blob: 74a34554fa22f626983743730fd08c79fba6125f [file] [log] [blame]
package com.atlassian.uwc.converters.dokuwiki;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import com.atlassian.uwc.converters.BaseConverter;
import com.atlassian.uwc.ui.Page;
import com.atlassian.uwc.ui.VersionPage;
public abstract class HierarchyTarget extends BaseConverter {
Pattern space = Pattern.compile("space-([^-]*)");
Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass());
static HashMap<String,String> directories;
static HashMap<String, String[]> relatedPaths;
protected Vector<String> getSpaces() {
Properties props = getProperties();
Vector<String> spaces = new Vector<String>();
for (Iterator iter = props.keySet().iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
String key = (String);
Matcher spaceFinder = space.matcher(key);
if (spaceFinder.find()) {
spaces.add(; //confluence space
return spaces;
protected String[] getRelatedPaths(String path) {
if (relatedPaths == null) getDokuDirectories();
return relatedPaths.get(path);
protected HashMap<String,String> getDokuDirectories() {
Properties props = getProperties();
if (directories != null) return directories;
directories = new HashMap<String,String>();
relatedPaths = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
for (Iterator iter = props.keySet().iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
String key = (String);
Matcher spaceFinder = space.matcher(key);
if (spaceFinder.find()) {
String confspace =;
String dokuDirsRaw = (String) props.get(key); //dokuwiki directories/namespaces
String[] dokuDirs = dokuDirsRaw.split(",");
for (String dir : dokuDirs) {
relatedPaths.put(dir, dokuDirs);
return directories;
//useful for unit testing, because we keep some static fields
protected void clear() {
directories = null;
relatedPaths = null;
protected String fixCollisions(String target, String hierarchy, String linkSpacekey) {
return fixCollisions(target, hierarchy, linkSpacekey, null);
protected Pattern metaFile = Pattern.compile("([\\\\/])([^\\\\/]+)(\\.meta)$");
protected String fixCollisions(String target, String hierarchy, String linkSpacekey, String targetMetaFilename) {
Vector<String> collisionsCandidates = getCollisionsCandidates(linkSpacekey);
target = HierarchyTitleConverter.casify(target);
if (isCollisionCandidate(target, collisionsCandidates)) {
String parentsRaw = hierarchy.replaceFirst("\\Q" + target + "\\E.*$", "");
String[] parents = parentsRaw.split(":");
if (parents.length < 2) return target;
boolean again = false;
String tmpMetaFilename = targetMetaFilename;
for (int i = parents.length-2;i>=0;i--) {
String parent = parents[i];
// log.debug("HT: parent = '" + parent + "', tmpMetaFilename:'" + tmpMetaFilename + "'");
if (parent.toLowerCase().equals(target.toLowerCase())) continue;
if ("".equals(parent)) continue;
if (tmpMetaFilename != null) {
Matcher metaFinder = metaFile.matcher(tmpMetaFilename);
if (metaFinder.find()) {
String parentMetaFilename = metaFinder.replaceFirst(".meta");
// log.debug("HT: parentMetaFilename: '" + parentMetaFilename + "'");
String tmpparent = HierarchyTitleConverter.getMetaTitle(parentMetaFilename);
// log.debug("HT: tmpparent: '" + tmpparent + "'");
if (tmpparent != null && !"".equals(tmpparent)) parent = tmpparent;
tmpMetaFilename = parentMetaFilename; //in case we have to go again
parent = HierarchyTitleConverter.fixTitle(parent);
//how many parents do we need? if the parent is a collision, we need its parent
if (isCollisionCandidate(parent, collisionsCandidates)) again = true;
else again = false;
//add the parent to the link
target = parent + " " + target;
if (!again) break;
return target;
public boolean isCollisionCandidate(String target,
Vector<String> collisionsCandidates) {
for (String candidate : collisionsCandidates) {
if (candidate.equalsIgnoreCase(target)) return true;
return false;
protected Vector<String> getCollisionsCandidates(String spacekey) {
Properties props = getProperties();
Vector<String> candidates = new Vector<String>();
for (Iterator iter = props.keySet().iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
String key = (String);
if (key.toLowerCase().startsWith("collision-titles-"+spacekey.toLowerCase())) {
String namesraw = props.getProperty(key, "");
if ("".equals(namesraw)) continue;
String[] names = namesraw.split(",");
for (String name : names) {
name = name.trim();
return candidates;
protected String getCurrentPath(Page page) {
String ignorable = getProperties().getProperty("filepath-hierarchy-ignorable-ancestors", "");
if (page instanceof VersionPage) {
ignorable = getProperties().getProperty("page-history-load-as-ancestors-dir", "");
String full = page.getPath();
if (full == null) return null;
return full.replaceAll("\\Q"+ignorable + "\\E", "");
public String getMetaFilename(String path, String filetype) {
String ignorable = getProperties().getProperty("filepath-hierarchy-ignorable-ancestors", null);
if (ignorable == null) {
return null;
String metadir = getProperties().getProperty("meta-dir", null);
if (metadir == null) {
return null;
String relative = path.replaceFirst("\\Q" + ignorable + "\\E", "");
relative = relative.replaceFirst("\\.txt$", filetype);
if (relative.startsWith(File.separator) && metadir.endsWith(File.separator))
relative = relative.substring(1);
if (!relative.startsWith(File.separator) && !metadir.endsWith(File.separator))
relative = File.separator + relative;
return metadir + relative;
public String getRelativePath(Page page) {
String path = page.getFile().getPath();
if (page instanceof VersionPage)
path = page.getParent().getFile().getPath();
log.debug("HierarchyTarget: relative path = " + path);
return path;