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<chapter id="">
<title>The select framework for working with CAS data</title>
<titleabbrev>Select framework</titleabbrev>
<para>The <emphasis>select</emphasis> framework provides a concise way to work with
Feature Structure data stored in the CAS. It is integrated with the Java 8 <emphasis>stream</emphasis>
framework, and provides additional capabilities supported by the underlying
UIMA framework, including the ability to move both forwards and backwards while iterating,
moving to specific positions, and doing various kinds of specialized Annotation
selection such as working with Annotations spanned by another annotation (think of a Paragraph
annotation, and the Sentences or Tokens within that).
<para>There are 3 main parts to this framework:</para>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>The source
<para>what to select, ordering
<para>what to do
<figure id="">
<title>Select - the big picture</title>
<imagedata width="5.7in" format="PNG" fileref="&imgroot;select_big_pic.png"/>
<textobject><phrase>Select composed of sources, what to select, and what to do</phrase>
<para>These are described in code using a builder pattern to specify the many options and parameters.
Some of the very common parameters are also available as positional arguments in some contexts.
Most of the variations are defaulted so that in the common use cases, they may be omitted.
<section id="">
<title>Select&apos;s use of the builder pattern</title>
<para>The various options and specifications are specified using the builder pattern.
Each specification has a name, which is a Java method name, sometimes having further parameters.
These methods return an instance of SelectFSs; this instance is updated by each builder method.
<para>A common approach is to chain these methods together. When this is done, each subsequent method
updates the SelectFSs instance. This means that the last method in case there are
multiple method calls specifying the same specification is the one that is used.
<para>For example,
would configure the select to be using typePriority (described later).</para>
<para>Some parameters are specified as positional parameters, for example, a UIMA Type, or a starting position or
<section id="">
<title>Sources of Feature Structures</title>
<para>Feature Structures are kept in the CAS, and may be accessed using UIMA Indexes.
Note that not all Feature Structures in the CAS are in the UIMA indexes; only those that the
user had "added to the indexes" are. Feature Structures not in the indexes are not
included when using the CAS as the source for the select framework.</para>
Feature Structures may, additionally, be kept in <code>FSArrays</code>, <code>FSLists</code>,
and many additional collection-style objects that implement <code>SelectViaCopyToArray</code> interface.
This interface is implemented by the new semi-built-in types <code>FSArrayList</code> and <code>FSHashSet</code>;
user-defined JCas classes for user types may also choose to implement this.
All of these sources may be used with <code>select</code>.</para>
<figure id="">
<title>select method with type</title>
<imagedata width="5.5in" format="PNG" fileref="&imgroot;select_source_type.png"/>
<textobject><phrase>Sources have select method, which has optional type argument</phrase>
<para>For CAS sources, if Views are being used, there is a separate set of indexes per CAS view.
When there are multiple views, only one view's set of indexed Feature Structures is accessed - the
view implied by the CAS being used. Note that there is a way to specify aggregating over all views; see
<code>allViews</code> described later.</para>
<para>For CAS sources, users may specify all Feature Structures in a view, or restrict this in two ways:
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>specifying an index: Users may define their own indexes, in additional to the built in ones, and
then specify which index to use.
<para>specifying a type: Only Feature Structures of this type (or its subtypes) are included.
<para>It is possible to specify both of these, using the form <code></code>;
in that case the type must be the type or a subtype of
the index's top most type.
<para>If no index is specified, the default is
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>to use all Feature Structures in a CAS View, or</para>
<para>to use all Feature Structures in the view&apos;s AnnotationIndex,
if the selection and ordering specifications require an AnnotationIndex.</para>
<para>Note that the non-CAS collection sources (e.g. the FSArray and FSList sources are considered ordered, but non-sorted,
and therefore cannot be used for an operations which require a sorted order.</para>
<para>There are 4 kinds of sources of Feature Structures supported:</para>
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>a CAS view: all the FSs that were added to the indexes for this view.
<para>an Index over a CAS view. Note that the AnnotationIndex is often implied by other
<code>select</code> specifications, so it is often not necessary to supply this.
<para>Feature Structures from a (semi) built-in UIMA Collection instance, such as instances of the types
<code>FSArray, FSArrayList, FSHashSet,</code> etc.
