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#Catalog of standard UIMA exception messages
cas_released_to_wrong_cas_manager = CasManager.releaseCas(CAS) was called with a CAS that does not belong \
to this CasManager.
CAS_RELEASE_NOT_ALLOWED_WHILE_WAITING_FOR_UIMA_AS = Illegal invocation of casRelease() while awaiting response from a UIMA-AS Service.
uima_ecore_not_found = The Ecore model for the UIMA built-in types (uima.ecore) was not found in the classpath.
ecore_unresolved_proxy = The Ecore model contained an unresolved proxy {0}.
requested_too_many_cas_instances = AnalysisComponent "{0}" requested more CASes ({1}) than defined in its \
getCasInstancesRequired() method ({2}). It is possible that the AnalysisComponent \
is not properly releasing CASes when it encounters an error.
define_cas_pool_called_twice = The method CasManager.defineCasPool() was called twice by the same Analysis Engine ({0}).
unsupported_cas_interface = Unsupported CAS interface {0}.
type_not_found_during_cas_copy = Attempted to copy a FeatureStructure of type "{0}", which is not defined in the type system of the destination CAS.
feature_not_found_during_cas_copy = Attempted to copy a Feature "{0}", which is not defined in the type system of the destination CAS.
copy_cas_range_type_names_not_equal = CAS Copying of Feature "{0}": range names must be the same: source range name was "{1}", target range name was "{2}".
uima_context_null = Saved UIMA context is null; probable cause: Annotator''s initialize(context) method failed to call super.initialize(context).
result_spec_null = Saved result specification is null; probable cause: Annotator overrode setResultSpecification(spec) but failed to call super.setResultSpecification(spec).
view_not_part_of_cas = In CasCopier, the {0} view is doesn''t belong to the original {0} CAS specified when creating the CasCopier instance.
illegal_cas_copy_to_same_cas = It is not permitted to use CasCopier to copy a Cas to itself, even in another view.
unsupported_cas_copy_view_base_cas = Unsupported invocation of CasCopier copyCasView, specifying a source or destination as a base CAS.
illegal_adding_of_new_meta_info = Illegal adding of additional MetaData after CASes have been defined.\n {0}\n Likely cause is the reuse of a Resource Manager object for a different pipeline, after it has already been initialized.
illegal_update_indexed_fs = Illegal update of indexed Feature Structure feature used as an key in one or more indices
INTERNAL_ERROR = An internal error occurred, please report to the Apache UIMA project; nested exception if present: {0}
could_not_create_framework = The UIMA framework implementation (class {0}) could not be created.
resource_already_initialized = The initialize(ResourceSpecifier) method on Resource \
{0} was called more than once. A Resource may only be initialized once.
could_not_instantiate_xmlizable = The XML parser was configured to instantiate class {0}, \
but that class is not able to be instantiated.
no_delegate_analysis_engines = This ASB has not been provided with any Analysis Engines \
with which to communicate
required_method_call = The method {0} must be called before the method {1}.
read_past_end_of_collection = There are no more elements in the collection.
no_next_cas = was called when there were no more CASes remaining to be read.
cannot_set_cas_manager = ResourceManager.setCasManager was called after the CAS Manager had already been set. \
You can only call setCasManager once, and you cannot have previously called ResourceManager.getCasManager \
or initialized any AnalysisEngines that use this ResouceManager.
illegal_argument = Value "{0}" is not valid for argument "{1}" of method {2}.
metadata_attribute_type_mismatch = The value "{0}" does not match the data type of metadata \
attribute "{1}".
must_implement_xmlizable = An attempt was made to register class {0} with the XML parser. \
This class does not implement the XMLizable interface.
unsupported_method = Class {0} does not support method {1}.
not_modifiable = Attribute {0} of class {1} is not modifiable
shared_resource_not_reconfigurable = This is a shared resource and cannot be reconfigured.
cas_multiplier_not_supported = The Flow class {0} does not support the production of new CASes in the middle of \
the flow and so cannot be deployed in an Aggregate AnalysisEngine that includes a CAS Multiplier component.
nonexistent_parameter = No configuration parameter with name "{0}" is declared in component "{1}".
nonexistent_parameter_in_group = No configuration parameter with name "{0}" is declared in group \
{1} in component "{2}".
parameter_type_mismatch = Parameter type mismatch in component "{0}". A value of class {1} cannot be \
assigned to the configuration parameter {2}, which has type {3}.
array_required = Configuration parameter "{0}" in component "{1}" is multi-valued and must be assigned an \
array for its value.
