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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.util;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.uima.UIMARuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.UimaSerializable;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CASRuntimeException;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CommonArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure;
import org.apache.uima.cas.SofaFS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.CASImpl;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.FeatureImpl;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.TypeImpl;
import org.apache.uima.cas.impl.TypeSystemImpl;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.Int2ObjListMap;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.PositiveIntSet;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.PositiveIntSet_impl;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.AnnotationBase;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.CommonPrimitiveArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.FSArray;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.Sofa;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.cas.TOP;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.tcas.Annotation;
* Utility class for doing deep copies of FeatureStructures from one CAS to another. To handle cases
* where the source CAS has multiple references to the same FS, you can create one instance of
* CasCopier and use it to copy multiple FeatureStructures. The CasCopier will remember previously
* copied FeatureStructures, so if you later copy another FS that has a reference to a previously
* copied FS, it will not duplicate the multiply-referenced FS.
* This class makes use of CASImpl methods, but is only passed CAS objects, which may be CAS
* Wrappers. To make this more feasible, the implementors of CAS Wrappers need to implement the
* method getLowLevelCas() which should return a reference to the underlying CAS which can be
* successfully cast to a CASImpl.
* The source and target view names for FSs are the same except if:
* - The constructor of the CAS Copier instance specifies two different view names, or
* - The copyCasView method(s) specify two different view names.
* In both these cases, the FSs copied are between different views.
* Feature Structures belonging to one view will be belonging to the other view in the copy.
* Exception: Feature Structures which are subtypes of AnnotationBase belong to the view
* associated with the AnnotationBase's sofa reference.
* The source and target CASs must be separate CASs (that is, not two views of the same CAS),
* unless the target View name is different from the source view name.
* The copied FSs have their associated CAS references set to a corresponding view in the target.
* The corresponding view is the view in the target with the same view name as the source view
* (perhaps after sofa mapping specified by the target CAS's current component sofa mapping info),
* except for the copyCasView calls, where the target view is specified explicitly.
* But if the FS being copied is a subtype of AnnotationBase, then the corresponding view for the
* copy of the sofa reference (if not null) is used.
public class CasCopier {
private static final TypeImpl MISSING_TYPE = TypeImpl.singleton;
private static final FeatureImpl MISSING_FEAT = FeatureImpl.singleton;
// private static final int FRC_SKIP = 0; // is the default, must be 0
// private static final int FRC_STRING = 1;
// private static final int FRC_LONG = 2;
// private static final int FRC_DOUBLE = 3;
// private static final int FRC_INT_LIKE = 4;
// private static final int FRC_REF = 5;
// private static final int K_SRC_FEAT_OFFSET = 0;
// private static final int K_TGT_FEAT_CODE = 1;
// /**
// * TypeInfo stores the mapping from the source to the target type system
// * It is set up once at the start, to avoid looking up this correspondence (by name) repeatedly
// */
// private class TypeInfo {
// final int[] codesAndOffsets; // indexed with count * 2
// /**
// * Feature Range class: String, Long, double, int-like, ref, or skip for all others
// */
// final byte[] frc;
// final int tgtTypeCode;
// TypeInfo(int srcTypeCode) {
// if (tgtTsi == srcTsi) {
// tgtTypeCode = srcTypeCode;
// } else {
// Type srcType = srcTsi.ll_getTypeForCode(srcTypeCode);
// Type tgtType = tgtTsi.getType(srcType.getName());
// if (tgtType == null) {
// // If in lenient mode, do not act on this FS. Instead just
// // return (null) to the caller and let the caller deal with this case.
// if (lenient) {
// tgtTypeCode = 0;
// } else {
// throw new UIMARuntimeException(UIMARuntimeException.TYPE_NOT_FOUND_DURING_CAS_COPY,
// new Object[] { srcType.getName() });
// }
// } else {
// tgtTypeCode = tgtTsi.ll_getCodeForType(tgtType);
// }
// }
// int[] srcFeatCodes = srcTsi.ll_getAppropriateFeatures(srcTypeCode);
// int arrayLength = srcFeatCodes.length << 1;
// codesAndOffsets = new int[arrayLength];
// frc = new byte[srcFeatCodes.length];
// if (srcTsi == tgtTsi) {
// for (int i = 0; i < srcFeatCodes.length; i++) {
// final int srcFeatCode = srcFeatCodes[i];
// Feature srcFeat = srcTsi.ll_getFeatureForCode(srcFeatCode);
// setRangeClass((TypeImpl) srcFeat.getRange(), i);
// final int i2 = i << 1;
// codesAndOffsets[i2 + K_SRC_FEAT_OFFSET] = originalSrcCasImpl.getFeatureOffset(srcFeatCode);
// codesAndOffsets[i2 + K_TGT_FEAT_CODE] = srcFeatCodes[i];
// }
// } else {
// for (int i = 0; i < srcFeatCodes.length; i++) {
// final int srcFeatCode = srcFeatCodes[i];
// Feature srcFeat = srcTsi.ll_getFeatureForCode(srcFeatCode);
// String srcFeatName = srcFeat.getName();
// Feature tgtFeat = tgtTsi.getFeatureByFullName(srcFeatName);
// if (tgtFeat == null) {
// // If in lenient mode, ignore this feature and move on to the next
// // feature in this FS (if one exists)
// if (lenient) {
// continue; // Ignore this feature in the source CAS since it doesn't exist in
// // in the target CAS.
