blob: 0e67bd66ae67d0f8afbaa81193b5775187b19f73 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<!-- == ================================================================ -->
<!-- == Conventions used (mostly directory structures == -->
<!-- == ================================================================ -->
<!-- == Put multiple books under ${docbook.src.dir} == -->
<!-- == each in its own subdirectory e.g. myNthBook == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == If you're using master/includes, name the master == -->
<!-- == that XIncludes the other parts also myNthBook.xml == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == css and styles can be shared among multiple books. == -->
<!-- == if shared, css and styles directories are == -->
<!-- == ${src.dir}/css and ${src.dir}/styles == -->
<!-- == if not shared, they are here: == -->
<!-- == ${docbook.src.dir}/${book_name}/... == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == For multiple books: == -->
<!-- == If sharing css == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == Output will go into ${target.dir}/myNthBook == -->
<!-- == html will go into ${target.dir)/myNthBook/myNthBook == -->
<!-- == htmlsingle will go into ${target.dir)/myNthBook.html == -->
<!-- == pdf will go into ${target.dir)/myNthBook.pdf == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == images go into ${target.dir}/images/myNthBook == -->
<!-- == css go into ${target.dir}/css/myNthBook == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == ================================================================ -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == Parameter properties: == -->
<!-- == book_name e.g. myNthBook == -->
<!-- == (optional: chapter_name e.g. faqs == -->
<!-- == - only use when doing single chapter) == -->
<!-- == - if ommitted, defaults to same as book_name == -->
<!-- == ${docbook.src.dir}/${book_name}/${chapter_name}.xml is source file -->
<!-- == ${docbook.src.dir}/${book_name}/images/ ... image files == -->
<!-- == ${docbook.src.dir}/${book_name}/css/ ... css files == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == images source: == -->
<!-- == ${docbook.src.dir}/${book_name}/images == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == use_local_css_and_styles - set only if not sharing == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == ${chapter_name}.xml is the source file == -->
<!-- == ${src.dir}/olink/${book_name}/${type}-target.db is used == -->
<!-- == as the olink database for this source file == -->
<!-- == type = pdf, html, or htmlsingle == -->
<!-- == ${target.dir}/images/${book_name} == -->
<!-- == ${target.dir}/${chapter_name}/css/ == -->
<!-- == ${target.dir)/${chapter_name}/chunked-html-files.html == -->
<!-- == ${target.dir)/${chapter_name}/${docbook.outname}.html == -->
<!-- == ${target.dir)/${chapter_name}/${docbook.outname}.pdf == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == (optional) docbook.outname (defaults to same as book_name) == -->
<!-- == is the name used for the dir of the == -->
<!-- == generated single html (.html) and == -->
<!-- == generated pdf (.pdf) == -->
<!-- == =============================================================== == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == Derived from the Velocity docbook system ) == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == There are 2 dimensions of work done by this script == -->
<!-- == 1) which of several "books" (1 or more) == -->
<!-- == ** Done outside of this script ** == -->
<!-- == 2) which kinds of outputs (html chunked, htmlsingle, pdf) == -->
<!-- == ** Done in this script using targets ** == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == Targets for users: == -->
<!-- == clean - erase all the files in the target == -->
<!-- == all - do 3 kinds == -->
<!-- == html == -->
<!-- == htmlsingle == -->
<!-- == pdf == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == No zip files of the results are done == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == olink-ing is in use == -->
<!-- == collect.xref.targets is set to property value of same name == -->
<!-- == and can be "yes" or "only" or "no". == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<project default="all" basedir=".">
<!-- Load our properties -->
<property file=""/>
<!-- if chapter_name is not set, set it to the book_name -->
<property name="chapter_name" value="${book_name}"/>
