blob: d7857a6427863dc9eede90ab45433f1a34af02e4 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.atlassian.uwc.converters.xml;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
public class SimpleTableParser extends DefaultXmlParser {
* type of table tag (table, tr, td, etc)
public enum Type {
* corresponds with tables
* corresponds with rows
* corresponds with cells
* @param qName
* @return determines what type is associated with the given qName.
static Type getType(String qName) {
if ("table".equals(qName)) return TABLE;
if ("tr".equals(qName)) return ROW;
if ("td".equals(qName)) return CELL;
return null;
* current output that will eventually be appended
private static String tableout = "";
private static String currentRow = "";
private static int numCellsPerRow = 0;
private static int maxCellsPerRow = 0;
public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes attributes) {
Type type = Type.getType(qName);
switch (type) {
case ROW:
currentRow += "|";
case CELL:
currentRow += " ";
Pattern ws = Pattern.compile("\\s*[\n]");
public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) {
Type type = Type.getType(qName);
switch (type) {
case TABLE:
tableout = fixNL(tableout);
case ROW:
currentRow = addMoreCells(currentRow);
// currentRow = currentRow.replaceAll("[\n]", "");
currentRow = ws.matcher(currentRow).replaceAll("");
tableout += currentRow + "\n";
currentRow = "";
if (numCellsPerRow > maxCellsPerRow) maxCellsPerRow = numCellsPerRow;
numCellsPerRow = 0;
case CELL:
currentRow += " |";
* clean any necessary state so we can start fresh next time
private void clean() {
tableout = currentRow = "";
maxCellsPerRow = numCellsPerRow = 0;
private String fixNL(String input) {
return input;
private String addMoreCells(String input) {
if (numCellsPerRow < maxCellsPerRow) {
for (int i = numCellsPerRow; i < maxCellsPerRow; i++) {
input += " |";
return input;
public void characters(char[] ch,
int start,
int length) throws SAXException {
currentRow += String.copyValueOf(ch, start, length);