// } else {
// throw new UIMARuntimeException(UIMARuntimeException.FEATURE_NOT_FOUND_DURING_CAS_COPY,
// new Object[] { srcFeatName });
// }
// } else {
// final int i2 = i << 1;
// int tgtFeatCode = ((FeatureImpl)tgtFeat).getCode();
// codesAndOffsets[i2 + K_SRC_FEAT_OFFSET] = originalSrcCasImpl.getFeatureOffset(srcFeatCode);
// codesAndOffsets[i2 + K_TGT_FEAT_CODE] = tgtFeatCode;
// }
// TypeImpl srcRangeType = (TypeImpl) srcFeat.getRange();
// // verify range types of features have the same name
// if (!srcRangeType.getName().equals(
// tgtFeat.getRange().getName())) {
// throw new UIMARuntimeException(UIMARuntimeException.COPY_CAS_RANGE_TYPE_NAMES_NOT_EQUAL,
// new Object[] {srcFeatName, srcFeat.getRange().getName(), tgtFeat.getRange().getName()});
// }
// setRangeClass(srcRangeType, i);
// }
// }
// }
// void setRangeClass(TypeImpl srcRangeType, int i) {
// if (srcTsi.ll_subsumes(srcStringTypeCode, srcRangeType.getCode())) {
// frc[i] = FRC_STRING;
// } else if (srcRangeType == srcTsi.intType ||
// srcRangeType == srcTsi.floatType ||
// srcRangeType == srcTsi.booleanType ||
// srcRangeType == srcTsi.byteType ||
// srcRangeType == srcTsi.shortType) {
// frc[i] = FRC_INT_LIKE;
// } else if (srcRangeType == srcTsi.longType) {
// frc[i] = FRC_LONG;
// } else if (srcRangeType == srcTsi.doubleType) {
// frc[i] = FRC_DOUBLE;
// } else {
// frc[i] = FRC_REF;
// }
// }
// }
// private final TypeInfo[] tInfoArray;
// these next are called original, as they are the views used to create the CasCopier instance
private final CASImpl originalSrcCas;
private final CASImpl originalTgtCas;
// // these next are the CASImpls of these
// private final CASImpl originalSrcCasImpl;
// private final CASImpl originalTgtCasImpl;
// these next 2 are like the above, but for explicit view copying
private CASImpl srcCasViewImpl;
private CASImpl tgtCasViewImpl;
private String srcViewName; // these are used when the view name is changed
private String tgtViewName; // this is the corresponding target view name for the source view name
private final TypeSystemImpl srcTsi;
private final TypeSystemImpl tgtTsi;
private final Int2ObjListMap<TypeImpl> src2TgtType;
private final Int2ObjListMap<FeatureImpl> src2TgtFeat;
private final boolean isEqualTypeSystems;
private String cachedSrcViewName = "";
private CASImpl cachedTgtView = null;
// private final TypeImpl srcStringType;
* true if the copyCasView api was used, and the target view name corresponding to the source view
* name is changed
private boolean isChangeViewName = false;
private Annotation srcCasDocumentAnnotation = null;
// /**
// * The source view name - may be null if the view is of the base CAS
// */
// private String mSrcCasViewName;
// /**
// * The target view name - not used unless doing a view copy
// * Allows copying a view to another CAS under a different name
// */
// private String mTgtCasViewName;
// final private Feature mDestSofaFeature;
final private boolean lenient; // true: ignore feature structures and features that are not
// defined in the destination CAS
* key is source FS, value is target FS
* Target not set for SofaFSs
* Target not set if lenient specified and src type isn't in target
final private Map<TOP, TOP> mFsMap; // is identity hash map
* Deferred calls to copy Features of a FS
final private Deque<Runnable> fsToDo = new ArrayDeque<>();
* Creates a new CasCopier that can be used to copy FeatureStructures from one CAS to another.
* Note that if you are merging data from multiple CASes, you must create a new CasCopier for each
* source CAS.
* Note: If the feature structure and/or feature is not defined in the type system of the
* destination CAS, the copy will fail (in other words, the lenient setting is false, by default).
* @param aSrcCas
* the CAS to copy from.
* @param aDestCas
* the CAS to copy into.
public CasCopier(CAS aSrcCas, CAS aDestCas) {
this(aSrcCas, aDestCas, false);
* Creates a new CasCopier that can be used to copy FeatureStructures from one CAS to another.
* Note that if you are merging data from multiple CASes, you must create a new CasCopier for each
* source CAS. This version of the constructor supports a "lenient copy" option. When set, the CAS
* copy function will ignore (not attempt to copy) FSs and features not defined in the type system
* of the destination CAS, rather than throwing an exception.
* @param aSrcCas
* the CAS to copy from.
* @param aDestCas
* the CAS to copy into.
