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title: Main Page
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<h1 class="display-5">Apache Unomi&trade;: The Open Source Customer Data Platform</h1>
<p class="lead">Apache Unomi&trade; (pronounced "You know me") is a Java Open Source customer data platform, a Java server designed to manage customers, leads and visitors data and help personalize customers experiences while also offering features to respect visitor privacy rules (such as GDPR)</p>
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<a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="get-started.html">Learn more</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a class="btn btn-primary btn-lg" href="download.html">Download</a>
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<h1 class="mb-5">News</h1>
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<h3>Version 1.9.0 released!</h3>
<h4>Changes in 1.9.0 (since 1.8.0)</h4>
<li>Oneshot profiles export improved and faster</li>
<li>Segment recalculation job scheduling fixed</li>
<li>Profile merge system optimized to consume less memory</li>
<li>Ability to use scrolling when searching events using REST API</li>
<li>Other small bug fixes</li>
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<h3>Version 2.2.0 released!</h3>
<h4>Changes in 2.2.0 (since 2.1.0)</h4>
<li>Reduced the number of ElasticSearch indices</li>
<li>Implemented ElasticSearch rollover strategy to optimize the monthly indices rotation (events, sessions)</li>
<li>Bug fixes and improvements in the profile merge system</li>
<li>New JSON Schema endpoint allowing for direct validation of events</li>
<li>Performance improvements for direct profile export to CSV</li>
<li>Upgraded user agent library (Yauaa) to version 7.9.0</li>
<li>Other small bug fixes and improvements</li>
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<h3>Version 1.8.0 released!</h3>
<h4>Changes in 1.8.0 (since 1.7.1)</h4>
<li>Upgrade user agent library (Yauaa) to 7.8.0</li>
<li>Backport optimization on non persisted events</li>
<li>Replace openjdk base image & make image multi-arch</li>
<li>Other small bug fixes</li>
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<h3>Version 2.1.0 and 1.7.1 released !</h3>
<h4>Changes in 2.1.0 (since 2.0.0)</h4>
<li>Upgrade user agent library (Yauaa) to 7.8.0</li>
<li>Bug fixes in control groups</li>
<li>Bug fixes in profile purge system</li>
<li>Other small bug fixes</li>
<h4>Changes in 1.7.1 (since 1.6.1)</h4>
<li>Bug fixes in list personalization</li>
<li>Bug fixes in control groups</li>
<li>Bug fixes in profile purge system</li>
<li>Other small bug fixes</li>
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<img src="" class="img-thumbnail" alt="JSON Schema Logo"/>
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<h3>Version 2.0 released !</h3>
<h4>JSON Schema</h4>
<li>Define strict structure for events</li>
<li>Easily extensible through plugins & API</li>
<h4>GraphQL API (beta)</h4>
<li>Brand new GraphQL API to input events and manage all objects</li>
<li>Based on the OASIS CXS CDP Specification</li>
<li>Deactivated by default for security</li>
<h4>Profile aliases</h4>
<li>Profiles may now have alias IDs, multiple IDs for a single profile</li>
<li>Simplifies merging of profiles</li>
<li>Enables new use cases for integrating with external systems (CRM IDs, ...)</li>
<h4>New web tracker</h4>
<li>Replaces old web tracker that had dependencies on third party library with self-sufficient code</li>
<li>Designed to be used directly as well as extended</li>
<li>New tutorial that illustrates its use</li>
<h4>Lots of smaller fixes/improvements</h4>
<li>Migration tools from 1.6 to 2.0</li>
<li>Docker images now use JDK 11 by default</li>
<li>Lots more details <a href="">here</a></li>
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<img src="" class="img-thumbnail" alt="JSON Schema Logo" />
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<h3>Version 1.6.1 released !</h3>
<h4>Minor release with the following changes</h4>
<li>Bug fixes</li>
<li>Migration fix</li>
<li>More details <a href="">here</a></li>
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<h3>Version 1.6 released !</h3>
<h4>Groovy actions REST API</h4>
<li>Deploy Groovy actions directly through API</li>
<li>Makes it possible to use Groovy actions in cloud deployments!</li>
<h4>Rule engine optimization</h4>
<li>Rule are now associated to event types in memory</li>
<li>Only rules related to incoming event are evaluated</li>
<li>Changes rule engine performance from exponential to linear when rules are added</li>
<h4>Lots of smaller fixes/improvements</h4>
<li>Log4j upgrades</li>
<li>Docker support improvements</li>
<li>Segment and score process fixes</li>
<li>Lots more details <a href="">here</a></li>
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<img src="assets/images/groovy-logo.svg" class="img-thumbnail" alt="Apache Groovy logo" />
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<img src="/assets/images/unomi-meetup-logo.png" class="img-thumbnail" alt="Unomi Meetup Logo" />
<p>Find more details on the <a href="/community/events/meetups/2021-11-18.html">event's page</a>.</p>
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<h3>First Apache Unomi meetup !</h3>
The event was held on <strong>Nov 18th, 2021 from 1600 to 1800 CET</strong>. See the event's page for
information about viewing the recorded session.
