blob: 53ac081a305bbb7e048589432271c79ebdbcd4f0 [file] [log] [blame]
There will be a file here...
No wiki formatting
{noformat}__No__ formatting{noformat}
Italicise text
Bold text
Bold and italic
*_bold & italic_*
Internal link (within Wikipedia)
[name of page]
[display text|name of page]
[label in this page|#section in this page]
External link (to other websites)
[display text|]
[display text|]
Applies only at the beginning of the line
of different sizes
h1. Level 1
h2. Level 2
h3. Level 3
h4. Level 4
Bullet list
* one
* two
** two point one
* three
Numbered list
# one
# two
## two point one
# three
Thumbnail image
|| Header1 || Header2 || Header3 ||
| r1c1 | r1c2 | r1c3 |
| r2c1 | r2c2 | r2c3 |
|| Header1 || Header2 || Header3 ||
|| Row1 Header | r1c2 | r1c3 |
|| Row2 Header | r2c2 | r2c3 |
No headers:
| r1c1 | r1c2 |
| r2c1 | r2c2 |
Row and Col spans:
| row1-column1 | row1-column2 | row1-column3 |
| row2-columns123 | | |
| row3-column1 | row3-columns23 | |
{noformat}This __might__ have some ((Wiki syntax)). That's ignored.{noformat}
System.out.println("This is code");
{{And what does this white-space starting line mean?}}
{{Is this like a pre tag?}}
{{How does it treat [Wiki syntax]?}}
Colored text:
{color:#FFEE33}some text{color}
Title bar:
h1. title
Centered text
Just a panel?
{anchor:section in this page}
Mostly from [WikiSyntax|]
Importance of quotes
Importance of space
[MySQL|] is an open-source RDBMS that's very easy to set up and use. We sometimes use MySQL in the development phase of projects when we need a database we can administer ourselves because of frequent schema changes. [Hypersonic] is another nice RDBMS for this purpose. Recently, getting an [Oracle] instance made and administering it ourselves has become easier, so we're relying less on MySQL.
h1. Reference
Here's a quick list of common MySQL commands (most of these are just plain SQL, actually).
List of databases:
Switch to database:
{{USE dbname;}}
List of tables in database:
Table details:
{{DESCRIBE tblname;}}
Create database:
Grant privileges on database:
{{GRANT ALL ON dbname.* TO username;}}
Add table:
{{CREATE TABLE tblname (colname type, colname type, ...);}}
Remove table:
{{DROP TABLE tblname;}}
Add column:
{{ALTER TABLE tblname ADD colname type \[NOT NULL\] \[DEFAULT value\];}}
Remove column:
{{ALTER TABLE tblname DROP colname;}}
Rename column:
{{ALTER TABLE tblname CHANGE colname newcolname (same type);}}
Insert row:
{{INSERT tblname (colname,...) VALUES (expr,...);}}
Update rows:
{{UPDATE tblname SET colname=expr, ... \[WHERE where_expr\];}}
Remove rows:
{{DELETE FROM tblname \[WHERE where_expr\];}}
Compare with NULL:
{{colname IS \[NOT\] NULL}}
Alternate Monospace Syntax:
{{Should Be Monospace}}
CamelCase Not a Link Syntax:
This [should be a link] but this needs to be cleaned
Enforce List Whitespace
* listitem
** listitem
# numbereditem
## numbereditem
### numbereditem
* already has the whitespace
** already has the whitespace
# already has the whitespace
## already has the whitespace
### already has the whitespace
This is to test converting and attaching image syntax that uses URLs
This image is located on my local apache server
Does it convert and attach?
This is to test Code blocks bug uwc-97 (maybe this is a list context issue?)
* Listone
** {code}
This is a code block
** Some stuff
** {code}
Another code block!
Another possibility is that this stuff is getting munged by the panel:
Starting a panel here
Non list context code block
Something else
This is different?
* list context!
** {code}
** still list
** {code}
Something else
About to end the panel
download syntax: (this is a local test - change the url to your tikiwiki location)
{color:#FF0000}Should be red{color}
{color:red}Should be red{color}
{color:red}Should be red
Tables with dashes
| r1c1 | \- |
| r2c1 | r2c2 |
Tables with newline delimiters
| A | B | C | D | E |
| abc | def | ghi | jkl | \- |
| abc | def | ghi | jkl | |
| abc | def | ghi | | |
Multiple Tables with Newline Delimiters
Pre text: ABC, DEFs.
|| ABC || DEF || GHI JKL || MNO PQR ||
| | Ac | 11/29/2005 | 11/29/2005 |
| | Ac | 1/6/2006 | 1/6/2006 |
Home Site:[|]
Download Link:[|]
| Date: | 1/4/2006 |
| Version: | 1.0 |
| Purchase URL: | |
| Purchase Price: | $19.99 |
| Functionality: | Time Limit (15 day trial version) |
| Rabc: | ABC |
| Common Components: | |
| To Adds: | installer |
| Notes: | |
Tables Back to Back (uwc-115)
| A | B |
| a | b |
| C | D |
| c | d |
Tables with Colspans that can be pruned (uwc-133)
| A | B |
| a | b |
Tables starting with an empty cell (uwc-118)
| A | B |
| | b |
Horizontal Rules:
Getting out of List Context
* item 1
* item 2
Should not be indented like a list item.
This is for testing the stripping away of unnecessary newlines between nested list items
* item a
** item a1
** item a2 (this should only have the inner bullet, not both bullets)
But! These should be considered seperate lists:
* item c
* item d
This is for testing adding empty cells to pad out shorter rows that would otherwise have been colspans
| A | B | |
| a | b | c |
File Gallery Images with whitespace in the filename
!ed copy.jpeg!
Code blocks that might be interfered with by uwc-106 (illegal name handling)
blah [[blah]] blah
XXX Add more conversions here.