<para>Feature Structures from a user-defined UIMA Collection instance.
<para>UIMA Collection sources have somewhat limited configurability,
because they are considered non-sorted,
and therefore cannot be used for an operations which require a sorted order, such as
the various bounding selections (e.g. <code>coveredBy</code>)
or positioning operations (e.g. <code>startAt</code>).</para>
<para>Each of these sources has a new API method, <code>select(...)</code>, which initiates the select specification.
The select method can take an optional parameter, specifying the UIMA type to return.
If supplied, the type must must be the type or subtype of the index
(if one is specified or implied); it serves to further restrict the types selected beyond whatever the
index (if specified) has as its top-most type.</para>
<section id="">
<title>Use of Type in selection of sources</title>
The optional type argument for <code>select(...)</code> specifies a UIMA type. This restricts the Feature Structures
to just those of the specified type or any of its subtypes. If omitted, if an index is used as a source,
its type specification is used; otherwise all types are included.</para>
<para>Type specifications may be specified in multiple ways.
The best practice, if you have a JCas cover class
defined for the type, is to use the form <code>MyJCasClass.class</code>. This has the advantage of setting the
expected generic type of the select to that Java type.
<para>The type may also be specified by using the actual UIMA type instance (useful if not using the
JCas), using a fully qualified type name as a string, or using the JCas class static <code>type</code> field.</para>
<section id="">
<title>Sources and generic typing</title>
<para>The select method results in a generically typed object, which is used to have subsequent operations
make use of the generic type, which may reduce the need for casting.</para>
<para>The generic type can come from arguments or from where a value is being assigned,
if that target has a generic type. This latter source is only partially available in Java, as it does not
propagate past the first object in a chain of calls; this becomes a problem when using <code>select</code> with
generically typed index variables.
<para>There is also a static version of the <code>select</code> method which takes a
generically typed index as an argument.</para>
<informalexample> <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
<programlisting>// this works
// the generic type for Token is passed as an argument to select
FSIterator&lt;Token&gt; token_it =;
FSIndex&lt;Token&gt; token_index = ... ; // generically typed
// this next fails because the
// Token generic type from the index variable being assigned
// doesn't get passed to the select().
FSIterator&lt;Token&gt; token_iterator =;
// You can overcome this in two ways:
// pass in the type as an argument to select
// using the JCas cover type.
FSIterator&lt;Token&gt; token_iterator =;
// You can also use the static form of select
// to avoid repeating the type information
FSIterator&lt;Token&gt; token_iterator =;
// Finally, you can also explicitly set the generic type
// that select() should use, like a special kind of type cast, like this:
FSIterator&lt;Token&gt; token_iterator =
<para>Note: the static <code>select</code> method may be statically imported into code that uses it, to avoid repeatedly
qualifying this with its class, <code>SelectFSs</code>.</para>
<para>Any specification of an index may be further restricted to just a subType (including that
subtype&apos;s subtypes, if any) of that index&apos;s type.
For example, an AnnotationIndex may be specialized to just Sentences (and their subtypes):
<programlisting>FSIterator&lt;Token&gt; token_iterator =;
</section> <!-- end of section "sources" -->
<section id="">
<title>Selection and Ordering</title>
<para>There are four sets of sub-selection and ordering specifications, grouped
by what they apply to:
<itemizedlist spacing="compact">
<para>all sources
<para>Indexes or FSArrays or FSLists
<para>Ordered Indexes
<para>The Annotation Index
<para>With some exceptions, configuration items to the left also apply to items on the right.
<para>When the same configuration item is specified multiple times,
the last one specified is the one that is used.</para>
<figure id="">
<title>Selection and Ordering</title>
<imagedata width="5.5in" format="PNG" fileref="&imgroot;select_selection_and_ordering.png"/>
<textobject><phrase>Selection and Ordering configuration</phrase>
<section id="">
<title>Boolean properties</title>
<para>Many configuration items specify a boolean property. These are named so the default (if you don't specify them)
is generally what is desired, and the specification of the method with null parameter switches the property to the
other (non-default) value.</para>
<para>For example, normally, when working with bounded limits within Annotation Indexes, type
priorities are ignored when computing the bound positions.
Specifying typePriority() says to use type priorities.</para>
<para>Additionally, the boolean configuration methods have an optional form where they take a boolean value;
true sets the property.
