blob: 80842ed65b94a10feb93de7221cacd9e778556f2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.vinci.transport;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.apache.vinci.transport.util.Base64Converter;
import org.apache.vinci.transport.util.Base64FormatException;
import org.apache.vinci.transport.util.UTFConverter;
* Class encapsulating leaf data from a Frame. Internally, leaf data is always represented as UTF-8.
* Most people will never have to use this class directly unless implementing specialized Frame
* document types.
* While FrameLeaf is effectively an immutable class, any descendents that implement setAttributes
* of the base class FrameComponent are not likely to be immutable.
public class FrameLeaf extends FrameComponent {
* If you call toString() on a FrameLeaf which contains binary data, you get this string as the
* result.
static public final String NOT_UTF8_ERROR = "*** ERROR: Data not utf8 ***";
private final byte[] data;
* Create a frameleaf from existing UTF-8 (or true binary) data.
* WARNING: Does not copy the array. Caller is responsible for ensuring the provided byte array
* cannot be modified by external code.
* @pre mydata != null
public FrameLeaf(byte[] mydata, boolean encode) {
if (encode) { = Base64Converter.convertBinaryToBase64(mydata);
} else {
// data must be valid UTF-8 unless using binary transport hack. = mydata;
* @pre mydata != null
public FrameLeaf(String mydata) { = UTFConverter.convertStringToUTF(mydata);
* This method does NOT support null values in the array.
* @pre mystring != null
* @pre { for (int i = 0; i < mystring.length; i++) $assert(mystring[i] != null, "array elements
* are non-null"); }
public FrameLeaf(String[] mystring) {
String separator = "#";
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < mystring.length; i++) {
if (mystring[i].indexOf(separator) != -1) {
separator += String.valueOf((int) (Math.random() * 10));
if (separator.length() > 1) {
separator += "#";
for (int i = 0; i < mystring.length; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
} = UTFConverter.convertStringToUTF(buf.toString());
public FrameLeaf(float myfloat_) {
* @pre myfloat != null
public FrameLeaf(float[] myfloat) {
StringBuffer add_me = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < myfloat.length; i++) {
if (i != myfloat.length - 1) {
add_me.append(' ');
} = UTFConverter.convertStringToUTF(add_me.toString());
public FrameLeaf(double myfloat) {
* @pre mydouble != null
public FrameLeaf(double[] mydouble) {
StringBuffer add_me = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < mydouble.length; i++) {
/** @pre mydouble[i] != null */
if (i != mydouble.length - 1) {
add_me.append(' ');
} = UTFConverter.convertStringToUTF(add_me.toString());
public FrameLeaf(int myint_) {
* @pre myint != null
public FrameLeaf(int[] myint) {
StringBuffer add_me = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < myint.length; i++) {
/** @pre myint[i] != null */
if (i != myint.length - 1) {
add_me.append(' ');
} = UTFConverter.convertStringToUTF(add_me.toString());
public FrameLeaf(long myint) {
* @pre mylong != null
public FrameLeaf(long[] mylong) {
StringBuffer add_me = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < mylong.length; i++) {
/** @pre mylong[i] != null */
if (i != mylong.length - 1) {
add_me.append(' ');
} = UTFConverter.convertStringToUTF(add_me.toString());
public FrameLeaf(boolean bool) {
this(bool ? TransportConstants.TRUE_VALUE : TransportConstants.FALSE_VALUE);
public String toString() {
try {
return UTFConverter.convertUTFToString(data);
} catch (UTFDataFormatException e) {
// E-frame data should ALWAYS be valid UTF
// ^^ Except due to hack methods for transporting pure binary without B64 overhead
return NOT_UTF8_ERROR;
public String[] toStringArray() {
String work = toString();
if (work.indexOf('#') == -1) {
if (work.length() > 0) {
String[] return_me = new String[1];
return_me[0] = work;
return return_me;
} else {
return new String[0];
} else if (work.charAt(0) != '#') {
// This would be so much easier with JDK1.4 split()
int size = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < work.length(); i++) {
if (work.charAt(i) == '#') {
String[] return_me = new String[size];
int begin = 0;
int end = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) {
end = work.indexOf('#', begin + 1);
return_me[i] = work.substring(begin, end);
begin = end + 1;
return_me[size - 1] = work.substring(begin);
return return_me;
} else {
// This would be so much easier with JDK1.4 split()
int end = work.indexOf('#', 1);
if (end == -1) {
throw new LeafCastException("Not a string array: " + toString());
String separator = work.substring(0, end + 1);
int begin = end + 1;
List strings = new ArrayList();
while ((end = work.indexOf(separator, begin)) != -1) {
strings.add(work.substring(begin, end));
begin = end + separator.length();
String[] return_me = new String[strings.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < return_me.length; i++) {
return_me[i] = strings.get(i).toString();
return return_me;
* Get the raw (usually UTF-8) frame data.
public byte[] getData() {
return data;
* Converts the B64 encoded data to binary and returns it.