mandatory_value_missing = No value has been assigned to the mandatory configuration parameter {0}.
mandatory_value_missing_in_group = No value has been assigned to the mandatory configuration \
parameter {0} in group {1}.
config_setting_absent = Configuration setting for the value of parameter "{0}" is absent.
directory_not_found = Invalid value for parameter "{0}" in component "{1}" -- \
directory "{2}" does not exist.
external_override_invalid = Undefined reference to external override variable "{0}" when evaluating "{1}"
external_override_error = Error loading external overrides from "{0}"
external_override_type_mismatch = External override value for "{0}" has the wrong type (scalar or array)
external_override_numeric_error = External override value "{0}" is not an integer
external_override_circular_reference = Circular reference to external override variable "{0}" when evaluating "{1}"
required_feature_structure_missing_from_cas = This component requires a FeatureStructure of type {0}, which is not present in the CAS.
invalid_descriptor_file = Invalid descriptor at {0}.
unknown_element = The XML parser encountered an unknown element type: {0}.
invalid_class = An object of class {0} was requested, but the XML input contained an \
object of class {1}.
invalid_element_type = Expected an element of type "{0}", but found an element of type "{1}".
required_attribute_missing = Required attribute {0} not found within element type {1}.
include_file_not_found = The XML document attempted to include an external file "{0}", \
which was not found.
invalid_element_text = The text "{0}" is not valid content for the element "{1}".
element_not_found = Required element type {0} not found within element type {1}.
malformed_import_url = Malformed URL {0} in import declaration. (Descriptor: {1})
import_by_name_target_not_found = An import could not be resolved. No file with name "{0}" was found in the class path or data path. (Descriptor: {1})
import_failed_could_not_read_from_url = Import failed. Could not read from URL {0}. (Descriptor: {1})
import_must_have_name_xor_location = Invalid import declaration. Import declarations must have a "name" or a "location" attribute, but not both. (Descriptor: {0})
invalid_cpe_descriptor = This is not a valid CPE descriptor.
fs_indexes_outside_fs_index_collection = The element "fsIndexes" cannot occur outside the containing element "fsIndexCollection"
circular_ae_import = Cycle found in imports. The descriptor for Aggregate Analysis Engine "{0}" has imported itself as one of its \
delegate descriptors (perhaps indirectly through another intermediate Analysis Engine descriptor). (Descriptor: {1})
duplicate_element_found = Element type {0} cannot be duplicated within element type {1}.
annotator_exception = Annotator processing failed.
unsupported_cas_type = AnalysisEngine subclass {0} does not support CAS class {1}.
timeout_elapsed = This AnalysisEngine is serving too many simultaneous requests. \
The timeout period of {0}ms has elapsed.
unknown_id_in_sequence = The ASB encountered an unknown Analysis Engine ID "{0}" in the \
execution sequence.
unsupported_step_type = The FlowController returned a Step object of class {0}, which is not \
supported by this framework implementation.
illegal_drop_cas = The FlowController attempted to drop a CAS that was passed as input \
to the Aggregate AnalysisEngine containing that FlowController. The only CASes that may be \
dropped are those that are created within the same Aggregate AnalysisEngine as the FlowController.
incorrect_cas_interface = Expected CAS interface {0}, but received interface {1}.
remove_ae_from_flow_not_supported = The FlowController class {0} does not support the removeAnalysisEngines method. \
Analysis Engines cannot be dynamically removed from the flow.
flow_cannot_continue_after_remove = The Analysis Engine(s) {0} have been removed from the flow, and the FlowController \
has determined that the Aggregate Analysis Engine''s processing can no longer continue.
error_initializing_from_descriptor = Error initializing "{0}" from descriptor {1}.