So, for example typePriority(true) is equivalent to typePriority(), and typePriority(false)
is equivalent to omitting this configuration.</para>
<section id="">
<title>Configuration for any source</title>
<term><emphasis role="strong">limit</emphasis></term>
<para>a limit to the number of Feature Structures that will be produced or iterated over.
<term><emphasis role="strong">nullOk</emphasis></term>
<para>changes the behavior for some terminal_form actions, which would otherwise
throw an exception if a null result happened.
<section id="">
<title>Configuration for any index</title>
<term><emphasis role="strong">allViews</emphasis></term>
<para>Normally, only Feature Structures belonging to the particular CAS view are included in the selection.
If you want, instead, to include Feature Structures from all views, you can specify
<para>When this is specified, it acts
as an aggregation of the underlying selections, one per view in the CAS.
The ordering among the views is arbitrary; the ordering within each view
is the same as if this setting wasn't in force.
Because of this implementation, the items in the selection may not be unique --
Feature Structures in the underlying selections that are in multiple views will appear multiple times.
<section id="">
<title>Configuration for sort-ordered indexes</title>
<para>When an index is sort-ordered, there are additional capabilities that can be configured, in particular positioning
to particular Feature Structures, and running various iterations backwards.
<term><emphasis role="strong">orderNotNeeded</emphasis></term>
<para>relaxes any iteration by allowing it to proceed in an unordered manner. Specifying
this may improve performance in some cases. When this is specified,
the current implementation skips the work of keeping multiple
iterators for a type and all of its subtypes in the proper synchronization.
<term><emphasis role=""></emphasis>startAt</term>
<para>position the starting point of any iteration.
<code>startAt(xxx)</code> takes two forms, each of which has, in turn 2 subforms.
The form using <code>begin, end</code> is only valid for Annotation Indexes.
<programlisting>startAt(fs); // fs specifies a feature structure
// indicating the starting position
startAt(fs, shifted); // same as above, but after positioning,
// shift to the right or left by the shift
// amount which can be positive or negative
// the next two forms are only valid for AnnotationIndex sources
startAt(begin, end); // start at the position indicated by begin/end
startAt(begin, end, shifted) // same as above,
// but with a subsequent shift.
// which can be positive or negative
<term><emphasis role="strong">backwards</emphasis></term>
<para>specifies a backwards order (from last to first position) for
subsequent operations
<section id="">
<title>Bounded sub-selection within an Annotation Index</title>
<para>When selecting Annotations, frequently you may want to select only those which have
a relation to a bounding Annotation. A commonly done selection is to select all Annotations
(of a particular type) within the span of another, bounding Annotation, such as all <code>Tokens</code>
within a <code>Sentence</code>.</para>
<para>There are four varieties of sub-selection within an annotation index. They all are based on a
bounding Annotation (except the <code>between</code> which is based on two bounding Annotations).
<para>The bounding Annotations are specified using either a Annotation (or a subtype), or
by specifying the begin and end offsets that would be for the bounding Annotation.</para>
<para>Leaving aside <code>between</code> as a special case, the bounding Annotation&apos;s
<code>begin</code> and <code>end</code>
(and sometimes, its <code>type</code>) is used to specify where an iteration would start, where it would end,
and possibly, which Annotations within those bounds would be filtered out. There are many variations
possible; these are described in the next section.</para>
<para>The returned Annotations exclude the one(s) which are <code>equal</code> to the bounding FS.
There are several
variations of how this <code>equal</code> test is done, discussed in the next section.</para>
<term><emphasis role="strong">coveredBy</emphasis></term>
<para>iterates over Annotations within the bound
<term><emphasis role="strong">covering</emphasis></term>
<para>iterates over Annotations that span (or are equal to) the bound.
<term><emphasis role="strong">at</emphasis></term>
<para>iterates over Annotations that have the same span (i.e., begin and end) as the bound.
<term><emphasis role="strong">between</emphasis></term>
<para>uses two Annotations, and returns Annotations that are in between
the two bounds. If the bounds are backwards, then they are automatically used in reverse order.
The meaning of between is that an included Annotation's begin has to be &gt;= the earlier bound's <code>end</code>,
and the Annotation's end has to be &lt;= the later bound's <code>begin</code>.
