blob: bd0941a94261f1e9fb8823def3084f8ada0eca66 [file] [log] [blame]
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<!-- this POM holds common, factored-out settings for all
distribution-building POMs.
Those project's POMs refer to this as their "parent"
This POM refers to the uimaj pom as its parent
<project xmlns=""
<!-- thru testing, discovered that "inheriting" the groupId isn't done
when scanning for projects -->
<name>Apache UIMA common Distribution POM settings</name>
<description>Holds common, factored out settings for Distribution POMs</description>
<version>2.3.0-incubating</version> <!-- this comment is a flag for changeVersion -->
<attach>false</attach> <!-- assembly results not put into Maven repos -->
<!-- Release Audit Tool checks -->
<!-- first unpack the assembly into a rat-src-dir and rat-bin-dir -->
<!-- make sure this is before the Run RAT step below -->
<!-- set up ant-contrib extensions -->
<typedef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml">
<classpath refid="maven.dependency.classpath"/>
<!-- skip this if assemblyFinalName is undefined -->
<!-- This happens when this pom is installed by itself -->
<!-- because it's superpom has a ant-run instance -->
<isset property="assemblyFinalName"></isset>
<delete dir="target/rat-src-dir"/>
<delete dir="target/rat-bin-dir"/>
<unzip dest="target/rat-src-dir"
<unzip dest="target/rat-bin-dir"
<!-- Run RAT -->
<!-- set the phase to some phase that never will be invoked
to disable this (an ugly hack, please fix to something better -->
<!-- listing the modules here allows running mvn xxx on this pom
and having it recurse into all the children -->
<!-- commenting this out - need to separate aggregation from
parenting... this will allow this to be included in the
uimaj aggregation without forcing the build of all assemblies -->