blob: 79a777b427667dc4f1dc9b272284eaedb5c1a55e [file] [log] [blame]
No wiki formatting
{noformat}__No__ formatting{noformat}
Italicise text
Bold text
Bold and italic
*_bold & italic_*
Internal link (within Wikipedia)
[name of page]
[display text|name of page]
[label in this page|#section in this page]
External link (to other websites)
[display text|]
[display text|]
Applies only at the beginning of the line
of different sizes
h1. Level 1
h2. Level 2
h3. Level 3
h4. Level 4
Bullet list
* one
* two
** two point one
* three
Numbered list
# one
# two
## two point one
# three
Thumbnail image
|| Header1 || Header2 || Header3 ||
| r1c1 | r1c2 | r1c3 |
| r2c1 | r2c2 | r2c3 |
|| Header1 || Header2 || Header3 ||
|| Row1 Header | r1c2 | r1c3 |
|| Row2 Header | r2c2 | r2c3 |
No headers:
| r1c1 | r1c2 |
| r2c1 | r2c2 |
Row and Col spans:
| row1-column1 | row1-column2 | row1-column3 |
| row2-columns123 | | |
| row3-column1 | row3-columns23 | |
{noformat}This __might__ have some ((Wiki syntax)). That's ignored.{noformat}
System.out.println("This is code");
{{And what does this white-space starting line mean?}}
{{Is this like a pre tag?}}
{{How does it treat [Wiki syntax]?}}
Colored text:
{color:#FFEE33}some text{color}
Title bar:
h1. title
Centered text
Just a panel?
{anchor:section in this page}
Mostly from [WikiSyntax|]