<section id="">
<title>Variations in Bounded sub-selection within an Annotation Index</title>
<para>There are five variations you can specify.
Two affect how the starting bound position is set;
the other three affect skipping of some Annotations while iterating.
The defaults (summarized following) are designed to fit the popular use cases.</para>
<term><emphasis role="strong">typePriority</emphasis></term>
<para>The default is to ignore type priorities when setting the starting position, and just use
the begin / end position to locate the left-most equal spot. If you want to respect type priorities,
specify this variant.
<term><emphasis role="strong">positionUsesType</emphasis></term>
<para>When type priorities are not being used, Annotations with the same begin and end and type
will be together in the index. The starting position, when there are many Annotations
which might compare equal, is the left-most (earliest) one of these. In this comparison for
equality, by default, the <code>type</code> of the bounding Annotation is ignored;
only its begin and end values are used.
If you want to include the type of the bounding Annotation in the equal comparison, set this to true.
<term><emphasis role="strong">nonOverlapping</emphasis></term>
<para>Normally, all Annotations satisfying the bounds are returned. If this is set,
annotations whose <code>begin</code> position is not &gt;= the previous annotation&apos;s (going forwards)
<code>end</code> position are skipped. This is also called <emphasis>unambiguous</emphasis> iteration.
If the iterator is run backwards, it is first run forwards to locate all the items that would be in the
forward iteration following the rules; and then those are traversed backwards.
This variant is ignored for <code>covering</code> selection.
<term><emphasis role="strong">includeAnnotationsWithEndBeyondBounds</emphasis></term>
<para>The Subiterator <emphasis>strict</emphasis> configuration is equivalent to the opposite of this.
This only applied to the <code>coveredBy</code> selection;
if specified, then any Annotations whose
<code>end</code> position is &gt; the end position of the bounding Annotation are included;
normally they are skipped.
<term><emphasis role="strong">useAnnotationEquals</emphasis></term>
<para>While doing bounded iteration, if the Annotation being returned is identical (has the same
_id()) with the bounding Annotation, it is always skipped.</para>
When this variant is specified, in addition to
that, any Annotation which has the same begin, end, and (maybe) type is also skipped.
The <code>positionUsesType</code> setting is used to specify in this variant whether or not the
type is included when doing the equals test. Note that <code>typePriority</code> implies
<section id="">
<title>Defaults for bounded selects</title>
<para>The ordinary core UIMA Subiterator implementation defaults to using type order as part of the bounds
determination. uimaFIT, in contrast, doesn't use type order, and sets bounds according to
the begin and end positions.</para>
<para>This <code>select</code> implementation mostly follows the uimaFIT approach by default, but provides
the above configuration settings to flexibly alter this to the user&apos;s preferences.
For reference, here are the default settings, with some comparisons to the defaults for <code>Subiterators</code>:</para>
<term><emphasis role="strong">typePriority</emphasis></term>
<para>default: type priorites are not used when determining bounds in bounded selects.
Subiterators, in contrast, use type priorities.
<term><emphasis role="strong">positionUsesType</emphasis></term>
<para>default: the type of the bounding Annotation is ignored
when determining bounds in bounded selects; only its begin and end position are used
<term><emphasis role="strong">nonOverlapping</emphasis></term>
<para>default: false; no Annotations are skipped because they overlap.
This corresponds to the "ambiguous" mode in Subiterators.
<term><emphasis role="strong">includeAnnotationsWithEndBeyondBounds</emphasis></term>
<para>default: (only applies to <code>coveredBy</code> selections;
The default is to skip Annotations whose end position lies outside of the bounds;
this corresponds to Subiterator&apos;s "strict" option.
<term><emphasis role="strong">useAnnotationEquals</emphasis></term>
<para>default: only the single Annotation with the same _id() is skipped when doing sub selecting.
Use this setting to expand the set of skipped Annotations to include all those equal to the
bound's begin and end (and maybe, type, if positionUsesType or typePriority specified).
<section id="">
<title>Following or Preceding</title>
<para>For an Annotation Index, you can specify all Feature Structures following or preceding a position.
The position can be specified either as a Feature Structure, or
by using begin and end values.
