blob: 8cade609d59f70e9791066d96c2c2eec5aff6f7f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.cas.impl;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import org.apache.uima.cas.CAS;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Feature;
import org.apache.uima.cas.FeatureStructure;
import org.apache.uima.cas.Type;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.FSIndexComparator;
import org.apache.uima.cas.admin.LinearTypeOrder;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.IntVector;
import org.apache.uima.internal.util.SymbolTable;
* Container for serialized CAS typing information. Contains information about the type system, as
* well as the index repository. If more than one CAS that use the same type system and index
* repository need to be serialized, this information needs to be serialized only once.
public class CASMgrSerializer implements Serializable {
// Constants to do different things depending on source (like name mapping).
public static final int SOURCE_JEDI = 0;
public static final int SOURCE_TAF = 1;
static final long serialVersionUID = 5549299679614131956L;
// Implementation note: when making changes, keep in mind that numbering of
// types and features starts at 1, not 0. This makes book-keeping in the
// various arrays a bit tricky at times.
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Encoding of index repository. Inherited index specifications are not
// encoded explicitly. I.e., the fact that tokens are in any index that
// annotations are in is implicit.
public int[] typeOrder;
* The index identifiers. Note that more than one identifier can refer to the same index.
public String[] indexNames;
* A mapping from index names to index IDs. We have that
* <code>indexNames.length == nameToIndexMap.length</code> and for each <code>i</code> in
* <code>nameToIndexMap</code>, <code>0 &lt;= i &lt;
* indexTypes.length</code>.
public int[] nameToIndexMap;
* For each index, the type of that index (encoded as a reference into the type table).
// public int[] indexTypes;
* For each index, the indexing strategy of that index. Current options are
* {@link org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex#SORTED_INDEX SORTED_INDEX},
* {@link org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex#SET_INDEX SET_INDEX} and
* {@link org.apache.uima.cas.FSIndex#BAG_INDEX BAG_INDEX}.
* <code>indexingStrategy.length == indexTypes.length</code>.
public int[] indexingStrategy;
* For each index, where the corresponding comparator starts in the
* {@link #comparators comparators} field.
* <code>comparatorIndex.length == indexTypes.length</code>.
public int[] comparatorIndex;
* Encodings of the actual comparators. Each comparator occupies an odd number of cells: one for
* the type, then feature/comparison pairs. The feature is encoded with its type system code, and
* comparison operations are encoded with
* {@link org.apache.uima.cas.admin.FSIndexComparator#STANDARD_COMPARE STANDARD_COMPARE} and
* {@link org.apache.uima.cas.admin.FSIndexComparator#REVERSE_STANDARD_COMPARE REVERSE_STANDARD_COMPARE}.
public int[] comparators;
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Type system encoding.
* A list of type names (symbol table). Note: numbering of types starts at <code>1</code>, and
* we index the names according to their internal code. That means that
* <code>typeNames[0] == null</code>.
public String[] typeNames = null;
* A list of feature names (symbol table). Note: numbering of features starts at <code>1</code>, ,
* and we index the names according to their internal code. That means that
* <code>featureNames[0] == null</code>.
public String[] featureNames = null;
* Type inheritance information: for each type other than the top type, we provide the parent in
* the inheritance scheme. We use the internal type codes for indexing, which means that cells 0
* (no type) and 1 (top type doesn't inherit from anything) are not used.
public int[] typeInheritance;
* Feature declarations. For each feature code <code>i</code> (which is an integer >= 1),
* <code>featDecls[(i-1)*3]</code> is the domain type code, <code>featDecls[(i-1)*3+1]</code> is
* the range type code, and <code>featDecls[(i-1)*3+2]</code> is the multipleReferencesAllowed
* flag (0 or 1).
public int[] featDecls;
* The internal code of the top type. Optional, used for sanity checks.
public int topTypeCode;
* The offsets for features. Optional, used for sanity checks. Since feature numbering starts at
* 1, the length of the array is 1 + number of features.
public int[] featureOffsets;
* A list of type codes for the string subtypes.
public int[] stringSubtypes;
* The string values for the string subtypes. Start and end postions for the values for the
* individual types are in <code>stringSubtypeValuePos</code>.
public String[] stringSubtypeValues;
* The start positions of the string value subarrays of <code>stringSubtypeValues</code>.
* <code>stringSubtypeValuePos.length ==
* stringSubtypes.length</code>. For each <code>i &lt;
* stringSubtypes.length</code>,
* <code>stringSubtypeValuePos[i]</code> is the start of the string values for
* <code>stringSubtypes[i]</code>.
public int[] stringSubtypeValuePos;
// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Other stuff
* Set this appropriately.
public int source = SOURCE_JEDI;
// public int source = SOURCE_TAF;
* Constructor for CASMgrSerializer.
public CASMgrSerializer() {
* Serialize index repository.
