)) {
data.getPersonalizations().put(personalization.getId(), personalizationService.personalizeList(profile,
session, personalization));
if (!(profile instanceof Persona)) {
} else {
return changes;
* This function will update the profile if it is from Persona instance.
* The profile will be updated using the overrides attributes :
* - profileOverrides for profile properties, segments and scores
* - sessionPropertiesOverrides for session properties
* @param contextRequest
* @param profile
* @param session
private void processOverrides(ContextRequest contextRequest, Profile profile, Session session) {
if (profile instanceof Persona) {
if (contextRequest.getProfileOverrides() != null) {
if (contextRequest.getProfileOverrides().getScores()!=null) {
if (contextRequest.getProfileOverrides().getSegments()!=null) {
if (contextRequest.getProfileOverrides().getProperties()!=null) {
if (contextRequest.getSessionPropertiesOverrides()!=null && session != null) {
private Profile createNewProfile(String existingProfileId, ServletResponse response, Date timestamp) {
Profile profile;
String profileId = existingProfileId;
if (profileId == null) {
profileId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
profile = new Profile(profileId);
profile.setProperty("firstVisit", timestamp);
HttpUtils.sendProfileCookie(profile, response, profileIdCookieName, profileIdCookieDomain, profileIdCookieMaxAgeInSeconds);
return profile;
public void destroy() {"Context servlet shutdown.");
public void setProfileService(ProfileService profileService) {
this.profileService = profileService;
public void setEventService(EventService eventService) {
this.eventService = eventService;
public void setRulesService(RulesService rulesService) {
this.rulesService = rulesService;
public void setProfileIdCookieDomain(String profileIdCookieDomain) {
this.profileIdCookieDomain = profileIdCookieDomain;
public void setProfileIdCookieName(String profileIdCookieName) {
this.profileIdCookieName = profileIdCookieName;
public void setProfileIdCookieMaxAgeInSeconds(int profileIdCookieMaxAgeInSeconds) {
this.profileIdCookieMaxAgeInSeconds = profileIdCookieMaxAgeInSeconds;
public void setPrivacyService(PrivacyService privacyService) {
this.privacyService = privacyService;
public void setPersonalizationService(PersonalizationService personalizationService) {
this.personalizationService = personalizationService;
public void setConfigSharingService(ConfigSharingService configSharingService) {
this.configSharingService = configSharingService;
private List<PersonalizationService.PersonalizedContent> sanitizePersonalizedContentObjects(List<PersonalizationService.PersonalizedContent> personalizedContentObjects) {
if (!sanitizeConditions) {
return personalizedContentObjects;
List<PersonalizationService.PersonalizedContent> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (PersonalizationService.PersonalizedContent personalizedContentObject : personalizedContentObjects) {
boolean foundInvalidCondition = false;
if (personalizedContentObject.getFilters() != null) {
for (PersonalizationService.Filter filter : personalizedContentObject.getFilters()) {
if (sanitizeCondition(filter.getCondition()) == null) {
foundInvalidCondition = true;
if (!foundInvalidCondition) {
return result;
private List<PersonalizationService.PersonalizationRequest> sanitizePersonalizations(List<PersonalizationService.PersonalizationRequest> personalizations) {
if (!sanitizeConditions) {
return personalizations;
List<PersonalizationService.PersonalizationRequest> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (PersonalizationService.PersonalizationRequest personalizationRequest : personalizations) {
List<PersonalizationService.PersonalizedContent> personalizedContents = sanitizePersonalizedContentObjects(personalizationRequest.getContents());
if (personalizedContents != null && personalizedContents.size() > 0) {
return result;
private Condition sanitizeCondition(Condition condition) {
Map<String,Object> newParameterValues = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String,Object> parameterEntry : condition.getParameterValues().entrySet()) {
Object sanitizedValue = sanitizeValue(parameterEntry.getValue());
if (sanitizedValue != null) {
newParameterValues.put(parameterEntry.getKey(), parameterEntry.getValue());
} else {
return null;
return condition;
private Object sanitizeValue(Object value) {
if (value instanceof String) {
String stringValue = (String) value;
if (stringValue.startsWith("script::") || stringValue.startsWith("parameter::")) {
logger.warn("Scripting detected in context request with value {}, filtering out...", value);
return null;
} else {
return stringValue;
} else if (value instanceof List) {
List values = (List) value;
List newValues = new ArrayList();
for (Object listObject : values) {
Object newObject = sanitizeValue(listObject);
if (newObject != null) {
return values;
} else if (value instanceof Map) {
Map<Object,Object> newMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
((Map<?, ?>) value).forEach((key, value1) -> {
Object newObject = sanitizeValue(value1);
if (newObject != null) {
newMap.put(key, newObject);
return newMap;
} else if (value instanceof Condition) {
return sanitizeCondition((Condition) value);
} else {
return value;