* @param lenient
* ignore FSs and features not defined in the type system of the destination CAS
public CasCopier(CAS aSrcCas, CAS aDestCas, boolean lenient) {
mFsMap = new IdentityHashMap<>(((CASImpl) (aSrcCas.getLowLevelCAS())).getLastUsedFsId());
originalSrcCas = (CASImpl) aSrcCas.getLowLevelCAS();
originalTgtCas = (CASImpl) aDestCas.getLowLevelCAS();
srcTsi = originalSrcCas.getTypeSystemImpl();
tgtTsi = originalTgtCas.getTypeSystemImpl();
src2TgtType = (srcTsi == tgtTsi) ? null : new Int2ObjListMap<>(srcTsi.getTypeArraySize());
src2TgtFeat = (srcTsi == tgtTsi) ? null
: new Int2ObjListMap<>(srcTsi.getNumberOfFeatures() + 1);
// tInfoArray = new TypeInfo[srcTsi.getLargestTypeCode() + 1];
// srcStringType = srcTsi.stringType;
// srcStringTypeCode = srcStringType.getCode();
// mDestSofaFeature = aDestCas.getTypeSystem().getFeatureByFullName(CAS.FEATURE_FULL_NAME_SOFA);
this.lenient = lenient;
// the next is to support the style of use where
// an instance of this copier is made, corresponding to two views in the same CAS
// or corresponding to two views in different CASs
// and then individual FeatureStructures are copied using copyFS(...)
srcCasViewImpl = (CASImpl) originalSrcCas.getLowLevelCAS();
tgtCasViewImpl = (CASImpl) originalTgtCas.getLowLevelCAS();
srcViewName = srcCasViewImpl.getViewName();
tgtViewName = tgtCasViewImpl.getViewName();
if (srcViewName == null) { // base cas
isChangeViewName = (tgtViewName == null) ? false : true;
} else {
isChangeViewName = !srcViewName.equals(tgtViewName);
isEqualTypeSystems = srcTsi.equals(tgtTsi);
* Does a complete deep copy of one CAS into another CAS. The contents of each view in the source
* CAS will be copied to the same-named view in the destination CAS. If the view does not already
* exist it will be created. All FeatureStructures that are indexed in a view in the source CAS
* will become indexed in the same-named view in the destination CAS.
* Note: If the feature structure and/or feature is not defined in the type system of the
* destination CAS, the copy will fail (in other words, the lenient setting is false, by default).
* @param aSrcCas
* the CAS to copy from
* @param aDestCas
* the CAS to copy to
* @param aCopySofa
* if true, the sofa data and mimeType of each view will be copied. If false they will
* not.
public static void copyCas(CAS aSrcCas, CAS aDestCas, boolean aCopySofa) {
copyCas(aSrcCas, aDestCas, aCopySofa, false);
* Does a complete deep copy of one CAS into another CAS. The contents of each view in the source
* CAS will be copied to the same-named view in the destination CAS. If the view does not already
* exist it will be created. All FeatureStructures that are indexed in a view in the source CAS
* will become indexed in the same-named view in the destination CAS. This version of the method
* supports a "lenient copy" option. When set, the CAS copy function will ignore (not attempt to
* copy) FSs and features not defined in the type system of the destination CAS, rather than
* throwing an exception.
* @param aSrcCas
* the CAS to copy from
* @param aDestCas
* the CAS to copy to; must be a completely different CAS than the source (that is, not
* an alternative "view" of the source)
* @param aCopySofa
* if true, the sofa data and mimeType of each view will be copied. If false they will
* not.
* @param lenient
* ignore FSs and features not defined in the type system of the destination CAS
public static void copyCas(CAS aSrcCas, CAS aDestCas, boolean aCopySofa, boolean lenient) {
CasCopier copier = new CasCopier(aSrcCas, aDestCas, lenient);
// oops, this misses the initial view if a sofa FS has not yet been created
// Iterator<SofaFS> sofaIter = aSrcCas.getSofaIterator();
// while (sofaIter.hasNext()) {
// SofaFS sofa =;
// CAS view = aSrcCas.getView(sofa);
// copier.copyCasView(view, aCopySofa);
// }
if (copier.originalSrcCas.getBaseCAS() == copier.originalTgtCas.getBaseCAS()) {
throw new UIMARuntimeException(UIMARuntimeException.ILLEGAL_CAS_COPY_TO_SAME_CAS);
Iterator<CAS> viewIterator = aSrcCas.getViewIterator();
while (viewIterator.hasNext()) {
CAS view =;
copier.copyCasView(view, aCopySofa);
* Does a deep copy of the contents of one CAS View into another CAS's same-named-view If the
* destination view already exists in the destination CAS, then it will be the target of the copy.
* Otherwise, a new view will be created with that name and will become the target of the copy.
* All FeatureStructures (except for those dropped because the target type system doesn't have the
* needed type) that are indexed in the source CAS view will become indexed in the target view.
* Cross-view references may result in creating additional views in the destination CAS; for these
* views, any Sofa data in the source is *not* copied.
* @param aSrcCasView
* the CAS to copy from. This must be a view in the src Cas set by the constructor
* @param aCopySofa
* if true, the sofa data and mimeType will be copied. If false they will not.
public void copyCasView(CAS aSrcCasView, boolean aCopySofa) {
getOrCreateView(originalTgtCas, aSrcCasView.getViewName()), aCopySofa);
* Does a deep copy of the contents of one CAS View into another CAS's same-named-view If the
* destination view already exists in the destination CAS, then it will be the target of the copy.
* Otherwise, a new view will be created with that name and will become the target of the copy.
* All FeatureStructures (except for those dropped because the target type system doesn't have the
* needed type) that are indexed in the source CAS view will become indexed in the target view.
* Cross-view references may result in creating additional views in the destination CAS; for these
* views, any Sofa data in the source is *not* copied. Any views created because of cross-view
* references will have the same view name as in the source.
