blob: 4f25fef628883e08da0da3b2bb262ee1a434550f [file] [log] [blame]
This is for testing multiple tables, where a dollar sign shows up in the raw text.
Pre text: ABC, DEFs.
|| ABC || DEF || GHI JKL || MNO PQR ||
| | Ac | 11/29/2005 | 11/29/2005 |
| | Ac | 1/6/2006 | 1/6/2006 |
Home Site:[|]
Download Link:[|]
| Date: | 1/4/2006 |
| Version: | 1.0 |
| Purchase URL: | |
| Purchase Price: | $19.99 |
| Functionality: | Time Limit (15 day trial version) |
| Rabc: | ABC |
| Common Components: | |
| To Adds: | installer |
| Notes: | |