blob: 1bb775c2c00c9e1d79481ac0fa1a2045b67d031b [file] [log] [blame]
package com.atlassian.uwc.ui.listeners;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
import biz.artemis.confluence.xmlrpcwrapper.ConfluenceServerSettings;
import biz.artemis.confluence.xmlrpcwrapper.RemoteWikiBroker;
import biz.artemis.confluence.xmlrpcwrapper.SpaceForXmlRpc;
import com.atlassian.uwc.ui.FeedbackWindow;
import com.atlassian.uwc.ui.State;
import com.atlassian.uwc.ui.UWCGuiModel;
import com.atlassian.uwc.ui.UWCUserSettings;
import com.atlassian.uwc.ui.UWCUserSettings.Setting;
import com.atlassian.uwc.ui.xmlrpcwrapperOld.RemoteWikiBrokerOld;
* tests the user's settings when an event is triggered
public class TestSettingsListener implements ActionListener, FeedbackHandler {
private static final int SPACEKEY_FIELD_INDEX = 3;
private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE_BADSPACE = "Either the space does not exist, or the user has no access to that space.\n";
private static final String SUCCESS_MESSAGE = "SUCCESS.\n";
public static final String SUCCESS_MESSAGE_LONG = "UWC connected successfully with Confluence.";
private static final String ERROR_MESSAGE = "Problem with User setting: ";
private static final String ERROR_PREFIX = "FAILURE:\n";
private static final String NEW_TEST_INTRO = "Testing Connection Settings... ";
private static final String NEW_TEST_DELIM = "**********************\n\n";
private Feedback feedback;
private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
UWCUserSettings settings;
private UWCGuiModel model;
private FeedbackWindow feedbackWindow;
private Vector<JTextField> testables;
* @param testables vector of textfields that will contain data to be tested
* @param model
* @param feedbackWindow
public TestSettingsListener(Vector<JTextField> testables, UWCGuiModel model, FeedbackWindow feedbackWindow) {
this.testables = testables;
this.model = model;
settings = new UWCUserSettings();
this.feedbackWindow = feedbackWindow;
* populates this object's settings with the login, pass, space, and url from the model
* @param model
private void getSettings(UWCGuiModel model) {
* launches the feedback window,
* gets all the settings,
* and tests them using the XML-RPC interface,
* displays the results in the feedback window
* @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent)
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
// pop up dialog window with connection status, and setup progressbar
State state = new State("", 0, 2);
//make sure we've saved everything we're trying to use
state.updateProgress(); //step 1
for (JTextField testable : this.testables) {
ActionListener[] actionListeners = testable.getActionListeners();
for (ActionListener listener : actionListeners) {
if (listener instanceof SaveListener) {
SaveListener savelistener = (SaveListener) listener;
Setting setting = savelistener.getSetting();
String value = testable.getText();
this.model.saveSetting(setting, value);
boolean autoDetection = !this.testables.get(SPACEKEY_FIELD_INDEX).isEnabled();
//test the setting
ConfluenceServerSettings confSettingsTest = getSettings();
String text = testConnectionSetting(confSettingsTest, autoDetection);
state.updateProgress(); //step 2
* tests the given settings with the XML-RPC interface,
* and returns the result as a String
* @param settings
* @return test results
public String testConnectionSetting(ConfluenceServerSettings settings) {
return testConnectionSetting(settings, false);
* tests the given settings with the XML-RPC interface,
* and returns the result as a String
* @param settings
* @param autoDetection if false, spaces will be autodetected
* @return test results
public String testConnectionSetting(ConfluenceServerSettings settings, boolean autoDetection) {
RemoteWikiBroker rwb = RemoteWikiBroker.getInstance();
String connection = rwb.checkConnectivity(settings);
if (autoDetection) {
return getFeedbackMessage(getFeedback(connection, null, autoDetection), null, this.log, autoDetection);
String permissions = null;
SpaceForXmlRpc space = null;
try {
permissions = rwb.getUserPermissionsForUser(settings);
space = rwb.getSpace(settings, settings.spaceKey);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (XmlRpcException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
//ignore this. We'll handle it in the feedback part.
} = getFeedback(connection, space);
return getFeedbackMessage(, permissions, this.log);
* @param settings
* @return Feedback for connection test with given settings. Possibilities include:
* Feedback.OK;
* Feedback.BAD_LOGIN;
* Feedback.BAD_PASSWORD;
* Feedback.BAD_URL;
* Feedback.BAD_SPACE;
* Feedback.BAD_SETTING;
* Note: This means, permissions problems will still be reported as OK!
