blob: 2988b20605ac9841a47139a6db7829ce6a218cc6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.util.impl;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.CAN_BE_NEGATIVE;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.IN_MAIN_HEAP;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_ArrayLength;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_Byte;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_Double_Exponent;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_Double_Mantissa_Sign;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_Float_Exponent;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_Float_Mantissa_Sign;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_FsIndexes;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_HeapRef;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_Int;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_Long_High;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_Long_Low;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_MainHeap;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_Short;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_StrChars;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_StrLength;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_StrOffset;
import static org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind.Slot_TypeCode;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.SlotKinds.SlotKind;
* Structure:
* StatDetail
* str has neh for offset, length, dictionary hits/misses
* indexedFs has neh for diffs
* modHeap named, has neh for diffs, heap for values
public class SerializationMeasures {
public static final int MAX_NBR_ENCODE_LENGTH = 10; // for long values taking 64 bits at 7 bits
// per byte
* helper method to truncate printing of lots of trailing 0s
* @param c
* @return the index of the 1st 0 where all the rest are 0's, or the last index
private static int maxIndexToZeros(int[] c) {
for (int i = c.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (c[i] != 0) {
return Math.min(i + 1, c.length - 1);
return 1;
* Statistical details
* There's instances of this class for
* - the main heap
* - the aux heaps
* - the string offsets, the string lengths
* Heap: xxxx [name-of-delta: [Total: <TotalBytes>(negative%) Histo: a(neg%) b(neg%) c(neg%) d(neg%) e(neg%)]]
* 2 styles: one uses only one counter, no delta - used for byte, short, and long heaps
* other is for main heap, uses 4 deltas.
public static class StatDetail {
private final String name;
public long original = -1; // if set, use this, otherwise use countTotal * bytesPerCount
final boolean canBeNegative;
public final int[] c = new int[MAX_NBR_ENCODE_LENGTH];
private final int[] cn; // negative counts
private final int bytesPerCount; // # bytes in source, per entry
public int countTotal; // plain count not weighted by number of bytes
public int lengthTotal; // count weighted by encodedLength
// encoding variants
// private long itemCount = 0;
// public long hits = 0; // misses = itemCount - hits
// public long lt64 = 0; // (non diff slot only) things coded outside of dictionary
public long diffEncoded = 0; // things not diff encoded = totalCount - diffEncoded
public long valueLeDiff = 0; // things not diff encoded which could have been
// public long total = 0;
// zip info
public long beforeZip; // should be same as lengthTotal;
public long afterZip = -1; // -1 means not zipped
public long zipTime;
public long deserializationTime; // excluding unzipping
public StatDetail(String name, boolean canBeNegative, boolean inMainHeap, int bytesPerCount) {
this.canBeNegative = canBeNegative;
this.bytesPerCount = bytesPerCount; = name;
if (canBeNegative) {
