blob: faed512b90d920fdfd96fcfe19a242d8be43e293 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.atlassian.uwc.ui;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.log4j.PropertyConfigurator;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class UWCGuiModelTest extends TestCase {
private static final String UWC_BASE_DIR = "/Users/laura/Code/Subversion/universal-wiki-converter/devel";
private static final String TEST_INPUT_DIR = UWC_BASE_DIR + "/sampleData/mediawiki";
private static final String TEST_PROPS_DIR = UWC_BASE_DIR + "/sampleData/engine";
UWCGuiModel tester = null;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
tester = new UWCGuiModel();
public void testGetConvertersAsStrings() {
TreeMap<String, String> input = new TreeMap<String,String>();
input.put("a", "b");
List<String> actual = tester.getConvertersAsStrings(input);
assertEquals(1, actual.size());
for (String item : actual) {
assertEquals("a=b", item);
public void testGetPageFiles() {
Vector<String> names = tester.getPageNames();
String pagename1 = "SampleMediawiki-Input4.txt";
String pagename2 = "SampleMediawiki-Input5.txt";
names.add(TEST_INPUT_DIR + File.separator + pagename1);
names.add(TEST_INPUT_DIR + File.separator + pagename2);
List<File> files = tester.getPageFiles();
assertEquals(2, files.size());
assertEquals(pagename1, files.get(0).getName());
assertEquals(pagename2, files.get(1).getName());
public void testGetConverters() {
//no file at location
String propsName = "";
String propsPath = TEST_PROPS_DIR + File.separator + propsName;
List<String> actual = null;
try {
actual = tester.getConverters(propsPath);
fail("An exception should have been thrown.");
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("We shouldn't get to the IOException.");
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
//This is the expected behavior when there is no prop file at the passed location
String expectedMessage = "No property file at that location: " + propsPath;
assertEquals(expectedMessage, e.getMessage());
//file has no read permissions
propsName = "";
propsPath = TEST_PROPS_DIR + File.separator + propsName;
try {
actual = tester.getConverters(propsPath);
fail("An exception should have been thrown.");
} catch (IOException e) {
//This is the expected behavior when the file can't be loaded for some reason
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("We should get an IOException.");
//file is there and can be read
propsName = "";
propsPath = TEST_PROPS_DIR + File.separator + propsName;
try {
actual = tester.getConverters(propsPath);
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("We shouldn't get an exception for a valid properties file.");
//the loaded file is a copy of the tikiwiki converter properties
//To get the number of converters in a file run this from the commandline.
//(The last number is the number of converters for that file)
//$shell$ egrep "^[^#]" | perl -ne '$i++; print "$i\n";'
int expectedSize = 35;
assertEquals(expectedSize, actual.size());
String actualFirstProp = actual.get(0);
String expectedFirstProp = "";
assertEquals(expectedFirstProp, actualFirstProp);
public void testConvert() {
String propsName = "";
String propsPath = TEST_PROPS_DIR + File.separator + propsName;
//set some pages so that we can test that the convert occurred
String pagename = "SampleEngine-Input1.txt";
String inputpath = TEST_PROPS_DIR + File.separator + pagename;
Vector<String> names = tester.getPageNames();
//figure out where the output's going to be saved, and clean the pre-convert state
String output = tester.getOutputDir();
File outputDir = new File(output);
File inputFile = new File(inputpath);
File outputPath = new File(outputDir + "/" + pagename);
if (outputDir.exists() && outputPath.exists()) {
//set up some converter engine necessary stuff
tester.registerFeedbackWindow(new FeedbackWindow()); //We do this so the necessary State object gets generated
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
fail("Should not have thrown an exception");
File outputFile = new File(UWC_BASE_DIR + "/output/output/" + pagename);
String expected = "*BOLD*";
String actual = null;
try {
actual = FileUtils.readTextFile(outputFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
fail("Should not cause an IOException");
actual = actual.trim();
assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void testSaveSettings() {
// FIXME - need to test new UWCUserSettings object, and how it interacts with UWCGuiModel
// fail();
public void testGetSettings() {
// fail();