blob: db080659f3b8704c07e8cc81be545313db6fd6aa [file] [log] [blame]
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# Catalog of log messages
# Important: severity level of messages must be encoded
# as ending of the message key (like __SEVERE, __INFO, etc.).
# This is required when mapping messages to OmniFind messages.
#Messages written to log file by framework implementation
# (not yet complete coverage)
UIMA_class_in_framework_config_not_found__INFO = Warning: class specified in framework configuration \
file was not found. (Class name: {0})
UIMA_factory_config_parse__WARNING = The factory configuration file cannot be parsed. Reason code: {0}
UIMA_analysis_engine_process_begin__FINE = AnalysisEngine {0} process begin
UIMA_analysis_engine_process_end__FINE = AnalysisEngine {0} process end
UIMA_analysis_engine_init_begin__CONFIG = AnalysisEngine [{0}] initialization begin
UIMA_analysis_engine_init_successful__CONFIG = AnalysisEngine [{0}] initialization successful
UIMA_analysis_engine_destroyed__CONFIG = AnalysisEngine [{0}] destroyed.
UIMA_asb_init_begin__CONFIG = ASB initialization begin
UIMA_asb_init_successful__CONFIG = ASB initialization successful
UIMA_cas_feature_structure_type__FINE = CAS FEATURE STRUCTURE TYPE: {0}
UIMA_cas_feature_name__FINE = \t\tCAS FEATURE NAME::{0} CAS FEATURE VALUE::{1}
UIMA_return_resource_to_pool__WARNING = The system tried to return a resource to the pool from which it was not checked out.
UIMA_resource_specifier_schema_not_found__WARNING = The resource specifier schema cannot be found. The resource specifier cannot be validated.
UIMA_error_while_getting_name__SEVERE = The error name {0} could not be retrieved.
UIMA_taf_internal_exception__SEVERE = The following internal exception was caught: {0} ({1})
UIMA_return_cas_to_pool__WARNING = The system tried to return a common analysis structure to the pool from which it was not checked out.
UIMA_return_jcas_to_pool__WARNING = The system tried to return a JCas to the pool from which it was not checked out.
UIMA_return_tcas_to_pool__WARNING = The system tried to return a TCAS to the pool from which it was not checked out.
UIMA_trying_resource_class__CONFIG = trying Resource class {0}
UIMA_unmanaged_resource__WARNING = The unmanaged resource {0} was accessed.\
This feature is deprecated, and support may be removed in future versions.
UIMA_aggregate_param_no_overrides__WARNING = The aggregate text analysis engine "{0}" has declared the parameter {1}, but has not declared any overrides.\
This usage is deprecated.
UIMA_overridden_resource__CONFIG = The definition of external resource "{0}" in component {1} was overridden in component {2}.
UIMA_duplicate_resource_name__WARNING = The external resource named {0} has been declared multiple times with different definitions. \
The definition of the resource in component {1} will be used. The definition in component {2} will be ignored.
UIMA_capabilityLanguageFlow_language_sequence__CONFIG = Precompute capabilityLanguage flow sequence on the default result spec for language {0}. Computed sequence is: {1}.
UIMA_capabilityLanguageFlow_flowTable_node__FINER = Use precomputed capabilityLanguage flow sequence for language {0}. Next sequence node is: {1}.
UIMA_capabilityLanguageFlow_compute_sequence_called__FINER = Compute dynamically capabilityLanguage flow sequence on the current result spec for language {0}. Next sequence node is: {1}
UIMA_capabilityLanguageFlow_compute_sequence_not_called__FINER = Compute dynamically next capabilityLanguage flow sequence node on the current result spec for language {0}. Sequence node {1} was not called.
UIMA_JMX_failed_to_register_mbean__WARNING = JMX failiure: Failed to register MBean.
UIMA_JMX_failed_to_unregister_mbean__WARNING = JMX failiure: Failed to unregister MBean.
UIMA_JMX_platform_mbean_server_not_available__CONFIG = JMX platform MBeanServer not available.
UIMA_continuing_after_exception__FINE = An exception occurred, but the Flow Controller decided that processing can continue.
UIMA_pear_runtime_system_var_already_set__WARNING = UIMA pear runtime: System environment variable "{0}" already set, but was replace with "{1}" by UIMA component {2}.
UIMA_pear_runtime_set_system_var__CONFIG = UIMA pear runtime set system environment variable "{0}" for UIMA component {1}.
UIMA_pear_runtime_set_classpath__CONFIG = UIMA pear runtime set classpath to "{0}" for UIMA component {1}.
UIMA_pear_runtime_set_datapath__CONFIG = UIMA pear runtime set datapath to "{0}" for UIMA component {1}.
UIMA_pear_runtime_create_RM_map = UIMA pear runtime: creating a Map from class "{0}" and data path "{1}" to its resource manager instance.
UIMA_pear_runtime_add_RM_map = UIMA pear runtime: adding an entry to the Map from class "{0}" and data path "{1}" to its resource manager instance.