blob: 7377d3f9bbda43bd8b3a50d20fba87cc31d3e30c [file] [log] [blame]
Here's some plain text
*Here's some bold text*
_italicize with tildas!_
{{fixed font}}
-strike out that old text-
h3. Header 1
h2. Header 2
h1. Header 3
Horizontal Rule:
A different Horizontal Rule:
Unordered List:
* One
* Two
** Two Point Five
Ordered List:
# One
# Two
## Two Point Five
# Three
Without Three spaces, no list:
\* not a list
1 Just a one
Combined List:
* One
* Confusing
* Nesting
* Two
But what about?
* One
*# Confusing
*# Nesting
* Two
Or even?
* One
*# Confusing
* Nesting
* Two
| a | b | c |
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| A | B | C |
[Sun Facts]