missing_annotator_class_name = Annotator class name is required for a primitive \
Analysis Engine. (Descriptor: {0})
annotator_class_not_found = Annotator class "{0}" was not found. (Descriptor: {1})
not_an_annotator = Class "{0}" is not an Annotator. (Descriptor: {1})
annotator_interface_not_supported = Annotator class {0} does not implement an Annotator interface \
that is supported by Analysis Engine implementation {1}. (Descriptor: {2})
could_not_instantiate_annotator = Could not instantiate Annotator class "{0}". Check that your \
annotator class is not abstract and has a zero-argument constructor. (Descriptor: {1})
annotator_initialization_failed = Initialization of annotator class "{0}" failed. (Descriptor: {1})
incompatible_supertypes = The Type {0} is declared twice, with incompatible supertypes {1} and {2}. (Descriptor: {3})
incompatible_range_types = The feature {0} is declared twice, with incompatible range types {1} and {2}. (Descriptor: {3})
string_allowed_values_not_the_same = The String subtype {0} is declared twice, with different sets of allowed values: {1} and {2}. (Descriptor: {3})
incompatible_element_range_types = The feature {0} is declared twice, with incompatible element range types {1} and {2}. (Descriptor: {3})
incompatible_multi_refs = The feature {0} is declared twice, with incompatible multipleReferencesAllowed specifications. (Descriptor: {1})
undefined_range_type = Undefined type "{0}", referenced in feature "{1}" declared on type "{2}". (Descriptor: {3})
undefined_supertype = Undefined type "{0}", referenced as supertype of type "{1}". (Descriptor: {2})
undefined_type_for_index = Undefined type "{0}", referenced in definition of index "{1}". (Descriptor: {2})
undefined_type_for_priority_list = Undefined type "{0}" in type priority list. (Descriptor: {1})
index_key_feature_not_found = The key Feature "{0}" declared for Index "{1}" was not found. (Descriptor: {2})
aggregate_ae_type_system = The Analysis Engine Descriptor is invalid - a Type System may not \
be explicitly set for an aggregate Analysis Engine. (Descriptor: {0})
missing_allowed_values = Type {0} extends String and must specify a list of allowed values. (Descriptor: {1})
allowed_values_on_non_string_type = Type {0} specifies a list of allowed values but is not a subtype \
of uima.cas.String. You may only specify a list of allowed values for string subtypes. (Descriptor: {1})
duplicate_configuration_parameter_name = Duplicate configuration parameter name "{0}" in component "{1}". (Descriptor: {2})
incorrect_number_of_parameters = This resource requires {0} parameter(s).
no_resource_for_parameters = No resource could be found for the parameters {0}.
could_not_access_data = Could not access the resource data at {0}.
class_not_found = The class {0} could not be found. (Descriptor: {1})
could_not_instantiate = Could not instantiate class {0}. (Descriptor: {1})
do_not_know_how = The Resource Factory does not know how to create a resource of \
class {0} from the given ResourceSpecifier. (Descriptor: {1})
not_a_shared_resource_object = The class {0} does not implement org.apache.uima.resource.SharedResourceObject. (Descriptor: {1})
not_a_data_resource = For resource "{0}", could not load data from class {1} into class {2}, \
because class {1} is not a Data Resource. (Descriptor: {3})
unknown_resource_name = No resource with name "{0}" has been declared in this Analysis Engine. (Descriptor: {1})
resource_does_not_implement_interface = The resource with name "{0}" does not implement the \
required interface {1}. (Descriptor: {2})
resource_dependency_not_satisfied = There is no resource satisfying the required resource \
dependency with key "{0}". (Descriptor: {1})
unknown_protocol = Unknown protocol: "{0}". (Descriptor: {1})
malformed_url = Malformed URL "{0}". (Descriptor: {1})
duplicate_index_name = Two different CAS FeatureStructure indexes with name "{0}" have been defined. (Descriptors: {1}, {2})
param_override_in_primitive = Configuration parameter "{0}" in primitive Analysis Engine "{1}" \
declares an override. Parameter overrides are allowed only in aggregate Analysis Engines. (Descriptor: {2})
invalid_param_override_no_overrides = Configuration parameter "{0}" in aggregate Analysis Engine "{1}" \
does not declare any overrides. Implicit overrides are no longer supported. (Descriptor: {2})
invalid_param_override_syntax = Invalid configuration parameter override syntax "{0}" in \
parameter "{1}" of Analysis Engine "{2}". Overrides must be of the form "<delegateKey>/<paramName>". (Descriptor: {3})
invalid_param_override_nonexistent_delegate = Invalid configuration parameter override "{0}" in \
parameter "{1}" of Analysis Engine "{2}" -- delegate Analysis Engine "{3}" does not exist. (Descriptor: {4})
invalid_param_override_nonexistent_parameter = Invalid configuration parameter override "{0}" in \