* @param aSrcCasViewName
* the name of the view in the source CAS to copy from
* @param aCopySofa
* if true, the sofa data and mimeType will be copied. If false they will not.
public void copyCasView(String aSrcCasViewName, boolean aCopySofa) {
copyCasView(getOrCreateView(originalSrcCas, aSrcCasViewName), aCopySofa);
* Does a deep copy of the contents of one CAS View into another CAS view, with a possibly
* different name. If the destination view already exists in the destination CAS, then it will be
* the target of the copy. Otherwise, a new view will be created with that name and will become
* the target of the copy. All FeatureStructures (except for those dropped because the target type
* system doesn't have the needed type) that are indexed in the source CAS view will become
* indexed in the target view. Cross-view references may result in creating additional views in
* the destination CAS; for these views, any Sofa data in the source is *not* copied. Any views
* created because of cross-view references will have the same view name as in the source.
* @param aSrcCasView
* The view in the source to copy from
* @param aTgtCasViewName
* The name of the view in the destination CAS to copy into
* @param aCopySofa
* if true, the sofa data and mimeType will be copied. If false they will not.
public void copyCasView(CAS aSrcCasView, String aTgtCasViewName, boolean aCopySofa) {
copyCasView(aSrcCasView, getOrCreateView(originalTgtCas, aTgtCasViewName), aCopySofa);
* Does a deep copy of the contents of one CAS View into another CAS view, with a possibly
* different name. All FeatureStructures (except for those dropped because the target type system
* doesn't have the needed type) that are indexed in the source CAS view will become indexed in
* the target view. Cross-view references may result in creating additional views in the
* destination CAS; for these views, any Sofa data in the source is *not* copied. Any views
* created because of cross-view references will have the same view name as in the source.
* @param aSrcCasViewName
* The name of the view in the Source CAS to copy from
* @param aTgtCasView
* The view in the destination CAS to copy into
* @param aCopySofa
* if true, the sofa data and mimeType will be copied. If false they will not.
public void copyCasView(String aSrcCasViewName, CAS aTgtCasView, boolean aCopySofa) {
copyCasView(getOrCreateView(originalSrcCas, aSrcCasViewName), aTgtCasView, aCopySofa);
private void copyCasViewDifferentCASs(CAS aSrcCasView, CAS aTgtCasView, boolean aCopySofa) {
if (originalSrcCas.getBaseCAS() == originalTgtCas.getBaseCAS()) {
throw new UIMARuntimeException(UIMARuntimeException.ILLEGAL_CAS_COPY_TO_SAME_CAS);
copyCasView(aSrcCasView, aTgtCasView, aCopySofa);
* Does a deep copy of the contents of one CAS View into another CAS view, with a possibly
* different name. All FeatureStructures (except for those dropped because the target type system
* doesn't have the needed type) that are indexed in the source CAS view will become indexed in
* the target view. Cross-view references may result in creating additional views in the
* destination CAS; for these views, any Sofa data in the source is *not* copied. Any views
* created because of cross-view references will have the same view name as in the source.
* If the source and target views are both views of the same CAS, then Feature Structures in the
* view are effectively "cloned", with the following change: Subtypes of AnnotationBase in the
* source whose sofaRef is for the source View are cloned with their sofaRefs changed to the new
* targetView.
* @param aSrcCasView
* the CAS view to copy from. This must be a view of the srcCas set in the constructor
* @param aTgtCasView
* the CAS view to copy to. This must be a view of the tgtCas set in the constructor
* @param aCopySofa
* if true, the sofa data and mimeType will be copied. If false they will not. If true
* and the sofa data is already set in the target, will throw CASRuntimeException
public void copyCasView(CAS aSrcCasView, CAS aTgtCasView, boolean aCopySofa) {
if (!casViewsInSameCas(aSrcCasView, originalSrcCas)) {
throw new UIMARuntimeException(UIMARuntimeException.VIEW_NOT_PART_OF_CAS,
new Object[] { "Source" });
if (!casViewsInSameCas(aTgtCasView, originalTgtCas)) {
throw new UIMARuntimeException(UIMARuntimeException.VIEW_NOT_PART_OF_CAS,
new Object[] { "Destination" });
// mSrcCasViewName = aSrcCasView.getViewName();
// mTgtCasViewName = aTgtCasView.getViewName();
srcCasViewImpl = (CASImpl) aSrcCasView.getLowLevelCAS();
tgtCasViewImpl = (CASImpl) aTgtCasView.getLowLevelCAS();
try { // to support finally to reset the src/tgt view names
srcViewName = srcCasViewImpl.getViewName();
tgtViewName = tgtCasViewImpl.getViewName();
isChangeViewName = !srcViewName.equals(tgtViewName);
if ((aSrcCasView == srcCasViewImpl.getBaseCAS())
|| (aTgtCasView == tgtCasViewImpl.getBaseCAS())) {
throw new UIMARuntimeException(
srcCasDocumentAnnotation = null; // each view needs to get this once
// mLowLevelDestCas = aTgtCasView.getLowLevelCAS();
// mLowLevelSrcCas = aSrcCasView.getLowLevelCAS();
// The top level sofa associated with this view is copied (or not)
if (aCopySofa) {
// can't copy the SofaFS - just copy the sofa data and mime type
SofaFS sofa = srcCasViewImpl.getSofa();
if (null != sofa) {
// if the sofa doesn't exist in the target, these calls will create it
// (view can exist without Sofa, at least for the initial view)
String sofaMime = sofa.getSofaMime();
String docTxt = srcCasViewImpl.getDocumentText();
if (docTxt != null) {
aTgtCasView.setSofaDataString(docTxt, sofaMime);
} else {
String sofaDataURI = srcCasViewImpl.getSofaDataURI();
if (sofaDataURI != null) {
aTgtCasView.setSofaDataURI(sofaDataURI, sofaMime);
} else {
TOP sofaDataArray = (TOP) srcCasViewImpl.getSofaDataArray();
if (sofaDataArray != null) {
aTgtCasView.setSofaDataArray(copyFs2Fs(sofaDataArray), sofaMime);
// now copy indexed FS, but keep track so we don't index anything more than once
// values are fs._id's
// Note: mFsMap might be used for this, but it doesn't index several kinds of FSs
// see the javadoc for this field for details
// NOTE: FeatureStructure hashcode / equals use the fs._id's
final PositiveIntSet indexedFsAlreadyCopied = new PositiveIntSet_impl();
// The indexedFsAlreadyCopied set starts out "cleared", but
// we don't clear the cas copier instance map "mFsMap" here, in order to skip actually copying
// the
// FSs when doing a full CAS copy with multiple views - the 2nd and subsequent
// views don't copy, but they do index.
