blob: 9f6f794fb91f850eb98da32e7f044f049e161f97 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.atlassian.uwc.converters.dokuwiki;
import com.atlassian.uwc.ui.ConverterEngine;
import com.atlassian.uwc.ui.Page;
import com.atlassian.uwc.converters.BaseConverter;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
* A custom converter to turn DokuWiki's links into Confluence page names.
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> This class is heavily dependent on the page name
* set by ConverterEngine.setupPages(). Any change there will probably force a change here.
* @author Rex (Rolf Staflin)
* @version $Id$
public class DokuWikiLinkConverter extends BaseConverter {
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DokuWikiLinkConverter.class);
private static final String LINK_START = "[[";
private static final String LINK_END = "]]";
private static final String SEPARATOR = "|";
* These are assumed to be protocols rather than DokuWiki namespaces.
private static final String[] protocols = {
* Converts any links from the DokuWiki format to Confluence's format. Any links pointing to
* other documents in the wiki are massaged further so that they point to the correct page title.
* @param page A page with text to be converted.
public void convert(Page page) {
assert page != null;
assert page.getOriginalText() != null;
String text = page.getOriginalText();
int linkStart = text.indexOf(LINK_START);
while (linkStart >= 0) {
int linkEnd = text.indexOf(LINK_END, linkStart);
if (linkEnd < 0) {
String link = text.substring(linkStart + 2, linkEnd);
int separator = link.indexOf(SEPARATOR);
String linkText = null;
String linkTarget = link.trim();
if (separator >= 0) {
linkText = link.substring(separator + 1).trim();
linkTarget = link.substring(0, separator).trim();
// Remove any line breaks from the link text
linkText = linkText.replaceAll("\r\n", " ");
linkText = linkText.replaceAll("\r", " ");
linkText = linkText.replaceAll("\n", " ");
if (isPageReference(linkTarget)) {
// First of all, this may be a local reference (e.g., from
// foo:bar you can link to foo:baz with [[baz]], and we need
// to change that into [foo -- baz] because that's what the
// baz page will have been renamed to.
if (linkTarget.indexOf(":") < 0) {
// Get the name space from the current page name.
int lastSeparator = page.getName().lastIndexOf(ConverterEngine.CONFLUENCE_SEPARATOR);
if (lastSeparator >= 0) {
linkTarget = page.getName().substring(0, lastSeparator +
ConverterEngine.CONFLUENCE_SEPARATOR.length()) +
} else {
// Replace colons with the separator used in naming the pages.
linkTarget = linkTarget.replaceAll(":", ConverterEngine.CONFLUENCE_SEPARATOR);
// Replace underscores with spaces
linkTarget = linkTarget.replaceAll("_", " ");
} else {
linkTarget = normalizeLink(linkTarget);
StringBuffer newText = new StringBuffer("[");
if (linkText != null) {
} else {
text = text.substring(0, linkStart) + newText.toString() + text.substring(linkEnd + LINK_END.length());
linkStart = text.indexOf(LINK_START);
// Lastly, we update the page name
* "Normalizes" a link by doing the following:
* <li>Replacing all backslashes with forward slashes
* (otherwise Confluence strips them from the links)
* <li>Replacing spaces with "+"
* <li>Changing the protocol file: into http: (file: does not seem to work)
* <li>Adding the protocol http: to links starting with "//"
* </ul>
* @param linkTarget the link to be normalized
* @return The normalized string
public static String normalizeLink(String linkTarget) {
assert linkTarget != null;
linkTarget = linkTarget.replaceAll("\\\\", "/");
/* linkTarget = linkTarget.replaceAll("¿", "%C3%A5");
linkTarget = linkTarget.replaceAll("¿", "%C3%A4");
linkTarget = linkTarget.replaceAll("¿", "%C3%B6");
linkTarget = linkTarget.replaceAll("¿", "%C3%85");
linkTarget = linkTarget.replaceAll("¿", "%C3%84");
linkTarget = linkTarget.replaceAll("¿", "%C3%96");
linkTarget = linkTarget.replaceAll(" ", "+");
if (linkTarget.startsWith("file:")) {
linkTarget = "http:" + linkTarget.substring(5);
if (linkTarget.startsWith("//")) {
linkTarget = "http:" + linkTarget;
try {
linkTarget = URLEncoder.encode(linkTarget, "UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ignored) {
log.error("Could not URL-encode target!", ignored);
// Now the encoder has ruined the colons and slashes :P. Fix that.
linkTarget = linkTarget.replaceAll("%3A", ":");
linkTarget = linkTarget.replaceAll("%2F", "/");
return linkTarget;
* Makes the page name prettier by removing the file name extension,
* replacing underscores with spaces and finally converting the first
* character into upper case. E.g., "my_page.txt" is converted into "My page".
* @param page A page with the name set.
private void formatPageName(Page page) {
assert page != null;
assert page.getName() != null;
String name = page.getName();
// Strip trailing file name extension.
if (name.endsWith(".txt")) {
name = name.substring(0, name.length()-4);
// Replace underscores with spaces
name = name.replaceAll("_", " ");
// Casify the name
name = Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0)) + name.substring(1);
* Determines if a link is a DokuWiki page reference or not.
* Page references have the form [dir:][name] with one or more
* [dir:] components, e.g., "path:to:a:page".
* The problem is that regular URL:s also contain colons; "mailto:foo" is not
* a page reference, but "mail:foo" is. This method checks for some standard
* protocol names and assumes that links that contain colons but do not start with
* one of the protocol names are page references.
* To find out what protocols your DokuWiki contains, run this in a command prompt
* at the wiki base document directory:
* grep -ohr "\[\[[0-9a-zA-Z]\*:" * | sort | uniq
* Look through the resulting list and eliminate the matches that are DokuWiki name spaces.
* The rest are protocols.
* @param target The link text.
* @return True if and only if the text is a page reference.
public static boolean isPageReference(String target) {
assert target != null;
int colon = target.indexOf(':');
if (colon < 0) {
return true; // No colon in the string -- must be a local reference!
for (String protocol : protocols) {
if (target.startsWith(protocol)) {
return false; // This target uses an approved protocol
return true;