parameter "{1}" of Analysis Engine "{2}" -- delegate Analysis Engine "{3}" does not declare \
parameter {4}. (Descriptor: {5})
invalid_param_override_nonexistent_parameter_in_group = Invalid configuration parameter override "{0}" in \
parameter "{1}" of Analysis Engine "{2}" -- delegate Analysis Engine "{3}" does not declare \
parameter {4} in group {5}. (Descriptor: {6})
output_sofa_not_declared_in_aggregate = The output Sofa "{0}" in component "{1}" is not mapped to any \
output Sofa in its containing aggregate, "{2}". (Descriptor: {3})
input_sofa_has_no_source = The input Sofa "{0}" in component "{1}" is not an input of the \
containing aggregate, "{2}", nor is it an output of another component in the same aggregate. (Descriptor: {3})
aggregate_sofa_not_mapped = The Sofa "{0}" in aggregate "{1}" is not mapped to any sofa \
of any component in that aggregate. (Descriptor: {2})
sofa_mapping_conflict = The Sofa "{0}" in component "{1}" of aggregate "{2}" has \
conflicting mappings to aggregate sofas "{3}" and "{4}". (Descriptor: {5})
missing_implementation_class_name = An implementation class name is missing. (Descriptor: {0})
not_a_cas_processor = Error creating CAS Processor with name "{0}". The class "{1}" \
is not allowed - you must specify an AnalysisEngine or CAS Consumer. (Descriptor: {2})
not_a_collection_reader = A CollectionReader descriptor specified implementation class "{0}", \
but this class does not implement the CollectionReader interface. (Descriptor: {1})
not_a_cas_consumer = A CasConsumer descriptor specified implementation class "{0}", \
but this class does not implement the CasConsumer interface. (Descriptor: {1})
not_a_cas_initializer = A CasInitializer descriptor specified implementation class "{0}", \
but this class does not implement the CasInitializer interface. (Descriptor: {1})
cas_processor_initialize_failed = Initialization of CAS Processor with name "{0}" failed.
invalid_multiple_deployment_allowed = The descriptor for aggregate AnalysisEngine "{0}" declared \
multipleDeploymentAllowed \=\= true, but its component "{1}" declared multipleDeploymentAllowed \
\=\= false, which is inconsistent. (Descriptor: {2})
invalid_modifies_cas = The descriptor for aggregate AnalysisEngine "{0}" declared \
modifiesCas \=\= false, but its component "{1}" declared modifiesCas \
\=\= true, which is inconsistent. (Descriptor: {2})
invalid_type_priorities = Invalid type priorities. (Descriptor: {0})
no_supertype = Type "{0}" does not define a supertype. (Descriptor: {1})
sofa_mapping_has_undefined_component_key = Undefined component key "{0}", referenced in Sofa mapping for \
Sofa "{1}" of aggregate "{2}". (Descriptor: {3})
sofa_mapping_has_undefined_component_sofa = Component "{0}" does not contain Sofa "{1}", referenced in Sofa mapping \
for Sofa "{2}" of aggregate "{3}". (Descriptor: {4})
not_an_analysis_component = The class {0} is not a valid Analysis Component. You must specify \
an Annotator, CAS Consumer, Collection Reader, or CAS Multiplier. \
If you are calling ResourceManager.setExtensionClassPath, this error can also \
be caused if you have put UIMA framework jar files on the extension classpath, \
which is not allowed. (Descriptor: {1})
not_a_flow_controller_descriptor = An Aggregate Analysis Engine specified a Flow Controller descriptor \
{0} of an invalid type ({1})). A FlowControllerDescription is required.
exception_when_initializing_custom_resource = Unexpected Exception thrown when initializing \
Custom Resource "{0}" from descriptor "{1}".
throwable_when_initializing_custom_resource = Unexpected Throwable or Error thrown when initializing \
Custom Resource "{0}" from descriptor "{1}".
unsupported_framework_implementation = {0} is not a supported framework implementation (Descriptor: {1})
invalid_outputs_new_CASes = The descriptor for aggregate AnalysisEngine "{0}" declared outputsNewCASes == true, \
but all of its components declared outputsNewCASes == false, which is inconsistent. (Descriptor: {1})
empty_flow_controller_declaration = The aggregate AnalysisEngine "{0}" declared an empty \
<flowController/> element. You must specify an import or a flowControllerDescription. (Descriptor: {1})
text_annotator_cannot_be_sofa_aware = The primitive AnalysisEngine "{0}" has an annotator of type \
{1} but its descriptor declares input or output Sofas. Text annotators are not allowed to declare \
input or output Sofas. Consider extending CasAnnotator_ImplBase or JCasAnnotator_ImplBase instead. (Descriptor: {2})
missing_framework_implementation = Component descriptor did not specify the required <frameworkImplementation> element. (Descriptor: {0})
unsupported_object_type_in_create_cas = The CasCreationUtils.createCas method was passed a collection containing an object of class {0}, \
which is not supported. Refer to the Javadoc for a list of types accepted by this method.