<!-- if docbook.outname is not set, set it to the chapter_name -->
<property name="docbook.outname" value="${chapter_name}"/>
<!-- if olink_work is not set, set it to yes -->
<property name="olink_work" value="yes"/>
<!-- skip some steps if olink_work value is only -->
<condition property="do_olinkdb_only">
<equals arg1="${olink_work}" arg2="only"/>
<condition property="css_styles_prefix" value="${src.dir}"
<not><isset property="use_local_css_and_styles"/></not>
<property name="css.dir" value="${css_styles_prefix}/css"/>
<property name="styles.dir" value="${css_styles_prefix}/styles"/>
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == Set up the classpath for the XSLT conversion == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<path id="docbook.classpath">
<!-- xercesImpl.jar comes first to allow using XInclude -->
<pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/xercesImpl.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${basedir}/lib/xml-apis.jar"/>
<!-- for fop 0.93
<pathelement location="${basedir}/fop-0.93/build/fop.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${basedir}/fop-0.93/lib">
<!-- for fop 0.92 -->
<fileset dir="${basedir}/lib">
<include name="*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="${docbook.xsl.dir}/extensions">
<include name="${xslt-db.jar}"/>
<pathelement location="${basedir}"/>
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == Prepare Path elements to be used when filtering the XSL files == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<path id="docbook.xml.path" location="${docbook.xml.dir}"/>
<path id="docbook.xsl.path" location="${docbook.xsl.dir}"/>
<path id="src.dir.path" location="${src.dir}"/>
<path id="tmp.dir.path" location="${tmp.dir}"/>
<pathconvert dirsep="/" property="docbook.xml.path" refid="docbook.xml.path"/>
<pathconvert dirsep="/" property="docbook.xsl.path" refid="docbook.xsl.path"/>
<pathconvert dirsep="/" property="src.dir.path" refid="src.dir.path"/>
<pathconvert dirsep="/" property="tmp.dir.path" refid="tmp.dir.path"/>
<condition property="file.prefix" value="file:///">
<os family="windows"/>
<condition property="file.prefix" value="file://">
<os family="unix"/>
<!-- This filterset is used to convert the style sheets to reference
the actual locations of the docbook XSLT files
and other things known at the start of this process -->
<filterset id="filterset.docbook.location">
<filter token="docbook.xml" value="${docbook.xml.path}" />
<filter token="docbook.xsl" value="${docbook.xsl.path}" />
<!-- file used to form path where olink output goes -->
<filter token="olink_file" value="${chapter_name}"/>
<filter token="paper.type" value="${paper.type}" />
<filter token="file.prefix" value="${file.prefix}" />
<filter token="src.dir" value="${src.dir.path}" />
<filter token="tmp.dir" value="${tmp.dir.path}" />
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == target layout == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == (root) (= target in the uima-docbook project) == -->
<!-- == | == -->
<!-- == |-images << shared images subdir == -->
<!-- == | |-${book_name}/chapter-name/image-name == -->
<!-- == | == -->
<!-- == |-${chapter_name) overview_and_setup << directories == -->
<!-- == | |-css << subdir == -->
<!-- == | |-chunked html files == -->
<!-- == | |-${docbook.outname}.html << single html == -->
<!-- == | |-${docbook.outname}.pdf << pdf == -->
<!-- == |-${chapter_name) Tutorials-and-Users-Guides == -->
<!-- == | |-css << subdir == -->
<!-- == | |-chunked html files == -->
<!-- == | |-${docbook.outname}.html << single html == -->
<!-- == | |-${docbook.outname}.pdf << pdf == -->
<!-- == |-${chapter_name) UIMA-Tools == -->
<!-- == | |-css << subdir == -->
<!-- == | |-chunked html files == -->
<!-- == | |-${docbook.outname}.html << single html == -->
<!-- == | |-${docbook.outname}.pdf << pdf == -->
<!-- == |-${chapter_name) UIMA-References == -->
<!-- == |-css << subdir == -->
<!-- == |-chunked html files == -->
<!-- == |-${docbook.outname}.html << single html == -->
<!-- == |-${docbook.outname}.pdf << pdf == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == olink info layout == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == (root) (= src/olink in the uima-docbook project) == -->
<!-- == |-olink_db_html.xml == -->
<!-- == |-olink_db_htmlsingle.xml == -->
<!-- == |-olink_db_pdf.xml == -->
<!-- == | == -->
<!-- == |-${chapter_name) overview_and_setup << directories == -->
<!-- == | |-html-target.db << for chunked html == -->
