blob: 1d22fed75b7472919f49ce2871933e0847581e59 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.atlassian.uwc.converters.dokuwiki;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.atlassian.uwc.converters.BaseConverter;
import com.atlassian.uwc.ui.Page;
public class SpaceConverter extends HierarchyTarget {
Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
public void convert(Page page) {
String path = page.getFile().getPath();
if (page.getParent() != null && page.getParent().getSpacekey() != null) {
String ancestors = getProperties().getProperty("filepath-hierarchy-ignorable-ancestors", "");
if (path.startsWith(ancestors)) path = path.replaceFirst("\\Q"+ancestors+"\\E", "");
log.debug("Path after removing ancestors = " + path);
HashMap<String, String> dirs = getDokuDirectories();//FIXME do we want to fix HierarchyTarget so it doesn't do this more than once
String tmppath = path;
while (!"".equals(tmppath)) {
if (dirs.containsKey(tmppath)) {
log.debug("tmppath = " + tmppath);
String spacekey = dirs.get(tmppath);
if (matchesSpaceNameRule(tmppath)) {
String spaceName = getSpaceName(spacekey);
log.debug("matched. spacename = " +spaceName);
page.setSpace(spacekey, spaceName, "");
else page.setSpacekey(spacekey);
if (!tmppath.contains(File.separator))
break; //break here if we can't find a spacekey for this dir
//remove deepest portion of the path
tmppath = removeDeepest(tmppath);
static Pattern filetype = Pattern.compile("[.]\\w+$");
public static String removeDeepest(String tmppath) {
//if thire's a filetype, remove that
if (filetype.matcher(tmppath).find())
return tmppath.replaceFirst("[.]\\w+$", "");
//otherwise remove up to the last directory
return tmppath.replaceFirst("\\"+File.separator+"[^\\"+File.separator+"]*$", "");
private boolean matchesSpaceNameRule(String path) {
String regex = getProperties().getProperty("spacename-rule-regex", null);
if (regex == null) return false;
String[] relatedPaths = getRelatedPaths(path);
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
for (String relpath : relatedPaths) {
log.debug("relpath = " + relpath);
Matcher m = p.matcher(relpath);
if (m.find()) return true;
return false;
private String getSpaceName(String spacekey) {
String prefix = getProperties().getProperty("spacename-rule-prefix", null);
boolean casify = Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperties().getProperty("spacename-rule-uppercase", "false"));
if (prefix == null) {
if (casify) return HierarchyTitleConverter.casify(spacekey);
return spacekey;
if (casify) return HierarchyTitleConverter.casify(prefix + spacekey);
return prefix + spacekey;