blob: f9aeff74345d1c1d3101246133ee466cfb465e38 [file] [log] [blame]
Test Notes
* In order for the AttSpace test to work, you must have a directory in the attachment directory that matches the following branch:
Ed:~/attachmentdirectory$ find SampleJspwiki-InputAttSpace.txt-att/
* To test uwc-330
uncomment 1020-margin
* To test uwc-335, pages with unreferred to images attached, examine SampleJspwiki-InputAttNoRef in Confluence after it has been converted and check to see if an image got attached
* To test uwc-349
1. Set
2. in addition to comparing the syntax results of SampleJspwiki-Input+WithSpaces.txt and SampleJspwiki-Input.WithDots.txt, you must also:
-- upload the former to Confluence
-- make sure the pagename is transformed to "SampleJspwiki-Input WithSpaces"
* To test uwc-354
Uncomment 302 properties
* Test uwc-383
Make sure SampleJspwiki-Input.WithDots page has attachments after upload