MoinListConverter: Various fixes for better conversion of lists.
  1. Don't process lists inside {{{ }}} (noformat)
  2. Join lines that are split while maintaining indentation (these are
     continuations of the same line), by postponing the writing of end-of-lines
  3. Correctly unindent when indentation is reduced
  4. While still inside indentation, replace an empty line by \\ (otherwise the
     list gets broken in Confluence)
  5. When exiting indentation, add an extra line break (otherwise content
     immediately following the list will become part of the list in Confluence)
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/atlassian/uwc/converters/moinmoin/ b/src/main/java/com/atlassian/uwc/converters/moinmoin/
index d7ec85c..274d659 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/atlassian/uwc/converters/moinmoin/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/atlassian/uwc/converters/moinmoin/
@@ -78,90 +78,167 @@
 	static Pattern startp = Pattern.compile("(\\s*)(([\\*\\.])|([AaIi1]\\.)) +.*", Pattern.MULTILINE);
+	static Pattern indented = Pattern.compile("(\\s+).*");
+	static Pattern startBlock = Pattern.compile("\\{{3}");
+	static Pattern endBlock = Pattern.compile("\\}{3}");
 	String convertList(String input){
 		StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
 		final Stack<Indent> intend = new Stack<Indent>();
+		// Flag to keep track of an end-of-line that still needs to be added. We don't immediately add eol's after
+		// each line. We postpone them to make it possible to join lines that are really a continuation.
+		// See below, at the comment "this line is a continuation of the previous indented line"
+		boolean doEol = false;
+		boolean inBlock = false;
 		for( String line : input.split("\\r?\\n") ){
-			Matcher mat = startp.matcher(line);
-			if( mat.matches() ){
-				//log.debug("LINE 1 " + line);
-				int intendation = != null ? : 0;
-				// find the different type
-				final int symbolLength;
-				final String symbol;
-				if( != null ){
-					symbol = "#";
-					symbolLength = 2;
-				} else if( != null) {
-					symbol = "*";
-					symbolLength = 1;
-				} else { // somehow the line matches but the enum items are not there
+			// Track whether or not we're inside a {{{ }}} block (i.e. noformat -- in that case, we don't change anything)
+			if (startBlock.matcher(line).find()) {
+				if (doEol) {
+					output.append(LSEP);
+					doEol = false;
+				}
+				output.append(line);
+				output.append(LSEP);
+				inBlock = true;
+				continue;
+			}
+			if (endBlock.matcher(line).find()) {
+				if (doEol) {
+					output.append(LSEP);
+					doEol = false;
+				}
+				output.append(line);
+				output.append(LSEP);
+				inBlock = false;
+				continue;
+			}
+			if (inBlock) {
+				// Inside a {{{ }}} block (= noformat), so simply output the line without any processing
+				output.append(line);
+				output.append(LSEP);
+			} else {
+				Matcher mat = startp.matcher(line);
+				Matcher indentMat = indented.matcher(line);
+				if( mat.matches() ) {
+					//log.debug("LINE 1 " + line);
+					int intendation = != null ? : 0;
+					// find the different type
+					final int symbolLength;
+					final String symbol;
+					if ( != null) {
+						symbol = "#";
+						symbolLength = 2;
+					} else if ( != null) {
+						symbol = "*";
+						symbolLength = 1;
+					} else { // somehow the line matches but the enum items are not there
+						if (doEol) {
+							output.append(LSEP);
+							doEol = false;
+						}
+						output.append(line);
+						doEol = true;
+						// reset the intendation
+						intend.clear();
+						intend.push(first);
+						continue;
+					}
+					Indent i = intend.peek();
+					if (i.hasNew(intendation)) {
+						i = i.getNew(intendation, symbol);
+						intend.push(i);
+					} else if (i.isSame(intendation)) {
+					} else {
+						// we have lower indentation -> pop until we're at the same level (or lower)
+						intend.pop();
+						i = intend.peek();
+						while (!(i.isSame(intendation) || i.hasNew(intendation)) && i != first) {
+							intend.pop();
+							i = intend.peek();
+						}
+						if (i.equals(first)) {
+							// Moin Moin has a silly behavior of something like this
+							//    * first (level one)
+							//  * second level one (this has to be level one but only if they dont have a previous thing
+							output.append(LSEP);
+							i = i.getNew(1, symbol);
+							intend.push(i);
+						}
+					}
+					i.symbol = symbol; //actual current symbol
+					// output.append(" ");
+					if (doEol) {
+						output.append(LSEP);
+						doEol = false;
+					}
+					appendX(output, intend);
+					output.append(line.substring(intendation + symbolLength));
+					//output.append(LSEP);
+					doEol = true;
+				} else if ("".equals(line) && !first.equals(intend.peek())) {
+					// empty line, but we're still inside indentation -> \\ (otherwise the list gets broken in Confluence)
+					if (doEol) {
+						output.append(LSEP);
+						doEol = false;
+					}
+					output.append("\\\\");
+					output.append(LSEP);
+				} else if (indentMat.matches()) {
+					int indentation =;
+					if (intend.peek().isSame(indentation)) {
+						// this line is a continuation of the previous indented line, so append with space separator.
+						output.append(" " + line.substring(indentation));
+						doEol = true;
+					} else {
+						if (doEol) {
+							output.append(LSEP);
+							doEol = false;
+						}
+						output.append(line);
+						doEol = true;
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (doEol) {
+						output.append(LSEP);
+						doEol = false;
+					}
+					//log.debug("LINE 0 " + line);
+					// If we're exiting indentation, insert linebreak, otherwise content immediately following the list
+					// in MoinMoin might be indented and appear part of the list in Confluence
+					if (!first.equals(intend.peek())) {
+						output.append(LSEP);
+					}
 					// reset the intendation
-					continue;
-				Indent i = intend.peek();
-				if( i.hasNew(intendation) ) {
-					i = i.getNew(intendation, symbol);
-					intend.push(i);
-				} else if ( i.isSame(intendation) ){
-				} else {
-					intend.pop();
-					i = intend.peek();
-					if( i.equals(first) ){
-						// Moin Moin has a silly behavior of something like this
-						//    * first (level one)
-						//  * second level one (this has to be level one but only if they dont have a previous thing 
-						output.append(LSEP);
-						i = i.getNew(1, symbol);
-						intend.push(i);
-					}
-				}
-				i.symbol = symbol; //actual current symbol 
-				// output.append(" ");
-				appendX(output, intend);
-				output.append(line.substring(intendation + symbolLength));
-				output.append(LSEP);
-			} else {
-				//log.debug("LINE 0 " + line);
-				output.append(line);
-				output.append(LSEP);
-				// reset the intendation
-				intend.clear();
-				intend.push(first);
 		return output.toString();