sofa_mapping_not_supported_for_remote = Sofa mappings were specified for the remote Analysis Engine "{0}". Sofa mappings are not currently \
supported for remote Analysis Engines. A workaround is to wrap the remotely deployed AE in an Aggregate (on the remote side), \
and specify Sofa mappings in that aggregate.
undefined_key_in_flow = The descriptor for Aggregate Analysis Engine "{0}" specified an invalid flow. The key "{1}" was used in the flow \
but is not defined as a key in the <delegateAnalysisEngineSpecifiers> element of the descriptor. (Descriptor: {2})
invalid_action_after_cas_multiplier = The value "{0}" is an invalid value for the FixedFlowController''s "ActionAfterCasMultiplier" configuration \
parameter. Valid values are "continue", "stop", "drop", and "dropIfNewCasProduced".
flow_controller_requires_flow_constraints = The Flow Controller "{0}" requires a flow contraints element of type "{1}" in the aggregate descriptor. \
(Descriptor: {2}).
flow_controller_missing_delegate = The aggregate "{0}" references a non-existent delegate \
"{1}" in it''s Flow Controller''s flow constraints. (Descriptor: {2}).
redefining_builtin_type = Can''t redefine existing supertype "{0}" of built-in type "{1}" as "{2}"; descriptor: {3}.
parameters_required = The Resource {0} requires parameters, none were specified.
parameters_not_allowed = The Resource {0} does not accept parameters.
no_sequence_found = No sequence of AnalysisEngines could be constructed to satisfy the \
requested result.
serialization_failure = A failure occurred while serializing objects.
deserialization_failure = A failure occurred while deserializing objects.
resource_unavailable = The requested resource is currently unavailable. Please try again later.
unexpected_service_return_value_type = Unexpected service return value type. Expected {0}, but received {1}.
wrong_cas_type = Annotator class {0} was initialized with a CAS that does not implement \
the required interface {1}.
annotator_ex_type_not_found = Annotator class {0} requires Type {1}, which was not found in the CAS.
annotator_ex_feature_not_found = Annotator class {0} requires Feature {1}, which was not found in the CAS.
annotator_parameter_not_valid = The value "{0}" is not valid for the {1} parameter.
annotator_one_param_required = One of the following parameters must be specified: {0}.
annotator_mutually_exclusive_params = Only one of the following parameters may be specified: {0}.
annotator_resource_not_found = The resource "{0}" could not be found.
missing_cas_initializer = The Collection Reader "{0}" requires a CAS Initializer. None was supplied.
incorrect_input_to_cas_initializer = The CAS Initializer requires an input of class {0}, but received \
an object of class {1}.
unsupported_filter_syntax = The filter syntax {0} is not supported by this implementation.
invalid_filter_feature_name = Invalid filter expression: ''{0}'' cannot start a feature name.
invalid_filter_expected_literal = Invalid filter expression: Expected a string or number but found ''{0}''.
invalid_filter_escape = Invalid filter expression: Invalid escape sequence {0}.
invalid_filter_expected_digit_or_point = Invalid filter expression: Expected a digit or . but found ''{0}''.
invalid_filter_expected_digit = Invalid filter expression: Expected a digit but found ''{0}''.
invalid_filter_expected_end = Invalid filter expression: Expected the end of the expression but found ''{0}''.
invalid_filter_unterminated_string = Invalid filter expression: Unterminated String: {0}.
invalid_filter_expected_operator = Invalid filter expression: Expected operator but found ''{0}''.
unknown_feature_in_build_item = Feature {0} referenced in build item {1} is not known.
invalid_attribute_combination_in_build_item = Invalid attributes in build item {0}: The combination [{1}] is not allowed.
invalid_filter_string_operator = Invalid filter expression: The operator {0} cannot be applied to strings.
incompatible_index_version = The semantic search index at "{0}" was built with a UIMA version prior to v2.0. \
This index format is no longer supported. You will need to delete your index and reindex your content.
#SAXException (not a UIMA Exception but uses this resource bundle anyway)
element_unexpected_in_context = Element {0} unexpected in this context
expected_x_but_found_y = Expected {0} but found {1}
sax_unknown_element = Unknown element {0}
multiple_values_unexpected = Multiple values for non-array/list feature {0}.