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<h3>Version 1.5 released !</h3>
<h4>ElasticSearch 7 support</h4>
<li>New data model to support ElasticSearch 7 and up</li>
<li>Better compatibility with Kibana</li>
<li>Migration tool updated to make the upgrade from the old to the new data model seamless</li>
<h4>Docker / Cloud improvements</h4>
<li>Official Docker image now on Docker Hub!</li>
<li>Improved Docker project to be in line with latest project builds</li>
<li>Added last updated property to profiles to make it easy to query last modified profiles</li>
<li>It is now possible to build Unomi actions using Groovy scripts inside a plugin</li>
<h4>JDK support</h4>
<li>Both JDK 11 and JDK 8 are now supported.</li>
<h4>Kafka support</h4>
<li>Initial Kafka consumer support</li>
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<img src="assets/images/apache-unomi-functionalities.png" class="img-thumbnail" alt="Apache Unomi profile view shell command" />
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<img src="assets/images/unomi-profile-view.png" class="img-thumbnail" alt="Apache Unomi profile view shell command" width="350" />
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<h3>Version 1.4.0 released !</h3>
<h4>Container/Cloud deployments</h4>
<li>Centralized configuration compatible with Docker environment variables
<li>New Dockerfile and Docker Compose project files (official Apache Unomi Docker image coming soon!)
<h4>Event, rules, profiles management and tools</h4>
<li>New Karaf Shell Commands to view events, sessions and profiles, analyze rule executions, view incoming events, and much more...</li>
<li>Endpoint to search in events has been added</li>
<li>New patch system to improve modifying default definitions (rules, segments, …)</li>
<h4>Data collection</h4>
<li>Analytics.js integration, providing an out-of-the-box ready-to-use web tracker</li>
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<h3>Version 1.3.0 introduced Privacy (GPDR consent management) features</h3>
<p>New in release 1.3.0 are features to manage visitor consents,
in order to make it easier to comply with new privacy regulations such as the <a target="_blank"
A quick guide to these new features is also available <a href="manual/latest/#_consent_api">here</a>.</p>
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<img src="assets/images/europe-gdpr.jpg" class="img-thumbnail" alt="GDPR Illustration" width="350" />
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<h2 class="featurette-heading">Why would you need a <span class="text-muted">Customer Data Platform</span> ?</h2>
<p>Organizations collect data from multiple sources and channels - sales, web, emails, mobile, brick and mortar - and all of this data is spread across different departments and technologies. As a result, many professionals are lacking the data they need to do their job, especially data analysts and marketers.</p>
<p>A customer data platform helps business users collect all the customer data in one place, providing a complete view of the customers. When the data is collected, the customer data platform will also play a key role in choosing which content or offer is more relevant to a customer.</p>
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<h2 class="featurette-heading">The <span class="text-muted">Apache Unomi&trade;</span> advantage ?</h2>
<p>Each organization is unique and will always have specific needs, this is why Apache Unomi&trade; has been designed to be extended and to ease the integration of external data. The embedded features such as segmentation, scoring and built-in privacy will be appreciated by business users while horizontal scalability and open source positioning will be loved by developers and architects. </p>
<p>Apache Unomi&trade; is also the reference implementation of the upcoming OASIS Context Server Customer Data Platform (CDP) standard (<a target="_blank" href=""></a>) to help standardize personalization of customer experience while promoting ethical web experience management and increased user privacy controls. </p>
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<h2 class="featurette-heading">Business cases based on <span class="text-muted">Apache Unomi&trade;</span> ?</h2>
<li>Build a web personalization software to adapt the content on your website to your audience</li>
<li>Collect data from mobile application and feed Apache Unomi&trade; to track and understand your customers’ journeys</li>
<li>Connect the beacons deployed in your stores to Apache Unomi&trade; and consolidate the profile of your customers and leads across all these channels</li>
<li>Automatically push profiles from Apache Unomi&trade; to your CRM when a lead reach a given number of points in one of your scoring plans</li>
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<h2 class="featurette-heading"><span class="text-muted">Apache Unomi&trade;</span> logical architecture</h2>
<p>All communication is done using HTTP REST requests and JSON data formats.</p>
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<img src="assets/images/unomi-logical-architecture-diagram.png" alt="Apache Unomi logical architecture diagram" class="img-fluid" />
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<h2>For developers</h2>
<li>Uses ElasticSearch for data storage, dynamic data structure</li>
<li>Highly scalable architecture</li>
<li>Very simple to deploy and install (simply unzip &amp; run)</li>
<li>Uses Apache Karaf&trade; as the OSGi runtime</li>
<li>Full &amp; simple REST API</li>
<li>Extensible through plugin architecture (using OSGi &amp; simple JSON descriptors)</li>
<li>Apache Open Source project</li>
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<h2>For IT stakeholders and business users</h2>
<li>First-Party Data Collection and Ownership</li>
<li>Persistent and consolidated profiles for all your audience (customers &amp; leads), storing anonymous and personally identifiable information</li>
<li>Regulation-proof and privacy management built-in</li>
<li>Real-Time Decisioning (Scoring logics, segmentation)</li>
<li>Open standard, easy integration and extension</li>
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<h2 class="featurette-heading">Articles &amp; slides</h2>
<p>Checkout the latest <a href="resources.html#articlesAndSlides">articles and slides</a></p>
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<h2 class="featurette-heading">Apache & OpenSource.</h2>
Unomi&trade; is your project ! Unomi&trade; is an Apache Software Foundation project, available under the Apache v2 license.
It's a complete open community, always listening proposals and comments.
Sources, mailing lists, issue tracker: it's fully open, you can access directly.
We also love contributions : don't hesitate to contribute.
<a href="community/index.html">Be Involved In The Community</a> |
<a href="contribute/index.html">How To Contribute</a>
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