Collection<TOP> c = srcCasViewImpl.getIndexRepository().getIndexedFSs();
// LowLevelIterator it =
// ((FSIndexRepositoryImpl)(srcCasViewImpl.getIndexRepository())).ll_getAllIndexedFS(srcTsi.getTopType());
for (final TOP fs : c) {
// System.out.format("debug id: %,d type: %s%n",, fs._getTypeImpl().getShortName());
// Iterator<LowLevelIndex> indexes = srcCasViewImpl.getIndexRepository().ll_getIndexes();
// while (indexes.hasNext()) {
// LowLevelIndex index =;
// LowLevelIterator iter = index.ll_iterator();
// while (iter.isValid()) {
// final int fs = iter.ll_get();
// iter.moveToNext();
if (!indexedFsAlreadyCopied.contains(fs._id())) {
final TOP copyOfFs = copyFs2(fs);
// If the lenient option is used, it's possible that no FS was
// created (e.g., FS is not defined in the target CAS. So ignore
// this FS in the source CAS and move on to the next FS.
if (lenient && copyOfFs == null) {
continue; // Move to the next FS in the source CAS
// otherwise, won't be null (error thrown instead)
// check for annotations with null Sofa reference - this can happen
// if the annotations were created with the Low Level CAS API. If the
// Sofa reference isn't set, attempting to add the FS to the indexes
// will fail.
// if (fs instanceof AnnotationBase) {
// AnnotationBase fsAb = (AnnotationBase) fs;
// int sofaRef = tgtCasViewImpl.ll_getRefValue(copyOfFs, mDestSofaFeatureCode);
// if (0 == sofaRef) {
// tgtCasViewImpl.ll_setRefValue(copyOfFs, mDestSofaFeatureCode,
// tgtCasViewImpl.getSofaRef());
// }
// }
} finally {
srcCasViewImpl = null; // needed to make copyFS subsequently work.
tgtCasViewImpl = null;
isChangeViewName = false;
* For long lists, and other structures, the straight-forward impl with recursion can nest too
* deep, causing a Java failure - out of stack space.
* This is a non-recursive impl, making use of an aux object: featureStructuresWithSlotsToSet to
* hold copied FSs whose slots need to be scanned and set with values.
* The main loop dequeues one element, and copies the features.
* The copying of a FS copies the FS without setting the slots; instead it queues the copied FS
* together with its source instance on featureStructuresWithSlotsToSet for later processing.
* Copy 1 feature structure from the originalSrcCas to a new Cas. No indexing of the new FS is
* done. If the FS has been copied previously (using this CasCopier instance) the same identical
* copy will be returned rather than making another copy.
* View handling: ignores the view of the targetCas
* @param aFS
* the Feature Structure to copy
* @param <T>
* the generic type of the returned Feature Structure
* @return a deep copy of the Feature Structure - any referred to FSs will also be copied, or null
* if the target CAS doesn't define a corresponding type
public <T extends FeatureStructure> T copyFs(T aFS) {
if (null == srcCasViewImpl) {
srcCasViewImpl = originalSrcCas;
if (null == tgtCasViewImpl) {
tgtCasViewImpl = originalTgtCas;
// safety - insure DocumentAnnotation is tested.
srcCasDocumentAnnotation = null;
return (T) copyFs2Fs((TOP) aFS);
* Copy one FS from the src CAS to the tgt CAS View context: The caller must set the
* srcCasViewImpl and the tgtCasViewImpl
* @param aFS
* a Feature Structure reference in the originalSrcCas
* @return a Feature Structure reference to a copy in the target CAS, or null if the target CAS
* doesn't have a corresponding type definition
private TOP copyFs2(TOP aFS) {
TOP copy = copyFsInner(aFS); // doesn't copy the slot values, but enqueues them
// the iteration is done this way because the body can add more to the queue
while (fsToDo.size() > 0) {
Runnable r = fsToDo.removeFirst();;
return copy;
private TOP copyFs2Fs(TOP fs) {
return copyFs2(fs);
* Copies a FS from the source CAS to the destination CAS. Also copies any referenced FSs, except
* that previously copied FS will not be copied again.
