blob: b18348ecd1439a9d4df84a3f94309a27e6a31567 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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package org.apache.uima.jcas.cas;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FloatArrayFS;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCas;
import org.apache.uima.jcas.JCasRegistry;
/** Java Cas model for Cas FloatArray. */
public final class FloatArray extends TOP implements FloatArrayFS {
* Each cover class when loaded sets an index. Used in the JCas typeArray to go from the cover
* class or class instance to the corresponding instance of the _Type class
public final static int typeIndexID = JCasRegistry.register(FloatArray.class);
public final static int type = typeIndexID;
* used to obtain reference to the _Type instance
* @return the type array index
// can't be factored - refs locally defined field
public int getTypeIndexID() {
return typeIndexID;
private FloatArray() { // never called. Here to disable default constructor
// * There are n creation actions
// * 1 - create via factory.create() a new one
// * 2 - iterator or dereferencing calling generator to create
/** Internal - Constructor used by generator */
public FloatArray(int addr, TOP_Type type) {
super(addr, type);
/** Make a new FloatArray of given size */
public FloatArray(JCas jcas, int length) {
/* addr */
jcas.getLowLevelCas().ll_createArray(jcas.getType(typeIndexID).casTypeCode, length),
/* type */
// at this point we can use the jcasType value, as it is set
// can't do this earlier as the very first statement is required by
// JAVA to be the super or alternate constructor call
// /**
// * create a new FloatArray of a given size.
// *
// * @param jcas
// * @param length
// */
// public FloatArray create(JCas jcas, int length) {
// return new FloatArray(jcas, length);
// }
* return the indexed value from the corresponding Cas FloatArray as a float,
public float get(int i) {
jcasType.casImpl.checkArrayBounds(addr, i);
return jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getFloatArrayValue(addr, i);
* update the Cas, setting the indexed value to the passed in Java float value.
* @param i
* index
* @param v
* value to set
public void set(int i, float v) {
jcasType.casImpl.checkArrayBounds(addr, i);
jcasType.ll_cas.ll_setFloatArrayValue(addr, i, v);
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.FloatArrayFS#copyFromArray(float[], int, int, int)
public void copyFromArray(float[] src, int srcOffset, int destOffset, int length) {
jcasType.casImpl.checkArrayBounds(addr, destOffset, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
jcasType.ll_cas.ll_setFloatArrayValue(addr, i + destOffset, src[i + srcOffset]);
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.FloatArrayFS#copyToArray(int, float[], int, int)
public void copyToArray(int srcOffset, float[] dest, int destOffset, int length) {
jcasType.casImpl.checkArrayBounds(addr, srcOffset, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
dest[i + destOffset] = jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getFloatArrayValue(addr, i + srcOffset);
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.ArrayFS#toArray()
public float[] toArray() {
final int size = size();
float[] outArray = new float[size];
copyToArray(0, outArray, 0, size);
return outArray;
* return the size of the array
* @return size of array
public int size() {
return jcasType.casImpl.ll_getArraySize(addr);
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.FloatArrayFS#copyToArray(int, String[], int, int)
public void copyToArray(int srcOffset, String[] dest, int destOffset, int length) {
jcasType.casImpl.checkArrayBounds(addr, srcOffset, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
dest[i + destOffset] = Float.toString(jcasType.ll_cas.ll_getFloatArrayValue(addr, i
+ srcOffset));
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.FloatArrayFS#copyFromArray(String[], int, int, int)
public void copyFromArray(String[] src, int srcOffset, int destOffset, int length) {
jcasType.casImpl.checkArrayBounds(addr, destOffset, length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
jcasType.ll_cas.ll_setFloatArrayValue(addr, i + destOffset, Float.parseFloat(src[i
+ srcOffset]));
* @see org.apache.uima.cas.FloatArrayFS#toStringArray()
public String[] toStringArray() {
final int size = size();
String[] strArray = new String[size];
copyToArray(0, strArray, 0, size);
return strArray;