#JNI exceptions
incompatible_taf_jni_library = incompatible taf jni library version {0}
# CAS checked exceptions
INAPPROP_TYPE_EXCEPTION = The value of the feature {0} cannot be accessed as type {1}, because it is {2}.
UNDEFINED_FEATURE = The value of the feature {0} on the structure of type {1} cannot be accessed, because {0} is not defined for {1}.
CANT_CREATE_BUILTIN_FS = The feature structure of type {0} cannot be created. Structures of this type cannot be created directly.
NOT_A_STRING = The structure of type {0} cannot be accessed as a String.
CYCLE_IN_TYPE_ORDER = The types are added in the wrong sort order. Adding {0} < {1} makes the sort order inconsistent.
JCAS_INIT_ERROR = The JCas cannot be initialized. The following errors occurred: {0}
JCAS_TYPENOTFOUND_ERROR = Type information from the CAS cannot be accessed while initializing the JCas type {0}
JCAS_FEATURENOTFOUND_ERROR = Feature information from the CAS cannot be accessed while initializing the JCAS type {0} with feature {1}.
JCAS_GETTER_SETTER_MISSING = Unable to find required {0} method for JCAS type {1} with {2} type of {3}.
JCAS_FEATURE_WRONG_TYPE = The JCAS range type {2} for feature {1} of type {0} does not match the CAS range type {3} for the feature.
TYPEORDER_UNKNOWN_TYPE = The type sort order cannot be built because type {0} is unknown.
MUST_COMMIT_TYPE_SYSTEM = Type system has not been committed. The base index cannot be created.
JCAS_NO_TYPE = Cannot do feature accessing for a JCas class, because it is not associated with a committed UIMA Type, either because the type doesn''t exist, or hasn''t been committed.
JCAS_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPE_SYSTEMS = Loaded JCas Type {0} has feature {1} with two different type systems having different offsets; this is not supported.
# CAS runtime exceptions
NON_CREATABLE_TYPE = Can''t create FS of type "{0}" with this method.
ILLEGAL_ARRAY_SIZE = Array size must be >= 0.
INAPPROP_TYPE = Expected value of type "{0}", but found "{1}".
INAPPROP_FEAT = Feature "{0}" is not defined for type "{1}".
INAPPROP_FEAT_X = Feature is not defined for type.
INAPPROP_RANGE = Trying to access value of feature "{0}" as "{1}", but range of feature is "{2}".
INAPPROP_RANGE_NOT_FS = Wrong access method "getFeatureValue" for a feature "{0}" in a FeatureStructure with type "{1}" whose range is "{2}" which is not a featureStructure.
SET_REF_FROM_STRING_NOT_SUPPORTED = Setting a reference value "{0}" from a string is not supported.
PRIMITIVE_VAL_FEAT = Trying to access value of feature "{0}" as feature structure, but is primitive type.
TYPESYSTEM_NOT_LOCKED = Error accessing type system: the type system has not been committed.
ILLEGAL_STRING_VALUE = Error setting string value: string "{0}" is not valid for a value of type "{1}".
UNKNOWN_CONSTRAINT_TYPE = Error applying FS constraint: no type "{0}" in current type system.
UNKNOWN_CONSTRAINT_FEAT = Error applying FS constraint: no feature "{0}" in current type system.
CHILD_INDEX_OOB = Error accessing child node in tree, index out of range.
JCAS_ARRAY_NOT_SUPPORTED = User-defined JCas classes for built-in Arrays not supported, class: {0}
JCAS_CAS_NOT_V3 = JCas Class "{0}", loaded from "{1}", is missing required constructor; likely cause is wrong version (UIMA version 3 or later JCas required).
JCAS_MISSING_FIELD_ACCESSOR = JCas Class "{0}" is missing required field accessor, or access not permitted, for field "{1}" during {2} operation.
JCAS_CAS_MISMATCH = CAS type system doesn''t match JCas Type definition for type "{0}".
JCAS_TYPE_NOT_IN_CAS = JCas type "{0}" used in Java code, but was not declared in the XML type descriptor.
JCAS_TYPE_NOT_IN_CAS_REGISTRY = JCas type "{0}" defined in CAS type system and used in Java code, but was not registered in JCasRegistry.
JCAS_UNKNOWN_TYPE_NOT_IN_CAS = Unknown JCas type used in Java code but was not declared or imported in the XML descriptor for this component.
JCAS_FIELD_MISSING_IN_TYPE_SYSTEM = JCAS class "{0}" defines a UIMA field "{1}" but the UIMA type doesn''t define that field.