* The _casView is set to the target cas view, unless the FS being copied is a subtype of
* Annotation Base. - In that case, it is set to the view associated with the sofa ref.
* @param srcFs
* the FS to copy. Must be contained within the source CAS.
* @return the copy of <code>aFS</code> in the target CAS.
private TOP copyFsInner(TOP srcFs) {
// FS must be in the source CAS
// this test must be done by the caller if wanted.
// assert (casViewsInSameCas(aFS.getCAS(), originalSrcCas));
// check if we already copied this FS
TOP copy = mFsMap.get(srcFs);
if (copy != null) {
return copy;
// Certain types need to be handled specially
// Sofa - cannot be created by normal methods. Instead, we return the Sofa with the
// same Sofa ID in the target CAS. If it does not exist it will be created.
if (srcFs instanceof Sofa) {
Sofa srcSofa = (Sofa) srcFs;
return getCorrespondingTgtView(srcSofa.getSofaID()).getSofa();
final CASImpl tgtView;
String viewName = srcFs._casView.getViewName();
if (srcFs instanceof AnnotationBase) {
// Sofa srcSofa = (Sofa) ((AnnotationBase)srcFs).getSofa();
tgtView = (viewName == null) ? tgtCasViewImpl // if no info, use existing target view
: getCorrespondingTgtView(viewName);
} else {
// emulate v2 behavior - for FSs not instances of AnnotationBase, use the copier's target view
// tgtView = getCorrespondingTgtView(viewName);
tgtView = tgtCasViewImpl;
TypeImpl tgtTi = getTargetType(((TOP) srcFs)._getTypeImpl());
if (null == tgtTi) {
return null; // not in target, no FS to create
// DocumentAnntation or subtype:
if (isDocumentAnnotation(srcFs)) {
Annotation destDocAnnot = tgtView.getDocumentAnnotationNoCreate();
if (destDocAnnot != null) {
destDocAnnot.removeFromIndexes(); // deleting this one, will be using the copy of the new
// one
// NOTE at this point, if the target cas type system doesn't define the new type, we
// won't get to this code.
// Fall thru to let normal FS copying happen
// // DocumentAnnotation - instead of creating a new instance, reuse the automatically created
// // instance in the destination view.
// if (isDocumentAnnotation(srcFs)) {
// if (srcFs instanceof UimaSerializable) {
// ((UimaSerializable)srcFs)._save_to_cas_data();
// }
//// Annotation da = (Annotation) srcFs;
//// String destViewNamex = getDestSofaId(da.getView().getViewName());
// // the DocumentAnnotation could be indexed in a different view than the one being copied
// // if it was ref'd for the 1st time from a cross-indexed fs
// // Note: The view might not exist in the target
// // but this is unlikely. To have this case this would require
// // indexing some other feature structure in this view, which, in turn,
// // has a reference to the DocumentAnnotation FS belonging to another view
//// CASImpl destView = (CASImpl) getOrCreateView(originalTgtCas, destViewName);
// // do the no-create style so we can create it without adding it to the index yet
// Annotation destDocAnnot = tgtView.getDocumentAnnotationNoCreate();
// if (destDocAnnot == null) {
// destDocAnnot = tgtView.createDocumentAnnotationNoRemoveNoIndex(0);
// copyFeatures(srcFs, destDocAnnot);
// tgtView.getIndexRepository().addFS(destDocAnnot);
// } else {
// try (AutoCloseableNoException ac = tgtView.protectIndexes()) {
// copyFeatures(srcFs, destDocAnnot);
// }
// }
// if (destDocAnnot instanceof UimaSerializable) {
// ((UimaSerializable)destDocAnnot)._init_from_cas_data();
// }
// // note not put into mFsMap, because each view needs a separate copy
// // and multiple creations (due to multiple refs) won't happen because
// // the create is bypassed if it already exists
// return destDocAnnot;
// }
// Arrays - need to be created a populated differently than "normal" FS
if (srcFs instanceof CommonArrayFS) {
copy = copyArray(srcFs);
if (copy != null) { // can be null if trying to copy MyFs[] and type doesn't exist in target
// type system
mFsMap.put(srcFs, copy);
return copy;
// final TypeInfo tInfo = getTypeInfo(srcTypeCode);
// final int tgtTypeCode = tInfo.tgtTypeCode;
// if (tgtTypeCode == 0) {
// return 0; // not in target, no FS to create
// }
// We need to use the LowLevel CAS interface to create the FS, because the usual
// CAS.createFS() call doesn't allow us to create subtypes of AnnotationBase from
// a base CAS. In any case we don't need the Sofa reference to be automatically
// set because we'll set it manually when in the copyFeatures method.
TOP tgtFs = tgtView.createFS(tgtTi);
// add to map so we don't try to copy this more than once
mFsMap.put((TOP) srcFs, tgtFs);
fsToDo.addLast(() -> {
if (srcFs instanceof UimaSerializable) {
((UimaSerializable) srcFs)._save_to_cas_data();
copyFeatures(srcFs, tgtFs);
if (tgtFs instanceof UimaSerializable) {
((UimaSerializable) tgtFs)._init_from_cas_data();
return tgtFs;
* @return the view in the target corresponding by name (after sofa name mapping if any) to the
* source view
private CASImpl getCorrespondingTgtView(String viewNameFromSrcSofaId) {
if (null == viewNameFromSrcSofaId) { // base view
return tgtCasViewImpl.getBaseCAS();
if (viewNameFromSrcSofaId == cachedSrcViewName) {
return cachedTgtView;
cachedSrcViewName = viewNameFromSrcSofaId;
cachedTgtView = getOrCreateView(tgtCasViewImpl, getDestSofaId(viewNameFromSrcSofaId));
return cachedTgtView;
* There are two cases for getting target sofa name from the source one, depending on whether or
* not the API which allows specifying a different target view name for the source view name, is
* in use.