* @exception LeafCastException
* if the data was not base64 encoded.
public byte[] toBytes() {
try {
return Base64Converter.convertBase64ToBinary(data);
} catch (Base64FormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException("Not base64: " + e.getMessage());
* Converts the UTF-8 data to a Java long type.
* @exception LeafCastException
* if the data could not be converted to long.
public long toLong() {
try {
return UTFConverter.convertUTFToLong(data);
} catch (UTFDataFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException(NOT_UTF8_ERROR);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException("Not an integer: " + toString());
* Converts the UTF-8 data to a Java array of longs.
* @exception LeafCastException
* if the data could not be convered to a long array.
public long[] toLongArray() {
try {
String array_string = UTFConverter.convertUTFToString(data);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(array_string);
List tokens = new ArrayList();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
long[] return_me = new long[tokens.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
return_me[i] = Long.parseLong((String) (tokens.get(i)));
return return_me;
} catch (UTFDataFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException(NOT_UTF8_ERROR);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException("Array contains non-long: " + toString());
* Converts the UTF-8 data to a Java int type.
* @exception LeafCastException
* if the data could not be converted to int.
public int toInt() {
try {
return UTFConverter.convertUTFToInt(data);
} catch (UTFDataFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException(NOT_UTF8_ERROR);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException("Not an integer: " + toString());
* Converts the UTF-8 data to a Java array of ints.
* @exception LeafCastException
* if the data could not be convered to an int array.
public int[] toIntArray() {
try {
String array_string = UTFConverter.convertUTFToString(data);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(array_string);
List tokens = new ArrayList();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
int[] return_me = new int[tokens.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
return_me[i] = Integer.parseInt((String) (tokens.get(i)));
return return_me;
} catch (UTFDataFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException(NOT_UTF8_ERROR);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException("Array contains non-integer: " + toString());
* Converts the UTF-8 data to a Java float type.
* @exception LeafCastException
* if the data could not be converted to float.
public float toFloat() {
try {
return UTFConverter.convertUTFToFloat(data);
} catch (UTFDataFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException(NOT_UTF8_ERROR);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException("Not a float: " + toString());
* Converts the UTF-8 data to a Java array of float.
* @exception LeafCastException
* if the data could not be convered to a float array.
public float[] toFloatArray() {
try {
String array_string = UTFConverter.convertUTFToString(data);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(array_string);
List tokens = new ArrayList();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
float[] return_me = new float[tokens.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
return_me[i] = Float.parseFloat((String) (tokens.get(i)));
return return_me;
} catch (UTFDataFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException(NOT_UTF8_ERROR);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException("Array contains non-float: " + toString());
* Converts the UTF-8 data to a Java double type.
* @exception LeafCastException
* if the data could not be converted to double.
public double toDouble() {
try {
return UTFConverter.convertUTFToDouble(data);
} catch (UTFDataFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException(NOT_UTF8_ERROR);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException("Not a double: " + toString());
* Converts the UTF-8 data to a Java array of double.
* @exception LeafCastException
* if the data could not be convered to a double array.
public double[] toDoubleArray() {
try {
String array_string = UTFConverter.convertUTFToString(data);
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(array_string);
List tokens = new ArrayList();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) {
double[] return_me = new double[tokens.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) {
return_me[i] = Double.parseDouble((String) (tokens.get(i)));
return return_me;
} catch (UTFDataFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException(NOT_UTF8_ERROR);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException("Array contains non-double: " + toString());
* Converts the UTF-8 data to a Java boolean.
* @exception LeafCastException
* if the underlying data was not utf-8 (which in general should not happen).
public boolean toBoolean() {
try {
return UTFConverter.convertUTFToBool(data);
} catch (UTFDataFormatException e) {
throw new LeafCastException(NOT_UTF8_ERROR);