* To test permissions call the getConnectionFeedbackMessage(settings) method. Resulting
public static Feedback getConnectionFeedback(ConfluenceServerSettings settings) {
return getConnectionFeedback(settings, false);
* @param settings
* @param autoDetection, if true - check that the space setting is valid. Otherwise ignore
* space setting.
* @return Feedback for connection test with given settings. Possibilities include:
* Feedback.OK;
* Feedback.BAD_LOGIN;
* Feedback.BAD_PASSWORD;
* Feedback.BAD_URL;
* Feedback.BAD_SPACE;
* Feedback.BAD_SETTING;
* Note: This means, permissions problems will still be reported as OK!
* To test permissions call the getConnectionFeedbackMessage(settings) method. Resulting
public static Feedback getConnectionFeedback(ConfluenceServerSettings settings, boolean autoDetection) {
RemoteWikiBroker rwb = RemoteWikiBroker.getInstance();
String connection = rwb.checkConnectivity(settings); //FIXME Can throw ConnectException! Then what?
if (autoDetection) {
return getFeedback(connection, null, null, autoDetection);
String permissions = null;
SpaceForXmlRpc space = null;
try {
permissions = rwb.getUserPermissionsForUser(settings);
space = rwb.getSpace(settings, settings.spaceKey);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (XmlRpcException e) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
//ignore this. We'll handle it in the feedback part.
return getFeedback(connection, permissions, space);
* tests the given settings using the XML-RPC interface,
* and returns the results as a String
* Note: This is a static varient of testConnectioSetting.
* The main difference is no log messages.
* @param settings
* @return test results
public static String getConnectionFeedbackMessage(ConfluenceServerSettings settings) {
return getConnectionFeedbackMessage(settings, false);
* tests the given settings using the XML-RPC interface,
* and returns the results as a String
* Note: This is a static varient of testConnectioSetting.
* The main difference is no log messages.
* @param settings
* @param autoDetection false if spaces will be autodetected
* @return test results
public static String getConnectionFeedbackMessage(ConfluenceServerSettings settings, boolean autoDetection) {
RemoteWikiBroker rwb = RemoteWikiBroker.getInstance();
String connection = rwb.checkConnectivity(settings);
if (autoDetection) {
return getFeedbackMessage(getFeedback(connection, null, autoDetection), null, null, autoDetection);
String permissions = null;
SpaceForXmlRpc space = null;
try {
permissions = rwb.getUserPermissionsForUser(settings);
space = rwb.getSpace(settings, settings.spaceKey);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (XmlRpcException e) {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
//ignore this. We'll handle it in the feedback part.
Feedback feedback = getFeedback(connection, space);
return getFeedbackMessage(feedback, permissions, null);
* @param feedback reflects feedback from connecting to confluence with xml-rpc
* @param permissions reflects state of permissions
* @param log if null, no log messages will be generated
* @return message reflecting the given feedback and permissions info
private static String getFeedbackMessage(Feedback feedback, String permissions, Logger log) {
return getFeedbackMessage(feedback, permissions, log, false);
* @param feedback reflects feedback from connecting to confluence with xml-rpc
* @param permissions reflects state of permissions
* @param log if null, no log messages will be generated
* @param autoDetection, false if spaces will be autodetected
* @return message reflecting the given feedback and permissions info
private static String getFeedbackMessage(Feedback feedback, String permissions, Logger log, boolean autoDetection) {
if (log != null) log.debug("feedback = " + feedback);
if (log != null) log.debug("permissions = " + permissions);
String text = NEW_TEST_DELIM;
//feedback is not ok
if (feedback != Feedback.OK) {
if (feedback == Feedback.BAD_SPACE){
text += ERROR_PREFIX +
ERROR_MESSAGE + Feedback.BAD_SPACE + " or " +
Feedback.USER_NOT_PERMITTED + "\n" +
else if (feedback == Feedback.BAD_SETTING) {
text += ERROR_PREFIX +
ERROR_MESSAGE + Feedback.BAD_SETTING + "\nIf you're attempting to " +