<!-- == | |-htmlsingle-target.db << single html == -->
<!-- == | |-pdf-target.db << pdf == -->
<!-- == |-${chapter_name) Tutorials-and-Users-Guides == -->
<!-- == | |-html-target.db << for chunked html == -->
<!-- == | |-htmlsingle-target.db << single html == -->
<!-- == | |-pdf-target.db << pdf == -->
<!-- == |-${chapter_name) UIMA-Tools == -->
<!-- == | |-html-target.db << for chunked html == -->
<!-- == | |-htmlsingle-target.db << single html == -->
<!-- == | |-pdf-target.db << pdf == -->
<!-- == |-${chapter_name) UIMA-References == -->
<!-- == |-html-target.db << for chunked html == -->
<!-- == |-htmlsingle-target.db << single html == -->
<!-- == |-pdf-target.db << pdf == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- =========================================================================== -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == prepare temporary directories and unzip the docbook DTD and XSL files == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- =========================================================================== -->
<target name="prepare">
<fail message="You must set book_name">
<isset property="book_name"/>
<mkdir dir="${tmp.dir}" />
<available file="${docbook.xml.dir}" property="docbook.ref.unzipped.already" />
<antcall target="unzip_docbook_ref"/>
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == This is the main target to generate all the docs == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<target name="all" depends="pdf,html,htmlsingle"
description="--> Generate and copy reference documentation">
<echo message="build all for ${chapter_name}"/>
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == Clean up the target directory == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<target name="clean"
description="--> Delete temporary and distribution directories for docs">
<delete quiet="true" dir="${target.dir}"/>
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == Create the PDF documentation == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<target name="pdf"
description="--> Generate PDF docs">
<transform type="pdf" target="tmp" title="pdf"/>
<antcall target="fop_conditionally"/>
<target name="fop_conditionally" description="internal - runs fop conditionally"
<java classname="org.apache.fop.apps.Fop" fork="true" maxmemory="256m"
dir="${basedir}" classpathref="docbook.classpath">
<arg value="-c"/>
<arg value="${docbook.fontconfig}"/>
<arg value="${target.dir}/${chapter_name}/${docbook.outname}.xml"/>
<arg value="${target.dir}/${chapter_name}/${docbook.outname}.pdf"/>
<move file="${target.dir}/${chapter_name}/${docbook.outname}.xml"
<target name="fop_debug" description="internal - runs fop only">
<java classname="org.apache.fop.apps.Fop" fork="true" maxmemory="256m"
dir="${basedir}" classpathref="docbook.classpath">
<arg value="-c"/>
<arg value="${docbook.fontconfig}"/>
<arg value="${target.dir}/${chapter_name}/${docbook.outname}.pdf_src.xml"/>
<arg value="${target.dir}/${chapter_name}/${docbook.outname}.pdf"/>
<java classname="org.apache.fop.cli.Main" fork="true" maxmemory="256m"
dir="${basedir}" classpathref="docbook.classpath">
<arg value="-c"/>
<arg value="${docbook.fontconfig}"/>
<arg value="${target.dir}/${chapter_name}/${docbook.outname}.pdf_src.xml"/>
<arg value="${target.dir}/${chapter_name}/${docbook.outname}.pdf"/>
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == Create the HTML documentation, many pages == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<target name="html"
description="--> Generate HTML docs in multiple files">
<echo message="skipping many-page html output for now for ${chapter_name}"/>
<transform type="html" target="html" title="html"/>
<antcall target="copy-docbook-images-and-css"/>
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == Create the HTML documentation, one big page == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<target name="htmlsingle"
description="--> Generate HTML docs in a single, big file">
<transform type="htmlsingle" target="htmlsingle" title="html"/>
<antcall target="copy-docbook-images-and-css"/>
<move file="${target.dir}/${chapter_name}/${docbook.outname}.xml"
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == Subroutines == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == Subroutine: Copy the images and css == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<target name="copy-docbook-images-and-css" unless="${do_olinkdb_only}">