The arguments are identical to those of the <code>startAt</code> specification, but are interpreted
<term><emphasis role="strong">following</emphasis></term>
<para>Position the iterator according to the argument, get that Annotation&apos;s <code>end</code>
value, and then move the iterator forwards until
the Annotation at that position has its begin value &gt;= to the saved end value.
<term><emphasis role="strong">preceding</emphasis></term>
<para>Position the iterator according to the argument, save that Annotation&apos;s <code>begin</code> value,
and then move it backwards until
the Annotation&apos;s (at that position) <code>end</code> value is &lt;= to the saved <code>begin</code>value.
<para>The <code>preceding</code> iteration skips annotations whose <code>end</code> values are &gt; the saved <code>begin</code>.</para>
<section id="">
<title>Terminal Form actions</title>
<para>After the sources and selection and ordering options have been specified, one
terminal form action may be specified. This can be an getting an iterator, array or list,
or a single value with various extra checks, or a Java stream. Specifying any stream operation
(except limit) converts the object to a stream; from that point on, any stream operation may be used.</para>
<figure id="">
<title>Select Terminal Form Actions</title>
<imagedata width="5.5in" format="PNG" fileref="&imgroot;select_terminal_form_actions.png"/>
<textobject><phrase>Terminal form actions for select</phrase>
<section id="">
<term><emphasis role="strong">(Iterable)</emphasis></term>
<para>The <code>SelectFSs</code> object directly implements <code>Iterable</code>, so it may be
used in the extended Java <code>for</code> loop.</para>
<term><emphasis role="strong">fsIterator</emphasis></term>
<para>returns a configured fsIterator or subIterator.
This iterator implements <code>ListIterator</code> as well (which, in turn,
implements Java <code>Iterator</code>).
Modifications to the list using <code>add</code> or <code>set</code> are not supported.
<term><emphasis role="strong">iterator</emphasis></term>
<para>This is just the plain Java iterator, for convenience.
<term><emphasis role="strong">spliterator</emphasis></term>
<para>This returns a spliterator, which can be marginally more efficient to use than a normal iterator.
It is configured to be sequential (not parallel), and has other characteristics set according to
the sources and selection/ordering configuration.
<section id="">
<title>Arrays and Lists</title>
<term><emphasis role="strong">asArray</emphasis></term>
<para>This takes 1 argument, the class of the returned array type, which must be the type or subtype of the
<term><emphasis role="strong">asList</emphasis></term>
<para>Returns a Java list, configured from the sources and selection and ordering specifications.
<section id="">
<title>Single Items</title>
<para>These methods return just a single item, according to the previously specified select configuration.
Variations may throw exceptions on empty or more than one item situations.</para>
<para>These have no-argument forms as well as argument forms identical to <code>startAt</code> (see above).
When arguments are specified, they adjust the item returned by positioning within the index
according to the arguments.</para>
<para>Positioning arguments with a Annotation or begin and end require an Annotation Index.
Positioning using a Feature Structure, by contrast, only require that the index being use be sorted.
<term><emphasis role="strong">get</emphasis></term>
<para>If no argument is specified, then returns the first item, or null. If nullOk(false) is configured,
then if the result is null, an exception will be thrown.
<para>If any positioning arguments are specified, then this returns the item at that position unless
there is no item at that position, in which case it throws an exception unless <code>nullOk</code> is set.
<term><emphasis role="strong">single</emphasis></term>
<para>returns the item at the position, but throws exceptions
if there are more than one item in the selection,
or if there are no items in the selection.
<term><emphasis role="strong">singleOrNull</emphasis></term>
<para>returns the item at the position, but throws an exception
if there are more than one item in the selection.
<section id="">
<term><emphasis role="strong">any stream method</emphasis></term>
<para>Select supports all the stream methods. The first occurance of a stream method converts the select
into a stream, using <code>spliterator</code>, and from then on, it behaves just like a stream object.
<para>For example, here's a somewhat contrived example:
you could do the following to collect the set of types appearing
within some bounding annotation, when considered in nonOverlapping style:
<informalexample> <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
<programlisting>Set&lt;Type&gt; foundTypes =
// items of MyType or subtypes
.map(fs -> fs.getType())
Or, to collect by category a set of frequency values:
<informalexample> <?dbfo keep-together="always"?>
<programlisting>Map&lt;Category, Integer&gt; freqByCategory =