blob: c1b87108deac2363df826e5028b62c307c299a87 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.atlassian.uwc.ui;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
* A class representing a wiki page that is being converted to Confluence.
* This holds the meta data needed to convert a Page.
* User: Rex (Rolf Staflin)
* Date: 2006-94-05
* Time: 15:40:25
public class Page implements Comparable {
* File the page represents
private File file;
* text that the page has before each conversion
private String originalText;
* original source text. This should never be changed once
* it is set. Note: This is different from originalText in that
* originalText will be updated to reflect the most current
* text at the beginning of each syntax conversion.
private String unchangedSource;
* text that the page has after the conversion
private String convertedText;
* page name. Will be used by Confluence when the page is created in Confluence.
private String name;
* filepath to the page
private String path;
* set of attachments associated with this page
private Set<Attachment> attachments;
* page version, used by the UWC Page History Framework.
* @see
private int version = 1; //the default is 1
* set of labels associated with this page
private Set<String> labels;
* list of page comments associated with this page
* NOTE: At this time, we're only passing in the comment contents,
* as all other comment parameters either (a) can't be set with
* the remote api or (b) will not need to be assocated seperately (page id)
private Vector<Comment> comments; //It's a vector instead of a set to preserver order
* username of author who updated this page. If null, the administrator running the UWC will be used
private String author;
* timestamp when the author updated this page.
private Date timestamp;
* map providing information about which version is the latest for a given title.
* There should only be data in this object if pages have been sorted by history in the ConverterEngine
private static HashMap<String, Integer> latestVersions = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
* Optionally associate the page with a spacekey. The ConverterEngine will use this instead of the spacekey setting.
private String spacekey;
* keep needed space data here so the ConverterEngine can create the space, if necessary
* The key is the spacekey. The value is an array with name and description data in the 0th and 1st indexes,
* respectively. The name and description data will only be used if the spacekey is not already in use, and
* therefore a space needs to be created.
private static HashMap<String,String[]> spaces = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); //spacekey -> [name, description]
private boolean isBlog = false;
private boolean isPersonalSpace = false;
private String personalSpaceUsername = null;
* Basic constructor. Creates a page with an empty path.
* @param file The file to be converted.
public Page(File file) {
init(file, "");
* Basic constructor.
* @param file The file to be converted.
* @param path A path used to construct a page hierarchy for
* some wikis.
public Page(File file, String path) {
init(file, path);
* initializes the page
* @param file
* @param path
private void init(File file, String path) {
this.file = file;
attachments = new HashSet<Attachment>();
labels = new HashSet<String>();
comments = new Vector<Comment>();
* used when sorting pages.
* Takes into account page name and page version
* @see java.lang.Comparable#compareTo(java.lang.Object)
public int compareTo(Object o) {
Page b = (Page) o;
int versionA = this.version;
int versionB = b.getVersion();
String nameA =;
String nameB = b.getName();
//make sure there's a default value so we don't get NPE
if (nameA == null) nameA = "";
if (nameB == null) nameB = "";
//order by name - if name is the same, in order by version
int compareValue = (nameA.compareTo(nameB));
if (compareValue == 0)
compareValue = versionA - versionB;
return compareValue;
* Adds a single attachment to the page. If the attachment was already
* added (e.g., an image that appears several times on the page) it is not added again.
* @param newAttachment The file to be attached to the page. It must not be null.
public void addAttachment(File newAttachment) {
assert newAttachment != null;
attachments.add(new Attachment(newAttachment));
public void addAttachment(File attachment, String name) {
attachments.add(new Attachment(attachment, name));
public void addAttachment(Attachment attachment) {
/* Getters and Setters */
public File getFile() {
return file;
public String getOriginalText() {
return originalText;
public void setOriginalText(String originalText) {
this.originalText = originalText;
public String getUnchangedSource() {
return unchangedSource;
* sets the unchangedSource field. Cannot be set more than once.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the source has already been set.
public void setUnchangedSource(String unchangedSource) {
if (this.unchangedSource != null)
throw new IllegalStateException("Source Text has already been set. It may not be changed further.");
this.unchangedSource = unchangedSource;
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
* Returns the relative path of the page. This path is constructed by ConverterEngine.recurse().