cn = new int[MAX_NBR_ENCODE_LENGTH];
} else {
cn = null;
if (inMainHeap) {
original = 0; // main heap original computed outside of this mechanism
public long getOriginal() {
if (original == -1) {
return countTotal * bytesPerCount;
} else {
return original;
public void accum(StatDetail o) {
for (int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
c[i] += o.c[i];
if (canBeNegative && (null != {
cn[i] +=[i];
countTotal += o.countTotal;
lengthTotal += o.lengthTotal;
original = getOriginal();
original += o.getOriginal();
diffEncoded += o.diffEncoded;
valueLeDiff += o.valueLeDiff;
beforeZip += o.beforeZip;
if (afterZip == -1) {
afterZip = 0;
afterZip += (o.afterZip == -1) ? o.beforeZip : o.afterZip;
zipTime += o.zipTime;
deserializationTime += o.deserializationTime;
public void incr(int encodedLength, boolean isNegative) {
if (isNegative) {
cn[encodedLength - 1]++;
public void incr(int encodedLength) {
c[encodedLength - 1]++;
lengthTotal += encodedLength;
* v is the number of bytes to incr counter 0 by
* @param v
* -
public void incrNoCompression(int v) {
c[bytesPerCount - 1] += v;
countTotal += v;
lengthTotal += v * bytesPerCount;
public String toString() {
long tot = lengthTotal;
if (tot == 0) {
return String.format("Item: %25s%n", name);
String diff = (0 < diffEncoded) ? String.format(
"%n DiffEncoded(%%, %%v<diff): %,d(%.1f%% %.1f%%)",
diffEncoded, percent(diffEncoded, countTotal), percent(valueLeDiff, diffEncoded))
: "";
String zp = (afterZip == -1) ? ""
: String.format(" afterZip: %,7d(%4.1f%%), %,3d ms", afterZip,
percent(afterZip, beforeZip), zipTime);
String dt = (deserializationTime == 0) ? ""
: String.format(" Deserialization time: %f", deserializationTime / 1000F);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// find max index to include = first non-zero from end, + 1
int maxToInclude = maxIndexToZeros(c);
for (int i = 0; i <= maxToInclude; i++) {
sb.append((canBeNegative) ? String.format(" %,d(%,d)", c[i], cn[i])
: String.format(" %,d", c[i]));
String totPct = (original == 0) ? String.format("LengthTot: %,d", lengthTotal)
: String.format("LengthTot: %,d(%.1f%%)", lengthTotal, percentCompr(lengthTotal));
String histoDetails = String.format("[%s Histo:%s]", totPct, sb);
return String.format("Item: %25s %s %s %s %s%n", name, zp, dt, histoDetails, diff);
private float percentCompr(long totCompr) {
return percent(totCompr,
((original == -1) || (original == 0)) ? countTotal * bytesPerCount : original);
* each instance of this class remembers a set of statDetail instances to do bulk operations
* against that set of the statistics
public class AllStatDetails {
final StatDetail[] allStatDetails;
StatDetail aggr;
final String name;
public AllStatDetails(String aggrName, StatDetail... someHeaps) {
name = aggrName;
allStatDetails = new StatDetail[someHeaps.length];
aggr = new StatDetail(aggrName, CAN_BE_NEGATIVE, IN_MAIN_HEAP, 1);
int i = 0;
for (StatDetail sd : someHeaps) {
allStatDetails[i++] = sd;
public AllStatDetails(String aggrName, SlotKind... kinds) {
this(aggrName, toStatDetails(kinds));
public void accum(AllStatDetails o) {
for (int i = 0; i < allStatDetails.length; i++) {
public void aggregate() {
aggr = new StatDetail(name, CAN_BE_NEGATIVE, !IN_MAIN_HEAP, 1);
for (StatDetail sd : allStatDetails) {
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (StatDetail h : allStatDetails) {
return sb.toString();
private static float percent(long a, long b) {
if (a == 0) {
return 0F;
if (b == 0) {
return 100F;
return ((100F * a) / b);
// all measures in counts or bytes
public int header = 0;
public long origAuxByteArrayRefs = 0; // in bytes (incl boolean), 1 entry usually = 4 bytes
public long origAuxShortArrayRefs = 0;