* If so, then whenever the source sofa name is that src view name, replace it in the target with
* the specified different target view name.
* @param viewNameFromSrcSofaId
* @return id unless the id matches the source view name, and that name is being changed
private String getDestSofaId(String viewNameFromSrcSofaId) {
return (isChangeViewName && viewNameFromSrcSofaId.equals(srcViewName)) ? tgtViewName
: viewNameFromSrcSofaId;
// private TypeInfo getTypeInfo(int srcTypeCode) {
// TypeInfo tInfo = tInfoArray[srcTypeCode];
// if (tInfo == null) {
// return tInfoArray[srcTypeCode] = new TypeInfo(srcTypeCode);
// }
// return tInfo;
// }
* Copy feature values from one FS to another. For reference-valued features, this does a deep
* copy.
* @param srcFS
* FeatureStructure to copy from
* @param tgtFS
* FeatureStructure to copy to, which must not be in the index (index corruption checks
* skipped)
private <T extends FeatureStructure> void copyFeatures(T srcFSi, T tgtFSi) {
TOP srcFS = (TOP) srcFSi;
TypeImpl ti = srcFS._getTypeImpl();
TOP tgtFS = (TOP) tgtFSi;
// guaranteed not an array at this point
if (isEqualTypeSystems) {
for (final FeatureImpl fi : ti.getFeatureImpls()) {
final int adjOffset = fi.getAdjustedOffset();
if (fi.isInInt) {
tgtFS._setIntValueNcNj(adjOffset, srcFS._getIntValueNc(adjOffset));
if (fi.isLongOrDouble) {
tgtFS._setIntValueNcNj(adjOffset + 1, srcFS._getIntValueNc(adjOffset + 1));
} else if (!fi.getRangeImpl().isRefType) {
tgtFS._setRefValueCommon(adjOffset, srcFS._getRefValueCommon(adjOffset));
} else { // is FS reference
// feature is a reference to another FS, so enqueue that to copy
// unless it's the sofa feature for AnnotationBase - that's feature final, set when
// created
if (fi.isAnnotBaseSofaRef) {
TOP refFs = srcFS._getFeatureValueNc(adjOffset);
if (null != refFs) {
tgtFS._setFeatureValueNcNj(adjOffset, copyFsInner(refFs)); // recursive call
} // end of equal type systems special paths
for (FeatureImpl fi : ti.getFeatureImpls()) {
FeatureImpl tgtFi = getTargetFeature(fi);
if (null == tgtFi) {
continue; // skip copying features not in the target type system
if (!CASImpl.copyFeatureExceptFsRef(srcFS, fi, tgtFS, tgtFi)) {
// feature is a reference to another FS, so enqueue that to copy
// unless it's the sofa feature for AnnotationBase - that's feature final, set when created
if (fi.isAnnotBaseSofaRef) {
TOP refFs = srcFS._getFeatureValueNc(fi);
if (null != refFs) {
tgtFS._setFeatureValueNcNj(tgtFi, copyFsInner(refFs)); // recursive call
// // set feature values
//// final int srcTypeCode = srcCasViewImpl.getTypeCode(srcFS);
//// final TypeInfo tInfo = getTypeInfo(srcTypeCode);
// tgtCasViewImpl.setCacheNotInIndex(tgtFS);
// for (int i = 0; i < tInfo.codesAndOffsets.length; i = i + 2) {
// final int tgtFeatCode = tInfo.codesAndOffsets[i + K_TGT_FEAT_CODE];
// if (0 == tgtFeatCode) {
// continue;
// }
// final int srcFeatOffset = tInfo.codesAndOffsets[i + K_SRC_FEAT_OFFSET];
// switch (tInfo.frc[i >> 1]) {
// case FRC_SKIP:
// break;
// case FRC_STRING:
// // need feature code to check subtype constraints
// tgtCasViewImpl.ll_setStringValue(tgtFS, tgtFeatCode,
// srcCasViewImpl.ll_getStringValueFeatOffset(srcFS, srcFeatOffset));
// break;
// case FRC_INT_LIKE:
// tgtCasViewImpl.ll_setIntValue(tgtFS, tgtFeatCode,
// srcCasViewImpl.ll_getIntValueFeatOffset(srcFS, srcFeatOffset));
// break;
// case FRC_LONG:
// tgtCasViewImpl.ll_setLongValue(tgtFS, tgtFeatCode,
// srcCasViewImpl.ll_getLongValueFeatOffset(srcFS, srcFeatOffset));
// break;
// case FRC_DOUBLE:
// tgtCasViewImpl.ll_setDoubleValue(tgtFS, tgtFeatCode,
// srcCasViewImpl.ll_getDoubleValueFeatOffset(srcFS, srcFeatOffset));
// break;
// case FRC_REF:
// int refFS = srcCasViewImpl.ll_getRefValueFeatOffset(srcFS, srcFeatOffset);
// if (refFS != 0) {
// int copyRefFs = copyFsInner(refFS);
// tgtCasViewImpl.ll_setRefValue(tgtFS, tgtFeatCode, copyRefFs);
// }
// break;
// default:
// throw new UIMARuntimeException(); // internal error
// }
// }
// }
* Note: if lenient is in effect, this method will return false for FSs which are not copied
* because the target doesn't have that type. It also returns false for sofa FSs and the
* documentAnnotation FS.
