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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
package org.apache.uima.analysis_component;
import org.apache.uima.UimaContext;
import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.AnalysisEngineProcessException;
import org.apache.uima.analysis_engine.ResultSpecification;
import org.apache.uima.cas.AbstractCas;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceConfigurationException;
import org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException;
* Analysis Components are the primitive "building blocks" from which UIMA solutions are built. This
* is the common superinterface for all user-developed components that take a CAS as input and may
* produce CASes as output.
* <p>
* Typically, developers do not implement this interface directly. There are several abstract
* classes that you can inherit from depending on the function that your component performs and
* which CAS interface it uses:
* <ul>
* <li> Annotator: Receives an input CAS and updates it
* <ul>
* <li>{@link JCasAnnotator_ImplBase}: Uses JCas interface</li>
* <li>{@link CasAnnotator_ImplBase}: Uses CASinterface
* </ul>
* </li>
* <li>{@link org.apache.uima.collection.CasConsumer_ImplBase}: Receives an input CAS but does not
* update it. May update a data structure based on information in the CASes it receives.</li>
* <li> CasMultiplier: Receives an input CAS and, in addition to updating it, may output new CASes.
* One common use of this is to split a CAS into pieces, emitting each piece as a separate output
* CAS.
* <ul>
* <li>{@link JCasMultiplier_ImplBase}: Uses JCas interface</li>
* <li>{@link CasMultiplier_ImplBase}: Uses CAS interface</li>
* <li>{@link org.apache.uima.collection.CollectionReader_ImplBase}: A special type of
* CasMultiplier that, for historical reasons, does not take an input CAS.</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* The framework interacts with AnalysisComponents as follows:
* <ol>
* <li>The framework calls the AnalysisComponent's {@link #process(AbstractCas)} method with an
* input CAS.</li>
* <li>The framework then calls the AnalysisComponent's {@link #hasNext()} method, which should
* return <code>true</code> if the AnalysisComponent intends to produce new output CASes, or
* <code>false</code> if the AnalysisComponent will not produce new output CASes.</li>
* <li>If the AnalysisComponent returns <code>true</code>, the framework will then call the
* {@link #next()} method.</li>
* <li>The AnalysisComponent, in its <code>next</code> method, can create a new CAS by calling
* {@link UimaContext#getEmptyCas(Class)} (or instead, one of the helper methods in the ImplBase
* class that it extended). It then populates the empty CAS and returns it.</li>
* <li>Steps 2 & 3 continue for each subsequent output CAS, until <code>hasNext()</code> returns
* false.</li>
* </ul>
* </ol>
* From the time when <code>process</code> is called until the time when <code>hasNext</code>
* returns false, the AnalysisComponent "owns" the CAS that was passed to <code>process</code>.
* The AnalysisComponent is permitted to make changes to this CAS. Once <code>hasNext</code>
* returns false, the AnalysisComponent releases control of the initial CAS. This means that the
* AnalysisComponent must finish all updates to the initial CAS prior to returning false from
* <code>hasNext<code>.
* <p>
* However, if the <code>process</code> method is called a second time, before <code>hasNext</code> has returned
* false, this is a signal to the AnalysisComponent to cancel all processing of the previous CAS and begin
* processing the new CAS instead.
public interface AnalysisComponent {
* Performs any startup tasks required by this component. The framework calls this method only
* once, just after the AnalysisComponent has been instantiated.
* <p>
* The framework supplies this AnalysisComponent with a reference to the {@link UimaContext} that
* it will use, for example to access configuration settings or resources. This AnalysisComponent
* should store a reference to its the <code>UimaContext</code> for later use.
* @param aContext
* Provides access to services and resources managed by the framework. This includes
* configuration parameters, logging, and access to external resources.
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if this AnalysisComponent cannot initialize successfully.
void initialize(UimaContext aContext) throws ResourceInitializationException;
* Alerts this AnalysisComponent that the values of its configuration parameters or external
* resources have changed. This AnalysisComponent should re-read its configuration from the
* {@link UimaContext} and take appropriate action to reconfigure itself.