<copy todir="${target.dir}/images">
<fileset dir="${docbook.xsl.dir}/images/"/>
<copy todir="${target.dir}/${chapter_name}/css">
<fileset dir="${css.dir}"/>
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == Subroutine: Unzip the docbook xml and xslt transformations == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<target name="unzip_docbook_ref"
description="internal: unzips docbook xml and xsl style sheets"
<fail message="missing ${zip.src.dir}/docbook-xml-${docbook.xml.version}.zip">
<available file="${zip.src.dir}/docbook-xml-${docbook.xml.version}.zip"/>
<fail message="missing ${zip.src.dir}/docbook-xsl-${docbook.xsl.version}.zip">
<available file="${zip.src.dir}/docbook-xsl-${docbook.xsl.version}.zip"/>
<mkdir dir="${docbook.xml.dir}" />
<unzip src="${zip.src.dir}/docbook-xml-${docbook.xml.version}.zip" dest="${docbook.xml.dir}" />
<mkdir dir="${docbook.xsl.dir}" />
<unzip src="${zip.src.dir}/docbook-xsl-${docbook.xsl.version}.zip" dest="${docbook.ref.dir}" />
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == Subroutine: transform_docbook == -->
<!-- == 1. Setup styles by "filtering" them into a temp dir == -->
<!-- == 2. Transform the title page -> temp/html_or_pdf-titlepage.xsl == -->
<!-- == 3. Copy images == -->
<!-- == 4. Transform the source to xml using the styles setup in the 1st step. == -->
<!-- == title page is xincluded from step 2. == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<target name="transform_docbook" description="internal">
<!-- params:
target e.g. html, htmlsingle, or tmp
type e.g. html, htmlsingle, or pdf
title e.g. html, html, or pdf (htmlsingle uses html title info
<property name="" value="${target.dir}/${chapter_name}"/>
<property name="" value="${tmp.dir}/${type}-style.xsl"/>
<path id="" location="${}"/>
<pathconvert dirsep="/" property="" refid=""/>
<copy overwrite="true" filtering="on" file="${styles.dir}/${type}.xsl" tofile="${}">
<filterset refid="filterset.docbook.location"/>
<filter token="${type}.target.dir" value="${}" />
<filter token="type" value="${type}"/>
<filter token="olink_work" value="${olink_work}"/>
<mkdir dir="${target.dir}/${chapter_name}/"/>
<saxon input="${styles.dir}/${title}/titlepage.xml"
<copy todir="${target.dir}/images/${book_name}">
<fileset dir="${docbook.src.dir}/${book_name}/images"/>
<!-- output goes to outname.xml, and is renamed by the caller:
html: is ignored
htmlsingle: renamed to outname.html
pdf: drives fop, (then can be erased)
<saxon input="${docbook.src.dir}/${book_name}/${chapter_name}.xml"
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == Transformation Macro that generates output from Docbook == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == type: Type of transformation (pdf, html, htmlsingle) == -->
<!-- == title: Titlepage to use (html and htmlsingle both use html!) == -->
<!-- == target: Target directory (pdf needs tmp for FOP transform) == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<macrodef name="transform">
<attribute name="type"/>
<attribute name="title"/>
<attribute name="target"/>
<antcall target="transform_docbook">
<param name="target" value="@{target}"/>
<param name="type" value="@{type}"/>
<param name="title" value="@{title}"/>
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == Saxon Converter macro that uses commons-resolver == -->
<!-- == and xerces parser (to handle XIncludes) == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- == input: The file to transform == -->
<!-- == output: The transformation result == -->
<!-- == style: The Style Sheet used for the transformation == -->
<!-- == == -->
<!-- ======================================================================== -->
<macrodef name="saxon">
<attribute name="input"/>
<attribute name="output"/>
<attribute name="style"/>
<java classname="com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet" fork="true"
dir="${basedir}" classpathref="docbook.classpath">
<!-- The jvm args install the xerces parser to allow use of XIncludes -->
<jvmarg value="-Djavax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.DocumentBuilderFactoryImpl"/>
<jvmarg value="-Djavax.impl.parsers.SAXParserFactory=org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl"/>
<jvmarg value="-Dorg.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration=org.apache.xerces.parsers.XIncludeParserConfiguration"/>
<arg line="-x"/>
<arg line="-y"/>
<arg line="-r"/>
<arg value="-o"/>
<arg value="@{output}"/>
<arg value="@{input}"/>
<arg value="@{style}"/>