blob: 1a9f7bdee2b3bcdaa2b3196bf9eae12ea6f8495c [file] [log] [blame]
package com.atlassian.uwc.converters.dokuwiki;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import com.atlassian.uwc.converters.IllegalLinkNameConverter;
import com.atlassian.uwc.converters.tikiwiki.RegexUtil;
import com.atlassian.uwc.ui.Page;
public class HierarchyLinkConverter extends HierarchyTarget {
public void convert(Page page) {
String input = page.getOriginalText();
String converted = convertLink(input, getCurrentPath(page));
Pattern link = Pattern.compile("(?<=\\[)\\[([^\\]]*)\\](?=\\])");
Pattern onecolon = Pattern.compile("^([^:]*:)([^:]*)$");
protected String convertLink(String input) {
return convertLink(input, null);
protected String convertLink(String input, String currentPath) {
Matcher linkFinder = link.matcher(input);
String currentSpacekey = getProperties().getProperty("spacekey", null);
Vector<String> allspaces = getSpaces();
HashMap<String,String> namespaces = getDokuDirectories();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
boolean found = false;
while (linkFinder.find()) {
found = true;
String target =;
String alias = null;
if (target.startsWith("\\\\")) continue; //UNC link
if (target.contains("|")) {
String[] parts = target.split("\\|");
target = parts[0];
alias = parts[1];
//remove any opening colons (:namespace:page)
target = target.trim();
if (!isExternal(target)) {
if (target.startsWith(".")) {
target = target.replaceAll("^[.]*", "");
if (currentPath != null && !currentPath.equals(currentSpacekey)) { //need to add hierarchy in
String pre = currentPath.replaceAll("\\/", ":");
target = pre + ":" + target;
if (target.startsWith(":")) target = target.replaceFirst(":", "");
//figure out if we've already got the space represented
String targetPart1 = target.replaceFirst(":.*$", "");
boolean containsSpace = false;
if (allspaces.contains(targetPart1))
containsSpace = true;
//get rid of unnecessary links to start
//(start page content will be moved to parent in DokuwikiHierarchy
//unless the start page is a top level page in the space)
if (!(containsSpace && (onecolon.matcher(target)).matches()))
target = target.replaceFirst(":start$", "");
if (containsSpace) //remove the space from the target for now
target = target.replaceFirst("\\Q"+targetPart1+"\\E:", "");
String hierarchy = target; //save for later
//get confluence page name and fix the case to match HierarchyTitleConverter
target = target.replaceFirst("^.*:", ""); //remove everything to the last colon
target = HierarchyTitleConverter.casify(target); //foo_bar becomes Foo Bar
//fix collisions
String linkSpacekey = currentSpacekey;
if (!containsSpace && namespaces.containsKey(targetPart1)) {
linkSpacekey = namespaces.get(targetPart1);
if (containsSpace) linkSpacekey = targetPart1;
target = fixCollisions(target, hierarchy, linkSpacekey);
//underscores to spaces
target = target.replaceAll("_", " ");
//add spacekey to target if necessary
if (!target.contains(":") || containsSpace)
target = linkSpacekey + ":" + target;
//build complete link
String replacement = (alias == null)?
alias.trim() + "|" + target;
replacement = RegexUtil.handleEscapesInReplacement(replacement);
linkFinder.appendReplacement(sb, replacement);
if (found) {
return sb.toString();
return input;
Pattern protocol = Pattern.compile("(https?:)|(ftp:)");
private boolean isExternal(String target) {
Matcher protocolFinder = protocol.matcher(target);
return protocolFinder.lookingAt();