* <p>
* In the abstract base classes provided by the framework, this is generally implemented by
* calling <code>destroy</code> followed by <code>initialize</code> and
* <code>typeSystemChanged</code>. If a more efficient implementation is needed, you can
* override that implementation.
* @throws ResourceConfigurationException
* if the configuration specified for this component is invalid.
* @throws ResourceInitializationException
* if this component fails to reinitialize itself based on the new configuration.
void reconfigure() throws ResourceInitializationException, ResourceConfigurationException;
* Completes the processing of a batch of CASes. The size of a batch is determined based on
* configuration provided by the application that is using this component. The purpose of
* <code>batchProcessComplete</code> is to give this AnalysisComponent the change to flush
* information from memory to persistent storage. In the event of an error, this allows the
* processing to be restarted from the end of the last completed batch.
* <p>
* If this component's descriptor declares that it is <code>recoverable</code>, then this
* component is <i>required</i> to be restartable from the end of the last completed batch.
* @throws AnalysisEngineProcessException
* if this component encounters a problem in flushing its state to persistent storage
void batchProcessComplete() throws AnalysisEngineProcessException;
* Notifies this AnalysisComponent that processing of an entire collection has been completed. In
* this method, this component should finish writing any output relating to the current
* collection.
* @throws AnalysisEngineProcessException
* if this component encounters a problem in its end-of-collection processing
void collectionProcessComplete() throws AnalysisEngineProcessException;
* Frees all resources held by this AnalysisComponent. The framework calls this method only once,
* when it is finished using this component.
void destroy();
* Inputs a CAS to the AnalysisComponent. The AnalysisComponent "owns" this CAS until such time as
* {@link #hasNext()} is called and returns false or until <code>process</code> is called again
* (see class description).
* @param aCAS
* A CAS that this AnalysisComponent should process. The framework will ensure that aCAS
* implements the specific CAS interface specified by the
* {@link #getRequiredCasInterface()} method.
* @throws AnalysisEngineProcessException
* if a problem occurs during processing
void process(AbstractCas aCAS) throws AnalysisEngineProcessException;
* Asks if this AnalysisComponent has another CAS to output. If this method returns true, then a
* call to {@link #next()} should retrieve the next output CAS. When this method returns false,
* the AnalysisComponent gives up control of the initial CAS that was passed to its
* {@link #process(AbstractCas)} method.
* @return true if this AnalysisComponent has another CAS to output, false if not.
* @throws AnalysisEngineProcessException
* if a problem occurs during processing
boolean hasNext() throws AnalysisEngineProcessException;
* Gets the next output CAS. The framework will only call this method after first calling
* {@link #hasNext()} and checking that it returns true.
* <p>
* The AnalysisComponent can obtain a new CAS by calling {@link UimaContext#getEmptyCas(Class)}
* (or instead, one of the helper methods in the ImplBase class that it extended).
* @return the next output CAS.
* @throws AnalysisEngineProcessException
* if a problem occurs during processing
AbstractCas next() throws AnalysisEngineProcessException;
* Returns the specific CAS interface that this AnalysisComponent requires the framework to pass
* to its {@link #process(AbstractCas)} method.
* @return the required CAS interface. This must specify a subtype of {@link AbstractCas}.
Class<? extends AbstractCas> getRequiredCasInterface();
* Returns the maximum number of CAS instances that this AnalysisComponent expects to use at the
* same time. This only applies to CasMultipliers. Most CasMultipliers will only need one CAS at a
* time. Only if there is a clear need should this be overridden to return something greater than
* 1.
* @return the number of CAS instances required by this AnalysisComponent.
int getCasInstancesRequired();
* Sets the ResultSpecification that this AnalysisComponent should use. The ResultSpecification is
* a set of types and features that this AnalysisComponent is asked to produce. An Analysis
* Component may (but is not required to) optimize its processing by omitting the generation of
* any types or features that are not part of the ResultSpecification.
* @param aResultSpec
* the ResultSpecification for this Analysis Component to use.
void setResultSpecification(ResultSpecification aResultSpec);