* Top-level (root) pages have an empty path, while other pages have paths with the elements
* separated by <code>File.separator</code>, e.g. "/path/to/the/page.txt" on unix systems and
* "\path\to\the\page.txt" on Windows systems.
* @return The path of the page.
public String getPath() {
return path;
public void setPath(String path) {
this.path = path;
public String getConvertedText() {
return convertedText;
public void setConvertedText(String convertedText) {
this.convertedText = convertedText;
public Set<File> getAttachments() {
HashSet<File> justFiles = new HashSet<File>();
for (Attachment att : this.attachments) {
return justFiles;
public void setAttachments(Set<File> attachments) {
assert attachments != null;
for (File file : attachments) {
this.attachments.add(new Attachment(file));
public Set<Attachment> getAllAttachmentData() {
return this.attachments;
public void setVersion(int version) {
//save latest version data
if (getLatestVersion(getName()) <= version) {
latestVersions.put(getName(), version);
this.version = version;
public int getVersion() {
return this.version;
* @return map of title -> latest version data.
public static HashMap<String, Integer> getLatestVersions() {
return latestVersions;
* Latest version data is noted when setVersion is called based on the name the object has
* when setVersion is called.
* @param name page name this version is associated with
* @return latest version for title or 1 if no version set yet
public static int getLatestVersion(String name) {
Integer latest = getLatestVersions().get(name);
if (latest == null) return 1;
return latest;
public Set<String> getLabels() {
return labels;
public void setLabels(Set<String> labels) {
this.labels = labels;
* @return set of labels as a comma delimited list. null if
* labels is null or empty
public String getLabelsAsString() {
if (this.labels == null) return null;
if (this.labels.isEmpty()) return null;
boolean first = true;
String labelString = "";
for (String label : this.labels) {
if (first) first = false;
else labelString += ", ";
labelString += label;
return labelString;
* adds the given label to the set of labels associated with this page,
* removes disallowed confluence label chars,
* and toLowerCases the label to: (a) avoid remote api errors and
* (b) better represent what the results of uploading a given label to Confluence will be.
* If you don't want the labels to be processed, use the setLabels method instead.
* @param label
public void addLabel(String label) {
label = label.trim();
label = label.replaceAll("[ !#&()*,.:;<>?@\\[\\]\\^]", ""); //remove disallowed confluence tag chars
label = label.toLowerCase();
public Vector<String> getComments() {
Vector<String> commentStrings = new Vector<String>();
for (Comment comment : this.comments) {
return commentStrings;
public Vector<Comment> getAllCommentData() {
return this.comments;
public void setComments(Vector <String> comments) {
for (String comment : comments) {
this.comments.add(new Comment(comment));
public void addComment(String comment) {
this.comments.add(new Comment(comment));
public void addComment(Comment comment) {
public void addComment(String comment, String creator, String date) {
this.comments.add(new Comment(comment, creator, date));
public boolean hasComments() {
return !this.comments.isEmpty();
public String getAuthor() {
return author;
public void setAuthor(String author) { = author;
public Date getTimestamp() {
return timestamp;
public void setTimestamp(Date timestamp) {
this.timestamp = timestamp;
/* Space methods */
public String getSpacekey() {
return spacekey;
public void setSpacekey(String key) {
this.spacekey = key;
* sets the spacekey for this page, and also assigns name and description data
* to a map so that if the space needs to be created, we have that information.
* @param key
* @param name
* @param desc
public void setSpace(String key, String name, String desc) {
String[] newdata = {name, desc};
this.spaces.put(key, newdata);
* gets the space data that's been saved for a particular spacekey, or null if no data exists for that key
* @param key
* @return array. 0th index is the name of the space, 1st index is the description
public String[] getSpaceData(String key) {
if (spaces.containsKey(key)) return spaces.get(key);
return null;
* true if the spaces data map has an entry for the given key
* @param key
* @return
public boolean hasSpace(String key) {
return spaces.containsKey(key);
public boolean isBlog() {
return isBlog;
public void setIsBlog(boolean isBlog) {
this.isBlog = isBlog;
public boolean isPersonalSpace() {
return isPersonalSpace;
public void setIsPersonalSpace(boolean isPersonalSpace) {
this.isPersonalSpace = isPersonalSpace;
public String getPersonalSpaceUsername() {
return this.personalSpaceUsername;
public void setPersonalSpaceUsername(String username) {
this.personalSpaceUsername = username;