"connect to an SSL protected URL, make sure you've set your " +
"truststore and password, or set trustall to true.\n" +
"See Help -> Online Doc -> SSL Support";
else if (feedback == Feedback.API_FORBIDDEN) {
text += ERROR_PREFIX +
"The API returned a 403 (Forbidden) error.\n" +
"Make sure the Remote API is turned on.";
else {
text += ERROR_PREFIX +
ERROR_MESSAGE + feedback + "\n";
if (log != null) log.error(text);
else { //feedback is ok, but there might still be a permissions issue
if (!autoDetection && !permissions.contains("modify")) { //permissions do not list the word "modify"
feedback = Feedback.USER_NOT_PERMITTED;
text += ERROR_PREFIX +
ERROR_MESSAGE + feedback + "\n";
else {
return text;
* @return gets the settings from the associated model
private ConfluenceServerSettings getSettings() {
ConfluenceServerSettings confSettingsTest = new ConfluenceServerSettings();
confSettingsTest.login = this.settings.getLogin();
confSettingsTest.password = this.settings.getPassword();
confSettingsTest.spaceKey = this.settings.getSpace();
confSettingsTest.url = this.settings.getUrl();
confSettingsTest.truststore = this.settings.getTruststore();
confSettingsTest.trustpass = this.settings.getTrustpass();
confSettingsTest.trustallcerts = this.settings.getTrustall();
return confSettingsTest;
* figures out feedback for the given connectivity message.
* Feedback is kept in the field: feedback
* @param message representing string returned by checkConnectivity
* @param space representing space returned by getSpace, can be null
* @return true, if the feedback is OK; false, if an error occurred
private static Feedback getFeedback(String message, SpaceForXmlRpc space) {
return getFeedback(message, space, false);
* figures out feedback for the given connectivity message.
* Feedback is kept in the field: feedback
* @param message representing string returned by checkConnectivity
* @param space representing space returned by getSpace, can be null
* @param autoDetection, false if spaces will be autodetected
* @return true, if the feedback is OK; false, if an error occurred
private static Feedback getFeedback(String message, SpaceForXmlRpc space, boolean autoDetection) {
if (autoDetection) space = new SpaceForXmlRpc();//make artificial space if autodetecting
Feedback feedback = Feedback.NONE;
if (message == RemoteWikiBroker.USER_MESSAGE_CONNECTIVTY_SUCCESS && space != null) {
feedback = Feedback.OK;
} else if (message == RemoteWikiBroker.USER_ERROR_WRONG_USERNAME) {
feedback = Feedback.BAD_LOGIN;
} else if (message == RemoteWikiBroker.USER_ERROR_WRONG_PASSWORD) {
feedback = Feedback.BAD_PASSWORD;
} else if (message == RemoteWikiBroker.USER_ERROR_CANNOT_REACH_SERVER) {
feedback = Feedback.BAD_URL;
} else if (message == RemoteWikiBroker.USER_MESSAGE_FORBIDDEN) {
feedback = Feedback.API_FORBIDDEN;
} else if (message.startsWith(RemoteWikiBroker.BAD_TRUSTSTORE)) {
feedback = Feedback.BAD_SETTING;
} else if (space == null) {
feedback = Feedback.BAD_SPACE;
} else {
feedback = Feedback.BAD_SETTING;
return feedback;
* @param connectionMessage
* @param permissionsMessage
* @param space
* @return the feedback for the given connection , permission, and space results.
* will return USER_NOT_PERMITTED for permission problems and non-existant spaces.
private static Feedback getFeedback(String connectionMessage, String permissionsMessage, SpaceForXmlRpc space) {
return getFeedback(connectionMessage, permissionsMessage, space, false);
* @param connectionMessage
* @param permissionsMessage
* @param space
* @param autoDetection, false if spaces will be autodetected
* @return the feedback for the given connection , permission, and space results.
* will return USER_NOT_PERMITTED for permission problems and non-existant spaces.
private static Feedback getFeedback(String connectionMessage, String permissionsMessage, SpaceForXmlRpc space, boolean autoDetection) {
Feedback feedback = getFeedback(connectionMessage, space, autoDetection);
String feedbackMessage = getFeedbackMessage(feedback, permissionsMessage, null, autoDetection);
if (feedback == Feedback.OK && !feedbackMessage.endsWith(SUCCESS_MESSAGE)) {
return Feedback.USER_NOT_PERMITTED;
return feedback;
* @return the current feedback
public Feedback getFeedback() {
return feedback;