blob: 9539e2b5b4a6ac507cf9ad994740c3643f4d3608 [file] [log] [blame]
This file is meant to test the wiki converters for XWiki syntax.
Each set of syntax is shown and it's proper conversion to Confluence syntax is shown afterwards surrounded by {code} tags.
Type: To get:
1 Heading 1
when converted to Confluence should be this:
h1. Heading 1
1.1 Heading 2
when converted to Confluence should be this:
h2. Heading 2
1.1.1 Heading 3
when converted to Confluence should be this:
h3. Heading 3
{code} Heading 4
when converted to Confluence should be this:
h4. Heading 4
{code} Heading 5
when converted to Confluence should be this:
h5. Heading 5
{code} Heading 6
when converted to Confluence should be this:
h6. Heading 6
Here is the first paragraph.
This text continues the same paragraph.
when converted to Confluence should be this:
h6. Heading 6
This paragraph is a new one.
Bold, Italics, Striked
a *bold* word
when converted to Confluence should be this:
a *bold* word
an __underlined__ word
when converted to Confluence should be this:
an +underlined+ word
~~text in italics~~
when converted to Confluence should be this:
_text in italics_
--striked text--
when converted to Confluence should be this:
-striked text-
* Level 1
** Level 2
*** Level 3
** Level 2
when converted to Confluence should be this:
no change
1. Item
1. Item
1*. Subitem
when converted to Confluence should be this:
# Item
## Subitem
# Item
#* Subitem
Type: To get:
Category | Sales (K€)
Category 1 | 100
Category 2 | 50
Category 3 | 50
Total | =sum(B2:B4)
when converted to Confluence should be this:
||Category || Sales (K€)||
|Category 1 | 100|
|Category 2 | 50|
|Category 3 | 50|
|Total | =sum(B2:B4)|
when converted to Confluence should be this:
{image:img.png| |20}
when converted to Confluence should be this:
!img.png| ,length=20!
{attach:A simple text file|file=simple.txt|title=Download Simple Txt}
when converted to Confluence should be this:
[A simple text file|^simple.txt|title=Download Simple Txt]
Other macros (this is actually the same as Confluence):
some code here
#toc("" "" "")