* @param aFS
* a feature structure
* @return true if the given FS has already been copied using this CasCopier.
public boolean alreadyCopied(FeatureStructure aFS) {
return alreadyCopied(((TOP) aFS));
* Note: if lenient is in effect, this method will return false for FSs which are not copied
* because the target doesn't have that type. It also returns false for sofa FSs and the
* documentAnnotation FS.
* @param aFS
* a feature structure
* @return true if the given FS has already been copied using this CasCopier.
public boolean alreadyCopied(TOP aFS) {
return mFsMap.get(aFS) != null;
* Note: only for backwards compatibility Note: if lenient is in effect, this method will return
* false for FSs which are not copied because the target doesn't have that type. It also returns
* false for sofa FSs and the documentAnnotation FS.
* @param aFS
* a feature structure
* @return true if the given FS has already been copied using this CasCopier.
public boolean alreadyCopied(int aFS) {
TOP fs = originalSrcCas.getFsFromId(aFS);
return mFsMap.get(fs) != null;
* @param arrayFS
* @return a copy of the array
private TOP copyArray(TOP srcFS) {
final CommonArrayFS srcCA = (CommonArrayFS) srcFS;
final int size = srcCA.size();
final TypeImpl tgtTi = getTargetType(((TOP) srcFS)._getTypeImpl()); // could be null for src =
// e.g. Annotation[]
if (tgtTi == null) {
return null; // can't copy
if (srcFS instanceof CommonPrimitiveArray) {
CommonArrayFS copy = (CommonArrayFS) tgtCasViewImpl.createArray(tgtTi, size);
return (TOP) copy;
// is reference array, either
// FSArray or
// subtype of that (e.g. Annotation[])
FSArray fsArray = (FSArray) tgtCasViewImpl.createArray(tgtTi, size);
// we do a direct recursive call here because the depth of this is limited to the depth of array
// nesting
// Contrast with normal FS copying, where the depth could be very large (e.g. FS Lists)
int i = 0;
TOP[] tgtArray = fsArray._getTheArray();
for (TOP srcItem : ((FSArray) srcFS)._getTheArray()) {
if (null != srcItem) {
tgtArray[i] = copyFsInner(srcItem);
return fsArray;
* Gets the named view; if the view doesn't exist it will be created.
private static CASImpl getOrCreateView(CASImpl aCas, String aViewName) {
// TODO: there should be some way to do this without the try...catch
try { // throws if view doesn't exist
return (CASImpl) aCas.getView(aViewName).getLowLevelCAS();
} catch (CASRuntimeException e) {
// create the view
return (CASImpl) aCas.createView(aViewName).getLowLevelCAS();
* Determines whether the given FS is the DocumentAnnotation in the srcCasView. Supports subtypes
* of DocumentAnnotation. Returns true if the FS is the actual one that is being used by the
* source CAS as the Document Annotation instance.
private <T extends FeatureStructure> boolean isDocumentAnnotation(T aFS) {
if (!srcTsi.docType.subsumes(aFS.getType())) {
return false;
if (srcCasDocumentAnnotation == null) {
srcCasDocumentAnnotation = srcCasViewImpl.getDocumentAnnotationNoCreate();
return aFS == srcCasDocumentAnnotation;
* Change from : requires that the CAS returned
* from the getLowLevelCAS() be castable to CASImpl
* @param c1
* -
* @param c2
* -
* @return true if both views are in the same CAS (e.g., they have the same base CAS)
private boolean casViewsInSameCas(CAS c1, CAS c2) {
if (null == c1 || null == c2) {
return false;
CASImpl ci1 = (CASImpl) c1.getLowLevelCAS();
CASImpl ci2 = (CASImpl) c2.getLowLevelCAS();
return ci1.getBaseCAS() == ci2.getBaseCAS();
private TypeImpl getTargetType(TypeImpl srcTi) {
if (srcTsi == tgtTsi) {
return srcTi;
int srcTypeCode = srcTi.getCode();
TypeImpl r = src2TgtType.get(srcTypeCode);
if (r == null) {
r = tgtTsi.getType(srcTi.getName());
src2TgtType.put(srcTypeCode, (null == r) ? MISSING_TYPE : r);
return (r == MISSING_TYPE) ? null : r;
// tiny method to inline
private FeatureImpl getTargetFeature(FeatureImpl srcFi) {
if (srcTsi == tgtTsi) {
return srcFi;
return getTargetFeature2(srcFi);
private FeatureImpl getTargetFeature2(FeatureImpl srcFi) {
int srcFeatCode = srcFi.getCode();
FeatureImpl r = src2TgtFeat.get(srcFeatCode);
if (r == null) {
TypeImpl d = (TypeImpl) srcFi.getDomain();
TypeImpl td = getTargetType(d);
if (td == null) {
return null;
r = td.getFeatureByBaseName(srcFi.getShortName());
src2TgtFeat.put(srcFeatCode, (null == r) ? MISSING_FEAT : r);
return (r == MISSING_FEAT) ? null : r;