* @param ir
* The index repository to be serialized.
public void addIndexRepository(FSIndexRepositoryImpl ir) {
// Encode the type order.
this.typeOrder = ir.getDefaultTypeOrder().getOrder();
// Collect the index labels in a list, as we don't know how many there
// are.
final List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
// Create an iterator over the names.
final Iterator<String> namesIt = ir.getLabels();
// Add the names to the list, filtering out auto-indexes.
while (namesIt.hasNext()) {
String name = (String);
if (ir.getIndex(name).getIndexingStrategy() != FSIndex.DEFAULT_BAG_INDEX) {
// Now we know how many labels there are.
final int numNames = names.size();
// Create the array for the labels.
this.indexNames = new String[numNames];
String label;
// Fill the name array.
for (int i = 0; i < numNames; i++) {
// Get the next label.
label = (String) names.get(i);
// Add the label.
this.indexNames[i] = label;
// Create a vector of the indexes, and build the name-to-index map.
this.nameToIndexMap = new int[numNames];
Vector<FSIndex<FeatureStructure>> indexVector = new Vector<FSIndex<FeatureStructure>>();
FSIndex<FeatureStructure> index;
int pos;
for (int i = 0; i < numNames; i++) {
index = ir.getIndex(this.indexNames[i]);
pos = indexVector.indexOf(index);
if (pos < 0) {
pos = indexVector.size() - 1;
this.nameToIndexMap[i] = pos;
// Now we know how many indexes there are.
final int numIndexes = indexVector.size();
// Create the array with index types.
// this.indexTypes = new int[numIndexes];
// for (int i = 0; i < numIndexes; i++) {
// // This looks ugly, but it just records the type code for each index.
// indexTypes[i] =
// ((TypeImpl) ((FSIndex) indexVector.get(i)).getType()).getCode();
// }
// Create the array with the indexing strategy.
this.indexingStrategy = new int[numIndexes];
for (int i = 0; i < numIndexes; i++) {
this.indexingStrategy[i] = indexVector.get(i).getIndexingStrategy();
// Create the array for the comparator index.
this.comparatorIndex = new int[numIndexes];
// Put the comparators in an IntVector since we don't know how long it
// will get.
IntVector comps = new IntVector();
// Represent the current position in comparator array. Use to build
// the comparator index.
int compPos = 0;
int numCompFeats;
FSIndexComparator comp;
for (int i = 0; i < numIndexes; i++) {
// Set the comparator index to the current position in comparator
// array.
this.comparatorIndex[i] = compPos;
// Get the comparator.
comp = ((FSIndexImpl) indexVector.get(i)).getComparator();
// Encode the type of the comparator.
comps.add(((TypeImpl) comp.getType()).getCode());
// How many keys in the comparator?
numCompFeats = comp.getNumberOfKeys();
for (int j = 0; j < numCompFeats; j++) {
// Encode key feature.
switch (comp.getKeyType(j)) {
case FSIndexComparator.FEATURE_KEY: {
comps.add(((FeatureImpl) comp.getKeyFeature(j)).getCode());
case FSIndexComparator.TYPE_ORDER_KEY: {
default: {
// assert(false);
throw new RuntimeException("Internal serialization error.");
// Encode key comparator.
// Compute start of next comparator.
compPos += 1 + (2 * numCompFeats);
// Set the comparator array.
this.comparators = comps.toArray();
public void addTypeSystem(TypeSystemImpl ts) {
this.typeNames = symbolTable2StringArray(ts.getTypeNameST());
private void encodeStringSubtypes(TypeSystemImpl ts) {
Vector<Type> list = getStringSubtypes(ts);
final int size = list.size();
this.stringSubtypes = new int[size];
this.stringSubtypeValuePos = new int[size];
List<String> strVals = new ArrayList<String>();
StringTypeImpl type;
int pos = 0, typeCode;
String[] stringSet;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
type = (StringTypeImpl) list.get(i);
typeCode = type.getCode();
this.stringSubtypes[i] = typeCode;
this.stringSubtypeValuePos[i] = pos;
stringSet = ts.ll_getStringSet(typeCode);
pos += stringSet.length;
for (int j = 0; j < stringSet.length; j++) {
this.stringSubtypeValues = new String[strVals.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < strVals.size(); i++) {
this.stringSubtypeValues[i] = (String) strVals.get(i);
private Vector<Type> getStringSubtypes(TypeSystemImpl ts) {
return ts.getDirectlySubsumedTypes(ts.getType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_STRING));
// Encode a symbol table (list of strings) as an array of strings. Note: if
// numbering in the symbol table starts at a point greater than 0, cells up
// to that point will be null. Symbol tables may not start at less than 0.
static String[] symbolTable2StringArray(SymbolTable st) {
final int max = st.size();
// This should be 1 for all cases we're interested in.