JCAS_FIELD_ADJ_OFFSET_CHANGED = In JCAS class "{0}", UIMA field "{1}" was set up when this class was previously loaded and initialized, to have an adjusted offset of "{2}" but now the feature has a different adjusted offset of "{3}"; this may be due to something else other than type system commit actions loading and initializing the JCas class, or to having a different non-compatible type system for this class, trying to use a common JCas cover class, which is not supported.
JCAS_CAS_MISMATCH_SUPERTYPE = JCas Class's supertypes for "{0}", "{1}" and the corresponding UIMA Supertypes for "{2}", "{3}" don't have an intersection.
JCAS_MISMATCH_SUPERTYPE = The JCas class: "{0}" has supertypes: "{1}" which do not match the UIMA type "{2}"''s supertypes "{3}".
JCAS_TYPE_RANGE_MISMATCH = CAS type system type "{0}" defines field "{1}" with range "{2}", but JCas getter method is returning "{3}" which is not a subtype of the declared range.
JCAS_GET_NTH_ON_EMPTY_LIST = JCas getNthElement method called via invalid object - an empty list: {0}.
JCAS_GET_NTH_NEGATIVE_INDEX = JCas getNthElement method called with index "{0}" which is negative.
JCAS_GET_NTH_PAST_END = JCas getNthElement method called with index "{0}" larger than the length of the list.
JCAS_OLDSTYLE_REF_TO_NONJCAS_TYPE = JCas is referencing via a JFSIterator or get method, a type, "{0}", which has no JCAS class model. You must use FSIterator instead of JFSIterator.
JCAS_MAKING_ABSTRACT_INSTANCE = A CAS iterator or createFS call is trying to make an instance of type "{0}", but that type has been declared "abstract" in JCas, and no instances are allowed to be made.
JCAS_UNSUPPORTED_OP_NOT_TCAS = The method "{0}" is not supported by this JCAS because it is not associated with a TCAS view of a CAS, but rather just with a base CAS.
JCAS_MISSING_GETTER = JCas class {0} with feature {1} but is missing a 0 argument getter. This feature will not be used to maybe expand the type's feature set.
JCAS_MISSING_TYPEINDEX = The Class "{0}" matches a UIMA Type, and is a subtype of uima.cas.TOP, but is missing the JCas typeIndexId.
JCAS_ALPHA_LEVEL_NOT_SUPPORTED = The JCas class being loaded may have been generated for the alpha level of UIMA v3, and may need regenerating.
SOFANAME_ALREADY_EXISTS = A sofaFS with name {0} has already been created.
SOFADATA_ALREADY_SET = Data for Sofa feature {0} has already been set.
SOFANAME_NOT_FOUND = No sofaFS with name {0} found.
SOFAREF_NOT_FOUND = No sofaFS for specified sofaRef found.
SOFAREF_NOT_SET = Sofa reference for FS {0} is required, but it is not set. This can happen during deserialization when the type system changes where this FeatureStructure''s type definition is now a subtype of uima.cas.AnnotationBase but was not when the serialized form was created.
PROTECTED_SOFA_FEATURE = Can''t use standard set methods with SofaFS features.
JCAS_MISSING_COVERCLASS = The JCAS cover class "{0}" could not be loaded.
INVALID_FEATURE_PATH = The feature path "{0}" is not valid.
NO_PRIMITIVE_TAIL = The feature path does not end in a primitive valued feature.
SUBITERATOR_AMBIGUOUS_POSITION_DIFFERENT_TYPES = Subiterator {0} has bound type: {1}, begin: {2}, end: {3}, for coveredBy, not using type priorities, matching FS with same begin end and different type {4}, cannot order these.
SOFADATASTREAM_ERROR = Error trying to open a stream to Sofa data.
INVALID_BASE_CAS_METHOD = Can''t call method "{0}" on the base CAS.
ANNOTATION_IN_WRONG_INDEX = Error - the Annotation "{0}" is over view "{1}" and cannot be added to indexes associated with the different view "{2}".
TYPE_NOT_IN_INDEX = Error accessing index "{0}" for type "{1}". Index "{0}" is over type "{2}", which is not a supertype of "{1}".
DISALLOW_CREATE_ANNOTATION_IN_BASE_CAS = The type "{0}", a subtype of AnnotationBase, can''t be created in the Base CAS.
CANNOT_CLONE_SOFA = SofaFS may not be cloned.