public long origAuxLongArrayRefs = 0;
public long origAuxBytes = 0; // includes booleans, in bytes
public long origAuxShorts = 0; // in bytes
public long origAuxLongs = 0; // includes doubles, in bytes
public long mainHeapFSs = 0; // count of all feature structures
public int stringsNbrCommon = 0;
public long stringsCommonChars = 0;
public long stringsSavedExact = 0;
public long stringsSavedSubstr = 0;
public long totalTime = 0;
public final StatDetail[] statDetails = new StatDetail[SlotKind.values().length];
for (SlotKind kind : SlotKind.values()) {
statDetails[kind.ordinal()] = new StatDetail(kind.toString(), kind.canBeNegative,
kind.inMainHeap, kind.elementSize);
public final AllStatDetails allSlots = new AllStatDetails("AllSlotKinds", Slot_ArrayLength,
Slot_HeapRef, //
Slot_Int, Slot_Byte, // used only for arrays
Slot_Short, // used only for arrays
Slot_TypeCode, //
Slot_StrOffset, //
Slot_StrLength, //
Slot_StrChars, //
Slot_Long_High, //
Slot_Long_Low, //
Slot_Float_Mantissa_Sign, //
Slot_Float_Exponent, //
Slot_Double_Mantissa_Sign, //
Slot_Double_Exponent, //
Slot_FsIndexes); //
public final AllStatDetails strSlots = new AllStatDetails("Strings", Slot_StrOffset,
Slot_StrLength, Slot_StrChars);
// public final ModHeaps modHeaps = new ModHeaps(modMainHeap, modByteHeap, modShortHeap,
// modLongHeap);
// public final Str strings = new Str(strOffsets, strLengths);
// public final IndexedFSs indexedFSs = new IndexedFSs();
public SerializationMeasures() {
StatDetail[] toStatDetails(SlotKind[] kinds) {
StatDetail[] sds = new StatDetail[kinds.length];
int i = 0;
for (SlotKind k : kinds) {
sds[i++] = statDetails[k.ordinal()];
return sds;
* accumulate results for multiple files
* @param o
* -
public void accum(SerializationMeasures o) {
int i = 0;
for (StatDetail sd : o.statDetails) {
origAuxByteArrayRefs += o.origAuxByteArrayRefs;
origAuxShortArrayRefs += o.origAuxShortArrayRefs;
origAuxLongArrayRefs += o.origAuxLongArrayRefs;
header += o.header;
mainHeapFSs += o.mainHeapFSs;
stringsNbrCommon += o.stringsNbrCommon;
stringsCommonChars += o.stringsCommonChars;
stringsSavedExact += o.stringsSavedExact;
stringsSavedSubstr += o.stringsSavedSubstr;
public String toString() {
// Strings
long origStringChars = statDetails[Slot_StrChars.ordinal()].getOriginal();
long origStringObjs = statDetails[Slot_StrLength.ordinal()].getOriginal() * 2;
long origStringsTot = origStringChars + // space for the chars
origStringObjs + // space for the offset and length
(origStringObjs / 2); // space for the refs to the string heap
long allOrig = statDetails[Slot_MainHeap.ordinal()].original + origStringChars + origStringObjs
+ origAuxBytes + origAuxShorts + origAuxLongs;
long allB4Z = allSlots.aggr.lengthTotal;
long strB4Z = strSlots.aggr.lengthTotal;
long allTotZ = allSlots.aggr.afterZip;
long strTotZ = strSlots.aggr.afterZip;
return String.format(
"Summary: withZip: %,d(%.1f%%), without: %,d(%.1f%%) zipTime: %,d ms totalSerTime: %,d ms%n"
+ " nonStrgs: withZip: %,d(%.1f%%), without: %,d(%.1f%%)%n"
+ " Strings: withZip: %,d(%.1f%%), without: %,d(%.1f%%)%n"
+ " MainHeap TotFS: %,d, StrCmnChars: %,d(%.1f%%), StrSavedExact: %,d StrSavedSubstr: %,d%n"
+ "%s%n",
allTotZ, percent(allTotZ, allOrig), allB4Z, percent(allB4Z, allOrig),
allSlots.aggr.zipTime, totalTime,
allTotZ - strTotZ, percent(allTotZ - strTotZ, allOrig - origStringsTot),
allB4Z - strB4Z, percent(allB4Z - strB4Z, allOrig - origStringsTot),
strTotZ, percent(strTotZ, origStringsTot), strB4Z, percent(strB4Z, origStringsTot),
mainHeapFSs, stringsCommonChars,
percent(stringsCommonChars, statDetails[Slot_StrChars.ordinal()].original),
stringsSavedExact, stringsSavedSubstr, allSlots.toString());