final int offset = st.getStart();
String[] ar = new String[max + offset];
Arrays.fill(ar, 0, offset, null);
int j = offset;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
ar[j] = st.getSymbol(j);
return ar;
private void encodeFeatureDecls(TypeSystemImpl ts) {
final int max = ts.getSmallestFeature() + ts.getNumberOfFeatures();
this.featureNames = new String[max];
this.featDecls = new int[max * 3];
Feature f;
for (int i = ts.getSmallestFeature(); i < max; i++) {
f = ts.ll_getFeatureForCode(i);
this.featureNames[i] = f.getShortName();
this.featDecls[i * 3] = ((TypeImpl) f.getDomain()).getCode();
this.featDecls[(i * 3) + 1] = ((TypeImpl) f.getRange()).getCode();
this.featDecls[(i * 3) + 2] = f.isMultipleReferencesAllowed() ? 1 : 0;
private void encodeTypeInheritance(TypeSystemImpl ts) {
final int max = ts.getSmallestType() + ts.getNumberOfTypes();
this.typeInheritance = new int[max];
TypeImpl parent;
// The smallest type is top, which doesn't inherit.
for (int i = ts.getSmallestType() + 1; i < max; i++) {
parent = (TypeImpl) ts.getParent(ts.ll_getTypeForCode(i));
this.typeInheritance[i] = parent.getCode();
// Ouch.
private int isStringSubtype(int type) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.stringSubtypes.length; i++) {
if (this.stringSubtypes[i] == type) {
return i;
return -1;
private String[] getSubarray(String[] array, int from, int to) {
String[] sub = new String[to - from];
for (int i = from; i < to; i++) {
sub[i - from] = array[i];
return sub;
private String[] getStringArray(int pos) {
int end;
if (pos == this.stringSubtypes.length - 1) {
// last entry in list, get all the rest
end = this.stringSubtypeValues.length;
} else {
// else get up to the next entry
end = this.stringSubtypeValuePos[pos + 1];
return getSubarray(this.stringSubtypeValues, this.stringSubtypeValuePos[pos], end);
public TypeSystemImpl getTypeSystem() {
final TypeSystemImpl ts = new TypeSystemImpl();
// First, add the top type.
// ts.addTopType(CAS.TYPE_NAME_TOP); // does nothing, top type already there
// HashMap nameMap = null;
// Temporary. The name map will go away completely.
// HashMap nameMap = new HashMap();
// if (source == SOURCE_TAF) {
// nameMap = cas.mapTafTypesToCASTypes();
// }
String name;
// int parent;
// Now add all the other types.
// if (this.source == SOURCE_TAF) {
// for (int i = 2; i < this.typeNames.length; i++) {
// parent = this.typeInheritance[i];
// name = CASImpl.mapName(this.typeNames[i], nameMap);
// // Check if the type we're adding is a subtype of string, in
// // which case
// // we need to call a different type system api.
// int pos = isStringSubtype(i);
// if (pos >= 0) {
// ts.addStringSubtype(name, getStringArray(pos));
// } else {
// ts.addType(name, parent);
// }
// }
// } else {
for (int i = 2; i < this.typeNames.length; i++) {
name = this.typeNames[i];
int pos = isStringSubtype(i);
if (pos >= 0) {
ts.addStringSubtype(name, getStringArray(pos));
} else if (TypeSystemImpl.isArrayTypeNameButNotBuiltIn(name)) {
} else {
ts.addType(name, this.typeInheritance[i]);
// }
// Add feature declarations.
final int max = this.featureNames.length;
for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) {
// if (this.source == SOURCE_TAF) {
// name = CASImpl.mapName(this.featureNames[i], nameMap);
// } else {
name = this.featureNames[i];
// }
ts.addFeature(name, this.featDecls[i * 3], this.featDecls[(i * 3) + 1],
this.featDecls[(i * 3) + 2] == 1);
return ts;
public FSIndexRepositoryImpl getIndexRepository(CASImpl cas) {
final FSIndexRepositoryImpl ir = new FSIndexRepositoryImpl(cas);
// Get the type order.
ir.setDefaultTypeOrder(LinearTypeOrderBuilderImpl.createTypeOrder(this.typeOrder, cas
FSIndexComparator comp;
final int max = this.indexNames.length;
int pos = 0, next, maxComp;
Type type;
Feature feat;
if (this.nameToIndexMap == null) {
this.nameToIndexMap = new int[max];
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
this.nameToIndexMap[i] = i;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
comp = ir.createComparator();
// assert(pos == comparatorIndex[i]);
pos = this.comparatorIndex[this.nameToIndexMap[i]];
type = cas.getTypeSystemImpl().ll_getTypeForCode(this.comparators[pos]);
next = this.nameToIndexMap[i] + 1;
if (next < max) {
maxComp = this.comparatorIndex[next];
} else {
maxComp = this.comparators.length;
TypeSystemImpl tsi = (TypeSystemImpl) cas.getTypeSystem();
while (pos < maxComp) {
// System.out.println("Type system: " +
// cas.getTypeSystem().toString());
if (this.comparators[pos] > 0) {
feat = tsi.ll_getFeatureForCode(this.comparators[pos]);
// assert(feat != null);
// System.out.println("Adding feature: " + feat.getName());
comp.addKey(feat, this.comparators[pos]);
// assert(rc >= 0);
} else {
LinearTypeOrder order = ir.getDefaultTypeOrder();
comp.addKey(order, this.comparators[pos]);
ir.createIndex(comp, this.indexNames[i], this.indexingStrategy[this.nameToIndexMap[i]]);
return ir;