CAS_MISMATCH = Mismatched CAS "{0}".
DELTA_CAS_PREEXISTING_FS_DISALLOWED = "Preexisting FS encountered but not allowed. "{0}"
INVALID_MARKER = Marker is invalid.
MULTIPLE_CREATE_MARKER = CreateMarker called multiple times for one CAS. This implementation only supports one call.
DESERIALIZING_BINARY_INVALID_HEADER = While deserializing binary CAS, found invalid header.
DESERIALIZING_COMPRESSED_BINARY_UNSUPPORTED = Using the reinit method to deserialize a binary CAS serialized with compressed serialization not supported for this case.
DESERIALIZING_V2_DELTA_V3 = Deserializing a Version 2 Delta Cas into UIMA Version 3 not supported.
DEREF_FS_OTHER_CAS = Dereferencing a FeatureStructure of a CAS in a different CAS''s context. This can happen if you try to set a feature structure reference to a value of a feature structure belonging to an entirely different CAS. FS = "{0}", CAS = "{1}".
ILLEGAL_FEAT_SET = While a FeatureStructure was in the index, an illegal attempt was made to modify Feature "{0}" which is used as a key in one or more indices; the Feature Structure being modified was "{1}".
ILLEGAL_TYPE_CHANGE = ll_setIntValue call to change the type: new type "{0}" must be a subtype of existing type "{1}".
ILLEGAL_TYPE_CHANGE_IN_INDEX = ll_setIntValue call to change the type, but the Feature Structure is in an index. New type: "{0}", existing type "{1}".
ILLEGAL_SOFAREF_MODIFICATION = Sofa reference in AnnotationBase may not be modified.
LENIENT_NOT_SUPPORTED = Lenient deserialization not support for input of type {0}.
SWITCH_CLASS_LOADER_NESTED = Multiply nested classloaders not supported. Original base loader: {0}, current nested loader: {1}, trying to switch to loader: {2}.
NOT_SUPPORTED_NO_HEAP_IN_UIMA_V3 = This method depends on having a CAS Heap design, and is not support in UIMA Version 3 and later.
CREATE_FS_BEFORE_TS_COMMITTED = Cannot create FS of type "{0}" until the type system has been committed.
GET_CLASS_FOR_TYPE_BEFORE_TS_COMMIT = Cannot request the Java Class for a UIMA type before type system commit.
CAS_MISSING_FS = The CAS doesn''t have a Feature Structure whose ID is {0}; it may have been garbage collected.
INVALID_FS_ID = The Feature Structure ID {0} is invalid.
TYPESYSTEMS_NOT_COMMITTED = Type Systems must be committed before calling this method.
ADD_ARRAY_TYPE_AFTER_TS_COMMITTED = Can''t add an array type "{0}" to the type system after the type system has been committed.
FS_NOT_MEMBER_OF_CAS = Feature Structure {0} belongs to CAS {1}, may not be set as the value of an array or list element in a different CAS {2}.
ILLEGAL_ADD_TO_INDEX_IN_BASE_CAS = Illegal operation - cannot add Feature Structure {0} to base CAS {1}.
SELECT_GET_NO_INSTANCES = CAS does not contain any ''{0}'' instances {1}.
SELECT_GET_TOO_MANY_INSTANCES = CAS has more than 1 instance of ''{0}''{1}.
SELECT_ALT_SRC_INVALID = Select with FSList or FSArray may not specify bounds, starting position, following, or preceding.
ANNOTATION_INDEX_REQUIRED = Index "{0}" must be an AnnotationIndex.
# Serialization / deserialization runtime exceptions
BLOB_SERIALIZATION = Error trying to do binary serialization of CAS data and write the BLOB to an output stream.
BLOB_DESERIALIZATION = Error trying to read BLOB data from an input stream and deserialize into a CAS.
LENIENT_FORM_6_NO_TS = Deserializing Compressed Form 6 with CasLoadMode LENIENT, but no Type System provided.
DESER_FORM_6_BAD_TYPE_CODE = Deserializing Compressed Form 6, a type code: {0} has no corresponding type. currentFsId: {1} nbrFSs: {2} nextFsAddr: {3}
UNRECOGNIZED_SERIALIZED_CAS_FORMAT = Unrecognized serialized CAS format.
deserialized_type_not_found = While deserializing, no type found for type code {0}.
SWITCH_CLASS_LOADER_NESTED = Multiply nested classloaders not supported. Original base loader: {0}, current nested loader: {1}, trying to switch to loader: {2}.